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Persimmons can be tricky, especially for kids. This smoothie is gently sweet and delivers on nutrition while keeping the sugars natural.


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The persimmon is a fall and winter fruit (available from October to February) that is uniquely plump and sweet. It is an underrated fruit, primarily because a lot of people ignore them in the grocery store. They know what the fruit looks like, but since they don’t know what to do with it, the fruit remains in the store. For those who love persimmons and have countless recipes, we applaud your culinary knowledge and skills. If you are familiar with persimmons, then you know they are not for everyone, especially, kids, but this smoothie may change the way the little ones feel about the unique fruit.

If you are new to persimmons, it can be tricky to determine their ripeness. Just like other fruits, persimmons taste best when you allow them to fully ripen. Hachiya persimmons take a little longer to ripen than Fuyu persimmons, which you will want to buy for this recipe. Many people think that Fuyu persimmons have a sweeter flavor profile and that they are less astringent than Hachiya persimmons. A Fuyu persimmon is ripe when it is a little squishy, but still slightly firm to the touch. Firm Hachiya persimmons are very tart, and only sweeten up once they fully ripen.

As far as flavor goes, Fuyu persimmons have a mild taste with a honey-like flavor. You can eat them raw, removing the tops and the skin before slicing them up. Just make sure to discard any large seeds, especially before you blend them into this smoothie. The persimmons are the only fruit or vegetable in this smoothie and they are slightly sour, the homemade almond milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and lemon juice will balance that tartness. We hope you (and the kids!) love this simple persimmon smoothie. It’s definitely one for the books that is very easy to make.


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How To Set Healthy Boundaries During The Holidays Fri, 06 Dec 2024 09:26:00 +0000

The holiday season can be an overwhelming time. Care for yourself and avoid excess stress by establishing healthy boundaries.


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The holiday season can be very uplifting for a lot of people, but not everyone feels that way. It’s very common for stress to overwhelm the mind and body during this time of year. Perhaps the stress of finding the perfect gift for your loved ones proves too much. Hosting a large family gathering, or traveling to meet family can also induce a lot of stress. 

What Are Healthy Boundaries?

Mental health experts agree that setting clear boundaries can make a big difference in preserving your mental and emotional health. A healthy boundary can be defined as such: your list of what is okay and what is not okay. That means you have to clearly establish what you are comfortable with before encountering certain situations. Perhaps you are sober and attend a holiday party. Some friends or family members come and try to get you to drink, but you have to let them know that you are content without imbibing. Your uncle treats you like a child even though you are 40 years old. Whatever the case, you feel frustrated, and that is where healthy boundaries enter the equation. 

Define Priorities

Before you even think about setting boundaries, make sure you understand what your priorities are. Are there aspects of the holiday season that are meaningful to you? Is it important to spend time with immediate family, reconnect with old friends, or spend time alone? Make sure to understand your priorities, as that understanding will guide you to set boundaries that set you up for success. 

Communicate Openly

Do not be afraid to share your intentions and needs with people. If they truly care about you, then they will respect these boundaries because they are important to you. Honest conversations can prevent conflict and misunderstanding. In fact, your loved ones are more likely to respect your wishes if you explain where you are coming from and why these boundaries matter. 

Create A Budget

This is more of a personal boundary that can help you avoid stress regarding gift giving. Financial stress is very common during the holidays, as many people often spend beyond their means. Setting a budget for holiday spending can help you avoid financial stress. That means that you have to plan your budget for holiday gifts, travel, and entertainment expenses ahead of time. The most important thing: stick to that budget!

Politely Decline

You do not have to say yes to every single party invitation or holiday request that comes your way. There is great power in the ability to say no. You can politely decline when you need to, and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to do so. In fact, saying no to things is a great way to conserve your energy for things that matter the most. Whether you know it or not, saying know is a great way to practice self-care and set boundaries simultaneously. 

Prioritize Self-Care

Speaking of self-care, it is very easy to forget about yourself during the holidays. It is difficult to take care of yourself when there is so much to do. Find moments for yourself and do things you love during those moments. Go to the gym, watch a movie, read a book, meditate, or practice writing in a journal. Do not be afraid to recharge your batteries and show yourself love. Consider gifting yourself a massage or facial!

Congratulate Yourself

You stood your ground, you said no, you shared what mattered to you, and then some. Great job! Being vulnerable, honest, and respectful is not easy, but you did it! Sometimes, it takes a little force to establish boundaries, but people will respect them if they care about you. People may get upset at your boundaries, but don’t worry about that. Setting boundaries will help you feel more confident about setting new ones when the time comes. At that time, you’ll have the knowledge and power to set them even more clearly!


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Useful Hacks To Make Mindfulness A Daily Habit Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:15:00 +0000

It is easy to develop habits that take you out of the present and cause stress. Learn how to change those habits and develop mindfulness.


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A 2021 study found that people who practiced mindful meditation during COVID-19 reported better mental health than those who didn’t. Those participants also felt that it was easier to be more aware of their surroundings, while simultaneously connecting with inner feelings. By practicing mindfulness, you can benefit the mind and body, and this doesn’t have to be a trivial or difficult thing. Simple breathing exercises, yoga, or other small daily habits can improve mindfulness. 

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a sense of awareness of your surroundings and your internal state of being. A mindfulness practice, then, helps you acknowledge your thoughts in a healthy, productive way. In doing so, you can avoid destructive habits or behaviors that cause stress. You can use mindfulness as a tool to mediate stress and promote relaxation. Modern practices tend to focus on meditation, attention, relaxation, and observing passing thoughts. 

In recent years, many reports have stressed the importance of mindfulness and how to practice it in the workplace. Expert advice or blog posts don’t always explain how to make mindfulness a sustainable practice. The following hacks can help you make mindfulness a daily habit. The goal is that you won’t need to think about mindfulness one day in the future because it will be a natural part of your day.

Find Mindfulness Role Models

Find people in your life that are very centered or grounded. If you don’t have these in your family or friend group, consider finding inspiration online or on social media. Allow these people to inspire you and lead you down a more mindful path. Perhaps you follow an Instagram profile that gives you new daily affirmations. Mindfulness can help you realize your happiness via regular practice!

There Are No Mistakes

A lot of people think that there is a right way to practice mindfulness. In reality, there are no mistakes, and it can take 10 to 200 days to make mindfulness a habit. Everyone makes mistakes, but the great thing about mindfulness is that you will eventually start to embrace it as your daily reality. One day, you will unconsciously be in the moment, but be kind to yourself as you begin your journey. 

Record Your Intentions

It can be beneficial to create a mindfulness mantra that you use as a trigger, for example, when you need to direct your focus to the present moment. It can be helpful to maintain a journal to track why you want to make mindfulness a daily habit. In this journal, you can release your frustrations or anything you want to let out. At the same time, write about the small, beautiful moments and then see which entries bring you more joy. Documenting your mindfulness can help cultivate more of it!

Don’t Censor Yourself

It is very easy for the mind to think about nothing and anything all at once. Yogis refer to the constant whirlwind of thoughts as “the monkey mind.” When practicing mindfulness, the goal is to witness these thoughts without attachment or judgment. Turn one of your senses in another direction and aim to become more aware of the moment, even if it is mundane. There is something very beautiful about observing yourself in the present!

Focus On The Benefits

As you engage in mindfulness practices daily, focus on the benefits you may or may not notice. Do you regularly engage in old, harmful, self-sabotaging routines? Is there anything different about you or the way you behave? Humans are naturally goal-oriented, which is not always a bad thing. Mindfulness is about the journey and commitment to the practice. Instead of focusing on a specific goal, empower yourself by realizing what you’ve gained along your journey.


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5 New Year’s Money Resolutions To Make For 2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 09:02:00 +0000

2024 is right around the corner! Hard to believe that, right? Determine the resolutions you want to make when the new year rolls around.


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Focusing on fitness, improving your diet, and achieving better mental health are sound New Year’s resolutions. Don’t overlook the changes you need to make in order to reach your financial goals, though. If you keep your finances in mind, you can set a plan in motion that will encourage a more prosperous future. 

Right now is the perfect time to plan out the changes you want to make next year, given that 2023 is coming to a close. If you want to secure a more financially stable future, there are impactful, money-focused resolutions that you may want to consider. That doesn’t mean you have to abandon fitness goals, but you may want to consider starting the year with your finances in mind. Explore the following options and see if they make your resolution list. 

Quit Your Regular Savings Account And Open A High-Yield Option

It’s always a great idea to save because that provides a sense of security. The unfortunate reality is that savings accounts tend to fall short in regards to earning substantial interest. Take your financial future to the next level by closing your regular savings account and opting for a high-yield savings account instead. A high-yield savings account allows you to grow your money at a faster pace, considering that they have higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. Do a quick search or consult your financial advisor to find which high-yield savings account is right for you. 

Invest In Your Financial Knowledge

The world of finance constantly changes, so staying informed is vital to your financial success. One potential resolution you can adopt in 2024 is to invest more time in expanding your financial literacy. That may look like reading books or articles, meeting with a financial advisor, or taking online courses about finances. When you understand the intricacies of taxes, personal finance, and investing, you can make better decisions that aid your long-term financial goals. 

Create A Budget And Stick To It

If you want financial success, you have to learn to budget. Begin the year by creating a realistic budget that takes your income, expenses, and savings goals into account. Track your spending in a diligent way and make adjustments where necessary. If you manage your budget successfully, you can understand where your money is going and you’ll help yourself save more. A great first step to budgeting is to start making coffee or tea at home if you buy a coffee out every day. If you eat lunch out, consider meal prepping to help save more money.

Move Some Savings To A Certificate Of Deposit

If you want to maximize your savings, explore different investment options. Traditional savings accounts offer safety, but they don’t have the best interest rates that keep up with inflation. A regular savings account, for example, has an average 0.46% interest rate, which is lower than the current inflation rate. Rather than settling for a low interest rate, diversify your savings and set aside  some to a certificate of deposit (CD). A CD offers fixed interest rates, so you can leave your money deposited in the account until the CD matures. Explore the options available to you because there are so many out there. If you leave your money in a different type of account, you are potentially passing up an easy way to earn more money. 

Review And Update Your Insurance Policies

You cannot predict your future, which is why having the right insurance coverage can help your financial security. Take the time to review your insurance policies, including health, life, home, and car insurance policies. Does your coverage align with your current needs? If it doesn’t, contact your insurance providers to adjust your policies and provide a safety net.


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3 Wellness Habits That May Help You Save Money Mon, 28 Aug 2023 09:13:00 +0000

Are there daily habits that can help you save money? Learn about you can improve your financial health with these wellness habits.


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A recent study showed that a person’s financial health has a large impact on overall well being, especially when compared to emotional or physical health. Although money can induce stress, it doesn’t have to. A little financial knowledge can help expand your portfolio and confidence about your economic future. All of that can make a big difference to your physical and mental health. This article aims to cover the mind and body’s relationship to the wallet. 

There are so many wellness trends nowadays, especially in big metropolitan cities. From goat yoga and cold plunges to $20 smoothies and luxury getaways, wellness is now expensive. In reality, wellness does not have to cost the same as a five star international vacation. In fact, living well doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money at all. There are many wellness habits that can actually help you save money, or help you spend it more responsibly. Read on to learn about three ways to live better and spend smarter. 

Getting In Touch With Nature

There are more and more studies that confirm the link between time spent in nature and better mental health. Researchers note that living closer to green spaces can increase longevity and reduce complaints associated with health. As a start, nature seems to serve as a buffer between life’s many stressors, and reducing stress can contribute to better physical and mental health. Several studies from Japan confirmed that phytoncides in certain trees can help lower anxiety, reduce stress hormones, and improve blood pressure. Plus, being outdoors can also increase vitamin D levels, provided you spend time in the sun.

You don’t have to pay a lot of money to become one with nature. The U.S. National Park System has over 400 parks, many of which have free entry year-round. The ones that do have entrance fees tend to have fee-free days as well. City parks are also free and research indicates that greenery in cityscapes is highly beneficial for overall health. People who live near parks tend to exercise 25% more than people who don’t live near parks. 

Being Mindful

Mindfulness is another one of those trendy buzzwords you hear in regards to mental health and wellness. It is the practice of approaching actions with both attention and intention. Mindful eating, for example, is about taking more time to make healthy decisions about food and how much of it you enjoy. Being mindful about anything is truly about finding the why, because it helps you think about your choices and how they will affect your future. Doesn’t that sound like a great way to approach your finances?

Practicing mindful money decisions helps you align your purchases with your purpose. When you know your values and know what you want to live for, you have a better system for making decisions. Your values help inform you of the right decision, be it upgrading your home or moving money into your savings account. Plus, making mindful purchases means that you are less mindless about spending, and the guilt that comes with it.

Setting Boundaries

As a general rule of self-care, setting boundaries can help improve many aspects of your life. Boundaries help you see the clear divide between work life and home life and certain relationships. When you set boundaries, you can establish a better connection with yourself. Financial boundaries are equally as important, though. Establishing financial boundaries can help you decide you believe you should spend your money and where you think that money should go. When you have financial boundaries, you can establish how much you intend to and stick to it. If your friends know that you have boundaries about spending a certain amount, that can better inform them about group activities or dinner decisions.


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Be Thankful: Science Says Gratitude Is Good For Your Health Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:14:47 +0000

Gratitude helps people experience more positive emotions, deal with adversity, and improve their overall health, according to science.


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If a pill could reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, boost mood, and enhance immune function, everyone would take it. A quick-fix solution like that is exactly what everyone wants, but such a pill does not exist. Fortunately, you can practice gratitude, which can provide all of those aforementioned health benefits, according to several studies. 

Clinical trials indicate that regularly practicing gratitude can have a long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being. It may help improve immune response, contribute to better sleep, and even lower blood pressure. A recent study found that people who were more grateful had better heart health, specifically less inflammation and better heart rhythms. Another study found that people who kept a gratitude journal had a reduced intake of dietary fats – as much as 25% lower than those who did not keep a gratitude journal. 

What’s The Right Amount Of Gratitude?

You should practice gratitude daily, plain and simple. If that magic pill existed, you’d take it every day, so that’s why gratitude has a place in your everyday life. In fact, starting your day by thinking of someone or something that you’re grateful for can set you on a healthier path. Send a family member or friend a funny text or thoughtful message. Ask your barista how their day is going when you get coffee. At the end of the day, consider writing three things that you appreciate about your life in a gratitude journal

Behavior Changes Biology

Your behavior changes biology, meaning that positive gestures benefit the body. The way this works is that the body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps connect people. Oxytocin is often referred to as “the love hormone” because it aids better connections. Thanking people for their efforts or who they are also benefits them, as they feel appreciated and valued. Sharing kindness and gratitude can make both partiers happier!

Decrease Stress Levels

According to research, thinking about what you appreciate can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, the calming part of the nervous system. Researchers note that this can have protective effects on the body, one of which is the reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is healthy in certain amounts, but high levels can impair sleep, increase anxiety, and cause overeating, among other things. By reducing cortisol and increasing oxytocin, you ultimately feel more love and have a drive to continue expressing gratitude. 

Increase Positive Emotions

If you want higher levels of positive emotions, including joy, pleasure, happiness, and optimism, gratitude is your ticket. Researchers concur that people who regularly practice gratitude have stronger social relationships and fewer feelings of isolation and loneliness. This may result from being more generous, compassionate, and forgiving. A recent study found that gratitude may also reduce the frequency or duration of depressive episodes. 

Improve Physical Health

In addition to the mental and social benefits, practicing gratitude can also improve physical health. Research studies show that people who practice gratitude are more likely to exercise regularly and take better care of their physical health. These results are consistent among a study of people with neuromuscular disease. Additional studies show that highly gracious people sleep better and have fewer body pains and aches

You can easily practice gratitude in everyday life. There’s no need to dwell on imperfections or negative emotions because recognizing and appreciating what’s around you is more conducive to your mental and physical health. Simple tricks to help practice gratitude every day include:

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Writing thank you notes, texts, emails, or calling people on the phone
  • Starting a gratitude jar to pay it forward
  • Giving mental “thank yous” (to people you aren’t able to acknowledge in other ways)
  • Practice meditation or prayer


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How To Take An Everything Shower: Gen Z’s New Trend Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:23:00 +0000

What is an everything shower and how can it benefit your health? TikTok’s newest trend may just be exactly what the doctor ordered.


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More often than not, TikTok gives way to unusual trends that are downright strange. Every now and then, though, a novel idea will emerge from the sea of dance videos and confessionals. Recently, users have slapped trendy names on a theory, makeup look, self-care practice, or ritual that’s been around for a long time. An “everything shower” is one example of a recent TikTok trend.

What Is An Everything Shower?

The trendy everything shower is a practice that TikTok users swear by, especially when it comes to relaxing at the end of a work week. It isn’t just about washing your body; rather, it includes a host of self-care practices. From slathering on a thick hair mask to using a luxurious body scrub, an everything shower hashtag amassed over 32 million views on TikTok in the last month alone. Some people even like to incorporate a fluffy robe or scented candle into the practice. 

Although the practice isn’t anything new or revolutionary, a time-intensive shower can help people look after their physical and mental health. Many components of an everything shower are standard self-care practices that improve everything from stress and anxiety to the appearance of your skin. These everything showers have become essential components to end-of-the-week wind-down routines. If nothing else, an everything shower is an opportunity to prioritize yourself. It isn’t just a longer shower than normal, though. Read on to learn how to get into TikTok’s latest trend.

Before The Shower

Schedule in your shower, because it will take up a decent portion of your evening. Add your everything shower to your schedule on whatever night you have the most free time, so as not to rush through your routine. It should be a leisurely experience, not one that you feel you have to rush through. Additionally, turn on your favorite music to set the scene. Maybe you have a go-to playlist that helps you relax, or perhaps you prefer podcasts. As a final step before you begin your everything shower, consider incorporating aromatherapy with an essential oil diffuser. You can also set out your most comfortable pajamas to ensure that you are ready to get into bed immediately after your rinse.

During The Shower

In order to make sure that your hair is as clean as possible, add a clarifying shampoo or scalp scrub to your everything shower. These products should only be used once a week, though, because excessive use may cause dryness as a result of over-exfoliation. Speaking of exfoliation, use a body scrub in your everything shower, especially if you plan on shaving. Exfoliating before shaving will produce better results. As a quick note, make sure that you rinse off the scrub prior to shaving. Lastly, swap out your conditioner for a hair mask, especially if you have curly or chronically dry hair. A hair mask works best when used once a week. Massage it gently with your fingertips because massaging the scalp can increase circulation, which can enhance hair growth.

After the Shower

Applying a face mask after you step out of a steamy shower is an excellent way to pamper your skin. Depending on what your skin needs, face masks can provide hydration, gentle exfoliation, or brighten the skin. While you have your mask on, hydrate your skin with a body lotion, cream, or body butter. Considering that you just exfoliated in your everything shower, you want to replenish your skin with moisturizing ingredients to lock in moisture.

The last step of your everything shower routine is to simply relax. The ritual comes to a close when you sit down in your pajamas or bathrobe to read a book, sip some tea, or watch your favorite show. An everything shower can take a lot of work, so rest up to calm your mind before bed. You don’t have to take an everything shower the next day, so you can rest easy with that knowledge. 


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These Astrological Signs Make For The Best Power Couples Mon, 29 Aug 2022 09:06:00 +0000

Does your partner’s astrological sign complement your own? As it turns out, zodiac signs may help you achieve that power couple status.


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If you subscribe to astrology and are interested in your partner’s sign, you likely understand that the stars may influence compatibility. Some signs are more compatible than others, with some signs having the ability to reach power couple status. You may also know that the wrong sign may not gel with your lifestyle and personality. Who is the best match for your sign and what signs are the best for each other? Read on to find out. 

Power couples in the zodiac world may not always be your typical astrological matches. Earth signs go well with water signs and fire signs go well with air signs. What makes a true power couple, though? The belief is that a dynamic energy has to exist between the signs to inspire each person to reach goals. Your partner should bring something to the table that you don’t bring yourself. Not only does this create a great match within love, but also in the workplace. 

Leo And Virgo

A power couple to the core, Leo and Virgo help uplift each other to bring out the best in one another. Both signs are typically confident within their own working spheres, and they each have a desire to do something purposeful. Together, Leo and Virgo can create something big, because Leo has a strong vision and Virgo executes it. Leo can easily get Virgo in check, which is crucial because the Virgo sign tends to overthink things. At the same time, Leo has concrete ideals and creative goals, but may not always know how to put them into action. It is Virgo’s self-oriented detail that helps Leo’s dreams come true. 

Aries And Aquarius

It’s the dawning of the age of Aries and Aquarius, because there is never a dull moment between the two. This makes the relationship very exciting. Both signs are very adventurous and up for anything, so they tend to try new things and have a great time during the process. Other couples may grow tired of each other, but Aries and Aquarius never tire of each other’s company. They love doing things together as a unit, making them a powerful force. 

Virgo And Scorpio

Virgos are very analytical, critical, and dedicated to service. They are ruled by Mercury and have a mutable modality. Scorpios, on the other hand, have a fixed modality and tend to be deep, intense, and occasionally mysterious. Virgo and Scorpio do really well together because they create an unexpected magic that is somewhat of a healing mix. Both signs have a knack for interrogation and analysis, and they both love to see the various layers of things. Scorpio appreciates Virgo’s stamina and they build a solid foundation of trust, which is atypical for either sign. The power these two have on one another is truly special because if they agree on a vision, then it is set in stone.

Libra And Gemini

Intellectual connection is at the core of a relationship between a Gemini and Libra. The mind is very sexy and interesting to both of these signs. Both signs are mentally motivated, so they enjoy learning more and more about each other as the relationship progresses. Because these signs understand and appreciate each other, they make for an excellent match. That means that they work great together to achieve one common goal, all the while keeping the peace by offering knowledge, friendship, and understanding. 

Leo And Sagittarius

This is the motivational pairing that keeps on keeping on. Leo is a self-reliant and ambitious sign, so it’s natural that it would pair with a sign that is equally as strong. Sagittarius sign is equally motivational, very hopeful and forward-thinking. The power comes from the fact that these signs treat each other as king or queen, and they never settle for the bare minimum. They continually strive for the best, especially when it comes to each other’s happiness. 

Pisces And Scorpio

This is a very intuitive couple because these zodiac signs can get in each other’s minds and know what each other is thinking. It’s almost as if they think the same ideas or feelings themselves! Scorpio and Pisces aren’t just interested in intellect; they also have a thirst to understand the body and soul, learning what makes the other person tick. Because they want to know everything about each other, they create a powerful pair. They hold high respect for each other and they aren’t afraid of being romantic, no matter how over-the-top or mushy it is.


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Practice These 8 Mantras To Improve Mindfulness Wed, 27 Jul 2022 09:08:00 +0000

Mantras are not simply a sound that you utter; rather, they are something that you strive to become. Here are some that improve mindfulness.


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When you think of meditation, the first sound that comes to mind is, “Om.” Some people believe that this was the first sound in the universe, but does the average person know what it means? Om is simply one of many mantras, which many people misunderstand. A mantra is not just something you utter; rather, it is key to help you unlock the doorway to a better version of yourself. 

What Is A Mantra?

A mantra is a word or sound, typically one syllable, that you repeat to focus your concentration during meditation. You can speak a mantra aloud or focus on it in your mind during meditation. It is very common in Hindu and Buddhist traditions and directly translates to “mind vehicle.” Consider the fact that the entire world is made up of various sounds and vibrations, so some believe that everything is an amalgamation of various mantras. Of the many sounds in existence, several have been identified as keys to open up different dimensions of your life or experience. 

According to experts, different mantras have specific effects or meanings. Working on a mantra over time can help you shift your life in a positive direction, or improve your outlook on the world. When you practice repeating a mantra, it’s possible to create positive changes in your life. In fact, some gurus believe that a mantra is something that you strive to be. Each one has a specific energy attached to it, which is why you should be aware of its origin before starting it. Understanding the origin of the mantra you repeat can help awaken the mind instead of putting you in a dull trance. Continue reading to learn about eight mantras that are great for anyone starting out in meditation or mindfulness practices


No, this is not a made up mantra; rather, it aims to help you release built-up tension from the body. Spiritual wellness practitioners say that this sound is great to practice if you feel like you are losing patience. The mere sound itself is a way to unleash whatever is inside of you. Expel the negative energy and tension with a long-winded sigh as you say this mantra. Take a deep inhale in and wooooooosaaaaaaaahhhhhh it out. 


As stated in the beginning of this article, many believe that Om was the first sound in the universe, and it may be the sound of creation. Many monks practice this sound because it is associated with higher consciousness. It is both everything and nothing, and repeating this mantra helps you tap into your power as a creator for opportunity and awareness.


Pronounced “Aah-ham-pree-mah,” this mantra directly translates to, “I am Divine Love.” Repeat this mantra during your meditation practice if you need to align yourself with divine love, i.e. everything that is unconditional love can be for you. Gratitude, adoration, emotion, compliance, acceptance, appreciation, and harmony all belong to this mantra. You should repeat this mantra 108 times in order to peacefully unite the mind, body, and soul.

Om Mani Padme Hum

The direct translation of this mantra is, “Hail the Jewel in the Lotus.” Traditionally repeated by Tibetan Buddhists to achieve an ultimate state of compassion, this mantra can be divided or seen as a whole. “Om” is the primal sound that brings harmony and alignment into your life. “Ma” strips you down from your needs, while “Ni” releases you from desire and passion. “Pad” frees you from prejudice and leaves you with only love and acceptance. Finally, “Me” gets you ready to accept the world as it is, and “Hum” frees you from hatred. 

I Am Love

This is an English mantra that you can practice. Not only does it help you tap into the love you have with yourself, but also the love that you share with the universe. When you repeat this mantra, you can acknowledge your inner light and remember who you are. 

So Hum

So Hum is a Sanskrit mantra that translates to, “I am that,” with “that” being the universe. Several meditation experts say that this mantra helps a person better align with the universe. It may also allow you to see or experience your oneness with the universe. 

Sa Ta Na Ma

Another Sanskrit mantra that likely means, “Birth, life, death, and rebirth.” This mantra represents the various cycles of life and how things change as you move from one cycle to the next. It is beneficial to chant this mantra aloud because it is very balancing to the brain. In fact, it may help you move through the changes and seasons of life with ease. 

I Accept

When it comes to gratitude, where do you begin? Sometimes, it is beneficial to start in a simple and realistic place, which is where this mantra enters the equation. No matter what you have to accept in life, this mantra can come to your aid. Although it is a simple mantra, it is quite powerful and may lead to positive change down the line.


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Thank Those Who Inspire On National Teacher Day 2018 Tue, 08 May 2018 09:25:53 +0000

We entrust our children to teachers every day and they help to shape who they are. Give teachers the thanks they deserve for National Teacher Day.


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Teacher Appreciation Week is always the first full week of May (May 7-11 in 2018) and National Teacher Day is the Tuesday (May 8th in 2018) in the first full week of May. It was actually Eleanor Roosevelt who persuaded the 81st Congress to observe National Teacher Day, which was originally in March and later moved to May when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week.

This week recognizes teachers and the amazing work that they do. As hard as it may be at times, they are shaping the minds of the future with the knowledge they impart on their students. Teaching is an incredibly difficult job. They enter classrooms filled with students, some of whom may not want to be there, and they give the students the tools and information they need to become functioning members of society.

Some teachers go above and beyond for their students. Whether it is meeting after class to give extra help, boosting confidence, giving advice, or assisting with graduation requirements, teachers do what they can to help their students succeed. Teachers can show you how to find the light in the darkness and can inspire students to figure out what they want to be in life. They affect the lives of students, attempting to propel them in a positive direction, every single day.

We appreciate all the work that teachers do and hope that everyone else acknowledges their efforts. It’s also important to recognize the teachers, who teach lessons outside of the classroom. These teachers may be coaches, music instructors, job supervisors, or close friends. No matter who the teacher is, he or she continually provides information, which is the most powerful ammunition to have in life. Stay informed, stay knowledgeable, and keep pursuing what you love.

Thank a teacher in person or post a picture on social media this week (May 7-11) with a note about how the teacher has helped you. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ThankATeacher. Give back the love that has been given to you.


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