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The holidays are filled with foods that can leave you feeling less than your best. Try these post-holiday recipes to promote detoxification.


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The holidays are filled with love, joy, merriment, family, and lots and lots of food. Too often are holiday dishes rich, heavy, and filled with unhealthy fats and excess salt. The worst part is that these unhealthy dishes are not just at the big holiday gathering. Coffee shops, work parties, gatherings with friends, and other events during this time of year feature an assortment of fattening foods. They are incredibly delicious, which is why they are so hard to resist. 

At a certain point, though, your body lets you know that it’s time to lighten the load. After all, the body can only take so much! The feelings of fullness last beyond the big meal because people continue eating leftovers for days. This is perfectly common, and most people call the remaining days of the year a wash because their fitness or health goals start on January 1st. Don’t be that person because that attitude can propel poor eating habits into the New Year. You want to get a head start on your healthy eating!

It’s perfectly acceptable to abandon ship, veer from the norm, and start making recipes that are much easier on the body after the holidays. Learn the leftover lesson from previous years and get back on the path to better health before the New Year. To help encourage detoxification, though, you need to eat the right foods. The following recipes should aid your detox efforts after some serious holiday eating. Let us know which recipe is your favorite in the comments below.

Fat Flush Detox Green Smoothie

Promote healthy digestion and detoxification after any big meal when you drink this detox green smoothie. It’ll help flush away the toxins that you accumulated during the holidays. 

Click here to make the recipe. 

Homemade Lemon Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea

Skip the apple cider vinegar fire cider and start your day with this lemon ginger turmeric detox tea to activate the detox process and kickstart your immune system.

Click here to make the recipe.

Post-Holiday Detox Green Smoothie

Did you barely survive a long weekend of holiday eating? Jumpstart your health with this post-holiday detox green smoothie.

Click here to make the recipe. 

Alkalizing Green Detox Soup

If you had a long weekend or season of heavy eating, help detox the body with this alkalizing green soup with essential nutrients.

Click here to make the recipe.

Fat Flush Soup

Need a meal to help you get rid of those excess pounds from an indulgent weekend? What a coincidence, because this recipe does exactly that!

Click here to make the recipe. 

Kale Apple Carrot Salad

A super simple kale salad that is filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It’s a tasty way to help your family enjoy raw veggies!

Click here to make the recipe. 

Nori Wraps With Turmeric Cashew Cream

These vegetable nori wraps with a turmeric cashew cream are irresistibly delicious and boast tons of health benefits, too.

Click here to make the recipe.


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Improve Your Health With Dherbs – Dish Nation (2019) Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:30:00 +0000

A throwback video when CEO of Dherbs AD Dolphin visited Page Six TV and talks about how the Full Body Cleanse can help you improve your health!


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A throwback video when CEO of Dherbs AD Dolphin visited Page Six TV and talks about how the Full Body Cleanse can help you improve your health!

Video Credit: PageSix TV

20-Day Full Body Cleanse: Dherbs FULL BODY CLEANSE. LOSE 10-30 LBS IN 20 DAYS!


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5 Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving Sat, 16 Nov 2024 08:48:00 +0000

Every year, there is a long list of things to be grateful for, and that is especially true at Thanksgiving. Perhaps you got a new job or your sister agreed to babysit your child once a week so that you and your partner can have date night. One of the things you can be thankful […]


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Every year, there is a long list of things to be grateful for, and that is especially true at Thanksgiving. Perhaps you got a new job or your sister agreed to babysit your child once a week so that you and your partner can have date night. One of the things you can be thankful for is your health. 

It’s no secret that people tend to get a little carried away, to put it gently, at the Thanksgiving spread. By staying mindful of your health and making small tweaks, however, you can create a healthier Thanksgiving feast. Not only will your dishes be incredibly tasty, but they’ll pack some more nutritional benefits than your average options. Whether you are hosting, showing up, or assisting in the kitchen, use the following tips to make your holiday weekend a little healthier. 

Eat Slowly And Savor Each Bite

It is very easy to move quickly during the holiday excitement of Thanksgiving Day. During mealtime, you may shovel food into your face in order to make room on your plate for the items you didn’t get during your first pass of the spread. While eating, health experts recommend that you slow down and enjoy the food on your plate. It’s easy to fill up too quickly if you do not allow your body the chance to process the calories that you’re consuming. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize that you are full. Between bites, consider speaking with a loved one and talk about how great the meal is. Additionally, drink lots of water to aid the digestive process.

Moderate Your Meal

There is so much great food to enjoy! How do you only select a couple things to eat? Well, the good news is that you do not have to miss out on your favorite dishes. Instead, dietitians encourage you to help yourself to controlled portions that will discourage overeating. If you are hungry after you finish your plate, you can have an additional serving or two later. When you build your plate, include whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Try to leave carb-heavy dishes alone, or grab small portions of them just to have a taste. If you want a specific dessert, avoid overeating sugary side dishes to control sugar intake. 

Enjoy A Little Exercise

Pre-meal walk, anyone? Physical activity on the big day of feasting is beneficial for your cardiovascular health, but also for digestion. Studies indicate that walking for 30 minutes after you eat can stimulate the digestive process. Between courses, try to go on a walk with your dog, do some light yoga, play catch outside, or do some squats. Walking for two to five minutes post-meal can help lower blood sugar levels. Exercise also burns calories, which you will consume in excess on Thanksgiving. 

Avoid Processed Foods

How easy and convenient is it to take shortcuts in the kitchen when cooking the Thanksgiving meal? By shortcuts, we mean purchasing store bought varieties of things that you can easily make at home. Instead of grabbing a can of cranberry sauce, make your own with real cranberries, fresh oranges, and a lot less sugar. Click here for a healthy cranberry sauce recipe. Even if you can’t make everything from scratch, do your best to avoid processed versions of things, as homemade elements are also more nutritious.

Consider How You Cook

When you prepare your turkey and sides, be mindful of the seasonings and cooking methods you use. Beware of excess amounts of sugar, salt, and oil, as they can negatively impact the food’s nutritional value. That is especially true if you struggle with high cholesterol, obesity, or diabetes. Instead of deep-frying your food, consider roasting, grilling, or boiling your food to keep the meal a little healthier. Lastly, set seasonings and sauces on the table so that people can manage their health to their desired level of comfort.


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Need To Lower Your Blood Pressure? Try These Tips! Thu, 07 Mar 2024 17:39:20 +0000

Healthy eating can lower your blood pressure. Keep watching to learn how to manage it with a heart-healthy diet.


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Healthy eating can lower your blood pressure. Keep watching to learn how to manage it with a heart-healthy diet.


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Try These Foods For Weight Loss! Thu, 22 Feb 2024 22:00:05 +0000

Need helps loosing weight? Try eating more of these foods!


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Need helps loosing weight? Try eating more of these foods!


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Quick Tips For Eating Healthy During Pregnancy Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:18:00 +0000

When you're pregnant, you need more of certain nutrients, including protein, iron, and folate. Learn all about nutrition during pregnancy.


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Following a healthy eating routine is what everyone should do to maintain proper intake of nutrients. When you are pregnant, the body requires more of certain nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, potassium, folate, protein, iron, choline, and iodine. Making smarter food choices can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. In this article, we aim to give you some quick dietary tips to help you eat healthy while pregnant. 

Before we get started, the basic principles of healthy eating remain whether you are pregnant or not. Make sure that you consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. A few nutrients during pregnancy deserve special attention, though. To maintain a healthy pregnancy, the following components come into play:

  • A balanced diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Appropriate and timely vitamin/mineral supplementation
  • Appropriate weight gain

Get The Right Amount Of Calories

The amount of calories you need will change during the course of your pregnancy. Generally speaking, most pregnancies require the following caloric needs:

  • First trimester (first 12 weeks): no extra calories
  • Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks): about 340 extra calories per day
  • Third trimester (after 26 weeks): about 450 extra calories per day

Weight gain is completely natural during pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat everything in sight. How much weight you’ll need to gain, in addition to the number of calories, will depend on a few things. Ask your doctor or midwife how many calories you need and how much weight is necessary for you to have a healthy pregnancy. 

Follow A Healthy Eating Routine

Ideally, you want to consume a wide range of healthy foods while pregnant. Choose a mix from the following food groups to enjoy daily:

  • Whole fruits: berries, apples, mango, bananas, and more
  • Whole grains: such as brown rice, bulgur wheat, millet, oats, and multi-grain bread
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, okra, beets, spinach, bell peppers, jicama, broccoli, and more
  • Healthy oils: olive oil, avocado oil, and virgin coconut oil
  • Lean protein: eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, tofu, salmon, lamb, and skinless chicken
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy: yogurt, lactose-free dairy, cheese, soy yogurt, or fortified soy beverages

Should You Take A Prenatal Supplement?

Most health care providers or midwives will prescribe a prenatal supplement either before conception or shortly thereafter. This is to ensure that you meet all of your nutritional needs. Please note that a prenatal supplement does not replace a healthy diet. Whether or not you decide to take a prenatal supplement is up to you. Just make sure that you get enough of the following nutrients: 

  • Iron: Many women do not get enough iron during pregnancy. Iron helps your baby develop, so consult your healthcare provider to see if you need a prenatal supplement with iron, or a separate iron supplement. 
  • Choline: An important nutrient for the developing baby’s brain. Foods that contain choline include lean meats, seafood, beans, lentils, eggs, and fat-free dairy. Most prenatal supplements do not have choline, so if you don’t think that you are consuming enough, consult your healthcare professional.
  • Folic acid: Keep in mind that folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which exists in many dark leafy vegetables, beans, peas, and nuts. You can also obtain folate from oranges, lemons, strawberries, melons, and bananas. If you take a prenatal supplement, make sure that it contains 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. 
  • Iodine: Another nutrient that is integral for the baby’s brain. If you use salt to season your food, make sure it is iodized salt. Prenatal supplements typically do not have iodine, so ask your doctor whether you need an iodine supplement or not. 

Avoid Certain Foods

During your pregnancy, please note that you should stay away from certain foods. The following foods may contain bacteria that can harm the baby:

  • Lunch or deli meats, smoked seafood, and hot dogs
  • Raw (uncooked) or rare (undercooked) meats, poultry, or eggs
  • Raw sprouts, including clover, radish, alfalfa, and mung bean sprouts
  • Unpasteurized juice, cheese, or milk. Make sure you see “pasteurized” on the label.
  • Raw or rare fish or shellfish, such as sushi or raw oysters. (You can eat fish because it contains healthy fats, but some seafood is high in mercury. Generally speaking, you can eat eight to 12 ounces of seafood per week, so long as it is low in mercury and high in healthy fats).
  • Refrigerated pate and meat spreads


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4 Popular Holiday Health Myths, Busted Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:29:00 +0000

You’ve probably heard rumors about your health and the holidays. Did you know that most of these “facts” are actually myths?


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Between all-day movie marathons, donuts at the office, and eggnog, the holidays are not kind to your waistline. Even the most avid exercises succumb to the holiday temptations. Plus, the colder weather can often deter people from carrying out their regular workouts. While all of this may be true, there are popular “facts” that are anything but.

Some holiday traps are very obvious. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, cookie platters, and savory dishes like candied yams are calorically dense and heavy on the sugar. You know this information, and you also know that drinking a pumpkin spice latte every day during the holidays is not conducive to better health. What you may not be aware of is that some of your greatest holidays health obstacles are common myths. Below, we detail the most common holiday health myths and easy ways to overcome them for a healthier start to the New Year. 

Myth #1: You’re Too Busy To Work Out

The fact is that you are not too busy to work out. While high-calorie holiday meals can make you sluggish and cold weather may not inspire outdoor workouts, exercising altogether is not a wash during the holiday season. A lot of people like to cash in on vacation days at the end of the year. Use the hours on some of those PTO days for quick sweat sessions. That doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym. Get creative with the way you burn calories! Head out for some cross-country skiing or hit the slopes with friends. Don’t sit around the house all day with family; rather, go for a winter hike, build a snowman, or have a snowball fight. You can even do yoga in your own home! Plus, if you have to shovel your driveway, that is a huge workout!

Myth #2: Whatever Weight You Gain, You’ll Lose In The New Year

Well, the odds aren’t in your favor. Although most people only gain one or two pounds during the holidays, the majority of them never lose the weight, according to researchers. In fact, most people don’t follow through with their fitness resolutions, and they don’t make the right dietary changes to encourage weight loss. Statistically, people buy more calories worth of food between January and March than any other time of year. Why is that? Well, they buy healthier foods, but they don’t cut back on unhealthy foods. Basically, you pick up more fruits and vegetables, you feel good about that, and then you reward yourself with a treat. Treat grocery shopping like packing for a vacation: make a list, determine the essentials, and leave half the remaining items on the shelf. 

Myth #3: Americans Gain About Five Pounds Between Thanksgiving And January 1st

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Americans only gain about one to two pounds during the holiday season. A study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is 1.7 pounds. There is no need to obsess about what you eat, but you should be strategic about it. It is completely natural to overindulge on Thanksgiving, but don’t sweat it. Additionally, if you attend holiday parties, bring a healthy dish because then you know you have one nutritious option. If you have parties and have tons of leftovers, consider freezing smaller portions so that you don’t eat everything in a matter of days. 

Myth #4: If You’re Already Fit, You’re Less Likely To Inflate

Being in shape doesn’t mean that you are immune to the effects of overindulgence and inactivity. You may have more metabolically active tissue than others, so your metabolism operates at a higher efficiency when you exercise regularly. When you gorge on a 3,000-calorie meal and continue to eat heavy meals of that nature, your metabolism may slow down. A meta-analysis found that if you stretch out Thanksgiving-style eating for two weeks, your belly fat can increase by 7%. Stay focused and adhere to your workouts and healthy eating plan, as you normally would. If you find that you indulge more than usual during the holidays, amp up your workouts to help offset your caloric intake.


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Detox Fat Flush Soup Fri, 24 Nov 2023 17:55:00 +0000

Did you just stuff your face on a large meal? Fill up on nutritious ingredients and jumpstart healthy eating habits with this detox soup.


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Soups can comforting and nourishing, especially when vegetables are the stars of the show. Some soups, especially canned varieties, are incredibly unhealthy because they contain unhealthy fats, excess carbs, and too much sodium or sugar. After a day or weekend of unhealthy eating, the last thing you want is a warm bowl of soup that makes you feel fat and bloated. That’s why we created this recipe! It contains a ton of nutrient-dense vegetables and it is low in calories.

Many of the vegetables in this soup contain anti-inflammatory properties, which work to reduce pain and inflammation. Detox soups, such as this recipe, are very easy on the digestive system. As a clarification, a detox soup is not some boring cabbage soup diet from the 1980s; rather, it is a tasty bowl of nutritious ingredients and flavors. The ingredients are often rich in fiber, which helps move food through the digestive tract to regulate bowel movements. The vitamins and minerals also work to provide valuable antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and oxidative stress in the body.

Other than chopping the vegetables, this soup is very easy to make, but it does take a little time. You begin with a classic mirepoix, which is the combination of onions, carrots, and celery. Only you take it up a notch with this soup by including sweet potatoes. Once those ingredients are soft, you can add the tomatoes, beans, broth, and continue seasoning with sea salt and pepper. The seasoning process happens throughout, so be sure to taste and add a little more sea salt and pepper (if necessary) as you go. Happy detoxing with this soup after some heavy holiday eating.


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Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup Sat, 18 Nov 2023 18:08:00 +0000

Chilled, raw vegan cucumber avocado soup comes together in a matter of minutes. All you need is a blender and your appetite!


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Cold soup, or gazpacho, is a typical summer dish. Now, we understand that summer is long gone, but a season of heavy and unhealthy eating is right around the corner. We don’t expect everyone to avoid the classically unhealthy and hardy holiday dishes. This chilled soup, however, may help balance those unhealthy dishes. It is light, refreshing, and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Just make sure to let it chill in the fridge before you devour it.

If you need a dish to help cleanse your digestive system after a day or weekend of heavy eating, this may be the dish you seek. This chilled soup is fantastic, if we do say so ourselves! In fact, a chilled soup such as this is a popular dish in the Mediterranean diet, which many health experts consider to be the best for heart health. Cold soup contains a high concentration of vegetables with the occasional fruit. Because you do not cook the ingredients, they retain their nutritional compounds, which can break down during the cooking process.

Chilled soups, such as this recipe, do a great job at keeping the body hydrated. Most of the ingredients, especially the cucumbers, contain a high concentration of water and electrolytes, which are necessary for optimal hydration. You can easily dehydrate during the winter, believe it or not, so this will help you up your water intake. It also contains essential vitamins, such as A, E, and C, which work to keep your immune system strong during winter cold and flu season.


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Living To 100 Years: Is That Possible? Thu, 12 Oct 2023 09:06:00 +0000

Take a look at your current habits and assess whether they contribute to longevity. Blue zones may teach us to live to be 100 years old.


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If you have a Netflix account, you are probably familiar with a recent docuseries called “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones.” It follows Dan Buettner, a researcher and writer, who has written several books about blue zones and blue zone diets. Through his most recent book, The Blue Zones, and the docuseries, Buettner explores lifestyle and dietary habits in areas of the world that have the largest population of centenarians (people who live over 100).

What Can Blue Zones Teach People?

According to a March 2018 report, life expectancy in the U.S. was 78.8 years. An even more alarming statistic is that life expectancy in America is declining for the first time in decades. As of this year, life expectancy is down to 76.4 years. That is lower than the life expectancy, which ranges from 80.7 and 83.9 years, in peer countries. 

With all of that information in mind, the goal of Buettner’s blue zone expedition was to highlight what people do to live as long as possible. These blue zones have the highest concentration of centenarians and researchers note that people who live in these places share certain behavioral and lifestyle characteristics. Although these blue zones are full of different races, nationalities, and are in different regions, there are various similarities. Family coherence, avoidance of smoking, eating lots of plant-based foods, social engagement, and daily moderate physical activity are all commonplace in blue zones. 

Where Are These Blue Zones?

There are five blue zones where researchers found the longest-living people on Earth. These areas are as follows:

  • Sardinia, Italy
  • Ikaria, Greece
  • Okinawa, Japan
  • Nicoya, Costa Rica
  • Loma Linda, California

In addition to the above areas, Buettner also included Singapore in his book about blue zones. It is a fascinating case study because it doesn’t share the same characteristics that those five blue zones do. The life expectancy in Singapore skyrocketed 20 years since its founding in 1965. Singapore is more urbanized than other blue zones, proving that you can live longer even if you don’t live in a specific type of environment. 

Buettner details that the average U.S. lifestyle and diet is not a recipe for longevity. Processed foods, sedentary behavior, and limited exercises can contribute to a shorter life expectancy. Making changes to your diet and adding a daily exercise routine may help change that. Additionally, your attitude and general outlook on life also factor into how long you live. The people who live in blue zones grow old in a much healthier and more optimistic state. Not only do these people live longer, but they also live better. Below, you’ll find a few lessons that you can adopt from blue zones. 

Avoid Processed & Packaged Foods

People in blue zones consume diets that are very low in sugar, pesticides, and artificial ingredients compared to the Standard American Diet. Blue zone diets tend to consist of locally grown foods and only use small amounts of natural sweeteners on occasion. Refined sugars, carbohydrates, and added sugars in the U.S. contribute to high rates of obesity and diabetes. If people in blue zones want a treat, they opt for antioxidant-rich guilty pleasures like red wine, sake, herbal teas, or simple desserts made with locally produced cheese or fruits. Adhering to a diet that consists of whole food ingredients, many of which have a low glycemic index, may be the path towards a longer life. 

Exercise Often, But Make It Enjoyable

If you don’t enjoy the activities you engage in, you lose interest in exercise. Centenarians in blue zones tend to lead active lifestyles, but don’t set foot in a gym and they don’t dread exercise. They remain active as a way of life, gardening, engaging in community events, and completing chores with their hands instead of machines. They run errands on foot and typically practice gentle to moderate forms of exercise, such as yoga, Tai Chi, or playing sports/games with friends/community members. 

Spend More Time With Family And Nature

It’s a sad reality, but a large percentage of the U.S. population doesn’t pay much attention to elderly people. In blue zones, family is everything! In Loma Linda, CA (a rare exception in the U.S.), for example, there is a weekly 24-hour sabbath that the Seventh-day Adventists practice. They focus on family, God, camaraderie, and nature. Senior living homes don’t really exist in blue zones because there is an expectation to take care of the elderly, especially older family members. Older people play an integral role to their communities in blue zones, remaining active and important well into their 90s. 

Learn To Appreciate Whole, Real Foods

Although centenarians are not typically vegans or vegetarians, their diets mostly consist of plant-based foods. They rely on homegrown or locally grown foods, focusing on whole grains, legumes, sweet potatoes, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and quality fats like olive oil. They also focus on fermented foods (kefir, tempeh, miso, and natto), high quality dairy products (grass-fed goat milk and homemade cheeses), and more wild-caught fish than beef or poultry. Focusing on more plant-based foods means that people in blue zones consume more fiber, antioxidants, and potential anti-cancer compounds. Eating in such a way also reduces the risk of diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, cancer, and dementia, all of which are prominent health problems in the U.S. 

The takeaway is that living a longer, healthier life doesn’t just come from one single practice. A combination of habits may help you stay healthy into your later years. How does your life compare to those in blue zones, and what can you do to change it?


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