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A lot of people have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules. If you find it tricky to take supplements or meds, try these strategies.


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If you have to take vitamins, medications, or supplements, the last thing you want to do is gag or choke during the process. “Pill dysphagia,” or trouble swallowing pills, is very common. What’s interesting is that people who have this difficulty don’t struggle to swallow solid foods or liquids. If you are one of the many people who have difficulty swallowing pills, you’ll want to learn about the different strategies in this article. 

For some people, large “horse” pills are the primary difficulty. For others, swallowing any little pill or capsule can seem like an impossible feat. Swallowing a pill is not as easy as it looks! The nerves in your mouth, throat, and esophagus work in unison to move food, liquids, and pills into the digestive tract. Typically, you don’t have to think about this teamwork when you swallow, but you become aware of all that goes into swallowing when pills or supplements enter the equation. The more you think about it, the more difficult it is. Fortunately, there are alternative strategies that may make swallowing pills a whole lot easier. 

Hydrate Your Throat

When your throat is dry, it is much more difficult for a pill to go down smoothly. Ideally, you want to lubricate your throat by drinking a glass of water before attempting to swallow your pill(s). Then, you drink more water when it comes time to actually take your pill/supplement. Some manufacturers make pill swallowing sprays, which are over-the-counter products that make the throat a bit more slippery. These sprays often contain food-based ingredients that are generally safe, according to a July 2018 study. Your average glass of water works just as well, though.

Consider Mixing The Pill With Food

Depending on the supplement, medication, or pill that you need to take, mixing it with food may be your best bet. You can crush a pill into yogurt, applesauce, or pudding, making the medicine go down a lot smoother. If you want to do that with medication or vitamins, you may want to consult your pharmacist or doctor to see if that is a viable option. The reason for this is that crushing up a drug, for example, can alter the way it works, especially in regards to extended-release pills. Additionally, there are certain food-drug interactions that you want to be aware of, as they may affect your meds. If you have a capsule like one of the many herbal supplements from Dherbs, you may be able to open the capsule and empty the contents into a smoothie or juice. 

Change Your Posture

It is completely normal to tilt your head back when you have to swallow vitamins or pills. For some people, this strategy helps the pill go down easier, while others increase their risk for gagging or choking by doing so. You can actually get better results when you lean forward, according to the Patient Preference and Adherence review. When you have a pill in your mouth and you lean forward, the pill will float toward the top of your mouth. When you swallow, the pill  actually goes down first. Your airway widens when you lean forward, making it easier for the pill to go down the hatch. Stand or sit up straight, place the pill on your tongue, and take a medium sip of water. Bend your head forward a little and, with your chin tilted toward your chest, swallow the water and pill together. 

Use A Pop Bottle

Designed by German researchers, the pop bottle method was intended to help people swallow dense tablets. If you want to swallow capsules, this method will not work well because they have air inside them, and air weighs less than water. If you want to swallow pills the “pop bottle” way, you need a full water bottle with a small opening, like a plastic bottle. Place the pill on your tongue and bring the bottle to your mouth, closing your lips around the opening. Use the pressure of the water bottle’s narrow opening to essentially force water down your throat as you swallow. This technique can make it much easier to swallow pills. In fact, a small study found that it eased pill-swallowing for 60% of the participants. 

Try A Pill-Swallowing Cup

There are special pill-swallowing cups and straws available at many pharmacies. These cups have a special top that extends toward the back of your throat. Although there isn’t a lot of clinical research published about pill cups, there are a lot of positive anecdotal accounts. They are made for people with dysphagia, as they have an increased risk of choking.


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Can Herbal Tea Be Bad For Your Health? Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:16:00 +0000

Can herbal tea be bad for your health? It’s possible for the herbs in some teas to negatively interact with certain medications.


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A steamy cup of herbal tea is an excellent alternative to caffeinated beverages or plain water. Many herbal teas, as well as caffeinated teas, exhibit powerful health properties. From hibiscus and chamomile to Earl Grey and green tea, teas are chock full of beneficial nutrients. Before you take swig after swig, though, there are certain things to consider. 

People who take prescription or over-the-counter medications need to consider the potential interactions of certain herbs with their medications. Certain herbs may decrease the effects of medicines, while others may lead to unwanted side effects. When brewing a cup of herbal tea, though, the first thought isn’t, “How will this interact with my medication?” Tea is considered harmless, and most teas are considered to be safe in small amounts. People who take medication or live with certain health conditions, however, may need to limit or avoid consumption of some herbal teas. 

If you take blood thinners, antidepressants, or blood pressure medication, drinking certain herbal teas may increase the risk of side effects. Below, you’ll find some herbal teas that you should limit or avoid if you live with specific health conditions. Please keep in mind that the information in this article is intended to be informative. If you have concerns or questions about specific teas or herbs and how they’ll interact with your body, consult your health care professional. They can help determine what herbal teas or supplements are safest for you.

Gingko Tea

People who take blood-thinning medications should avoid gingko tea. Blood-thinning medications include Coumadin (warfarin), aspirin, Plavix (clopidogrell), and other anticoagulants. Gingko biloba actually slows the blood clotting process, and consuming it with anticoagulants can increase the risk of bleeding. People with epilepsy or those who take antidepressants should also avoid gingko tea. It’s possible for large amounts of gingko biloba to induce seizures, and it may weaken the effects of certain antidepressants. 

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is notorious for interacting with a variety of medications, including cyclosporine, antidepressants, blood thinners, birth control pills, and HIV drugs. If you take any of these medications, talk to your health care professional before taking St. John’s wort or drinking the tea. It’s possible that consuming St. John’s wort in conjunction with antidepressants may help reduce depression symptoms, but it’s wise to discuss a treatment plan first. The reason for this is because that combination may lead to dangerous levels of serotonin.


A seemingly harmless herb, chamomile is a nighttime favorite for people who wish to calm the body and mind. According to several studies, it exhibits mild tranquilizing affects. Other studies found that it may lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Infrequent consumption may have beneficial effects on glycemic control for type 2 diabetics. Drinking large amounts of chamomile tea, however, may reduce blood sugar too much. You don’t have to avoid chamomile tea as a diabetic, but be aware that drinking too much may lead to a hypoglycemic event. Carefully monitor blood sugar as you drink the tea. 

Ginseng & Licorice Teas

Similar to gingko biloba, ginseng and licorice may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulant medications, including warfarin. If you experience blood clots or have deep vein thrombosis (DVT), it’s wise to avoid these teas. Ginseng may also reduce the effectiveness of calcium channel blockers, statin medications, certain antidepressants, and HIV agents. Keep this information in mind when consuming either of these herbs in tea or supplement form. 

Green Tea

Known for the powerful antioxidant properties, green tea is a powerhouse in the world of health and wellness. Unfortunately for some, it negatively interacts with medications that treat heart conditions. Green tea also contains vitamin K, which can increase blood clotting and interfere with some blood thinners. People who take lisinopril (medication for hypertension and heart failure), should also limit green tea consumption because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication.


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The Dos And Don’ts Of Cleansing Mon, 01 Nov 2021 09:09:00 +0000

Are you new to the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse? Learn the essential dos and don’ts of cleansing and you’ll know how to succeed.


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Starting the Full Body Cleanse journey is your first step on the road to a healthier body. The body regularly accumulates a variety of toxins and waste, both from food and the environment. By cleansing the body, you help it naturally get rid of waste, helping to hit the reset button on your health.

What Is The Full Body Cleanse?

The Dherbs Full Body Cleanse is a 20-day program that works to cleanse the body’s major organs and systems. It consists of six different herbal formulas, and you take five capsules from each of those formulas every day of the cleanse. The cleanse also requires you to modify your diet, focusing only on raw vegan foods that you do not cook. The Full Body Cleanse is first and foremost a product that helps to cleanse the body, even though many people use it as a weight loss tool. Weight loss is simply a benefit of cleansing, along with better immune function, mental clarity, reduced cravings, clearer skin, and enhanced energy levels. 

As many of you know, a car needs regular tune-ups to make sure it runs optimally. Think of the body in the same way. You need to flush the fluids and clean out the major working elements to help the body carry out its regular filtering and self-cleansing functions. In order to do that, you have to cleanse correctly, which is why we’ve detailed the dos and don’ts of cleansing below. 

The Dos

Follow The Diet

Follow the raw vegan diet and don’t stray from it. The raw vegan diet means that you can only eat raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. You cannot eat cooked foods, meat, seafood, poultry, dairy products, processed foods, caffeine, sodas, etc. Too often do people try to cheat on the cleanse with these foods, inhibiting the cleansing process. The raw diet aids the cleansing formulas and provides the body with essential nutrients. 

Eat When You’re Hungry

You don’t have to starve yourself while cleansing! You can eat as much food as you like, so long as you adhere to the raw vegan diet. If you’re hungry, eat so that you don’t feel uncomfortable. Great snacks between meals include a handful of raw nuts, apple slices with raw almond butter, homemade energy bites, or celery sticks and guacamole.

Take The Capsules Correctly

There are 100 capsules in each bottle that comes in the cleanse. That means that there are enough to have five capsules from each bottle every day of the 20-day cleanse. Portion them out the night before in the pill box so that you don’t have to carry the bottles around all day. Make sure that you take them in the correct order, which is detailed in the instructional booklet. 

Engage In Light Exercise

This is not a mandatory requirement for cleansing, but exercising can help promote weight loss if that is your ultimate goal. Aerobic or low-impact cardiovascular exercises are the best, but you can also engage in light weightlifting. Just keep in mind that the raw diet typically reduces your caloric intake, which may mean that you have to alter your traditional workouts. 

Trust The Process

There’s not much more to say than that! The Full Body Cleanse can be difficult, but if you persevere to succeed, you won’t regret it.

The Don’ts

Don’t Go To Parties

We hate to say this, but you should avoid gatherings and dinners with friend groups or family during your cleanse. Going to a restaurant that doesn’t have any raw meals can be torture. Once the food starts arriving at the table, you may want to eat anything and everything in sight. If you have a raw restaurant in your city, treat yourself to a night out there, especially if you have a cleansing partner.

Don’t Veer From The Diet

It’s very easy to slip up on the diet, but you can dig deep and find that determination to stick with it. The most difficult stage is the first three days. Once you find your footing and recipes you enjoy, though, it’s easy to get into a rhythm. Don’t forget that we have a cleanse approved recipe section that gets updated weekly. Click here to view those recipes. 

Don’t Juice For The Whole Cleanse

There’s a lot of hype around juicing, but we don’t recommend you do it for the entirety of the cleanse. The body requires fiber to have regular bowel movements, and you can’t get that via juicing. Smoothies are a better, more fibrous option. If you want to juice, don’t juice for more than three days at a time. 

Don’t Fast

You have to eat in order to eliminate waste. Failure to eat can cause the body to retain water, fat, and excess fluids. The body needs sustenance and nutrients to replenish the major organs and systems. Should you want to partake in a fast or intermittent fasting post cleanse, that is your decision to make. 

Don’t Give Up If You Cheat

Nobody is perfect. It’s very common for people to slip up on the raw vegan diet, as it drastically differs from the Standard American Diet. If you do eat something that is not cleanse-approved, don’t dwell on this slip-up. Acknowledge the mistake and get back on the horse to progress with a positive attitude and more determination to finish successfully. 


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How To Take Herbs Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:25:53 +0000

Not sure how to take our herbal supplements? Want to know if you can take less? Here is a general guide to taking our herbal supplements.


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We get a lot of calls and emails about how to take our herbal supplements. All herbal supplements should be taken orally, and the amount of capsules you take will vary if you are taking individual products or participating in a cleanse. To provide some more information, here are common questions we get asked about taking herbs.

How many herbs should I take from a specific formula?

Each Dherbs formula instructs how many capsules to take per day.

  • For Individual Products: Each bottle instructs a person to take 3 capsules per day*. You can take all 3 capsules of a formula at one time during the day, or divide those 3 capsules up and take them throughout the day. It is usually better to take them at once so that the herbs can be more effective. Regardless of the time of day, always take the capsules with alkaline or distilled water
  • For Cleanses: When you are cleansing, each bottle instructs you to take 5 capsules from each formula every day of the cleanse. For the Full Body Cleanse, for example, you should be taking a total of 30 capsules a day because there are 6 formulas. Take 5 capsules from Formula 1 and continue taking 5 from each formula until you are done taking formula 6. Repeat this process every day until the cleanse is over.

*Our Woman’s Choice formula is the exception and calls for taking 7 capsules a day.

Can I take less than the instructed amount of capsules each day?

Three capsules are the recommended amount for the average person, but some of our formulas are more potent than others and can be more intense for certain individuals. In this case, it is acceptable to only take one to two capsules. If there is an improvement after taking fewer capsules, then continue taking that amount.

NOTE: During the Full Body Cleanse or any other cleanse, you may feel the need to reduce the dosage. Five capsules may be too many, especially for beginners. It is best to contact a Dherbs customer service representative if you feel that you need to reduce the amount of capsules. Every representative can help you find a regimen that works for your body. It’s important to know that taking fewer capsules while cleansing will extend the cleansing period.

Can I take several different formulas at the same time?

Dherbs does not advise combining different herbs at the same time. If, however, you decide to take two or three of our formulas, you can do so, but you need to take the capsules at least 2-3 hours apart. For example, you could take 3 capsules of Hair, Skin & Nails formula in the morning and take our Metabolism Booster a couple hours later. Just make sure that you don’t combine those formulas and take them together.

NOTE: The Dherbs cleanses are a perfect example of taking different formulas, but spaced out throughout the day. We never tell you to take 15 or 20 capsules in one sitting. As the regimen in the booklets suggest, you space the capsules about 2-3 hours apart.

If the herbs are too potent, can I temporarily stop taking them?

Before discontinuing the use of herbs, we recommend that you contact a Dherbs customer service representative in order to better assist you with the product(s). This is only because some people mistake detoxing symptoms as side effects. However, you can stop taking the herbs if you feel overwhelmed. Make sure to stick to the dietary regimen while on a break from the herbal supplements if you are cleansing.

I don’t like taking capsules. Is there another way to take the capsules?

Yes. Certain herbs may have a very strong taste, which is why we don’t recommend emptying them in water. The best alternative way to consume herbs is by emptying the contents of the capsules into freshly made juices or smoothies.

I like drinking herbal tea. How many cups should I drink?

Herbal teas are very safe to drink, so there is no limit to how much someone should drink. Certain teas, like chamomile, may make you feel sleepy so you may want to save those teas evening consumption.

If you ever have any questions or are confused about taking herbs, please don’t hesitate to email, or give us a call toll free at (866) 434-3727.


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Can I Take Medication With My Herbs? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Pharmeceutical medication drug is a toxin, pollute the bloodstream and tax the largest internal organ of elimination in the body and the liver. Either herbs or pharmaceutical drugs.


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Many people are concerned about mixing medications and herbs.

Dherbs recommends the use of herbs, not pharmaceutical drugs. Prescription medications are often poisonous and toxic to one’s health. Since a pharmaceutical drug is a toxin, it pollutes the bloodstream and taxes the largest internal organ of elimination in the body, the liver.

Benefits of Herbs

On the other hand, herbs are natural.

Herbs are designed to cleanse and purify the human body. Just like the human body, herbs are carbon and copper-based. However, this is not the case with pharmaceutical products. Herbs cleanse every toxin or pollutant in the body. There are specific herbs that do this especially well. These include:

Herbs and Medicine

Combining pharmaceutical drugs and herbs reduces the herbs’ influence and effectiveness. They will counteract each other and will not have the same effect as if you were to take them alone. The herbs that are found in DHerbs’ Full Body Detox counteract the toxins in pharmaceutical drugs.

Can you take your medication while taking the herbs? Yes, but it defeats the purpose of detoxifying in the first place. Simultaneously taking herbs and medication while detoxifying is cleansing and polluting at the same time. It isn’t an effective way to improve one’s health.

If the label on the medicine warns accidental overdose, then the medicine is toxic. If it is necessary to contact a poison control center after consumption of the product, then is shouldn’t be used. Remember, prescription drugs are far more dangerous than herbal remedies.

Generally speaking, Western medicine masks the problem rather than solves it. Most pharmaceutical drugs only provide a limited, short-term relief.

Taking a medication and herbs at the same time will allow the herbs to target the medication. Herbs work and serve to cleanse the body and help remove disease or pathology. On the other hand, a pharmaceutical drug will only mask and prolong the problem.

These herbs have are known to interact with certain prescription drugs:


Herbs and drugs shouldn’t be taken together because it defeats the purpose of using herbs. In addition to being less effective, mixing herbs and prescription drugs can be dangerous and should be done with much caution.

For instance, drugs that are used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes should not be combined with herbs that increase blood pressure. Some common herbs known to increase blood pressure are ginseng, ephedra and Ma Huang.

When used as directed, herbal supplements are safe and should not cause any serious side effects. Herbal supplements contain compounds that are biologically active.

Even though these herbs come from natural sources, they should not be considered safe just because they are sold over the counter. In fact, there are many herbal supplements that are manufactured with unnatural ingredients and toxic fillers.

Determine whether the herbal product is organic or inorganic before deciding if it is safe.


Herbs provide the power to self-heal. With drugs, healing is not involved, only relief. Relief does not heal-it’s palliative. Many Americans are too concerned about the temporary relief rather than curing or healing.

Most Americans choose to eat and live unhealthily and take drugs to mask the effects of their poor diet. They prefer a short-term relief rather than a long-term lifestyle change. If they chose to adapt to a healthy diet and lifestyle, they would experience relief in the form of healing.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these formulas to help the body naturally heal:

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Healing Crisis Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Basically, anytime healing occurs or takes place or when your body is restoring or regaining health and soundness, a crisis takes place. A sudden change in your diseased state takes place.


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A healing crisis can be broken down into two parts: healing and crisis. Healing is said to be the restoring or regaining of health. A crisis is a crucial turning point from disease or deterioration to improvement or health.

Anytime the body is cleansed, a healing crisis occurs. Detoxing the body takes us from an unhealthy state to a state of balance and soundness.

Why We Need to Detox

When you feed our bodies unhealthy, refined foods, it becomes sick. Foods that can contribute to an unhealthy body include:

  • Meats
  • Dairy
  • Refined foods
  • Refined Sugar
  • Alcohol

Refined and processed foods tend to contain added hormones and synthetic ingredients that are unhealthy to the body. Too much of these foods will result in a sickened body.

The common American diet is based heavily on these types on foods. Less emphasis is put on fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Whole, natural foods help create health in the body and can fight sickness.

In addition to poor diet, lifestyle choices we make can affect our health. Drug use and pollution in our environment can adversely affect our health.

Natural Healing

Natural healing in the body occurs when we detox or cleanse. When this healing crisis occurs, the body transforms into a state of health.

Begin by completely detoxifying the body. Eliminate all refined and processed foods. Add more raw foods including fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables are highly nutritious and help to cleanse the blood. Some highly nutritious green vegetables to add to your diet are:

  • Spinach
  • Artichoke
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Broccoli

Try juicing these vegetables into a refreshing, healthy drink. The health benefits from green foods will help to transform your body back to health.

Avoid taking any synthetic drugs. Look for natural substitutes instead. Herbs can be very healing for the body. Look for health herbs to help rebalance the body during your healing crisis.

Dherbs Solutions

When going through a healing crisis, the body is restoring itself from a state of chaos. In addition to a healthy, plant based diet, Dherbs recommends several products to help restore your health:

Remember that a healing crisis takes time. Your body didn’t become damaged and sickened overnight so it will take time to restore health. Be patient and remember that restoring health is the first step in transforming your body and life.

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When Will I See Results After Taking The Herbs? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

The herbs will begin to work immediately but a complete healing will take time and your body and mindset determines this particular length of time.


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A question that is often asked is “When will I see results after taking certain herbs and supplements?” There is no standard of time for healing from any pathology with the use of herbs. While the effects of the herbs in the formulas will not be seen immediately, the herbs are working from the start. Positive changes to the body take time. The damage did not occur overnight, so neither will natural healing.

What Affects Natural Healing Time

Radical changes, both in lifestyle and internally can affect the time it takes to heal naturally. The more changes that are made, the faster the process will happen.

Some things to consider changing in and around you include:

Consider changing your diet. This is the best way to promote health. The food we eat plays a large role in the health of our bodies. Feed your body the proper nutrition and you will see the benefits.

Changing the thought process has an impact on health as well. Positive thinking is an effective way to create health. Do not dwell on the negative things around you or health conditions you wish to change. Instead, tell yourself positive affirmations and focus on the good things that surround you. Our minds are very powerful and can do wonders in changing our health.

Obvious lifestyle choices that affect our health include drug and alcohol use. These are never part of a healthy lifestyle and will only hinder changes in the body. If you are currently using drugs or alcohol, discontinue using right away. Toxifying the body with these substances will sabotage all other healthy decisions we make.

Exercise should be a part of everyday life. Simply walking can increase health and happiness. Exercise is a natural stress reliever and will help to move your body in a direction of health. Make exercise fun and not a chore. Do something you enjoy whether it is running on a treadmill or walking your dog in the local park. An active lifestyle can optimize health.

Learning to be Patient

When healing naturally, patience is a virtue. You will heal naturally in the necessary time frame it takes for you as an individual. Everyone is different. Don’t worry about how long it will take you to heal naturally. This will actually slow down the healing process. Worry and stress delay healing. Focus your attention on improving your life through lifestyle, dietary and thought-process change.

There is no specific amount of time it takes to alleviate conditions you may be suffering from. Every person and condition is unique. No one product or remedy can heal naturally alone. The key is a combination of such things as:

  • Healthy diet
  • Healthy lifestyle choices
  • Meditation
  • Affirmations
  • Exercise
  • Natural herbs and solutions

Create an overall healthy body and natural healing will happen much faster. Surround yourself with a healthy environment and make wise choices regarding your body. Choosing to become healthy will also help to reduce any future disease or conditions. Treat your body and mind with respect and admiration for what they do for your everyday.

Thank you for reading.

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Can Herbal Formulas Be Taken Together? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:51 +0000

Herbs are food, not drugs. You cannot experience a fatal overdose by combining them. Though there is a science to combining herbs as some herbs have a function or activity that cancel out the function of other herbs. Learn the property of herbs so you'll know how to properly combine herbs them.


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Yes! Dherbs.Com herbal formulas can be taken together.

It’s recommended to spread out herbal consumption over 2-3 hours and to take them separately to ensure optimal benefit. However, this isn’t always possible, so if you can handle taking multiple capsules at the same time, the formulas may be consumed simultaneously.

Learn the property of herbs and herbal formulations so you’ll know how to properly combine herbs to take them at the same time.

Read the activity of each formula you’re taking and decide yourself if they should or should not be taken together. The majority of our formulas do not cancel each other out but a few of them may.

Another option is to consider our formulas based upon their activity. You could take all organ-cleansing herbs together at the same time, sexual stimulant and hormonal balancing herbs together at the same time, etc.

Sexual-enhancing and stimulant formulas

Female Specific Formulas

Colon Specific Formulas

NOTE: The Colon Specific Formulas could cause serious bouts of defecation so make sure you’re near a toilet if you decide to take all of these formulas together. Also, it’s best to take this combination while at home.

Nutritional Formulas

Eliminative Channel Formulas

Brain Formulas

NOTE: We do not recommend that you consume Brain Booster and Nerves Formula at the same time because they may cancel each other out. While Brain Booster speeds up the brain activity, the Nerves Formula calms it down.

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