Lymphatic Health - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 06 Jan 2025 14:02:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 5 Health Benefits Of A Lymphatic Drainage Massage Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:17:00 +0000

A lymphatic drainage massage claims to boost immune function, aid weight loss, and drain lymph nodes, among other health benefits.


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When you think of a massage, deep tissue, Swedish, hot stone, and sports massages are the ones that come to mind. These forms of massage help promote relaxation by massaging knots out of muscles. A lymphatic drainage massage doesn’t break up muscle tissue; rather, this gentle massage aims to eliminate toxins by moving materials back into circulation. At that point, the body’s organs clear these materials from the body. 

What Is A Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

A lymphatic drainage massage focuses on draining lymph nodes, whereas regular massage focuses on muscles. The two constants in a lymphatic drainage massage are light pressure and rhythmic movements. Together, they help encourage lymphatic drainage. Lymph fluid that flows throughout the lymphatic system, which consists of various nodes and vessels. The lymphatic system collects and returns lymph to the heart via circulation. If there is a blockage or disturbance within the lymphatic system, lymph can collect in the legs and arms, potentially causing swelling. 

Lymph fluid contains white blood cells and other cells that enhance immune function. Although there are hundreds of lymph nodes in the body, they are mainly concentrated in the neck, armpits, chest, belly, and groin areas. They feel like little beans under the skin when swollen and fighting off an infection. Because the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the circulatory system, it relies on movement to move fluid. Simple movements, such as walking, resistance training, swimming, biking, jogging, etc., can move lymphatic fluid. However, lymphatic drainage massages can help target thick or stagnant fluid that the body can’t drain on its own. Consider the following benefits when you receive a lymphatic drainage massage

It May Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Any massage is a great recipe for stress reduction because you get pampered for an hour or so and hit the pause button on life. Lymphatic drainage takes de-stressing to a whole new level. Unblocking the lymphatic system can help reduce soreness, pain, cramps, or built-up stress. Many people who struggle with panic attacks, depression, stress, or anxiety on a regular basis benefit from lymphatic drainage massages. You can incorporate essential oils to stimulate your senses and recharge your batteries as well. 

It Helps Reduce Swelling

A lymphatic drainage massage is a useful tool to relieve painful swelling in the arms and legs caused by lymphedema. This condition tends to affect people recovering from breast cancer surgery. Lymphedema occurs when tissues in the body retain fluid after the cardiovascular system delivers blood to tissues and organs. A disruption in the lymphatic system can cause lymph to accumulate in the arms and legs, causing swelling. Not only does this form of massage help reduce the pain that results from tissue swelling, but it also helps prevent swelling from happening in the future. 

It May Improve Immune Function

By targeting the lymph nodes in the body, lymphatic drainage massage may help enhance immune function. The massage works by moving lymphatic fluid to remove toxins from the body, ultimately reducing your risk of infection. Additionally, the blood and fluid that the massage moves re-stimulates it to promote detoxification. If you have the common cold or contracted a virus, for example, a lymphatic drainage massage may help the body eliminate it more quickly. 

May Help Patients With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes fatigue, tenderness, and muscle pain. If symptoms manage to flare up, there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the severity of symptoms. Health experts say that different types of massages offer relief from fibromyalgia symptoms. One review of studies noted that people saw improvements in symptoms after experiencing myofascial release therapy. Shiatsu and lymphatic drainage massage also helped to ease stiffness in fibromyalgia patients.

May Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition that affects the joints, causing major stiffness, pain, and swelling. Health experts say that lymph nodes swell more frequently in people with RA. Lymphatic drainage massage can be an excellent form of therapy to help stimulate lymph drainage and reduce the pain and swelling in the body.


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A Quick Facial Massage To Tighten And Lift The Eye Area Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:23:00 +0000

Tired of puffiness or sagging around the eyes? This simple facial massage can help naturally tighten and lift the skin around the eye area.


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Lack of sleep, stress, and looking at the computer screen for hours on end can create puffiness or dark circles around the eyes. Puffiness can also result from overeating, which is especially common during the holiday season. The overly-salted and sugary dishes can increase fluid build-up in the body. Additionally, holiday travel can also take a toll on your skin. Combine all of these things and the skin around your eyes may be puffier than ever. 

Jade face rollers, oils, moisturizers, and more may make the skin feel lovely, but are they more effective than a massage? Many people like to avoid touching their face, as the hands often carry bacteria that can harm facial skin. With very clean hands, however, it’s possible to gently massage the face to decrease puffiness and improve glow. A de-puffing massage can promote lymphatic drainage, which may reduce the frequency of breakouts, dark circles, and puffiness. Above all else, a facial massage feels incredible and it’s easy to incorporate the beauty products you use in your daily skin care regimen. 

Importance Of Lymphatic Drainage

According to experts, any facialist worth their salt incorporates lymphatic drainage into their services. It typically involves gentle tapping motions with your fingertips in a circular motion around the eyes. The tapping or gentle massage helps to increase blood flow to the area, which helps decrease swelling. To drain lymph properly, it’s best to massage in an outward motion, starting near the cheekbones and swooping out towards the temples. You can do this type of massage any time of day, as long as you have clean hands. Please continue reading to learn how to do the massage. 

Quick Facial Massage For Eye Area

The key to a great facial massage is light pressure with the fingertips. Pull them upward and outward to encourage more circulation in the tissues. Delivering more oxygen to skin cells can help improve complexion and reduce puffiness. It can be beneficial to massage with a skin-safe carrier oil or moisturizer for gentle glide. 

You can actually encourage the reduction of puffiness if you do the massage with a moisturizer that contains caffeine. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, meaning that it compresses blood vessels in the skin. This can help support the resolution of inflammatory pathways and may reduce flushing, both of which contribute to puffy eyes. You can also massage with the inside of a banana peel, as the high potassium content helps to counteract fluid build-up

Step 1

After cleaning your hands thoroughly, gently dab your fingers in a moisturizer or oil. Starting from the corners of your mouth, sweep your fingertips around your cheekbones and up to your temples in a J-shaped motion.

Step 2

Do the same motion as in Step 1, but start from the corners of your nostrils instead. Sweep your fingertips upwards in a J-shaped motion toward your temples. Then you can repeat this motion, starting from the bridge of your nose. Because this is closer to the eyes, make sure to be extra gentle here. You can add more oil or moisturizer if you feel your fingertips tugging your skin.

Step 3

Now it’s time to trace the eye shape in an inverse motion. Start near the bridge of the nose and glide the fingertips just under the brow bone until you reach the temples. Repeat this cycle twice and be sure to be delicate on the skin. Avoid pulling and tugging because that will make things worse. 


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How To Make The Lymph Mover Smoothie Mon, 26 Apr 2021 20:00:05 +0000

This week on Dherbs Kitchen, Chef RedBeard walks us through how to make the Lymph Mover Smoothie!


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This week on Dherbs Kitchen, Chef RedBeard walks us through how to make the Lymph Mover Smoothie!


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5 Health Benefits Of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Tue, 30 Mar 2021 09:19:00 +0000

Step inside a special chamber and breath pure oxygen and you can experience the many health benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


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No one needs a reminder that the body cannot survive without oxygen. The lungs require oxygen for optimal breathing, but that’s not oxygen’s only role in the body. Oxygen is the body’s fuel, working to nourish all the cells and tissues in the body. Carbon dioxide is simply the waste product of all these processes. 

As many people are aware, the oxygen people breathe on a regular basis does not stimulate deep healing within the body. There are chemical pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other airborne toxins in the air we breathe. Additionally, the air humans breathe is only about 21% oxygen. The remaining 79% consists of nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, and methane gasses. If you want to provide the lungs and cells with optimal nourishment, the body requires purer oxygen. One of the best ways to provide the body with more oxygen is via hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the safe, natural practice of inhaling pressurized oxygen to regenerate the body. It’s a well-known treatment that is highly beneficial for diving-related illness (decompression sickness). The first use of HBOT was in the early 20th century. Orville Cunningham used pure oxygen to treat someone from dying from the flu. The therapy unearthed again in the 1940s when the U.S. Navy used HBOT to treat deep sea divers who experienced decompression sickness. It grew in popularly and people used it to combat carbon monoxide poisoning in the 1960s.

Scuba divers who develop decompression sickness still use it today, but it has many other uses and benefits. Within a hyperbaric chamber, air pressure increases two or three times higher than regular air pressure. The lungs can gather more oxygen that is purer in this setting. Your blood carriers more oxygen throughout the body to fight bacteria and stimulate stem cell growth. This is why it is highly beneficial for immune health and accelerated healing. 

The Benefits Of HBOT Therapy

Hyper Oxygenating Tissues

The body’s tissues require sufficient oxygen to function optimally. Tissues become injured overtime, or due to a specific injury, and they need more oxygen to survive and heal. HBOT increases the amount of oxygen that your blood can carry throughout the body. This hyper-oxygenates tissues to stimulate quicker healing. Regular treatments cause an increase in epithelial cells, which close wounds and form a barrier on the skin.

Higher Rate Of Angiogenesis

Angiogenesis is the process of creating new blood vessels. Tissues cannot survive or repair without this natural process. Oxygen levels in the body dictate the rate and quality of angiogenesis. Increasing the amount and quality of oxygen in the body, for example in a hyperbaric chamber, can stimulate new blood vessel growth. HBOT also works to enhance collagen production, which is a crucial element of blood vessels.

Diving Related Issues

Decompression sickness occurs when scuba divers surface too quickly. Air bubbles form and expand in the body, which is sometimes referred to as “the bends.” If left untreated within hours, these bubbles can become life-threatening. The way to remedy the situation is by receiving oxygen, or spending time in a decompression chamber. HBOT helps the diver return to the pressure, or depth, at which they were diving. This allows for natural and gradual decompression to take place, reducing the volume of bubbles in the body.

Reduced Edema

It’s quite common for many people to experience edema, which causes fluid accumulation in the body’s cavities or tissues. The most common symptom is swelling in the lower leg, but it can occur anywhere in the body. Increasing the pressure on bodily tissues can restrict circulation and impair wound healing. HBOT helps to increase circulation by moving the built-up fluids to either circulate or eliminate. The tissues then receive more oxygen and can properly and efficiently repair or heal. 

Increased Antibacterial Activity

When the body receives more oxygen in a situation like HBOT, one of the primary benefits is increased antibacterial activity. In fact, this is almost an immediate reaction! Leukocytes, which are white blood cells, experience enhanced strength and movement from the oxygen. This helps them be more effective at killing harmful bacteria or foreign invaders in the body. Additionally, they help to reduce free radicals while removing dead cellular debris.


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Dherbs 10 Day Electric Greens Combo Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:43:02 +0000

10 Day Electric Greens Combo - 10 Day Herbal Cleanse designed to nourish and replenish the body of greens and vitamins to alkaline the body and destroy free radicals.


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10 Day Electric Greens Combo – 10 Day Herbal Cleanse designed to nourish and replenish the body of greens and vitamins to alkalize the body and destroy free radicals.

  • 10 day herbal cleanse designed to nourish and replenish the body of greens, vitamins and minerals
  • Helps to alkalize and the body and raise pH levels
  • May help with weight management programs that include diet modification and exercise
  • May help maintain blood sugar levels in the normal range
  • Defends your body against free radicals
  • Supports blood and lymphatic cleansing
  • Helps to cleanse the body of waste
  • Promotes clearer breathing and fresher breath
  • Helps to nourish the skin and the mind


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Dherbs Detox Bath Drops Mon, 31 Mar 2014 07:50:13 +0000

Cleansing Bath Drops - herbal bath drops that help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph and skin.


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Cleansing Bath Drops – herbal bath drops that help to detoxify and cleanse the colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph and skin and promote a sense of relaxation for the mind and body.


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Dherbs Blood And Lymphatic Extract Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:41:12 +0000

Blood & Lymphatic - herbal supplement used to help nourish and purify the blood and fight off toxins and poisons in the body.


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Blood & Lymphatic – herbal supplement used to help nourish and purify the blood and fight off toxins and poisons in the body.


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Dherbs Blood & Lymphatic Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:31:44 +0000

Blood & Lymphatic is an herbal supplement that helps to cleanse the blood, lymphatic system, and fat cells of waste.


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Blood & Lymphatic is an herbal supplement that helps to cleanse the blood, lymphatic system, and fat cells of waste; assists with clearing up skin and improving the appearance of the skin; and contributes to achieving optimal overall health.


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This Yoga Sequence Can Improve Lymphatic Flow Fri, 03 Jul 2020 09:02:00 +0000

A healthy lymphatic system is necessary for optimal immune function. This simple yoga routine can eliminate toxins and improve immunity.


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People associate yoga with relaxation, decreased stress levels, Los Angeles moms, and improved flexibility. The lymphatic system isn’t typically discussed in relation to yoga, but proper lymphatic health is crucial for immune function. You may be familiar with lymph nodes, but the lymphatic system travels throughout the entire body. Engaging in specific yoga poses to boost lymphatic health is much more affordable than fancy products.

What Is The Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is in constant communication with the immune system. In addition to eliminating toxins and waste from bodily tissues, the lymphatic system signals an immune response within those tissues. If it detects foreign invaders or harmful microorganisms, the immune system is notified to send an inflammatory response. This communication helps ward off infections, potential threats, and even certain cancers.

How Can Yoga Support Lymphatic Health?

The lymphatic system does not have a pump to promote waste elimination; rather, you are the pump. This means that any movement can help you avoid toxin accumulation in the lymphatic system. Certain yoga poses, combined with regulated breathing, can help stimulate the circulation of lymphatic fluid, while simultaneously decreasing stress levels. Inverted poses, in particular, allow improved lymphatic flow to the extremities and torso. Aside from the poses, controlled breathing (specifically pranayama) promotes the circulation of beneficial fluids. Try the following poses to improve lymphatic flow.

Extended Triangle Pose

Stand sideways on your yoga mat and extend your feet out as far as you comfortably can. You should ideally take up the majority of the mat. Point your left foot towards the front of the room and your right foot should point out to the side. Engage your abdominal muscles as you reach toward your left ankle with your left hand. If you can’t make it that far down, rest your left hand on your shin or above your knee. Extend your right arm up and hold this pose for three deep breaths. Repeat with your right leg as the front leg. 

Legs Up The Wall

Passive inversion helps to improve circulation to the upper body, helping to relieve tension in the legs and lower back. Start by sitting on the floor with your right shoulder, hip, and thigh against the wall. Slowly lay your torso on the floor and pivot your body to swing your legs up the wall. Your butt should be near the wall and your legs resting on the wall. Extend the arms to a “T” position and rest here for five minutes, breathing deeply.

Bridge Pose

Bridge pose works to stimulate lymphatic movement in the torso, and the slight inversion gently compresses the lymph nodes in the neck. To begin, lie flat on your back and bend your knees so that the heels of your feet are near your butt. Make sure your feet are at least shoulder-width apart. Place your arms by your sides for support, engage your gluteus muscles, and press up. Your feet, shoulders, arms, head, and neck should be the only body parts on the mat. Squeeze your gluteus muscles to keep the body steady in the apex of the pose. Remain in the pose for five deep breaths before lowering your hips to the mat.

Supine Reclined Twist

Twists help to stimulate lymphatic flow via mild compression. Through the twisting motion, the connective tissues become more liquid, breaking up the viscosity from sedentary lifestyles. The more liquid in the tissues, the easier it is for lymphatic fluid to flow. From the starting point of Bridge pose, extend your arms out to the sides to form a “T,” and let your knees fall to the right side. Your left knee should be on top of your right. Take 5 deep breaths and then repeat on the left side.

Bow Pose

This pose helps to strengthen the abdominal and lower back muscles, but it also works to rejuvenate areas of the lymphatic system near your chest. If you experience post-nasal drip, this is an excellent pose. Lie facedown on your mat with your arms by your sides. Take a few breaths in this position before lifting your arms and legs off the mat, engaging your glutes and lower back muscles. Bend your right leg toward your right hand and grab the outside your shin. Do the same with your left leg. Lift your chest and arch up like a bow. Hold for three deep breaths and then relax. Repeat two more times.


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Healthy Habits That Wellness Experts Trust Tue, 11 Feb 2020 09:05:30 +0000

A healthy life is about more than simply eating nutritious foods. Small changes to your life can take your health to the next level.


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The word “healthy” has evolved to encompass much more than diet and exercise. Sweaty workouts and clean eating remain integral aspects of health, but small wellness habits that you incorporate into your life can improve your health from all angles. The best part is that you don’t have to sit atop a mountain and recite a mantra, or live amongst a pack of wolves to achieve well-rounded wellness.

Nowadays, nutritionists and wellness experts tap into many aspects of self-care to help improve the lives of many. Many influencers, celebrities, and athletes alike are investing more in their personal health to feel better overall. From stretch therapy and transcendental meditation to jumping up and down in the morning, wellness practices may surprise you in how effective they are at forming a healthier life. You don’t have to get fancy or drop lots of money on a boutique therapy; rather, you can employ the following practices for improved wellness.

Give Back

Self-care is about your life, but one way to feel good about yourself is to become more generous by focusing on helping of others. Don’t dive into something just to do it; rather, you should find something that you are truly passionate about. Be it serving food to the homeless, volunteering at an animal shelter, or heading to the beach to clean up trash, the act of giving back is an easy habit to form.

Read Something Inspirational Every Morning

This is an easy habit that only takes a couple minutes of your time in the morning. We know the morning minutes are precious, but take this time to read an inspirational passage, quote, or even a sentence that propels you into a positive direction. Motivational text can put you in an optimal mindset for the rest of the day.

Jump Up And Down

Aside from this being a fun way to start the day, jumping around is an easy way to activate the lymphatic system. Since the lymphatic system doesn’t activate itself, you are responsible for kicking it into gear to promote toxin elimination, optimal immune function, and healthier blood cells. Jumping is one of the most effective ways to improve lymphatic drainage, so jump up and down 10 times to start your day.

Sleep Better By Improving Your Sleep Space

This sounds a little more complex than it actually is. According to Candice Kumai, a chef and author, getting a good night’s sleep starts with the space in which you sleep. The primary goal should be to make your room free of electronics! Blue light exposure in the evening is one of the primary reasons for irregular sleep and insomnia. Place art, vision boards, or photography on your walls and invite some plants into your room to improve oxygen. Instead of scrolling through Instagram before bed, read a book and it will also help you fall asleep.

Me Time Is A Necessity

Do yourself a favor and spend time by yourself doing something, or many things, that make you happy. It’s refreshing to spend time alone, whether it be in a soothing bath, a workout class, or in a cozy corner of a café drinking tea and reading a new book. These things have value and do wonders for your well-being.

Go Outside Every Day

Depending on the weather, you may or may not be able to do this, but it is important to spend time outside whenever you can. Don’t waste your lunch watching random YouTube videos when you can take a stroll outside and absorb quality vitamin D. You get to kill two birds with one stone by taking a walk outside because you incorporate movement into your day and you get to soak up the sun. Even if you just sit outside and eat your lunch, it is much more beneficial than remaining in the office all day.

Surround Yourself With Healthy People

You don’t have to hang with the fittest of the fit; rather, it’s important to surround yourself with people who inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Surrounding yourself with negative energy can physically drain the body, whereas healthy people bring a loving energy that makes you want to emulate that behavior and outlook. The relationships evolve to improve, inspire, and better each other to love more and promote positivity.

Let us know what practices you do to keep yourself healthy in the comments below.


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