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When you practice the exercises in this article, you’ll have a better chance at combatting the effects of erectile dysfunction.


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Erectile dysfunction exercises

Exercise is paramount when it comes to combatting erectile dysfunction. According to several studies, regular erectile dysfunction exercises help to get your blood pumping and improve endothelium function. Endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels and endothelial cells release substances that control vascular relaxation and contraction.

The blood vessels in the penis are about one-third the size of those in the heart. If you experience erectile dysfunction because of vascular issues, it’s possible that you’re at risk for heart problems as well. Taking steps to keep your endothelium healthy may help you reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Being more physically active is necessary for optimal circulation, but there are also other exercises that encourage sexual health. 

Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

Kegel Exercises For Men

Kegel exercises are some of the most beneficial movements for erectile dysfunction. In order to fight the effects of ED, you must strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises, when performed correctly, do that in an efficient way. For men, the goal is to strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle. This muscle allows the penis to fill with blood during an erection, pump semen during ejaculation, and empty the urethra after urination. When you target this muscle, you should be able to experience longer-lasting erections and better penile function.

Ideally, you should practice Kegel exercises every day to experience noticeable improvements. You can practice Kegels anywhere and you can do them lying down, sitting, or standing. Should you have problems such as urinary incontinence or other bladder issues, Kegels may positively impact these areas of your health as well. 

How To Do Kegel Exercises For Men

Before you begin, it’s best to locate the bulbocavernosus muscle for your own knowledge. The easiest way to do this is by stopping your stream multiple times during urination. The muscle you use to do that is the one you want to target. Be sure that you aren’t clenching muscles in the stomach, buttocks, or legs when you engage in Kegels. Otherwise, you won’t experience the same results. 

To begin, lie down, sit down, or stand up. Engage the bulbocavernosus muscle and hold it for three seconds. Release and repeat three to five more times. Repeat this process at least three times per day for the best results. Once your muscle gets stronger, you can increase the time from three to five seconds. The ultimate goal is to hold it for longer periods of time, with the ultimate hold amounting to 10 seconds, five separate times, thrice daily. The more you strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle, the better chances you have at improving your condition. 

Knee Fallouts

This is a Pilates movement that helps activate the right group of muscles and challenges you to maintain pelvic floor strength while moving. It’s a beginner exercise that focuses on small movements. To being the exercise, lie down with your knees bent, keeping the feet flat on the floor. Allow your arms to rest by your sides. Keeping the spine in a neutral position, exhale and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and slowly lower one knee to the floor, as if it is a controlled fall to the outside. You should only lower it as far as you can while maintaining activation of the pelvic floor muscles. Keep the pelvic stable, inhale, and release the muscles as you bend the knee again. Repeat on the other side and complete four or five repetitions per side. The goal is to build up to 10 reps per side. 

Pelvic Curl

Yet another common exercise in Pilates, this helps to activate the pelvic floor just like knee fallouts. Begin in the same lying down position as the previous exercise. Keep the spine in a neutral position, allowing a small space between your middle back and the floor. Exhale and engage your pelvic floor muscles, tilting the pelvis up toward the belly button. Your back should be pressed flat against the floor while doing this. Slowly lift the buttocks and drive your heels into the floor to push up into a bridge position. Make sure to squeeze your buttocks the entire time, resting your weight on the shoulders. Take three breaths before lowering the buttocks and back down to the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Repeat three to four times and build up to 10 repetitions. 

Supine Foot Raises

This is an exercise that actually builds on the movements involved with knee fallouts. The goal for this exercise is small, controlled movements executed to perfection. Begin in the same lying down position as the two previous exercises. Exhale and engage your pelvic floor muscles, slowly lifting your right foot off the floor. Make sure that the pelvis and spine are stable and not wavering as you bring your right leg to a full extension. Inhale and then slowly lower your foot back to the ground. Alternate sides, repeating three to four times on each leg. 

Aerobic Exercise

In addition to exercising the pelvic floor muscles, it’s beneficial to engage in other types of exercise, especially aerobic exercise. According to one study, aerobic exercise may help improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Often times, ED results from blood flow problems to the penis. Diabetes, high cholesterol, vascular disease, and obesity affect blood flow and your ability to become erect. Incorporating aerobic exercise to your workout routine not only works to improve cardiovascular health, but may also lead to improvements in ED. A simple 30-minute walk, three to four times a week, may be enough to improve cardiovascular health. Other forms of aerobic exercise include:

  • Rowing
  • Boxing
  • Spin classes
  • Biking
  • Skipping
  • Rebounding
  • Running

Keep in mind that it may take between four to six weeks to notice the effects of practicing these exercises. Don’t expect instantaneous results because, much like strength training, building muscle strength takes time. 


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Here’s How To Test Your Pelvic Floor Strength Sat, 27 Nov 2021 09:08:00 +0000

Learn a couple easy ways to check and maintain pelvic floor strength. Changes in strength may lead to unwanted side effects or general pain.


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The pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are superficial muscles that exist in the base of the pelvis. Like any other muscle or muscle group in the body, the PFM can be weak or strong. The difference between the pelvic floor and other muscles, however, is that it can be hard to gauge overall strength. 

Changes in the function of these muscles can lead to symptoms that include pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Maintaining PFM strength can help support bladder and bowel function, in addition to sexual sensation. These muscles may also increase stability in the hips and pelvis, and aid with pumping blood and lymph from the pelvis to the heart. Although measuring the strength of these muscles can be difficult, it is necessary because it makes you more self-aware. You’ll know what you need to strengthen based on correct contraction. 

Symptoms Of Weak Pelvic Floor

Failure to keep the pelvic floor muscles strong means that you cannot perform the essential functions in the previous paragraph. Weak pelvic floor muscles can lead to the following symptoms: 

  • A strong need to urinate and not always making it to the bathroom in time
  • Accidentally leaking urine while exercising, sneezing, coughing, or laughing
  • A feeling of heaviness or general discomfort in the vagina or rectum
  • A need to urinate often (eight or more times a day and more than once during the night)
  • General pain or discomfort in the pelvic area during sexual intercourse

Testing Pelvic Floor Strength

Not only do the PFMs need to maintain a sustained resting tone, but also an ability to contract quickly. Proper strength helps with continence, sexual function, and an ability to relax to allow for easy urination and bowel elimination. Testing PFM strength is not as easy as assessing regular bicep contraction, for example. Power, speed of contraction, endurance, and the ability to relax need evaluation when it comes fo PFM. 

Take A Look

Start in a seated position with your back supported and knees propped up so that both your knees and hips are bent. Use a mirror to observe your vaginal and anal area. Contract your muscles as if you are trying to hold in your urine and you should notice that your muscles draw inwards and upwards. Ideally, they pull away from the mirror. 

External Assessment

Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Use a pillow to support your head, or lie on your side with a pillow between your knees for comfort. With either hand, place four fingers over the perineum (area between the vaginal canal and rectum) and contract your pelvic floor as if to stop the floor of urine. This is similar to the above exercise. The area under your finger should lift and pull upwards if the pelvic muscles are strong. You should not feel additional pressure where the fingers are if you contract correctly.

Internal Vaginal Self-Assessment

Before the internal self-assessment, it’s important to clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Repeat the exact same steps as the above assessment, lying on your back or side, supporting your head or knees with a pillow. Insert your clean index finger (using lubricant if necessary) into the vaginal canal until the base of the middle knuckle. Same as above, contract your pelvic floor as if stopping the flow of urine. A strong pelvic floor contraction will have an upward lift, and you’ll feel some tension when you try to remove your finger from the vagina. Holding the lift for 10 seconds is a good indication of pelvic floor strength and endurance. 

How To Strengthen The Pelvic Floor

If you think that your pelvic floor is weak or in need of strengthening, there are several exercises to improve strength. Some of the most notable exercises to enhance pelvic floor strength include kegels, adductor ball squeeze, and bridge with adductor ball squeeze. There are many video tutorials of these exercises online, so please look them up in order to do them properly. 


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How A Little Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life Thu, 17 Oct 2019 10:07:56 +0000

Mounting research suggests that regular exercise may be the most effective way to naturally boost satisfaction, arousal, and desire.


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Health experts always suggest that people incorporate exercise into their daily lives to improve overall health, and to reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Well, there is now a new reason to start exercising on the daily. According to new research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, breaking a sweat may improve your sex life.

A new study overlooked 6,000 runners, swimmers, and cyclists, categorizing them by workout intensity and how often they worked out. Researches then compared their weekly exercise to reported sexual functioning, examining male erectile dysfunction and female orgasm satisfaction, arousal, and sexual dysfunction. The findings indicated that the more frequently and intensely a person exercised, the better sexual function he/she experienced. In a nutshell, frequent exercise equals better sexual health.

In Men

Studies show that regular exercise is about as effective as erectile dysfunction medication. Sedentary middle-aged men who take up regular, vigorous exercise report more frequent sexual activity, greater satisfaction, and improved function. Middle-aged men who do not exercise have an increased risk of poor sexual health and erectile problems.

In Women

Most women who are physically active consistently report greater sexual desire, satisfaction, and arousal. One experiment monitored young women who took a spin class for 20 minutes. After finishing the exercise, they watched X-rated videos and the results showed a higher rate of sexual arousal than women who did not exercise and watched the same videos.

Why Is This The Case?

The correlation between regular exercise and improved sexual function has a lot to do with increased blood flow to sexual organs. Better blood flow can make the clitoris and labia become engorged, which is necessary for female arousal and orgasms. Additionally, regular exercise can also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in women, which has been linked to better sexual health. For men, increased blood flow makes it easier for the penis to become erect. Men who engage in strength training exercises can increase testosterone levels, which can boost sex drive. Too much vigorous strength training can deplete testosterone levels and have decreased libidos.

Walk The Walk

Harvard researchers conducted a study with 31,000 men over the age 50. Regular fast walking demonstrated that aerobic exercise decreased the risk of erectile dysfunction by 30 percent. Another study found that burning 200 calories per day lowered the risk of erectile dysfunction because of improved blood flow. Aerobic exercise helps to keep blood vessels clear, leading to stronger erections.


Yoga can be beneficial for both females and males, because improved flexibility can give you the opportunity to practice new positions, which give your body more pleasure. Another reason to practice yoga is to avoid cramping up during a passionate moment. Some yoga experts have said that a couple yoga classes per week can improve stamina, due to the regular concentration on breath and energy.

If you are looking to experience improved sexual health, consider engaging in more physical activity. Take exercise classes that interest you to increase your desire to workout. Additionally, practice kegels to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which leads to better sex.


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The Top 5 Health Symptoms Men Should Look Out For Mon, 29 Aug 2016 20:04:22 +0000

Men can let symptoms of poor health go unnoticed or pass them off as nothing. What are you doing, guys, to ensure your optimal health?


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Men aren’t always the most proactive when it comes to looking after their health. A lot of men consider themselves to be healthy, even if they are not. Sometimes a guy associates a steady, well-paying job or productiveness with being healthy, and he often ignores symptoms that indicate that something isn’t right.

We want to advise all you men on the top 5 symptoms that you should look out for. They may be nothing more than symptoms, but they should be looked at to ensure top physical health. It’s worth getting an annual checkup just to stay on top of everything. While eating healthy and exercising are beneficial to overall health, guys can still experience health symptoms, which they may dismiss as nothing out of the ordinary. Don’t be embarrassed about anything. Take action to help yourself remain or become a healthy man.

Look Out For Lumps

No guy is a stranger to touching his testicles, which means he should know if something is out of the ordinary. Testicular cancer is odd because it affects younger men in the 15-45 year old age bracket. It’s a good idea to perform self-examinations, a quick feel-up if you will, to see if there is a lump, swelling, heaviness, or ache in the scrotum. You want to maintain testicular health. Keep the boys healthy by switching to more of a plant-based diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Eat foods that are high in zinc to maintain health down south. And maybe let the boys breath a little by not wearing tight clothing or underwear.

Erectile Dysfunction

A lot of guys, most guys in fact, experience erectile dysfunction at some point in life. Although this is common, it may mean that there is an underlying condition if it is ongoing. Heart disease, depression, diabetes, or poor prostate health can cause erectile dysfunction. To help naturally fix the problem you can practice pelvic or Kegel exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, quit smoking, try acupuncture to improve circulation and decrease stress, and eliminate fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine, all of which inhibit healthy circulation. Remember: your health is related to your sex life, so it’s best to get to the root of the problem to get things working properly.

Problems with Urination

Making more or fewer trips to the bathroom than normal? Is your urine stream obstructed or doesn’t flow like it used to? These can be signs of an overactive bladder or, in worse cases, an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. If the prostate is enlarged, it puts pressure on the bladder and narrows the urethra, through which urine flows. If you are over 50, it is advised to get an annual prostate checkup to maintain proper prostate health. Foods high in magnesium, turmeric, saw palmetto, green tea, and foods high in vitamin C and antioxidants are great to consume for a healthy prostate. It’s also beneficial to alkalize the body to balance the body’s pH level.

Frequent Constipation

Save grunting for the weight room, guys. Constipation is not normal and can be an issue of poor gastrointestinal health. It may indicate that there is a problem with the colon. Colorectal cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men, so don’t shrug off constipation like it’s nothing. Your poop may hint at something going on with your health. There may be build-up in the colon, so performing an at-home enema or getting a colonic may be great options to help clean out the colon. You may even consider performing a colon cleanse to make sure everything is evacuated.

Back Pain

Back pain can be easy to dismiss because most everyone experiences some back pain or soreness. It can easily be attributed to an injury, a job, or workout. If you are experiencing chronic back pain, this may indicate an infection, inflammation like arthritis, or the onset of kidney stones. Sometimes back pain can lead to unintentional weight loss, trouble urinating, or leg numbness. You can alleviate back pain via different yoga poses, Tai Chi, acupuncture, or massage therapy. All of these can help relax the muscles and relieve back pain.

It’s important to stay on top of your health, guys. Don’t let things go unnoticed. You are only helping yourself if you catch things during the early stages, because then you can naturally remedy them more easily.


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Is Your Health Affecting Your Sex Life? Tue, 14 Jun 2016 23:11:34 +0000

There's a direct link between your health and your sex life. Make these easy lifestyle changes to naturally help improve your sexual performance.


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Guys like to spend hours in the gym sculpting their physiques. While a healthy waistline is important for improved sexual performance, a lot of men don’t realize that their diet can directly affect their sex lives. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, or underlying health conditions caused by poor dietary choices, can impair sexual performance. There are easy lifestyle changes you can make to help maintain a healthy sex life.

The way you think about food and sex are essentially the same. You gain pleasure from both sex and eating. This may be truer for more women than men. Additionally, there are foods that can enhance or impair sexual performance. Some foods have the ability to reduce testosterone, decrease sex drive, or alter sperm production. The good news is that there are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and spices that can increase your libido and testosterone levels.

While there are multiple herbal supplements that can enhance libido, sex drive, or testosterone levels, they do not cure underlying factors. Establishing a healthy lifestyle and body is crucial to maintaining a healthy sex life.

Lose It So You Can Use It


Smoking increases your risk of developing a plethora of health problems; heart disease, lung cancer, erectile dysfunction, or lowered sperm count being primary conditions. It’s ideal to quit smoking in order to decrease your risk of developing sexual or reproductive conditions. Not to mention, smoking can be unattractive and a major turn-off to your partner.


Although alcohol is considered to be a social lubricant, it can inhibit sexual performance. It may be more difficult to get and keep an erection, and orgasms can be delayed. Alcohol can also reduce the quantity and quality of a man’s sperm because it inhibits the body from absorbing zinc, which is an important mineral in the outer layer of a sperm cell. It’s best to steer clear of those happy hours to have an improved sex drive and healthier sperm.

Junk Foods & Processed Foods

Both junk foods and processed foods can be detrimental to your health. These foods are often loaded with trans fats, high in cholesterol, have too much salt, or have hydrogenated fats and oils. If your diet includes junk foods or processed foods, you are at risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, or becoming obese. A lot of these foods can decrease your libido or cause abnormal sperm production. They also can affect your circulatory system and reduce blood flow, which can impair performance down there.


Weight gain is the number one sex drive killer for men. If your waistline exceeds 40” you are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. A lot of people have portion distortion because of gigantic portion sizes in America. Too much food makes it hard to set the mood. To prevent overeating, eat out of small bowls and prepare healthy snacks to munch on between meals.

We’ve told you what you need to cut out, now here are a few things you can do to help you get on a healthier path.

Fruits and Veggies are Your Friends

Fruits and vegetables provide the body with a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. Maintaining a plant-based diet can help you cleanse the body of built-up toxins, so that your systems and organs can function at optimum levels. Certain fruits and veggies provide the body with phytonutrients, which it can convert into arginine, an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels like an erectile dysfunction medication might. Some of the best fruits and veggies to eat for a healthier sex life include:

  • Blackberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cloves
  • Figs
  • Watermelon
  • Ginseng
  • Saffron
  • Ginger
  • Lettuce
  • Avocados
  • Sweet Potatoes


Engaging in physical activity can promote healthy blood flow and help you shed excess weight. Sometimes there may be self-esteem issues that go along with being overweight. Low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety can all have negative effects on your sex life. Exercising promotes enzyme production and helps relieve stress, both of which are positive steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

  • Yoga can be an excellent exercise that promotes mind and body awareness, and it can help improve flexibility for more creative positions.
  • Weight lifting may be the right exercise for you because it helps boost testosterone production. Strengthening your upper body muscles may promote increased stamina because you engage those muscles during sex.
  • Kegels (yes, guys can do these too) are great for helping to strengthen pelvic muscles. These can help endurance, control, and delayed ejaculation by contracting the pelvic floor muscles. You can practice these by interrupting urine flow while going to the bathroom. This will get you familiar with the muscles you need to strengthen.
  • Swimming is a cardio-intensive exercise that can help increase endurance and stamina during sex. If you swim for 30 minutes three times a week, you’ll also help shed excess weight. It’s a win/win!

Reduce Stress

Stress is not conducive to your overall health, and can negatively affect your sex life. Stress can increase your heart rate, which can lead to high blood pressure, ultimately damaging sexual performance. Psychological stress, as well as physical stress, can make it difficult to achieve optimum performance in the bedroom. Try acupuncture because it has been known to improve circulation and relieve tension in the body. You can also try meditative breathing exercises, practice Tai Chi, or talk to your partner about sex. The latter can often ease stress and create a better sex life.

There isn’t a one trick fix for a better sex life, but you can take steps to reclaim a healthier lifestyle. You’ll be amazed at what living healthy can do for you.


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Uterine Prolapse Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:41 +0000

Signs of uterine prolapse vary greatly from patient to patient. In minor instances of prolapse, a woman may not even know she has it.


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Uterine prolapse involves the dropping of the uterus from its normal position in the pelvis down into the vaginal area.

The uterus is designed to be held in place by what could be called a “hammock” of supportive tissue composed of muscles and ligaments. This structure is referred to as the “pelvic floor.” If the pelvic floor is compromised, the uterus is unable to maintain its intended position, and it descends into the vaginal canal. A number of problems can result when this occurs.

Factors that Lead to Uterine Prolapse

The most common factors involved in uterine prolapse are age and childbirth. The severity of uterine prolapse can vary from minimal cases that may never even be diagnosed, to serious cases that can make a woman’s life quite unmanageable. Options for treatment include support devices, special exercises, and even surgical procedures that are appropriate for some individuals.

Childbirth, especially difficult deliveries or multiple vaginal deliveries, are probably the biggest factors that lead to uterine prolapse.

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

Signs of uterine prolapse vary greatly from patient to patient. In minor instances of prolapse, a woman may not even know she has it, and is totally without symptoms. The more advanced the case is, the more symptoms that are present, and to a greater degree. Some potential symptoms include:

  • Pain in the lower back, pelvis, groin, and/or lower abdomen.
  • Sense of “pulling” or unusual “heaviness” in the pelvic region.
  • Tissue visibly protruding from the vagina, sometimes irritated and sore, producing ulcers.
  • Painful intercourse, along with urine leakage and difficulty experiencing orgasm.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Sense of “sitting on a ball”.
  • The feeling that something is about to fall out of the vagina. Incontinence that worsens with effort, such as during heavy lifting, sneezing, laughing, or coughing.
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder.
  • Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
  • Frequent urge to urinate with little production.
  • Difficulty having bowel movements.
  • Finding it necessary to push your fingers into the pelvic region in order to successfully have a bowel movement or empty your bladder

Healing Uterine Prolapse Naturally

Kacip Fatimah extract, Kegel exercises, and antigravity exercises are all helpful to heal from uterine prolapse.

Kacip Fatimah Extract

Kacip Fatimah is an invaluable female-specific herb. It is the female herbal equivalent to Tongkat Ali. It is a great post-partum/post-natal herb that is effective for womb healing. It is one of the best herbal uterine tonics known and available.

Additional uterine herbs that can be taken to heal uterine prolapse include red raspberry leaf, rehmannia, squawvine, blue cohosh, and beth (or birth) root. The above herbs can be mixed together (with Kacip Fatimah) and consumed throughout the day.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are highly recommended exercises for purposes of healing uterine prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

A Kegel exercise, named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, consists of contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor (sometimes called the “Kegel muscles”).

The aim of Kegel exercises is to fortify muscle tone by strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles of the pelvic floor. Kegel is a popular prescribed exercise for pregnant women to prepare the pelvic floor for physiological stresses of the later stages of pregnancy and vaginal childbirth.

Kegel exercises are said to be good for treating vaginal prolapse and preventing uterine prolapse in women. Kegel exercises also may be beneficial in treating urinary incontinence in both men and women. Kegel exercises may also increase sexual gratification.

Factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, being overweight, and abdominal surgery such as cesarean section, often result in the weakening of the pelvic muscles. This can be assessed by either digital examination of vaginal pressure or using a Kegel perineometer. Solutions

Recommended products helpful in healing uterine prolapse are:

Uterine prolapse is 100% healable. There’s nothing to worry about. Stay positive and trust the natural healing process.

Thank you for reading.


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