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Heart attack is a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. A properly functioning heart is absolutely vital to life.


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The heart is a muscular, cone-shaped organ, about the size of a clenched fist, that pumps blood throughout the body and beats normally about 70 times per minute by coordinated nerve impulses and muscular contractions.

The cardiovascular system includes the heart and the blood vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart pumps blood, and the vessels carry it throughout the body. Some of the vessels carry oxygenated blood to the organs and muscles; others carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart for processing.

A properly functioning heart is absolutely vital to life.

This article gives a brief overview of common problems of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a section of heart muscle becomes blocked. If the flow of blood isn’t restored quickly, the section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and begins to die.

According to the National Heart Lungs and Blood Institute:

Heart attack is a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. Heart attacks occur most often as a result of a condition called coronary artery disease (CAD). In CAD, a fatty material called plaque (plak) builds up over many years on the inside walls of the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your heart).

Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot to form on the surface of the plaque. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the part of the heart muscle fed by the artery.

During a heart attack, if the blockage in the coronary artery isn’t treated quickly, the heart muscle will begin to die and be replaced by scar tissue. This heart damage may not be obvious, or it may cause severe or long-lasting problems. Severe problems linked to heart attack can include heart failure and life-threatening arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack.

It’s when a sudden change in the electrical system of the heart takes place, usually preceded by an irregular heart beat (rhythm). Basically, it’s when the lower chambers of the heart quiver instead of pump.

CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) is immediately needed to prevent damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and brain.

Heart failure

Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood throughout the body.


This is an inflammation of the heart. It is classified into three types:

  • Endocarditis-inflammation of the inner heart
  • Myocarditis-inflammation of the middle of the heart
  • Pericarditis-inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart

Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis is an abnormal or unusual narrowing of the aortic valve, which regulates blood flow from the aorta, a major artery of the heart.


An inflammation condition of the aorta, occurring most frequently in tertiary syphilis and occasionally in rheumatic fever. Kinds of aortitis are rheumatic aortitis and syphilitic aortitis. Mosby’s supra, p. 84

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

High blood pressure (a/k/a hypertension) is a degenerative disease that affects some 60 million Americans. It is when the blood pressure is chronically higher than normal, which places undue pressure on the heart muscle to perform. This condition can lead to heart failure and other heart and cardiopulmonary disease. It’s imperative to get high blood pressure under control through diet, exercise and lifestyle.

Cautionary note about blood thinning

Anytime there’s a condition of having to thin the blood, the arteries are impaired, usually obstructed and congested with some kind of debris, i.e. plaque, mucus, etc.

Beware of ALL blood thinning medication, including aspirin. In addition to thinning your blood, you are also damaging nerves, as well as the stomach lining and intestines with aspirin use and/or daily consumption.

Healing Heart Problems Naturally

If you use tobacco, stop. Tobacco should be avoided at all costs, especially if you have heart problems. If you smoke, you are giving the heart 10 times the amount of carbon monoxide than you would be giving it oxygen.


Nature is bounteous in the number of herbs she gives for the heart and cardiovascular system.

Beneficial plants or herbs for the heart include:

These herbs, most of them (along with other necessary changes, i.e. diet, lifestyle, thought-process, etc.), will help to heal cases of high blood pressure, angina pectoris, and irregular heartbeat and a myriad of other heart disorders and problems.

NOTE: Yohimbe bark and Licorice root herbs will only cause heart problems when a heart is weak, due to understimulation or overstimulation.

Special note about Cayenne

Of all the herbs listed above, one stands out as the most important and effective for cardio health and that is Cayenne, a/k/a Capsicum fruit, as it is the only herb or substance for that may help alleviate a heart attack while in progress.

If a little Cayenne is placed in the mouth (under the tongue) during a heart attack, it may alleviate the heart attack by helping stimulate the heart’s electrical system.

Magnet therapy

If you have a pacemaker, DO NOT use magnet therapy.

Magnets deal with polarity and knowing a magnet’s polarities is important. The “south” side of a magnet is stimulating and the “north” side is healing. If suffering from a heart challenge, like from a weak heart, you wouldn’t want to stimulate the heart so you wouldn’t wear the magnet with its “south side to your heart.

Reduce stress

Reduce or remove stress from your life-it negatively effects the heart. Consider performing yoga, deep breathing exercises, tai chi, qi chong, or other subtle exercises which beneficially help the heart.

Chakra balancing

Chakra balancing of the 4th Chakra will greatly help the heart on all levels, but especially on the emotional (energetic) level.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise can help the heart, but not vigorous exercises. Vigorous physical exercises put too much stress on the heart. Many people overdo cardio exercises while in the gym and do more harm than good for the heart. When it comes to exercise, strain and stress is not always best or good. People don’t know it but in most cases they stress and strain their heart and other organs when working out in the gym.

Dietary Intervention

Change your diet to a more nutrition-dense diet, a diet rich in necessary and vital nutrients that will nourish and maintain the body and foster healing.

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts (good ones), and healthy grains. Choose organic foods whenever they’re available.

Drink plenty of vegetable juice every chance you get-it’s very alkalizing.

Drink alkaline water. It’s the best water you can drink. Distilled water is great for drinking while you’re detoxing but I wouldn’t recommend to drink it outside of body cleansing and purification purposes (which includes fasting).

Cut out fried and fatty foods.

Bake your foods instead of frying them. Only use olive oil or other healthy cooking oils to cook with. Avoid all potentially harmful cooking oils on the market, i.e. vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, soy oil, peanut oil, as well as margarine and other synthetic spreads.

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Muscles & Magnets Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:55 +0000

Can magnets positively recharge your recuperation?


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Bodybuilders who want to remain drug-free but still build a champion’s physique are constantly in search of safe, natural methods to do so. Nutritional supplements have certainly helped elevate the sport, as have better diets. One new tool being increasingly used to improve recovery from hard training and reduce the discomfort of injury is the static magnet. The magnetic strips or discs now sold via network marketing, infomercials and mail order and through stores come in all sorts of products from joint supports to seat cushions. Some are designed to be placed directly on an aching body part.

The subject of magnets in health is controversial. Most of the “proof” that magnets help speed recovery from training and allow muscles and connective tissue to heal faster has come from the personal experiences of athletes and non athletes alike. their testimonies about the beneficial, sometimes miraculous effects from magnets are encouraging and shouldn’t be discounted, yet fall short of scientific proof. Those who oppose the use of static magnets believe they’re nothing more than medieval witchcraft revised for the ’90s. Do magnets really work, or are they just snake oil? Let’s look at the evidence.

The Science Behind Static Magnetics

Unlike an electromagnet, which sends electrical current artificially through conducting coils to create the magnetic field, a static magnet has a built-in permanent magnetic field that never needs replenishing. Examples of static magnets are those used to stick notes to a refrigerator door, a grade-school horseshoe magnet and a magnetic compass. All magnets have a north and south polarity and either attract or repel. North repels north, north attracts south and south repels south.

Reports indicate that through the magnets’ natural effect on charged particles in the blood, they help blood vessels expand, allowing a larger quantity of nutrient-rich blood to flow into an area for faster healing and growth. Blood is an electrical conductor, and electrolytes are compounds that can carry electric current within the body via the movement of ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. When these ions with their positive and negative charges pass by a magnetic field, a separation of ions occurs.

According to a recognized expert on biomagnetism, Ted Zablotsky, MD, new research over the past five years has pointed to three specific actions of static magnets on blood vessels. “First, we’ve seen a slight liberation of heat as the ions separate. Second, the ions crisscross back and forth between north and south poles of the magnet. Third, small eddy currents occur in the bloodstream, just as the eddy currents in a river push the banks outward. These effects collectively contribute to widening the blood vessels to allow more blood to pass through,” he says.

All Magnets Are Not Created Equal

Most magnets in use today are inefficient, which may be why magnet users have reported mixed results. As more research is conducted, static magnets may yet prove to be the new recovery tool of the 1990s and beyond, but beware-not all magnets are created equal. Choose the wrong type and you’ll get little or no benefit.

While any static magnet, even the horseshoe type you played with as a kid, may influence blood flow, the design of the magnet determines just how great the effects are. The force of the magnet and how far this force penetrates into muscle tissue are key factors.

The strength of a magnet can be measured in gauss. For example, the magnetic field of the earth is less than 10 gauss, while the magnets discussed in this article usually fall between 300 and 500 gauss. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), used in medicine to view structures inside the body, introduces a strong magnetic field in excess of 10,000 gauss.

Though the strength of the magnet is important, two magnets with exactly the same strength can perform differently. Ordinary bar magnets that use standard parallel alternating north and south poles (see “The Standard Magnet”) aren’t the most efficient at penetrating muscle tissue, even if their gauss rating is high. Standard magnets are maximally effective only if the blood passes directly perpendicular to them; they’re less influential if the blood vessel crosses at an angle or runs parallel to the magnet’s poles.

The most effective magnet design is one using concentric circles of alternating polarity. The concentric design allows for the maximal penetration to, and action on, the capillaries bringing blood to muscle tissue in almost any direction the capillary travels. When tested with a gauss meter placed a quarter of an inch away, the magnetic “reach” from the concentric-circle magnet is approximately double that of a checkerboard pattern, and much greater than the standard bar-type magnet. The concentric-circle magnet has more magnetic field lines to spare, which can then penetrate the muscle tissue and make contact with ions within the blood vessels to cause an increase in blood flow.

One expert with several years of experience using concentric-circle magnets is Jack Scott, PhD, adviser to the U.S. Track and Field team for the past four Olympic Games. “Athletes with low-back tightness and pain can benefit from concentric magnets,” he says.

Improved recovery may be another benefit. Because the muscle-growth process occurs right after training and into long-term recovery, helping the capillaries deliver more nutrient-rich blood to a muscle may give that muscle a greater chance to recover and grow. In addition, metabolic toxins that are produced during high-intensity training might be removed from the target tissue faster, reducing muscle soreness. “In theory, the magnets applied to muscles after a hard workout should increase blood flow and speed recovery,” Scott adds. ‘Any elite athlete will recognize the importance of faster recovery.

A double-blind study on the use of concentric-circle magnets in health has been conducted at Baylor University Medical Center in Waco, Texas, and is scheduled to be published this year. Flexible concentric-circle magnets or placebo look-alikes were placed on the muscles of 50 post-polio survivors who then rated the relief from pain the magnet or placebo gave them. A statistically significant number of patients reported less pain when using the magnets vs. the placebo.

Getting The Most From Magnets

From experience, athletes know that if you increase blood flow to a muscle, the muscle recovers faster. In addition, recovery from hard training is improved by stimulating blood flow. Hot tubs, saunas, ultrasound, microwave diathermy, electric heating pads and moist heat packs are often used to speed healing and improve training recovery. All these methods use heat to increase blood flow and reduce pain.

The application of heat to a training-stressed body part may sufficiently overload the neurological processes responsible for pain. Additionally heat applied to tissue increases metabolism, which causes a relaxation of the capillary system and results in vasodilation, where the blood vessels open up. When an increased amount of blood moves to a heated area in an attempt to cool it, nutrients are delivered and waste products are removed at an accelerated rate. Compounds thought to stimulate the pain-spasm-pain cycle–such as histamines and prostaglandins — may be flushed from the area by increased blood flow, effectively interrupting the pain cycle.

The proper use of any magnet seems to be a contributing factor in its success or failure. one chronic sufferer of lower-back pain, three-time Mr. Olympia Frank Zane, first hurt his back as a punter in high school, then experienced numerous low-back injuries during his bodybuilding career. In addition to back pain, Frank has been plagued with discomfort in his deltoid-biceps-triceps area. Today he finds relief with static magnets.

I don’t know how they work, but they do,” Frank says. “For two years now, I’ve placed two magnetic discs on my lower back, on each side of my spine, and also apply them to my arms. They’ve become an important addition to my bag of recovery tricks, such as ultrasound, massage and relaxation methods. Their main benefit, as I see it, is I can put the magnets on after a workout and go about my business.

Magnets can be used at any time during training and in recovery. For example, after a set of heavy squats, you can apply a magnetic strip or disc right onto each quad. Shoulders are often stressed when pressing or benching heavy. After performing a military-press workout or a heavy bench routine, you can place small magnetic discs right on your deltoids.

Along with traditional methods such as ultrasound, massage and hydrotherapy, magnets may also prove useful in helping speed the healing of injuries like tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle strains and ligament or tendon strains. You can apply the magnet to the affected area and leave it on as long as it’s helpful.

The only case where a magnet may not be recommended is right after an injury has occurred. Sports-medicine physicians suggest using ice to reduce the swelling by restricting blood flow immediately following an injury such as a muscle tear or sprain. once the swelling is under control, magnets can be used to bring more blood to an area for faster healing.

Rick Brunner is an expert on Russian restoration and training methods and the president of Atletika Sport International in Bozeman, Montana. Additional information on the practical use of magnets in sports and health is available by calling 1-8OO-621-2602.

This information is for educational purposes only. It is not advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals. Consult your physician before beginning magnet therapy especially if you have a medical condition or medical implants or use any other medical device. Pregnant women should not use magnetic field therapy


1. Barnothy M.F Biological effects of magnetic fields, vol. 1 and 2. New York: Plenum Press, 1969.

2. Nakagawa, K. Magnetic-field deficiency syndrome and magnetic treatment. Japan Medical Journal 2745:1-11, 1976.

3. Mizushima, Y., Akaoka I., Nishida, Y. Effects of magnetic fields in inflammation. Experimentia 21:1,411-1,412, 1975.

4. Mourino, M.R. From Thales to Laterbur, or from the lodestone to MR imaging: magnetism and medicine. Radiology 18O:593-612, 1991.

Selecting A Magnet

What should you look for in a therapeutic static magnet? Get answers to these three questions before making your purchase:

1) Is the magnet a concentric-circle design with alternating polarity, or some other pattern?

2) Is the magnet backed by an unconditional guarantee?

3) Is the product backed by scientific research?

Once you get the answers to these questions, you can make a more educated decision and purchase the magnet that best meets your needs.

Concentric-circle magnets can be used just as you would a heating pad or other heat-producing device. Their most common form is a thin flexible strip or disc that you place on the skin above the targeted muscle and hold with tape or an elastic bandage. Magnet suppliers offer numerous elastic and neoprene supports for the back, elbow, knee, wrist and ankle that contain the concentric alternating-polarity magnetic strips or discs. Concentric magnets are also available in shoe insoles, seat cushions and mattress pads. An extra benefit of the concentric-circle flexible-foil magnets may be their relatively low cost; they range from about $20 – $120, depending on size and magnet strength.

Will concentric-circle magnets help you recover from hard training faster and ease the discomfort of injuries and chronic pain? You’ll have to judge this new tool for yourself. Just remember that magnets aren’t miracle cures, and results may vary from individual to individual. Magnets won’t regrow hair on the top of a bald head or cure a disease, but they may allow your body to perform more efficiently, improving your quality of life.

The History Of Magnetism

The use of magnets to improve health isn’t new. For more than 2,000 years, the effects of magnets on biological systems have been investigated and debated. The term “magnet” was probably derived from Magnes, a Turkish shepherd who discovered iron deposits that were attracted to the nails in his sandals. These deposits, now called magnetite (a form of iron), were known to the ancients as lodestones (“leading stones”).

During medieval times, lodestones were thought to have strong aphrodisiac powers, and magnetic “cures” for afflictions such as gout, arthritis and baldness flourished. By the middle of the 18th century, durable high-power magnets were available throughout Europe. One young researcher, Franz Anton Mesmer, used magnets to treat patients with various illnesses, which led to a medical review in Paris that denounced his work as medical quackery. By the late 1800s, magnets became popular in America, with the Sears Roebuck mail-order catalog advertising magnetic boot insoles for 18 cents a pair.

Fast forward to 1997. While most consumers today won’t stand for the dog-and-pony-show mentality that prevailed in earlier times, they’ll still do almost anything to find relief from pain. Magnets are being used to ease discomfort associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, post-polio syndrome and migraine headaches.

RICK BRUNNER joined Adventure Cyclist magazine in 2008 and works out of his office in the Columbia River Gorge in White Salmon, WA. He started off his career in the ski industry in Colorado and has continued in all facets of the sporting goods industry including the windsurfing, kiteboarding, stand-up paddle realms that brought him to the Gorge. He has been involved in publishing for the last 15 years and has been an avid mountain and road biker most his life. He enjoys all and any sports that the current season brings!

Article from Muscle & Fitness Magazine May, 1997

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Male Prostate Health Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

A great periodic exercise for prostate health is using an accu-point massager and massaging the prostate gland for a few minutes.


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The male prostate gland is a chestnut size gland located between the urinary tract, bladder and rectum. It is made of both glandular and muscular tissue. The prostate is situated in the pelvic cavity, where it can be felt, especially when enlarged.

The prostate gland surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra and creates a secretion. This secretion is known as prostatic fluid or prostatic secretion. The fluid consists of alkaline phosphatase, citric acid and various proteolytic enzymes.

Prostatic fluid is continuously produced and secreted into the urethra. Prostatic fluid does not enter the bloodstream and the prostate gland itself does not produce any hormones that are required by the body.

Today in America, prostate troubles and pathologies are widely experienced in men. The colon, when not kept clean, collects waste material. The colon then presses against the prostate and bladder and can cause irritation and infection. Waste material also may enter the bloodstream and cause weakness in the prostate.

Inflammation of the prostate is also called Prostatitis. The inflammation can block the flow of urine and cause frequent urination with a burning sensation or blood in the urine. Prostatitis can be the result of too much acid in the prostate.


Prostatitis can be the result of a poor diet. Eating primarily refined foods, meat, dairy, high amounts of sugar and high amounts of salt can cause the body to have higher acid levels. When the acid levels increase, the prostate may become inflamed and lead to further complications.

Meat and dairy products are notorious high acid foods. The foods can throw off the alkaline balance in the body and cause harm in many forms. If you are experiencing symptoms of an enlarged prostate, it is best to avoid these foods and stick to a healthy, raw-based diet.

The male prostate is highly comprised of the mineral zinc. Zinc is crucial in prostate health. The mineral can be lost through many bodily functions. Make sure your diet contains the proper levels of zinc to avoid additional complications in the body including:

  • Poor eye sight
  • Unhealthy skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Hair loss
  • Low libido

Natural Solutions

While prostate conditions can be painful and frustrating, there are natural remedies you can try. Consuming more zinc-rich foods is a great way to replenish the zinc lost in the body. This will help to balance out the prostate and avoid more serious conditions. Add sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and fenugreek to your diet to help keep levels of zinc regulated.

Herbs can be of help to the prostate as well. Some herbs that help remedy the ailments of the prostate and increase overall prostate health include:

These herbs can have an anti-inflammatory affect on the prostate and are helpful in alleviating Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH).

Accu-point massage is a great exercise that can be performed periodically for prostate health. The massage will greatly stimulate the prostate. Accu-point massagers can usually be found at Chinese health food stores and shops.

Magnet therapy is another natural therapy for the prostate. This therapy helps to maintain the health of the prostate and relieve symptoms of prostatitis. The magnets can help to alkalize the prostate and neutralize the acidity of the urine.

Preventative Solutions

We recommend a healthy diet, low in acidic foods to stop prostate issues from developing. Diet is the first step in alleviating any ailments you may have. Food has the power to help or hurt the body. By feeding our bodies whole, nutritious foods, we can help achieve optimum health and well-being.


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The Importance of Nasal Cleansing Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

A type of water cleansing which allows for the sinuous of the nasal cavities to release accumulated waste particles and substances. Nasal flushing and cleansing is customary hygiene practice in many countries and regions of the East.


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Did you know that smell is 95% of taste? Yes, what you smell is what you actually taste and therefore absorbs into your bloodstream. This is why smell can and does affect you.

Unfortunately, most of us do not experience real breathing. Our nasal passages are clogged and obstructed with various debris and substances, mainly hardened mucus (aka boogers). This condition impairs proper and free flowing breathing which really makes a big difference in terms of optimal health in general and respiratory health in particular.

It is very important to have and experience good breathing. Through the nostrils we breathe in the breath of life, which contains the vital “chi”, “prana” or energy necessary for optimal health.

Nasal flushing and cleansing along with breathing techniques and exercises (such as those imported via yoga) are the best things for improving breathing and flow of “chi” (energy) into the body.

Safely Cleansing Nasal Passages

Many may say or ask “how do you possibly, sanely and safely cleanse the nostrils and nasal passages?” The answer is quite easy! You use a Neti pot. A Neti pot facilitates the Neti wash (cleanse and flush).

The Neti wash is a type of water cleansing, which allows for the sinuous of the nasal (and ear and eye) cavities to release accumulated waste particles and substances that have attached to the mucus lining.

Nasal flushing and cleansing is customary hygiene practice in many countries and regions of the East such as India, Tibet, and the Middle East.

Many professional brands of Neti Wash solutions will also contain Zinc acetate, which is used for nasal health.

Snoring has been nutritionally attributed to zinc and sulfur deficiency and many people with snoring problems have been helped with MSM Sulfur therapy (taking 2,000-6,000 mg daily).

In addition to the liquid herbal Neti wash solution, try using saline in the Neti pot for each wash or cleansing. Many professional brands of Neti Pot Salt will contain non-iodized salt, but iodized sea salt or regular sea salt will suffice the nasal cleanse and washing process.

Adding MSM Sulfur to the sea salt in addition to the herbal nasal cleansing solution works nasal wonders.

After cleansing, inhale or sniff essential oils of Eucalyptus and Pine to help open the nasal passages further.

Breathing is a very alkaline or alkalizing thing. It will greatly help to dissolve and expel hardened mucus (boogers). The Neti Pot cleansing and flushing process is also alkaline, mainly due in part to the herbs and sea salt.

You can ozonate the water for your Neti wash, too. Oxygen and alkalinity are the secrets to good great health. You cannot get sick with these two things in abundance in your body.

Neti wash water can also be enhanced not only with ozone or oxygen, but with crystal water of Blue Fluorite and Magnetite. These two stones are great for nose problems such as nosebleed.

If you can’t fathom the idea of water going in through one nostril and gently coming out of the other nostril which is how the Neti Pot and Neti wash process works, you may just want to perform facial tinting (steaming) – placing your head over a pot of hot, boiling water that contains a few drops of Eucalyptus oil and just breathe in the sinus-opening vapors.

Magnetic Healing Options

Also, it is a fact that most people are only breathing through one nostril due to blockage. This blockage is magnetic in nature. You can test yourself by pressing down on one nostril and inhaling and exhaling through the other. Chances are there’s a blockage.

This problem can be rectified with the use of magnets, medical-grade or therapeutic magnets which are usually very small gold-plated, powerful gauss (500-9,000) magnets that are applied to both sides of the nose with small adhesive bandages that are worn for 6-12 hours daily until the blockage disappears.

Dherbs Solutions

DHERBS products that can assist in the optimal breathing process, including:

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Cancer: Causes and Remedies Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.


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Cancer is defined by the National Cancer Institute as a disease “in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.”

There are actually more than 100 different types of cancer, which are usually named for the organ or cell-type where the disease starts. That said, cancer is organized into these categories:

  • Carcinoma – cancer that starts in the skin
  • Sarcoma – cancer that starts in the bone or musculo-skeletal system
  • Leukemia – cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow
  • Lymphoma or myeloma – cancer that starts in the lymph system or immune system
  • Central nervous system – cancer that starts in the brain, spinal column or nervous system

Tumors exist in two states: benign and malignant. Benign means “not fatal or pernicious.” Malignant means “highly injurious, pernicious or fatal.”

More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with some type of cancer each year. Of those, more than 577,000 will die.

Causes and Risk Factors

No one really knows why some people get cancer and others don’t, so discussion is generally more focused on risk factors. Known risk factors are:

  • Age
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight
  • Exposure to chemicals and other toxins
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation (such as radioactive fallout, xrays, radon gas, etc.)
  • Some viruses and bacteria such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, Human papilloma virus (HPV), Human immunodeficiency disorder (HIV)
  • Artificial hormone use such as medication containing estrogen and progestin (most commonly used to alleviate symptoms of menopause)
  • Family history and genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Being overweight


Cancer patients/suffers begin to get thin and this is caused by an internal “eating up” process where certain cells start attacking other cells. While an “eating up” is taking place in the body, a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells invade surrounding tissue, which metastasizes.

There are no specific symptoms with cancer. However, there are signs that may mean immediate attention is needed, including:

  • Lumps
  • Skin abrasians or discoloration
  • Persistent cough
  • Change in bowel movements or urination
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Hoarseness
  • Swollen glands
  • Changes to warts or moles
  • Persistent nausea, indigestion or trouble swallowing or eating
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Persistent fever
  • Non-healing sores
  • Persistent headache, muscle ache or bone ache

The Dangers of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Western medicine’s approach to treating cancer is the cut, slash and burn technique that usually involves surgery combined with radiation or chemotherapy treatment.

Chemotherapy is chemical therapy designed to kill the cancer cells. The challenge is that the immune system doesn’t always distinguish the difference between the cancer cells and healthy cells, making chemotherapy a physically difficult treatment. Side effects can be severe, including vomiting, hair loss and other issues.

Radiation is based upon the toxic element “radium oxide“, a serious poison to the human body. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body?

In the East, the doctors don’t tell the patient that they have a fatal disease and only have a certain amount of time to live. However, they do tell family members.

Healing Options

In healing cancer, first and foremost, you need a strong and positive mindset and strong will to live.


These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States. If you have an oxygen machine or ozonator and a body bag/suit, oxygenate or ozonate yourself twice daily (45-60 minutes). The oxygen or ozone will penetrate your skin and saturate your blood killing cancer cells instantly. You can also take oxygen/ozone baths daily. In these baths, you leave the machine going while in the tub. An oxygen/ozone bath should be anywhere from 1-2 hours. You can enhance this bath by adding a few pounds of sea salt (to alkalize the water) and MSM sulfur. Every glass of water should be oxygenated or ozonated in addition to being alkaline. If you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine, you may add oxygen drops (20-30 drops per glass) or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (1/8 of an ounce) to your water. You can also add these to your bath water if you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine. Oxygenated oil (Oz-Oil) can be used to rub the entire body down with so as to help oxygenate the body.


Magnets may help to shrink tumors. Magnet strength sizes 4,600 gauss to 14,000 gauss are ideal. The higher the better! Never sleep with magnets above your eyes (preventing brain ionization). The magnets should be applied to the tumor and left on.


Crystals work on the energy level where cancer begins. Crystals can cause cancer frequencies to change and thus rapidly begin the core healing aspect.


Colonics and enemas are essential in healing from cancer, especially colon and rectal cancers. Colon-cleansing herbs include Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Jalap Root, and Glucommanan to name a few. Bentonite clay (liquid form) helps to remove heavy metal toxins from the colon as well as mucoidal plaque. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very soothing and healing to the colon. Aloe Vera juice is very alkalizing.

Dietary Intervention

A healthy diet is crucial in preventing cancer. This means eating plenty of foods that are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. This includes whole-grain breads and cereals and 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Also, a healthy diet means limiting foods high in fat (such as butter, whole milk, fried foods, and red meat).

The best foods to eat to eradicate cancer are green colored foods – kale, parsley, spinach, greens, cabbage, broccoli, etc. Greens foods are great alkaline foods saturated with nutrients. Green drinks or veggie cocktails drank daily are exceptional.


Just about all vegetables should and can be eaten. Green vegetables and vegetables with color are best! Vegetables loaded with enzymes, minerals, and other valuable nutrients. Do not cook the vegetables.


Melons are the best fruits to eat in healing from cancer followed by various berries, especially those with antioxidant properties (blueberries, Goji, lycii, elderberry, etc.). Citrus fruits, in spite of their natural acids, are very alkaline.


You will want to use blood cleansing herbs such as Echinacea (purpurea, pallida or angustifolia), Goldenseal root, Chickweed, Manjistha, Yellow Dock, Cerasee, Burdock Root and Dandelion Root. Blood cleansing herbs will also cleanse the lymphatic fluid too. You will also want to use tissue rebuilding and repairing herbs too, such as Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Sarsaparilla and Chaparral.

Immune boosting herbs are also ideal in healing from cancer. These herbs include Suma, Ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D’Arco (LaPacho), Cat’s Claw, Yew Tips and Codonopsis to name a few. These herbs stimulate the body’s natural anti-cancer defenses. They increase the activity of natural killer cells, which recognize and destroy cancer cells at first sight and improve the efficacy of interferon.


Seaweeds are very oxygenating, alkalizing and nutritious. The best seaweeds to consume are Super Blue Green algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse, Irish Moss and Kelp. Seaweeds will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation from radiation treatment.


You will want to use the healing and therapeutic mushrooms Reishi, Maitake and Shitake. Maitake is the most potent of the healing mushrooms. These mushrooms should be taken in extract form. These mushrooms greatly help to dissolve tumor growth.


Hydrotherapy can be used in the healing regimen for cancer. The best water to drink for healing purposes is alkaline water followed by distilled water.

VITAMIN B-17 (Laetrile)

Leatrile/Vitamin B-17 is banned in the U.S. in drug form, but it is plentiful in Wheat Grass. Drink plenty of wheat grass to get as much Vitamin B-17 as you can.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these solutions to help with cancer:

Full Body Cleanse
10 Day Blood Cleanse
10 Day Colon Cleanser
Blood & Lymphatic
Electric Greens Combo
Anti-T Formula
Alkaline Formula
Immune Formula
Immune Booster Kit
Multi-Vitamins and Minerals
Full Body Cleanse Bath Drops

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Thyroid Gland Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

The thyroid gland responds to the color blue and violet. The chief mineral for the thyroid gland is iodine. Lack of iodine plays a major role in the development of these diseases or pathologies.


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The thyroid gland is a member of the glandular or endocrine system. The English medical term derives from the Greek words: thyreos meaning shield, and eidos meaning form. It’s located at the front of the neck. It is slightly heavier in women than in men and enlarges in pregnancy.

The thyroid gland secretes the hormone thyroxin directly into the bloodstream. Thyroxin is also known as thyroid hormone. Thyroxin is an iodine-containing compound. In fact, the thyroid gland itself is chiefly comprised of the mineral iodine and therefore is vital and necessary for optimal thyroid health and functioning.

The function of the thyroid gland includes: regulation of normal body growth in infancy and childhood, regulation of metabolism, regulation of body temperature, maintenance of skeletal maturation; and regulation of protein, fat and carbohydrates. These functions supra are dependent upon thyroxin or thyroid hormone.

Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland in most Americans is sluggish if not outright inactive. Inactive or underactive thyroid gland plays a major role in obesity, because the thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, which is dependent upon the burning of fat converted from sugar.

Pathologies of the thyroid gland include:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Goiter
  • thyroid cancer
  • thyroiditis

Lack of iodine plays a major role in the development of these diseases or pathologies.

Healing Thyroid Naturally

The thyroid gland responds to blue and violet colors.

Blue colored stones include: blue lace agate, angelite, chrysocola, celestite, azurite, and lapis lazuli. These stones can be placed directly on the thyroid gland for a few minutes to help correct any imbalance at this chakra.

It’s interesting that the thyroid gland responds to violet, since the chief mineral for the thyroid gland is iodine, which term is derived from the Greek word ioeides meaning violet. Iodine is a bluish-black solid that becomes a violet vapor when heated. Hence, the thyroid gland responds to blue and violet.

Goiter is simply the result of a severe iodine deficiency and can be reversed with adequate amounts of iodine in the daily diet.

Great and natural sources of iodine include:

Seaweed is the greatest and best food for humans as it supplies us with every nutrient we need for optimal health-including iodine. Iodine is essential for anyone attempting to lose weight (fat), naturally.

Iodized salt is not an acceptable source of iodine. While iodized salt may have curbed the incidence of cretinism in the United States, it greatly played a role in the development of high blood pressure in this country.

Instead of using iodized salt under the banner of sodium chloride (white table salt), it’s much better (and safer) to use sea salt (available at health food stores).

Magnets can greatly help in thyroid problems by stimulating the thyroid gland. Simply put a magnet on the thyroid gland for a few hours and the thyroid will revive. This technique alone will reverse thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

If you are pregnant, it is vitally essential that you obtain adequate amounts of iodine.

Dherbs Solutions

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Endometriosis Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine complaints and diseases.


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Endometriosis is a uterine disorder that affects many American women. Endometriosis is an abnormal gynecological condition characterized by unusual ectopic growth and function of endometrial tissue.

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel (colon), pelvic floor, urinary bladder, uterine musculature, peritoneum (membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity) and the deep pelvic peritoneal cavity are the common sites of growths of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity.

The abnormal implants of endometriosis respond to the hormonal changes regulating menstruation and, like the uterine lining, these fragments construct tissue monthly and then break down or destruct and bleed.

Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts

There is an unhealthy symbiosis between endometriosis and ovarian cysts, medically known as ovarial endometrial cysts.

Ovarian cysts are nothing but accumulated liquid toxic waste and thick, congealed menstrual blood that is dark in color and held together by mucus. Ovarian cysts cause pain due to their growth and pressing against other organs and nerves in the pelvic cavity. Ovarian cysts grow fast based upon poor diets.

If you are experiencing heavy menstrual blood flow (hypermenorrhea), releasing of small, moderate, to large blood clots from the vagina; pain (in the uterus, lower back, etc.), painful sexual intercourse, infertility, premenstrual vaginal staining of blood, and chronic constipation, chances are you may be suffering from endometriosis.


Unlike the blood from the uterine lining, the blood from the implants has no way of exiting the body and therefore the surrounding uterine tissue slowly absorbs the blood from the abnormal implants. The condition is also known as retrograde menstruation, since the blood doesn’t leave the body, but instead is absorbed into it.

Cells from the endometrium (lining of the uterus) also develop elsewhere in the abdominal cavity of the female body. During this slow process, blood accumulates in the body cavities and the process of bleeding and absorbing is generally quite painful.


This condition produces various symptoms such as severe and excruciating pain in the uterus, lower back, and pelvic cavity organs before and during menstruation, pain during the actual menses, excessive bleeding and expulsion of large clots and shreds of uterine tissue during the menses, and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, endometriosis can cause severe pain in a subsequent pregnancy because in pregnancy the uterus enlarges and the various organs in the abdominal cavity are pushed into different positions.

Natural Healing


Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine diseases. Uterine and/or oxytocic-specific* herbs include: Squawvine*, Ashoka, Blue Cohosh*, Pennyroyal*, Rue*, Shatawari, Eucommia, Chaste Tree berries (Vitex), False Unicorn Root, Fo Ti, Rehmannia, Yarrow, and Bayberry.

Female specific herbs with a hormonal stimulating effect on the body are ideal in restoring overall female health and uterine health in particular and include such herbs as: Canada Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Maca, Red Raspberry leaf, Red Clover tops, Black Haw, Beth Root, Lovage, Wild Yam root, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, Dong Quai, Ashwagandha, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Muira Puama, Saw Palmetto berries, Oatstraw, Sage.

Herbs that address menstrual irregularities will greatly help in addressing endometriosis. These herbs include: Canada Snakeroot, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Beth Root, Black Haw, Angelica, Dong Quai, Goldenseal Root, Burdock Root, Black Cohosh, Comfrey Root, Cranesbill, Dragon’s Blood, False Unicorn Root, Squawvine, and Yarrow.


Essential oils are paramount in holistic healing as the aroma from the oils affects the mind, spirit, emotions and etheric body. Essential oils with a female hormonal effect can greatly help to heal uterine and other female complaints and disorders. These oils include: Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Pennyroyal (use cautiously), Rue (use cautiously), Cananga, Fennel, Angelica, Combava, and Vitex (Chaste Tree).


No healing regimen is complete without the use of crystals, the greatest energy amplifiers on the planet. Crystals with an affinity for the female reproductive chamber are imperative in healing from any female reproductive chamber and include such crystals as: Quartz, Ammonite, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, and Zincite.

No healing regimen or therapy is replete or complete without chakra alignment or balancing. Remember, all disease first occurs on the energetic level.

Colon Therapy

Colonics are effective in dissolving hardened fecal and mucoidal debris in the colon. When you cleanse the colon you begin the cleansing process of all other eliminative channels. There can be no healing without an emphasis on cleansing out the colon.

If you are unable to afford a colon session (which are usually priced at $60-70 per session, then purchase an enema bag and perform weekly enemas. Cleaning out the rectum is better than doing nothing at all.


Hot sea salt baths which are very therapeutic. The bath should consist of hot water, sea salt (1-3 boxes), MSM sulfur (or sulphur) (1 cup), crystals (named above); and essential oils (named above, 2-4 drops each). The bath (actually a soak for the first 30-45 minutes) can be taken daily.

Acupuncture / Acupressure

These therapies work on the chi (energy) and get it moving again in the case of blockage. All disease is first energetic and these therapies deal with energy.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a most effective therapy. It is unfortunate oxygen therapies are banned in the U.S. despite proven facts that oxygen helps to heal, especially since lack of oxygen plays a pivotal role in degeneration and disease. The cells thrive off of oxygen and when you introduce more oxygen into the body, the cells’ communication ability restores and the innate healing effect of the body accelerates. The prohibition of oxygen therapies by your government is what you pay for with your tax dollars.

Massage Therapy

Because massage is intimate and requires trust and to effectively heal, you must open up (let your wall or guard down). When you open up, you automatically let go and “letting go” is what a lot of women) need to do in order to heal and move on in their lives. Most people, especially females, are holding on to negative and self-defeating and sabotaging thoughts (which affect their emotional state and feelings) and these thoughts lodge in the tissues of the body and alter the individual frequency and resonance of the particular body part or organ, manifesting disease as a sensor that something is wrong on a deeper, emotional, and energetic level.

Massage, especially deep tissue massage, is very therapeutic and healing because deep pressure into the tissues not only dissolves knots but also the negative and toxic thoughts lingering in the knot. When a massage therapist tells you that you have knots in your body (e.g. back), those knots are not liquid filled, but energy filled. You can actually feel them dissolve when a therapist applies pressure to the area.

Massage greatly helps to release all those negative emotions and feelings we hold in certain parts of our body. The feeling of shouldering too much responsibility stores in our shoulders. Feeling like we are carrying the weight of the world or others (family, friends, etc.) on our back stores in our back (as well as the feeling of feeling backed against a wall); people, events, and circumstances that feel like a “pain in the neck” to you actually store in your neck.

We actually feel everything we say and think, believe it or not; and unfortunately, a lot of us have thought and said and still think and say negative things. Negative and unproductive thinking needs to be put in check because our bodies literally believe every word we say.

Pranic Healing / Reiki

These two therapies are just as ideal as chakra alignment and balancing because they deal with healing via energy and again, all disease is first energetic. Whereas chakra alignment/balancing uses crystals, pranic healing and reiki uses the hands. Pranic healing does not require actual touch whereas reiki does; but a crystal grid around the person while undergoing a pranic healing or reiki session will undoubtedly enhance the effect of the energy.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnet therapy is great for healing because magnets alkalize the body and improve circulation to problem areas. Magnets cause blood vessels to dilate and thus improve blood flow in the body. Magnetic therapy should never be used on the belly (Sacral Chakra) area of a pregnant woman.

Anti-Gravity Therapy

Anti-gravity exercises where the body is slanted and the feet are raised higher than the head are great in healing uterine complaints and disorders such as endometriosis because when the body is in a slanted position with the feet raised higher than the head gravity now works for you rather than against you. Lying on an anti-gravity board or simply with your feet raised higher than your head (back and head on the ground or floor and legs propped up on a sofa or chair) causes gravity to pull on the uterus and helps put the uterus and other organs back in place. This method has a profound effect on the whole body and causes hardened substances to break up and become movable for elimination.


Fasting is a natural healing method that induces the body to go into a natural cleansing mode without the help of any outside agents or substances. The one drawback of fasting is that it requires discipline. Fasting is very effective in healing any and all ailments and complaints.

Mineral Therapy

The most important mineral required in remedying reproductive complaints and disorders is zinc. Not zinc derived from an inorganic source, but organic zinc, e.g. zinc phosphate. Organic zinc can be assimilated by the body, but not zinc oxide (derived from metals or stone). Zinc is important for uterine health because the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc and when the uterus is impaired and becomes defective, it loses necessary zinc.

Zinc can be found in the following foods and herbs: Pumpkin Seeds (a/k/a Papitas), Sunflower Seeds, Cocculus Root, False Unicorn Root, Irish Moss (and all other seaweeds), and Fenugreek Seed.

Dietary Intervention

Dairy foods are strongly tied to the development of endometriosis.

To heal, women must give up meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches and other processed chemicals and so-called foods and should consciously embrace a vegan and/or raw foods diet consisting of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains.

Vegetable juice is very alkalizing and healing. For endometriosis, make sure you consume a lot of vegetable juice containing asparagus and beets.

Positive Thinking and Attitude

Healthy and positive thinking is so important. Being emotional by nature makes females more sensitive and intuitive than males generally. Females in general, African-American females in particular are greatly out of sync with their feminine grace and essence today. External pathologies denote internal or inner imbalance. A positive mindset that thinks healthy, right, and positive impacts a person’s outer circumstances and their physical health. This is the best and greatest incentive for positive, right, and healthy thinking.

Saying daily affirmations and performing mediation can greatly help transform the mind in a positive light. We can really change our lives by the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel on a daily and consistent basis. Our lives are truly in our own hands to shape and mold as we see fit. You are the master of your own destiny and fate.


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The Dangers of the Nightlife and the Graveyard Shift Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Sleeping in darkness at night, we secrete an anti-aging hormone called melatonin. The body is fasting from food and repairing, healing itself. When awake during the night hours, we are not healing. The body is not repairing but aging, fast.


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People who live the nightlife age prematurely. Human beings are not nocturnal by nature. People require sleep at night, usually from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

The exception is the unique souls called “Quaquaversals,” the highly creative individuals of society, those who usually have highly active Fifth chakras (usually your singers, orators, etc.).

Quaquaverals tend to rebel against authority. They don’t take authority as truth, but take truth as authority. They are non-conformists and original thinkers. They are highly creative and are up during the times of night the Unilinears sleep. They are most creative during these late hours and thus are an exception to the rule that humans should be sleep during the nighttime. Quaquaversals can work better at night when the Unilinears are asleep, because in the daytime, so much Unilinear activity tends to hamper the Quaquaversal’s productivity.

Sleep serves a very valuable purpose. It is when the imprisoned soul is released from the prison of the body or flesh. The soul gets to travel to the dream world and astral levels and meet with the souls of other individuals. Some people believe that the soul can travel to different realms, including the Akashic Records (Book of Life), and obtain necessary answers to perplexing questions asked on the physical realm.

Sleep refreshes the mind. It allows the necessary answers to life’s perplexing questions to be attained. Sleep is the equivalent of hitting your computer’s “refresh” button or “rebooting” your computer. With sleep, you are refreshing and rebooting your physical body.

Sleep lets us to take a break from certain activities, like eating food. People are habitual eaters today. Many people who have difficulty sleeping eat while they’re up during late hours of the night. Eating helps to pass the time or to counteract their boredom.

Our bodies secrete a beneficial anti-aging hormone called melatonin at night. Melatonin is secreted from the Pineal Gland, the gland that corresponds to the Sixth and Seventh chakras, our psychic and spiritual centers respectively.

Melatonin causes drowsiness. After the sun sets, the Pineal Gland begins to secrete melatonin and the melatonin makes us drowsy so that we can fall asleep.

Meat, dairy products, and refined starches all break down into caustic and corrosive acids that calcify the Pineal Gland. When the Pineal Gland becomes calcified, melatonin cannot be secreted into the bloodstream, nor can serotonin.

Low serotonin levels may account for why there is so much depression in Westerners today, especially in the United States during the winter season when there is shortened daylight hours.

Seasonal depression due to lack of sunlight can be greatly helped with the use of full spectrum lighting (full spectrum light bulbs) which are available at health food stores like Whole Foods Market and health companies such as Gaia.Com. These bulbs are ideal as they mimic natural sunlight that have all seven spectrums of color, unlike the common two spectrum white frosted light bulbs most people use.

If you are up late at night, you should only be engaged in higher chakra pursuits, i.e. meditation, prayer, channeling, yoga, writing from higher creative expression, etc., things that are very common practice for the Quaquaversals.

However, instead of sleeping, Unilinears are out at nightclubs, dancing and drinking, even having one night stands. Unilinears are also out at the movies, watching the late show that usually starts around 12 midnight or later. Unilinears are people who embrace the slogan “Thank God it’s Friday.”

Lack of Sleep Causes Premature Aging

During sleep, the body repairs itself and heals. If you do not sleep at night, you are not healing and your body is not repairing itself. Engaging in late-night activities-whether for work or socially-ages you prematurely.

Remember, sleep allows the body to heal and repair itself, it allows the soul to travel freely to different realms or densities, and because melatonin is secreted in abundance at night, sleep also helps us to have a youthful appearance.

Natural Healing Solutions

If you have to work the nightshift, make sure you get good sleep when you come home. Make sure your room remains dark during daytime. When your biorhythm is off, your Pineal Gland will secrete melatonin. You don’t necessarily have to quit your job; just make necessary changes.

Herbs of Valerian Root, Jatamansi, Kava Kava, and Lavender Flower are excellent nighttime aids to help you get to sleep.

Essential oil of Mugwort stimulates the Pineal Gland. However, this oil is harmful to pregnant women and should be avoided during pregnancy. Other good essential oils include Pine, Spruce, Clary Sage, and Nutmeg. Frankincense and Myrrh also help to stimulate the Pineal Gland.

Crystals are probably the best things to use to stimulate the Pineal Gland. While lying flat, you can place the crystal on your lower forward, between your two physical eyes. The Pineal Gland is considered our Third Eye.

Great crystals to use on the Pineal Gland (or Third Eye) include: Pietersite, Ruby, Sodalite, Moonstone, Charoite, Moldavite (Meteorite/Tektite), Peacock Ore, Magnetite, and Clear Quartz. All dark blue, purple, indigo, and violet stones will actually stimulate the Pineal Gland.

Magnets can also be placed over the Pineal Gland for stimulation purposes. Just make sure to have the stimulating side of the magnet over the Pineal Gland, not the healing side. Magnets usually have a little indentation on them denoting what side goes against the body. You would use the opposite side for purposes of stimulating the Pineal Gland.

Gold (as well as Pyrite Gold or Fool’s Gold) also stimulates the Pineal Gland and can be used over it just like magnets.

The Pineal Gland is a very important gland in the human body. It is the gland whereby the soul leaves the body during sleep, astral projection, and death. No gland in the body is more active at death than the Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland affects consciousness. We cannot become conscious without a healthy and well-functioning Pineal Gland.

Dherbs Solutions

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Headaches Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

More than half of all headaches are clogged colon-related. Where there is headache, there is constriction and potential constipation.


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What is a headache? Mosby’s Medical Dictionary defines a headache as a pain in the head from any cause. Kinds of headaches include Functional headache, Migraine headache, Organic headache, Sinus headache, and Tension headache.

It continues to define Migraine headache as a recurring vascular headache characterized by a prodromal aura, unilateral onset, and severe pain, photophobia, and autonomic disturbances during the acute phase, which may last for hours or days. The disorder occurs more frequently in women than in men, and predisposition for the disorder is not known, but the head pain is related to dilation of extracranial blood vessels, which may be the result of chemical changes that cause spasms of intracranial vessels. A greatly increased amount of a vasodilating polypeptide related to bradykinin is found in tissue fluid of patients during migraine attacks. Allergic reactions, excess carbohydrates, iodine-rich foods, alcohol, bright lights, or loud noises may trigger attacks, which often occur during a period of relaxation after physical and psychic stress.

By far, most headaches people suffer from are due to TENSION and STRESS. Stress can lead to stomach upsets, constipation, headaches, tension, frigidity and a host of other diseases.

Causes and Risk Factors

Today, there are many causative factors for headaches, which include but are not limited to:

  • Tension
  • Stress
  • anxiety/worry
  • allergies
  • sinus pressure
  • constipation
  • muscle tension
  • disturbance in the blood circulation
  • lack of chi (energy)
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • food sensitivities
  • use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes/tobacco
  • exposure to irritants such as colognes and perfume
  • environmental pollutants
  • hormonal imbalance (PMS or menstrual cycle-related)
  • fever
  • acute toxicity (acidosis)
  • eyestrain
  • Sixth Chakra (Ajna) imbalance.

Headaches are also a common ailment associated with the Sixth Chakra (Ajna). Many Sixth Chakraic individuals are prone to headaches. Headaches serve as an indicator of some kind of imbalance in highly sixth chakraic individuals. When they learn to let go-to no longer resist-and convert negative thoughts into positive ones, headaches happen less often.


Headaches may present these symptoms:

  • Pain on one side or area of the head
  • Pulsating pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Disrupted daily activity
  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Tightening of the head and neck muscles
  • Tearing or redness of the eye on the affected side of the head

The side of the head (temple) the headache is on means something on a much deeper level:

  • The left side denotes the feminine, the past, magnetism, receptivity, passivity, and the logical/rational.
  • The right side denotes the masculine, energetic, active, dominant, the future, and creativity (artistic).

Healing Options

There are many options available to help reduce pain associated with headache, ranging from herbs and crystals, essential oils to magnets, to yoga, deep breathing and visualization, pressure points, enema, colonics, acupuncture, massage, positive thinking, ear coning, bentonite clay and ice packs.


General herbs that are great for remedying headaches include White Willow Bark, Red Willow Bark, Black Willow Bark, Meadowsweet, Feverfew, Balm of Gilead (Poplar); Wood Betony, Woodruff, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Lavender Flower, Spearmint, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Kola Nut, Buckbean Leaves, Birch Bark, and Rosemary Leaves.

Herbs good for nervous tension headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Blue Vervain, Lady’s Slipper, Valerian Root, Wild Lettuce, Chamomile, Lily of the Valley, and Jatamansi.

Herbs good for menstrual-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following hers: Wild Yam Root, Dong Quai, Valerian Root, Angelica, and Pennyroyal. Herbs good for bilious headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Goldenseal, Barberry, Boldo, Cascara Sagrada, and Oregon Grape.

Herbs good for constipation-related headaches include the general herbs supra in addition to the following herbs: Cascara Sagrada, Senna Leaves, Buckthorn, Buckbean Leaves, Aloe Vera Resin, and Rhubarb.


Headaches are associated with the Sixth Chakra, which means that all purple and indigo colored crystals and stones are good for healing. Indigo and purple-colored crystals and stones include Amethyst, Charoite, Purple Lepidolite, and Sugilite.

Quartz crystals are highly effective in relieving headache pain. Because they are great absorbers of energy, a quartz crystal can be programmed to extract pain.


Great essential oils that help remedy headaches include Lavender, Rosemary, Birch, Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Spearmint. However, migraine headache sufferers might want to abstain from essential oils as they are very sensitive to smell (all smells) during a migraine episode.


Magnet therapy can give great relief for headaches because they enhance circulation where there is constriction and when there is headache there is constriction. Magnets can be placed directly over the temples and worn for hours. However, magnets should never be worn to bed, especially magnets exceeding 800 gauss.


Deep breathing and yoga for headache prevention and remedy enhance circulation of chi throughout the body, and can be channeled directly to the head area. Deep breathing is a great method to release stagnant, stale, and negative energy from the body. It’s also compatible and complimentary with visualization (imaginative) therapy.


The mind is the greatest tool in healing and always has been and will be. All sickness/disease and healing starts in the mind. The mind is a laboratory whereby we concoct our thoughts, good or bad, pure or polluted, constructive or destructive.


The coffee enema can be quite effective for remedying a headache. Organic coffee (via the rectum) causes the liver to dump off toxins. Alcohol is acidic and this causes the gallbladder to produce excess amounts of bile to counteract the acidity of the alcohol in the stomach and intestinal tract. This is what generally happens in the case of a bilious headache.


Some headaches can be related to a clogged colon or constipation, so when you start addressing the colon by cleansing it, you are helping to lessen and eventually eradicate your headaches that are due to having a taxed, polluted, and clogged colon. is PRO colonics (and enemas).


Acupuncture can help remove blocked and stagnant chi (energy). Remember, where there is headache, there is constriction and where there is constriction there is blocked energy and blood flow. Acupuncture does the same thing as magnet therapy; however, the difference is magnet therapy is noninvasive whereas acupuncture is invasive.


Massage works great wonders in relieving headaches, especially tension headaches. Massage loosens up tight muscles in the shoulders and neck that constrict due to tension, worry, and stress. Massage helps these negative things to melt and dissolve, especially if you are working with a great massage therapist.


Ear coning is a great tool in remedying sinus headaches. Ear coning removes debris that can cause compression against ear nerves, which can lead to headache.


Positive thinking is visualization and imaginative therapy. Your body functions optimally when you are happy and feeling positive. The blood flows freely, acidity gives way to alkalinity, toxins find their way out of the body quickly via the eliminative channels; hormonal secretions secrete in abundant amounts, the cells communicate clearly, the skin radiates, the eyes shine and sparkle, and old age (degeneration) gives way to rejuvenation.


Apply bentonite clay to the temple where the headache stems from. The tightening action of the clay from drying helps to draw out negative energy. Where there is heavy metal toxicity there is emotional toxicity.


Ice packs or bags work well by simply numbing the pain. Clearly this is symptomatic but is highly helpful and palliative.

Dietary Intervention

Headache may be triggered by food sensitivity or allergy. There are some foods that are more likely to be associated with headache than others, including:

  • Food additives such as coloring or flavor
  • MSG
  • Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal), saccharine (Sweet-n-Low) or sugar derivatives (Splenda)
  • Cured meats
  • Chocolate
  • Red wine
  • Aged cheeses
  • Nuts
  • Alcohol
  • Ice cream
  • Sulfites
  • Nitrates

Reduce or eliminate these types of foods or ingredients from your diet to reduce the occurrence and frequency of headache.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids, the kind found in flaxseeds and walnuts, are thought to help prevent or minimize headache, especially migraines.

Dherbs Solutions products beneficial in treating and healing headaches include:

Thank you for reading !


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The Dangers of Running and Jogging Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:46 +0000

Many runners and joggers don’t know it, but there is danger in running and jogging, especially when performed daily. These Western exercises serve to compensate for the sedentary lifestyles of many Americans who spend 6-8 hours a day sitting at a desk job. Joint Pain and Cartilage Damage Many runners and joggers experience foot, ankle, […]


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Many runners and joggers don’t know it, but there is danger in running and jogging, especially when performed daily.

These Western exercises serve to compensate for the sedentary lifestyles of many Americans who spend 6-8 hours a day sitting at a desk job.

Joint Pain and Cartilage Damage

Many runners and joggers experience foot, ankle, knee, and leg injuries-and understandably so.

Some longtime runners and/or joggers develop a condition known as chondromalacia, medically defined as a softening of the cartilage. It develops in response to the softening of the cartilage under the kneecaps (patella) that result in small areas of breakdown and pain around the knee.

Running and jogging over long periods of time, and especially on cement or asphalt, destroys cartilage in the joints. It’s the reason why many runners and joggers later suffer from stiffness in their knees. The stiffness is also attributed to a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid makes you stiff, not the workout itself.


Tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons) may also develop from long periods of running and jogging.

The inflammation in tendonitis results from acidic mucus buildup in the tendons. The mucus develops to protect the damage done in the tendons, but the problem with the mucus stems from people continuing to do the activity that produces more mucus. So much mucus is produced that the mucus itself becomes a problem. It also triggers inflammation.

Mucus is generated by an acid-based diet. An acid-based diet is one that consists mainly of meat products, dairy products, refined grain products, processed and refined so-called foods or foodstuffs, and low pH acidic effervescent beverages such as soda pop and diet soda pop that contain deleterious phosphoric acid which eats away at the bones and robs the body of calcium.

Other Health Issues from Running and Jogging

Some people believe that when women jog on cement or asphalt without shock absorbers in their shoes, they can injure their uterus. With every step of a run or jog, a physical shock is being sent from the feet’s metatarsal bones all the way to the uterus.

Running and jogging will undoubtedly cause loss of calcium. Many commercial health food stores such as GNC, Great Earth, Vitamin Shoppe, et al make a fortune selling synthetic grades of calcium to athletes. For calcium or any other mineral to work in your body, it must be organic, must be able to be digested by the body fully, and must be able to be absorbed and assimilated.

Nature produces two types of calcium and you must know which type the human body requires for optimal health and wellbeing. The kind of calcium humans require is called calcium phosphate, aka organic calcium.

However, some commercial health stores and supermarkets sell inorganic calcium that is indigestible and harms health and wellbeing. Most of this type of calcium is urinated right out of the body and residues remain lodged in the body trapped in the tissues of the body and also play a role in the formation of calcium deposits in the body.

Your calcium must be organic or plant-based, i.e. comfrey root and leaf, oatstraw, horsetail, and nettle. Calcium is denoted by the color green and not white. Many of the biggest brands of calcium are synthetic and have no nutritional value.

Commercial health food stores also sell chondroitin and glucosamine for bone, tendon, and ligament problems. This is a waste of money. Chondroitin is made from a cow’s trachea and glucosamine is derived from chicken bones. You may be able to find non-animal sources of these products, but they are very rare.

Runners and joggers can also harm their adrenal glands. We are designed to run to save our lives, as in fight or flight situations whereby our bodies produce extreme amounts of adrenaline to help us escape from danger. Excessive amounts of adrenaline can hurt the body, especially the heart.

Astrology and Running

People born under the astrological signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are very prone to problems (injuries) of the knees, legs, ankle, and feet as these particular signs govern these body parts.

  • Capricorn governs the knees and legs and thus Capricorn people (born between December 23 and January 19) are more prone to injuries of the knees and legs.
  • Aquarius governs the ankles so Aquarians or Aquarius people (born between January 20 and February 19) are more prone to problems (injuries) of the ankles.
  • Pisces governs the feet and toes so Pisceans (born between February 20 and March 19) are more prone to problems (injuries) of the feet and toes.

Natural Healing From the Damage of Running and Jogging

If you are going to run and jog, by all means make sure you run and/or jog on grass, dirt, or sand. Avoid running and/or jogging on cement or asphalt.

Refrain from running or jogging for long miles. Keep your sessions short, only a few miles. Some people run 5-10 miles daily which is insane when you know the damage being done to your body. You might even consider replacing running and/or jogging with bicycling. Bicycling is better for the knees and tendons.

If you still feel the need to run or jog as your primary form of exercise, get a pair of shock absorbers for your shoes.

Every morning, drink a glass full of room temperature water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar added to the water. This will greatly help your joints.

Start performing the sea salt soak as much as possible. Bathe or soak in sea salt rather than Epsom salt.

Rub warm oil (plant-based i.e. olive, almond, coconut, etc.) on your sore joints. Then massage in a few drops (3-5 drops) of essentials oil such as Wintergreen, Spearmint, Peppermint, and/or Eucalyptus.

Consider replacing strenuous exercises with subtle exercises such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi, or basic stretching.

More natural healing options include acupressure, energy healing, and chiropractic exercises.

Magnetic therapy can aid in repairing damaged feet, ankles, legs, and knees. You can purchase magnetic ankle pads and knee pads to wear daily or as needed. Magnetic therapy is great for palliating and eradicating pain as magnets increase circulation to injured areas and thus provide much needed oxygen and minerals to injured areas.


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