Healing Crisis - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/healing-crisis/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Wed, 08 Jan 2025 11:48:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healing Crisis https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-beauty/healing-crisis/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/healing-crisis/

Basically, anytime healing occurs or takes place or when your body is restoring or regaining health and soundness, a crisis takes place. A sudden change in your diseased state takes place.


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A healing crisis can be broken down into two parts: healing and crisis. Healing is said to be the restoring or regaining of health. A crisis is a crucial turning point from disease or deterioration to improvement or health.

Anytime the body is cleansed, a healing crisis occurs. Detoxing the body takes us from an unhealthy state to a state of balance and soundness.

Why We Need to Detox

When you feed our bodies unhealthy, refined foods, it becomes sick. Foods that can contribute to an unhealthy body include:

  • Meats
  • Dairy
  • Refined foods
  • Refined Sugar
  • Alcohol

Refined and processed foods tend to contain added hormones and synthetic ingredients that are unhealthy to the body. Too much of these foods will result in a sickened body.

The common American diet is based heavily on these types on foods. Less emphasis is put on fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Whole, natural foods help create health in the body and can fight sickness.

In addition to poor diet, lifestyle choices we make can affect our health. Drug use and pollution in our environment can adversely affect our health.

Natural Healing

Natural healing in the body occurs when we detox or cleanse. When this healing crisis occurs, the body transforms into a state of health.

Begin by completely detoxifying the body. Eliminate all refined and processed foods. Add more raw foods including fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables are highly nutritious and help to cleanse the blood. Some highly nutritious green vegetables to add to your diet are:

  • Spinach
  • Artichoke
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Broccoli

Try juicing these vegetables into a refreshing, healthy drink. The health benefits from green foods will help to transform your body back to health.

Avoid taking any synthetic drugs. Look for natural substitutes instead. Herbs can be very healing for the body. Look for health herbs to help rebalance the body during your healing crisis.

Dherbs Solutions

When going through a healing crisis, the body is restoring itself from a state of chaos. In addition to a healthy, plant based diet, Dherbs recommends several products to help restore your health:

Remember that a healing crisis takes time. Your body didn’t become damaged and sickened overnight so it will take time to restore health. Be patient and remember that restoring health is the first step in transforming your body and life.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of Dherbs.com


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Why Am I Vomiting During My Cleanse? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/wellness-prevention/why-am-i-vomiting-during-my-cleanse/ Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:44 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/why-am-i-vomiting-during-my-cleanse/

Nausea can be normal reaction when people are overly toxic. Vomiting simply denotes your body is seriously taxed due to toxicity.


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Nausea can be normal reaction when people are overly toxic. Vomiting simply denotes your body is seriously taxed due to toxicity. The herbs are so pure and potent that the body simply reacts to the herbs, and perhaps violently so.

The body is saying: “What the hell!” “Where’s my junk food at?” “Why are you giving me this herbal stuff?” “You’ve successfully programmed me to eat nothing but junk and I have become very acidic over the years and these herbs are too alkaline!”

Herbs are the purest of food after whole foods straight from Nature. They begin to work immediately once they enter the body.

You throw up or vomit because your programmed body doesn’t want to change. It doesn’t want the herbs to disrupt the pattern that you created for it based upon all that denatured food you have eaten over the years.

In many cases, people who experience vomiting or regurgitation have never ever detoxed before, so their first detox can be a bit uncomfortable.

What to do if you start vomiting

First, don’t panic, fret, worry, or be alarmed or afraid.
Next, lie down on the bed or a sofa or wherever you desire, and pull your knees to your stomach (the fetal position). Rest for a while!

If you feel weak, this is okay. We feel weak when the body wants us to rest because it is taxed or drained. Feeling weak is a sign that we need to stop all activity and recharge our batteries and we recharge our batteries by getting enough good rest and sleep, both of which are very rejuvenating and healing.

For nausea, drink some herbal tea of peppermint, ginger, or anise seed. These herbs are carminative in nature and are great for nausea.

You may also drink the Dherbs.com After-Dinner Tea, which also contains carminative herbs. Our Full Body Cleanse Tea helps the body to further perform its cleansing.

Adjust the intensity of the cleanse. Take a few days off, perhaps 1-3 days or however long you think you need.

Now while off your capsules or not taking your capsules, do your best to continue eating the same as the cleanse regime recommends and suggest. This is best for you because organic raw foods (fruits, vegetables, etc.) are very nourishing and building as well as cleansing, so by eating raw foods while not taking herbal capsules, you are still helping to detoxify your body.

Drink plenty of water, which helps to flush out your body. Alkaline water is best because when you drink this water, you still keep a subtle detox effect going on in the body, especially at the level of the tissues of the body. However, you can also drink distilled water because distilled water supports the detox effect as well.

Deep breathing also help folks to calm their body in cases of healing crisis, especially when there is nausea. Perform deep breathing exercises for about 5-10 minutes or for as long as like until you get your desired result(s). We do not recommend that you take pharmaceutical drugs for healing crisis. If you do, you do so under your own volition. It is not wise to further toxify and pollute the body while the body is in detox effect mode.

Do not feel that you are inadequate because you vomited during the first day or two of the Full Body Detox or any other Dherbs.com major cleanse. It happens in certain cases and it’s okay.

Resuming the Detox

When you decide to continue the detox, instead of taking 5 capsules, start off taking only 2 or 3 at most. Make sure you eat something too before you take the capsules. Fruit would be best!

Gradually increase the number of capsules when you feel ready. Work your way back up to 5 capsules. And remember, if 5 capsules are too much for you, you can always decrease the amount of capsules you take. You have the free will and freedom to do so.

You can also open up the capsules and take them in a beverage (if you can tolerate the taste). You have the free will and freedom to do this. Do what works best for you.

Never try and force capsules down. If you vomit, you are doing so for a reason. Refrain from thinking about what you can eat or what you can do to keep the capsules down. Never force a thing! Let nature take her course!

Give your body the necessary time it needs to acclimate itself to the herbs. It may take a few days, but it will occur. Herbs are carbon-based and organic and the human body can tolerate them. Trust in Nature!

Thank you for reading!


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