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Can you believe the New Year is almost here? We have some great self-care tips that will set you up for a successful 2025!


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It’s that time of year again, when the holidays are in full swing and the end of the year is approaching. Before you get ahead of yourself, don’t start stressing about the new year. Enjoy the holidays, and then you can start to plan what you’ll do when January 1st approaches. 

A lot of people want to lose weight, eat better, and exercise regularly at the beginning of the year. Weight loss and diet resolutions always top the list, but seldom do people follow through with those goals. Gyms in January look a lot different than they do in March, specifically regarding crowds. The reason that many people give up on their resolutions is because the goals are too lofty, and there is no plan in place. To make “weight loss” your resolution is a nice idea, but there is no structure. Instead, it’s better to say, “I want to lose five pounds in January,” for example. 

The new year isn’t just about exercise and dieting, though. One of the best things to incorporate into your “new year new you” plan is self-care. One could argue that the new year is the perfect time to start fresh with self-care. Self-care is not just bubble baths and time spent reading in a nook. Those things fall into the self-care category, but there is a lot more you can do for your mental health. To prepare you for a successful January, we’ve outlined a list of self-care ideas you can do before the year ends. Let us know if you engage in them before the New Year!

Enjoy Those Holiday Treats

Yes, you should have your holiday cake, and eat it too! Be mindful about the treats you eat, focusing on thoroughly enjoying the couple that you looked forward to all year. You do not have to completely lose all self-control and abandon dietary restrictions, but you should allow yourself to enjoy the holidays without guilt. There is enough guilt to be had from family!

Get Your Home In Order

Holiday clutter is a real thing, and it only builds on any preexisting mess(es) you had in your home. There is no greater feeling than entering the new year with a clean and tidy home. Although cleaning can feel like a chore, it is actually a form of self-care. Even if the actual cleaning process is not enjoyable, the feeling of a clear space helps to boost your mood. That puts you in a great mental space to start the year off right.

Create A New Year Playlist

Listening to music is beneficial on so many levels. It can lift your spirits, amp you up, bring you down, and turn you inside out. Whether you need to pump yourself up or rest and recharge, music can benefit your situation. We recommend that you create a playlist of songs that get you pumped up and motivated to tackle your New Year’s resolutions.

Gratitude For The Year

It can be beneficial to reflect on the year and write down all the things you are grateful for. There is power in gratitude! Sure, there were most likely moments of negativity, stress, or other low points, but good things and highs also happened. Focus on being grateful and flood your mind with positivity. If this ends up being a practice that you enjoy, consider practicing daily gratitude, during which you write down a couple small things you are grateful for every day

Move For The Sake Of Movement

Exercise and self-care go hand in hand because you always tend to feel better when you move your body. You don’t have to push yourself to the point of throwing up; rather, a neighborhood walk, playing with your kids in the park, riding your bike, or jumping rope are all great forms of movement. Move your body because it deserves to move! Dance like nobody’s watching, as they say. Consider taking a new class, such as Zumba or Pilates. Find your groove and carry that motivation into the new year. 

Set Your Goals Or Make A Vision Board

This may not be useful for everyone, but it can be for those who love personal development. Spend a day mapping out your goals, hopes, and dreams before the start of the year. We do not recommend doing this once 2025 arrives. Planning out your goals can be very helpful to your future self. Additionally, nothing says self-care quite like planning out the goals you want to achieve or things to happen in the year to come.


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Managing Mental Health This Thanksgiving Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Thanksgiving Day is a joyous time to reunite with loved ones over a shared, large meal, but it can also cause lots of stress and anxiety.


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For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a whirlwind of a day. It involves a lot of cooking time, a marathon of eating, and time spent with loved ones. Maybe you turn on the Macy’s parade or watch some football games before you pile on the calories. However you celebrate this holiday, one thing is for certain: about 70% of the American population feels stressed about the holiday’s arrival. 

Thanksgiving can induce stress for a variety of reasons. If you are in charge of cooking the meal, you have a lot of prep work today for the arrival of your guests. That can be quite stressful, but it’s also possible to feel anxiety or strong emotions about going to Thanksgiving dinner at a relative’s house. Maybe you had to take two flights and an Uber in peak holiday travel to make it. Perhaps you just have anxiety about aunts and uncles asking about your employment. Whatever the case, there are many things that can induce stress over this feast of a holiday. Fortunately, there are also strategies that can help you manage stress, and we detail them below.

Consume To Enjoy And Don’t Eat Your Feelings

The Thanksgiving spread is full of calorically dense, rich entrees, sides, and desserts. We are not here to dissuade a generally healthy person from an extra spoonful of gravy or an additional slice of pie. Are you enjoying an extra serving just to do so, or is a fully loaded second plate your way of coping with feelings of stress or anxiety? Overeating and over-drinking are unhealthy coping mechanisms that are all too common around the holidays. Consume festive food with people out of merriment, not to bury negative feelings. 

Set Boundaries

If you want to avoid stress and anxiety around Thanksgiving, or any holiday celebration with family, make sure to set boundaries regarding certain discussion topics. For whatever reason, there is always one family member that likes to stir the pot. Perhaps they bring up who they voted for or what their foreign policy opinions are. There will likely be a lot of election anxiety, as a result of the aftermath, and opinions are stronger than ever. Set a boundary by sending a loving email requesting that everyone leave their political opinions at the door for Thanksgiving. Request that you do not want to talk about any religious, socioeconomic, or other issues that are touchy subjects. Keep the conversation light-hearted and loving to keep stress levels down.

Embrace Gratitude

There is great power in gratitude. Being thankful for things that are good in life, even the smallest things, can lead to mental health improvements. According to one analysis of 70 studies, there is an association between higher levels of gratitude and lower levels of depression. The same report found that reaffirming gratitude for 15 minutes per day, five times per week, can enhance mental awareness. A separate meta-analysis of 64 randomized trials found that participants who underwent gratitude interventions experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try your best to express gratitude on a day that represents being thankful. If you do not wish to speak your feelings of gratitude out loud with family, consider writing in a gratitude journal and reflect on it around Christmas or the New Year. 

Be Mindful Of Your Triggers

There are certain people and situations that just seem to push your buttons like no other. This is especially true during the holiday season. As you enter Thanksgiving, be mindful of this and recognize your potential triggers before you encounter them. That way, you can practice coping skills and prepare how you will react to those triggers. You can reframe your thoughts, employ progressive muscle relaxation, or use breathing techniques to help reduce anxiety and stress. A few common triggers are:

  • Excessive crowds in shopping centers and grocery stores
  • Travel issues, including flight delays and accommodation struggles
  • Issues that come about when you host Thanksgiving
  • Interactions and disagreements with certain family members


Fatigue and laziness often accompany Thanksgiving stress and anxiety. Stave off your lethargy by incorporating or increasing exercise into the days leading up to the big feast. You are not trying to burn extra calories so that you can eat more; rather, the goal of exercising is to promote mental wellness. Exercise helps to trigger a brain-body response through the healthy release of dopamine. When you exercise outdoors, that dopamine release is combined with an increase in serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter that may help reduce anxiety and stress.


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5 Lifestyle Tips To Have A Healthier Fall Mon, 16 Sep 2024 09:18:00 +0000

Fall is a time of change: the leaves start to fall and sweaters come out. Why not make some changes for your health as well?


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Isn’t it wild that fall is nearly here? Before you know it, we’ll have to gear up for winter. For now, though, you get to prepare for the changing of leaves, sweater weather, and pumpkin spice lattes. Well, maybe don’t enjoy too many of those lattes because they are quite fattening and heavily sweetened. 

Fall and winter tend to be associated with unhealthy lifestyle habits, but you don’t have to fall into that trap. The stress of the holidays, long days out shopping and eating, and party after party all contribute to weight gain. Additionally, the hustle and bustle of fall and winter events can interfere with wellness rituals that you develop over summer. Fortunately, there are habits that keep you healthy during the fall. You don’t have to do anything crazy; rather, a few changes can make all the difference during this cozy time of year. 

Do Some Yoga

There’s nothing like escaping the world after a long, stressful day. Rather than plopping down on the couch to veg out in front of the TV all night, take 30 minutes to an hour to practice a yoga routine. At the day’s end, yoga can help put your mind at ease, helping you focus on the present moment. Take it one step further and commit to engaging in a yoga practice at least twice a week during the fall. You can do a routine in your house or head to a yoga studio if you prefer hot yoga or other varieties. Not only does it keep the body moving and strengthen your core, but it also helps you be more mindful and may even relieve stress or promote better sleep.

Spend More Time Outside

It sounds strange to suggest an outdoor setting when the weather gets colder, but being outside does wonders for your physical and mental health. According to research, spending time outdoors helps reduce stress and improve mood. If you have a dog, let that beautiful, sweet creature be your motivation. Walking for 30 minutes a day has been shown to help regulate bowel movements, reduce stress, contribute to weight loss, and boost your mood. Plus, being outside after being in an indoor 9-5 environment helps you recharge the batteries. Make the outdoors a priority and your mental health will thank you. 

Cook One-Pot Meals

A one-pot meal is exactly what it sounds like: you cook everything in one pot. Not only do one-pot meals epitomize comfort food, but they also make kitchen cleanup a lot easier. One-pot meals include soups, stews, pastas, and more. A one-pot meal can also be made in a slow cooker or Instant Pot. Using a slow cooker can take the stress out of making dinner when you get home. Simply throw all of the ingredients in the slow cooker in the morning, program the settings, and then go about your day. Dinner is ready when you get home!

Consider A Vitamin D Supplement

There is a vitamin D problem in the United States, the problem being that too many people are deficient in this nutrient. Given that the days are shorter and you most likely spend more time inside during the fall and winter, taking a vitamin D supplement can counteract the lack of sun exposure. Vitamin D helps control blood sugar, boost immune function, and aid with calcium absorption. Additionally, vitamin D has also exhibited an ability to help reduce anxiety and depression. Before you go out and purchase a vitamin D supplement, though, talk with your doctor about which supplement is best and what the right dosage is for you. 

Care For Your Skin

Your summer skin care routine may need to change with the onset of the fall season. The air gets drier and indoor heating switches on. It’s the reverse of summer, which exhibits hot and humid outdoor temperatures and dry, air-conditioned indoor environments. Consider switching to a rich moisturizer to keep your skin soft and smooth. Emollients and humectants are great ingredients that help lock moisture into your skin. Lastly, remember to wear sunscreen if you’ll be out during the day. Even though the days aren’t as sunny, the sun’s UV rays can still affect your skin, increasing the risk of skin cancer. 

Above all else, don’t forget to practice gratitude during this time of year. Gratitude can help you maintain your relationships and establish a healthier lifestyle. Consider writing down one thing that you’re grateful for every day to help shift your mind from negative to positive.


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How Do Emotions Affect Your Overall Health? Sat, 17 Feb 2024 09:14:00 +0000

According to research, your emotions can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. Stress, for example, can cause bodily…


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For many years, people have either suspected or known that health of the body is influenced by that of the mind. You may say, “My heart hurts,” after a breakup because the intense emotions cause you physical pain. On the other hand, a feeling of elation may boost energy levels and reduce your need for caffeine. 

The American Psychological Association (APA) states that emotions are subject to mental reactions that involve physical and behavioral responses. In simpler terms, your emotions can influence the body, mind, and even your actions. You experience a variety of emotions daily, so knowing what they are, why you feel them, and how they affect you can help you better understand how they influence your overall health. 

Types Of Emotions

Mental health experts suggest that emotions fall into two categories: basic emotions and complex emotions. Basic emotions are revealed by recognizable facial expressions and happen automatically. Such emotions include:

  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Joy
  • Disgust
  • Anger

Those emotions are intertwined with human behavior and present from birth. Complex emotions, on the other hand, are not universal and do not have such recognizable facial expressions associated with them. These complex emotions include:

  • Envy
  • Love
  • Grief
  • Gratitude
  • Worry
  • Pride
  • Regret
  • Embarrassment
  • Jealousy

There are many more complex emotions that are not on the above list. The APA suggests that complex emotions are typically the result of two or more emotions. Hate, for example, could be a combination of jealousy, disgust, and anger. Once again, these complex emotions do not have the same facial tells as basic emotions. 

How Emotions Affect Your Physical Health

According to research, there is a link between positive emotions and physical health. In fact, people with a more positive outlook on life tend to have lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Additionally, they have a reduced risk of heart disease, but researchers don’t fully understand if positive emotions lead to better health or if being in good health contributes to positive emotions. For now, experts theorize that a combination of both factors are at play. 

Some evidence shows that experiencing positive emotions can affect recovery from an injury or sickness. One study found that having a positive outlook influenced how quickly participants got better, noting that positivity even impacted survival rates. Negative emotions, on the other hand, have an association with negative health issues or symptoms. People who cannot successfully manage emotions may live with stress, or have a higher likelihood of other health complications. 

How Emotions Affect Your Mental Health

When trying to assess how emotions affect your mental health, you have to first establish if the emotions are “bad” or negative. Negative emotions usually indicate a problem that requires your attention. If you struggle to manage those negative emotions, or simply attempt to ignore them when they arise, they can negatively affect your mental health. If you bottle these emotions up for too long, such as chronic anger, fear, or sadness, your risk of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse increases. 

If you are able to recognize negative emotions for what they are and learn to manage those feelings, you can move beyond them and develop resilience. Resilient people tend to move past negativity and usually have more positive emotions. In fact, they usually learn to find meaning in their life, even when it gets hard. That doesn’t mean they are free of negative emotions; rather, they recognize those feelings, deal with the issues, and do their best to change their outlook on life. 

Although research indicates a link between optimism and hope and better health, constant positive thinking can damage your mental health. There is such a thing as toxic positivity, which leads to unreal expectations and an inability to feel negative emotions. When you consider your emotions, aim to strike a balance between the positive and negative ones. Negative emotions serve their purpose as much as the positive ones do, but just remember that you have to be negative all the time. Just remember to feel emotions as they come and recognize why you’re feeling them!


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5 Mindful Tips To Help Deal With Holiday Stress Sun, 10 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0000

When you hear Mariah Carey in stores, you know that stress is around the corner. These tips may help you deal with holiday stress.


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For most people, the holiday season brings relatives, glorious feasts, and the inescapable spending. They also bring fun in the snow (location dependent), hot cocoa and pumpkin spice, and family outings. That all sounds incredible, except for the fact that it usually comes with holiday stress.

On top of the stress that surrounds the holidays, the change in weather and daylight savings tends to induce seasonal affective disorder. That isn’t the case for everyone, but seasonal depression is a very real thing. What do you do to fight the holiday stress, then? Read on to learn about five mindful tips to help manage holiday stress and actually enjoy this season. 

Travel Smart

Do you plan to visit friends and family over the holidays? Holiday travel is quite busy, which is stressful in and of itself. Since you are probably never going to run into the person sitting next to you on the airplane, engage in a little relaxation by pampering yourself. Consider some under eye gel pads to help depute the eyes and provide moisture during travel on a dry plane. Planning ahead is also a great travel tip to reduce stress. Create a packing list and do you packing ahead of time, visualizing the necessities to prevent overpacking. Lastly, pack some hand sanitizer to fight germs and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated during your flight.

Gift Yourself A Pampering Experience

Don’t simply limit yourself to an under eye gel pad on the airplane and call it day on self-pampering. Treat yourself to a relaxing experience, such as a massage, facial, or day at the spa using their services. If you want to experiment with a new service, try out acupuncture or cupping, as both of these therapies can help you decompress and release toxins. Feeling a bit more daring? Book a fire and ice therapy and alternate between an ice bath and an infrared sauna to help reduce inflammation and boost your mood. 

Plan Ahead

Whether you want to adhere to your diet, stay on top of your work, or keep stress at bay during the holidays, planning ahead is crucial. Maintain a clear calendar with festivities/events you want to attend, but schedule time for self-care as well. Make a list of all the people you want to buy gifts for, or plan out gifts you want to make for specific people. Pick out what outfits you have in your closet that can work with upcoming occasions. Make a mental note when those outfits need to come out, or if you need to bring them on a holiday trip. 

Drink Mindfully

Holidays are synonymous with celebrations and libations. If you drink alcohol and plan to drink during holiday functions, prepare yourself properly. Make sure to imbibe slowly and don’t mix with sugary sodas or juices. Additionally, it’s best to take vitamins C and B to help the body get ahead of recovery. Drink electrolytes the following morning, or even the same night, to aid the breakdown of alcohol. That can help your liver detox as you sleep. 

Reflect On The Year

Take the time at the end of the year to pat yourself on the back. You made it through another year, which is quite an accomplishment. Look back and see all that you did. Write down the things you are most proud of having done, how you grew as a person and the people you want to thank. Next, think of things you want to manifest in the New Year. Set intentions and go forth with fire! Journaling, or making a gratitude journal, at the end of the year is a great practice. It may even help you release whatever’s been stressing you out this season!


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7 Tips To Be A More Positive Person Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:17:00 +0000

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty person? Developing a more positive outlook on life can make you a happier person.


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It’s not always easy to be optimistic about everything in life. Depressing news stories, world events, global warming, low self-esteem, or self-doubt can lead to a pessimistic or negative way of thinking. If you tend to look at the glass half-empty, it can be difficult to just change your outlook on life from one day to the next.

If you know people who are overflowing with positivity, you may be able to learn a thing or two from them. Being around that type of energy is very contagious and it’ll most likely rub off on you. If you don’t have those types of people in your life, the following tips may help you maintain a more positive mindset. 

Find Your Reason

In order to become a more positive person, you have to find your reason. When you know why you want to be more positive, you can have more clarity on what you want out of life. What you need to do to cross that bridge into positivity can help you set meaningful goals. Once you find your sense of purpose or understand what you want to do in life, you actually boost self-confidence. That allows you to pursue things in a more focused manner and it adds more dimension to your life. If you’re struggling to find your reason, consider making a vision board and go from there!

Surround Yourself With Positive People

As we were saying earlier, the people you surround yourself with have a great influence on your mindset and behavior. If you want to be more positive, consider taking inventory of the people you have in your life. Are they constantly judging and spewing negativity? If they are, you may need to refresh your friend group and invite more positive people into your social circle. Positivity is infectious, and you may need to make the assertive move to set boundaries with the negative people in your life in order to protect yourself. 

Practice Daily Gratitude

If you want to be more positive, a great habit to develop is practicing daily gratitude. Take time every morning or evening to write down three to five things you’re grateful for. Many people find that doing it first thing in the morning helps set a more positive tone of rate day. You can also practice journaling for five minutes or so to write down why you’re grateful and how you want to be more positive. Just make sure to maintain consistency and always remind yourself to resolve conflicts before the day comes to a close.

Be Present Where Your Feet Are

What does this mean? When the going gets tough or you feel that you’re stretched too thin, being positive can seem impossible. In order to maintain a positive attitude in times like those, try your best to remind yourself to be present where you are. Instead of trying to juggle 12 different things without intention, focus on one thing at a time. That can help you assert control in your life and be more intentional with your time and energy. When you give 100% of yourself to the thing, task, or person who requires it, you will feel more accomplished and better about yourself. 

Develop A Positive Morning Routine

One of the best ways to be more positive is to set yourself up for success each day. That can mean different things for different people. Some people may benefit from hitting the gym, while others may benefit from journaling, meditating, or sitting down for a healthy breakfast with your partner. Developing a ritual every morning can help you be more deliberate with your time, which ultimately boosts productivity and helps encourage positivity.  

Prioritize Self-Care

If you want to maintain your mental and emotional health, you need to prioritize self-care. By caring for yourself, you can help manage stress and handle things in a more calm manner. According to several studies, engaging in regular self-care practices can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and increase motivation and productivity. Schedule a little time each week to engage in self-care if you want to be a more positive person.

Take Accountability

The final tip for anyone who wants to be more positive is to take ownership over your own life. You, and only you, are responsible for your own happiness. Don’t wait for someone or something to magically make things better. Take accountability and put in the work. You are worth it!


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Be Thankful: Science Says Gratitude Is Good For Your Health Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:14:47 +0000

Gratitude helps people experience more positive emotions, deal with adversity, and improve their overall health, according to science.


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If a pill could reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, boost mood, and enhance immune function, everyone would take it. A quick-fix solution like that is exactly what everyone wants, but such a pill does not exist. Fortunately, you can practice gratitude, which can provide all of those aforementioned health benefits, according to several studies. 

Clinical trials indicate that regularly practicing gratitude can have a long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being. It may help improve immune response, contribute to better sleep, and even lower blood pressure. A recent study found that people who were more grateful had better heart health, specifically less inflammation and better heart rhythms. Another study found that people who kept a gratitude journal had a reduced intake of dietary fats – as much as 25% lower than those who did not keep a gratitude journal. 

What’s The Right Amount Of Gratitude?

You should practice gratitude daily, plain and simple. If that magic pill existed, you’d take it every day, so that’s why gratitude has a place in your everyday life. In fact, starting your day by thinking of someone or something that you’re grateful for can set you on a healthier path. Send a family member or friend a funny text or thoughtful message. Ask your barista how their day is going when you get coffee. At the end of the day, consider writing three things that you appreciate about your life in a gratitude journal

Behavior Changes Biology

Your behavior changes biology, meaning that positive gestures benefit the body. The way this works is that the body releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps connect people. Oxytocin is often referred to as “the love hormone” because it aids better connections. Thanking people for their efforts or who they are also benefits them, as they feel appreciated and valued. Sharing kindness and gratitude can make both partiers happier!

Decrease Stress Levels

According to research, thinking about what you appreciate can trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, the calming part of the nervous system. Researchers note that this can have protective effects on the body, one of which is the reduction in cortisol levels. Cortisol is healthy in certain amounts, but high levels can impair sleep, increase anxiety, and cause overeating, among other things. By reducing cortisol and increasing oxytocin, you ultimately feel more love and have a drive to continue expressing gratitude. 

Increase Positive Emotions

If you want higher levels of positive emotions, including joy, pleasure, happiness, and optimism, gratitude is your ticket. Researchers concur that people who regularly practice gratitude have stronger social relationships and fewer feelings of isolation and loneliness. This may result from being more generous, compassionate, and forgiving. A recent study found that gratitude may also reduce the frequency or duration of depressive episodes. 

Improve Physical Health

In addition to the mental and social benefits, practicing gratitude can also improve physical health. Research studies show that people who practice gratitude are more likely to exercise regularly and take better care of their physical health. These results are consistent among a study of people with neuromuscular disease. Additional studies show that highly gracious people sleep better and have fewer body pains and aches

You can easily practice gratitude in everyday life. There’s no need to dwell on imperfections or negative emotions because recognizing and appreciating what’s around you is more conducive to your mental and physical health. Simple tricks to help practice gratitude every day include:

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Writing thank you notes, texts, emails, or calling people on the phone
  • Starting a gratitude jar to pay it forward
  • Giving mental “thank yous” (to people you aren’t able to acknowledge in other ways)
  • Practice meditation or prayer


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8 Tips To Start Living In The Present Moment Mon, 23 Jan 2023 09:29:00 +0000

We all strive to live in the present moment, but seldom do we actually do it. Be more engaged, kind, open-minded, and judgment-free.


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Mindfulness is something that many people strive for, but grace and peace of mind aren’t easy for everyone to achieve. When you eliminate non-essential possessions, you ultimately free yourself from many of the emotions that keep you stuck in the past. By clearing out the unnecessary, you open your world to the freedom of shaping your life in the present moment, which is the greatest gift of all. 

When you inhabit the present moment, you don’t worry about what happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. The only important moment is the one you’re in, the present. By living in the present, you can often live a more engaged, connected life, being free from judgment and more open-minded. The ability to be present may be the cornerstone of mindfulness and meditation. It’s not just a state of mind that monks aim to achieve; rather, everyone can strive to be more present

If you have questioned your ability to live mindfully, you are not alone. Becoming a more mindful person doesn’t happen overnight; rather, it takes work and practice makes perfect. Read on to learn about tips that can help you start living a more mindful lifestyle in the present.

Listen Without Interrupting

In theory, this is an easy tip to follow, but it can be difficult in practice. It is very natural to want to interrupt someone during conversation, especially if something the person said relates to something you’ve experienced. Just listen when people speak to you and don’t block out what they are saying in order to immediately follow up with your next talking point. Genuine interest in a conversation can help it flow naturally, and you won’t need to plan your next comment. 

Journal It Out

You want to keep your thoughts flowing, and allowing them to become stagnant can leave you frustrated or blocked. Swirling thoughts in your mind can remove you from the present by directing your attention to past or future scenarios. Journaling is very powerful and can be of great help when you need to get your thoughts out. After you put pen to paper, make a conscious effort to either let them go, or return to them at a later date when you have the time. 

Forgive Past Hurts

It is very easy for someone to harbor resentment towards another person because of past hurts. If you want to move forward in life, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive. Although the harm was their fault, allowing that hurt to impact your mood in the present is your choice. Let go and choose to be in the present moment!

Stop Multitasking:

Juggling too many things at once is an efficient way to burn out. The mind cannot be in two places at once, so make the decision to be in the present moment. Don’t give little bits of your attention to everything you can; rather, give your full attention to one thing at a time and you’ll find that you naturally inhabit the present moment

Love Your Job

If you are one of those people who just “survive” the workweek, then you are wasting 71% of your life. Living for the weekend means that you are far from living in the present. If you dislike your job, there are two options: find a new job that you love, or find something about your current position that you appreciate. Look at your work in a more positive light to invite more mindfulness into your life. 

Stop Worrying

This is easier said than done, but you cannot fully appreciate the present if your mind is elsewhere. Don’t worry about tomorrow because it will happen whether you worry about it or not. Worrying does not accomplish anything, except redirect your energy out of the present. Focus on today and don’t waste your mental energy worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. 

Let Your Phone Die

This is a scary thought, but people spend too much time on their phones, whether they scroll the gram or answer emails. You can easily worry about the future and take the present moment for granted when the focus is on your phone. Worrying about your phone’s battery percentage also takes you out of the present. Make it a point to either shut your phone off or let it die so that you can bring yourself back to the present via meditation or gratitude. Be grateful for your morning meditation or yoga sequence and watch the rest of your day fall into place. 

Conquer Addictions

Addictions can have a firm grip on your life, and it can feel as though they hold you hostage from reaching your full potential. Don’t let your addictions remove you from the present moment. Find some help and take the necessary steps to overcome these addictions. When they no longer influence your decisions, you can allow yourself to live in the moment addiction-free.


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Forget Resolutions! Make Way For New Year’s Manifestations Tue, 03 Jan 2023 08:05:24 +0000

If the idea of New Year’s resolutions makes you groan, try something different, and a whole lot more effective, by adopting manifestations.


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Some people spend hours journaling about New Year’s goals or resolutions. There’s hope in their spirit and determination in their heart, but is there a plan in place? For the most part, many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions within the first two months of the year. This is because resolutions are unrealistic. It may be better to try manifestations instead.

Why Don’t Resolutions Work?

According to historical accounts, the first New Year’s resolutions were invented by the ancient Babylonians. They promised the gods that they would pay their debts at the beginning of the year. If they followed through with these promises, the gods would bestow them with blessings. The ancient Romans followed a similar tradition, and so did the early Christians, pondering the mistakes of the previous year on the first day of the New Year.

Resolutions have a history of anticipation and appreciation, both for the past and future. The New Year marks the end of one cycle, and the beginning of a new one, but resolutions seem to have little to no meaning nowadays. Resolutions are nice in theory, but things get lost from thinking of a resolution to actually following through with it. 

What Does It Mean To Manifest Something?

By definition, a manifestation boils down to one important ideal: if you think it, you can have it. Essentially, you have the ability and power to make something happen in reality that came from your thoughts or beliefs. By putting all of your intentions towards this one thing, you’ll see it happen in real time, and that’s the power of manifestation. It can be something as simple as getting a pet, or a more complex manifestation like buying a house. 

What Are Manifestations?

Similar to resolutions, manifestations have a lengthy history, dating back to a time when witches thrived. Manifestations also transcended to the teachings of Buddhism, helping people turn thoughts into actions. A manifestation is very similar to the law of attraction, which states that whatever you focus on will grow. You don’t have to stress about every little detail in order to achieve your goal. As a matter of fact, that way of thinking only sets you up for failure. That doesn’t mean that you get to neglect the work, though. You must work in order to manifest your desires, but you also have to put some trust in the universe that whatever is meant for you will find its way into your path. 

How To Create A New Year’s Manifestation

In order to manifest your dreams, you have to consciously think about what the definition of a fulfilling life is for you. What do you wish to create? Once you answer this question, you can begin your path to manifestation!

Be Grateful For The Past

If you want to create a brighter future, you must first show appreciation for the past. According to several clinical studies, there’s a link between gratitude and increased overall health. Gratitude is the appreciation of what is both valuable and meaningful to you. On New Year’s Eve, it can be beneficial to take some time to think about the past year and be thankful for the blessings you had, hardships you overcame, or things that made you appreciate life. The idea is that the more gratitude you express, the more positivity you’ll attract.

Visualization Is Power

Many motivational speakers and self-help professionals agree that visualization can help you harness your creative powers. By creating a compelling or vivid image in the mind, your brains programs the reticular activating system to notice new things. This process almost magnetizes or attracts what it is that you visualize!

Write Down Your Manifestations

Get a pen and paper, people! When you write down your desires in detail because it’s much easier to put them into action. Detail is key, so you want to be specific about the thing you’re trying to manifest. If it’s a new job, for example, write down exactly what you want to do, where you want to work, and even the area where the office is located. It’s better to write them in the present tense, as though you’ve already manifested your desire. 

Believe In Your Manifestations

Sometimes, people may think that they don’t deserve what they’ve wished for, or that a manifestation isn’t going to help achieve their desire. It’s important to believe in your manifestations, which is why meditating on them can be a helpful exercise. A 10-minute meditation session per day can help you enter the new, positive reality of your manifestation.


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10 Big And Small Things To Be Grateful For Thu, 17 Nov 2022 17:45:00 +0000

One of the best things to be is grateful. Many things in life, both big and small, are truly amazing, so take the time to appreciate them.


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In hard times when you have nothing or the best of times when you have everything, there is always room for gratitude. It’s a powerful habit to form, but it takes discipline to make it a regular part of your life. Too often do people take things for granted, but expressing gratitude can make you happier, reduce anxiety levels, or put a smile on someone else. There is time to savor each moment, be it a walk with a loved one or food on the table. 

Clinical psychologists explain that gratitude can influence your mental health. Studies show that being more grateful allows the brain to develop connections that have positive associations. When you are grateful, you focus on what is instead of what isn’t or what could have been. This practice keeps you in the present moment, the only moment in your life that you can completely control. 

During the holiday season, people start to think about gratitude more and more. There are so many people who struggle on a daily basis, and it seems irresponsible to ignore that struggle when you look at your own life. Be grateful for everything you have and all the things you don’t have. Treasure what you have because the path to happiness starts with gratitude. Below, you’ll find both big and small things to be grateful for.


For many people, there is no greater companionship than that of a pet who loves you. A pet can easily put a smile on your face and comfort you when you need it. Pets love you unconditionally, and that love is rare and pure. Appreciate your pet(s) and all that you share with them. 

Good Friends

If you manage to build strong friendships with a few people, then you are blessed. One of the easiest things to be thankful for is a core group of friends. People that stand by your side in moments of greatness and sadness are truly special and deserve appreciation.


Be it a breakfast sandwich, granola bar, smoothie, salad, or burger, food is a gift. It is so easy to take the food you eat for granted! It fuels you for daily activities and can bring a smile to your face. Without proper nourishment, you would not be able to do so many things. 


Some argue that kindness is a rarity in the present day, but you can spot kindness almost everywhere. Knowing that kindness is out there can restore your faith in humanity. Witnessing kindness can inspire others to be better people, and perhaps they plant kindness seeds for others to see. If someone helped you overcome a difficult time, let that be enough to spark gratitude within you.

Your Body

Sure, you can wish that your body was a different shape or had different features, but the reality is that your body is amazing. It does so much to keep you alive, which is something to be grateful for. When you accept your body for all the things it does and how it helps you enjoy so many things in life, your physical and mental health tend to benefit. 


It’s a lot easier to appreciate nature when you go to it, as opposed to seeing it through your social feed. Water, clean air, trees, mountains, and more are held together by a beautiful force. When you are grateful for these things, you can develop a deep sense of accountability to help preserve them. Doing your part to take care of the environment can inspire others to do the same.


Life is so much easier to bear when you have the loving presence of others. Whether you are with your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, children, or grandparents, family is worthy of gratitude. Family can also mean your chosen group of people that make up your constellation. Cherish each person who brings love and comfort into your life.


Besides being a loving light that brightens the day, the sun helps to keep you warm and helps plants grow. Without the sun, we would be nothing. Whenever you get a moment, walk outside and stand in the sunlight for a few minutes. We guarantee that it will put a smile on your face and ignite gratitude. 

Learning From Mistakes

The ability to learn from your mistakes is truly a gift. It’s something that is only the privilege of humans because we can comprehend what went wrong and how not to repeat that moving forward. Be thankful that we have been blessed with this ability!

Having A Home

Shelter, or a roof over your head, is a luxury. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have shelter, so be grateful for the one you have, no matter how big, small, rented, or owned it is. The fact that you have a place to reside and rest is one of the biggest things you can be grateful for in this life.


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