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On the keto diet? Trying to find the best sweetener to keep your body in ketosis? These sweeteners are perfectly keto-friendly.


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If you adhere to the ketogenic diet, you have one responsibility: keep the body in a state of ketosis. Ideally, you consume 60 to 80% of your calories from fat (preferably healthy fats), 20% of your calories from protein, and 10% from carbohydrates. These percentages have a little wiggle room, but the main thing to remember is not to consume too many carbs, or else you will kick your body out of ketosis. 

The idea of the ketogenic diet is based on the understanding that the body uses carbs as the primary fuel source for energy. Once your carbohydrate stores are depleted, the body starts using fat stores to carry out its functions. In theory, it makes sense that this diet will help encourage weight loss, but only if the body continues to burn fat, not carbs. That’s why selecting the right sweetener is paramount, as the wrong ones will drastically increase your carb intake. 

Which sweeteners are acceptable to consume on the keto diet? Stevia and erythritol, which essentially have no carbs, are great keto-friendly sweeteners, but there are others you can enjoy that will keep the body in ketosis. Continue reading to learn more about them. 

Monk Fruit

A great keto-friendly sweetener that often goes unnoticed is monk fruit, which is a plant native to China. In grocery stores, you will likely see it under names like PureLo or Monk Fruit in the Raw. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this sweetener is safe and about 100-250 times sweeter than regular table sugar. It is calorie-free and one teaspoon (tsp) contains 0.5 grams (g) of carbs. The mogrosides in monk fruit give it the natural sweetness, but they also act as prebiotics, according to some studies. More research is necessary to determine the effects of mogrosides on existing probiotics in your gut.

Yacon Syrup

This is probably a lesser-known sweetener, regardless of your involvement in the keto world. Yacon syrup comes from the roots of the bacon plant, which is native to South America. The syrup contains 50% of the calories of table sugar and is a fabulous source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). This type of soluble fiber helps regulate cholesterol, but like other sugar alcohols, it may cause bloating or cramps in some people. Yacon syrup works best in coffee or tea, but it may also be used to sweeten salad dressings. Because FOS break down at high temperatures, avoid using it in recipes that involve cooking. 


This is a classic low-carb sweetener native to South America, specifically Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, although it grows all over the world. In grocery stores, you will probably see it under names like PureVia or Truvia, but there are many manufacturers that create liquid or powdered versions. Some research found that stevia may lower blood sugar, which could be dangerous for diabetics who take insulin. That said, it may help lower blood pressure, which could benefit someone with high blood pressure. Much like yacon syrup, stevia works well in coffee and tea. Just keep in mind that it is about 200-400 times sweeter than table sugar and will not work well if used in large amounts. 


Although this sugar alcohol is just as sweet as table sugar, it has fewer calories and carbs. Generally speaking, sugar alcohols do not raise blood sugar in the same way that table sugar does. The reason for this is because the body absorbs sugar alcohol, such as xylitol, much more slowly. According to the FDA, consuming too much xylitol, or other type of sugar alcohol, may cause cramps or diarrhea. You can add xylitol to coffee, tea, and smoothies, but it probably won’t work well in lots of recipes due to potential moisture absorbency. A 2022 study found that xylitol absorbed moisture when used to sweeten chocolate milk. 


This naturally-occurring sugar alcohol is found in fruits like watermelon and grapes. It also exists in fermented foods, such as soy sauce and cheese. It is roughly 60 to 80% as sweet as table sugar and has zero calories. Erythritol does not spike your blood sugar, nor does it promote tooth decay. Preliminary evidence suggests that erythritol may help lower your total sugar consumption, which could decrease your risk of diabetes and obesity. Use erythritol as a substitute for table sugar in beverages and recipes. Just keep in mind that it has a cooling effect on the tongue and that may feel unpleasant if you use a lot of it.


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Green Keto Smoothie Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:01:00 +0000

A raw vegan green keto smoothie? Yes, it is! With delicious healthy fats and refreshing greens, this smoothie is a nutritional powerhouse.


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When it comes to keto smoothies, you need the right balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. While some green smoothies are very healthy and taste great, you cannot enjoy them on the keto diet. The reason for this is because they tend to contain a lot of fruit, such as bananas, mangos, pineapple, or papaya, all of which you have to limit or avoid while on keto. Berries and other low-sugar fruits are acceptable, so you have to be selective with your green smoothie ingredients. Fortunately for you, we did the work to create a high-fat smoothie that won’t give you a blood sugar spike. Plus, it’s a great way to incorporate more greens into your daily diet. That’s something a lot of keto enthusiasts don’t do!

A pro move for this smoothie would be to peel, pit, and cube the avocado and freeze it overnight. If you plan on using avocados in your smoothies, cubing them and freezing them is a great way to prevent them from going bad. Using frozen avocado chunks can also enhances the creaminess of your smoothie, but you don’t have to freeze avocados.

In addition to the avocado, the raw almond butter and homemade almond milk help make this smoothie extra creamy. It’s not quite a milkshake, but it’s not far from it! The squeeze of fresh lemon is the perfect kiss of zest that really sets off the other flavors. We hope you love it!


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The Top 6 Side Effects Of Going Keto Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:34:00 +0000

So you decided to go keto because the high-fat diet promises quick weight loss. Well, health experts worry about the diet’s side effects.


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The ketogenic diet, or the keto diet, is a popular diet that promises quick weight loss. People from all walks of life have used this diet as a way to turn their bodies into fat-burning machines. The diet limits the intake of carbohydrates and focuses on fat and protein consumption to get the body into the state of ketosis. During this state, the body burns fat (rather than sugar) for energy, but health experts worry about the side effects of this popular diet. 

Where other low-carb diets focus on protein, the keto diet’s primary focus is on fat. There are modified versions of the diet that vary the fat, protein, and carb percentages to achieve the state of ketosis. The restrictiveness of the keto diet forces the body to use fat as the primary fuel source, which helps you drop weight. Over time, though, experts have warned that the high-fat nature of the keto diet may lead to heart complications. This is because of the excessive meat, dairy, and unhealthy fat consumption. Granted there are healthier versions of the keto diet that include more fresh produce, but not every keto follower eats in this way. 

Entering ketosis is new for the body, so there is an adaptation phase, during which you may experience temporary side effects. It takes the brain and body time to adapt to burning ketones for energy instead of carbs. According to health experts, you may experience the following side effects once you go keto

Reduced Athletic Performance

A lot of athletes have been able to improve performance in their sport after losing weight on the keto diet. For example, many cyclists say that they pedal faster and better once they switch to keto. A 2018 study found that participants performed worse on high-intensity cycling and running tasks after four days of eating keto than participants who spent four days on a high-carb diet. The body is in a more acidic state during ketosis, which may limit its ability to perform at peak levels. Losing a few pounds won’t drastically improve athletic performance, but significant weight loss might. Just keep this in mind on your ketogenic journey. 


One of the most common side effects after starting keto is a bout of constipation. Low-carb eating and constipation tend to go hand in hand, as you exclude many high-fiber foods from your diet. Beans, large amounts of fruits and vegetables, and whole grains are not keto-approved foods, and avoiding them can cause some bowel irregularity. The body also excretes more water, so that is a recipe for clogged pipes. If you want to keep things moving, enjoy keto-friendly, fiber-rich foods like avocado, nuts, non-starchy vegetables, and berries. Increasing your water intake also helps you avoid constipation.

The “Keto Flu”

Many people report that after starting the keto diet, they experience a range of flu-like symptoms. The “low carb flu” or “keto flu,” as people refer to it, affects about 25% of people who try a keto diet. Although the most common symptom is fatigue, people may experience headaches, brain fog, nausea, poor sleep, increased hunger, and decreased physical performance. These issues may discourage people from adhering to the keto diet before they start feeling or seeing the benefits. Symptoms tend to subside within a few days, though.

Bad Breath

Acetone is a ketone that is a byproduct of fat metabolism, and it can make your breath a little stinky. Often described as fruity and slightly sweet, ketosis breath results from the rise of blood acetone levels. This is because the body gets rid of some of the acetone via your breath, in addition to sweat and urine. For most people, the unusual breath smell will go away within a few weeks. 

Leg Muscle Cramps

If you experience leg muscle cramps on a regular basis when you switch to keto, you may need to drink more water. They can be painful and typically stem from dehydration or mineral loss. This is because keto can help get rid of water weight, as glycogen, the storage form of glucose in muscles and liver, binds water. The body flushes out glycogen as a result of low carb intake, and it’s one of the primary reasons that people see immediate weight loss on the keto diet. Continue to drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of dehydration and leg cramps and electrolyte imbalance. 

Intense Cravings

In case you didn’t know, carbs are incredibly addicting. That’s why so many people have a problem giving up bread, for example. When you eliminate carbs from your diet, the brain releases neuropeptide-Y (NPY), which signals the body that it needs carbs. When the body doesn’t get those carbs, NPY builds up and can intensify your cravings, increasing your desire to eat foods that are not keto-approved. The cravings are a direct result of the body’s biological response to carb deprivation, and less so your willpower to resist the temptation.


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How To Start The Keto Diet Tue, 04 Oct 2022 09:07:00 +0000

Trying to lose weight on the keto diet? There are a few rules that you need to follow in order for the body to enter and remain in ketosis.


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You’ve heard the stories about people losing 40 pounds in two months and you want a piece of the pie. After doing your research, you concluded that the ketogenic (keto) diet is right for you and you can’t wait to get started. As attractive as the keto diet may be, it can be difficult to jump into a very carb-restricted eating plan. This is especially difficult when you consider that so many foods in the Standard American diet are carb-rich and on the keto diet’s naughty list. 

What Is The Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carb, high fat diet that is very similar to the Atkins diet and other low-carb diets. Essentially, you replace most carbohydrates with fat to put your body in the metabolic state of ketosis. In this state, your body becomes efficient at burning fat for energy, as opposed to burning glucose for energy. Additionally, the body turns fat into ketones in the liver, which work to supply energy to the brain. 

In the beginning of the keto craze, the diet was outlined as about 70-70% daily calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs. However, these percentages have adjusted because health experts noted that that approach to the keto diet increased the risk of heart problems. This was because of the meat-centric, dairy-rich keto recipes that people consumed. Now, there is keto 2.0, which has adjusted percentages for carbs, protein, and carbs. You can learn more about keto 2.0 by clicking here

How To Start

The main reason people have subscribed to the keto diet is for weight loss. Anecdotal reports suggest that it is a quick fix, but the benefits may be short-term if you immediately switch back to your pre-keto eating habits. The most important thing to do in regards to starting the diet, though, is to do your research. Figure out what are the diet’s main principles and understand which foods are low-carb and which ones are high fat. You’ll soon learn that many foods are off limits because you cannot enjoy refined or whole grains, baked goods, starchy vegetables, legumes, pasta, bread, or sweetened beverages. 

Choose Healthy Proteins

It can be very easy to buy all of the meat and chow down when you’re following the keto diet. Keep in mind that focusing on unhealthy meats that are not sustainably raised can have long-term effects on your overall health, especially your heart. Bison, tempeh, wild caught tuna, tofu, free-range and organic poultry, wild caught salmon, and organic eggs are great sources of protein. Now, protein doesn’t just come from animal products. Nuts, which are keto-approved, supply the body with lots of fat and protein. Almonds, peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, and more are excellent to consume when following the keto diet. 

It’s Not A Quick Fix

When you start keto, you have to think about why you are doing the diet in order to stay on track. Making your food choices for the right reasons can keep the drive alive. The “why” reminds you of your goal and the reason you started the diet in the first place. According to dietitians, it is helpful to think of keto as a lifestyle choice, as opposed to a quick fix diet. In the beginning, stick to keto as strictly as possible to help the body’s transition into ketosis. There will likely be some wiggle room down the line, in regards to what you can enjoy. For example, a glass of wine, a slice of dessert, or other carbohydrates may not kick your body out of ketosis after following it religiously. Keto 2.0, for example, is not an all-or-nothing approach to keto, which makes it more accessible. 

Plan Your Meals Ahead

When you have your meals planned, you can easily stick to the diet. You should always plan your snacks, and meals at least a day in advance, but this isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Statistically, people are more successful at adhering to diets when they meal plan for the entire week. If you decide that you want to go out to eat, look at the restaurant’s menu to see if keto-approved options are available. Because of the popularity of the diet, there are many restaurants that actually cater to keto followers. 

Don’t Skimp On Vegetables

Sure, vegetables have carbs, but there are many veggies that don’t have high carb count. Plus, the carbs from vegetables are complex, which are much healthier than the carbs from refined grains, bread, or other processed foods. Load your plate with vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and roast them as opposed to steaming them. You can impart a bit more flavor during the roasting process, especially in regards to seasonings and adding high-fat coconut oil.


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What Is Keto 2.0 And Is It Healthier Than Standard Keto? Mon, 04 Apr 2022 09:01:00 +0000

Keto 2.0 is latest trend for the ketogenic diet. Is it better or healthier than regular keto? Experts say that it’s not as nearly restrictive.


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Famed for its ability to assist people with impressive weight loss, the ketogenic diet became very popular several years ago. The pitch for the diet was appealing: focusing on fats and protein with minimal carb intake. People ate bacon, cheese, steak, avocados, coconut milk coffees, and avoided almost all carbohydrate-rich foods. Within the past couple years, however, many people who were keto die-hards fell off the low-carb eating plan. 

The keto diet is very restricting, which is one reason dietitians did not grow fond of it. Restrictiveness aside, the focus on animal-based foods like red meat, cheese, bacon, and more did not sit will with nutritionists. The reality is that these foods have been linked to increased inflammatory markers and other health conditions. With more people switching their focus to plant-based meal options, it seems that regular keto is receiving a few updates. These changes all belong to keto 2.0.

What Is Keto 2.0?

Where did this term come from? Well, most say that the name came from the updated version of the original keto diet. Everyone’s approach to keto varied slightly, but the usual goal was to get 70% of calories from fat, 15-25% of calories from protein, and 5-10% of calories from carbohydrates. Because of the focus on these macros, many people had to forego fruits, whole grains, and healthy, high-carb vegetables. Even though weight loss occurred while eating pepperoni and cheese, people also experienced elevated LDL cholesterol levels, in addition to constipation and hemorrhoids. 

Keto 2.0 changes these macro percentages to 50% of calories from fat, 20% of calories from carbs, and 30% of calories from protein. Even at 50% of calories coming from fat, meals are highly satiating, which prevents overeating. Additionally, keto 2.0 focuses more on lean protein sources like wild caught fish and grass-fed/grass-finished steak. The allowance of more plant-based foods and fiber, though, promotes the growth of beneficial gut microbes that improve immune function and reduce inflammation.

More Plants, Less Meat

Yes, the body can still remain in ketosis if you consume more plants, but this is a surprising change in keto 2.0. Limiting red meat consumption will help people following keto 2.0 maintain optimal heart health. Getting the bulk of your fat content from plant-based sources like avocado, nuts, seeds, legumes, and other plant oils is a much healthier approach. It’s not just about reducing meat consumption, though. Cutting back on dairy and focusing on non-dairy milks or nut-based cheeses is a better option. 

Different Macros

As mentioned earlier, the macro percentages for keto 2.0 received a major update. Because people will eat more plant-based foods, which are rich in fiber and complex carbs, keto 2.0 allows for more carb consumption. 10-20% of calories will come from carbs, but this may worry some traditional keto purists. Will the body enter ketosis by introducing more carbs? Although you consume more carbs in keto 2.0 than in traditional keto, they are rich in indigestible fiber. That type of fiber does not spike glucose levels, but you can amp up your fitness routine to burn off the extra carbs if you’re worried.

Change Up The Protein

Many keto enthusiasts worry when there’s talk of changing up protein sources. You can still enjoy plenty of protein, but keto 2.0 encourages the consumption of healthier protein sources. That means go easy on the steaks, bacon, and ribs and focus more on wild caught fish and plant-based proteins. Great seafood options include wild caught tuna, mackerel, fresh salmon, or wild caught sea bass. You can get complete proteins from plant-based foods by combining certain whole grains and legumes. 

At the end of the day, the keto 2.0 diet is a much more balanced way of eating. It ticks more nutritional boxes, including more fiber, plant-based fats and proteins, and other foods that are easier to digest. It may not be the right diet for you, but it’s better than the all-or-nothing extreme that it was before the new upgrade. 


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These 4 Diets May Cause Dehydration Thu, 29 Jul 2021 09:15:00 +0000

People engage in certain eating plans to promote weight loss. What they may not know is that these diets may cause dehydration.


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There are many popular diet plans that contribute to weight loss. There’s the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting, vegan diet, paleo diet, carnivore diet, and many more. Research on which diet you want to choose is always encouraged before embarking on that journey. Consider weighing the pros and cons of the diet to decide whether or not it will help you achieve your health goals. Many people focus on the weight loss aspect, and fail to acknowledge the potential harm that certain diets can have on the body.

Since warm weather is all anyone can talk about nowadays, dehydration is a popular topic of conversation. Some diets very easily cause dehydration, despite the fact that water is allowed on many of them. These diets don’t forbid water, but the reality is that people don’t drink enough water to begin with. The body needs water to survive, helping all tissues, cells, and organs. Failure to meet the recommended daily intake of water can cause numerous health symptoms and increase the risk of heatstroke or heat exhaustion.

Symptoms of Dehydration

No diet should cause dehydration, but the fact remains that some accelerate this process more than others. There are some telltale signs that indicate dehydration. If you notice some of the following symptoms, be sure to increase your water intake. Set reminders on your phone to drink water if you think you’ll forget. Little preventative measures go a long way.

  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dry skin
  • Sweating less than usual
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Dizziness

Intermittent Fasting

This dietary regimen alternates between periods of eating and fasting throughout the day. There are several variations of this program, with people choosing the best one that fits their lifestyle. For example, 16:8 approach involves fasting for 16 hours a day and eating planned meals and snacks during the other eight hours. Even during periods of fasting, you are allowed to drink water, yet people rarely do. The reality is that people forget to drink water when fasting. Without sitting down to enjoy a meal regularly, drinking water falls by the wayside. Don’t forget to make water a priority during fasting periods. Additionally, consume hydrating foods during allotted eating periods. 

The Atkins Diet

This popular low-carb diet, which isn’t quite as low-carb as the ketogenic diet, puts people at risk of dehydration. Say goodbye to starchy vegetables and most fruits when you adhere to the Atkin’s diet. Only after you have been on it for a couple weeks can you incorporate some low-carb fruits into the diet. By eliminating fruits and many vegetables, the risk of dehydration dramatically increases. These foods contain beneficial electrolytes and water, which aid optimal hydration. 20% of hydration comes from diet, so don’t skimp on water consumption if you decide to try this diet out. 

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a popular low-carb diet that focuses on high-fat and high protein foods. The goal of this diet is to get the body to enter a state of ketosis, which is a metabolic state that leads to the body burning fat in the absence of carbs. When you eliminate carbs from your diet, the body naturally releases water. The body resorts to glycogen storage to break down carbs, losing more water in this process. Always take the steps to hydrate every single day. Drink a tall glass of water when you wake up and before each meal. Carry a reusable water bottle around and fill it up when it gets empty. There are many hydration apps that can help you keep track of your water intake. 

High-Protein Diet

A diet that is predominantly focused on protein intake slowly causes dehydration, especially in endurance athletes. One study found that the degree of hydration drastically decreased when more protein was consumed. The paleo and Dukan diets focus on protein, recommending that 10-35% of all daily calories come from protein. Nitrogen exists in amino acids that comprise protein. Eating too much protein causes the body to flush out excess nitrogen with fluids and water. Because the body uses more water to flush out the excess nitrogen, you can experience dehydration more quickly. Make sure to overcompensate your water consumption if you happen to follow this type of eating model. 


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Easy Walnut “Meat” For Raw Vegans Mon, 14 Jun 2021 18:04:00 +0000

Add some extra protein to your salads or make a filling for cleanse-approved tacos by making this raw vegan walnut meat.


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When it’s hot outside and hot food seems like it will only intensify the heat, turn to filling raw vegan meals. People aren’t always in the mood for a salad or smoothie, though. That’s completely fine because you can get creative with recipes like this raw vegan walnut “meat.” The recipe only calls for five ingredients and a food processor. Keep in mind that this “meat” contains a simple mix of seasonings, but you can always bring more flavor to the dish if you have a specific flavor preference.

When it comes to making raw walnut “meat,” the important thing is to not blend the walnuts for too long. If you process the walnuts too much, they will turn into a slimy paste, like an early version of walnut butter. The ideal walnut “meat” retains a small amount of crunch from the walnuts. The blended mixture should look like chopped up ground beef.


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6 Great Low-Carb Pasta Alternatives Sat, 10 Apr 2021 09:34:00 +0000

Do you want to enjoy pasta and lower your carbohydrate intake at the same time? Well, you can with these low-carb pasta alternatives.


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Pasta is the go-to meal for millions of people around the world. It’s readily available, easy to make, affordable, and it fills you up. A novice cook can execute a pasta dish, or an experienced chef can take pasta to places you never thought possible. Unfortunately, pasta is high in calories and carbohydrates. It also contains enriched flour and processed ingredients, which can lead to uncomfortable bloating, indigestion, constipation, and even gas. 

Because people are more aware of their food intake nowadays, they want foods with fewer calories and carbohydrates. Given the popularity of gluten-free and ketogenic diets, people turn to healthier, low-carb foods. Some people don’t even subscribe to those diets; rather, they simply want to feel less bloated and healthier.

Why Pasta Is Not Low-Carb Friendly

The boxed pasta that people purchase at the grocery store is a completely different food product than the pasta people ate in Italy centuries ago. The original combination of ingredients was durum wheat flour mixed with eggs or water. Even traditional pasta like that contains about 30 grams of carbs per 100 grams. The boxed, enriched, processed pasta of today contains about 37 grams or more carbs per 100 grams. 

Pasta is a perfect food, and you can still enjoy it, so long as you choose healthier, low-carb alternatives. You don’t have to give up your pasta cravings! If you follow a low-carb diet or simply want to avoid bloating, the following pasta alternatives are for you.

Spaghetti Squash

This is quite an amazing squash, because it shreds into spaghetti-like noodles after cooking. The important rule is to not overcook it because it will turn out mushy. It contains a diverse mix of vitamins and minerals, and the carb content is about 20% of what a typical bowl of pasta contains. For tips on how to cook the perfect spaghetti squash, please click here

Black Bean Pasta

Made from black beans, this pasta alternative is available in most grocery stores. Because people on the ketogenic diet can enjoy legumes, this black bean pasta is an excellent option. In fact, the net carb content is 5 grams. And while black beans are lower in fat, they do contain a lot of protein (about 25 grams per serving, according to the box). 

Hearts Of Palm Noodles

This is one of the craziest things you’ve ever heard about, right? Who knew that hearts of palm could be transformed into noodles?! The flavor of the noodles is slightly nutty and some consider it to be similar to artichokes. This makes these noodles pair well with lemon-based or pesto sauces. A great brand to purchase is Palmini, but you may not have luck finding them in your average grocery store. You may need to order them online, or purchase in a health food store. 

Spiralized Vegetables

Oh, we love us some spiralized vegetable noodles here at Dherbs. You can easily turn a zucchini into vegetable noodles with a spiralizer. There are other vegetable noodles, but this is a very low-carb option. If you don’t want to go through the effort, many supermarkets have zucchini noodles for sale. Vegetable noodles are typically 3-10 times lower in carbs than a regular box of pasta, and they offer more vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They don’t require much cooking time either!

Almond Flour Pasta

The preparation of almond flour pasta and regular wheat or white flour pasta is very similar. The only difference is that almond flour pasta contains a lot less carbs. Almond flour pasta only contains about 1.6 grams of carbs and 1.6 grams of dietary fiber. That means the net carb content is zero. Compare that to the 76 grams of total carbs from enriched pasta! Additionally, almonds contain beneficial nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, healthy fats, and manganese. 

Lentil Noodles

There’s nothing like a healthy bowl of lentils. Now imagine those lentils in noodle form smothered in a delectable sauce! That’s right, folks, lentil noodles are a thing and they are rich in protein and fiber. Most lentil pastas are red because they use red lentils, and common forms include penne and rotini. They are excellent low-carb noodles that are readily available in most grocery stores. 


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Clean Vs Dirty Keto: What’s The Difference? Sun, 21 Mar 2021 09:41:00 +0000

Learn to start eating keto the clean way, focusing on nutrient-dense whole foods instead of dirty keto foods like dairy products and meat.


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Within the past several years, the ketogenic diet rose to popularity because of the proven weight loss stories. Not only that, people lost weight while focusing on butter, bacon, cheese, meats, and other high-fat foods. That’s appealing to lot of people, but it isn’t exactly the healthiest way to diet. That’s the “dirty” version of keto, but there’s still a way to successfully lose weight, focusing on high-fat, keto-approved foods that are healthier for the body.

How The Ketogenic Diet Works

If you subscribe to the ketogenic (keto) diet, the idea is that you consume a lot of fat, some protein, and very minimal carbs. The idea behind this diet is that the body enters into a state of ketosis by depriving it of sugars and carbohydrates. Instead of burning glucose for energy, the body begins to burn fat for energy. It takes a few days or even a week for the body to enter into this low-carb, fat-burning state. 

On a base level, roughly 70% of your total caloric intake comes from fat. Another 20-25% comes from protein, and the remaining 5% comes from carbohydrates. It has a popular reputation because of the quick fat loss, but people tend to focus on the wrong fats. While it’s keto-approved to eat a bacon cheeseburger with no bun, that isn’t the healthiest meal to eat daily. Sure, this meal fits the keto parameters of high fat and protein content, but it’s also difficult for the body to digest. Fortunately, there are much cleaner fats and proteins that can keep the body in a state of ketosis.

What Is Clean Keto?

Clean keto is a form of eating that keeps the body within the same macronutrient keto guidelines. The clear difference is that it is a healthier, nutrient-dense approach that enhances micronutrient intake. Food quality is very important. Clean keto typically consists of olive oil, non-starchy vegetables, grass-fed/grass-finished beef, MCT oil, avocados, coconut milk, almonds, wild-caught seafood, pine nuts, chia seeds, almond butter, free-range eggs, and more. Focusing on these foods helps to limit your consumption of processed meats, antibiotics, hormone-rich foods, etc. A potential meal could consist of wild-caught salmon with a side salad drizzled with a coconut oil dressing. Not only does clean keto help promote weight loss, but it also offers long-term benefits that include:

  • Improved digestion
  • Better immune function
  • Faster metabolism
  • Sustained energy levels
  • Improved skin
  • Steady weight loss
  • Improved focus

When you focus on healthier, keto-approved foods, you’re able to consume more micronutrients. This helps to enhance your fiber, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant intake, setting the body up for optimal physical and mental health. 

What Is Dirty Keto?

The sad reality is that when people diet, they tend to gravitate to the unhealthiest parts of it. Is it possible to get away with eating this or that? We hear it all the time when it comes to diet restrictions during the Full Body Cleanse. Dirty keto essentially prays on the weakest parts of people’s cravings, showing them that they can eat “unhealthy” foods and still lose weight. 

Dirty keto still follows the same macronutrient guidelines as clean keto, adhering to the limited carbohydrate intake. More often than not, dirty keto involves eating a lot of pre-made or packaged convenience foods, bacon, butter, lots of meat, protein bars, shakes, and other low-carb options. It’s trendy, but it isn’t necessarily healthy. Ultimately, it’s lazy dieting, involving high-sodium meals, fatty dairy products, and more. The meals are fatty and protein-rich, but there’s no emphasis on food quality. You still get the macronutrients, but limiting micronutrients can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 

The Bottom Line

The primary difference between the clean and dirty versions of keto is the quality of food. It’s optimal to choose clean keto and focus on high-fat, nutrient-dense whole foods. You can eat spinach, kale, asparagus, kohlrabi, cucumbers, okra, fennel, rutabaga, spaghetti squash, turnips, eggplant, and collards during clean keto. Dirty keto doesn’t encourage those foods. Lastly, dirty keto has known negative effects on long-term health, so keep it clean if you’re doing keto.


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Mexican Cauliflower Rice Sat, 26 Sep 2020 17:33:07 +0000

Looking for a keto-approved, Whole-30, paleo, grain-free alternative to rice? This Mexican cauliflower rice is perfect for Taco Tuesday.


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Is it Taco Tuesday yet? When that day comes, this is the perfect grain-free, paleo, Whole-30, keto-friendly alternative to classic Mexican rice. This cauliflower rice is zesty and has rich notes of tomato, spice, and cilantro.

If you don’t have the time to chop your head of cauliflower into florets and blend it in a food processor, you can buy pre-riced cauliflower. Riced cauliflower is more popular nowadays, so it is readily available at most grocery stores. The main thing to remember is that you need to have your riced cauliflower at the ready. There is no time to delay when it’s time to throw it in the pan!


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