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Sometimes, you come across a beauty product that can only be described as “tasty.” It smells so good that you want to take a bite! This homemade grapefruit mint body wash is one of those recipes. Not only is it incredibly easy to make, but it also works to boost the health of your skin. […]


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Sometimes, you come across a beauty product that can only be described as “tasty.” It smells so good that you want to take a bite! This homemade grapefruit mint body wash is one of those recipes. Not only is it incredibly easy to make, but it also works to boost the health of your skin. After soaping up in the shower, your skin will feel silky smooth. Let’s take a look at the ingredients that elevate this body wash (and your skin) to the next level. 

Castile Soap

Liquid castile soap originally contained laurel oil and olive oil. After laurel oil became unavailable, it was exclusively made with olive oil. Nowadays, liquid castile soap contains other oils, including coconut oil. Castile soap is made more ethically and is way more environmentally friendly than a lot of other soaps out there. In addition to being biodegradable and nontoxic, castile soap does not strip away the skin’s natural oils. Instead, it helps to clean the skin while hydrating it at the same time

Almond Oil

Almond oil is a nourishing oil that is suitable for every skin type. It assists with cleansing the skin while adding moisture simultaneously. Almond oil is a rich source of monounsaturated oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid and linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid. Researchers note that almond oil is also a rich source of vitamin E, providing nearly 261% of the recommended daily value per 100 milliliters. 

Witch Hazel

As an astringent with anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, witch hazel may help soothe inflammation and fight acne. It is commonly applied to the skin and scalp to reduce skin irritation. Roughly 45% of Americans have sensitive skin, and some research indicates that topical application of witch hazel to sensitive skin may help treat broken, irritated, or inflamed skin. One study found that using a lotion with 10% witch hazel extract helped reduce skin inflammation and effectively treated erythema. 

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil exhibits a long list of benefits for skin health. It contains antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-itching, and anti-inflammatory properties. The primary compound (menthol) in peppermint essential oil may exhibit anti-inflammatory effects when applied to the skin. Researchers note that menthol has cooling effects on the skin, which can help diminish the sensation of itching triggered by histamine. 

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit essential oil is bursting with vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps to brighten and hydrate the skin. It even works to support the production of collagen. Grapefruit essential oil also contains other antioxidants that work to protect the skin from harmful free radicals. It also contains fruit acids, which help exfoliate the skin. Finally, it has d-limonene, which exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective ingredient to help fight acne.

Grapefruit Mint Body Wash


  • 1 cup water
  • 2/3 cup witch hazel
  • 1/4 cup liquid castile soap
  • 1/4 cup almond oil
  • 20 drops grapefruit essential oil
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • Foaming soap dispenser


  • In a large bowl or glass measuring cup, add all of the ingredients and stir well to combine. 
  • Place a funnel into the foaming hand soap bottle and pour the mixture into the dispenser. Leave an inch or so of room at the top for residual foam. 
  • Pump, soap, and enjoy!


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The Best Gentle Exercises For People With Arthritis Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:53:00 +0000

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may be looking for gentle exercises to do. Try these ones, which are easy on muscles, joints, and bones.


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Low-impact exercise is beneficial for several groups of people, especially those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Engaging in these types of exercises can help prevent stiff joints, while also helping to build muscle, improve endurance, and improve bone and muscle health. Just make sure to rest if you feel joint inflammation, as you don’t want to aggravate the condition. Listen to your body and it will guide you down the right path. 

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

RA is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in certain parts of the body, especially the hands, wrists, and knee joints. The tissue in the joint becomes damaged because the immune system mistakenly attacks cells. That can cause symptoms such as: 

  • Joint pain, or aching
  • Joint stiffness
  • Weight loss
  • Tenderness in the joints
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

If you have RA, you can improve your overall quality of life via physical activity. It may seem daunting, but the right exercises may help improve symptoms. Ideally, engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. Your activity level may vary with RA, so consult a healthcare provider to determine the right exercise plan for you. Additionally, make sure that your program includes strength-training, flexibility training, and balance exercises. Consider the following gentle exercises if you have RA.


Almost everyone can benefit from walking, unless it is too painful, of course. Walking is a joint-friendly, bone-strengthening, low-impact aerobic activity. The Arthritis Foundation recommends that you frequency, intensity, and time regarding your walks. Aim to walk daily, or at least three to five times per week. Ideally, keep your speed at two to three miles per hour, with an average walking time of 30 minutes. 

Water Aerobics

People who have significant joint pain benefit from being in the water, as it reduces stress on the joints. The buoyancy of the water relieves pressure on the joints and you have more fluidity with your movements. If you work out at a health center, try to see if there is an aquatic aerobics class to join. You can also consider an underwater jogging belt that suspends you above the pool floor, putting zero pressure on your hips, knees, or ankles. 

Tai Chi

Tai Chi involves gentle, controlled, and slow movements that connect to your breathing. It can help relieve stress, strengthen the body, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. It may also improve balance, which can help reduce your risk of falling. Fitness experts suggest that you do not practice Tai Chi longer than you can walk comfortably. 


If you want to engage in higher-intensity exercise without putting too much stress on the joints, Zumba might be the exercise for you. Zumba differs from other aerobics classes in that it helps you burn calories without taxing your joints. If you are new to Zumba, you will notice that your whole body feels the workout. That is because it is a full-body workout. Aim to take two hour-long classes weekly. 

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is beneficial for anyone seeking to improve posture, balance, and core strength. When you stand tall or sit up straight in a chair, imagine that a spring is lifting you from above. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about 30 seconds. Continue to focus on your breath as you place your hands on your stomach and direct your focus to move your diaphragm in and out with every breath. Engage your core muscles and maintain balance and posture during your breathing. 


A lot of people don’t consider stretching to be a form of exercise, but without flexibility you cannot move easily. You also have a higher risk of injury if your level of flexibility is low. Stretching can help reduce joint stiffness and make it easier to do everyday activities or household chores. You can stretch in a chair if that helps reduce stress on the joints. Chair yoga is a real thing! 


Almost everyone, even people with swollen or tender joints, can practice yoga. Yoga can help increase muscle strength, improve balance, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mobility. A small study found that yoga was beneficial for improving physical function and grip strength in people with RA. Try to avoid hot yoga or power yoga, as additional heat can put stress on the joints. 


If you have RA and want to increase muscle strength, Pilates may be the right exercise for you. Pilates may provide relief for symptoms associated with RA. In fact, one study found that pilates significantly improved symptoms of RA, including depression, fatigue, aerobic activity, and sleep quality.


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The Top 4 Reasons To Eat Chia And Flaxseed Pudding Sun, 28 Jul 2024 08:58:00 +0000

Plain old chia pudding? That’s great and all, but are you hip to the benefits of the decadently nutritious chia and flaxseed pudding?


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Not everyone is a fan of plain old chia pudding. Blending chia seeds and flax seeds together with a liquid and other ingredients creates a smoother texture that is decadent and delicious. As a bonus, you get a bigger nutrient bang for your buck. Plus, chia and flaxseed pudding is low in carbohydrates and works to reduce inflammation and regulate blood sugar levels. It is also 100% gluten-free, dairy-free, and only takes a few minutes to make. 

Separately, chia seeds and flax seeds offer protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and other vitamins and minerals. Enjoying them together in one pudding is like assembling all the Power Rangers come together to form the Mega Tigerzord. Thanks to the people who understood that reference. Together, chia seeds and flax seeds can keep you feeling full for hours, making it a great breakfast or pre- or post-workout snack. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of eating this combined pudding. 


Omega-3s, or omega-3 fatty acids, are essential for controlling inflammatory markers in the body. According to research, Americans tend to be deficient in anti-inflammatory omega-3s. Instead, they have an excess of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Although the body can have a balanced ratio of omegas, the average American consumes 15 times more omega-6s than they do omega-3s. Excess levels of omega-6s in the body can contribute to chronic inflammation, which increases the risk for several degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, arthritis, IBD, and Alzheimer’s disease. Eating chia and flaxseed pudding can help boost your omega-3 intake, which may reduce overall inflammation.


Both chia seeds and flax seeds are great sources of protein. One tablespoon of chia seeds provides 2.5 grams of protein, while one tablespoon of flax seed provides 1.3 grams of protein. Protein works to stabilize blood sugars by slowing the rate at which carbohydrates are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. Elevated blood sugar levels promote inflammation, which can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels. High blood sugar can also affect the gut microbiome, reducing levels of beneficial bacteria. That increases the risk of leaky gut, which can lead to systemic inflammation. Finally, protein can aid with appetite control and weight management by regulating hunger hormones.


Every person can benefit from increasing their antioxidant intake. These nutrients have protective effects on cellular health and help protect against oxidative stress by fighting free radicals. Free radicals are natural byproducts of metabolism, but you can introduce more via habits like smoking, lack of physical activity, stress, elevated blood sugars, and poor diet. Chia seeds and flax seeds are rich in antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation, slow the aging process, and decrease the risk of chronic disease. Flax seeds offer chlorogenic acid, lignans, and p-coumaric acid, all of which exhibit anti-cancer and antioxidant effects. Chia seeds contain quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, which exhibit the same anti-cancer and antioxidant properties


Chia seeds and flax seeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which benefit the digestive system. Insoluble fiber accelerates the rate at which food passes through the digestive tract, so it helps to keep you regular. Soluble fiber works to lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels and helps aid with weight management. Soluble fiber swells up like a gel, similar to chia seeds in liquid, and it traps glucose, cholesterol, and other waste products. It then moves that waste through the digestive tract to eliminate it. Additionally, soluble fiber helps decrease levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and increase levels of satiety. That makes chia and flax pudding a great option for filling you up, enhancing digestion, and managing weight. 

How To Make It


  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 2-4 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup flax seeds (whole or ground)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup cacao powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 


  • Add all of the ingredients to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Stop blending and scrape down the sides as needed to ensure that you thoroughly blend all the ingredients. 
  • Divide the blended mixture between two jars or storage containers and refrigerate for at least one hour. 
  • Remove from the fridge and top with fresh fruit, nut butter, or desiccated coconut and enjoy.


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4 Causes Of Inflammation That Are Not Often Discussed Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:44:00 +0000

If inflammatory cells remain in the body too long, you may experience chronic inflammation, and these four causes are often discussed.


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Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or illness. If something doesn’t belong in the body, such as toxins or germs, inflammation is the body’s way of healing. A fever, for example, is how you know that the inflammatory system is working correctly if you feel sick. That said, inflammation can harm you if it occurs in healthy tissues and sticks around for too long. 

What’s The Difference Between Acute And Chronic Inflammation?

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is sudden and short-term, whereas chronic inflammation can go on for months, or even years. 

  • Acute inflammation: The immune system’s response to injury or illness usually only lasts a few hours to a few days. Inflammatory cells travel to the site of injury (a cut on your leg) or infection to begin the healing process. A bacterial infection like strep throat will cause throat inflammation. Other bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation in the small intestine. 
  • Chronic inflammation: This happens when the body continues to send inflammatory cells when there is no danger. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, occurs when inflammatory cells attack joint tissues. That leads to inflammation that comes and goes, damaging your joints over the years. 

Sometimes, you can exercise and eat the right foods, only to not feel 100%. Perhaps you feel bloated after a well-balanced meal or you cannot reach your exercise goals. Sometimes, chronic inflammation may result from emotional or mental factors. Anxiety, shame, stress, and trauma, can cause as much inflammation as ultra-processed foods! Continue reading to learn about causes of inflammation that people don’t talk about enough. 

Chronic Stress

If the body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight, it is impossible to relax, let alone reach your health goals. Think of the body like a cellular library, with your thoughts, words, or experiences filling up those cells. When you suffer emotionally, the body feels the full effects. For some reason, a lot of people feel shame about chronic stress. Maybe they cannot be fully present when needed because they snap quickly or become irritable too easily. That shame can affect your ability to stay healthy. Managing stress is not just a one-and-done thing; rather, you have to constantly work to keep stress levels in check. 

Your Social Networks

Social media is highly engaging and can trap you for hours. Unfortunately, all of these accounts are not necessarily great for your mental health. What you expose yourself to can impact the nervous system and inflammatory levels, which impact the endocrine and hormonal systems. One study monitored participants who used social media excessively. The results indicated higher levels of C-reactive protein, which indicates chronic inflammation. You can scroll, but consider vetting the people or things you follow. Try to edit accounts and keep the ones that make you feel great about yourself!

Anxiety About Your Health

One of the great things about living in this day and age is that you have a wealth of resources available to you. You can research and learn about almost anything with a few simple searches. That’s also a great way to become overwhelmed and anxious about your health. This happens all the time, so much so that people stress themselves out about conditions they may not even have! Research has a name for this: the “nocebo effect,” which is when you ruminate about a negative outcome that can actually lead to a negative outcome. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy! You basically worry yourself sick, even when there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Try not to fixate too much on numbers and health scores. 

Unresolved Trauma

It is very difficult to move forward with your health if you have unresolved trauma that you store in the body. Some estimates suggest that nearly 70% of adults in the United States have experienced trauma in one form or another at least once in their lifetime. You may downplay your trauma, not realizing what it does to the cells in your body. Negating the trauma you went through can affect your nervous system and inflammatory levels. Not all trauma comes from catastrophic events. Some trauma is very subtle, but allowing those emotions to accumulate in the body can impact your physical health over time.


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Eat These Types Of Food For A Healthier Gut Thu, 11 Jul 2024 09:28:00 +0000

Gut health can influence your overall health, and providing it with the right foods can encourage the growth of healthy bacteria.


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How often do you hear the term “microbiome” in today’s day and age? A lot, most likely, and that is because gut health has become a major point of interest for researchers, scientists, and dietitians alike. The gut microbiome is the community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that inhabit the gut. Specific microbes in the gut can change in responses to diet and exercise. 

The gut directly communicates with the brain, and vice versa, via the gut-brain axis. That ultimately means that the brain can influence digestive activities, such as having nervous diarrhea. The gut can in turn influence mood, cognition, and mental health in a positive or negative way. If the gut is weak, bacteria and inflammatory substances can be absorbed from the gut into the bloodstream. That can trigger chronic inflammation, which is linked to myriad health conditions. 

For the above reasons and more, strive to feed your gut the best foods for optimal physical and mental health. Continue reading to learn about foods and food groups that optimize your microbiome and overall gut health. 

Probiotic Foods

There is no article about foods that encourage gut health without the mention of probiotics. These microorganisms can help reshape the makeup of your gut microbiome, helping to enhance immune function and improve multiple bowel diseases. Probiotics essentially change the gut environment in positive ways that decrease the ability for harmful bacteria to grow. They allow healthy bacteria to flourish, which can contribute to healthier immune function. 

A 2021 study monitored 36 healthy adults who were randomly assigned to 10-week diets that either included fermented foods or high-fiber non-fermented foods. Those who consumed fermented foods, which contain probiotics, experience positive changes in immune function. In fact, they were able to reduce levels of 19 different inflammatory markers. Increase your probiotic intake by eating more miso, fermented vegetables, kimchi, tempeh, kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut. 

Prebiotic Foods

If you want to optimize probiotic bacteria in the gut, you have to feed them prebiotics. Prebiotic foods can also shift the intestinal pH, preventing harmful microbes from growing. These positive changes in the gut can help reduce overall gut inflammation. These changes may also contribute to the production of glucagon like peptide 2 (GLP2), a hormone that reinforces the strength of gut lining. Additionally, the fermentation of prebiotic fibers leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which can reduce hunger and improve the regulation of blood sugar and insulin after meals. You can increase your intake of prebiotics by eating more asparagus, chicory, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, onions, barley, less-ripe bananas, and wheat bran. 


Pulse is not just something you do to blend foods in a blender or food processor. Pulses contain a lot of plant protein, polyphenol antioxidants, and non-digestible carbohydrates (NDCs), such as soluble and insoluble fiber. These NDCs act as prebiotics, fermenting in the gut to form anti-inflammatory SCFAs. Some examples of pulses are beans, lentils, chickpeas, and dry peas (black-eyed peas and split peas). Pulses have an anti-inflammatory impact on gut health and work to improve digestive health by enhancing the strength of the barrier between the gut and bloodstream. A healthy gut barrier allows beneficial substances into the blood and prevents harmful substances from entering circulation


Yes, avocados are deserving of their own mention in this article. Consuming avocados has been associated with beneficial health outcomes, including weight management and protection against heart disease. The healthy fats in avocados work to nourish the gut and keep you satiated. In one study, researchers assigned 163 overweight or obese adults to one of two groups for 12 weeks. Participants ate one meal per day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) with or without avocado. The participants provided blood, urine, and fecal samples throughout the study. Researchers found that those who ate avocados developed a greater abundance of gut microbes that were more adept at breaking down fiber and producing SCFAs. 

Foods Rich In Polyphenols

Certain plants produce antioxidants called polyphenols. These are naturally-occurring compounds that protect plants from illness and damage as they grow. Consuming polyphenols can help protect the heart and brain, according to many studies. Research also shows that the gut microbiome converts polyphenols into bioactive compounds, which get reabsorbed into the bloodstream and benefit the body. The bloodstream absorbs about 5-10% of total polyphenols from the large intestine. The remaining 90-95% accumulate in the large intestine, where they offer prebiotic effects, helping to shift bad microbes into beneficial ones.


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Powerhouse Green Detox Smoothie Fri, 05 Jul 2024 17:36:00 +0000

Give your body a healthy boost with this powerhouse green detox smoothie, which is packed with nutrient-dense ingredients like kale & ginger.


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Did you have a few too many cocktails at the summer BBQ? Perhaps you ate a full bag of salty chips, a hamburger, and a long list of other fattening foods. What’s done is done and you cannot change the past. Don’t dwell on the past because the only way out of the depths is forward. One of the best ways to nurse yourself back to proper health is by following up all of that bad eating and drinking with a morning detox smoothie.

This detox smoothie is chock-full of nutrient-dense ingredients, including cucumber, ginger, and kale. Every detox eating regimen should include kale because it has a long list of nutritious benefits. Kale is an excellent source of fiber, which works to enhance digestive health and keep cholesterol levels down. Kale is also rich in quercetin and kaempferol, which are phytonutrients that may help neutralize inflammatory markers in the body.

Cucumbers help promote detoxification in a slightly different way. These water-rich produce items are advantageous for the liver because they aid in flushing out toxins and promote optimal liver function. Additionally, cucumbers contain flavonoids and beta-carotene, which may aid inflammation reduction and support the liver’s natural detoxification processes. Cucumbers, kale, and the other ingredients in this smoothie will not immediately fix your health, but it can kickstart the body’s detoxification processes and set you up for success.


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The 6 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Eat Fri, 05 Jul 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Bright, colorful foods are naturally rich in a variety of nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds that may tame inflammation.


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According to rheumatologists, foods that are “anti-inflammatory” contain chemical compounds that help the body fight or avoid inflammation. Some inflammation is beneficial, as it is part of the body’s natural immune response to foreign invaders. Chronic inflammation, however, can contribute to or increase the risk of health issues, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Eating foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds may help reduce overall inflammation. That, in turn, may reduce your risk of cognitive decline, slow disease progression, and help prevent chronic health conditions. Polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids, prebiotics, probiotics, vitamin E, and flavonoids are the primary chemical compounds in anti-inflammatory foods. Foods containing these compounds are typically high in fiber, healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. 


Naturally rich in protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants, nuts may help reduce inflammation. According to a 2023 study, almonds and walnuts can lower levels of C-reactive protein, which is released in response to inflammation, and other inflammatory markers in the blood. The same study revealed that Brazil nuts may fight oxidative stress, which occurs when there’s an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. That imbalance can trigger an inflammatory response. 

Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant present in citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and limes. A review of 21 studies included 307 healthy people and 327 people at risk for chronic disease, and the duration of the studies ranged from two to 31 weeks. The researchers concluded that those who drank 100% fresh-squeezed orange juice daily significantly lowered markers of inflammation. Citrus fruits also provide fiber, potassium, some B vitamins, flavonoids, and carotenoids, all of which may help reduce inflammation

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a staple in the popular Mediterranean diet, which has been studied extensively for its ability to reduce inflammation. Researchers note that olive oil is 70 to 80% oleic acid, which is a fatty acid that helps balance pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, olive oil contains oleocanthal, an antioxidant that has exhibited similar anti-inflammatory properties to non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in past research. 

Whole Grains

Whole grains include brown rice, oats, whole-wheat flour, buckwheat, bulgar wheat, wild rice, and millet. Do your best to avoid refined grains, such as white rice, all-purpose flour, and white bread, as they can cause inflammation. Whole grains are fiber superstars, so they help to balance gut microbiome and keep inflammation in check. A meta-analysis of nine randomized trials found that people who ate more whole grains had fewer inflammatory markers in their blood. Whole grains also have a positive impact on blood sugar, and since excess sugar has been linked to chronic inflammation, that’s good news for your inflammatory levels.

Beans And Legumes

Both beans and legumes are excellent sources of plant protein and anti-inflammatory compounds. Beans are rich in protein and fiber, so they help encourage a more balanced microbiome. Having a higher presence of healthy bacteria in the guy may help suppress the inflammatory process. Black beans and kidney beans also offer anthocyanins, antioxidants that are also present in black, red, and blue-colored berries. You can incorporate dried or canned beans and legumes into various recipes. Just make sure that you opt for the “no salt added” options if you use canned beans and legumes. 

Leafy Green Vegetables

Yet another reason to enjoy leafy greens! A study published in 2019 found that people who ate a diet abundant in leafy greens had lower levels of inflammatory markers in their blood. Kale, Swiss chard, spinach, and arugula, for example, contain different vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids that act as antioxidants. Carotenoids work to block inflammatory pathways within cells, a process that halts the production of cytokines.


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Turn Back Time With These Anti-Aging Oils Fri, 28 Jun 2024 08:46:00 +0000

There are easy self-care tips that can help contribute to youthful, glowing skin. Experiment with these effective anti-aging oils.


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Have you looked in the mirror lately, only to see that your skin does not look as young as it once did? That is the curse of time, folks, but you do not have to feel ashamed. Aging is a natural part of life, but it can hurt your soul to see wrinkles or fine lines. Fortunately, there are nourishing ingredients that can help give your skin a healthy, youthful glow. And you don’t have to spend a fortune on these items, either!

Most people spin a lot of plates at once, so they don’t have time (or can’t afford) monthly facials and other self-care luxuries. What if you didn’t have to leave your house to nourish your skin with magical elixirs? Could you get behind that wheel? If so, then you need to familiarize yourself with various oils that help give your skin a nice dewy glow. The thought of putting oil on the skin might seem strange, but certain oils can actually help clean out pores, moisturize, and prevent the skin from producing excess oil.

What Does The Skin Crave After Age 40?

Your skin craves different things as you go through life. During adolescence and into your 20s, you do your best to control oil production and breakouts. Once you reach your 30s, collagen and elastin levels start to decline. That causes skin to lose its plumpness without proper hydration

When you hit your 40s, you may see wrinkles, fine lines, and even dark spots. Dryness around the eyes, neck, and lips is quite common, and your complexion craves nourishment to fight off environmental damage. After age 50, the skin becomes thinner and more prone to irritation. Your goals during this time are to minimize loss of firmness and prolong cell turnover. You want to prevent moisture loss at all costs. 

Benefits Of Using Natural Oils

Oils help provide essential nutrients that protect the skin from dehydration. Some of the key benefits of using oils include:

  • Sealing in moisture to prevent dryness
  • Helping other products penetrate the skin more easily
  • Absorbing into the skin without leaving a greasy appearance
  • Increasing collagen production to increase firmness
  • Soothing inflammation and irritation
  • Delivering antioxidants to help reverse signs of aging

There is ongoing research focused on the ability of plant-based oils to benefit from the skin inside and out. They are not as harmful as many commercial skin care products, which can adversely affect the skin. When choosing plant-based oils for the skin, it is better to select cold-pressed varieties because they contain more vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants. Continue reading to learn about the top four anti-aging oils

Argan Oil

Many beauty experts refer to argan oil as “liquid gold.” Argan oil provides a large amount of vitamin E and fatty acids, and it absorbs quickly into the skin, which helps improve elasticity. A 2015 study found that argan oil improved skin firmness and elasticity after 60 consecutive days of application. Study authors noticed a visible difference in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Rosehip Seed Oil

Naturally rich in vitamins A, C, and other antioxidants, rosehip seed oil can do wonders for the skin. Researchers note that it exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and cell-regenerating properties, all of which help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, scars, dark spots, and wrinkles. One study found that rosehip seed oil was able to significantly fade surgical and burn scars in 180 patients. It also stopped premature aging and helped restore skin tone. 

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil mimics the skin’s natural sebum, which helps to balance dryness or oiliness. It may help to improve skin texture and tone because of the vitamin E and anti-inflammatory properties. In several dermatological tests, jojoba oil demonstrated an ability to increase the skin’s suppleness, the effects of which were effective as time passed. Continued use of jojoba oil helped to reduce superficial facial lines. 

Castor Oil

One of the great things about castor oil is that it is able to deeply penetrate the skin with fatty acids, helping to smooth out fine lines. Studies show that it may help fade scars and dark spots, which researchers attribute to the large presence of antioxidants. The antibacterial properties in castor oil can help clear up acne and moisturize dry, flaky skin.


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Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho Sat, 22 Jun 2024 17:55:00 +0000

Enjoy this divine creation that is a refreshing heirloom tomato gazpacho. It makes for the perfect raw vegan summer appetizer.


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The sun is shining bright and there is a general sense of warmth, laziness, and relaxation in the air. Summer is here, and what better way to celebrate the start of the season than refreshing the palate with a delightfully light bowl of heirloom tomato gazpacho?

Some argue that heirloom tomatoes are the crown jewel of the summer harvest. We aren’t arguing against them, either! Think of heirloom tomatoes as nature’s candy, bursting with lovely sweetness and a touch of acidity in every bite. Don’t let their looks scare you away, either! They may appear strange and come in a variety of colors, but they are some of the best tasting tomatoes you’ll ever enjoy. When you blend together the different colors to make this gazpacho, you get to fully appreciate their inherent flavor. Let’s take a look at some of their benefits below.

  • Powered by vitamins: These tomatoes are rich sources of vitamins A and C, potassium, and lycopene, an antioxidant that works to reduce inflammation and improve heart health. Plus, organically-grown heirloom tomatoes tend to be higher in lycopene, which may help protect against breast, colorectal, lung, prostate, bladder, and skin cancers.
  • Precious seeds: Much like your grandmother’s china, heirloom seeds are viewed as precious treasures. For an heirloom tomato to meet heirloom status, it needs to have been around for at least 50 years. Newer genetic variations of heirloom tomatoes are simply hybrids.
  • Vitamin K for the win: Studies suggest that heirloom tomatoes are great sources of vitamin K, which is necessary for healthy, strong bones. Researchers note that vitamin K consumption can help prevent osteoporosis.


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    6 Remedies To Get Rid Of Ringworm Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:39:00 +0000

    A ringworm infection will typically go away permanently after applying an over-the-counter anti-fungal treatment, but these remedies…


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    A ringworm rash is uncomfortable, but it is very common and easily treatable. Early intervention is critical if you want to prevent it from spreading and infecting others. It is usually an itchy, circular rash with a clearer center. The fungal infection gets its name from the appearance, with a darker red line on the exterior. 

    What Is Ringworm?

    Ringworm usually causes a ring-shaped rash that can be scaly, itchy, and slightly raised. It is related to athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris), and ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis). It is a fungal infection that spreads via skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal. If the infection is mild, you can easily get rid of it with mild anti-fungal ointment or cream. If the infection is more severe, you may need to take oral anti-fungal medication for a couple weeks. 

    There are many things you can do to help get rid of ringworm and accelerate the recovery process. If you want to limit the spread and get rid of the infection, consider these simple treatment options. 

    Apply A Topical Anti-Fungal

    Most ringworm cases only require at-home treatment. Over-the-counter anti-fungals can help kill the fungus and promote healing. There are many ointments that can help clear up the rash. To apply the topical anti-fungal medication, make sure to clean the rash first. Wash your hands and then apply a thin layer to the affected area twice daily, or as instructed. Make sure to spread the topical ointment beyond the border of the rash by a centimeter or so, as that will help it absorb into the skin.

    Wash Your Bedding Every Day

    Ringworm, much like athlete’s foot, is a highly contagious fungal infection. For this reason, you should wash your bedding and clothes daily to help get rid of the infection more quickly. The reason to change your sheets is because fungal spores can transfer to your sheets and comforter. If you sleep on the same sheets night after night, you can delay the healing process and increase the risk of the infection spreading to other parts of the body. Make sure to use hot water and detergent when you wash infected bedding or sheets. 

    Let It Breathe

    It seems counterintuitive to leave the ringworm infection out in the open. You should cover it up to avoid spreading the infection, right? As true as that may seem, bandaging the infection locks in moisture, which slows the healing process. Make sure to keep the area dry and wear comfortable, breathable clothing to promote faster healing. Loose-fitting, long-sleeve shirts and pants are excellent. No skin-tight clothing items!

    Change Wet Underwear And Socks

    One of the easiest ways to develop athlete’s foot or ringworm is to continue wearing wet socks or underwear. Ringworm can develop in the groin area and feet if you do not keep these areas dry. If you sweat a lot during the day, make sure to bathe with a cleansing bar and consider applying an anti-fungal powder or lotion. Just make sure the area is completely dry before you put on new underwear or socks. 

    Use Anti-Fungal Shampoo

    If ringworm develops on the scalp, which is not too common, you may experience severe itching, patches of hair loss, and severe dandruff. A medicated anti-fungal shampoo can help remedy ringworm on the scalp. These shampoos will kill the bacteria and fungi on the scalp, preventing inflammation. You can buy an anti-fungal shampoo at the grocery store or drugstore. Just make sure that these shampoos have active ingredients like selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc, or ketoconazole. 

    Experiment With Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera works to reduce inflammation, and is a known “itch-soother.” Some research suggests that aloe vera also exhibits anti-fungal activity. Aloe will not likely harm the skin and may help to reduce itchiness. That said, it probably will not clear up ringworm on its own, but it may be effective when combined with an anti-fungal ringworm solution. Use aloe gel from a plant for the best results.


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