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A lot of people suffer from seasonal affective disorder when darker days and colder weather arrive. These tips can help you manage symptoms.


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Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that happens during certain seasons of the year. Darker days and colder weather, i.e. the fall and winter months, can trigger a chemical change in the brain that leads to symptoms of depression. SAD isn’t the same as other types of depression, though. 

The winter blues seem to cause people to eat more high-carb foods because they comfort the soul. These types of food also put people in somewhat of a hibernation mode, causing them to sleep more than usual. According to statistics, women and young people are more likely to experience SAD, in addition to people who live farther from the equator. People with a family history of depression or bipolar disorder tend to be more susceptible as well. 

The good news is that SAD has a seasonal expiration date. That does not, however, mean that you should neglect your mental health if you suffer from symptoms of depression during the fall and winter. There are things you can do that help make the condition more manageable until longer days and warmer weather roll around. The following science-backed tips can truly make a difference.


Physical activity is a known mood booster, according to several studies on people with depression or SAD. A 2019 study found that people who got 35 minutes of exercise per day decreased their risk of depression by about 17%. Moderate-intensity (walking or yoga) and high-intensity (dancing or basketball) workouts can do the trick. If the weather permits, aim to head outside to get your exercise, as that is the most effective way to help relieve symptoms of SAD. Use a stationary bike, treadmill, elliptical machine, or do jumping jacks close to the window if going outside isn’t an option.

Use A Dawn Simulator

A dawn simulator can be greatly beneficial to some people with SAD. They are alarm clocks, only they don’t wake you up with unpleasant beeps or loud music. Dawn simulators produce light that gradually increases in intensity, just like the sun. A 2015 study found that dawn simulators were just as effective as light therapy for people with mild SAD. There are different models available, but you should opt for a full-spectrum light model if you purchase one, as it is closest to natural sunlight.

Light Therapy

Light therapy is a very simple practice: you sit in front of a bright light box first thing in the morning. This therapy has been a cornerstone of SAD management for decades, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. During the winter, you are not exposed to as many daylight hours, but a light box can help mimic natural sunlight. Experts say that you will reap the most benefits if you use a light box designed for SAD for 30-45 minutes first thing in the morning. A box that delivers 10,000 lux, which is roughly 10 times tighter than standard indoor lighting, is the best. 

Spend More Time Outside

Although this is not an official treatment for SAD, going outdoors should be part of your seasonal checklist. Exposure to natural light can give you the emotional lift that you need, even if it’s cloudy outside. Let us be clear when we say that going outside will not cure symptoms of SAD. Don’t simply stand or sit outside in the cold; rather, aim to engage in pleasurable outdoor activities. Go for a walk, ride a bike, meet with friends at a farmer’s market, hit the slopes, or make a snowman!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

One of the greatest things about being alive right now is that many things are convenient, including talking with a mental health professional. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help people with SAD identify negative thoughts and replace them with more positive thoughts. For example, hating a specific season can feed depression. If you talk positively, though, you can help prevent those feelings. With so many ways to speak with a professional, including via apps or phone calls, there is no reason not to try out CBT.


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Autumn Anxiety: Why You Feel More Stressed This Season Fri, 21 Oct 2022 09:22:00 +0000

It’s very common for people to experience more anxiety and stress during the fall season. This article aims to explain the potential causes.


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Pool time and long days of sunshine near extinction as we make our way deeper into the autumn season. Kids are back in school, spooky season is in full swing, and the holidays are lurking around the corner. If you feel more anxious during fall, you aren’t alone because autumn anxiety is a real thing. Since there is no singular external trigger, autumn anxiety is unlike other forms of anxiety; rather, it tends to occur annually when fall rolls around. 

Some people don’t realize how common autumn anxiety actually is, and some don’t even recognize the symptoms. If you notice that it occurs every year, the pattern is obvious and you should take steps to prevent it. Some of the most common symptoms of autumn anxiety include: 

  • Anxiety and excessive worry
  • Lethargy, sleepiness, and fatigue
  • Low mood and depression
  • Loss of interest in everyday activities
  • Irritability 

What Is The Reason For Autumn Anxiety?

Experts point out that one of the primary causes of autumn anxiety is that there is less daylight, which decreases serotonin levels. Serotonin is a hormone that affects appetite, mood, and sleep patterns. The increase in melatonin, which is attributed to the darker days, also increases feelings of sleepiness and depression. Additionally, you may experience a decrease in vitamin D levels, and studies show that low levels of this vitamin increases the risk of depression and behavioral changes. Fortunately, you can tame autumn anxiety by identifying what your personal triggers are. Put a plan in place to manage these triggers before they overwhelm you. Hopefully, the following tips help you beat anxiety this fall

Reframe Your Outlook

Don’t immediately view the fall season in a negative light, or you will surely start to head down an unhealthy path. Try to reframe your outlook and focus on what there is to gain versus what you lose during autumn. Instead of thinking, “Oh no it’s colder, darker, and I’ll have to be stuck inside,” try to reframe that thought to, “I’ll be warm, cozy, and with loved ones more often.” Establish a healthier environment in your home by hanging some fall decor, putting autumn-colored accent pillows on the couch, or draping a warm throw blanket on your chair. In doing so, you take what feels like a loss and reframe it in a more positive light. 

Stop Anticipating Problems

If you want to stop dealing with autumn anxiety, stop anticipating problems. Don’t worry about autumn being awful or potential problems that may occur. By anticipating that things will go wrong, you start to spin out of control into an anxious flurry, if you will. You can only manage what happens in the present, so don’t try to jump into the future to manage things that haven’t happened yet. Several health experts recommend practicing mindfulness exercises to help manage stress and remain in the present. When you direct your focus to the present moment, you only worry about what happens in the now. If anxious thoughts about the future start to creep their way into your mind, bring your awareness to something that anchors you in the present. Follow your breath and take a minute to relax. 

Get More Light

Lack of light is one of the primary reasons people experience autumn anxiety. Fall is not completely dark, though. There are many beautiful sunny days that give you the opportunity to absorb natural light, but it’s your job to get outside. Instead of a morning run, consider a walk on your lunch break. Researchers also suggest using a light box, which is a bright lamp that you use for 30 minutes a day to expose the eyes to extra light. If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, you may also want to consider light therapy.

Talk To A Professional

There is no reason to feel shame about seeking professional help, and nobody should make you feel bad about doing so. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective way to help treat anxiety and seasonal affective disorder, which tends to start in autumn. This is because of the anticipatory anxiety you experience about the upcoming holiday season and the shorter days. Don’t wait until things spiral out of control and you have difficulty controlling your anxiety or depression. If you start to feel depressed or anxious, take action to improve your mood! There are so many services available and you don’t even have to leave your house to talk to someone.


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5 Tips To Help Manage Psoriasis During The Winter Mon, 06 Dec 2021 09:05:00 +0000

You don’t have to suffer from flare-ups until spring. Learn how to manage psoriasis symptoms during the winter with these 5 tips.


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People who suffer from psoriasis tend to experience more symptoms and flare-ups during fall and winter. In addition to the stress people experience during the holidays, the colder temperatures and reduced daylight hours tend to trigger psoriasis symptoms. In fact, in a survey conducted by the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), 4 out of 10 people with psoriasis explained that they experienced more symptoms during the winter.

Psoriasis 101

Psoriasis is a condition that causes irregular immune function and involves a series of different symptoms. It’s best to consult a dermatologist to figure out the necessary steps to manage the condition, but each person deals with it in their own way. Some people only experience minor symptoms, while others develop a series of patches and deal with regular flare-ups. For the most part, though, people with psoriasis can experience a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Irritated or sensitive skin
  • Inflammation of skin and joints
  • Itching, burning, stinging, or painful sensation in affected areas
  • Overdevelopment of skin cells (resulting in plaques)
  • Joint pain (for people who have psoriatic arthritis)

The colder weather and holiday stress doesn’t mean that you have to suffer through flare-ups and frustrating symptoms. You can help manage symptoms and naturally improve the condition with the following tips. 

Add Moisture To The Air

In addition to the dry air outside, indoor air is often very dry as a result of heating. This can irritate sensitive skin and worsen flaking or itching. According to Mayo Clinic, the humidity in your home should be between 30 and 50 percent. One of the best ways to add more moisture to the air is by using a humidifier. Although it’s an expensive option, it’s best to incorporate a central humidifier to your home’s air-conditioning system. A portable humidifier in the bedroom or living room is the next best option. 

Try Light Therapy

It’s possible to receive a prescription from your health care provider for UV light therapy treatment. This can be beneficial during the winter months because there is less daylight. Exposing the skin to ultraviolet B (UVB) light on a regular basis may be an effective treatment for psoriasis. According to studies, UVB light exists in natural sunlight and it helps to penetrate the skin, slowing down the rapid growth of skin cells. It’s possible that other types of light therapy exist, but they may increase the risk of skin cancer. 

Avoid Wearing Wool

When it’s cold outside, staying warm is of the utmost importance. Naturally, many people opt for wool clothing items because it keeps the body incredibly warm. Wool is also itchy and it can be especially irritating for people with psoriasis or sensitive skin. If you already have symptoms, wearing wool may only increase their severity. If you absolutely have to wear your favorite wool sweater, it’s best to do so over cotton or silk undergarments that don’t allow itchy fibers to irritate the skin. It’s also best to wear breathable clothing because bundling up and overheating may lead to chafed skin that increases the risk of flare-ups.

Take Shorter Showers And Baths

Standing in a steamy shower or soaking in a hot bath is magical when it’s cold outside. Spending a lot of time in hot water, however, can easily dry out the skin. Taking a shower or bath helps you get clean, but it also strips the skin of its natural oils. You can help minimize flare-ups and prevent symptoms by only taking one shower or bath per day. Keep it short as well, only spending five minutes or so in the shower and no more than 15 minutes in a bath. If you do take a bath, it’s best to use lukewarm water and mix Epsom salt in to increase mineral absorption.

Avoid Trigger Foods

During the fall and winter months, it’s easy to abandon dietary rules and eat whatever’s in sight. Unfortunately, many of these temptations are often trigger foods that increase the risk of flare-ups. Common trigger foods include processed foods, gluten, high-fat dairy products, alcohol, and more. You can click here to learn more about trigger foods. Many indulgent holiday spreads tend to have these foods, so do your best to avoid them because consuming trigger foods during cold weather may result in severe symptoms or extreme irritation.

In addition to the above recommendations, resist the urge to scratch because that can worsen symptoms. The last thing you want is to accidentally open a lesion and develop an infection. 


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Fight Seasonal Depression With These 5 Strategies Thu, 14 Oct 2021 18:03:00 +0000

Do you get the fall and winter blues? Learn about five effective strategies that can help you fight back against seasonal depression.


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As the days get shorter and colder, some people start to feel of sense of dread or sadness. It’s normal to feel a little down on occasion during the winter if you live for warmer weather, but a looming general sadness during the fall and winter is not normal. If that sadness is accompanied by depleted energy levels, lack of motivation, binge-eating, or spending all your time indoors, you may have seasonal depression. 

What Is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), commonly occurs during late fall and winter, when there’s less sunlight. Longer periods of darkness in combination with colder weather and overcast skies can drain the body of energy. It’s quite common for seasonal depression to cause mood swings and it’s not something to ignore. Often times, people dismiss these feelings, but that may only worsen the symptoms. 

What Causes Seasonal Depression?

Experts agree that there is no primary cause of seasonal depression. Several factors may contribute to the development, though. One common theory is that the reduced amount of sunlight disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, or internal clock. This can lead to depression, and may even cause stress from irregular sleep schedule. Another theory is that serotonin levels decrease during the colder months. Serotonin levels drop as a result of reduced exposure to sunlight, and that can trigger depression. 

There are millions of people who experience seasonal depression, especially in colder climates that have darker days. You don’t have to live with seasonal depression, and we hope you can fight back against it with these five strategies. 

Prioritize Social Activities

Many psychiatrists agree that it’s beneficial to fill up your calendar with social and enjoyable activities during the winter. If a running group isn’t for you, consider joining a book club, writing group, or even language class. Several studies confirm that depression symptoms will likely worsen in an isolated setting. That’s one of the reasons that there were higher rates of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though it’s cold outside, find creative ways to stay connected with people. Coordinate dinners with friends and families, go on walks in a local park, or have a movie night. 

Try Out An Exercise Program

Exercise does wonders for your mental health. According to research, people with higher levels of physical activity experience fewer symptoms of depression. Movement counteracts the sluggish behavior that comes with depression. Getting the body going produces positive brain chemistry, no matter if you’re inside or outside. Since the weather is cold, outdoor exercise may not be desirable. Consider indoor activities like yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, spin, or light weightlifting. You can also boost mental health by venturing out in nature to ski, snowboard, or engage in other winter activities. 

Light Therapy

Light therapy, or phototherapy, may be an effective treatment option for people with intense seasonal depression. The therapy involves sitting a few feet from a special light box within the first hour of waking up every day. The exposure to bright light in the morning mimics natural outdoor light that you may not have during the winter. Studies found that light therapy changes brain chemicals and starts working within a few days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of seasonal depression. Before you purchase a light box, speak with your doctor about the right one for you. They’ll be able to inform you about a variety of options that can help improve your symptoms. 

Get Enough Vitamin D

When the weather is gloomy and the days are shorter, it’s quite common to experience low levels of vitamin D. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) claims that low vitamin D levels are common among people with seasonal depression. If you plan to take a vitamin D supplement, it’s best to speak with a doctor or nutritionist to find out which dose is right for you. While there are foods that contain vitamin D, it’s often easier to take a supplement. Upping your vitamin D intake may be exactly what you need to cure those winter blues. 

Meditation And Mantra

Meditation is a powerful practice that can positively influence the mind. Several scientific studies found that it helps to boost emotional health. In order to combat feelings of seasonal depression, it’s often best to visualize certain settings during a meditation session. Picturing sunlight, tropical beaches, and other summery settings may reduce symptoms. In addition to daily meditation, which may only take 10 minutes, it can be beneficial to accompany it with a winter mantra. Developing a mantra may promote positivity through the fall and winter. Don’t wish to be out of the present moment; rather, embrace the present so you aren’t longing for summer. This type of negative thinking can increase symptoms of seasonal depression.


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What’s The Deal With Red Light Therapy? Does It Work? Thu, 03 Dec 2020 09:02:00 +0000

Red light therapy has received a lot of attention as a non-invasive anti-aging treatment. Does it work? Are there any other benefits?


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Red light therapy is the hot new treatment that may help improve skin tissues with the use of low wavelength red light. Even though it has gained popularity within recent years, it was used in the early 1990s to help plants grow in space. Researchers believe that this type of therapy can help reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and even dark spots. Red light therapy is gaining mass attention, but some people are still skeptical of the benefits. For the most part, this therapy seems very promising and we want to tell you all about it.

What Is Red Light Therapy And How Does It Work?

Many people are aware of infrared light, which is an energy that your eyes cannot see. Your body can feel the heat of infrared light (such is the case for infrared saunas) and absorb the benefits. Red light, on the other hand, is near-infrared light that your eyes can see. Low wavelength red light can actually penetrate the deep tissues of the skin, where cells can absorb it and use it. One study found that the mitochondria in skin cells produced more adenosine triphosphate, the energy source for cells, after exposure to red light. This means that it could be an effective way to reduce muscle atrophy, accelerate wound healing, and combat bone density issues. 

Does It Actually Work?

Beauty blogs and alternative therapy enthusiasts preach the benefits of red light therapy. While some studies have confirmed certain benefits, red light therapy is definitely not a cure for everything. The claims with little to no evidence are about red light therapy’s ability to promote weight loss, fight dental infections, treat cancer, improve neck or back pain, and treat depression. It does, however, have many skin-boosting benefits. 

Who Can Benefit?

Even though red light therapy isn’t new, limited studies on the potential benefits are available. It’s different from laser therapy or intense pulsed light therapy because it doesn’t damage the skin. In reality, it actually improves the health of your skin. It’s a painless, non-invasive procedure that is safe for all skin types. There are no known adverse side effects and it’s safe for all ages. Athletes with limited range of motion, elderly people with wrinkles, or young women who want flawless-looking skin can all benefit from red light therapy. You can read about some of the most documented benefits below. 

Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

Reduces Acne

Many factors contribute to the behavior of sebaceous glands. The sun, for example, can alter the way these glands produce sebum. If they produce too much sebum, pores become clogged and acne results. Studies have shown that sunlight can also calm overactive sebaceous glands. The problem with excessive ultraviolet light exposure is that it increases the risk of skin cancer. Red light therapy is a potential remedy for acne because it penetrates deep layers of skin tissue, affecting sebum production and reducing inflammation in the specific area. Red light therapy on its own may reduce inflammation associated with acne, but this therapy may be improved when combined with blue light therapy. 

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

The reason why red light therapy helps reduce inflammation is not exactly clear. Experts believe that the deep penetration of tissues and organs is the reason. As of now, there is minimal research on the anti-inflammatory effects of red light therapy, in regards to numerous inflammatory conditions. Several studies place a lot of importance on the connection between wavelengths and inflammation reduction. Further research is necessary to determine how red light therapy benefits people with Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, psoriasis, obesity, and tendinitis. 

Improves Overall Skin Health

From increasing collagen production and protecting cells to reducing fine lines and increasing circulation, red light therapy primarily boosts overall skin health. It’s a great therapy if you want to reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, improve skin texture and tone, and stimulate cell health. The reason that it is so great for the skin is because it increases fibroblast production, which encourages collagen production. One clinical trial used red light therapy on people with basic skin problems. The results indicated that the test subjects experienced improved complexion, tone, and overall feeling of skin. 

Red light therapy shows promising results but there needs to be more research and studies within the scientific community to determine how beneficial it is. Right now, some people really love it and others are skeptical. It’s okay to fear the unknown, but please understand that this therapy is showing promising results on skin care. If you have questions about this therapy, ask your doctor before trying it. 


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The Adventures Of V-Man: PEMF And Light Therapy Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:01:00 +0000

Follow The Adventures of V-Man as he gets charged by PEMF therapy and lets go of stress with special light therapy.


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On the latest episode of the Dherbs Adventures of V-Man series, our content writer, Vinnie, visited Transformational Healing Universe in West Los Angeles, CA. This was our most in depth therapeutic experience to date, and we experienced about six or seven different therapies during our visit. Instead of cramming everything into one video and article, we decided to break it up into two videos and accompanying articles.

About Transformational Healing Universe

There is a collection of practitioners at Transformational Healing Universe, and they all have a united goal of empowering clients to heal themselves. Dr. Har Hari Khalsa, DC, offers various healing modalities that address different ailments or conditions. He uses traditional chiropractic, ancient arts, meditation, light therapy, PEMF therapy, the BioCharger, and more to address underlying health conditions. 

During our visit, Dr. Khalsa invited Vinnie to participate in a series of healing modalities, but this article focuses on two of them: light therapy and PEMF therapy. Below is Vinnie’s account of these two therapies. 

Before I even begin to describe either therapy, I have to address the amazing character that is Dr. Khalsa. This is a man who has devoted his life to studying various healing modalities, and he’s accrued some amazing gadgets that enhance bodily health over the years. When we started talking, I noticed how vibrant and expressive he was. He seemed giddy about everything we were going to do, as though he was getting ready to experience these therapies for the first time. 

Light Therapy

This was the very first therapy we did and it was a crazy and wild way to start the day. I followed Dr. Khalsa into the light therapy room and saw a single bed that had a wooden cage around it. Plastic tubing was woven through the wooden frame. He called it The Chamber. He explained that the bed vibrated intensely to help relax the body. The vibration supposedly enhances the relaxation, and you also listen to calming, ambient music that goes along with the visuals. Oh, did I forget to mention that he compared this therapy to hallucinogenic drugs? Sorry, my bad. This is because of the PandoraStar, which is an advanced LED light machine that helps people achieve deep trance, stress-free states in a matter of minutes. 

Dr. Khalsa explained that the light guides the mind into a hypnagogic state, essentially simulating a deep state of meditation. This helps you turn off the outside world, similar to a sensory depravation tank. When you can disconnect from everything, you can have a transformative and meditative experience. According to Dr. Khalsa, this has incredible antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body

Going Under The Light

I lay down on the bed, put the headphones on, and positioned myself under the PandoraStar. Dr. Khalsa instructed me to close my eyes and then he played the music and turned on the light. At first, everything went orange and the low vibration of the bed paired with the deep tones in the headphones. The music and vibration crescendoed into a big expansive blast of music, and that’s when the visuals started. I didn’t go on a vision quest with a shaman or anything like that, but it did feel like I was in a kaleidoscope. The vibrantly colored fractal patterns seemed to move with the sounds I heard, and they intensified if the bed vibrated quickly. It almost felt like I should’ve been listening to the Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd. It was pretty far out, man.

After 15 minutes, everything went blue, the music faded out, and the bed stopped vibrating. I opened my eyes and exited The Chamber. It felt like I was in a mild daze, as though I had just arisen from a deep and relaxing slumber. I asked Dr. Khalsa why I saw such intense patterns, and he said that the electromagnetic activity in the brain follows the light frequencies that the PandoraStar projects on the face. This leads to increased endorphin production and a drastic reduction in stress

PEMF Therapy

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field, and any device that uses PEMF technology emits electromagnetic waves. The primary benefit of this therapy is that those electromagnetic waves stimulate and encourage the body’s ability to heal itself. Dr. Khalsa told us about numerous patients who experienced incredible recovery from a variety of conditions using PEMF therapy. One important clarification is that the therapy is more effective if you address the health condition in its early stages. For instance, he said a woman with early onset Alzheimer’s disease was able to dramatically improve her cognition with PEMF therapy. 

Most people are familiar with the adhesive patches that hook up to a device that sends electrical currents. The muscles tingle or twitch, depending on the intensity of the current. Dr. Khalsa had a bed with a switchboard next to it that controlled the electromagnetic waves. It looked like something out of the Star Wars movies. He instructed me to lie down on the bed and said that he would charge the bed to the same electromagnetic waves that the earth emits. If you don’t know what I mean by this, you can walk barefoot on the ground (sand, dirt, or grass) and be charged by the earth’s energy. 

How It Felt To Get Charged

When he cranked up those electromagnetic waves, it felt like every cell in my body was activated. I later found out that PEMF therapy helps to magnetically charge cell membranes, which can deteriorate over time. It was almost like I was glued to the table and my body pulsed with each passing second. I wasn’t getting electrocuted or anything, so don’t worry about that. Dr. Khalsa actually enhanced the therapy by placing a pad on top of stomach, sandwiching the electromagnetic waves between my torso. I can only equate it to the feeling of holding in your urine when you really have to go, even though I didn’t have to pee. Ultimately, it was very energizing and I left that therapy with a renewed energy. 

That’s not all we did at Transformational Healing Universe, but the other two therapies we did will be in the next article. Be sure to check out The Adventures of V-Man series on the Dherbs YouTube channel, and don’t forget to visit Transformational Healing Universe for amazing healing modalities. Stay tuned for the next article and video about our visit with Dr. Khalsa!

You can find Transformational Healing Universe at:

Instagram: @thuheal
Facebook: @transformationalhealinguniverse


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