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Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that men experience. In honor of Men's Health Week 2019, here are 6 natural remedies for ED.


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There’s an estimated 30 million men that experience erectile dysfunction. Even though it’s more common for older men to experience erectile dysfunction, age is not necessarily a cause for the issue. Erectile dysfunction can often lead to emotional and relationship issues, as it tends to decrease male confidence. What most people don’t know is that erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of an underlying issue.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability for men to obtain or maintain a penile erection. From time to time, men may experience issues when it comes to keeping a firm erection, however, if the issue progresses, occurring more often, it could be a sign of erectile dysfunction. When the penis is erect, there’s an increase in the size of the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis, decreasing the size of the vessels carrying the blood out. When men experience erectile dysfunction, there’s poor circulation in the penile area.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

The cause for erectile dysfunction is normally due to poor circulation in the body. Poor circulation can stem from a variety of factors, predominately from health ailments that decrease the blood flow and the size of the blood vessels. Circulation is vital to men achieving erections, as blood also flows to the genital area. It’s common for the exact cause of erectile dysfunction to be related to physical issues that derive from certain diets and lifestyles. Erectile dysfunction can also be from a combination of both physical and emotional issues.

Natural Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

Dietary Intervention

Eliminating foods that contribute to poor circulation is key. Foods that tend to clog arteries and prevent proper circulation include caffeinated beverages, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and foods high in starch and fat. These foods mostly contribute to the impairment of blood circulation. Cutting back on these foods alone can help restore the amount of circulation within the body. To specifically help promote more circulation in the genital area, it would be best to consume foods that are high in Omega 3, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. Foods that have been known to help with circulation include oranges, garlic, cayenne pepper, sunflower seeds, avocados, ginger, cucumbers, celery, and red bell peppers.

Eat Foods With Arginine

Arginine is a type of amino acid that has been linked to improved arterial and blood vessel health. Arginine has been recommended to help address erectile dysfunction in addition to other health ailments. Foods that are high in arginine include pumpkin seeds, spirulina, peanuts, almonds, lentils, and raw walnuts. Consuming these foods can help stimulate the blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow.

Address Your Health Issues

Addressing your initial health issues is the best way to treat erectile dysfunction. When you identify the source of poor circulation, it’s easier to treat the symptoms that come with it, e.g. erectile dysfunction. Repairing your body from the ailments that affect cardiovascular health and circulatory health can help achieve a better erection.

Quit Smoking

If you’re a person who smokes, quitting can help improve the chances of achieving more frequent of erections. Smoking can put undo stress on the body and damage the circulatory system. Nicotine has also been known to reduce genital blood flow.

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been known to help improve overall circulation, as the needles help dilate blood vessels. There are specific acupuncture points that help get the blood moving again, in addition to creating optimal internal energy, also known as chi. Erectile dysfunction can also be mentally related, and acupuncture can help reduce the amount of stress or anxiety and the body.

Talk It Out

Erectile dysfunction is a physical issue, however, anxiety and stress can make things worse. It’s important that you emotionally address the condition to alleviate your conscience. Think positive thoughts in hopes of remedying the impotence. Talking to your partner for encouragement in hopes of overcoming the condition can also help.


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6 Foods That Naturally Increase Your Libido Sun, 02 Sep 2018 11:45:23 +0000

Are you looking to spice up your love life without taking medication? These foods increase your sexual appetite and better your sex life.


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Both men and women are affected by decreased libido. Whether it is age or underlying health conditions, roughly 32% of women and 15% of men lack the desire to have sex on a regular basis. When it comes to boosting your libido, all you need are the right foods to help you get back in the mood.

Having a decreased libido can be attributed to low testosterone, depression, stress, sexual dysfunction, being overweight, drug or alcohol use, or even sleep apnea. Most men with sleep apnea don’t realize that it can decrease testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can also be the result of a poor functioning endocrine system.

Women can have low sex drive because of sociocultural influences (stress, media images, job, etc.), relationship issues, thyroid problems, fibroids, or edometriosis. Birth control pills and other forms of pregnancy prevention, which affect hormones, can also negatively affect a woman’s desire to have sex.

For both sexes, increasing the libido can often mean that lifestyle changes need to be made. A lot of foods in the Standard American Diet have been linked to decreased libido, primarily due to the hormones, antibiotics, and processed ingredients. Excess consumption of sodium-rich foods, which can lead to high blood pressure, can also decrease blood flow to sexual organs. Dairy products often contain synthetic hormones (phtalic acid esters), which negatively affect estrogen and testosterone levels. Finally, caffeine can increase cortisol levels and induce stress that decreases libido.

How To Increase Libido Through Food


Bananas contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps to reverse impotence in men and naturally increase the libido. Additionally, bananas are great sources of potassium and B-vitamins, which help to boost overall energy levels.


Men in India have been using cloves to help treat sexual dysfunction for centuries. According to a study in the journal of BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, clove extract helped to boost sexual activity in male rats. Cloves can also help to get rid of bad breath, which can’t hurt your love life. You can also combine the use of cloves with nutmeg or saffron for more libido-boosting benefits.

Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to collagen production, which naturally declines with age. The fact that your skin may not be as firm can make it difficult for men to maintain an erection, and may lead to looser vaginal walls in women. Boost collagen levels by eating vitamin C-rich foods like kiwis, bell peppers, parsley, Brussels sprouts, guavas, or citrus fruits.


A research study on ginseng was conducted to test its libido-boosting properties. The women in the study took ginseng for one month and 68% experienced dramatic improvement in their sex lives and libido. It is best to drink ginseng tea, as opposed to drinking energy drinks that claim to have ginseng. You don’t want the extra chemicals and sugar from energy drinks, which can decrease sex drive.


If you are looking to naturally boost your libido with a refreshing food, start eating watermelon. Although it is 92% water, the remaining 8% of nutrients are essential for sexual health. Watermelons contain citrulline, a phytonutrient that the body converts to arginine, which helps to boost nitric oxide levels in the body and relax blood vessels. This is essentially what erectile dysfunction medications do.


Fenugreek, which is available in herb and essential oil form, has been known to help increase male libido. The consumption of fenugreek has also been associated with balanced testosterone levels. It is better to cook fenugreek to avoid the bitter taste.

Finally, make sure that you are sufficiently hydrated because dehydration is a common cause of decreased libido. If you want to avoid vaginal dryness, fatigue, dull sexual desire, and headaches, drink your water, people!


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Penile Erectile Dysfunction Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Now let's look at some ways one can naturally reverse or heal penile erectile dysfunction commonly referred to as impotence.


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Penile erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a widely known health condition in males. The condition causes the penis to be incapable of being erect or raised to an erect position. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 18 million men in the United States alone. Often times, erectile dysfunction is reversible with some simple lifestyle changes.


Erectile dysfunction has many possible causes such as:

  • Diet
  • Medication
  • Illness
  • Alcoholism

Diet is an easily changed factor that can affect erectile dysfunction. When blood flow is limited to the male penis, its ability to become and stay erect is limited. One factor that decreases blood flow in the body is cholesterol. When we have high levels of cholesterol, our arteries become blocked and blood flow is decreased. This causes many dangerous conditions in the body including heart attacks. Blocked arteries also lead to erectile dysfunction.

Eating a diet low in cholesterol is important to our overall health and reversing erectile dysfunction. Foods high in cholesterol like meat and dairy products should be eliminated from your diet. Switch to a plant-based diet, rich in healthy green foods. These foods will help to lower your cholesterol levels and allow blood to flow properly to all parts of the body.

Studies have shown that diet plays a key role in reversing clogged arteries. Green foods happen to be rich in blood-cleansing nutrients that can help dissolve cholesterol buildup.

Alcohol use has also been attributed to erectile dysfunction. Alcohol use can cause blood vessels to expand, but not close. This prevents an erection. Over use of alcohol can cause great damage to the blood vessels and can contribute to hypertension and heart disease, both of which are contributing factors to erectile dysfunction.

Moderate alcohol consumption should not cause erectile dysfunction in healthy men. Keep drinking to a minimum for optimum health.

Some diseases interfere with sexual performanceas well. As mentioned earlier, Cardiovascular diseases are a larger contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease both affect circulation and therefore limit the blood flow to the male penis. The result is erectile dysfunction. Other diseases that have been linked to erectile dysfunction are:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer does not directly cause erectile dysfunction, but treatments for the disease often result in the condition. Surgery, hormone therapy and radiation are common treatments for prostate cancer, all of which can affect sexual health.

Depression causes the brain to have a chemical imbalance, including chemicals that promote our sex drive. This causes our sexual desire to be lowered or nonexistent. Also, when neurotransmitters are lowered to the brain, our senses can be dulled. This causes a loss in the feeling of pleasure we normally experience.

Natural Healing

Herbs can be wonderful in counteracting erectile dysfunction. Some herbs to incorporate into your daily life include:


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Impotence, Infertility, and Sterility Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Celibacy or temporary periods of sexual or ejaculatory fasting allows the spark plugs of the genitals to recharge rejuvenate and revitalize.


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Male impotence and sterility and female infertility and sterility are common medical issues that occur around the world. Impotence and sterility are sexual dysfunctions. Infertility is a physical condition.

There can be physical or psychological roots to impotence, which is generally curable with the proper treatment.

Impotence and sterility are not the same thing. This article will help explain the difference.

Impotence/erectile dysfunction

Erections occur when blood rushes and is retained by sponge-like bodies within the penis, and typically occurs during times of sexual arousal. When men are unable to develop or maintain an erection, it is referred to as impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).


There are two kinds of reasons why men would experience erectile dysfunction. It is generally either an indication of a physical ailment or imbalance in the body, or it has psychological roots. Physical impotence can be caused by a circulatory issue, such as a change to the voltage-gated potassium channel (as occurs during arsenic poisoning), or it could be related to a cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hormonal insufficiency, or the side effects of a drug such as anti-depressants and nicotine. Aging also plays a key role in erectile dysfunction, as it is four times higher in men in their sixties than men in their forties.

Psychological impotence based off of the negative thoughts and feelings that the man may be experiencing. These factors can lead to impotence:

  • Performance anxiety
  • Stress
  • Mental disorders (clinical depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, panic disorder, etc.).


Different treatment options for impotence are available depending on the cause of. If the erectile dysfunction is based in a physical issue, then attempt to treat the underlying issue (such as potassium deficiency or arsenic contamination). In rarer cases, penile prostheses, a penis pump may be needed.

Although psychological impotence occurs less frequently, it has shown positive responses to treatment. If the impotence has psychological roots, then there tends to be a positive response to placebo treatment.

Natural Healing Solutions

Although the Food and Drug Administration does not recommend alternative therapies or medications, there are several herbal formulas that can help erectile dysfunction. These “herbal Viagra” products can be popular, although the FDA warns that there are no clinical trials or scientific studies that suggest that they prevent erectile dysfunction.


The medical community describes someone as infertile if they do not become pregnant after one year of trying to conceive. If a woman is over 35 and they try unsuccessfully to conceive after six months, they are considered infertile.

Infertility isn’t limited to women. About one-third of infertility problems are attributed to men, usually due to low sperm count, low sperm motility and testicle size (the larger the testicles, the more likely fertility may be an issue). About one-third is attributed to problems that both the man and the woman have.


Infertility can be caused for many different reasons.

In women, it’s caused by:

  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Other issues with the uterus
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Too much exercise
  • Being too thin or excessively overweight

In men, it’s caused by:

  • Previous illness (such as mumps, kidney disease or hormone issues)
  • Wearing ‘jockey’ style underwear

Causes that impact both men and women include:

  • Smoking, drinking and doing drugs
  • Poor diet and exercise habits
  • Environmental toxins
  • Taking prescription medications

Natural Healing Solutions

First, balance the body-and thus hormones-by performing a Full Body Cleanse

Eat a diet rich in hormone balancing vegetables such as:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Bok choy
  • Kohlrhabi
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Rutabaga
  • Turnip greens

Consider supplementing your diet with:

  • Zinc
  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs)
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A


Sterility describes an individual’s physiological inability to reproduce. It can refer to any living organism, such as a plant, animal, or human.


There a few different potential causes for sterility. As counterintuitive as it may seem, some creatures actually inherit sterility, as with the mule. Mules are genetically unable to reproduce. Sterility may be acquired from the physical environment, such as by drinking contaminated water. It may also originate from physical injury, disease, or exposure to radiation.

Historical Background and Current Usage

Although this practice is very much frowned upon during modern times, sterility has also been used as a weapon. For instance, during World War II, the Nazis sterilized many Jewish women and women of other races that they found impure. It has also been occasionally used as a form of birth control for developing countries where the population is growing at an exponential and destructive rate. Compulsory sterilization was popular in many countries during the first half of the twentieth century, including Canada, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.

The US was the first country to enact compulsory sterilization for eugenic purposes as a national program. The program primarily sought to sterilize people who were mentally handicapped or mentally ill, although some states targeted the blind, deaf, epileptic, and physically deformed people. Activist Angela Davis alleges that some states targeted African American and Native American women. The program was eventually discontinued following ethical concerns, especially after the extent of Hitler’s eugenics movement was discovered post-WWII.

Some countries offer benefits such as medical care, land, or housing to people who agree to be sterilized. Although India’s policy is somewhat controversial, it continues to be practiced today. Recently, human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have accused China of inflicting compulsory sterilization on women who have already reached their one child limit, as per the famous “One Child Policy.”

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The Ill-Effects of Alcohol Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Drinking wine causes many pathologies. Pollutes blood, toxifies liver. Corrodes kidneys and bladder. Causes chemical dependency and neurological disorders. Causes yeast infections. Destroys pancreas gland and is implicated in pancreatic cancer.


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The word “intoxicate” means to poison or be affected by a drug or alcohol where physical and mental control is greatly compromised.

A name describes the purpose, function, and activity of something. An intoxicant is a poison. Wine, like other spirits, is a poison. Poison has no place in the human body because it impairs good health and eventually kills or destroys life.

The etymological root of the word intoxicant tells us that wine, an intoxicant, is a poison. Many people drink wine on a weekly basis and will proudly tell you that drinking a glass of wine makes them feel good. Others will tell you that drinking wine is good or healthy for them. A person who consumes alcohol on a regular basis may tell you this in order to justify the habit of drinking alcohol.

Some people have told me that their doctor told them that drinking wine is good for the heart. If wine is poisonous, then how can it be beneficial to the heart? The heart actually had to work harder and faster to speed up the flow of blood, causing toxemia and high blood pressure. Toxins can lodge in the heart area for a substantial amount of time and possibly kill the person.

The human heart requires clean, unadulterated blood.


Wine desensitizes you, causing you to forget about your worries and woes. It dulls your senses and lets you escape from your normal thoughts.

Ironically, drinking wine or other intoxicants can often make matters worse. Overconsumption of alcohol can result in dangerous and life-threatening situations. Dulling your mind down can’t or won’t help you to solve a problem.

You must be in your right, natural state of mind to successfully tackle a challenge.

Rather than being under the influence of their own minds, drunk or inebriated people are under the influence of alcohol.

Many arguments are caused by overconsumption of alcohol. It makes us shout and talk loud in a boisterous manner. Many college women are raped weekly due to an overconsumption of alcohol.


Consuming too much wine can cause many pathologies. Its harmful effects include:

  • Pollutes the blood.
  • Toxifies the liver, and causes the eyes to become bloodshot red.
  • Corrodes the kidneys and bladder due to its high acidity.
  • Causes chemical dependency and many neurological disorders.
  • Increases the chance of yeast infections in women.
  • Destroys the pancreas gland and is implicated in pancreatic cancer.
  • Impairs liver function and causes a host of hepatic diseases, mainly cirrhosis of the liver.
  • The chemicals found in wine corrode the brain cells and greatly impair cognition and memory, as well as impair mental coordination.
  • Implicated in female infertility and frigidity.
  • Causes birth defects in unborn babies.
  • Plays a pivotal role in male impotence.

European Wine

Some wine addicts who love drinking wine and do not want to give it up, simply start drinking European wine from Italy or France due to the health benefits surrounding the French Paradox of wine drinking. The French eat high amounts of dairy products but don’t have the high incidence of heart disease associated with consuming large amounts of dairy products, mainly cheese, like Americans do.

The French drink a lot of wine that is pressed with the grape seeds intact, unlike American wine, which is not pressed with grape seeds and has strong antioxidant capabilities. The French say that moderate wine consumption appears to slow down low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol oxidation and inhibit the blood’s tendency to clot.

Grape seeds are a powerful source of antioxidants but it is still not a good enough reason to dink wine. Taking grape seed extract is a healthier way to enjoy the health benefits of grape seeds.


In America, the most popular legalized drugs include, but are not limited to, sugar, salt, cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol. People who drink wine, beer, and spirits don’t mind that the ingredients are not even listed or printed on the bottle or can, much less the process by which they are manufactured.

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires labeling of ingredients on all consumable products such as food, beverages and medicine. When it comes to alcohol and cigarettes, there are exceptions to the rule.

Recognizing the tax potential of alcoholic beverages, Congress delegated the regulation of alcohol to the Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). The TTB regulates the labels of all alcoholic products. The labeling rules differ between wine, beer and distilled spirits.

  • For distilled spirits, the percent of alcohol must appear on the label. For wine, the rules depend on the percent of alcohol.
  • Wines that contain 7 to 14 percent alcohol are required to list the amount of alcohol.
  • Wines that contain less than 7 percent alcohol are under Food and Drug Administration regulation, not TTB. Nutrition Fact labels with calories, nutrients, and actual ingredients are required. However, they are not required to disclose percent alcohol.
  • Substances that may cause sensitivity to people must be labeled. Includes sulfites and yellow No.5.

Natural Solutions

Detoxify the body on a cellular level. Herbs such as Dandelion Root, Dandelion Leaf, Burdock, Chaparral, Echinacea, and Oregon Grape are excellent blood cleansers. Milk thistle seeds, Boldo leaves, and Artichoke will greatly cleanse and repair the liver. Uva Ursi, Corn silk, and Juniper berries will detoxify the kidneys and bladder. Stevia leaf, Jambul seeds, Licorice root, and Gymnema Sylvestre will eradicate the sugar craving and desire. Licorice sticks can be chewed on daily, in addition to drinking a cup or two of Licorice root tea.

Kudzu root will help rebalance blood sugar that wine throws off, and will neutralize the acidity of the body caused by wine. The anti-alcohol effects of daidzin, one of Kudzu’s flavanoids, make it a specific for recovery from alcoholism.

Another important and powerful herb to eradicate alcoholism and winebibbing is Carbon, also known as activated charcoal. It will neutralize every harmful chemical in the human body.

And undoubtedly, the greatest and most effective herb overall that would not only cure alcoholism, but would also cure every other kind of drug addiction, is the great African herb Tabernathe Iboga while banned in the United States, the Iboga plant helps to cure Africans and all other peoples of drug addictions. Once inside your body, Iboga creates a distaste of the drug you are addicted to. The momentum for Iboga is picking up, especially in Canada and Europe, but no so for the United States.

Thank you for reading.


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