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Are you sleep deprived? Failure to get enough sleep can have serious long-term consequences to your overall health and well-being.


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Is there anything better than a good night’s sleep? You wake up in a good mood and when you sit up and get out of bed, it’s as though your body thanks you for that rest. Contrast to the mornings when you wake up after a minimal amount of sleep. You don’t feel like yourself and you usually see dark circles under your eyes. You feel sluggish and would give anything for a few more hours of sleep. 

Growing evidence indicates that sleep is necessary for maintaining long-term health. The body can typically handle a few nights with minimal sleep, but it is not sustainable over time. There will be a price you pay if you continually get insufficient sleep, according to health experts. In this article, we’ll detail some of the health problems linked to sleep deprivation.

Type 2 Diabetes

People who experience minimal sleep or poor quality sleep tend to have poorer blood sugar control, especially in people with diabetes. Additionally, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. In a group of middle-aged Caucasians, researchers observed a strong connection between poor sleep quality and metabolic syndrome, fasting blood duster levels, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, a precursor for type 2 diabetes. 

Kidney Issues

Unfortunately, the link between insufficient sleep and kidney health has not been as firmly established as the link between poor sleep and other health conditions. Researchers note that people with chronic kidney disease tend to have sleep disorders, including restless leg syndrome and insomnia related to their condition. Some evidence shows that poor sleep quality may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Researchers believe that the link could be related to disruptions to the circadian rhythm. 

Depression And Anxiety

According to research, people who have chronic insomnia have a higher rate of depression and anxiety. An estimated 40% of people with insomnia have clinical depression. The relationship between your mood and sleep is complex and bidirectional. That means that depression or anxiety can negatively impact sleep and lack of sleep can negatively affect your mood. Sleep experts consider insomnia to be an independent risk factor for developing mental health disorders, such as depression. You may need to address your sleep problems and anxiety or depression separately in order to improve your overall health. 

A Less Healthy Gut

The gut microbiome is a complex system of trillions of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Experts believe that the more diverse the microbiome, the better a person’s overall health is. Some studies suggest that altered sleep patterns, such as those consistent with night shift workers, may impact gut health. One study used Mendelian randomization, a method that looks at genetic variation to study the effects of different health variables. This study found that sleep issues may alter the abundance of bacteria in the gut. 

Hypertension, Stroke, And Heart Disease

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the smallest changes in sleep have been linked to heart issues. After the clocks change in March, there are 24% more heart attacks for the first three to four days. When the clocks “fall back” in November, the AHA estimates a 21% reduction in heart attacks because people gain an hour of sleep. Sleeping for five hours or less per night on a regular basis has been associated with a two to three times greater risk of coronary artery buildup. That decreases the flow of blood to your heart, so sleep deprivation may increase the risk of coronary artery disease. 

Reduced Immune Function

Sleep experts suggest that insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can harm immune function. Evidence shows that poor sleep increases your susceptibility to various infections and illnesses. Studies show that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are three times more likely to develop the common cold compared with people who get eight hours or more of sleep per night. 

Additional research states that insufficient sleep can make it more difficult for the body to produce disease-fighting antibodies, specifically after receiving flu, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines. Participants who only slept four hours per night in the days before and following vaccination developed lower levels of antibodies compared to those who had great sleep. 

Weight Gain

Unfortunately, there is a strong connection between sleep issues and being overweight or having obesity. Failure to get enough sleep every night can cause a hormonal imbalance, and these are the hormones that regulate appetite. Ghrelin makes you feel hungry and leptin helps you feel full. Leptin levels tend to rise during sleep, so the theory is that insufficient sleep causes a decrease in those levels. That makes you feel hungrier, which leads to unnecessary eating. Additionally, sleep disturbances of any kind can increase the production of ghrelin, which increases appetite. Studies suggest that insufficient sleep can make people burn 100 more calories per day. While that sounds wonderful, the extra wake time increases how much people eat or drink by more than 250 calories per day. Over time, that can cause people to gain weight.


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What Is Oil Pulling And How Often Should You Do It? Wed, 30 Oct 2024 08:46:00 +0000

Coconut oil pulling is an Ayurvedic practice that works to remineralize teeth and improve oral health. Learn how often you should do it.


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Oil pulling may help reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in your mouth and decrease the risk of some health conditions. It is an ancient Indian folk remedy that claims to whiten your teeth, freshen breath, and improve oral hygiene. Unfortunately, no scientific research confirms these claims, but this article aims to explore whether oil pulling is effective, or just another trend. 

Oil pulling is somewhat controversial, despite its thousand-year history. It is an Ayurvedic practice that helps care not only for the mouth, but also for the entire body. Oral health extends beyond the teeth and gums, so adding coconut oil pulling to your oral hygiene routine may come with added health benefits. 

What Is Oil Pulling?

This ancient remedy from Ayurveda originated in India over a thousand years ago. The practice is simple: you take a small amount of high-quality, organic oil and swish it in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. You can use various oils, but they need to be high-quality, food-grade oils. Coconut oil is the preferred oil to use because it exhibits antibacterial properties. The primary benefit of oil pulling is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which create biofilm on the teeth, also known as plaque. 

Having a small amount of plaque on the teeth is fairly normal. It only becomes problematic if it gets out of hand, leading to the following potential outcomes:

How Does Oil Pulling Work?

By swishing the oil around in your mouth, it helps sweep away and dissolve bacteria in the oil. As previously mentioned, oil pulling works best with extra-virgin coconut oil, but it will work with almost any oil. Coconut oil has a more pleasant taste and a higher fatty acid profile, especially lauric acid, which exhibits antimicrobial activity. 

What Are The Benefits?

There are many purported benefits of oil pulling and it enhances your oral care routine of flossing and brushing. Many people agree that it is better for your teeth than harsh mouthwashes, which typically contain toxic chemicals and alcohol. When you swish the oil around your mouth, it binds to plaque buildup on the teeth. Not only does this help strengthen the teeth and gums, but it also helps prevent cavities and tooth decay. It also can reduce the bacteria that causes periodontitis and halitosis. 

Some people report that oil pulling helped them get rid of bad breath, which usually happens because of the chemicals and gasses produced by oral bacteria. Getting rid of some of these bacteria can help improve oral health and reduce the likelihood of bad breath. More studies are still necessary to determine the efficacy of oil pulling to reduce halitosis. 

Ultimately, oil pulling can reduce the presence of Streptococcus mutans in the mouth. This bacteria is a key player in the development of plaque buildup and tooth decay. A 2016 study involving 60 adults found that oil pulling with coconut oil for 10 minutes daily significantly reduced the number of Streptococcus mutans in saliva in just two weeks. A previous study in children  found that coconut oil was just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash at reducing Streptococcus mutans. These results are promising, but more studies are necessary to prove the efficacy of oil pulling. 

Dangers Of Oil Pulling

This is not a death-defying feat, but it’s always beneficial to understand the risks or cons involved with an alternative remedy. Oil pulling can be a great addition to your oral hygiene routine. There are no known side effects to it, but some people report negative reactions to coconut oil. If you have a topical or internal reaction to coconut in any way, do not use coconut oil for oil pulling. Sesame oil would be a better alternative.

Some people also have concerns about oil pulling with amalgam or mercury-based fillings. According to some holistic dentists, oil pulling is safe with mercury fillings and it may help pull toxic metals out of the nerve endings. If you swallow the oil, though, it may give you a slight stomach ache. Make sure you do not swallow the oil, or else you may reabsorb the bacteria that you’re trying to eliminate!


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Tossing And Turning At Night: How To Stop Wed, 16 Oct 2024 09:19:00 +0000

If you want to improve your overall sleep quality, it is best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. You can stop tossing and turning by…


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Anxiety, stress, and overstimulation are a few of the factors that can cause you to toss and turn at night. If you have ever spent a night tossing and turning without getting more than a total hour of sleep, you understand the struggle. The sun rises and you are immediately in a bad mood because you were unsuccessful at getting proper shuteye. In this article, we will explore why tossing and turning occurs and how to put it to bed, pun fully intended. 

There are numerous reasons that cause you to toss and turn all night. Overstimulation, an underlying medical condition, anxiety, and more are all potential causes. Let’s take a closer look at more causes and how they impact your sleep. 

Feelings Of Stress

Stress can cause a variety of physical and mental symptoms that can make it harder to fall asleep. High stress levels can cause tense muscles, which can make it difficult for your body to relax while lying in bed. A study from 2017 found that higher stress levels reduced overall sleep quality in medical students. 

Inconsistent Sleep Schedule

Going to bed when you are not tired, or going to bed too late or too early, can affect overall sleep quality. It seems strange that being overly tired can make it harder to fall asleep, but it happens a lot. The main thing researchers want you to know is that a consistent sleep schedule can reduce tossing and turning and increase sleep duration. 

Feeling Anxious

If you have an anxiety disorder, increased anxiety at night can make it harder to fall asleep and remain asleep. A 2017 study found that somatic anxiety significantly impacted sleep quality. An anxious or racing mind can make you feel restless, which can cause you to toss and turn more than normal. 

Being Overstimulated

The National Sleep Foundation notes that blue light from phones, TVs, and other electronic devices can delay the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Loud noises and bright lights from outside the bedroom can also stimulate the senses. The combination of blue light exposure and loud noises can cause you to toss and turn. 

Imbalanced Diet

Never underestimate the repercussions of a poor diet. There are nutrients in foods that support the body’s production of melatonin, in addition to other neurotransmitters that regulate sleep. An imbalance in these nutrients can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Keep track of the foods you eat and consider modifying your diet, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean protein, whole grains, and legumes. 

Underlying Health Conditions

Certain health conditions can lead to poor sleep quality. The most common conditions that cause sleep troubles are as follows:

  • Sleep apnea: This sleep disorder causes people to repeatedly stop breathing and breathe shallowly while sleeping. The interruption of your breath during sleep can impact your ability to sleep soundly; thus, you can toss, turn, and wake up frequently throughout the night. 
  • Restless leg syndrome: This causes a person to have an overwhelming urge to move their legs. Researchers note that this restless sensation most commonly occurs when the body is at rest, such as lying down in bed. Due to the constant need for movement, people with this condition can experience frequent tossing and turning. 
  • Insomnia: Characterized by the inability to fall or stay asleep, insomnia can cause people to rely on various things to achieve the smallest amount of sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by other health conditions. Insomnia can cause a lot of movement in bed, but is typically characterized by an inability to fall asleep. 

How To Stop Tossing And Turning At Night

If you frequently toss and when you finally lay your head to rest, you are in need of a good night’s sleep. Continue reading to learn how to improve sleep hygiene and reduce tossing and turning.

  • Turn off the electronics at least one hour before bed to help prepare your body and mind for sleep. That means that you should not be looking at your phone or watching TV in that hour before bed. Choose to read a good book to help relax the body before bed
  • Follow a consistent sleep schedule by aiming to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Traveling, appointments, or concerts and performances can get in the way of your bedtime. Whenever possible, do your best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule in order to help your body fall asleep every night. 
  • Establish good sleep hygiene by creating a bedroom that you feel comfortable sleeping in. Get yourself a high-quality bed and invest in bedding that suits your body. Perhaps you require cooling sheets or a flatter pillow. Whatever you need, do yourself a favor and make your body comfortable. You spend one-third of your life sleeping, so invest in yourself!
  • Engage in exercise or some form of physical activity during the day to help improve sleep quality. Sitting, sitting, and more sitting will not burn off excess energy. If you find that you have a lot of energy at the end of the day, consider moving your body more throughout the day.
  • Practice a variety of relaxation techniques to find out which one works best to calm your mind and body. Research indicates that various breathing techniques can help relax the body and improve sleep quality. You can engage in meditation, deep breathing, grounding techniques, or visualizing to ready the body for sleep.


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Nightly Squats May Help You Get More Sleep, Says New Study Sat, 07 Sep 2024 08:44:00 +0000

A new study suggests that doing short but regular bouts of resistance exercises, such as squats, at night may help people sleep longer.


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Health experts suggest that about 25% of American adults do not get enough sleep every night. Failure to log enough sleep can increase the risk of fatigue and make it harder to focus. Prolonged periods of insufficient sleep can also lead to the development of chronic health conditions

A recent study from the University of Otago in New Zealand suggests that regular intervals of low-intensity resistance training in the evening may improve sleep. Researchers noted a link between short bursts of nightly strength training and an extra half hour of sleep. Although a lot of people engage in physical activity, a large percentage of the population does not. If those people only knew that they don’t need to exercise like crazy to improve sleep quality, they may be more inclined to exercise. 

What Type Of Exercise Did The Study Look At?

The study authors determined that daytime exercise can promote better sleep. What researchers wanted to know is if performing short bouts of low-intensity exercise at night had similar benefits. Since people sit for the majority of the day, exercising at night may support better sleep. In order to answer this question, researchers recruited 28 people, mostly women, with an average age of 25. 

Participants came into the lab for two sessions. During the first session, participants sat for four hours and watched TV. In the second session, they broke up that four-hour block of sitting with three minutes of resistance exercises every 30 minutes. Researchers had participants engage in squats, as that exercise uses the body’s largest muscles and does not require gym equipment or space. 

Participants went home and researchers monitored their sleep remotely. Study authors found that when the participants sat all evening, they slept about 27 minutes less than when they did activity breaks. The extra sleep moved the majority of the participants’ sleep duration from below to within the recommended sleep guidelines. Researchers also found that sleep quality remained the same, which is a good finding. The reason for that is that previous studies found that exercising too late at night can disrupt sleep. 

Does Nighttime Exercise Benefit Sleep?

As previously mentioned, the existing research about exercise’s effects on sleep shows varying results. Some studies suggest that exercising at night, especially if it is an intense workout, can make it more difficult to fall asleep. That is because intense movements can elevate body temperature and stress levels. A review from 2019 found that vigorous nighttime exercise potentially reduced nightly sleep. That was only if people engaged in that exercise within one hour of bedtime. 

Another meta-analysis from 2022 found that any type of movement in the evening could potentially improve sleep quality and length. Low-intensity exercise, however, seemed to shorten sleep latency, i.e. the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. The new study cannot determine if short bouts of low-intensity exercise caused people to sleep more. The findings, however, indicate that this topic may need to be revisited for optimal sleep hygiene recommendations. 

Finally, for people who tend to sit on the couch all evening, short bouts of exercise may be attainable. You do not need to rely on sleep medications when you can engage in five-minute exercise breaks every 30 minutes. Because the study mostly involved younger females, more research is necessary with different demographics to confirm the results across all ages and genders.


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Do You Have “Office Chair Butt”? How Sitting Can Affect Your Glutes Thu, 08 Aug 2024 09:18:00 +0000

Yes, “office chair butt” is a real thing, and it results from sitting too much. Sitting can affect the overall look and health of your glutes.


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In case you are not up to date on TikTok trends, “office chair butt” is a real thing. That term has sparked discussion amongst content creators, who speculate whether sitting at work can negatively affect the strength and appearance of a person’s buttocks, or glute muscles. A few videos talking about “office chair butt” have gained millions of views. This is just on TikTok, but do these content creators have a legitimate fear?

Can Sitting Too Long Damage Your Glutes?

Although “office chair butt” may be a common phrase, it does not have a real medical meaning or definition. Sitting for prolonged periods, however, can negatively affect your butt. Sitting in a chair for hours, days, weeks, months, and years, like most people do, can decondition your glutes and cause muscle loss. 

When the body is sedentary, muscles are not engaging or working. That is true for all muscles and not only the glutes. Over time, not working these muscles can cause them to weaken, and weakened muscles can be infiltrated by fatty tissue, which makes them less resilient. Excessive sitting can also alter the appearance of the muscles. That results in the classic “flat butt” appearance because the muscle is replaced with adipose tissue (fat). Basically, the body molds to the shape of the chair, and excessive sitting may even cause hip and back pain because of tightened muscles. 

Does Sitting Injure The Glutes?

Although sitting for extended periods may weaken muscles and alter the appearance of the butt, it doesn’t harm the glutes directly. Weak gluteal muscles, though, can increase the risk of muscle strain, especially on the muscles in the back and thighs. If someone sits in the same position for a very long time, it is possible that their butt bones can put too much pressure on the gluteal muscles. That is quite rare, though. 

If you experience pain from sitting for long periods of time, you may have “dead butt syndrome,” not office chair butt. Pain in the glutes can stem from sciatica or tendinopathy, a tendon injury in one of the gluteal muscles. “Dead butt” can also refer to gluteal amnesia or issues with your muscles’ ability to contract after long periods of sitting. 

Activating your muscles is easier the more you activate them. If you sit down all day, the muscles are not being activated, so you feel the effects of sitting a lot more. When you do end up using those muscles, they may not be as reliable as they once were. The “dead butt” weakness usually comes with tingling, numbness, or pain. If you experience these symptoms, consult your healthcare provider or consider physical therapy and training to start activating and using these muscles. 

How Do You Prevent Office Chair Butt?

If you have a sedentary job or you tend to sit for long periods, you are at risk of developing office chair butt. Women may be more likely to develop office chair butt, as a higher percentage of women have jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time. The same goes for older and middle-aged people, who have collectively spent more hours sitting at work. 

Like many chronic health conditions, office chair butt can be avoided. The best way to prevent it is to stay active and activate the glutes throughout the day. If you don’t have a standing desk, you can get up every hour and engage in 20 squats. You can also activate your muscles while you are sitting. You can do some glutei squeezes or calf raises every 15 minutes or so. Outside of the office, you can do clamshells, glute bridges, squats, and step-ups to increase glute strength. Just make sure that you execute the exercises with proper form, as improper form can increase the risk of injury.

Practicing a few healthy behaviors can help you avoid office chair butt. However, all butts are not the same and we celebrate the different shapes and sizes of every butt. The goal is just to promote glutei health and overall health. Engaging in exercise or small movements throughout the day can not only help promote healthy glutes, but also improve self-esteem and overall fitness.


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These Health Risks Can Increase On Hot Days Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:07:00 +0000

With temperatures rising across the United States, researchers indicate that the heat can increase the risk of all-cause mortality.


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Hotter temperatures and summer go hand in hand. The heat should not come as a surprise to you during the summer. The heat may do more than make you sweat, though. Researchers note that rising temperatures increase certain health risks

A 2022 study of more than 219 million American adults over the age of 20 suggested a link between extreme heat and all-cause mortality. The most significant risks were associated with older individuals. Health experts note that everyone, regardless of age, should understand the health risks that come with extreme heat. That is especially true because there are a lot of outdoor activities that occur during summer. It’s easy to get distracted on a beach day, for example, and that can be a detriment to your health if you aren’t paying attention to bodily signals. 

Being aware of how extreme heat affects the body can help you take proper precautions. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) states that 2023 was the warmest year on record. Early indications suggest that 2024 will follow suit, so be prepared and do your best to stay cool during these summer months. 

Health Risks That Increase With Hotter Weather

Specific populations are at a higher risk of experiencing health issues when temperatures rise. That said, nobody is immune to heat-related health issues. Understanding the signs can help you protect yourself (and others) from severe outcomes resulting from heat exposure. The populations at a higher risk include:

  • Older adults, especially people with underlying health conditions
  • Infants and young children because their bodies cannot regulate temperature as well
  • Pregnant people
  • People with chronic health issues

Heart Attack

According to research published in 2023, cardiovascular disease deaths caused by heat could surge by approximately 162% by 2036-2065. Another study from 2023 examined more than 202,000 heart attacks in Jiangsu, China. Study authors noticed a strong correlation between a person’s chances of dying from heart attack and extremely hot and cold temperatures. When the body is exposed to heat, especially temperatures higher than body temperature, the heart has to work a lot harder. It needs to circulate the blood out toward the skin to allow for sweating and other mechanisms that protect the body from heat. The harder the heart has to work, the greater the risk of heart problems in those at risk. 


Although it seems obvious that heat increases the risk of heatstroke, a lot of people do not understand the symptoms or risk. Heatstroke, much like stroke, is a medical emergency. Signs of heatstroke include confusion, altered behavior, change in speech, or even seizure. Heatstroke differs from heat exhaustion, although the two are related. Heat exhaustion is the body’s warning sign that it is overheating. You may experience headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. You should slow down and rehydrate with fluids and electrolytes and seek shade if you experience these symptoms. Refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol in the heat because they can dehydrate the body.

Higher Or Lower Blood Pressure

Hot weather can cause blood pressure to become too high or too low. When you sweat a lot, the body loses fluids and blood volume, the decrease of which can drop blood pressure. This issue becomes more pronounced when you change positions, such as standing up after lying down. Dehydration also puts undue strain on the kidneys, which can decrease blood pressure. On the other side of the coin, heat can elevate blood pressure because the body has to work harder to circulate blood in order to cool down. Although high blood pressure can be asymptomatic, it may trigger dizziness or headaches. 

Migraine Attacks

Speaking of dizziness and headaches, let’s talk about migraines. Data indicates that migraine attacks affect 12 to 15% of the general population, and the effects can be debilitating. Migraines can cause irritability, light sensitivity, dizziness, nausea, cravings, and seeing of odd shapes. According to recent research, hotter temperatures may increase the risk of a migraine attack. Heat can increase inflammatory effects that can prolong migraines. Plus, dehydration can decrease the body’s ability to fight a migraine. 


A study from 2020 found that weather conditions, especially high heat, are becoming a factor for the risk of stroke. There may be a lag period of one to six days between extreme weather exposure and stroke. Another study from 2020, which has yet to be published in a scientific journal, found that stroke severity increased by more than 67% for every 9ºF uptick in average temperature over the course of three days. Extreme heat puts stress on the body, especially in the elderly, which can lead to an increased risk of stroke. Look out for vision changes, facial droop, slurred speech, and weakness of arms or legs (especially on one side).


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COVID-19 FLiRT Variant: What Are The Symptoms? Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:11:00 +0000

KP.2, the dominant member of the nicknamed FLiRT variant of COVID-19, could threaten people this summer. Here are some symptoms.


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Watch out, kids, there’s a new COVID-19 variant in town! The variant known as KP.2, nicknamed FLiRT, is the top COVID-19 variant in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This data shows that FLiRT has spread faster over the past month. 

The KP.2 variant accounted for 16% of COVID-19 cases at the end of April 2024. Now, it makes up more than 28% of all COVID-19 infections. KP.2 belongs to a new group of strains in the omicron family, which have been dubbed FLiRT. This name is short for the technical names of mutations on their spike proteins. Scientists note that the mutations assist the virus in invading the body, despite immunity from previous infection of vaccination. Experts note that another variant KP.1.1 is now responsible for 7.5% of infections, so appears to be gaining momentum. 

Symptoms Of The New FLiRT Variant

The KP.2 and KP.1.1 variants are spreading quickly, but there is no indication of them being more dangerous than recent prevalent strains, including JN.1. As of now, medical experts note that there are no new symptoms of FLiRT variants. That said, it may be too early to know exactly what all the symptoms are, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). At this point, the common symptoms of the new COVID-19 FLiRT variant KP.2, and other FLiRT variants, include:

  • Nasal congestion, or runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Fever or chills
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

The New Variant Will Hit Some People Harder Than Others

Although the KP.2 variant may avoid immune defenses more effectively than previous COVID-19 strains, most people will only experience mild symptoms after infection. Those people will either have already had prior infection or vaccination, both of which provide sufficient protection to fight severe illness. 

Infectious disease specialists agree that symptoms of the new variant appear very similar to those caused by previous variants. If people did not get vaccinated or haven’t had COVID-19 infection in a while, symptoms may be more severe. Experts warn that people who lose their sense of taste or smell may potentially, although rare, experience shortness of breath as well. Difficulty breathing may occur about seven days after symptoms start. 

A person’s risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases if the person has underlying health conditions. Heart disease, chronic lung disease, obesity, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease can increase the risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms. Additionally, babies under six months of age and pregnant women also have a greater risk of serious infection.

A Small Summer COVID Wave May Be On The Horizon 

Health authorities expect an increase in COVID-19 infections with the highly transmissible KP.2 variant with summer approaching. The data is beginning to show an increase in cases in some parts of the U.S. and parts of Europe, including Spain. Data from the U.K. revealed an uptick in COVID-19 cases, which were likely fueled by the FLiRT variants. 

It’s important to note that serious illnesses have declined since the height of the pandemic. That said, the CDC reminds the public that COVID-19 is still a threat, especially to people with underlying health conditions. Minimizing the spread within immunocompromised groups can help reduce the risk of serious illness from COVID-19. The virus, like the flu virus, will continue to evolve, so keep tabs on these changes and adjust as you see fit.


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Plant-Based Eating May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease And Cancer Thu, 23 May 2024 09:12:00 +0000

According to a new study, people who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to develop risk factors for cancer and heart disease.


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More and more studies continue to find that plant-based diets may reduce the risk of chronic health conditions. A recent study collected data from over 20 years and found that vegans and vegetarians may have a lower risk of developing heart disease and cancer. Plant-based eaters may also have lower odds of developing risk factors, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol, which contribute to these health problems. 

What Did The Study Examine?

Researchers examined results from over 48 reviews published over the course of two decades. These results explored the health benefits of vegan or vegetarian diets. For clarification, a vegan diet excludes all forms of meat, eggs, dairy, and all other animal products, including honey and gelatin. A vegetarian diet is the same, but allows for the consumption of dairy and eggs. 

Researchers observed a lower risk of developing certain cancers and ischemic heart disease for both vegan and vegetarian diets. Ischemic heart disease occurs when the person experiences restricted blood flow because of narrowed or hardened arteries. Researchers also found that plant-based diets reduced the risk of prostate cancer and certain gastrointestinal cancers. Additionally, researchers linked vegetarian diets to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. 

Don’t be mistaken, though, it is possible for vegans and vegetarians to be unhealthy. They can eat plant-based meats, French fries, and pasta with little to no fruit and vegetable intake. For the research, vegan and vegetarian diets included many plant-based foods that contributed to overall better health. Plus, people who adhere to plant-based diets tend to consume higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and other substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Because they don’t consume meat and animal-based foods, they don’t suffer the pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory effects.

The Study Examined Strict Vegan And Vegetarian Diets Only

The reviews that researchers examined only included people who followed strict vegetarian or vegan diets. The study didn’t include people who eat plant-based just some of the time. Similarly, that’s how researchers looked at all forms of animal protein, making it difficult to determine whether avoiding specific animal-based foods, such as poultry, fish, or red meat, could have health benefits.

The purpose of the study was not to prove whether or how a vegan or vegetarian diet could improve overall health and longevity. Because each of the reviews and smaller studies included the measured health benefits of plant-based diets differently, study authors could not properly calculate how much plant-based diets could reduce the odds of developing cancer, heart disease, or risk factors that contribute to these conditions. 

As we stated earlier, not all vegetarian or vegan diets are equally nutritious. Some of these diets emphasize the importance of unhealthy plant foods. Bottled, sugary fruit juices, potato chips, refined grains, and even sodas can be vegan or vegetarian and have detrimental effects on overall health. 

Focus On Fiber-Rich Foods

Eating a lot of plant-based whole foods may reduce the risk of chronic diseases because many of these foods contain a lot of fiber. Animal-based foods do not contain fiber, according to health experts. By eating fiber-rich foods, you can slow digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes or crashes. Fiber also helps people feel fuller for longer, which can help people eat a little less over time, which may help prevent weight gain. Additionally, fiber works to clean out the digestive tract and higher fiber intake has been linked to lower cholesterol levels

All of fiber’s positive effects may help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Avoiding meat is also helpful in your effort to avoid these major health conditions. The reason is because meat contains saturated fat, which increases the risk of high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries that contributes to heart disease). That means that vegans and vegetarians not only reap the benefits of fiber and plant-based nutrients, but they also avoid problematic things that may worsen their health. Finally, health experts recommend that if you plan to make the plant-based switch, it is better to first eliminate red meat and processed meats (hot dogs, deli meat, etc.) from your diet due to the saturated fat and sodium content.


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Exercising For Heart Health: A Beginner’s Guide Mon, 20 May 2024 08:56:00 +0000

By exercising regularly, you can help reduce your risk of heart disease, and certain types of exercise benefit your heart more than others.


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The body was made to move! In this day and age, though, being sedentary is all too common. Not only does a sedentary lifestyle reduce mobility and increase stiffness, but it also raises the risk of many chronic health conditions, including heart disease. Staying active is one of the best and easiest ways to boost heart health, as it has direct and indirect effects. 

Heart disease is a type of cardiovascular disease that includes various conditions that affect the heart’s muscle, blood vessels, valves, or function. There are many factors that contribute to its development, with physical inactivity topping the charts next to an unhealthy diet. If you are not physically active, you cannot strengthen the heart’s muscle, which pumps blood throughout the body. Being active does more than improve heart function, as is detailed in the list below:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Balanced cholesterol levels
  • Improved circulation
  • Weight management
  • Vascular strengthening
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Lowered blood pressure

Do you want to reduce your risk of heart disease or improve overall heart health? If yes, this guide can help you learn more about exercising for a healthy heart. 

Which Exercises Benefit The Heart?

Is it a cliché to say all of them? Movement is better than no movement, but the best exercises for your heart depend on your level of health and fitness. It’s always a good idea to start slow and increase the intensity as you assess your fitness level. Regular moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercises target cardio-respiratory performance the most. 

Most moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercises are aerobic, increasing your heart rate and activating the body’s largest muscles. These are the muscles in your legs and arms. Regarding the intensity, moderately intense workouts should be at a five or six on a scale of 10. You will notice that your heart rate elevates and your breathing is heavier, but these exercises still allow you to communicate without feeling out of breath. Great examples of moderately intense exercises include:

  • Water aerobics
  • Slow jogging
  • Brisk walking 
  • Hiking on easier trails
  • Recreational bicycling

Vigorously-intense exercises are more challenging and you may be out of breath after engaging in them. You may only be able to utter one or two words before you have to catch your breath. Vigorous exercises are at about a seven or eight on the scale to 10, and great examples include:

  • Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Jumping rope
  • Running or sprinting
  • Swimming laps
  • Tennis

How Much Exercise Does Your Heart Require Each Week?

The American Heart Association recommends adults to get the amounts of physical activity: 

  • 150 minutes of moderately-intense aerobic activity per week, or
  • 75 minutes of vigorously-intense aerobic activity per week, or
  • A combination of both every week

Ideally, you combine these recommendations with strength training at least twice per week. The overall goal for physical activity per week should be 300 minutes. Regular movement throughout the day is great for children under five. Kids between six and 17 years of age should get an hour of moderate to vigorous intensity activity per day. Bone and strength training activities are also beneficial for children. Your healthcare professional can go over these guidelines with you and provide recommendations based on your age, fitness level, and overall health. An exercise program for someone recovering from a cardiac event will look different than a program for a healthy individual who exercises regularly. 

Hitting A Target Heart Rate

If you have ever been on a treadmill or exercise bike at the gym, you know that it asks you to put your hands on the handles to obtain your heart rate. Most exercises that we listed in the moderate and vigorous intensity exercise lists can easily meet targeted heart rates, depending on how much you push yourself. 

Calculating your target heart rate can help you track the intensity of your workouts. This can help you meet your exercise goals and inform you if you need to increase the difficulty or intensity of the workout, especially if your fitness level improves. The target heart rate is a percentage of your maximum heart rate, which you can estimate by subtracting your age from 220. The number you get is your maximum beats per minute. 

  • Moderate intensity exercise: Your target heart rate is somewhere between 50% and 70% of your maximum heart rate.
  • Vigorous intensity exercise: Your target heart rate is between 70% and 85% of your maximum heart rate. 

During exercise, make sure not to exceed your maximum heart rate because that can put unnecessary strain on the heart. It can also damage blood vessels, and even have adverse cardiac effects. Keep these tips in mind as you exercise for a healthier heart, and do further research so that you can find an exercise program that best fits your needs.


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What Lifestyle Choices Cause High Triglyceride Levels? Sun, 28 Apr 2024 08:55:00 +0000

High triglyceride levels can increase the risk of conditions like heart attack or stroke. Different factors can contribute to higher levels.


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The body stores blood fats, triglycerides, in order to give you energy throughout the day. The extra calories, sugars, and alcohol that you consume convert into triglycerides. And if you need a little extra energy between meals, hormones release triglycerides. That sounds wonderful, and it is necessary for the body to function, but too many triglycerides in the bloodstream can be dangerous to your overall health. 

The liver can convert triglycerides into glucose, but excess triglycerides end up in fat cells, or adipose tissue. Fatty buildup in the arteries can stem from excess triglycerides in the bloodstream. Higher triglyceride levels can also cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. 

Are There Symptoms Of High Triglycerides?

There are many lifestyle habits that can cause high triglyceride levels, also known as dyslipidemia. You typically won’t develop symptoms if you have high triglyceride levels, though. That said, there are several complications that can result from high levels, some of which include:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Multifactorial chylomicronemia syndrome 
  • Lipemia retinalis, a condition that changes how the blood vessels in the eyes look

Risk Factors For High Triglycerides

You may have a higher risk of high triglyceride levels because of the following: 

  • Menopause
  • Lipid metabolism disorder
  • A family history of high triglyceride or cholesterol levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Being of Mexican or South Asian ancestry

What Causes High Triglycerides But Normal Cholesterol?

This is a bit of conundrum because the two usually go hand in hand, or so you’ve been told. Despite what some people say, cholesterol and triglycerides are two different substances in the bloodstream. Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body, storing extra calories and converting them into energy. Cholesterol is a waxy substance produced by the liver that produces hormones and builds cells, among other functions. If you have normal cholesterol levels but high triglyceride levels, consider the following:

  • Obesity
  • Insufficient exercise
  • A diet high in carbohydrates, saturated fats, and calories
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Liver or autoimmune diseases

Knowing all of this information can help you make better lifestyle choices to avoid high triglyceride levels. You may be unaware of certain lifestyle habits that are raising triglycerides. Learn more about these habits below. 

Lack Of Exercise

You burn off excess calories when you exercise, which means those calories don’t convert into triglycerides. Exercise boosts the production of lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that aids with the removal of triglycerides from your bloodstream. According to a small study of 38 people with coronary heart disease, participants who performed moderately intense aerobic exercise for eight weeks significantly reduced triglyceride levels compared to the group that didn’t exercise. 

What And How Much You Eat And Drink

A diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates can raise triglyceride levels. These foods contain hydrogenated oils, trans fats, or white flour. Oils, butters, and fats that you eat also create triglycerides, and the extra calories from those foods produce more triglycerides. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also raise triglyceride levels. In fact, one study monitored people who had eight or more alcoholic drinks per week. Their odds of developing high triglyceride levels increased two- to eightfold. 

Certain Health Conditions

There are several health conditions that can cause high triglyceride levels, some of which include:

  • Liver disease: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis can cause metabolic issues that affect the liver’s ability to secrete triglycerides and increase their production.
  • Thyroid disease: An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), can slow hormone production and the rate at which you burn calories. Together, those two things can raise triglyceride levels. 
  • Chronic kidney disease: If your kidneys are damaged, they may produce more triglycerides and decrease the body’s ability to clear them from your bloodstream.
  • Obesity: If you are obese, the excess body fat, especially the body fat around your stomach, can release free fatty acids that convert into triglycerides when they enter the bloodstream.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Diabetes is a metabolic condition that can raise triglyceride levels because of insulin resistance, which can potentially cause buildup in the bloodstream. 

Certain Medications

Sometimes, you have to consult your doctor about the different side effects of medications, especially if you have elevated triglyceride levels. Common medications that increase triglycerides include:

  • Retinoids for acne
  • Diuretics and older beta blockers that treat high blood pressure
  • Corticosteroids that reduce inflammation
  • Estrogen in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
  • Antiretroviral drugs that treat HIV


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