Hyssop Oil - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/hyssop-oil/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Thu, 19 Dec 2024 06:55:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hyssop Oil Benefits Respiratory Conditions, Gut Health, & More https://www.dherbs.com/articles/hyssop-oil-benefits-respiratory-conditions-gut-health-more/ Sun, 03 May 2020 09:01:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=110024

This aromatic herb has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Now, it may help heal your gut and respiratory system.


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The use of essential oils has recently gained popularity, despite the fact that these oils have been used in healing practices for centuries. Hyssop oil has been used for thousands of years as a powerful antiseptic agent. In fact, hyssop oil is referenced in the Bible. The Romans even used hyssop as a disinfectant during the plague! That’s got to count for something, right?

What Is Hyssop Oil?

Hyssop oil is made from the flowers and leaves of the Hyssopus officinalis plant. Although it technically belongs to the mint family, hyssop looks very similar to lavender. Hyssop has a floral and minty scent that is regularly used by aromatherapy specialists.  More recently, it has been deemed one of the strongest and most potent antiviral essential oils in existence, primarily because it contains nearly every single chemical compound that is found in all essential oils.

In present day, many people use hyssop to remedy a variety of health conditions, including issues with the liver or gallbladder, intestinal problems, and various respiratory conditions. In fact, it is one of the best natural remedies for asthma. Hyssop oil contains beneficial flavonoids that provide antioxidant activity. The Advanced Pharmeceutical Bulletin indicated that there are 20 different compounds (including myrtenylacetate, camphor, spathulenol, and others) in hyssop that comprise 99.9% of the oil’s makeup. See how these compounds provide antioxidant activity and how they benefit the human body.

Fights Parasites

Parasites, including tapeworms, fleas, flukes, and hookworms, are organisms that feed off the nutrients of other organisms. Parasites live and feed on the host, disrupting nutrient absorption and increasing the risk of developing diseases or overall weakness. If you have an intestinal parasite, it is possible for it to disrupt gut health and immune function. Hyssop is beneficial for people with parasites because it is a vermifuge, meaning it is an agent that destroys or expels parasites. If you are engaging in a parasite cleanse, considering adding hyssop oil to your regimen.

Boosts Circulation

Proper circulation assists with overall heart, muscle, and arterial function. Hyssop oil works to improve circulation because it contains anti-rheumatic properties. The ability to increase circulation is great news for people with rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and overall swelling, all of which suffer from lack of blood circulation. Both hyssop oil and hyssop tea can help improve blood flow, which can alleviate pressure in clogged arteries.

Beneficial For Respiratory Conditions

Hyssop oil has antispasmodic properties, which work to relieve spasms in the respiratory system. It is also known as an expectorant, meaning it helps to loosen phlegm that can become lodged in the respiratory tracts or airways. Coughing is the body’s natural way to expel phlegm, harmful microbes, or other irritants. Now that you know about hyssop, though, you may be able to minimize coughing. The antispasmodic and expectorant properties mean that hyssop can be very beneficial for respiratory infections, including the common cold and even bronchitis.

Improves Digestion

Acting as a stimulant, hyssop oil works to increase the production of bile, acid, and digestive enzyme secretion, all of which are necessary to break down food as it enters the stomach. While everyone naturally produces these gastric juices, it is often beneficial to facilitate the process to help decompose complex carbohydrates, proteins, and nutrients. Use hyssop oil to improve digestion, or to help relieve indigestion, gas, or bloating.

Supports Immune Response

As we previously mentioned, hyssop oil works to improve circulation and digestion. Let’s not forget that it can also kill parasites and harmful bacteria. This trifecta of abilities contributes to healthier and proper immune function. One study, which was conducted at the Department of Medicine, North Shore University Hospital in New York, found that hyssop extracts contain unidentified tannins, caffeic acid, and possible unidentified molecular weight compounds that may possess strong anti-HIV activity. Since HIV is incredibly harmful to the immune system, these findings may lead to further studies on hyssop oil as a potential treatment for HIV or AIDS patients.

How To Use Hyssop

The most readily available form of hyssop is the essential oil. If using this oil or hyssop extract, you can use it in the following ways. As always, only purchase high quality essential oils for best results.

  • Add 3-5 drops of hyssop oil to bath water to help lower body temperature and stimulate sweating.
  • Add 2-3 drops of hyssop oil to a diffuser and inhale the vapor to help clear the respiratory system.
  • If you want to use it as a fragrance, add hyssop oil to homemade soaps, body washers, or lotions. The amount you use will depend on how much you are making.
  • Combine 2-3 drops of hyssop oil with equal parts carrier oil (like jojoba oil) and apply it to the skin to reduce irritations, burns, or bruising. 
  • For internal use, add 1-2 drops of hyssop oil to water and mix it with a smoothie.


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The Medicinal Herbs You’ve Never Heard Of But Need https://www.dherbs.com/articles/diet-nutrition/the-medicinal-herbs-youve-never-heard-of-but-need/ Tue, 12 Nov 2019 10:39:12 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=103760

Learn about the health benefits of some of nature’s most medicinal herbs. You may be surprised at how much they do for the body.


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From marshmallow root to lobelia and wood betony to woad, there are hundreds of herbs, flowers, and plants that possess powerful medicinal properties. A common and seemingly useless herb to the untrained eye may have antiseptic, antibacterial, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Other herbs may help to promote detoxification or even work to repel insects.

The world of herbal medicine continues to expand with each new study of the hundreds of herbs in existence. Constant research on herbal medicine intends to examine their abilities to benefit the different organs, systems, muscles, or bones in the body. We may never be able to fully catalog all of the benefits from plants that exist around the world. While some herbs are more difficult to procure, research indicates that most people have access to these medicinal herbs and fail to take advantage of their benefits. After reading about the benefits of the following plants, you may want to rethink your stance about using herbs as medicine.


Also known as “featherfew” or “wild chamomile,” feverfew has been used in European folk medicine for centuries. The leaves and extracts from the plant contain parthenolide, a compound that may help reduce inflammation, prevent blood vessel constriction in the brain, and ease muscle spasms. A few studies have concluded that parthenolide may also work to reduce migraines, minor headaches, and vomiting. The health properties in feverfew may inhibit the release of inflammatory substances that contribute to migraines or menstrual cramps. It can be brewed into a tea or made into a tincture.

Marshmallow Root

Unfortunately, marshmallow root does not grow marshmallows, but it has been a potent herbal remedy for centuries. Due to the mucilaginous content of marshmallow root, many cultures have used it to help remedy coughs or colds. Several studies have found that it acts an enzyme to help loosen mucous and inhibit bacterial growth. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of marshmallow root may help to relieve eczema, dermatitis, and enhance the overall appearance of the skin.

Dittany of Crete

Native to the island of Crete in Greece, dittany has long since been considered to be panacea, meaning it has been used as a solution for various illnesses. The presence of phenol carvacrol, in addition to the antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties, makes dittany excellent for soothing sore throats, stomach pains, menstrual cramps, and even hypertension. People who want to strengthen heart muscles and clear out arteries will benefit from brewing this herb into a tea. It is enhanced when mixed with raw honey and cinnamon, especially to relieve coughing.

Anise Hyssop

Anise hyssop is a perennial herb from the mint family, growing tall with woody flowers that are often lavender, pink, or white in color. It has commonly been used as a cough and cold remedy, due to its ability to loosen mucous, decongest, and reduce the symptoms of sinus infections. Native Americans used to drink anise hyssop tea to improve digestive health and get rid of diarrhea. Alternatively, anise hyssop leaves can be crushed up to make a salve because the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can accelerate wound healing or soothe sunburns.

Wild Asparagus Root

Wild asparagus root isn’t your average asparagus plant that grows in the garden. It’s a wild asparagus that has been used in both spiritual and physical healing practices. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years, often revered by Tibetan people for its ability to keep the skin looking young, supple, and healthy. The Chinese often say that “wisdom comes from the lungs,” and wild asparagus root has commonly been made into gentle tonics to help cleanse the respiratory system of toxins. Additionally, Taoists have used wild asparagus root to relax the mind to promote healthy sleep, and these same relaxing properties have been purported to increase levels of happiness and joy.


Due to the intense labor that is involved with harvesting saffron, it is considered one of the most expensive spices in the world. All of the harvesting is done by hand and it takes about 75,000 saffron blossoms to yield a single pound of saffron. Containing more than 150 volatile compounds, including safranal, antioxidants, biochemicals, carotenoids, and crocin, saffron can help to protect heart health, increase metabolism and blood circulation, and improve bone strength and nerve function. It also has analgesic properties, which may work to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety.


Ruta graveolens, commonly referred to as rue, is a garden plant that has been used as an insect repellent and for its medicinal properties. Rue is praised for the alkaloids and anti-inflammatory & antihistamine properties, and it contains a compound known as rutin, which works to prevent oxidative stress. The antifungal properties of rue have been proven to clear up skin, decrease premature signs of aging, and improve overall complexion. If you put rue extract in a diffuser, it helps to ward off cockroaches, mosquitos, and other insects.


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Respiratory Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/respiratory-health/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/respiratory-health/

It is very important to drink a lot of water if you suffer from bronchitis or asthma.


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Our lungs were created for the purpose of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Because oxygen is required for survival, the lungs could be said to be the most important organs.

Oxygen levels need to be at 39% for optimal health. In the United States, the oxygen is on the decline, which might explain why respiratory health problems are on the rise.

Major Respiratory Health Issues


Asthma causes serious obstruction of the airways, usually in the form of an “attack.” During an asthma attack, spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi constricts, inhibiting the exhalation of stale air. Breathing is very difficult. Prescription inhalers only provide short term relief. Relief never provides or leads to a remedy.

Mucus plays a pivotal role in asthma. Mucus causes the bronchial tubes to swell and become plugged. The severe burning (especially while and after coughing) is due to the inflammation caused by the mucus in the lungs. This mucus obstructs and irritates the mucous membranes (internal skin) of the lungs.

Asthma attacks involve serious coughing. Coughing is a natural body reflex to expel mucus. However, many times in asthmatic cases, there is only coughing and no expectoration of mucus. This is because the mucus is so hardened and stubborn that it cannot be dissolved with the absence of water.

Water dissolves mucus. But because the tissues of the lungs have no water in them, the mucus there cannot be dissolved, so the mucus sits in the lungs taking up room that should be for oxygen and simultaneously inflames the lungs causing that burning an asthmatic feels in his/her lungs. Remember, mucus is ACIDIC and acid burns!


Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi tubes. The bronchi are tubes that lead to the lungs. Basically, the bronchi tubes are obstructed with mucus, which causes inflammation. Bronchitis also involves serious coughing in an attempt to expel mucus from the bronchi tubes.

Bronchitis can be either acute or chronic. In either case, mucus is the culprit. However, the triggers of bronchial chest spasms in cases of bronchitis may be viral, bacterial, or caused by fumes, including cigarette smoke.


Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lungs. Pneumonia is also caused by mucus obstruction. When the tiny air sacs of the lungs become filled up with mucus, inflammation results and the medical term is pneumonia.

Natural Healing Solutions

Conscious breathing, which utilizes deep breathing, is excellent for helping manage respiratory illnesses. Deep breathing exercises will help to strengthen and revivify the lungs. It will also help to dissolve hardened mucus in the lungs, sinus cavities and nostrils. Conscious breathing exercises or yoga is highly ideal for overall respiratory health.

There are a plethora of potent and effective herbs that are great for the lungs and the respiratory system. These are pulmonary, expectorant and demulcent herbs and include:

  • Mullein (leaf/flowers)
  • Lobelia
  • Fenugreek
  • Coltsfoot
  • Boneset
  • Comfrey
  • Marshmallow (Althea)
  • Licorice
  • Pleurisy
  • Slippery Elm bark
  • White Pine Bark
  • Hyssop
  • Eucalyptus
  • Yerba Santa
  • Elecampane
  • Ground Ivy, and
  • Horehound

Essential oils are also effective for respiratory health and healing. Oils such as:

These essential oils can be added to a diffuser or bath water. Inhaling the vaporized molecules of these oils in the air or hot water steam of a bath will dissolve hardened mucus, open nasal passages, and clear sinus and lung congestion.

Some of these oils such as Eucalyptus and Peppermint can be rubbed in to the chest area (on top of a carrier oil) before bed which will greatly help to do the things mentioned above.

Crystals such as Angelite, Pink Tourmaline, Aventurine, Blue Chalcedony, Emerald, Iron Pyrite, Amethyst, Peridot, Chrysocolla, Pietersite, Rose Quartz, and Prehnite help in healing all lung disorders. They can be placed directly on the Fourth Chakra (located at the thymus gland) situated between the chest area or added to drinking water.

Any country area that is laced with trees is great for healing respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. Remember, trees help us by converting carbon monoxide into oxygen.

Arizona is one of the best places to go to help eradicate respiratory illnesses and challenges. Arizona contains many pine trees. Pine trees (as well as Eucalyptus trees) can help improve breathing conditions.

Dietary Intervention

A high alkaline diet consisting of plenty of raw and organic fruits and vegetables can improve respiratory problems. Green foods are high in alkalinity and also contain chlorophyll and will help to dissolve mucus throughout the body in general and the lungs and respiratory tract, in particular.

Drinking alkaline water can also help in eradicating respiratory diseases. Alkaline water is highly alkaline and therefore counteracts acidity. This water greatly helps to dissolve mucus so that mucus can be expectorated from the body. It is very important to drink a lot of water period, but especially so if you suffer from bronchitis or asthma.

Poor diet is the greatest physical cause of lungs and respiratory diseases. The worst offenders are:

  • Dairy
  • Meat
  • Refined, processed grains
  • Starches
  • Acidic beverages

Dairy is greatly mucus forming. People battling respiratory illnesses should remove all dairy products from their diet. Dairy breaks down into LACTIC ACID, which creates mucus, especially in the lungs.

Meat breaks down into URIC ACID, which creates mucus. All meats should be eliminated from the diet if you want to regulate respiratory issues.

Refined, processed grains convert into starch and also break down in to mucus and saturate in the lungs.

Starches too, the refined and processed ones, also break down into acid, CARBONIC ACID, and cause excess mucus production that may saturate in the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract.

Acidic beverages should be avoided because they help create excess mucus buildup in the body. Acid-forming beverages include:

  • Beer, wine, champagne and all other spirits
  • soda pop
  • milk
  • hot cocoa and hot chocolate
  • coffee and lattes
  • chocolate milk
  • butter milk
  • commercial tea beverages (such as Snapple)
  • egg nog
  • Kool Aid
  • commercial orange juice
  • commercial brand punch (such as Hawaiian Punch)
  • commercial brand lemonade
  • commercial energy beverages (such as Red Bull, Gatorade)


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Congestion and Coughs https://www.dherbs.com/articles/emotional-and-mental-health/congestion-and-coughs/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/congestion-and-coughs/

Congestion is very common for adults, children and babies who consume meat, dairy, refined grains and starches.


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Congestion in the body, especially in the lungs, is the result of phlegm or mucus. Congestion is very common for adults, children and babies who consume meat, dairy, refined grains and starches.

A normal body function when there is congestion in the chest area is a cough. A cough is a reflex action.

Causes and Risk Factors

Most cases of congestion pertain to congestion or accumulation of mucus in the lungs. Congestion, or mucus congestion.

Causes of congestion are:

  • Respiratory infection
  • Deviated septum
  • Asthma
  • Common cold and influenza
  • Allergies
  • Croup
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Lung cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart failure
  • Cystic fibrosis


Symptoms of congestion are:

  • Coughing (a reflex action)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Runny nose
  • Wheezing
  • Chest discomfort
  • Blood in cough
  • Noise while breathing

Healing Congestion and Coughing Naturally

When there is congestion, drink plenty of water. Alkaline water is best, as alkalinity counteracts acidity. For more of an effect, squeeze lemon juice in the water (warm water is best) and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, stir well and drink. You can do this as much as you like. It will only help remedy the congestion and cough as it will help dissolve the stubborn and hardened mucus.


Individual herbs that are excellent and efficacious in cases of congestion include:

Cayenne, though not a mucilaginous or demulcent herb, works wonderfully well in conditions of mucus congestion. So does Black Pepper, Ginger Root, and Horseradish (used to make Wasabi for sushi).

Marijuana (in tea form) is a powerful herb for congestion and coughing bouts. Unfortunately however, the herb is banned here in the U.S. (due to political reasons). So you would be wise to stay away from this herb (to prevent getting yourself in trouble with the federal government).

The single best herb for coughing is Wild Cherry Bark, which provides natural codeine (bio-codeine). Wild Cherry Bark, unlike many pharmaceutical grade medications on the market, does not suppress a cough or coughing, but instead works with the cough (a normal body reflex) and facilitates the coughing process. Wild Cherry Bark works well with White Pine Bark (or Spruce).

Remember, we never want to suppress a cough because suppressing a cough keeps the mucus or phlegm in the body and thus, the congestion will return at a later date.

Essential Oils

There are essential oils known to be effective in cases of congestion and coughing include:

Eucalyptus is by far the best herb to use to counteract congestion. It should be inhaled, added to bath or soak water, and rubbed on the chest (especially before bedtime).

To apply to the chest, first rub on a little carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil) to your (or another person’s) chest, then add about 5-7 drops of Eucalyptus to your palm and rub or massage into the chest area. Make sure you open your window too as this oil works in tandem with the natural air that helps to dissolve hardened and stubborn mucus.

You can also add one drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus to a glass of warm water, stir well, and drink. You can do this 2-3 times a day.

In hot bath water, add 5-8 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 1-2 boxes of sea salt and soak for about 30-45 minutes. This is a great anti-congestion soak that I highly recommend. For infants and babies: use only 2-3 drops of oil and only half a box of sea salt and let the child soak for about 20-30 minutes.


Zoisite is also known to be effective in cases of congestion and coughing. It’s believed that Zoisite can help neutralize overacidification and reduce inflammation.

Margarite is another recommended crystal for mucus accumulation. It’s a form of mica that helps balance the acidity level of the body and to improve acidosis conditions.

These crystals and stones can be directly applied to the chest area or placed in a glass of water overnight and drank the next morning as an elixir.

Natural Healing Options for Children

For babies suffering with mucus congestion, add carrier oil to his/her chest and add only 1-2 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus (and/or White Pine Bark) and rub into the child’s chest. Afterwards, dress the child with warm clothing and make sure the window is cracked (slightly opened) so a nice breeze can come into the room, as this works along with the oil and warmth caused by the clothing to cause the hardened mucus to dissolve.

Infants with congestion: 1-2 drops of essential oil Babies with congestion: 2-3 drops of essential oil Small children with congestion: 3-4 drops of essential oil

Carrier oils include: olive oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, rose hip seed oil, etc. Shea butter can also serve as a carrier.

Try a preparation of tea of Mullein leaves, Eucalyptus Leaves, White Pine Bark, and Wild Cherry Bark (or any one of these herbs individually), let it cool down, add a little lemon or lime juice, and some maple syrup (Grade B or C) or agave nectar or vegetable glycerine to sweeten, stir well, and pour contents into a baby bottle and let the baby drink this wonderful tea which should stimulate expectoration of mucus or phlegm.

These teas can be bought separately and mixed together (adding the various teabags to one cup of hot water).

Any demulcent formula tea is also good to give to the baby following the instructions above.

Over-the-Counter Drugs

Beware of all commercial pharmaceutical grade brands of antitussive and demulcent medications (cough syrup), especially Nyquil, due to the alcohol content and other ingredients. These harmful products impair motor skills, the nervous system, and the blood and liver among other things.

There are few good alternative brands of cough syrups (most made of elder berries) on the market at good health food stores that are safe and ideal to use. However, some of them may be made with honey, so make sure you read the labels. Honey should not be given to babies under the age of two.


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