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The skin protects the body from environmental stressors and microorganisms. Learn to nourish your skin barrier with these 5 ingredients.


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The skin is a complicated organ composed of many layers that keep the body protected from external environmental stressors or microorganisms. It’s an organ that works day and night, with the uppermost layer of the skin, the skin barrier, protecting you from DNA-damaging elements. As a result of our polluted environment, people use extra powerful skin care products and harsh spa treatments that may weaken skin barrier function. What does that mean for your skin?

What Is The Skin Barrier?

The skin barrier is part of the skin’s top layer, known as the stratum corneum. It contains corneocytes and a lipid interface that glues them together. Together, the lipid interface and corneocytes are like the brick and mortar structure of the skin. The lipid interface comprises free fatty acids, cholesterols, and ceramics. In an optimal state, the skin barrier sheds the top layer to naturally exfoliate itself and keep the skin’s moisture intact. Problems occur when the skin barrier is not functioning optimally. 

Why Should You Keep The Skin Barrier Strong?

If the skin barrier is overly permeable, it has a leaky quality, similar to a leaky gut. That means that pathogens, bacteria, and other microorganisms can pass through the skin barrier and cause internal problems, including hives, allergic reactions, or eczema. Supporting the skin barrier is not just to keep your skin looking as healthy as possible. According to a 2019 study, there is a link between skin dysfunction and various health conditions caused by inflammation. The study found that using barrier repair moisturizers helped to reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood. That highlighted the skin’s protective role in overall health. If you want to encourage a healthier skin barrier, use the following supportive ingredients. 

Shea Butter

Derived from the fruit of the shea tree, shea butter is a natural fat that provides the skin with deep hydration and protection. The natural fatty acids and vitamins in shea butter offer emollient properties that help to lock moisture into the skin. These nutrients also aim to promote collagen production and decrease the breakdown of existing collagen. 


Any ingredient that pulls in and holds water is considered a humectant. Glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and beeswax are all humectants, but they cannot heal the skin barrier on their own. Humectants do keep the skin moisturized while you repair the skin barrier function. According to dermatologists, humectants hydrate the epidermis while sealing in and retaining water with an outer layer of lipids. Apply humectants topically before an occlusive cream or oil to repair a compromised skin barrier. 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is rich in exfoliating enzymes, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and vitamins A and C. Because of these health properties, aloe is great for the skin, no matter if you suffer from acne, burns, or dry skin. Aloe works to cleanse the skin, but also hydrate it in the process. The hydrating properties of aloe vera make it an excellent choice for anyone who suffers from dry, sensitive, or dehydrated skin. 

Colloidal Oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal, oat extract, and oat oil all work to form a protective seal on the skin. For people who have sensitive skin, colloidal oatmeal is a very helpful ingredient. According to research, oat extract’s anti-inflammatory properties work to soothe inflamed skin. Colloidal oatmeal exhibits several clinical properties, which stem from the chemical polymorphism. The high concentration of polymorphism is responsible for colloidal oatmeal’s ability to protect the skin and help it retain moisture. Additionally, colloidal oatmeal may boost creamed levels in the skin, which works to keep skin cells together. 

Manuka Honey

Renowned for its ability to repair, Manuka honey is very effective at healing wounds, burns, and other topical damage. Several studies concluded that Manuka honey inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, which explains the ability to accelerate wound healing. Due to the impressive antioxidant profile, Manuka honey exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that fight against dermatitis, acne, and eczema. These skin conditions, and more, tend to stem from a damaged skin barrier.


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Natural Remedies To Beat Spring Allergies Fri, 20 Mar 2020 08:47:00 +0000

Get your allergies under control this spring with some of the amazing natural remedies in this article. They’re so effective and easy!


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Winter is cold and flu season, but people with allergies don’t get a break from congestion as spring arrives. Those who look forward to the classic “April showers, May flowers” sentiment clearly do not have allergies. About 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, and many of them head to the doctor to obtain prescribed pharmaceuticals like antihistamines or acetaminophens, which can actually aggravate allergy symptoms. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies to help you beat spring allergies this season.

You don’t want to be the person with itchy eyes and congested sinuses during spring. After all, you just made it through winter, which is filled with sniffling and sore throats. There’s no reason to relive that, but these symptoms can be difficult to avoid when you have to deal with pollen. In addition to dust and mold, pollen is one of the most common seasonal allergens. While pollen is technically harmless, a hypersensitive immune system can often mistake it for a foreign invader and release histamine as a response. As people with allergies know, this can cause hives or itchy skin, or sinus congestion and itchy eyes.

There’s no two ways about it: allergies are no fun, but you may not need medications to control your symptoms. Many natural remedies can help control symptoms and keep your allergies under control. Experiment with the following natural remedies and see which ones work best at managing your symptoms.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

We constantly advocate how beneficial apple cider vinegar is for overall health. Not only does it help to balance pH levels in the body, but it can also provide a little energy boost, especially when you drink it in water mixed with lemon juice. When you notice the first sign of an allergy attack, put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in your Neti Pot solution and perform a sinus flush to help ward off congestion.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. Europeans in medieval times used stinging nettle as a diuretic to help relieve fluid retention (edema) and occasional joint pain. Many studies have concluded that stinging nettle can effectively improve joint pain, urinary problems, hay fever, and insect bites, but new research has shown it controls histamines. More and more medical professionals recommend that people with allergies take stinging nettle before hay fever season.

Clear Those Sinuses

If you don’t want to have a case of the sniffles throughout the spring months, it’s time to clear those sinuses with some nasal irrigation. We know that sounds utterly enchanting (wink wink), but nasal rinsing helps to flush out allergens and built up mucus. The use of a Neti Pot originated in the Ayurvedic tradition hundreds of years ago, and people have been benefiting from sinus rinses ever since. Neti Pots have now become more mainstream for preventing upper respiratory conditions and seasonal allergies. When you make a Neti Pot solution, do not use tap water because the chlorine and fluoride can aggravate the sinuses. Opt for distilled water and mix it with sea salt. Exact solution ratios will vary, but the common ratio is 8 ounces of distilled water with ½ teaspoon of sea salt.

Eat An Alkaline And Anti-Inflammatory Diet

When you supply the body with nutrient-dense foods, your systems and organs can function optimally. Since allergies create inflammatory responses, it is beneficial for you to consume anti-inflammatory and alkaline foods. Some of the best foods to help you beat allergies include:

Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, arugula, romaine lettuce, watercress, and chard all contain a diverse mix of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that assist with reducing inflammation and promoting natural detoxification.


If the bad bacteria in your gut microbiome outnumber the good bacteria, you most likely have decreased immune response. Strengthen the immune system by consuming probiotic foods like kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, miso, and natto.


Did you know that garlic is considered a natural antibiotic? Well, it is, and it has the ability to ward off infections, viruses, and allergies. For garlic to have the best effect, consume it raw by blending one clove into your smoothie or juicing it with other fruits and vegetables. A clove a day may keep the allergy medication away because it offers immense immune support.


While some people like to deny it, lemons and limes help to establish an alkaline body. They do contain citric acid, but they have an alkalizing effect after ingestion. Lemons are extremely rich in immune-boosting antioxidants like vitamin C, which has been known to ward off infections and detox impurities from the body. Add lemons to your water throughout the day, freshly squeeze them in your salad dressings, drink lemon tea, and find other ways to consume lemons every day.


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The Dangers of Blood Transfusions Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals donate blood for money. Thinking and thoughts are transferable by blood transfusion. World War II military safely performed blood transfusions with sea water, not human blood. Unnatural to donate blood


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Dherbs doesn’t recommend blood transfusions due to their inherent risk to the body’s overall health.

As no two people’s blood is EXACTLY alike, it’s not healthy to take the blood of someone since their blood is formulated exclusively for their body. While blood can be “typed” and “matched” your body may reject it for a variety of reasons.

Blood transfusions are like an organ transplant-even with the most thorough testing, matching and typing, there’s a possibility the transfusion will be rejected, causing severe damage to vital organs, and possibly death.

Risks and Side Effects

Blood transfusions have several known side effects:

Allergic reaction (hives)

Even with an exact blood match, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to parts of the blood received in the transfusion.


While a fever itself may not be cause for worry, doctors usually stop transfusions if the patient spikes a fever while receiving the blood as it may indicate a more serious side-effect.

 Acute Immune Hemolytic Reaction

This a rare, but potentially deadly, side effect from receiving a blood transfusion. The reaction is triggered by the body rejecting the transfused blood, usually due to an improper match in blood types.

Delayed Hemolytic Reaction

While the same reaction as the acute immune hemolytic reaction, the delayed reaction takes longer to manifest itself.

Lung Injury

This can happen due to antibodies or other pathogens in the transfused blood that accumulate in the lungs.

Blood Infection

Although a rare side effect, blood infections can be transferred through blood transfusions including:

  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • West Nile Virus
  • Sepsis (bacterial infection)

Iron Overdose

It’s possible to receive too much iron as a result of a blood transfusion, which can damage internal organs, such as the heart and liver.

Graft-versus-Host Disease

White blood cells attack the red blood cells transfused into the body, essentially treating the infused blood as an infection. While rare, graft-versus-host disease is usually fatal.

Alternatives to Blood Transfusions

There are currently no alternatives to blood transfusions, since the body needs a fixed amount of blood to survive.

If you anticipate needing a blood transfusion (such as needing surgery or giving birth), it’s advised to donate blood to the hospital’s blood bank so your own blood will be transfused back into your body, reducing the likelihood of experiencing the known risks or side effects.

To rebuild, strengthen, fortify, tone, revivify, and nourish the blood, use herbs such as:

Liquid chlorophyll is a great aid to rebuild, fortify, tone, revivify, and nourish the blood.

Eating foods rich in organic iron (Iron Phosphate) will also help rebuild, fortify, tone, revivify, and nourish the blood.


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