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When you're pregnant, you need more of certain nutrients, including protein, iron, and folate. Learn all about nutrition during pregnancy.


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Following a healthy eating routine is what everyone should do to maintain proper intake of nutrients. When you are pregnant, the body requires more of certain nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, potassium, folate, protein, iron, choline, and iodine. Making smarter food choices can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. In this article, we aim to give you some quick dietary tips to help you eat healthy while pregnant. 

Before we get started, the basic principles of healthy eating remain whether you are pregnant or not. Make sure that you consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. A few nutrients during pregnancy deserve special attention, though. To maintain a healthy pregnancy, the following components come into play:

  • A balanced diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Appropriate and timely vitamin/mineral supplementation
  • Appropriate weight gain

Get The Right Amount Of Calories

The amount of calories you need will change during the course of your pregnancy. Generally speaking, most pregnancies require the following caloric needs:

  • First trimester (first 12 weeks): no extra calories
  • Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks): about 340 extra calories per day
  • Third trimester (after 26 weeks): about 450 extra calories per day

Weight gain is completely natural during pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat everything in sight. How much weight you’ll need to gain, in addition to the number of calories, will depend on a few things. Ask your doctor or midwife how many calories you need and how much weight is necessary for you to have a healthy pregnancy. 

Follow A Healthy Eating Routine

Ideally, you want to consume a wide range of healthy foods while pregnant. Choose a mix from the following food groups to enjoy daily:

  • Whole fruits: berries, apples, mango, bananas, and more
  • Whole grains: such as brown rice, bulgur wheat, millet, oats, and multi-grain bread
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, okra, beets, spinach, bell peppers, jicama, broccoli, and more
  • Healthy oils: olive oil, avocado oil, and virgin coconut oil
  • Lean protein: eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, tofu, salmon, lamb, and skinless chicken
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy: yogurt, lactose-free dairy, cheese, soy yogurt, or fortified soy beverages

Should You Take A Prenatal Supplement?

Most health care providers or midwives will prescribe a prenatal supplement either before conception or shortly thereafter. This is to ensure that you meet all of your nutritional needs. Please note that a prenatal supplement does not replace a healthy diet. Whether or not you decide to take a prenatal supplement is up to you. Just make sure that you get enough of the following nutrients: 

  • Iron: Many women do not get enough iron during pregnancy. Iron helps your baby develop, so consult your healthcare provider to see if you need a prenatal supplement with iron, or a separate iron supplement. 
  • Choline: An important nutrient for the developing baby’s brain. Foods that contain choline include lean meats, seafood, beans, lentils, eggs, and fat-free dairy. Most prenatal supplements do not have choline, so if you don’t think that you are consuming enough, consult your healthcare professional.
  • Folic acid: Keep in mind that folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which exists in many dark leafy vegetables, beans, peas, and nuts. You can also obtain folate from oranges, lemons, strawberries, melons, and bananas. If you take a prenatal supplement, make sure that it contains 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. 
  • Iodine: Another nutrient that is integral for the baby’s brain. If you use salt to season your food, make sure it is iodized salt. Prenatal supplements typically do not have iodine, so ask your doctor whether you need an iodine supplement or not. 

Avoid Certain Foods

During your pregnancy, please note that you should stay away from certain foods. The following foods may contain bacteria that can harm the baby:

  • Lunch or deli meats, smoked seafood, and hot dogs
  • Raw (uncooked) or rare (undercooked) meats, poultry, or eggs
  • Raw sprouts, including clover, radish, alfalfa, and mung bean sprouts
  • Unpasteurized juice, cheese, or milk. Make sure you see “pasteurized” on the label.
  • Raw or rare fish or shellfish, such as sushi or raw oysters. (You can eat fish because it contains healthy fats, but some seafood is high in mercury. Generally speaking, you can eat eight to 12 ounces of seafood per week, so long as it is low in mercury and high in healthy fats).
  • Refrigerated pate and meat spreads


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Here’s What You Should Know About Your Face! Sat, 22 Apr 2023 08:00:07 +0000

Be careful of how much salt you consume because it may result in a swollen neck due to the iodine in the salt.


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Be careful of how much salt you consume because it may result in a swollen neck due to the iodine in the salt. It occurs when you have an iodine deficiency. If you have the wrong kind of salt, you may result in “goiter city.”


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8 Great Foods To Help You Relieve Stress Sat, 07 Jan 2023 09:40:00 +0000

Next time your stress levels start to soar, fill your plate with some of the foods in this article that have been proven to relieve stress.


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An occasional bout of stress is unavoidable, and may even come to your aid to help you accomplish tasks at times. Chronic stress, however, can take a serious toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Studies show that chronic stress can increase the risk of heart disease, depression, and anxiety. And while certain mindfulness techniques, breathing practices, and forms of exercise may prove effective, eating the right foods can also be an effective strategy.

A 2015 article in the journal Stress found that eating quality nutrients over time can positively impact the body’s neural circuits that control emotion, motivation, and mood. Other research observed that eating foods that benefit gut microbiota can help you feel better. Increasing the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive system has a positive impact on your mental and emotional health. Additionally, certain foods can help reduce or balance cortisol (the stress hormone) levels in the body. So the next time you feel anxious or stressed, consider taking a bite out of the following stress-relieving foods.

Sweet Potatoes

One of the keys to fighting stress through your diet is eating complex carbohydrates like the ones in sweet potatoes. These complex carbs may lower cortisol levels in the body. An eight-week study in overweight or obese women found that those who ate a diet rich in complex carbs had significantly lower levels of salivary cortisol than those who ate the standard American diet. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C and potassium, both of which help with stress response. 


A 2014 study found that participants who consumed half an avocado during their lunches reduced their desire to eat more than 40% for three hours following the meal. The participants also reported an increase in satisfaction, with a decreased desire to eat for hours after eating the avocado. Consuming regular portions of avocado may shut down your stress eating because they fill your belly and make you feel more satisfied. 


Parsley may help you fight back against stress in a different way. The antioxidant compounds in parsley work to neutralize unstable free radicals, in addition to protecting against oxidative stress. Research indicates that oxidative stress is linked to many illnesses, including mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Studies suggest that a diet rich in antioxidants may help prevent stress and anxiety.


Cruciferous vegetables have a long list of health benefits, and broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family. Several studies found that eating more cruciferous vegetables may lower your risk of developing heart disease, mental health disorders like depression, and certain cancers. In addition to the antioxidants and vitamin C, both of which may combat symptoms of depression, broccoli also contains a high amount of sulforaphane. This sulfur compound has neuroprotective properties and potential antidepressant effects. 


Chickpeas are naturally rich in stress-busting vitamins and minerals, including zinc, copper, B vitamins, selenium, manganese, and potassium. They are also great sources of L-tryptophan, which the body needs to produce neurotransmitters that regulate mood. According to research, diets rich in plant proteins like chickpeas may improve mental performance and have better brain health. One study monitored two groups of people, one of which followed the standard American diet, while the other followed the Mediterranean diet. The group who consumed the Mediterranean diet consumed more plant foods and legumes. They experienced better mood and less stress than the standard American diet group. 


Seaweed is one of the few sources that is especially rich in iodine. Research states that too little iodine in the body can cause fatigue and depression. A quarter cup of seaweed salad packs over 275% of the daily value of iodine. You don’t need a lot to meet your quota, but if your anxiety or depression stems from low iodine levels, consider enjoying some seaweed

Swiss Chard

As a nutrient-dense leafy green vegetable, Swiss chard benefits the body in myriad ways. One cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 36% of the daily value of magnesium, which plays an integral role in the body’s stress response. Low levels of magnesium have been linked to an increased risk of panic attacks and anxiety. Plus, chronic stress depletes the body’s magnesium stores, making this mineral absolutely necessary when you feel stressed. 


Fermented foods like kimchi contain beneficial bacteria that help to balance bacteria in the gut. According to research, fermented foods may play a role in reducing anxiety and stress levels. One small study found that those who ate fermented foods more frequently had fewer symptoms of social anxiety. Other studies found that probiotic-rich foods like kimchi have profound benefits on mental health overall. This is likely attributed to how probiotics interact with gut bacteria to affect your mood.


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5 Essential Prenatal Nutrients For Pregnancy Tue, 26 Apr 2022 09:23:00 +0000

Most nutrients should come from the foods you eat, but it can be beneficial to take these essential prenatal vitamins during pregnancy.


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Pregnancy can be a joyful, frustrating, exhausting, and overwhelming experience. In addition to buying maternity clothes and worrying about nursery decor, you want to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. Eating well is one of the best things you can do during pregnancy, as you are growing a little human inside of you. That little human requires proper nourishment for healthy growth, and some specific nutrients are extra important. 

A big topic surrounding pregnancy is prenatal vitamins and supplementation. The vitamin and mineral requirements for each woman is different, but some general recommendations are in place. If you’re expecting, most dietitians encourage a higher consumption of foods rich in folate and iron. Folate works to prevent neural tube defects, while iron supports the development of fetus and placenta. 

What And How Much Should You Eat? 

The best recommendation is to eat a wide variety of foods to give your baby an array of nutrients that contribute to healthy growth. Eating for a healthy baby is not dissimilar to eating for a healthy body. The only thing that is different is that a pregnancy diet is essentially amplified. Current guidance suggests that you should eat as you normally would during the first trimester. Increase your caloric intake by 350 calories per day during the second trimester and then by 450 calories per day during the third trimester. 

Do your best to avoid junk foods, processed foods, and other foods that have zero nutritional value. Both you and the baby benefit from whole foods that are nutrient dense, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, legumes, and other similar foods. In addition to this, focus on the following five nutrients to contribute to a healthy pregnancy


During pregnancy, a mother’s body uses calcium from her own bones to support healthy fetal development. Most doctors recommend a calcium supplement to prevent bone loss in the mother. According to research, the recommendation is that pregnant women need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day, ideally split into two 500 mg doses. There are, however, calcium-rich foods that you can focus on, some of which include leafy green vegetables, almonds, butternut squash, oranges, okra, beans, peas, lentils, and certain grains.


Folate plays a large role in reducing the risk of neural tube defects, which are major birth defects that affect the baby’s spinal cord and brain. Two of the most common defects include anencephaly and spina bifida. Folate also supports the developing fetus in the earlier stages of pregnancy. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that pregnant women consume 600-800 micrograms (mcg) of folate per day. Great folate-rich foods include nuts, beans, lentils, eggs, dark leafy greens, and natural peanut butter. 


During the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s thyroid becomes active. The mother is the only source of thyroid hormone for the baby. Healthy brain function and development are dependent on thyroid hormones, so it benefits the baby for the mother to increase iodine intake. Proper iodine intake can help your baby avoid irregularities in brain development and delivery complications. There are many iodine supplements that are safe for pregnant women to consume, so discuss which one is best with your doctor. 


Many women lack the proper amount of iron needed for the second and third trimesters. If the body needs more iron than it has available, it’s easy to become anemic. It’s very common for many women to experience mild anemia during pregnancy, due to an increase in blood volume. Lacking sufficient iron can create complications during delivery or reduce oxygen flow to organs and the baby. That’s why many doctors encourage pregnant women to consume either iron supplements or iron-rich foods. Great sources of iron leafy greens, beets, beans, peas, lentils, raspberries, dried fruit, broccoli, and potatoes. 

Vitamin D

It’s not uncommon to have low vitamin D levels, as most people spend more time indoors than outdoors these days. For pregnant women, vitamin D is an essential nutrient because it impacts brain function, blood pressure, immunity, and mood. If a pregnant women is deficient in vitamin D, the risk of abnormal bone growth and fractures in newborns is much higher. It’s also possible to experience delivery complications if vitamin D levels are low. Most health experts encourage pregnant women to take a vitamin D3 supplement for healthy fetal development.


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The Best Ayurvedic Herbs For A Healthy Thyroid Sat, 12 Jun 2021 09:06:00 +0000

Learn how Ayurvedic herbs can help create balance in the body. Some of these ancient herbs may lead to optimal, healthy thyroid function.


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The American Thyroid Association estimates that 20 million Americans have a thyroid disorder. Generally speaking, thyroid disorders result from an overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormones. Standard treatment tends to involve some form of medication to establish a healthy hormonal balance. Some doctors even convince people to remove the thyroid, and they end up taking thyroid hormones for the rest of their lives. 

With more and more attention on alternative medicine and treatment options, people have a growing interest in remedying the thyroid without conventional medicine. According to Ayurvedic medicine, many herbs can help create balance in the thyroid. In Ayurveda, the thyroid connects with the increase in kapha dosha and vata in the body. Doshas are essentially biological energies that maintain the body’s mental and physical processes. If the kapha and vata doshas are out of balance in the body, it’s possible to experience thyroid problems. 

Since the thyroid regulates and monitors metabolism, heart rate, and other key functions in the body, optimizing thyroid health is paramount to overall health. Failure to balance the thyroid can lead to poor immune function, low energy, mood swings, and extreme weight loss or weight gain. Some of the Ayurvedic herbs (below) complement conventional thyroid treatments. If you don’t understand proper dosage or recommendation for your thyroid condition, consult with your doctor about taking the following herbs.


Guggul has a reputation for regulating thyroid function, but it also has positive effects on blood lipids. Guggul’s antioxidant properties work to protect the thyroid gland from oxidative stress. This ultimately decreases lipid peroxidation in the liver and increases the liver’s ability to transform thyroxine (T4) into triiodothyronine (T3). One animal study found that guggul has strong thyroid stimulating actions, and may even increase iodine uptake. 

Shigru (Moringa)

Known for regulating hormone levels and ensuring optimal thyroid function, moringa is an excellent herb if you suffer from hyperthyroidism. At the same time, hypothyroidism patients also benefit from moringa because it has a rich iodine content. More often than not, iodine deficiency is a primary cause of hypothyroidism. According to several studies, moringa extract exhibits anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. It can help to stimulate metabolism by regulating the production of T3 and T4 hormones. Finally, it may help to inhibit bone damage that results from an overabundance of T4 in the body. 


If you are familiar with Ayurveda, you know that ashwagandha has a healing reputation. It’s an adaptogenic herb, helping to naturally relieve stress and anxiety, but it also promotes internal balance in the body. In one study, ashwagandha exhibited an ability to increase T3 and T4 levels without significantly increasing iodothyronine 5’-monodeiodinase. In basic terms, ashwagandha was able to increase thyroid function. Other studies found that it helped decrease gluconeogenesis and improve antioxidant activity to protect the thyroid. Ashwagandha also stimulates the endocrine system and works to encourage lipid peroxide levels in the liver.


Piperine is the active ingredient in long pepper and black pepper. It is an alkaloid that has been able to reduce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and insulin to almost normal levels. This is great news for people with hyperthyroidism. Piperine’s thyrogenic activity may also help to improve levels of A-1, T3, T4, and iodine. An animal study confirmed that piperine exhibited an ability to alter lipid profiles, hormone levels, and apolipoproteins. 

Bauhinia Purpurea

Bauhinia purpurea is a flowering plant that is native to the Indian subcontinent. A study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology monitored female mice that received bauhinia purpurea bark extract for 20 days. The conclusion of the study was that the bark extract increased both T3 and T4 concentrations. In human trials, Bauhinia purpurea helped to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, while protecting the thyroid from oxidative stress. It works to enhance antioxidant enzyme secretion, which may help to reverse metformin-induced hypothyroidism.


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5 Of The Best Natural Thyroid Supplements Sun, 09 May 2021 09:11:00 +0000

Various adaptogenic herbs and nutrients can positively affect thyroid health. Learn which 5 supplements you should start taking.


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The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It’s vital for hormone production, playing a role in the development of the human body and metabolism regulation. Over time, however, stress, diet, and more can cause unnecessary strain on the thyroid and the entire endocrine system. When the thyroid starts to decline, it’s easy for the body to experience low energy levels, sluggish metabolism, poor digestion, and loss of appetite. 

What Is The Thyroid? 

The small butterfly-shaped gland in the base of the neck is known as the thyroid. It produces hormones that help to regulate metabolism and heart rate control. The two primary hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), it produces affect every cell in the human body. They travel throughout the bloodstream and deliver energy from food to your cells. This process regulates metabolism at a cellular level. 

One thing to keep in mind about the thyroid is that it’s possible to experience many thyroid issues. For example, one person may have an underachieve thyroid (hypothyroidism), while another person may have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). The supplements that help one person with a thyroid issue may not help another person with a similar or different issue. One thing is for certain and it is that adaptogens are beneficial because they build adaptive reserve to help the thyroid. Keep reading to learn more about great herbs and supplements for the thyroid


While selenium is a necessary nutrient in everyone’s diet, it is especially beneficial for optimal thyroid function. It works to assist with the metabolism of thyroid hormones. In fact, the body requires selenium to produce the T3 thyroid hormone. According to clinical studies, selenium can help reduce the levels of antibodies against thyroid peroxidase in people with hypothyroidism. This enzyme plays a role in thyroid hormone production. Selenium is present in Brazil nuts, shiitake mushrooms, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, cabbage, lima beans, brown rice, and spinach.

Reishi Mushroom

Known for its anti-cancer benefits, reishi mushroom is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms in existence. Working to establish balance in the body, reishi mushroom is an adaptogen that helps the body adapt and respond to stressors. It contains triterpenes, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and beta glucans, all of which support overall wellness. Since stress can affect thyroid function, the belief is that reishi mushrooms help reduce stress and invite balance in the body. Additionally, reishi mushrooms are great sources of selenium.

B-Vitamin Complex

Anyone with hypothyroidism can benefit from taking a B-vitamin complex supplement. B vitamins work assist with thyroid function and hormone regulation, according to many studies. It’s best to take a B-complex nutritional supplement so that you don’t neglect any of the B vitamins. These nutrients also encourage optimal energy levels, healthy nerve cells, cognitive health, and neurological support. 


This is another adaptogen, which is typically used to help lower stress levels in the body. It’s known for balancing cortisol and DHEA, which people commonly refer to as the “healthy aging hormone.” According to studies, high stress levels lead to lower levels of T3 and T4, both of which are important thyroid hormones. Ashwagandha also stimulates the endocrine system, helping to optimize thyroid function.


If the body doesn’t have iodine, it cannot make thyroid hormone. The recommended daily intake of iodine for the average adult is 150 micrograms per day. People with hypothyroidism should discuss iodine supplements or foods with their health care professionals, specifically because iodine can adversely affect hypothyroidism in some cases. Additionally, too much iodine can increase the risk of Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune thyroid disorder. Since the body cannot make iodine, you need to consume it via diet in responsible amounts. Great food sources of iodine include kelp, sea moss, and brown seaweed. 


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The Power Of Iodine Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:00:10 +0000

On the latest episode of Vegan101, we'll show you the power that Iodine can have in your every day diet!


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On the latest episode of Vegan101, we’ll show you the power that Iodine can have in your every day diet!


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Dherbs Iodine Extract Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:23:45 +0000

Thyroid Aid - Herbal supplement rich in organic iodine that works to regulate hormones and aid in a healthy thyroid gland.


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Thyroid Aid – Herbal supplement rich in organic iodine that works to regulate hormones and aid in a healthy thyroid gland.


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Dherbs Iodine Formula Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:34:16 +0000

The Thyroid Aid is an herbal supplement that has iodine, which is helpful in cleansing and nourishing the thyroid gland and in boosting the metabolism.


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The Thyroid Aid is an herbal supplement that has iodine, which is helpful in cleansing and nourishing the thyroid gland and in boosting the metabolism.


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Dherbs Sea Moss Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:11:58 +0000

The iodine in these products helps to boost the immune system, and nurture the thyroid. It is beneficial to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.


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Sea Moss Powder is a source of natural iodine. Taken in a hot or cold blended beverage, it’s intended to nurture the thyroid and the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.

Sea Moss – St Lucia Gold and Sea Moss – St Lucia Purple are high in iodine which helps to boost the immune system, and nurture the thyroid. It is beneficial to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts.


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