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Are you sleep deprived? Failure to get enough sleep can have serious long-term consequences to your overall health and well-being.


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Is there anything better than a good night’s sleep? You wake up in a good mood and when you sit up and get out of bed, it’s as though your body thanks you for that rest. Contrast to the mornings when you wake up after a minimal amount of sleep. You don’t feel like yourself and you usually see dark circles under your eyes. You feel sluggish and would give anything for a few more hours of sleep. 

Growing evidence indicates that sleep is necessary for maintaining long-term health. The body can typically handle a few nights with minimal sleep, but it is not sustainable over time. There will be a price you pay if you continually get insufficient sleep, according to health experts. In this article, we’ll detail some of the health problems linked to sleep deprivation.

Type 2 Diabetes

People who experience minimal sleep or poor quality sleep tend to have poorer blood sugar control, especially in people with diabetes. Additionally, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. In a group of middle-aged Caucasians, researchers observed a strong connection between poor sleep quality and metabolic syndrome, fasting blood duster levels, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, a precursor for type 2 diabetes. 

Kidney Issues

Unfortunately, the link between insufficient sleep and kidney health has not been as firmly established as the link between poor sleep and other health conditions. Researchers note that people with chronic kidney disease tend to have sleep disorders, including restless leg syndrome and insomnia related to their condition. Some evidence shows that poor sleep quality may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Researchers believe that the link could be related to disruptions to the circadian rhythm. 

Depression And Anxiety

According to research, people who have chronic insomnia have a higher rate of depression and anxiety. An estimated 40% of people with insomnia have clinical depression. The relationship between your mood and sleep is complex and bidirectional. That means that depression or anxiety can negatively impact sleep and lack of sleep can negatively affect your mood. Sleep experts consider insomnia to be an independent risk factor for developing mental health disorders, such as depression. You may need to address your sleep problems and anxiety or depression separately in order to improve your overall health. 

A Less Healthy Gut

The gut microbiome is a complex system of trillions of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Experts believe that the more diverse the microbiome, the better a person’s overall health is. Some studies suggest that altered sleep patterns, such as those consistent with night shift workers, may impact gut health. One study used Mendelian randomization, a method that looks at genetic variation to study the effects of different health variables. This study found that sleep issues may alter the abundance of bacteria in the gut. 

Hypertension, Stroke, And Heart Disease

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the smallest changes in sleep have been linked to heart issues. After the clocks change in March, there are 24% more heart attacks for the first three to four days. When the clocks “fall back” in November, the AHA estimates a 21% reduction in heart attacks because people gain an hour of sleep. Sleeping for five hours or less per night on a regular basis has been associated with a two to three times greater risk of coronary artery buildup. That decreases the flow of blood to your heart, so sleep deprivation may increase the risk of coronary artery disease. 

Reduced Immune Function

Sleep experts suggest that insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can harm immune function. Evidence shows that poor sleep increases your susceptibility to various infections and illnesses. Studies show that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are three times more likely to develop the common cold compared with people who get eight hours or more of sleep per night. 

Additional research states that insufficient sleep can make it more difficult for the body to produce disease-fighting antibodies, specifically after receiving flu, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines. Participants who only slept four hours per night in the days before and following vaccination developed lower levels of antibodies compared to those who had great sleep. 

Weight Gain

Unfortunately, there is a strong connection between sleep issues and being overweight or having obesity. Failure to get enough sleep every night can cause a hormonal imbalance, and these are the hormones that regulate appetite. Ghrelin makes you feel hungry and leptin helps you feel full. Leptin levels tend to rise during sleep, so the theory is that insufficient sleep causes a decrease in those levels. That makes you feel hungrier, which leads to unnecessary eating. Additionally, sleep disturbances of any kind can increase the production of ghrelin, which increases appetite. Studies suggest that insufficient sleep can make people burn 100 more calories per day. While that sounds wonderful, the extra wake time increases how much people eat or drink by more than 250 calories per day. Over time, that can cause people to gain weight.


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How Long Is The Flu Contagious? Fri, 15 Nov 2024 08:56:00 +0000

Have you been around someone with the flu? Are you currently infected? You might want to know exactly how long the virus is contagious.


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The flu, much like a wildfire, spreads very easily. All it needs is a little bit of wind, right? According to a 2023 study that involved the 2021 to 2022 flu season, you had a 50% chance of contracting the virus. If you or someone you know is sick, then, how long does the contagious period last? Although this is a difficult question to answer precisely, health experts have several guidelines that may help stop the spread. 

How Does The Flu Spread?

The flu is a viral respiratory illness that primarily spreads via close contact with an infected person. Infected flu patients expel germ-filled droplets when they cough, sneeze, or talk. When those droplets land in the mouth or nose of another person, that person is at risk of becoming infected. The droplets can also land on surfaces, such as doorknobs, TV remotes, or keyboards, which a healthy person can touch and then touch their mouth, eyes, or nose, thereby causing infection. 

You cannot always avoid these droplets when you are around someone with the flu. You can, however, take cautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following tips to avoid spreading the flu:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw that tissues away
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that may be contaminated (especially high-touch surfaces)
  • Avoid close contact with sick people, and limit contact with others when you are sick
  • Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever subsides
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth as much as possible
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water

How Long Does The Flu Last?

Infected with the flu? Well, it can last a few days or a couple weeks. More often than not, people who decided to get a flu shot will get over infection quicker than people who did not get vaccinated. Flu symptoms, such as body aches, fever, or chills, typically come on quickly and subside slowly. According to health experts, the average time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of symptoms is two days. 

Statistically, days two through four are the worst, regarding severity of symptoms. You will know that you are nearing the end of your flu when your fever is down and you no longer feel body aches. At that point, the virus is controlled, but coughing, runny nose, and fatigue can stick around for a little while after that. You may even experience some flu dizziness that can last for a couple days or weeks, depending on the cause. 

How Long Is The Flu Contagious?

Typically, you are most contagious during the first three days of sickness, according to the CDC. That said, you are likely contagious for a day before the onset of symptoms and several more once they subside. That means an infected person can spread the flu one day before they experience symptoms. You can spread it and not know it, especially if you did not know that the person you encountered was infected with the flu.

You are the most contagious when your symptoms peak, which is days two through four. It’s possible that you can continue to spread the virus until symptoms go away completely, though. Basically, you are no longer contagious once your symptoms are gone entirely. You can expedite your recovery through various alternative remedies or over-the-counter (OTC) flu medications. Just keep in mind that those OTCs that only lower fever will not help you get over your sickness faster or make you less contagious. They only make you more comfortable and able to deal with symptoms.


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8 Natural Remedies For A Sore Throat Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:12:00 +0000

A sore throat can be very uncomfortable and, more than anything, you want it to go away before the symptoms start to get worse. The primary symptoms of a sore throat are pain and irritation, especially when swallowing. When the immune system encounters bacteria or viruses, it inflames the mucous membranes in the throat.  What […]


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A sore throat can be very uncomfortable and, more than anything, you want it to go away before the symptoms start to get worse. The primary symptoms of a sore throat are pain and irritation, especially when swallowing. When the immune system encounters bacteria or viruses, it inflames the mucous membranes in the throat. 

What Causes A Sore Throat?

A sore throat involves scratchiness, pain, or irritation in the throat. It is usually attributed to a viral infection, such as a cold or flu, and it usually resolves on its own. Strep throat, however, is a less common type of sore throat that requires treatment with antibiotics to prevent serious complications. Typically, bacterial infections do not cause sore throats as much as viral infections do. 

This article details eight natural remedies that may help reduce pain associated with sore throat. Possible remedies include honey, lemon water, peppermint tea, herbs, and more. Continue reading to see which remedy is best for you. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

The Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed a combo of honey and apple cider vinegar, oxymel, to help treat flu symptoms, including sore throat. Apple cider vinegar is a natural health tonic that is a common ingredient in various alternative medicinal remedies. The active ingredient is acetic acid, which works to fight bacteria. Drink one cup of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Don’t just take shots of apple cider vinegar, as that can lead to acid reflux

Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with salt water is a classic remedy for relieving sore throat pain. The salt works to pull water out of the throat tissues, which may help reduce swelling. It may also help to kill harmful microbes in the throat. Combine one cup of warm water with one teaspoon of salt and stir to dissolve before gargling. Try to gargle for 30 seconds once per hour. 

Licorice Root

Licorice root exhibits similar properties to aspirin in that it may help reduce sore throat pain. It also offers antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. At this time, there isn’t a lot of research about how licorice root may relieve sore throat pain. One older study, however, found that gargling with licorice water before surgery reduced the risk of getting a sore throat by 50%, compared to gargling with standard sugar water. 

Ginger Tea

Ginger is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory spice that works to soothe an upset stomach and relieve throat pain. Some laboratory studies found that ginger extract may kill certain viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory illnesses. Ginger may also reduce inflammation in tuberculosis patients. Although ginger tea is readily available in most grocery stores, you can easily make your own with boiling water, raw ginger root, a squeeze of lemon, and some honey for sweetness. 

Marshmallow Root

Throughout history, people have used extracts from the marshmallow plant to treat sore throats. The root contains mucilage, a gelatin-like substance that lubricates and coats the throat after you swallow it. According to research, lozenges containing marshmallow root were effective at soothing dry cough in animals. You can make marshmallow root-infused water by placing one ounce of marshmallow root in a cheesecloth inside a bottle with one liter of cold water. 


Typically used to sweeten herbal teas, honey may help soothe a sore throat on its own. Honey contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties that may help combat viruses or bacteria. It is especially effective when you combine it with warm water and apple cider vinegar. For the best results, opt for raw organic honey or Manuka honey, as those are the purest forms. 

Coconut Oil

What is this popular skin and hair care ingredient doing on a list of ingredients that help remedy sore throat? Well, some studies suggest that coconut oil may fight infection and reduce inflammation in exposed areas. Coconut oil works to lubricate mucous membranes in the throat, which may provide mild relief from irritation. Add a spoonful of coconut oil to hot tea, soup, or put a spoonful in your mouth and allow it to melt and coat the throat. 

Lemon Water

Not only is lemon water a refreshing beverage, but it may also reduce throat pain that occurs during a cold or flu. Lemons are naturally rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which work to fight inflammation and oxidative stress. Lemon also helps to increase the amount of saliva that the body produces, which can help keep the throat lubricated. Maximize the benefits of lemon water by combining lemon with warm water and a little honey.


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Watch Out For These Types Of Common Colds Sat, 09 Nov 2024 08:49:00 +0000

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, and more. Watch out for these types of colds.


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The common cold is an upper respiratory infection that causes symptoms that plague the nose and throat. Typically, most colds are harmless and you may only develop a few mild symptoms. Colds, more than anything, are very annoying and you just want to feel better to leave the sickness behind you. 

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, mild headache, sneezing, coughing, or low-grade fever. These symptoms usually last for about one week, but they can last longer in older adults, young children, or people with weakened immune systems. It is very common for adults to get two to three colds yearly, while children get them more frequently. 

It is very easy for a cold to spread. An infected person can sneeze or cough in your vicinity and you inhale microscopic droplets that contain the bacteria or virus. You can also touch a contaminated surface before touching your face and develop a cold that way. Given that there are over 200 viruses that can cause a cold, catching one is relatively easy. The rhinovirus is the most common, but  enteroviruses, human parainfluenza (HPIV), adenovirus, and coronavirus (the common cold version) can all cause common cold. Continue reading to learn more about the types of common colds. 


Enteroviruses belong to a group of over 300 viruses, including echoviruses, polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and rhinoviruses. These viruses can cause a range of illnesses, but the rhinovirus is the most common cold-causing virus. Other enteroviruses, including enterovirus D68 and coxsackievirus, can cause respiratory symptoms. There are non-respiratory enterovirus illnesses that can cause conditions such as hand, foot, and mouth disease, or aseptic meningitis. Common symptoms of enterovirus include cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, wheezing, or pneumonia


Rhinoviruses account for about 50% of common cold cases. Although they can spread throughout the year, rhinoviruses are most active in the spring and early fall. They spread easily in crowded places, such as offices, schools, and public transportation. Symptoms, which can include cough, mild sore throat, sneezing, mild fever, or runny nose, tend to go away in seven to 10 days. Rhinoviruses can also cause other problems, such as ear infections, breathing issues, or sinus infections, especially in people with allergies or asthma


Adenovirus can cause cold symptoms that last for longer than symptoms that result from the rhinovirus. In fact, some people can experience these symptoms for weeks, or months. This virus is more common in the early spring and winter, although it can occur year round. Common colds caused by the adenovirus can spread easily in hospitals, schools, daycares, and military barracks. Symptoms can include cough, runny nose, fever, and sore throat. That said, adenovirus is also known to cause conjunctivitis (pink eye) and bladder infections or diarrhea. 

Coronavirus (Common Cold Version)

Before anyone even knew about COVID-19, coronaviruses were a typical cause of common colds. In fact, coronaviruses account for nearly 15% of seasonal colds, usually peaking in the winter. Coronavirus colds are usually mild and tend to last for one week, but they can lead to more serious issues, including pneumonia, for people with weaker immune systems. The common cold coronavirus is different from the coronaviruses that cause COVID-19. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 virus, however, you can test for your own safety and the safety of others. Common symptoms of coronavirus colds include sneezing, runny nose, stomach problems (not too common), mild cough, and occasional low-grade fever.

Human Parainfluenza Virus

Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) can cause infections in the upper and lower respiratory tract. That can affect airways in children under five years old, immunocompromised adults, and elderly people. There are four types of HPIV, with types one and two being the most common in fall. Type three occurs annually and is most common in spring and early summer, while type four tends to affect people year round. Symptoms of HPIV include fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, cough, or chest pain, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Determining which virus is behind your cold can be a little tricky, but certain patterns can clue you in to some degree. A barking cough usually indicates croup from HPIV, while a cold with pink eye comes from adenovirus. Your healthcare provider may want to run tests to detect the virus, depending on the severity of symptoms. 


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9 Cranberry Recipes To Make During Fall Tue, 05 Nov 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Cranberries are incredibly versatile, so you can easily incorporate them into sweet or savory dishes. Just check out these 9 tasty recipes.


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Cranberries are not only reserved for cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving. You can impart the sweet-tart cranberry flavor into myriad recipes! From snacks and appetizers to entrees, desserts, and more, cranberries find their way into unique fall and winter favorites. Since they are only available for a short while, get your hands on them to make some of the recipes in this article.

Cranberries primarily consist of carbs and fiber, but they are also 90% water. They are some of the best sources of antioxidants, which work to fight free radicals. The most common health benefit associated with cranberries is the fact that they may help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). A-type proanthocyanidins prevent the binding of E. coli in the bladder, a common first step in getting an infection. If you usually develop UTIs, you may want to incorporate fresh cranberries, or fresh cranberry juice, into your diet. This is an excellent proactive approach to living a healthier lifestyle. 

The same A-type proanthocyanidins, which only exist in cranberries, that reduce the risk of UTIs also reduce bad bacteria in the gut. More research is necessary, but preliminary research shows that cranberries promote optimal digestive health. Lastly, and then we will provide you with the recipes, the certain antioxidant compounds in cranberries may exhibit anti-cancer properties. Needless to say, cranberries are superfoods that deserve a featured spot in your diet. 

Cranberry Persimmon Pomegranate Smoothie

Embrace some of fall’s most nutritionally diverse ingredients when you enjoy this refreshing cranberry persimmon pomegranate smoothie.

Click here to make the recipe. 

Cranberry Orange Vitamin C Smoothie

Not only is this a tangy, refreshing, and tasty creation, but it also packs a healthy dose of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other minerals.

Click here to make the recipe.

Cranberry Pistachio Energy Bites

These quick and easy-to-make energy bites are packed with great flavor and a ton of nutrients. The best part is you don’t have to bake them!

Click here to make the recipe.

Healthy Homemade Cranberry Sauce

This cranberry sauce is free of refined sugars and uses fresh cranberries! It’s citrusy, rich, vibrant and incredibly delicious.

Click here to make the recipe.

Spicy Cranberry Hummus

What are you making for your holiday meal? If you need a seasonal appetizer to start the meal off right, this cranberry hummus is the ticket!

Click here to make the recipe.

Red Cabbage And Carrot Cranberry Slaw

Delicious and easy to make, this red cabbage and carrot slaw contains dried cranberries, walnuts, and shredded apples.

Click here to make the recipe.

Cranberry, Apple, And Brussels Sprout Salad

A shaved Brussels sprout salad made with dried cranberries, apple, walnuts, and pomegranate salad embraces the best fall produce items.

Click here to make the recipe.

Kale Salad With Almonds, Cranberries, And Apples

Boost your nutrient intake by enjoying this raw vegan kale salad that’s perfectly balanced with apples, cranberries, and a tart vinaigrette.

Click here to make the recipe.

Butternut Squash And Cranberry Quinoa Salad

This salad combines some of fall’s tastiest flavors in one healthy bowl. The balsamic vinaigrette really elevates the butternut squash.

Click here to make the recipe.


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Homemade Propolis Throat Spray Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:02:00 +0000

When the fall hits, keep certain supplements, such as vitamin C or elderberry syrup, on hand. Propolis throats spray is also great!


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The fall season invites delicious seasonal produce items, cooler weather, and the beautiful changing of leaves. It is also a time of year when you are typically exposed to germs, due to lots of activities, traveling, and holiday gatherings. All that is wonderful, but it never hurts to have a little extra immune support to help you get through the season. That’s why we recommend that you keep a couple bottles of propolis throat spray in the house!

What Is Propolis?

Honey is not the only thing that bees make. Bees produce propolis, a compound from the sap on needle-leaved trees or evergreens. According to historians, Greeks used propolis to treat abscesses and Egyptians used it to embalm mummies. Assyrians applied propolis to wounds and tumors to help fight infection and accelerate the healing process. 

The composition of propolis varies depending on the location of the bees and which trees or flowers they have access to. Propolis in Europe, for example, will not have the same chemical makeup as propolis from New Zealand. Continue reading to learn more about the purported benefits of propolis. 

Healing Compounds In Propolis

According to researchers, there are more than 500 compounds in propolis. The majority of those compounds are in the form of polyphenols, which are antioxidants that fight oxidative stress in the body. Propolis also contains flavonoids, which plants produce as a form of protection. Researchers note that they are commonly found in fruits, green tea, vegetables, and red wine. Propolis is also rich in amino acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and some minerals like magnesium and potassium. 

The research suggests that propolis exhibits antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis contains pinocembrin, a flavonoid that acts like an antifungal. It also exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity that may help with the healing of wounds, including burns. A 2019 review found that propolis works to stimulate collagen production in the skin, which could further support wound healing. 

Regarding oral health, a 2021 review of studies found that propolis may help treat mouth and throat infections. Researchers believe that propolis’ antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties could play a role in improving overall oral health. More research is still necessary on this topic, though. 

How To Make A Propolis Glycerite

There are really only two ways to make this propolis throat spray. You can buy pre-made propolis glycerite or make your own. A glycerite is similar to an herbal tincture, but it calls for vegetable glycerin instead of alcohol. Glycerites take six weeks to make, though, so you may want to consider the pre-made one if time is an issue. In order to make the propolis extract with glycerite, do the following:

  • Place 2/3 cup of propolis powder in a 16-ounce glass jar. 
  • In a separate jar, combine 3/4 cup glycerin with 1/4 cup of distilled water and mix well. 
  • Pour the glycerin and water mixture over the propolis powder and stir to combine. Screw on the lid and shake once daily for six weeks. 
  • After six weeks, strain the liquid through a coffee filter into a clean jar. You may need to do this twice to remove all the powder. 

Homemade Propolis Throat Spray


  • 1 tablespoon propolis glycerite (see above recipe)
  • 2 teaspoons raw honey (or Manuka honey)
  • 3/4 teaspoon distilled water


  • Combine the propolis glycerite, honey, and water in a small spray bottle and shake well to combine. 
  • Add a little more water, 1/8 teaspoon at a time, to get the right consistency. Ideally, you want the mixture to be thick enough to coat the throat, but thin enough to come out of the spray bottle. 
  • To use, spray at the first sign of illness. Squirt a few sprays directly into the throat to help keep inflammation down.


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What Does The Color Of Your Poop Mean? Fri, 16 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Normal poop color is light to dark brown, but it does come in different colors. Here’s what those colors may indicate about your health.


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Some people do not like to discuss poop, especially at the dinner table. We are all about it, folks, no matter the time or place. Your poop can inform you about what’s going on inside your body, so it can be useful to learn what different colors mean. Generally speaking, poop is light to dark brown, but it does come in different colors. It’s possible to see bowel movements that are yellow, green, black, orange, and white. 

It is not unusual to see different colors in your stool, according to gastroenterologists. Different colors usually result from what you eat, such as vibrantly colored produce or foods that contain dyes. Although different colors can be normal, frequently colorful poop may indicate a severe health condition. Tan-colored poop, for example, can indicate a liver, gallbladder, or pancreas problem. Continue reading to learn more about stool colors and what they mean. 

What Is Normal Stool? 

Typically, stool is dark or light brown, but health experts consider all shades of brown as normal stool color. It is not uncommon for stool to change color, especially if you eat a lot of green vegetables, beets, or carrots. If your poop turns color because of a health condition, though, you have to address the underlying cause. Adjusting your diet may be a great place to start. 

The Meaning Of Poop Color

We may not have the answer to the meaning of life, but we can help with the color of your poop. Color changes are often due to the foods you eat, but brown is usually the norm. Brown is associated with the natural breakdown of bile in the gastrointestinal tract. The liver secretes bile and assists the body with the breakdown of fat. If your poop isn’t brown or green, you may want to take a closer look as to why that is. If you notice a change in color or consistency, or you are worried about a color with accompanying symptoms, reach out to your healthcare provider. 

Orange Poop

There are a few causes of orange stool, the most common of which include:

  • Diet: Eating a lot of foods with beta-carotene can color your stool orange. Beta-carotene is a carotenoid that gives orange food its color. Carrots, pumpkins, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash contain lots of beta-carotene. Orange soda and candy can also cause orange stool. 
  • Medications: Antacids and antibiotics that contain aluminum hydroxide can cause stool to turn orange in color. 
  • Liver health: If your liver doesn’t produce enough bile, you may excrete orange poop. That said, liver problems usually cause white or tan-colored stool. 

Green Poop:

Green-colored stool may have to do with your diet, or how quickly food moves through your digestive tract. Some possible causes may include:

  • Dumping syndrome: This is characterized by food moving too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine. This is very common after stomach or esophageal surgery. Gut motility may also be the problem because food is passing through the digestive tract too quickly for bile to turn stool brown. 
  • Diet: Green stool may very well be from eating a lot of leafy green vegetables or a dish with green dye. You may even see bits of some vegetable roughage in your stool, such as kale. 

Yellow Poop

Yellow stool, or mustard-colored stool, is very common and normal in infants, especially breastfed infants. Adults can notice yellow stool in certain instances, though, such as:

  • Diet: Just as with every other color mentioned so far, certain foods can color your stool yellow. Foods that are high in fat may also cause stool to appear pale yellow. 
  • Giardiasis: This is a parasitic infection caused by Giardia lamblia, which is typically contracted after consuming contaminated water. This parasite also exists in stool or soil. Other symptoms may include abdominal pain, fever, headache, and vomiting. 
  • Celiac disease: This autoimmune disorder, which is triggered by gluten, damages the small intestine. Stool can appear yellow, oily, and greasy on occasion. Following a gluten-free diet is usually the best plan of action to help restore stool to normal color. 

Black Poop

Black-colored stool in babies can be a sign of eating too many foods like blueberries. It can also indicate a more serious health problem and may require medical attention if stool is tar-like. Possible causes include:

  • Diet: Eating too many blueberries, lots of blood sausage, or black licorice may turn stool black, but the consistency will remain the same. 
  • Bleeding: Black-colored stool can indicate bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach or beginning of the small intestine. Blood in that area can also give stool a tar-like consistency, which may stem from ulcers, sores, or tumors. 
  • Supplements: Activated charcoal, iron supplements, and even Pepto-Bismol can cause black stool, on occasion. 

Red Poop

Some foods, such as beets or red gelatin can cause reddish poop. A bright red color, however, typically indicates bleeding in the lower part of the digestive tract. Health conditions that may cause gastrointestinal bleeding include:

White Or Tan Poop

Tan poop is usually caused by a problem with the biliary system, which includes the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The liver produces bile, which is a yellowish-brown substance that is stored in the gallbladder. When bile is released into the stomach, it helps break down fats from various foods you eat. Bilirubin, a compound in bile, gives stool the signature brown color. A lack of bile, and ultimately a lack of bilirubin, can result in stool that is tan or white. Several healthy conditions can also reduce the amount of bile, such as:

  • Biliary cirrhosis
  • Cysts
  • Gallstones
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Biliary stricture
  • Sclerosing cholangitis
  • Structural defect
  • Tumors
  • Viral hepatitis


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Why Do Covid-19 Number Surge During Summer Months? Wed, 07 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000

The United States is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Scientists explain why COVID spikes return during summer months.


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Fall and winter, besides being associated with the holidays, are considered cold and flu season. At the moment, though, the United States (U.S.) is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Surveillance data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that high levels of the virus have been detected across most of the country. With the exception of 19 states, COVID-19 cases are very high, especially in the western part so the U.S.

Although it is inconvenient, it is very normal for COVID cases to spike during the summer. In fact, it has happened every summer since COVID-19 arrived on the scene. Why do cases increase, though? Below, we will explain why it tends to happen during the summer months and how you can protect yourself from the virus.

What Is A Summer Surge?

A COVID summer surge is defined by an unexpected increase in the number of COVID cases during the summer months, according to infectious disease specialists. Other than allergies, mild infectious illnesses like the cold and flu are common during fall and winter. That said, viruses can surge any time of the year. A COVID surge in the summer is common because people travel more and gather in large groups indoors and outdoors. 

The virus continues to evolve and stays ahead of the immune system. The immune system recognizes the infection of past variants as new ones appear, which can lead to an increase in new infections. And over the years, health experts have observed a big surge in COVID-19 cases at the beginning of summer. 

What Is Causing The Current Surge?

There isn’t just one cause that health experts can blame for the increase in COVID cases. The first of many causes is that people do not have immunity to the new variants. Immunity to prior COVID infection is short-lived. In fact, immunity can wane after just three months. That means that you need a new strategy if you plan to rely on your immunity to protect against COVID-19 infection. Perhaps that looks like getting a COVID booster vaccine, which is given out similarly to the flu vaccine nowadays. 

The COVID-19 FLiRT variants are largely driving this summer surge, though. These variants are more adept at evading the immune system. The weather may also factor into the equation. Some health experts explain that the emerging variants potentially thrive more in the heat than they do in the cold. That could cause an increase in COVID cases in the summer, as opposed to late fall and early winter. Additionally, the extreme heat, which is present across the country, drives people to gather indoors. 

Is it possible that the 2024 Summer Olympic Games will cause an uptick in COVID-19 cases? It’s always possible because large gatherings, be they indoor or outdoor, are the perfect environment for the virus to spread easily. That is true for people having guests over to their houses to watch the Olympics, or for attendees watching the games in person. In fact, there is already evidence of some olympic athletes testing positive since the start of the Summer Games. 

Will The COVID Surge Continue?

Health experts anticipate that the surge will continue as summer comes to a close. As long as people gather indoors and travel, transmission remains a worry. That said, infectious disease specialists are hopeful that another surge will not hit until late fall, or even early winter when people travel to see family for the holidays. If people take precautions, though, there is a chance that another spike in cases will not occur. It’s also possible that another surge will not be as big as the summer surge. 

How Do You Protect Yourself During Surges?

In order to prepare for a surge and reduce your risk of infection during summer, health experts encourage the following:

  • Test regularly for COVID-19, especially if you live with high-risk individuals
  • Open your windows if you have a large gathering
  • Practice good hygiene by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces, especially if you have a loved one who is immunocompromised 
  • Use a HEPA air filtration system to reduce the risk of transmission
  • Stay up-to-date on boosters and vaccinations


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4 Causes Of Inflammation That Are Not Often Discussed Mon, 22 Jul 2024 08:44:00 +0000

If inflammatory cells remain in the body too long, you may experience chronic inflammation, and these four causes are often discussed.


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Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or illness. If something doesn’t belong in the body, such as toxins or germs, inflammation is the body’s way of healing. A fever, for example, is how you know that the inflammatory system is working correctly if you feel sick. That said, inflammation can harm you if it occurs in healthy tissues and sticks around for too long. 

What’s The Difference Between Acute And Chronic Inflammation?

There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is sudden and short-term, whereas chronic inflammation can go on for months, or even years. 

  • Acute inflammation: The immune system’s response to injury or illness usually only lasts a few hours to a few days. Inflammatory cells travel to the site of injury (a cut on your leg) or infection to begin the healing process. A bacterial infection like strep throat will cause throat inflammation. Other bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation in the small intestine. 
  • Chronic inflammation: This happens when the body continues to send inflammatory cells when there is no danger. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, occurs when inflammatory cells attack joint tissues. That leads to inflammation that comes and goes, damaging your joints over the years. 

Sometimes, you can exercise and eat the right foods, only to not feel 100%. Perhaps you feel bloated after a well-balanced meal or you cannot reach your exercise goals. Sometimes, chronic inflammation may result from emotional or mental factors. Anxiety, shame, stress, and trauma, can cause as much inflammation as ultra-processed foods! Continue reading to learn about causes of inflammation that people don’t talk about enough. 

Chronic Stress

If the body is in a constant state of fight-or-flight, it is impossible to relax, let alone reach your health goals. Think of the body like a cellular library, with your thoughts, words, or experiences filling up those cells. When you suffer emotionally, the body feels the full effects. For some reason, a lot of people feel shame about chronic stress. Maybe they cannot be fully present when needed because they snap quickly or become irritable too easily. That shame can affect your ability to stay healthy. Managing stress is not just a one-and-done thing; rather, you have to constantly work to keep stress levels in check. 

Your Social Networks

Social media is highly engaging and can trap you for hours. Unfortunately, all of these accounts are not necessarily great for your mental health. What you expose yourself to can impact the nervous system and inflammatory levels, which impact the endocrine and hormonal systems. One study monitored participants who used social media excessively. The results indicated higher levels of C-reactive protein, which indicates chronic inflammation. You can scroll, but consider vetting the people or things you follow. Try to edit accounts and keep the ones that make you feel great about yourself!

Anxiety About Your Health

One of the great things about living in this day and age is that you have a wealth of resources available to you. You can research and learn about almost anything with a few simple searches. That’s also a great way to become overwhelmed and anxious about your health. This happens all the time, so much so that people stress themselves out about conditions they may not even have! Research has a name for this: the “nocebo effect,” which is when you ruminate about a negative outcome that can actually lead to a negative outcome. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy! You basically worry yourself sick, even when there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Try not to fixate too much on numbers and health scores. 

Unresolved Trauma

It is very difficult to move forward with your health if you have unresolved trauma that you store in the body. Some estimates suggest that nearly 70% of adults in the United States have experienced trauma in one form or another at least once in their lifetime. You may downplay your trauma, not realizing what it does to the cells in your body. Negating the trauma you went through can affect your nervous system and inflammatory levels. Not all trauma comes from catastrophic events. Some trauma is very subtle, but allowing those emotions to accumulate in the body can impact your physical health over time.


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The 4 Best Essential Oil-Based Remedies For Sinus Relief Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:27:00 +0000

Plugged up because of a cold or seasonal allergies? Give yourself relief and promote better breathing with essential oil-based remedies.


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If you start to feel a stuffy nose, you likely know what lies ahead. Before long, you feel a lot of sinus pressure and you cannot drain them properly. Perhaps you feel a headache from either the intense nose blowing or general congestion. You most likely have a sinus infection, or one has begun to brew. 

What Is A Sinus Infection?

A sinus infection, or sinusitis, is the inflammation of tissues in the sinuses. Your sinuses are the spaces in your forehead, cheeks, and nose typically filled with air. A sinus infection can cause facial pain, stuffy or runny nose, and occasional fever. More often than not, you can attribute a sinus infection to the common cold, but other viruses, fungi, bacteria, and allergies can cause sinusitis. 

If you experience long-term sinus infections, then you may have forgotten what it’s like to breathe properly. Is one nostril always clogged? There is no need to live with blocked sinuses, especially when there are many natural remedies that can relieve sinus pressure

Is It Sinusitis, COVID-19, A Cold, Or An Allergy?

Colds, allergies, sinus infections, and COVID-19 have very similar symptoms. The common cold typically builds, peaks, and then slowly disappears. It can last anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks. Nasal allergies cause itchy eyes and nose, sneezing, congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip. Allergies don’t tend to cause the same facial pain the sinus infections do. Additionally, COVID-19 tends to cause symptoms like shortness of breath and fever. 

If you want to avoid over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and experiment with natural remedies to help promote healthy sinuses, experiment with essential oils. The following remedies can help with nasal decongestion. 

Steam Inhalation 

This blend works to promote drainage and helps clear out the sinuses. In order to do this, you’ll need to follow the recipe below. 


  • 3 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • A blow of hot, steaming water


  • Five to 10 minutes before you engage in this natural remedy, clear your nasal passages by blowing your nose. You can use a xylitol-based sinus spray to enhance the clearing if you want. 
  • Add your essential oils to a large, non-reactive bowl filled with boiling water. 
  • Grab a large towel, cover your head with it, and lean over the bowl, allowing the towel to create a tent over the bowl.
    Keep your eyes closed and inhale the steam vapors for five to 10 minutes. Repeat several times per day. 

The Cajeput Bath

Cajeput essential oil is distilled from the branches and leaves of the cajeput tree. This is a subtype of melaleuca, which is indigenous to tropical regions of Southeast Asia and Australia. It is a strong, antiseptic oil that can directly combat sinusitis, especially when inhaled via steam vapors.


  • 6 drops cajeput essential oil
  • 1 tbsp jojoba oil


  • Add the cajeput essential oil and jojoba oil to a small glass bowl and stir to combine. 
  • Draw a warm bath and add the oil mixture to the running water. The water doesn’t have to be very hot. 
  • Soak in the bath for 15 minutes and repeat this treatment once per day until symptoms subside. 

Warm Compress

For this remedy, you essentially soak a cloth in warm water that contains various essential oils. You then drape that soaked cloth over the nose and sinus area for as long as you desire. This should help clear the nasal passages


  • 1 drop of each eucalyptus, peppermint, pine, tea tree, and lavender essential oils
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 clean piece of cloth


  • Pour one cup of warm water in a non-reactive bowl and stir in the essential oils. 
  • Soak your cloth in the bowl of infused water. Wring out enough water so the cloth doesn’t drip. 
  • Place the cloth over your nose and sinus area for as long as you want. Repeat often, but be careful to not allow the mixture to drip into your eyes. 

Diffusing Blend

If you are not the type of person to hover your face over a steamy bowl of sinus-cleansing vapors, a sinus relief blend in a diffuser may be more your speed. 


  • 5 drops tea tree oil
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 3 drops thyme essential oil


  • Add the essential oils to a diffuser with some water and turn on the diffuser. Make sure that your diffuser can diffuse essential oils before you add them. 
  • If you don’t like that blend, you can use the same measurements for marjoram, lavender, and myrtle essential oils, respectively.


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