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Vital for brain and heart health, omega-3 fatty acids are found in whole foods. Learn how to detect if you are deficient in this nutrient.


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Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly referred to as omega-3s, are healthy fats that have powerful antioxidant effects in the body. According to research studies, omega-3s work to benefit everything from brain health and immunity to heart function. Even though these foods are essential for overall health, close to 90% of Americans do not meet the recommended daily intake of omega-3s. That is even true for people who eat fish on a weekly basis!

What Are Omega-3s?

First off, there are two main types of fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fat breaks down into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are terms you commonly see on nutrition facts labels. These chain-like molecules are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. Carbon atoms form the foundation of the chain and oxygen and hydrogen atoms latch onto available slots.

A monounsaturated fat has one open slot, while a polyunsaturated fat has more than one open slot. Contrarily, saturated fat has no open slots and is typically referred to as “bad” or “unhealthy.” The reason saturated fats are labeled as such is because they increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Unsaturated fats, such as omega-3s, are healthy because they support the heart and brain and may reduce inflammation within the body. 

Because the body cannot produce a sufficient amount of omega-3s necessary for its own survival, you have to obtain them from the foods you eat. The specific types of omega-3s include DHA and EPA, which you can find in seafood, and ALA, which exists in plants. Great foods to increase your omega-3 consumption include mackerel, salmon, and other fatty fish, or flaxseed, chia seeds, avocados, walnuts, and other plant-based foods. Failure to eat these foods may yield a few signs that indicate low omega-3 levels. Continue reading to learn more.

Low Mood

Your mood is closely tied to the health of your brain, which oversees serotonin and dopamine, two feel-good hormones. Researchers are not exactly clear how omega-3s like EPA and DHA influence how the body uses and responds to those hormones. What the research does say, however, is that low levels of omega-3s can compromise a person’s mental health. Taking an omega-3 supplement, such as the Dherbs Omega 3 Formula, may assist in elevating your mood and outlook.

Dry And Tired Eyes

Staring at screens all day is a great way to fatigue your eyes. If your eyes are particularly parched, though, you may be low in omega-3s. Both EPA and DHA help ensure that the cells in the retina function optimally. According to research, omega-3s help the eyes combat oxidative stress, so don’t believe that carrots are the only vegetable beneficial for eye health.

Dry Or Irritated Skin

There are numerous causes for dry, scaly, red, or irritated skin. If you use cleansers, lotions, serums, and body butters to improve the skin quality and nothing calms irritated skin, you may need to increase your omega-3 intake. According to researchers, omega-3s support the skin barrier, helping to seal in moisture and keep environmental pollutants out. Additional research shows that increasing your intake of omega-3s, especially through supplements, can help improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of skin. 

Brain Fog

Both EPA and DHA contribute to the structure of cell membranes in the brain, in addition to aiding the communication between cells. One study involving 176 adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1.16 grams of DHA daily for six months was able to improve episodic and working memory when compared to the placebo group. Feeling a little sluggish and unclear mentally? Improve concentration and find a clearing in the fog by increasing your omega-3 intake.


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These Mindset Shifts May Help Women Thrive During Menopause https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-mindset-shifts-may-help-women-thrive-during-menopause/ Sun, 29 Sep 2024 09:20:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172329

Don’t let hot flashes and mood swings bring you down, ladies. Use these mindset shifts to help you thrive during menopause!


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The body goes through many changes during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. These changes can affect how women feel and the way the body functions. It can be a frustrating and difficult time, as women can experience increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, mood swings, and depression. Roughly 85% of women report experiencing varying degrees of these symptoms during these three stages. 

Why does the body go through these changes during these stages of menopause? Health experts note that intricate neurotransmitter and hormonal changes impact the brain and cells within the nervous system. Cognition, sleep, and mood are significantly impacted by these menopausal changes, contributing to the physical and mental changes. As with most things, symptoms vary from person to person and each menopausal individual may experience these changes in varying severity. 

Women can address these symptoms with different lifestyle changes, supplements, and medical interventions. The most underrated way to address these symptoms, however, is through mindset shifts. According to research conducted by menopausal experts, the way women and society approach menopause can make it an empowering time, not a dreadful experience. 

Cultures That Embrace Menopause Experience Better Outcomes

Menopause is shrouded in mystery and shame for women in most western cultures. A 2023 survey of women in the United States found that 60% consider menopause to be stigmatized. A study from 2023 found that 83% of women felt that the menopausal symptoms were stigmatized. Additionally, 37% of women said that they felt shame associated with their own symptoms. Other research indicates that nearly 50% of women do not feel informed enough about menopause, and 60% say they didn’t learn about it until they started experiencing symptoms. 

By changing the cultural narrative surrounding menopause, women may feel more empowered about facing menopause. There are other cultures around the world where women do not fear menopause, which correlates to fewer symptoms. In Japan, for example, the word for menopause is konenki, which translates to “renewed energy.” It is a new phase of life that women should not dread. Interestingly enough, research has found that Japanese women report fewer struggles during menopause than women in the United States. 

Mindset Shifts To Make For Menopause

The way women approach menopause can change how they experience it. Now that there is more information about the topic, women can stay more informed. Additionally, they don’t need to feel shame or hide the fact that they are going through the different stages of menopause. It is a time of transition and there are inevitable changes that need to occur in the body. That said, there are mindsets and outlooks that can help make menopause a greater experience

Menopause Can Serve As A Time For Professional Growth

From a professional standpoint, menopause can serve as a time for growth and renewed sense of self. Many women report that they experience the height of their careers during menopause. They are wiser and have more life experiences, in addition to being more sure of themselves. Embracing that power can make a huge difference in the workplace. By being more self-aware and accepting of bodily changes, women can let go of worry. A 2023 survey found that the majority of women don’t feel supported in the workplace during menopause. That means that there is room for a cultural shift around menopause! 

Shed Expectations Of Youth And Fertility

Quite literally, menopause marks the end of having a menstrual cycle. That sets off hormonal changes in the body, resulting in common menopausal symptoms. This time should not be viewed as an ending; rather, look at it as a new beginning. There are no constraints of fertility, the monthly cycle, and unattainable expectations forced on women during their younger years. Menopause can be a liberating experience if women shed those expectations of fertility and youth! When women free themselves from those expectations, they may feel more grounded and powerful, even while experiencing hormonal changes and bodily changes. 

A Time For Rediscovery

Sometimes, it is perfectly acceptable to be selfish. Menopause, much like other moments in life, is a transitional phase, meaning there are opportunities for rediscovery. Part of the process is physical, as there are many physical changes that happen during menopause. But a lot of menopausal changes can be caused by a disconnect between the mind and body. The body responds differently to things it used to do, which can affect how women think about themselves. For example, workouts that used to be effective are no longer effective. Decreased estrogen levels can make it harder to build lean muscle mass. That can be frustrating, but it can also be a time to discover new ways or techniques that support the body. 

By developing a growth mindset and being curious and open, it is possible to be rewarded with another third or half of life that holds opportunity and creativity. During menopause, women can focus on themselves and learn how to approach things differently. Advocating for the self can be very powerful!


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How Does Anger Affect Your Health? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-does-anger-affect-your-health/ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171462

If you feel intense, frequent anger, especially when it is an overreaction, your physical & mental well-being can suffer more than you think.


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If you have ever been angry, you understand that it does not make you think straight. Although anger alerts you to danger and can inspire action, spending too long feeling this emotion can have long-lasting effects on your health. That is especially true if you constantly feel antagonism toward someone, a situation, or something. 

Anger experiences that are too frequent, too intense, or last for too long can have problematic effects on your health. Clinical psychologists state that anger belongs to the fight or flight response, during which the adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. If the body is in a constant state of anger, these hormones run rampant in your body, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. That is because the body is always ready to fight or defend from danger. 

Although the body’s stress response aims to protect you, you don’t need it activated at all hours of the day. You definitely do not need it to deal with whatever is causing your anger, be it an uncooperative child or tense interaction with a coworker. Continue reading to learn just how much anger can affect your physical and mental health

Anger Can Interfere With Digestion

There is a lot of research that indicates a strong communicative connection between the gut and brain. In fact, one influences the other! The autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily responses, works to regulate digestion. If the body enters fight-or-flight mode, which occurs during stress, it can disturb the digestive process. Researchers note that stress can lead to numerous, unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, upset stomach, and diarrhea. The longer the stress lasts, the likelier you are to develop acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or even inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Anger Can Affect Sleep

If you struggle to control your anger, it’s possible to experience worse sleep than people who keep their anger in check. One study observed the correlation between higher levels of anger and sleep disturbances. Researchers looked at difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep in middle-aged Korean men and women. The study found that moderate-to-high levels of anger increased the risk of sleep disturbances by 40-70%, depending on the participants. Other research suggests that feelings of anger can increase psychological arousal, which makes it harder to fall asleep.

Too Much Anger Can Harm Mental Health

Just as anger affects digestion and sleep, so too can it take a toll on your mental health. Several studies indicate that anger is higher in people with emotional disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Anger can also worsen symptoms and reduce a person’s response to treatment for mental health disorders. Prolonged anger can affect your ability to think and concentrate, and it can also increase hostility and volatility. All of that can take a toll on relationships and your ability to form bonds. Reacting angrily to things can cause the most harm to relationships. 

Anger Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack

There is evidence that links anger to a higher risk of heart attack. In a systematic review of studies consisting of more than 4,000 people, researchers found more than a twofold increase in heart attacks within two hours of an anger outburst. They also noted an association between the level of heart attack and the intensity of anger. More research is necessary to determine how bad anger is for overall heart health. 

Anger Puts Stress On The Heart

Anger triggers the release of stress hormones, which can be quite taxing to your health over time. Research indicates that anger causes changes in the heart that worsen its ability to pump blood. That increases the risk of high blood pressure and subsequent complications, which include heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Additional research found that people with higher levels of anger have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Another study found that higher train anger was associated with a higher risk of death from coronary heart disease and complications.


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What Is An Ozempic Plateau?  https://www.dherbs.com/articles/what-is-an-ozempic-plateau/ Wed, 17 Jul 2024 09:13:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171005

If you stop losing weight while on your weight loss journey. Hitting a plateau isn’t something you expect, especially if taking Ozempic.


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Ozempic, and other glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) drugs are intended to help lower blood sugar, but many people use them to lose weight. In fact, they are hailed for their ability to promote rapid weight loss. For anyone using Ozempic, or other GLP-1 drugs, it’s possible to experience a weight loss plateau before achieving the goal weight.

Early rapid weight loss seems too good to be true when you begin using Ozempic. That is because losing weight proves difficult for many. When the weight keeps falling off, though, you expect it to continue uninterrupted. That is an unrealistic dream, as anyone can experience a weight loss plateau, no matter how they are losing weight. The thing is that the plateau catches you off guard. 

What Is An Ozempic Weight Loss Plateau?

This is just like any other weight loss plateau, in that you reach a point when the weight loss slows or stops. The only difference is that the weight loss stops despite still taking the Ozempic medication. Part of this is because people typically lose water weight in the initial stages of weight loss. They then lose some muscle, which helps to burn calories. As you lose muscle mass, metabolism slows down, which affects how many calories you burn. There is an additional process, thermogenesis, which can occur if the decrease in metabolism is greater than expected based on weight lost. 

Like any weight loss plan, though, the body adjusts at a certain point. In the case of an Ozempic plateau, the body adjusts to the effects of GLP-1. Weight loss will slow and eventually stop, but this is very common and to be expected if taking Ozempic. Since GLP-1 drugs are relatively new, though, there is not a lot of long-term data on this subject. Some short-term studies found that both Wegovy and Ozempic resulted in a weight off plateau after one year of use. More research is needed to determine the percentage of people to experience this. 

Is It Common For Ozempic To Stop Working?

It is very normal for weight loss to eventually slow or stop when taking a drug like Ozempic. Weight loss plateaus happen all the time, regardless of the weight loss method. GLP-1 Drugs  like Ozempic and Wegovy can produce dynamic weight loss. That’s why people get confused when they hit a weight loss plateau. 

The reason that a plateau can occur is because the metabolism slows down as people shed weight. That makes it harder to lose weight after the initial weight loss. Hormones that regulate weight can respond to weight loss by telling the body to eat more and reduce feelings of fullness. Basically, the body works against your efforts to lose weight, making it harder to lose weight. Additionally, the hormone signals get stronger as you continue your Ozempic journey, which can make losing weight challenging at a certain point. 

How To Overcome The Plateau

Typically, you have to switch up your diet and exercise habits when you encounter a weight loss plateau. In the case of an Ozempic plateau, you may need to see your doctor. It’s possible that you may need to adjust your medication dose or make certain lifestyle changes, such as focusing on sleep, managing stress more efficiently, and increasing the number and intensity of your workouts. 

Some people may decide to stop taking their medication altogether. That can usually lead to weight gain, so speak with your doctor before you quit cold turkey. The mechanisms of the medication are effective for weight loss, so you may need to continue it to manage obesity. If you want to taper off, then consult how to get off and transfer to a new weight loss plan, as Ozempic isn’t the only way to get healthy. The Full Body Cleanse, for example, has been highly effective for millions of people around the world! Consider the following if you want to overcome a plateau:

  • Change your exercise routine and devote more time to your workouts. Consider adding weight lifting or strength training movements to build lean muscle. High-intensity interval training may also be beneficial. 
  • Eat more protein, as it helps you build muscle, which can help the body burn more calories. 
  • Drink more water to help suppress your appetite, while simultaneously boosting your ability to engage in physical activity. 
  • Focus on getting more sleep, as quality sleep can help you consume fewer calories. Set up a regular sleep schedule, waking up and going to bed at the same time every day for a healthier circadian rhythm. 


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Why Is Your Skin Starting To Sag? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/why-is-your-skin-starting-to-sag/ Fri, 31 May 2024 09:37:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170629

While it may not be possible to sip from the fountain of youth, you can do things to prevent your skin from sagging as you get older.


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Nobody wants to look in the mirror and see saggy skin. It is a reminder that the days of your youth are long gone and that old age awaits. Or, you don’t have to look at it that way! Are you a glass-half-full person, or what? You can figure out the cause of your sagging skin and take the necessary steps to fight the effects of aging and keep the skin looking as healthy as possible.

If you want to take an integrative approach to skin longevity, you have to determine why your skin is sagging. Don’t jump to a conclusion because you don’t want to treat the wrong issue. Knowing exactly why you have dark spots, redness, or even aging or sagging skin can help you establish a treatment plan. Photoshop and botox injections are not the answers! Your skin can look healthy if you do the work to understand why it doesn’t look the way you want. Below are three of the most common causes of sagging skin and what you can do to support it. 

Lifestyle Factors

If you are an SPF addict and you don’t spend lots of hours in the sun, you may want to look at your lifestyle habits. How is your sleep? Do you have high stress levels? A lot of research indicates a clear connection between the health of your skin and your stress levels or sleep health. Due to melatonin, your skin enters repair mode when you sleep. Melatonin plays an integral role in skin repair from UV light, stressors, pollution, and environmental exposure. If you don’t rest, your skin can suffer because the body isn’t producing enough melatonin for the skin to repair itself. 

Next, you have stress. According to research, the skin acts as a stress perceiver and is a target for the body’s stress response. Psychological stress tells the brain and the skin to release hormones that trigger inflammation. Those hormones impair wound healing, accelerate aging, and worsen skin conditions. 

The mind and body, including the skin, will be grateful if you add stress-relieving practices to your daily routine. Yoga, meditation, tai chi, journaling, exercise, or dancing all count. Whatever works to relieve stress, so long as it isn’t harmful to your health, is beneficial. Consider meeting with a therapist or psychologist if you need to talk with someone. Tending to your mental health can, whether you believe it or not, improve your complexion

UV Exposure

Collagen and elastin are the skin’s structural proteins that keep it taught and firm. If anything gets in the way of those two proteins, your skin will most likely sag. If you like to sunbathe, you expose yourself to a lot of UV rays, which can penetrate the epidermis and damage skin cells, proteins, and elastic fibers that maintain firmness. In fact, one study found that 80% of signs of visible skin aging (wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines) are attributed to sun damage. Even if sagging skin isn’t your main concern as you age, UV exposure is to blame for the majority of aging skin that you see. 

You cannot magically undo years of UV skin damage, but you can start taking better care of your skin when you want to venture into the sun. Dermatologists agree that you should wear sunscreen every single day, especially if you are going to be outside. If you plan to spend time in the sun, make sure to reapply every two hours. Additionally, consider using a cleanser, retinol, and moisturizer to remove dead skin and encourage cell turnover.

Age-Related Skin Sagging

You can’t turn back the hands of time. Even if you live a clean lifestyle, sleep great, nourish your skin, reduce stress or use the most expensive skin care products and treatments, your skin will still develop fine lines and wrinkles. Sagging is just a normal part of aging. It’s never a bad idea to spend more time caring for your skin. After all, it is the largest organ in the body. Just understand that sagging is natural and will happen over time. For example, collagen production starts to decline in your mid-20s, and you lose about 1% each year. Women in menopause experience a significant drop close to 30%! 

Sometimes, you just have to face the facts: you cannot fight life’s clock, nor should you feel like you have to. You can, however, cleanse the skin, use a toner, apply moisturizer, use eye creams, lather up in body butters, and protect it when out in the sun. You can also eat to improve skin health (click here for more info on that) and take supplements to encourage healthier skin. Just make sure to look for high quality products if you want to use supplements.


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What Lifestyle Choices Cause High Triglyceride Levels? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/what-lifestyle-choices-cause-high-triglyceride-levels/ Sun, 28 Apr 2024 08:55:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170381

High triglyceride levels can increase the risk of conditions like heart attack or stroke. Different factors can contribute to higher levels.


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The body stores blood fats, triglycerides, in order to give you energy throughout the day. The extra calories, sugars, and alcohol that you consume convert into triglycerides. And if you need a little extra energy between meals, hormones release triglycerides. That sounds wonderful, and it is necessary for the body to function, but too many triglycerides in the bloodstream can be dangerous to your overall health. 

The liver can convert triglycerides into glucose, but excess triglycerides end up in fat cells, or adipose tissue. Fatty buildup in the arteries can stem from excess triglycerides in the bloodstream. Higher triglyceride levels can also cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. 

Are There Symptoms Of High Triglycerides?

There are many lifestyle habits that can cause high triglyceride levels, also known as dyslipidemia. You typically won’t develop symptoms if you have high triglyceride levels, though. That said, there are several complications that can result from high levels, some of which include:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Multifactorial chylomicronemia syndrome 
  • Lipemia retinalis, a condition that changes how the blood vessels in the eyes look

Risk Factors For High Triglycerides

You may have a higher risk of high triglyceride levels because of the following: 

  • Menopause
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
  • A family history of high triglyceride or cholesterol levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Being of Mexican or South Asian ancestry

What Causes High Triglycerides But Normal Cholesterol?

This is a bit of conundrum because the two usually go hand in hand, or so you’ve been told. Despite what some people say, cholesterol and triglycerides are two different substances in the bloodstream. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body, storing extra calories and converting them into energy. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver that produces hormones and builds cells, among other functions. If you have normal cholesterol levels but high triglyceride levels, consider the following:

  • Obesity
  • Insufficient exercise
  • A diet high in carbohydrates, saturated fats, and calories
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Liver or autoimmune diseases

Knowing all of this information can help you make better lifestyle choices to avoid high triglyceride levels. You may be unaware of certain lifestyle habits that are raising triglycerides. Learn more about these habits below. 

Lack Of Exercise

You burn off excess calories when you exercise, which means those calories don’t convert into triglycerides. Exercise boosts the production of lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that aids with the removal of triglycerides from your bloodstream. According to a small study of 38 people with coronary heart disease, participants who performed moderately intense aerobic exercise for eight weeks significantly reduced triglyceride levels compared to the group that didn’t exercise. 

What And How Much You Eat And Drink

A diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates can raise triglyceride levels. These foods contain hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or white flour. Oils, butters, and fats that you eat also create triglycerides, and the extra calories from those foods produce more triglycerides. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also raise triglyceride levels. In fact, one study monitored people who had eight or more alcoholic drinks per week. Their odds of developing high triglyceride levels increased two- to eightfold. 

Certain Health Conditions

There are several health conditions that can cause high triglyceride levels, some of which include:

  • Liver disease: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis can cause metabolic issues that affect the liver’s ability to secrete triglycerides and increase their production.
  • Thyroid disease: An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), can slow hormone production and the rate at which you burn calories. Together, those two things can raise triglyceride levels. 
  • Chronic kidney disease: If your kidneys are damaged, they may produce more triglycerides and decrease the body’s ability to clear them from your bloodstream.
  • Obesity: If you are obese, the excess body fat, especially the body fat around your stomach, can release free fatty acids that convert into triglycerides when they enter the bloodstream.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Diabetes is a metabolic condition that can raise triglyceride levels because of insulin resistance, which can potentially cause buildup in the bloodstream. 

Certain Medications

Sometimes, you have to consult your doctor about the different side effects of medications, especially if you have elevated triglyceride levels. Common medications that increase triglycerides include:

  • Retinoids for acne
  • Diuretics and older beta blockers that treat high blood pressure
  • Corticosteroids that reduce inflammation
  • Estrogen in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
  • Antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV


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5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight In Your 40s https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-tips-to-help-you-lose-weight-in-your-40s/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:04:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169641

Struggling to get rid of a few extra pounds in your 40s? Losing weight isn’t the same anymore, but these tips should help you out a lot.


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As you enter your 40s, the body starts to lose muscle tissue gradually, also known as sarcopenia. Since muscle burns more calories than fat does, losing muscle mass means that your metabolism slows down. That’s not the only hurdle that you face, though. For those who are assigned female at birth, the transition through menopause (perimenopause) is the second hurdle in the way of your weight loss efforts. 

Losing weight in your 40s just isn’t as easy as it was when you were in your 20s and 30s. Plus, it is more common for people to gain fat in this stage of life, especially around the midsection. Additionally, blood sugar levels may increase, which doesn’t make weight loss any easier. So how do you lose weight, or even maintain weight, during your 40s? Hopefully, the following tips aid your weight loss efforts

Prioritize Protein

If you want to lose weight, dietitians encourage higher protein consumption because it is more filling than carbohydrates. Eating protein may help you eat less later in the day, whereas carb-centric foods can cause late night cravings. A 2015 study found that menopausal women who ate higher amounts of protein weighed less and had less body fat than people who ate less protein. Higher protein eaters ate 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. That equates to 55 grams of protein for a person who weighs 150 pounds. Great sources of protein to include in your diet are Greek yogurt, peanut butter, almond butter, organic eggs, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, and wild caught fish. 

Keep Stress Levels Down

Easier said than done, right? As you know, there are new demands sandwiched between adulting, raising kids, and everything else that comes with life in your 40s. Keeping stress levels in check can aid your weight loss efforts. When you are stressed, your cortisol levels are much higher, and they elevate blood sugar and encourage weight gain, especially in the midsection. When you keep your stress in check, you may find that cravings disappear and you have an easier time eating healthier foods. Before you manage stress, identify what your stressors are, so that you know what is in your control. You can control your thoughts and beliefs, not the weather or economic uncertainty. Meditation, exercise, massage, deep breathing, Tai Chi, and yoga are all great stress-relieving practices. 

Establish Your Caloric Needs

There is a difference between eating the average caloric intake and eating the calories your body actually needs. More often than not, people eat more calories than their bodies require. Caloric needs change as you age, so you usually need fewer calories than you did in your 20s and 30s to fill you up. Your caloric needs will vary depending upon your age and your activity level. For example, a 40-year-old sedentary person requires fewer calories than the same person who is moderately active. That same moderately active person needs fewer calories than a highly active person. Moderately active means you walk between one-and-a-half and three miles daily, with active being anything more than that. If you want to lose weight, subtract about 500-750 calories from your weight-maintenance number, but don’t fall below 1,500 calories per day. 

Consider Changing Up Your Exercise Routine

If you regularly work out and don’t see that the number on the scale reflects your efforts, you may need to change up your routine. It’s possible that both your muscle mass and bone density decrease. Another factor is a shift in hormones, which leads to abdominal weight gain. The type of activity you do can influence your results. Strength training can help you maintain muscle and offset bone density loss. If you want to target belly fat, high-intensity interval training is usually your best bet. Just don’t choose weight-bearing exercises that put too much stress on the body. You want to complement your stress-relieving efforts with yoga, for example. If you know how to manage your stress, consider adding more high-intensity workouts per week. 

Eat Fewer Carbs

This is something that nobody wants to hear because carbs are just that good. Lowering your carb intake may help prevent weight gain and make weight loss easier, though. Carbs can throw off your hormones, and you want your sex hormones and insulin in check if you want to lose weight. Sex hormones work with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. If these hormones are out of whack, you have a higher risk of insulin resistance. Cut back on carbs, especially if you are perimenopausal, to encourage weight loss. If you are going to eat carbs, focus on complex carbs in foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.


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Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/fact-or-fiction/gestational-diabetes-during-pregnancy/ Sat, 18 Nov 2023 01:00:07 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/gestational-diabetes-during-pregnancy/

Gestational diabetes develops when the body cannot produce the insulin it needs during pregnancy, because of the higher levels of hormones.


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Gestational diabetes develops when the body cannot produce the insulin it needs during pregnancy, because of the higher levels of hormones. It usually goes away after birth, but if it doesn’t it then becomes type 2 diabetes.


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Low Libido? Here’s What Your Body’s Telling You https://www.dherbs.com/articles/low-libido-heres-what-your-bodys-telling-you/ Sat, 23 Sep 2023 09:05:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162495

It is perfectly natural for your libido to ebb and flow throughout your life. If your libido is low, here’s what your body's telling you.


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Everyone has a different sex drive. Some people are completely satisfied with occasional sexual intimacy, while others enjoy sex daily. Just like most things in life, your libido, or desire for sexual activity, can ebb and flow throughout your life. You may experience low libido or high libido at one point or another, which is completely natural. 

There is only one thing that matters about your sex drive being high or low: your opinion about it. As long as you are happy, your libido level is not something to worry about. If your interest in sexual activity is low and it bothers you or your partner, you may want to find out why the mood doesn’t strike you as often. There are various factors that influence your libido, and your body may be trying to tell you something if it is lower than usual. 

What Is Low Libido?

Low libido is characterized by a temporary or long-term decline in the frequency and/or intensity of previous desire for sex. No interest in any type of sex, a decrease in sexual fantasies or thoughts, or feeling unhappy or stressed about sexual desire can indicate low libido. A drop in sex drive is completely normal and very common. About one-fifth of the male population, and an even greater number of the female population, will experience low libido at some point in life. Continue reading to learn about causes of low libido and how you can remedy the situation.

You’re Taking Certain Medications

Your libido can take a dip if you take certain medications. Health experts explain that birth control pills can increase sex-hormone binding globulin, which acts like a sponge, soaking up other hormones that aid libido. Other forms of contraception can also decrease your sex drive as well, and they are:

  • Progestogen-only birth control pill
  • Depo-Provera injection
  • Combined hormonal contraception, including combined pill, vaginal ring, or birth control patch
  • Contraceptive implant

Other medications that may negatively affect sex drive include:

  • Antipsychotics
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Chemotherapy drugs

If your medication is to blame for your low libido, consider talking with your doctor. Work with your doctor to find the right type of medication and dose that will help you, but won’t ruin your sexual desire. Certain antidepressants, for example, may help improve your sex drive!

You Are On Your Period

Your monthly cycle can influence your sex drive in a serious way. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest during your period, causing a dip in your libido. The decreased interest in sexual activity serves a purpose because you tend to have the highest libido around ovulation. If your libido is low during your period, it is most likely not a permanent issue. Once your cycle completes, your sexual desire will most likely return to whatever is normal for you.

You Exercise Too Much Or Not Little

Exercise makes you feel good because it naturally boosts endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemicals. Making exercise a part of your daily routine can support a healthy libido. In fact, research states that men who engage in regular physical activity have higher libidos, testosterone levels, and fertility. That connection may be associated with better overall mood because regular physical activity helps keep you at healthy weight. Failure to exercise can increase the risk of health complications, many of which can destroy your libido. The opposite may also be true, as too much exercise can sabotage your sex drive. Chronic endurance training can interfere with hormones that affect libido. 

If your libido is down and you don’t exercise a lot, consider moving a little more. Researchers note that a little exercise goes a long way for your libido. Just 10-15 minutes of exercise per day can be enough. Additionally, remember not to overdo it because there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. 

You Drink Or Smoke Too Much

A little wine may help you unwind, but too much imbibing can also decrease your sex drive. The Mayo Clinic notes that too much alcohol can decrease testosterone levels and lead to erectile dysfunction. The same applies for smoking, which can suppress testosterone and reduce blood flow, causing less pleasurable sexual arousal. Other recreational drugs may also negatively impact your sex drive. Substances can both lower testosterone levels and change the brain’s response to pleasure. Activities that you once enjoyed, like sex, may not feel as good as they used to. The simple fix is to cut back on your consumption, or stop altogether. When you limit your alcohol intake and quit smoking, your libido and overall health will benefit. 

You Lack Sleep

Sleep deprivation can negatively affect all aspects of your health, from brain and heart function to your libido. The body requires sleep to repair and function properly. If you’ve been exhausted, you know that you don’t function at your best. If you don’t sleep enough and you lack power and energy, sex is probably not your number one priority. Insufficient sleep has been linked to low libido and sexual arousal in both men and women, according to a 2017 study. If sleep is plaguing your libido, try to focus on getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Keep a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet, and turn off screens about two hours before bedtime.


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How To Prep The Body And Brain For Bed https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-prep-the-body-and-brain-for-bed/ Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:20:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=162338

A lot of people struggle to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night, but these tips may help the brain and body get ready for bed


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About 40% of people share one flaw that cripples their emotional intelligence, creativity, and social adaptability. Can you guess what this common flaw is? It is sleep, which is necessary for optimal brain health and overall cognition. The brain operates all day long, sending signals and messages to various parts of the body.

In the same way that muscles become fatigued and reach exhaustion, so can the brain. The constant sending and receiving of signals causes a build-up of metabolites between neurons. When you sleep, however, the brain turns on the glymphatic system, a recently discovered system that clears out macroscopic waste. It utilizes various perivascular channels, formed by astroglial cells, to help eliminate soluble proteins and metabolites from the central nervous system. In simpler terms, the glymphatic system helps take out the garbage in the brain so it can function better. 

Failing to get enough high-quality sleep? Waste starts to build up over time and your cognitive function can suffer. There may be good reasoning behind why so many people struggle with sleep. 

Technology And Overstimulation

It’s safe to say that people do not know how to turn off anymore. You could be reading this right now, switch to Instagram, play Candy Crush, and then come back to reading this. Social media, technology, and incredibly low attention spans contribute to this overstimulation. Technology is a great tool, but it can also be a weapon that sabotages your life if you don’t use it intentionally.

Cultural Norms

Sometimes for the better but mostly for the worse, people operate in a hustle-and-grind culture. It’s encouraged to work yourself to the bone and grind until you can finally relax. One study from a sleep-focused journal found that too little sleep is associated with negative health outcomes. Sleep is the best productivity tool you have, so don’t be afraid to use it! 

Weak Work-Life Boundaries

There is supposed to be a healthy balance between your work and regular life, but rarely are those boundaries distinguished. If you respond to work emails well into the night when you are at home, that is not healthy. It fuels the “just a little more work” attitude and doesn’t help you wind down at night for optimal sleep. If you work a nine-to-five, be done at five. Don’t take your work responsibilities home because you won’t be able to relax and your sleep will suffer. 

What Can You Do To Change This? 

Now that we have covered the problems surrounding sleep, hopefully we can provide some solutions. That doesn’t mean that you need to do three hours of pre-bedtime meditation or two hours of restorative yoga. If you are a busy bee and want to wake up feeling more refreshed, then the following tips may be of great help to you. 

Use Light To Your Advantage

The brain relies on the eyes to discern what time of day it is. For this reason, some sleep experts recommend dimming the house lights as the sun sets. You don’t need fancy house lights that cost a fortune; rather, you need a few affordable lamps with amber-colored bulbs, which emit an orange glow. If you want to harness the power of light, you can make your screens as dim as functionally possible in the evening. Blue-light-blocking glasses may also help your brain produce more melatonin to get ready for bed. Ideally, though, you should stop looking at screens about one to two hours before bed.

Cool Things Down

The reticular activating system (RAS) controls a large part of your sleep. This system supports biological signaling, which signals the body and brain to know what time it is, coordinating hormones and neurotransmitters to help encourage sleep. The two big biological levers you can pull to support those systems are light and temperature. When you start to fall asleep, the major muscle groups settle down and the body temperature drops. In order to support the drop in temperature, turn down your bedroom thermostat or take a shower an hour before bed. Consider keeping a face roller in your freezer and rolling it on your face before bed. Believe it or not, the face contains temperature-sensitive neurons that have a strong link to circadian biology. 

Consider Supplementation

There is nothing that can magically fix your sleep, but you can consider a few sleep supplements to improve the quality of your sleep. There are millions of sleep supplements, so how do you know which one to choose? Some people recommend melatonin, but you ideally want the body to produce sufficient amounts. The last thing you want is to depend on a supplement in order to sleep. Many people benefit from magnesium supplements or powders, while others swear by GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that helps calm the brain. Before choosing a supplement, consider talking with your healthcare provider to see if they recommend something specific and support it for healthier sleep.


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