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Do you struggle to keep your fresh herbs fresh and vibrant? Learn how to store your herbs properly, so you can enjoy them even longer.


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Here’s the scenario: you go to the store to get groceries for a recipe you want to make in a few days. You buy the necessary protein, grains, vegetables, or herbs to create your perfect dish. You bring these groceries home and store them. In a few days time, you pull out the ingredients to create your culinary masterpiece. There is just one problem: the herbs you purchased are slimy, brown, and no longer usable. 

Know What You’re Working With

There are two types of herbs: soft herbs and hardy herbs. In order to make these herbs last, you have to store them differently. Before you learn how to store herbs, you have to know how to differentiate hardy from soft herbs. Fortunately, this is very easy.

  • Soft herbs have tender stems and delicate green leaves. The stems are edible and may taste slightly bitter. Some common soft herbs include cilantro, dill, mint, parsley, and basil.
  • Hardy herbs have woody stems, which you should not chop up or eat. They do not have a pleasant taste and the flavor you want is from the leaves. Examples of hardy herbs are oregano, thyme, and rosemary. 

With the exception of basil (more on this later), most fresh herbs should be stored in the fridge. In order to make your hard or soft herbs last long in the fridge, though, you have to store them properly. That requires a small amount of preparation.

Why Do Herbs Go Bad?

If your herbs start to smell funny or the leaves turn dark, slimy, or moldy, you have to throw them out. There are a few reasons why they go bad, though, and we’ll detail them below:

  • It’s possible that you chose herbs that were already going bad in the grocery store. Make sure to select herb bunches that do not have any wilted or discolored leaves. They should be very vibrant in color without any limp, discolored stems. Always do the sniff test to see if they have a pungent, fresh aroma. 
  • Herbs can take a turn for the worse when exposed to too much oxygen or light. An environment with too much oxygen causes herbs to brown quickly, while too much light can lead to yellowing leaves. 
  • If you do not pat the herbs dry before you store them, they will quickly become slimy and start to rot. If the leaves are too dry, they can turn brown and die. 
  • Temperature is probably the main reason herbs go bad. If you store herbs in areas of the fridge that are too cold, such as the back of the top shelf, they can freeze and start to become mushy and brown. 

How To Store Soft Herbs In The Fridge

As a quick note, always wash your herbs before you store them. Some people have their own opinions about this because washing them adds moisture, which can cause them to decay. Bacteria can remain on the herbs if you don’t wash them. Just wash and dry your herbs before you put them in the fridge. 

  • Remove any rubber bands or fastenings that secure your herbs in their bundles when you buy them. These things can damage your herbs. 
  • Wash soft herbs in cool water to remove dirt and grime. You can do this in a large bowl until the water runs clear. 
  • Dry the leaves well in a salad spinner or by putting them on paper towels/linens and then patting them dry.
  • Trim about one inch from the bottoms of the stems. 
  • Add the herbs stem side down in water, just like you would a bouquet of flowers. Fill a large glass about one-third of the way with water and place the herbs in the jar. Make sure the leaves do not touch the water.
  • Cover herbs and the jars of water they are in with recycled bags, tucking the bags under the glass to create a tent. 
  • Place them just like this in the fridge, changing the water every few days to extend longevity.

What About Basil?

Unlike cilantro, parsley, or mint, basil is very delicate and not meant for the fridge. Trim the basil stems at a 45-degree angle about one inch from the bottom. Fill a jar about half-way with water and put the basil bunch in the water, ensuring the leaves don’t touch the water. Cover with a plastic bag so that it loosely fits over the bundle in the jar. Store at room temperature and trim the stems/change the water every few days. 

How To Store Hardy Herbs

Just like soft herbs, you can store hardy herbs in the fridge. Begin by washing the herbs to remove any grime or bacteria before you do anything else, and then follow these next steps:

  • Once you wash and pat the hardy herbs dry, trim about an inch off the stems. Wrap or roll the herbs in damp paper towels so that you cover them completely. 
  • Place the wrapped herbs in plastic sandwich bags and store them in the fridge. 
  • Without special care, hardy herbs tend to last longer in the fridge than soft herbs do. You can store them in a plastic container in the fridge if you don’t want to use plastic bags. 
  • If you keep these herbs in the little plastic containers they are often sold in, they’ll last about one week in the fridge.


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Common Grocery Shopping Mistakes You’re Making Sat, 22 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000

Making a list, checking labels, and using a money-saving app can optimize your shopping trip. Learn to avoid these common mistakes.


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Online shopping is more popular than ever these days, and Americans continue to spend a substantial amount of money on groceries. A recent survey found that the average American adult goes to the grocery store 1.6 times per week. Although that doesn’t seem like a high number, frequenting the grocery store means that you may have some things to learn about supermarket shopping. That’s especially true if your goal is to save a little money. 

Grocery shopping is a relatively simple task: you select items off the shelf, pay for them, and take them home. That act of grocery shopping is not the issue; rather, the issue is what you do in the store. You might be making a series of inadvertent mistakes that can cost you time, money, and your health. To help you become a better grocery shopper, we have outlined common mistakes people make in the supermarket. Avoid these traps and you’ll be much better off. 

You Don’t Have A Grocery Shopping App

There’s an app for everything these days. If you care about conserving cash, especially when your dollar doesn’t go as far in the supermarket as it used to, you’ll want an app. A recent report found that food prices increased 9.5% since February 2022, and the USDA estimates an additional 7.5% increase in the coming year. A simple way to save money on groceries is by using the store’s app. You can clip digital coupons or take advantage of weekly deals, which you may not get as a regular rewards member or general shopper. 

You Don’t Buy Seasonal Produce

One of the best things about buying seasonal produce items, besides the fact that they are more affordable, is that they taste the freshest. Seasonal produce tends to be riper, fresher, and tastier because of the availability amid peak harvest. There are more strawberries in July than in December because of seasonal availability. Buying produce out of season is possible, but it tends to be more expensive. You can look up seasonal produce guides, or visit local farmer’s markets, to find out what’s in season in your area. 

You Don’t Read Food Labels 

Before you slide a food item with a label in your shopping cart, go ahead and give it a spin to read that nutritional label. Yes, we are even referring to packaging that uses trendy words like “healthy” or “low-fat.” The nutritional label tells the truth! Pay attention to saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars, as you want to limit your consumption of those. Look to see how much dietary fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and potassium the food provides. Additionally, make sure to take note of the serving size, because there may be more than one serving in the package. Click here to learn more about nutritional labels and how to read them.

You Ignore The Frozen Food Aisle

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, we do not advocate buying TV dinners or pre-made lasagna dishes. Those food items are incredibly rich in sodium and preservatives. We are referring to frozen produce, including peas, broccoli, vegetable medleys, and frozen fruit varieties. Produce is frozen at peak freshness, making nutrients more accessible and available to your body. Just make sure that you don’t see any added sugars on the nutritional label! 

You Only Shop The Perimeter

When it comes to the raw vegan diet that accompanies our cleanses, we advocate shopping the perimeter of the store. That’s where you find the fresh produce and raw nuts and seeds. Although the middle aisles contain a huge collection of unhealthy foods, you can still find some gems within them. You miss out on lentils, beans, chickpeas, wild rice, quinoa, brown rice, oats, and more if you skip the middle aisles. As long as you stick to your shopping list, you can avoid the bad stuff!

You Don’t Make A List

Speaking of lists, entering the grocery store without a list is a recipe for impulse buying. When you have a plan in place, you are much less likely to add things like packaged cookies and other unhealthy foods to your cart. Shopping without a list typically makes you spend more money as well. Your list is your game plan and following it can help you succeed in the grocery store.


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7 Hacks To Lower Your Grocery Bill As Prices Increase Sun, 14 Aug 2022 09:15:00 +0000

Trying to keep your grocery bill down amid soaring food costs? These 7 hacks may be exactly what you need in times of rising inflation.


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Everyone is feeling the effects of inflation right now. Your local coffee shop increased prices and so did every grocery store in your city. In fact, grocery store prices are up 12% from last year, and certain food groups are up more than that. That means that if your grocery budget was $500, you can now expect it to be $560. And if you purchase eggs, milk, and beef, for example, they are available at a significantly higher cost.

Even though the cost of living is at the highest it’s been in 40 years, there are things that you need to live. Groceries are necessary and even though they are pricier than they have been, buying food at the grocery store is more affordable than eating out all the time. And if you’re smart about the way you shop, you can save five to 10% a year on your grocery purchases. Read on if you want to learn how to save on groceries.

Search For The Deals

You don’t have to turn into a coupon fanatic, but browsing the weekly ads that markets send out can help you make smarter purchases. On top of that, many grocery stores have digital deals if you download their app. You can often see these deals when you comb the aisles, so you can clip the coupons right there in the store. Looking at what is on sale before you go to the market, though, is a great way to shop on a budget

Rethink Your Protein

Foods like eggs, chicken, beef, and seafood typically cost the most compared to other grocery items. It may be more beneficial to consider vegetarian protein options, as they are more affordable. We are not talking about lab meat, i.e. Impossible, Beyond, or any similar brand. Beans, tofu, chickpeas, lentils, and quinoa are more affordable than meat and more nutritious for the body. If you still want to buy meat, consider buying in bulk, as larger portions are cheaper than a lot of smaller ones. 

Buy Reusable Instead Of Disposable

Buying something for $5 that you use once and throw away is a great way to throw away money. If you buy something similar for $10 that is reusable, you can use it over and over again. Reusable products cost more upfront, but they save you money in the long run. Plus, reusable products are much better for the environment, as they don’t contribute to plastic waste. 

Buy In Bulk

While it may cost more initially, buying in bulk from warehouse stores can help you lower your per-unit cost. It’s better to buy toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, and other household items in bulk because you don’t have to go to the store as often. That also means you save on gas, which has dramatically increased in price. You don’t want to get more than you need, though, especially in regards to produce. For example, you don’t want to buy a large bag of oranges and have half the bag go bad. 

Plan Ahead

Most over-spending that occurs at the grocery store results from entering the store without a plan. The same over-spending can happen if you enter the grocery store on an empty stomach.  Go to the store with a list and don’t buy anything else that isn’t on it. Making impulse purchases may not seem like a big deal, but they slowly chip away at your bank account. Keep your pantry and refrigerator organized, so that you can easily keep track of what you have and what is expired vs. not expired. 

Be Picky With Produce

Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables, which can seem expensive. There are ways to stretch your dollar and still fill your grocery cart with nutritious ingredients. You can opt for frozen vegetables or fruit to help save money, but make sure there are no preservatives on the ingredient list. Canned beans or chickpeas are not the worst, especially if you get the unsalted varieties. Additionally, make sure you are going to eat what you buy. For this reason, you need to learn how to store your produce so that it stays fresh for as long as possible. 

Start Meal Prepping

When you plan your meals out for the coming days or week, you can both utilize the groceries you purchase, and avoid wasting money by going out to eat a lot. Plus, meal prepping involves making a specific grocery list. It also forces you to look in your pantry to utilize things you may already own. You can find lots of inspiration for meal prep ideas online, so find meals that entice your taste buds and go from there.


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Vegan Sesame Ginger Seitan Stir-Fry Sat, 28 May 2022 17:39:00 +0000

We hope you're hungry because this vibrant vegan sesame ginger stir-fry with seitan is the perfect, healthy post-cleanse entree.


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Quick and easy is the name of the game for this recipe. A stir-fry is a great way to combine an assortment of vegetables, perhaps ones that you don’t know what to do with in your fridge. For example, if you are low on groceries and have some vegetables you need to use before they spoil, a stir-fry is your best bet. The sauce gives everything a uniform flavor, making it an integral component of the dish. The key to a great sauce, as you’ll learn in this recipe, is balancing both sweet and salty flavors.

The Sauce

Let’s begin with the sauce, which contains rice vinegar, sesame oil, coconut aminos, garlic powder, fresh ginger root, and pepper. Now, that is a thin sauce, which won’t yield that classic thick, sticky sauce that you want from a classic stir-fry. For this reason, you mix corn starch and water in a separate bowl, and then add that to stir fry. This corn starch slurry helps to thicken the sauce during the cooking process. The last thing to remember is to constantly mix it once you add the corn starch slurry to the pan. NEVER ADD CORN STARCH TO A SAUCE BY ITSELF. Always dissolve the corn starch in water first, otherwise you will end up with chunks of corn starch in your meal.

If you don’t have all of the vegetables in this recipe, that is completely fine. You can swap out vegetables for ones that you have on hand, but this combination of vegetables makes for a great stir-fry. The addition of seitan is a great option for vegans who want to increase their protein intake without intaking a lot of fat and carbs. Additionally, seitan is a great source of selenium and iron, two nutrients that can be difficult to get on a vegan diet.


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10 Healthy Staples To Always Keep In Your Kitchen Fri, 08 Oct 2021 09:04:00 +0000

Does your fridge or pantry contain these must-have foods? If you want to stay healthy, keep these staples in your kitchen at all times.


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It can be difficult to prepare a quick, healthy meal when you don’t have the right ingredients on hand. One can make the argument that most healthy foods are very perishable and don’t have a long shelf-life. That may be true for fruits and vegetables, but there are other shelf-stable ingredients that exhibit diverse nutritional profiles. When you have them in your kitchen, a healthy meal is never out of reach.

There are numerous healthy foods that will keep fresh in your freezer, fridge, or pantry. Use these items to make nutrient-dense meals or snacks, even if you don’t have your typical healthy go-to foods. Don’t do crime to your waistline! Keep the following staples in your kitchen at all times and you’ll be able to throw a healthy meal together whenever you please. 

Dried Herbs And Spices

Many herbs and spices exhibit impressive health benefits in addition to adding depth of flavor to dishes. Ginger, oregano, turmeric, thyme, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, or cumin may help to reduce inflammation, lower risk of heart disease, or improve brain function. More than that, though, spices and herbs elevate the flavor profile of dishes, helping you pull off more dynamic flavor combinations. 


Believe it or not, quinoa is not a grain. This seed is an excellent source of fiber, protein, and vitamin B6. It also contains more iron and protein than most whole grains. Quinoa is shelf-stable and you can store it at room temperature. Prepare quinoa in advance and then store it in an airtight container in the fridge. This makes it easy to add to salads, soups, vegetable dishes, bowls, and even breakfasts. 

Dried Or Canned Beans & Lentils

Beans and lentils are some of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. Some canned varieties contain excess sodium or processed ingredients, so it’s best to purchase sodium-free varieties. It’s better to purchase dried beans or lentils for this reason. Dried beans can last on the shelf for up to 10 years because they lack moisture that is necessary for bacterial growth. Beans are excellent sources of heart-healthy nutrients, including B vitamins, iron, fiber, and antioxidants. 


Oats are natural sources of potassium, protein, fiber, iron, and magnesium. Their versatility lends them a variety of recipes, including energy balls, oat cakes, oatmeal, and even smoothies. The soluble fiber in oats may help to regulate blood sugar and keep cholesterol levels down. Oats also exhibit unique antioxidant activity because of the avenanthramides, which are polyphenols that my reduce blood pressure levels. 

Frozen Fruits & Vegetables

Even though they are not fresh off the vine, frozen and fruits and vegetables do have health benefits. The produce loses a little nutritional value by being flash frozen after picking, but the nutritional profiles are lightyears beyond canned fruits or vegetables. Dietitians state that frozen fruits and vegetables are comparable to fresh varieties in the micronutrient department. They go great in smoothies, baked goods, and stir-fries. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s best to purchase raw apple cider vinegar with “the mother,” as this is the healthiest variety. Apple cider vinegar is very versatile, tangy, and healthy. In fact, several studies found that apple cider vinegar has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and heart-healthy properties. 

Nuts & Nut Butters

Nuts and nut butters are excellent sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Depending on the type of nut or nut butter, you can store at room temperature or in the fridge. Natural nut and seed butters may require refrigeration and are much healthier alternatives to commercial, processed, butters that contain added oils, sugars, and preservatives. As for nuts and seeds, you can add them to many dishes, including salads, desserts, snacks, and oatmeal.

Raw Honey

We know most people are sweet enough, but a little extra honey in your life doesn’t hurt. Raw honey is an excellent natural sweetener that offers unique health benefits. According to several studies, raw honey exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It also offers an array of beneficial antioxidants that help to fight free radicals in the body. 

Healthy Oils

Coconut oil and olive oil are some of the best oils you can use and they keep safely at room temperature for more than a year or so. That means that you can buy more of these oils in larger quantities, so that you don’t run out. Cooking with healthier fats, like the ones in coconut oil or olive oil, enhances the body’s ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals from food.

Fermented Foods

Everyone raves about fermented foods, and for good reason. Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, natto, kombucha, and more contain beneficial probiotics that may improve gut microbiome. It’s possible that these foods may also regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Because of their nature, fermented foods last a long time, so you won’t have to worry about food waste!


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How To Properly Shop At A Farmers Marker! Tue, 20 Apr 2021 19:00:04 +0000

Chef Redbeard takes us through how to purchase items from a farmers market the proper way!


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Chef Redbeard takes us through how to purchase items from a farmers market the proper way!


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How To Buy Herbs At Home Depot?? Tue, 13 Apr 2021 22:00:39 +0000

Chef Redbeard takes us through Home Depot to show us how to buy herbs and other specialty items proper way!


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Chef Redbeard takes us through Home Depot to show us how to buy herbs and other specialty items proper way!


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How To Buy Herbs And Knives In Bulk! Tue, 06 Apr 2021 00:00:07 +0000

Chef Redbeard takes us through restaurant depot to show us the proper way to buy amazing, everyday grocery and kitchen items in bulk!


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Chef Redbeard takes us through restaurant depot to show us the proper way to buy amazing, everyday grocery and kitchen items in bulk!


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How To Pick Fresh Produce Tue, 30 Mar 2021 20:00:03 +0000

Chef Redbeard walks you through how to pick fresh produce from the grocery store!


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Chef Redbeard walks you through how to pick fresh produce from the grocery store!


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The Essential Anti-Inflammatory Grocery Guide Sat, 07 Nov 2020 09:08:00 +0000

Doctors have learned that the answer to reducing inflammation is eating the right foods, not sifting through your medicine cabinet.


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The decisions you make in the grocery store will directly influence how your body functions. Most people are unaware of the fact that they regularly purchase and eat inflammatory foods that cause bloating, gas, poor digestion, and more. These are inflammatory reactions to invasive chemicals, microbes, or plant pollen. Experiencing these symptoms every once in a while is not life-threatening, but constant inflammation can cause serious problems. 

If you can rule out food poisoning or the flu and continue to experience acid reflux, cramping, or diarrhea, you could be experiencing chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is your enemy, because the body is no longer responding to neutralize a foreign invader. The Standard American Diet, also known as the common Western diet, messes with the gut microbiome, decreasing the amount of good bacteria and upsetting the stomach. This can lead to digestive issues, arthritis, diabetes, and life-threatening conditions like cancer, heart disease, and dementia. 

Foods That Cause Inflammation

Trying to decrease inflammation in the body? The most important foods to eliminate from your diet include sodas, sugary beverages, margarine, lard, shortening, refined carbohydrates (such as white bread, pastries, or processed snacks), fried foods, red meat, and processed meats. As you may be aware, these inflammatory foods are not surprisingly bad for your health. Most of these foods have been linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and they are associated with excess inflammation. These foods also contribute to obesity, another condition that increases your risk of chronic inflammation. 

Foods That Fight Inflammation

Some foods cause inflammation, while others work to reduce inflammation. Most of the foods that have anti-inflammatory properties are plant-based and unprocessed. The minimal processing helps these foods retain their nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties. Protective plant compounds are in the following foods:

Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are hearty, comforting, and loaded with a diverse mix of antioxidants that support immune function. These veggies are also rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps to encourage tissue healing and reduce inflammation and vitamin C supports collagen production and toxin elimination. The best root vegetables to include in your diet are carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, beets, celery root, rutabaga, kohlrabi, turnips, ginger, turmeric, and horseradish. 

The Allium Family

We’re talking about the allium family, not The Adams Family. This family of vegetables includes garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, chives, and scallions. All of these are rich in flavonoids and organosulfur compounds, which have been known to inhibit tumor growth, according to laboratory studies. Allium vegetables also contain a lot of vitamin C and other compounds that naturally decrease inflammation in the body. 

Nuts And Seeds

According to several dietary studies, people who regularly incorporate nuts and seeds into their diet have lower inflammatory markers of C-reactive protein. It’s not healthy to snack on nuts all day, but experts say that swapping three servings of red meat with three small servings of nuts or seeds per week helps lower C-reactive protein. Nuts and seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce other inflammatory markers. 

Herbs And Spices

If your seasoning game is on point, then you are two steps ahead of everyone else. We are talking about the use of herbs and spices, though, not pre-blended spice mixes with preservatives and flavorings. Various herbs and spices, including fennel, parsley, basil, dill, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and more, have antioxidants and polyphenols that help reduce and prevent inflammation. 

Cruciferous And Leafy Green Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, which include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, all have detoxifying properties. They are low in calories and provide anti-inflammatory benefits that help to combat heart disease and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Leafy greens are also beneficial for clearing up inflammation. In fact, nutritionists say that consuming leafy greens can undo a lot of inflammatory damage that comes from eating a poor diet. 

Winter Squash

Winter squash may be some of the most comforting and delicious vegetables in existence. Acorn, butternut, spaghetti, kabocha, delicata, and pumpkin squash are some of the most nutritious squash varieties to consume. Many of these squash contain cucurbitacins, which work to stop the production of inflammatory enzymes. Winter squash are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. 

An anti-inflammatory diet will vary for each individual. Something that has anti-inflammatory properties may actually cause inflammation in someone with a sensitive system. All you can do is experiment with the foods listed in this article and see if they help your situation. 


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