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If you want to get the most bang for your fitness buck, then you need to avoid these exercises that get in the way of fitness goals.


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There are so many ways to obtain information about fitness these days. From fitness Instagram accounts to in-depth YouTube videos, there is no shortage of fitness-related content. You can read entire books about how to exercise to achieve your ideal body. The problem is that not every popular training style may bring you closer to your goals. 

Various exercise physiologists concur that certain exercises do not yield desired outcomes for certain clients. That is especially true if people do not do the exercises with the proper form. Although certain exercises may work multiple muscle groups, doing them improperly can increase the risk of injury, or work the wrong muscles groups. To learn about exercises that get in the way of your fitness goals, continue reading.

Bench Dips

If you cannot do full dips, you may consider bench dips as the stepping stone. In theory bench dips tone your triceps, but there is a drawback to this exercise. Many people who do them allow their shoulders to round forward during the exercise. Not only does that increase the risk of shoulder injury, but it also diminishes the effectiveness of the exercise. Get more bang for your buck by mastering push-ups first. Push-ups target your triceps and engage other upper-body muscles. 

Lunges With Bicep Curls

What this exercise entails is stepping into a lunge, doing a bicep curl, and then returning back to a standing position. This is a compound move that would be more effective if you simply separated the exercises. Adding bicep curls to your lunges can get your upper body involved, but they can limit your gains. Biceps are smaller muscles, so you can only curl a light weight while lunging. A better approach is to separate the exercises, performing lunges with heavier dumbbells and then curling with a heavier barbell or dumbbells.


This is the exercise that everyone loves to hate. Burpees engage multiple muscle groups, but people do not usually execute them properly. Very few people actually do burpees with proper form, and doing them incorrectly can lead to injuries or general muscle pain. If you want to boost your cardiovascular and strength training, consider doing sets of well-executed squats and push-ups with no breaks in between. Or, you can engage in fully separate cardio sessions on days when you don’t weight train.

Weighted Side Bends

Trying to sculpt those obliques? Your obliques are primarily used to either aid or resist rotation. That makes the lateral movement of side bends less effective for strengthening them. If you want a more effective core workout that targets your oblique, consider a Pallof press, which can promote a stronger core. You can also engage in hip dips, side planks, Russian twists, and bicycles. 

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

How did HIIT make this list? This type of training is popular because it saves you time, effectively elevates your heart rate, and combines cardiovascular and strength training. If you cram everything into a single, short workout, though, you may limit the benefits of building total muscular strength. HIIT is not always suitable for beginners because it can lead to overuse injuries, or even cellular damage. 

When you combine strength and cardio exercises into one workout, there is a trade-off between the two. Cardio moves have different energy requirements that strength training moves. Strength training is anaerobic and demands short bursts of high-intensity effort, while cardio is aerobic and requires sustained, lower-intensity effort. Combining these two types of exercises can compromise their quality and effectiveness. That’s why it is better to focus solely on strength in a single session if you want to improve muscle growth.


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The Best Tips For Exercising During Menopause Tue, 19 Mar 2024 09:18:00 +0000

During menopause, prioritize recovery, focus on building muscle, enhancing endurance, and consider these other exercise tips.


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A significant number of women belong to the status of menopause and beyond. For this reason, a lot of research goes into developing the best comprehensive health program for them, including exercise, lifestyle modifications, and dietary recommendations. Exercise is integral to staying healthy during menopause, as it can help maintain muscle and bone mass.

The best exercise program for menopausal women includes aerobic activity, strength training, and balance exercise. Aim for at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderately-intense physical activity per week. Other exercises, such as deep breathing, yoga, and stretching, can help menopausal women manage stress, which can help mitigate the symptoms of menopause. Exercise just happens to be one of the most powerful mitigators. 

Before we detail the best tips for exercising during menopause, keep in mind that everyone is different. One exercise program may work for some, but not others. Find a routine that feels good for your body as you jump-start a more active menopausal lifestyle. 

Start Slow

It is never too late and it is never a bad idea to start an exercise program. A 20-minute walk around the neighborhood is a great place to start. The key to exercising is to start slow and gradually increase both the time and intensity of your workouts. Again, start with 10- or 20-minute workouts twice a week and build from there. Building the exercise habit and enjoying the activity is more important than you realize. 

Train Balance And Stability

According to a review from 2023, balance is just as important as strength training if you want to reduce your risk of falls. Taking a tumble can be more serious in your later years, with around 20% of falls in older adults having serious effects, such as fracture or head injury. Such an injury in your older years can decrease your ability to live independently. That is why fitness experts encourage balance training, such as standing on one foot while brushing your teeth. Yoga and Pilates can go a long way in strengthening your core and improving flexibility and balance.

Focus On Building Muscle

Strengthening your muscles is just as important as enhancing balance, stability, and flexibility. After menopause, you may be at an increased risk for fractures and osteoporosis, primarily because o f bone loss and weight gain in the belly area. The goal should be to both build and preserve lean muscles mass and maintain bone health. The primary exercises that aid everyday habits include squats, hinge movements (glute bridges or deadlifts), lunges, pushes (push-ups or overhead presses), carries (farmer’s walk), and pulls (rows or pull-ups). If you are unfamiliar with strength training, it can be beneficial to get a personal trainer for a few sessions to learn how to correctly do the exercises. Then you can engage in various workouts on your own.

Prioritize Recovery

The work you do after your workouts is equally as important as the workouts themselves. Proper recovery is necessary for your body to function at its best, no matter where you are at in life. After an exhausting workout, you may find that you require more time to recover than you did 10 years prior. Recovery is different for many people. One person may require one or two days off between workouts, while another person may just need some stretching to get a good night’s rest

Your diet also plays a role in your ability to recover after exercising. Consuming sufficient protein is necessary if you work out regularly because it helps maintain muscle mass. Giving the body amino acids can help repair and rebuild your muscles. Aim to consume about five to six-and-a-half ounces of protein per day from various sources to give your muscles essential amino acids and other nutrients necessary for growth. Scatter your protein sources throughout the day for best results. 

Take Your Cardio Up A Notch

According to research, people who have higher estrogen levels have a lower risk of developing heart disease than those who have lower levels. Estrogen levels decline during menopause, meaning your protection against heart disease does as well. Women who exit menopause have a higher risk of developing heart attacks, coronary artery disease, and heart failure than their younger counterparts. Studies suggest that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT) are your best bets during menopause. During these workouts, you increase your rate to its upper levels and then recover during rest periods. That increases your ability to work and recover at healthier levels. It also helps to enhance your endurance!


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4 Surprising Health Benefits Of Jumping Rope Sun, 28 Jan 2024 09:12:00 +0000

How much fun was a game of Double Dutch?Jumping rope, although a classic childhood activity, offers surprising health benefits.


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According to the International Rope Skipping Federation (IRSF), jumping rope is deeply rooted in history. It has origins in ancient China, and a game called “hundred rope jumping” was a favorite activity during Chinese New Year celebrations. Today, jumping rope has a place in fitness training and other activities, including boxing or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). 

What Is Jumping Rope?

Yes, this simple activity calls for an explanation! Jumping rope involves an appropriate-length rope with handles on each end. Grab hold of the handles, swing the rope over your head and in front of your body, and jump over the rope as it comes down to the floor. Swing it back over you in a fluid motion and continue at varying speeds as you improve your skills. The jump rope is a popular training tool for boxers because it helps work on cardiovascular fitness and foot agility. You can also incorporate it into a HIIT session because jumping rope quickly raises your heart rate. 

How To Properly Jump Rope

Having the right technique and form makes the exercise more effective. This is true whether you are jumping rope or deadlifting. To properly jump rope:

  • Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold one end of the jump rope in each hand with the rope behind you. 
  • Keep your elbows tucked close to your sides, swing the rope with your wrists up and over your head, and allow the rope to fall to your feet. 
  • Jump over the rope with both feet before the top hits your feet. Continue repeating this cycle in a seamlessly fluid motion. Try your best to keep your wrists at waist level and keep their movement minimal.

Finding The Right Jump Rope Length

Selecting the right jump rope size is integral for the success of this exercise. Make sure that the jump rope fits with your height in mind. A jump rope should not exceed three feet plus your total height in feet. That means that if you are five feet tall, your jump rope should not be longer than eight feet long. Another way to determine the size is if you stand in the middle of the jump rope so that the right and left sides are even in length. Pull the top up toward your armpits. If the handles come up to your mid-chest or armpit area, the rope is an appropriate length. 

It Boosts Lower Body Muscular Power

The longer you jump rope, the more you train your lower body. Your legs and feet need training if you want to improve agility and explosiveness. Jumping rope can help you train lower body muscle groups in a fairly quick amount of time. This can be very helpful if you engage in sports that require you to change speed or direction, such as basketball or soccer. 

It Enhances Cardiovascular Endurance

Incorporating the jump rope into a HIIT workout is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular endurance. Jumping rope trains the aerobic system in a short amount of time, which is great news if you don’t have time for longer workouts. Jumping rope is also a beneficial activity if you need to rehab an injury that cannot yet withstand the impact of runs, hikes, or bike rides. 

It Improves Tendon Elasticity

Jumping rope works to improve the elasticity of tendons in the legs that support different joints. For example, a couple of these tendons include the Achilles tendon in your lower leg and IT band, which runs between your knee and hip along the outside of your thigh. These tendons work like a spring, storing energy and then releasing it. They require appropriate stiffness and flexibility in order to store and release this energy. By improving tendon elasticity, you help these tendons propel you when you need them to do so. 

It Is A Good Mental Stimulus

More than a fun workout, jumping rope may help ignite fond memories from your childhood. Do you remember playing Double Dutch or jumping rope around the neighborhood with friends? Maybe you went from jumping rope, to hopscotch, to another fun activity with friends. Additionally, you may find that jumping rope helps improve your timing and coordination, both of which you need to successfully jump rope.


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The Best Plyometric Exercises For Older Adults Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:33:00 +0000

If you’re looking for an effective form of cardio as an older adult, plyometric exercises raise your heart rate and maximize your workouts.


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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and plyometric exercises are typically high-impact, fast-paced movements. Burpees, broad jumps, and other similar exercises fall into this category, but they aren’t accessible for everyone. So what do you do if you want to enjoy this type of workout but lack the ability to do these moves? Fortunately, there are many plyometric exercises made for people of all ages and fitness levels. 

Plyometrics are physical movements that involve the rapid stretching and contracting of muscles. They are feasible for all levels of fitness and abilities, and especially beneficial for seniors. Engaging in regular cardiovascular workouts can protect the heart and brain, ultimately reducing your risk of age-related conditions.

Benefits Of Plyometrics For Seniors

By improving and increasing strength and performance, you can move more easily and comfortably as you age. Not only does this help you live an independent lifestyle, but it also increases muscle mass, which can reduce your risk of sarcopenia, or age-related loss of muscle mass. Plyometrics also enhance joint health and promote better mobility, which can help you carry out everyday movements. A 2020 study found that plyometric exercises were more effective for strengthening muscles and improving functional fitness than regular resistance training, especially for older adults. Learn about the best plyometric exercises for older adults below. 


Step-ups work to increase leg strength and stability, and they are particularly beneficial for elderly people who have a higher risk of bone-related issues. Practicing this exercise can make simple things, like walking up and down stairs, a lot easier to do. Stand up straight in front of a bench or box with your arms by your sides. Step your right foot up onto the bench/box so that your knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. You can start with a lower step if you want. Engage your right glute, drive through your heel, and press your left toes off the floor. Don’t bring your left foot on the bench until it is even with your right foot. Return your left foot to the floor and complete all your reps before switching sides. Complete three sets of 10 reps per leg. 

Lateral Bound

Engaging in dynamic side-to-side movements can help improve stability by building up those muscles. Seniors should incorporate lateral bounds into their fitness routine to help avoid slips, falls, and accidents. Begin with all of your weight on your left leg, knee slightly bent. Your right foot can touch or hover above the ground. Press through your left heel to push off your left leg and jump to your right, landing softly on your right foot. Make sure to keep your hips back and core stabilized when you land. Immediately reverse the movement and continue alternating. Complete three sets of 10 reps per leg. 

Squat Jump

Squat jumps help you build lower-body strength, which can help you stand up from a sitting position with ease. This exercise also makes going up and down the stairs a lot easier. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and toes pointed out slightly. Sit back into a squat, keeping your back straight and core and glutes engaged. From the bottom of your squat, explode off the ground, driving through your heels to jump forward. Make sure to land safely with your knees bent. Complete three sets of 10 jumps. 

Box Jump

This takes the previous exercise up a notch! These strengthen your leg muscles and help enhance coordination. Don’t worry, you can start with a small step-up platform before jumping onto a box or bench if that intimidates you. Stand facing a step up platform, box, or bench and keep your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your knees to sit back into a quarter squat and bring both arms behind you. In a fluid, explosive movement, swing your arms forward as you jump up onto the box or bench. Make sure to land softly with your knees bent. Straighten your legs and then step down from the box. Complete three sets of eight to 10 jumps.


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The Best Tips For Healthier Travel Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:13:00 +0000

Travel can restore your vitality, giving you a new perspective on the world, and these tips make traveling a whole lot healthier for you.


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If there’s one thing that you know about traveling, it’s that food plays a large role. Food in the place(s) you visit can make or break your experience. Because most travel involves hotel stays and different moving elements, your food choices may be hasty and poorly calculated. That means that you may just opt for unhealthier options to reduce the time it takes to find a better eatery. 

When you travel, and summer is a big time for traveling, there are things you can do to stay healthy during your time away. You don’t have to live in the gym or drink kale smoothies every day, but you can prepare yourself better to handle different situations. When you enter your travel with the following tips in mind, your trip will not be as unhealthy as previous trips. 

Wipe Down Your Area On The Plane

There are cleaning crews that quickly clean planes, but you know that they don’t always do the best job. You may find a pretzel, empty bottle, or gunk in and around the seat from time to time. One of the dirtiest places on the plane is the area around your seat: the buckle, the screen in the seatback in front of you, the tray table, and air vent. Data from Travelmath revealed that the average air vent had 285 colony-forming units of bacteria (CFUs), while the buckle had 230 CFUs. For this reason, it can be beneficial to your health to wipe down your seat area with a sanitizing wipe prior to settling in. This is especially beneficial if you have a weaker or sensitive immune system. 

Find the Perishable In Airports

It’s too easy to walk by airport stands, vendors, or kiosks and purchase unhealthy snacks and sugary beverages. They are easy and readily available, but you can also find whole fruits and vegetables in the airports. It just takes a little more searching on your part, but most coffee stands or cafes offer whole fruit options, in most cases. Big hubs often have more food options, including healthier restaurants to choose from between or before flights. The best approach, though, is to bring your own fruits or vegetable snacks. Apples, carrot sticks, celery sticks, and other similar options travel well. 

Go For A Walk When You Land

After sitting on a flight, you may notice that your body is very sore. Airplane seats are not very comfortable to begin with, and the limited position that you are confined to can be uncomfortable as well. After getting off a long flight, health experts recommend that you get moving right away. Not only does a brisk walk loosen up your muscles, but it also helps you familiarize yourself in a new location. Once you arrive at the place where you are staying, head out for a 20-30 minute walk to get fresh air and explore. If you arrive late at night, go for a walk the next morning. 

Have A Game Plan If You’re An Anxious Traveler

If you know that you develop anxiety on planes, you need to have a plan in place before your trip begins. Ideally, have a coping mechanism or technique to calm your anxiety when you feel it coming on. Make sure that you are calm from the start to set yourself up for success. Check in via mobile apps or fill out what you need to do prior to arriving at the airport.

When you enter the airport, turn on your most relaxing playlist to distract your mind from the chaos of the airport. If you feel anxious, try to engage in diaphragmatic breathing to help calm your nerves. If you feel like you are going to have a panic attack, take action. Access to a restroom? Go sit on the toilet, put your head between your knees, and breathe deeply. Go to the sink and splash water in your face and wet behind your neck to pull yourself out of the moment. 

You Can Always Fit In A Workout

No matter the hotel, hostel, or AirBnb, you can always do some sort of exercise. A simple yoga flow in the morning, stretching in the evening, or a series of bodyweight exercises can go a long way. The great thing about bodyweight exercises is that you don’t need a lot of space. Squats, push-ups, chair dips, planks, crunches, and other similar workouts don’t require more space than your body length. If you really want to get your heart rate up, do these exercises back-to-back for high-intensity interval training.


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A Beach-Friendly HIIT Workout For Summer Thu, 06 Jul 2023 08:15:03 +0000

This aerobic and muscle-building full-body workout is beach-friendly, making it perfect for your next waterside vacation or adventure.


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We are in the middle of summer, which means that a beach vacation or at least a weekend outing should be on your to-do list. It’s such a fun outing, whether you are by yourself or with the entire family. Although the beach adventure or vacation tends to be a relaxing outing, it is possible to pack some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into the experience. The workout in this article is designed for the sand; just make sure you don’t get burnt while feeling the burn.

The sand is an excellent surface on which to workout. It actually provides resistance, meaning it makes your workout a tad bit tougher. Because the sand constantly shifts under your feet, you have to actively work to engage your muscles to stabilize yourself. These are the muscles that people typically fail to engage at the gym or on a paved surface. Additionally, the sand also provides a little extra cushion, which can be beneficial for those with joint pain. The high-impact nature of HIIT workouts can strain the joints, so doing these workouts on the sand reduces the risk of muscle and joint damage. Best of luck on the workout below!

Before you start your workout, look for firmer and level sand, or wherever it looks the most inviting. Start with a brisk walk or jog for about five or 10 minutes to elevate your heart rate. At that point, begin with Block 1 and work your way through Block 3. Continue reading to learn how to do the exercises. 

Block 1

Complete each exercise in this block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat the block for two sets and then move on to Block 2. Make sure to rest for 60-90 seconds before starting Block 2.

Lateral Shuffles

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Angle your upper body forward from the hips and bend the knees slightly. Hold your hands in front of you, bending your elbows as if creating the pose to catch a football. From this squatted position, step your right foot to the side, shift your weight to that foot, and then quickly follow with the left foot. Repeat four times to complete four shuffles to the right, switch sides, and then come back. Repeat for 30 seconds and then rest.

Lateral Bear Crawls

Being on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Lift your knees about an inch or two off the sand, supporting yourself with only your hands and feet. Remain in this position and simultaneously step your right foot and right hand a few inches to the right, following suit with your left foot and left hand. Complete three more steps to the right, engaging your core throughout. Repeat four more steps to the left and then continue until 30 seconds has elapsed. 

Block 2

Complete each exercise in the block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat each exercise twice and then move on to the next block, making sure to rest for 60-90 seconds before starting Block 3. 

Broad Jump To Back Pedal

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent. Use your arms to propel you as you jump forward as far as you can. Run backwards to your starting position and repeat. If you need a low-impact version of this, simply step one foot at a time as far forward as you can and then shuffle back to the start. Continue for 30 seconds and then rest. 

Mountain Climber To Half-Burpee

Begin in a high plank position, keeping your hands directly below your shoulders. Engage your core to keep your body in a straight line. Complete four mountain climbers, driving your right knee to your chest while engaging your lower abdomen. Follow suit with the left knee, making sure to complete four reps per leg. Follow with a half-burpee. Jump your feet to your hands and land in a low squat. Lift your upper body up straight and then step back into the high plank. Repeat this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest. 

Block 3

Complete each exercise in the block for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise in the block. Repeat each exercise twice to complete the workout. 

Forward Squat Jack With 180-Degree Jump Turn

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and bend your knees. Jump forward as far as you can, using your arms to aid this effort. Land in a slightly squatted position and then jump-turn 180 degrees to face the direction from where you jumped. Repeat this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest. 

High Plank Travels With Push-Up

Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line and engage your core. Just as you did in the lateral bear crawls, simultaneously step your right hand and right foot to the right about one foot and follow suit with your left hand and foot. Complete three more times and then do a push-up. Repeat to the other side to continue the pattern. Continue this cycle for 30 seconds and then rest.


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The Top 6 Exercises To Lose Your Love Handles Fri, 05 May 2023 09:13:00 +0000

Get rid of ab flab and lose your love handles for good when you regularly engage in these fat-burning exercises. Don’t forget to eat right!


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Dumbbell side bends, cardio, sit-ups, and other exercises don’t seem to chip away at those love handles. Does this sound familiar? That doesn’t mean you have to give up; rather, you need to pivot and change up your workout routine, or begin anew. Banish that belly fat and get yourself a lean torso with the six moves in this article. 

What Are Love Handles? 

Caused by fat retention and accumulation around the hips and abdominal area, love handles refer to excess fat that sits at the sides of your waist. They can hang over the top of your pants and are very noticeable when you wear tight clothes. Love handles are especially stubborn when it comes to getting rid of them. This is because they don’t respond as quickly to diet and exercise changes as other parts of the body. If you maintain a consistent regimen, you will reap the results!

The exercises in this article are effective because they are fast-paced and target the rectus and transverse abdominals. In order to burn belly fat, you have to do more than cardio and sit-ups. Exercise physiologists agree that the body has to enter a thermogenic state that leads to an accelerated rate of fat loss. Ideally, you complete the following exercises as a circuit once a week, in addition to other exercises that strengthen and condition the body. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts can also help you lose those love handles

Russian Twists

Sit on the floor with legs bent and feet on the ground. Grab a medicine ball or weight (doesn’t have to be heavy) and hold it just above your abs. Lean your upper body back until you reach a 45-degree angle to the floor. If you have stronger abs, you can hover your feet above the floor as well. Rotate your torso to the right, reaching your arms across and behind you with the weight and then immediately switch sides. Continue twisting from side to side, making sure that your legs are stationary throughout. Complete four sets of 15 reps.

Battle Rope Waves

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart at the ends of the battle rope. Bend your knees slightly and engage your core. Grip the ends of the rope in both hands and allow your arms to hang straight down at the center of your torso. Sit back into a half squat and then explode your body upward, driving through your heels to extend your knees and hips as you swing your arms up over your head. Immediately return to the half squat and continue the movement for 30 seconds. Complete a total of four sets.

Sledgehammer Overhead Strikes

If you don’t have a sledgehammer, a weighted club or mace will work just fine. Grab the piece of equipment with your left hand on the bottom and right hand near the hammer, or end. Raise the hammer up and over your right shoulder, bringing it down in a swift motion toward the center of a large tire. This motion is very similar to chopping wood. Alternate sides and continue alternating every swing for a total of 20 reps. Complete a total of three sets.

Forearm Plank

Did you think we’d let you off the hook without a plank? Begin lying face down on the floor with your legs extended behind you, placing your forearms on the floor. Make sure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders and by your sides. Lift your hips off the ground and support your body weight using your forearms and toes. Maintain a neutral spine and tight core for 30 seconds. Complete a total of four sets.

Box Jump

Before you begin, make sure that the box you choose is a comfortable height. You don’t want to injure yourself by missing the box or falling back because the box is too tall. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart about two feet away from the box. When you’re ready to jump, drop into a lower squat and swing your arms back. Push through your heels, engaging your quads and glutes, and propel yourself onto the box. Carefully step down and continue to jump for 10-12 reps, completing a total of four sets. 

Kettlebell Swings

Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Grab hold of a kettlebell that is comfortable for you to hold and swing. Stand up so that you’re holding the kettlebell between your legs. Bend your knees slightly and drive your hips back to lower the body (not too low) a little. In a fluid motion, thrust your hips forward while swinging the kettlebell up until your arms are parallel to the ground. Keep your glutes and core engaged throughout the exercise. Complete four sets of 15 reps.


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Mini Workouts: Great When You’re Pressed For Time Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:04:00 +0000

Don’t have time for a full hour of exercise? Fit these mini workouts into your day to support your fitness and weight loss goals.


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It’s time to look at working out through a different lens. Finding a 30-60 minute block of time for exercise can be a struggle. What about engaging in mini workouts? According to experts, accumulated exercise throughout the day is just as effective as one continuous workout session. All you have to do is trust the science!

How do mini workouts equate to one long session? Traditionally, long hours in the gym focusing on specific exercises was the only way to increase muscle strength and endurance. Nowadays, running long distances and lifting heavy are not the only options that increase muscle strength and cardiovascular strength. High intensity interval workouts (HIIT) in short bursts produce similar results without the need for a long period of exercise. 

How Much Exercise Is Enough Exercise?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that American adults should aim to get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise weekly. If the exercise is more vigorous and intense, 75 minutes is completely sufficient. Meeting these guidelines can seem difficult if you try to workout for long periods at a time. However, breaking up exercise sessions into mini workouts can help you achieve the same number of minutes. You can continue reading to learn more about the benefits of mini workouts.

Easier To Fit Into The Day

Exercise physiologists agree that the number one reason people don’t exercise is because they lack the time. In reality, they do have the time, but the energy required to go to the gym, exercise, and go home is more of a commitment. Exercise, especially mini workouts, doesn’t require a huge portion of your day. You can exercise in a small space for 5-10 minutes. Resistance training is is a great way to build muscle strength without sweating too much. 

Boost Your Brain Health

Several studies indicate that shorter workouts help people take advantage of short-term neurological benefits. Fitting multiple mini workouts into your day, even if they are 3-5 minutes, can boost both your brain and mood. One study found that people who walked briskly for 10 minutes and followed it with meditation experienced better mood, compared to an inactive group. 

Reduce The Stress Of Working Out

The idea of working out is very stressful to a lot of people. It can be overwhelming to carve out a big chunk of time that you dedicate to your workout, especially if you have other obligations. Shorter, mini workouts are much more appealing to people who want to work out, but don’t want to do so for 45 minutes at a time. Additionally, mini workouts are much more sustainable for longer periods of time. 

Better Focus And More Confidence

If you sit at a computer all day, you can sometimes feel the energy leaving your body as the day goes by. Brief mini workouts throughout the day, however, may heighten your creativity and alertness, contributing to better productivity. As you incorporate more mini workouts into your day, you may feel stronger and experience weight loss. Both of these benefits can positively affect your self-confidence. Plus, the endorphins you produce may also contribute to feeling confident about yourself. 

Makes It Easier To Exercise At Higher Intensity

Shorter workouts are not easy by any means. They are shorter because they involve high intensity interval training. This is why mini workouts benefit people of all fitness levels. Decreasing your exercise time while increasing intensity can make you more accustomed to higher intensities. They aren’t easy, but you can sustain that intensity for a lot longer the more you work out. This is highly beneficial for your cardiovascular and aerobic strength. 

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, accumulating exercise in short bursts throughout the day can improve your overall health. A review of 19 studies found no differences between accumulated and continuous exercise. The authors of the review also noted that both accumulated and continuous exercise equally benefited blood glucose and insulin levels. 


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Lower Your Anxiety Risk By Almost 60% With Regular Exercise Sun, 19 Sep 2021 08:58:00 +0000

New study finds that regular exercise can drastically reduce the risk of developing anxiety and related disorders. Find out more here.


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About one in ten people live with anxiety disorders. Anxiety only increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the continued uncertainty of life doesn’t aid people who already struggle with mental health. A recent Gallup poll reported that 80% of American workers suffered from some sort of work anxiety because of the pandemic. Is there a way to combat this anxiety or do people just have to deal with it?

The relationship between exercise and reduced anxiety levels is not breaking news. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, dancing, and more help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, increases blood circulation to the brain. This influences the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to experience reduced reactivity to stress. It’s a physiological influence that involves the HPA axis with other regions of the brain. 

New Study Suggests Exercise Significantly Reduces Anxiety Risk

A research team from Sweden says that regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%. Research about exercise’s impact on anxiety symptoms exists, but there is little research about the impact of dose and intensity in regards to exercise reducing the risk of developing anxiety disorders. 

The new study monitored athletes that took part in the world’s largest long-distance, cross-country ski race between 1989 and 2010. The researchers found that people who participated had a much lower risk of developing anxiety compared to non-skiers during that same time period. There were nearly 400,000 people from both sexes involved in the study, making it one of the largest epidemiology studies ever. 

Researchers found that the more physically active group experienced a 60% lower risk of developing anxiety disorders. Those results are according to a follow up period of up to 21 years. The findings were consistent between both men and women. Exercise improves mental health by improving cognitive function, self-esteem, and mood. In other studies, regular exercise also proved to increase energy, reduce stress, improve endurance, increase sexual interest, and regulate mood. 

Exercise In Women

According to the study, there was a clear distinction between exercise performance level and the risk of developing anxiety between male and female participants. For example, a male skier’s physical performance did not affect the risk of anxiety development. The highest performing group of female skiers, however, experienced a two-time greater risk of developing disorders than the group that performed at the lowest level of physical activity. 

The risk of anxiety development across active female participants was much lower compared to inactive women in the general population. Researchers from the team also add that these findings cover uncharted waters of scientific research. Nearly all previous studies focused on depression or mental illness, as opposed to focusing on anxiety disorders. Additionally, previous studies primarily focused on men in much smaller numbers. There was also no follow-up data to track the long-term effects of physical activity in relation to mental well-being. 

What Do The Findings Suggest?

It’s clear that the research suggests that the relationship between exercise and anxiety symptoms may not be linear. Genetics, personality traits, or physiological factors can influence anxiety symptoms and exercise behaviors. Researchers did not investigate those factors in the course of this study,. Studies that discover the differences between the exercise behaviors in men and women and the risk of anxiety development are still necessary. 

Exercise Benefits Mental Health

The bottom line is that exercise, not simply long-distance or cross-country skiing, can benefit mental health and keep anxiety at bay. Some research shows that a simple walk in nature helps to reduce stress and boost emotional well-being. Additionally, these walks can help to recalibrate a fatigued brain, and people often perform better, cognitively speaking, after a walk in a “greener space.” Elevating the heart rate with more intense workouts can also hit the reset button and clear the head. High intensity interval workouts or even walking up and down the stairs can recharge the batteries and lead to better mental wellness. 


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The Adventures Of V-Man: HIIT Workouts With The She Beast Fri, 28 May 2021 09:26:00 +0000

Join Vinnie in the latest Adventures of V-Man! Watch him try HIIT workouts with the one and only Nadege Ndjebayi, a.k.a. The She Beast.


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Most people know that exercise or physical activity is beneficial for overall health. Even though people may go to the gym on a regular basis, they may not exert themselves enough to have a legitimate workout. It’s possible that people won’t burn enough calories to counteract the anything they ate all day. The fact is that about 30% of people worldwide don’t get sufficient exercise. 

Maybe you work a hard job and don’t have the effort to workout when you get home. Perhaps your desk job drains you and causes utter laziness. Maybe you are a parent and don’t have the time to exercise. If any of those examples describes you, it’s time to try high intensity interval training (HIIT). That’s exactly what Vinnie, a.k.a. V-Man, did with the one and only She Beast, Nadege Ndjebayi

What Is HIIT?

Involving short bursts of intense exercise with low-intensity recovery periods, HIIT works to improve both cardiovascular and muscular strength. Many people love HIIT workouts because they only last for 10-30 minutes. Even though they are shorter than the average gym-goer’s workout session, HIIT sessions have proven to be more effective. Studies show that HIIT workouts burned 25-30% more calories than other forms of exercise. You’ll see how exhausted Vinnie was in the video in this article. In fact, he’ll tell you all about it below.

I love a good workout. Whether it’s riding down the slopes on a snowboard, lifting free weights, surfing, or hiking, I love to explore as many activities as I can. One thing I had never done, though, was HIIT training. I’m not a cardio guy, and you’ll see how badly the She Beast whooped my ass in the training session. Am I out of shape? Cardiovascular speaking, absolutely, but that’s because I don’t focus on cardio exercises as much as I should. That left me feeling embarrassed and weak during the workout session, but sometimes it’s good to feel that way. It means the training works!

Who Is The She Beast?

Nadege Ndjebayi is one of the most inspirational and motivated women I’ve ever had the chance to meet. Born in Paris, Ndjebayi has dedicated a huge portion of her life to transforming her health. She struggled with weight gain and poor eating habits in the past, but she found the will to overcome obstacles and emerge a healthier person. She is a personal trainer who has the drive to inspire the masses, and she exudes female empowerment. Her love for fitness has helped other women find their inner she beasts. You’ll see how mighty her roar (and muscles) are in the video. 

Ndjebayi trains at The Method, a black-owned gym in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, CA. It aims to give people the most efficient workouts, while offering impressive recovery methods to maintain optimal physical health. The gym offers a variety of circuit, boxing, and booty-focused workouts, but the featured one is the Metcon. This 25-30 minute HIIT workout aims to burn 600-700 calories. That’s the craziest workout I’ve ever heard of! Naturally, I had to try it.

The Workout

Before I start telling you how exhausted I was, let me first start by saying that the gym feels like a club. She Beast calls it, “the only club you should be excited to go to.” The lights are going, the music is bumping, and She Beast is yelling at you the whole time. She’s not yelling to demean you or anything like that; rather, she’s doing her best to match the intensity and motivate you to power through the workout. 

I started by biking a mile on the assault bike, which is a heavy-duty exercise bike. Using your upper and lower body, you crank the pedals and pull/push the handles. From there, I went straight into pull-ups for 30 seconds, followed by tricep dips for 30 seconds. Only then was I allowed to rest for 30 seconds. Then I was back to the pull-up bar. I managed to complete a few pull-ups, but then She Beast had to assist me with reps for the remaining time. Fortunately, I could still do tricep dips after finishing those pull-ups. 

After 30 more seconds of recovery, I went back to the pull-up bar. Little did I know, that I had no strength left. I tried pulling myself up, but nothing happened. My lats and traps were useless and I was done for. And we were only on the first circuit of the workout! I should’ve taken the resistance band to assist with pull-ups that she offered me in the beginning. 

She Beast then pointed to the stair climber. I was excited to try this machine, which I only ever saw in the Rocky montages in the movies. Although, I did not look as ripped and determined as the boxers in the movies. As you can see in the video, I looked exhausted, because I was. I dug deep and was inspired to keep pace with the thumping beats she blasted in the studio. It was She Beast who kept me motivated to complete the workout. She kept saying, “Come on! Stay on the beat!” I tried as best I could.

Post Workout

Needless to say, I wanted to die. My lungs had never worked that hard in my life, and I was proud of myself for completing the workout. Before this HIIT session, I never needed help with pull-ups in my entire adolescent or adult life. It was definitely humbling because it exposed the areas I need to improve on in my fitness game. 

Did I feel like my inner She Beast came out to roar during that session? I don’t know if it did. I think it went to hibernate after the workout, though. What I do know is that if you want to get in shape and be the best version of yourself, head over to The Method gym and take some classes from the She Beast. You can find out more about her and what she does with the information below. 

Instagram: @nadege_ndjebayi


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