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The World Health Organization just deemed monkeypox a global health emergency, and the U.S. has declared it to be a national crisis.


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President Biden’s health secretary, Xavier Becerra, recently declared the monkeypox outbreak a national health emergency. This is a rare designation, suggesting that the virus represents a significant risk to Americans. This declaration comes after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global health emergency in July 2022. It also marks the fifth national emergency since 2001. 

According to a press briefing, Becerra said, “We’re prepared to take our response to the next level in addressing this virus, and we urge every American to take monkeypox seriously and to take responsibility to help us tackle this virus.” 

What Does The Data Suggest?

Globally, there are more than 26,000 cases of monkeypox in 87 countries. According to current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the United States leads the world in monkeypox infections, with 6,616 across the country. New York, Georgia, and Washington have the highest rates of monkeypox per capita. The disease has the potential to cause serious illness and five deaths were recorded. 

The WHO’s assessment of monkeypox is moderate on a global scale in all regions. In European countries, however, the risk is very high, but the risk of monkeypox disrupting international travel is low as of now. That said, health experts stated that this virus has the potential to cause serious illness. A coordinated international response is necessary in order to stop transmission and protect the most vulnerable groups. 

Similar to the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, tests are difficult to obtain. Surveillance has also been spotty, meaning that obtaining an accurate amount of cases is difficult. The U.S. Administration has also received a lot of negative attention for not properly educating people in the LGBTQI+ community before pride celebrations in June 2022. According to health officials, people in the LGBTQI+ community seem to be the most at risk for monkeypox infection. LGBTQI+ makes up about 5% of the world’s population, yet they have 25% of the world’s monkeypox cases. 

Is There A Plan Of Action?

President Biden recently named Robert Fenton, an administrator with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as the White House’s national monkeypox response coordinator. Fenton highlighted how the government already scaled up testing services to handle 80,000 tests per week. That number is a massive increase from the 6,000 tests per week that it previously handled. 

The actual number of people being tested is currently at 10% of the capacity. This is why the CDC encourages anyone with a suspected rash that may be monkeypox to get a test. You should be able to schedule a test via your healthcare provider. Quest Diagnostics, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Sonic Healthcare, and Labcorp are among some of the labs testing for monkeypox. The emergency declaration will allow the government the opportunity to find new strategies to get vaccines or treatments more quickly. This effort will greatly benefit impacted communities, or those most at risk. 

Who Is Most At Risk?

Going off the most recent data, it seems that the median age for those who become infected is 36. People who contract monkeypox, however, range from ages 18 to 76. The vast majority of cases has been among people who identify as men who have sex with men. Both gay and bisexual men who have had sex with multiple partners have a higher risk of contracting monkeypox. The CDC advises people who identify with these groups to be on the lookout for rashes or lesions that seem unusual. These rashes can occur anywhere on the body, especially the genitalia. 

With this information in mind, the WHO has stressed that the general public is unlikely to get monkeypox. On August 1st, 2022, however, at least four children contracted the illness in the United States. Children are most likely to get the virus if they come in contact with someone who has it or is at risk. These things can be prevented if all countries with confirmed cases of monkeypox work together to fight the disease. A united effort is the only way to control the outbreak and prevent further spread.


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Department of Justice Sues Texas Over New Abortion Ban Thu, 23 Sep 2021 18:14:00 +0000

According to official reports, the U.S. Department of Justice sued Texas over its new, restrictive, and controversial abortion ban.


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On September 9th, 2021, the Department of Justice sued the state of Texas over S.B.8, the law that went into effect on September 1st, 2021. The law bans women from getting abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. Most women don’t know that they are pregnant at that stage during pregnancy. 

The lawsuit states that S.B.8 opposes women’s constitutional rights to end pregnancy before viability. In fact, it openly defies the Constitution. Because the federal government has an interest of protecting constitutional rights, experts believe that the ruling will deem that the law is unconstitutional. The government has asked the court to declare the abortion law, “…invalid, null, and void,” and bar Texas from enforcing it in any way. 

What Is The Texas Law?

S.B.8 is a new Texas law that prohibits abortions once medical professionals can detect cardiac activity. This generally occurs about six weeks into the pregnancy. Many women don’t know that they are pregnant until after the six-week mark, though. Other states have tried to impose similar restrictions, but courts blocked those attempted enforcements. The Texas law is different because it encourages private citizens to become bounty hunters, essentially. It authorizes people to receive $10,000 per claim from individuals who facilitate a woman’s constitutional right to abortion before viability. 

Does Constitutional Law Supersede State Law?

Under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, it’s very clear that women have the right to end a pregnancy before viability. The medical community determines viability and experts agree that six weeks of gestation is no where near that mark. Generally speaking, viability is thought of at around 23 weeks. That means S.B.8 violates the right as it exists. It’s possible for states to pass restrictions related to health and safety to persuade women not to have abortions. They cannot, however, ban abortion before the viability mark. For this reason, the Department of Justice is applying the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which states that federal constitutional rights trump state law. Constitutional rights reign supreme over any state law. 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted that the Department of Justice should focus on fixing the the border crisis and Afghanistan first. The economy and countless other issues are more important than interfering with a state’s sovereign rights. Texas’ Republican governor said that Texas would prevail in court. 

Ultimately, the new Texas law and pressing lawsuit against it may affect the lives of all Americans. No matter what political party you belong to or what side you support, the scheme to nullify a constitutional right is quite scary. If the law prevails, it may serve as a model that other states can employ, in regards to other judicial precedents and constitutional rights. States that allow private individuals to interfere or prohibit another person’s constitutional rights would be detrimental to our society. 

What Should You Keep An Eye On?

There are so many articles, blogs, and social media posts about this evolving situation. How do you know what to listen to and what to avoid? It seems that the federal government already asked to permanently invalidate the law. The federal government may go so far as to request emergency relief. First off, the case will go to a federal district court, which will decide if the law is unconstitutional. If the law does not get struck down, S.B.8 will move onto the court of appeals, and then the Supreme Court. It’s very possible, however that the law will be ruled unconstitutional before federal district court. 


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The Fallacy of Health Foundation Searches for Medical Cures Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Western medicine will never find a cure for any common degenerative disease or pathology. Disease is big business. Money is not made on healthy people. There's a vested interest in sick people.


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Disease is big business in the U.S. and the world for that matter. Money is not made on healthy people. It’s made on sick people.

If medical or health foundations found or developed a cure for the disease their particular foundation is named after, the foundation’s reason for existence would eventually go away.

All the money donated to the foundation by well meaning but wishful thinking people would cease to come in. Jobs would be lost. Businesses would close.

This may be a very cynical view, but it is a pragmatic one.

Think of it this way: if everyone stopped using cars, there would be no auto industry, no car repair industry, no auto insurance industry, no auto repair industry. The economy would take a major hit. There’s no financial incentive to transition people from any motorized mode of transportation. There’s hardly any financial incentive to encourage people to act more responsibly with their use of motorized vehicles (e.g., electric cars, bio-diesel cars, hybrids).

The same is true with the health care industry, and foundations are no different. Yes, they are non-profits, so 100% of their profit must be reinvested back into the organization. This is usually done through education or research. It’s also done through lobbying Congress and state governments, including the agencies tasked with oversight of healthcare.

In Western (allopathic) medicine, there are no cures, just treatments and managements. You see, in Western medicine, you don’t cure ‘herpes,’ you treat or manage it (which basically means to keep it and live with it; embrace it as a part of your life; learn to live with it).

The Diabetes Foundation will never find a cure for diabetes because the cure for diabetes means the foundation’s demise.

The breast cancer foundations encourage fear to a level that women are opting to remove their healthy breast tissue to “prevent” getting breast cancer. It’s an extreme decision, but shows how powerful foundations are in generating extreme acts in an effort to “cure” or “prevent” a disease.

Another example is the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s annual Telethon. With all the money raised over the decades, there should have been a cure by now.

Every disease has a foundation for itself. If you cure the disease, you kill the foundation automatically. Healthy people aren’t money makers.

Health foundations and scientists aren’t encouraged to find or discovered a cure for any disease that didn’t include the pharmaceutical industry. No one pill causes a particular disease so no one pill can cure a particular disease. Pills don’t cause disease, they simply play a role in the causation of disease manifesting physically.

All disease is multidimensional, occurring first on the invisible or energetic level. Diseases are caused by imbalances on many levels, including emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual.

Diseases are caused by thoughts (negative thinking/thoughts), emotions (negative emotions), feelings (negative feelings), poor diet and lifestyle, and unhealthy environment.

The true benefits of donating to a health foundation are keeping people employed and providing the donor with a tax deduction. The donations may also help raise awareness of a disease, but it won’t cure it. It won’t prevent it.

Most diseases people suffer from are considered “degenerative”. Degenerative diseases are caused by poor diet and lifestyle and are therefore preventable. This means these diseases can be healed via change-change of one’s diet, lifestyle, and thought process.

It is said in the East: “The best doctors have the least number of patients.

If there were monetary incentives for doctors to heal and educate people, things would actually change for the better.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com


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Disease Control Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.


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Controlling disease is in the same category as managing or maintaining the disease. People who are interested in controlling and/or managing disease(s) are not serious about curing or healing diseases at all. They have a very different motive. They cannot be serious about healing or curing disease because to control or to manage is totally different from healing and/or curing.

Government is not interested in eliminating disease just as it is not interested in eliminating crime, though maintaining public health, order, and safety are duties of government (actually duties in which they usually use to abridge our civil liberties). Crime, like disease, is big business. Remove crime from society and law enforcement officers wouldn’t have a job.

The opposite of control is out of control. So to have a disease under control is dangerous because there’s always the possibility of losing control or the disease getting out of control.

So we never want any disease under control, managed, regulated, or maintained. We want it 100% healed or cured. The only way to successfully heal or cure yourself is by:

  • (1) Changing your thoughts to only positive and loving thoughts (eradicating all negative thoughts and emotions),
  • (2) Changing your attitude and/or outlook (especially about life and how you look at or see the world, especially your world) to a positive mental attitude, for attitude determines altitude.
  • (3) Changing your diet (perhaps to a vegan and/or raw foods diet, or 75% vegan and 25% raw foods), totally eradicating meat (dead, slaughtered animal flesh), dairy (liquefied cow snot, liquid meat), and refined starches and grains, processed foods, sugar/salt, coffee, wine/alcohol, etc.;
  • (4) Changing your lifestyle (the things you do, the way you live, etc.); and
  • (5) Changing your environment (where you reside, places you hang out at, people you hang with, etc.).

Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to eliminate, eradicate, terminate, reverse, heal from, or cure the disease. Be specific with your words and intent. Your healing depends on it.

To control another person is to lose your essence. Control takes focusing-focus on your subject rather than yourself, which is highly detrimental and injurious.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of


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Are Herbs Safe To Take? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:52 +0000

Generally speaking, herbs are safe to consume. The real question should be, are man-made pharmaceutical drugs safe.


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Generally speaking, herbs are safe to take, especially the ones that are commonly used today. However, products may vary with each herbalist or herbal company.

People should be more concerned with the contents and effects of pharmaceutical drugs because they are man-made drugs.


Many people are looking towards herbal supplements as a natural remedy and alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. There are many therapeutic benefits of herbs and herbal extracts. Herbs can be used in a variety of ways. It can treat various health conditions but can also promote general health for an individual. In conjunction to a healthy diet and lifestyle, herbal supplements can be very beneficial to one’s health.

Herbal supplements have many properties that can enhance general health and lifestyle by improving:

Herbs are capable of treating various illnesses and conditions such as:


Like many health products, herbal supplements are not heavily regulated in the United States. Manufacturers may not even claim the true contents of their products. Natural health supplements are extremely effective when the right ingredients are used. It is important to educate yourself about the herbs and herbal supplements that seem most beneficial to you.

Everything that is sold at is 100% safe. only uses 100% botanicals, herbs and essential oils. The products have no adverse side effects and none of them are addictive. No animal parts or byproducts are ever used and the products never contain any chemical additives such as preservatives, fillers, solvents or binders.

Herbs are food products and are 100% safe to take, especially nutritive herbs.

Herbs vs. Pharmaceuticals

All herbs considered or alleged to be toxic or poisonous by government sources and agencies are not available to the people pursuant to government regulation. However, hundreds of harmful legal, over-the-counter drugs are widely and readily available to them via government approval.

The government bans so-called toxic or poisonous herbs but allows man-made pharmaceutical drugs to be sold over-the-counter.

No alleged poisonous or toxic herb can be compared to the dangers of some pharmaceutical drugs. Some of the most popular “toxic” herbs include:

  • Comfrey
  • Ephedra
  • Blood Root
  • Ergot
  • European Mistletoe

Side Effects

The most popular side effects of herbs deal with allergic reactions. Some common allergic reactions to ingested herbs include skin rash and upset stomach. If a person is prone to allergic reactions, then they should use small doses and try one new herb at a time.

Do not combine herbs and pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs may interfere and even amplify the drugs effects.


Those who are new to herbs and herbal supplements should start with food and culinary herbs because they are very familiar and low-risk herbs. Popular food herbs are:

Recommended culinary herbs include:

Next, begin experimenting with infusions, also known as teas. Many of the food herbs listed above can be chopped, dried, and steeped for tea.

Thank you for reading !


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The Fraud of Government Insurance Programs Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:47 +0000

State and federal government insurance programs are 100% fraudulent in nature. They are Ponzi schemes that steal money from innocent, hardworking, and unsuspecting workers. What most people don’t know is that government insurance programs such as federal “Social Security Insurance” and “State Disability” and “State Unemployment” insurance are taxes imposed by government compelling people (citizens) […]


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State and federal government insurance programs are 100% fraudulent in nature. They are Ponzi schemes that steal money from innocent, hardworking, and unsuspecting workers.

What most people don’t know is that government insurance programs such as federal “Social Security Insurance” and “State Disability” and “State Unemployment” insurance are taxes imposed by government compelling people (citizens) to finance government.

Please reference the following:

“Unemployment insurance.” Form of taxation collected from business to fund unemployment payments and benefits. BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY, 5th ed., pg. 724, “Insurance.”

There you have it in black and white! Unemployment insurance is a form of taxation! It is not insurance in the true sense of insurance.

These government insurance programs are schemes that operate by government strong-arming of the citizens (employees). The employee, or more appropriately the servant, has no choice but to participate in the scheme for the scheme is tied directly to the privilege of employment. Eligibility for the pseudo benefits does not guarantee any contributions because of payment of premiums. Consider the following:

“…eligibility for benefits…(does) not in any true sense depend on contribution through the payment of taxes.” Fleming v. Nestor, 363 U.S. 603, 609 (1960) And

And yes – employment in the U.S. is a privilege and that’s how government legally taxes you for being employed. All privileges are subject to taxation. This is why government got rid of rights, i.e. constitutional rights, because lawfully government couldn’t make any money on rights because rights (or secured liberties) cannot be taxed. So the U.S. government wisely but diabolically converted the status of Americans from American citizens and sentient flesh-and-blood human beings to corporate juristic persons (artificial entities) called U.S. citizens. This is why your name is in all-capital letters on all government and business correspondence as well as licenses, certificates, and permits. The all-caps name denotes a corporation and corporations exist for one thing: BUSINESS purposes! The government is doing business with you and through you.

The above is how government took away the average American citizen’s rights in order to give them statutory privileges that could be taxed with impunity by government so as to bring in additional revenue for Government – the Pimp (of the people).

If you want to work a job, you’ll have to be a part of the insurance Ponzi schemes. That’s just the way the ball bounces, folks!

The above government insurances are government taxes collected under the fraud of insurance. They do not operate like legitimate insurance programs whereby your premiums are actually earmarked into a personal account and whereby you can claim all of your contributions (every single penny) in the future if needed. A legitimate insurance program and company cannot by law be permitted to repudiate its matured contracts with policyholders. Chief Justice Black even dissented the foregoing in a U.S. Supreme Court case back in 1960. Please reference the following:

“I cannot believe that any private insurance in America would be permitted to repudiate its matured contracts with policy-holders who have regularly paid all the premiums in reliance upon the good faith of the company. Justice Black dissenting [in re Social Security payments] Flemming v. Nestor, 363 U.S. 603, 610 (1960)

In a legitimate insurance program, if you invested, say $14,000.00 over a period of 5 years, when you claim your contribution, you’d get every penny you paid into it save perhaps any applicable penalty fees (perhaps for cashing out prematurely). If you needed the benefit of the insurance, you’d have it.

Now with government it doesn’t work like this. No matter how long you worked your state-level job, say 16, 20, or 25 years, if you claimed disability or unemployment, you’d only qualify for benefits up to 6-12 months depending on your personal circumstances.

Your benefits would not be calculated based upon how much money you paid into the insurance program over the years via premiums. Your benefits would be calculated based off the past year and how much you earned in that particular year.

I had a friend who worked on his job for 12 straight years and he paid into the disability and unemployment insurance programs (frauds) all 12 of those years – he had to for it was the law that he did. Remember, if you want to work for someone else, i.e. a corporation, you have to participate in the scheme.

Well, he got laid off and had to file for unemployment. He received unemployment for 6 months and after the 6 months of receiving benefits he was notified by the Employment Development Department of California that his benefits were terminated because he had exhausted his benefits.

For six months he received two checks per month in the amount of $750.00 each – a total of $1,500.00 per month.

In a six-month period, the State of California paid him $9,000.00. However, he had dumped in way more than $9,000.00 over the course of 12 years of employment at his last job.

He wondered why he could not stay on unemployment and receive the total amount of money he paid into the program for all the years he worked his job for 12 years. He felt robbed and rightly so. After 12 years employment and paying every premium (automatically deducted from his paycheck) in good faith, he was only paid for 6 months. He did not receive the equivalent of benefits matching what he paid via premiums over the scope of his 12-year employment.

He inquired with the State about all the money he paid over the past 12 years and the State told him that they do not calculate all the money one has paid in premiums over the years or course of employment regardless of how long one has been employed. They take your figures (gross wages) from the past 12 months and determine your monthly benefit amount from this 12-month figure.

All the money you paid over the course of your employment goes down the drain which just happens to lead to the coffers of the State. You only get a portion of the money you paid into the program and by law the State does not have to pay you back the total amount you dumped into the insurance program (scheme) over the scope of your employment.

The same applies with disability. You can work a job for 7 years straight and if you become disabled, you cannot stay on disability for more than a year regardless of how much money you paid into the program during the scope of your employment. It doesn’t work like that!

The various states established employment development departments to help unemployed human resources to find work. It is important for you to find another job, not because the State really wants to help you out, but because the government wants and needs its slice of the pie from the money you make. Remember, when you work, government (the Pimp) gets paid!

And don’t get mad at me for calling you a human resource, because in the eyes of government and business – you are! Why do you think you apply for jobs at the human resource department of a corporation? You’re just a resource – a human resource!

Unemployment and disability are PRIVILEGES, not rights! They are privileges meaning that you have to apply for them. Anytime you have to apply for something it’s a privilege and accordingly your application can be denied. That’s how privileges work. Just like applying for a Visa or Master Card. These are privileges and not rights. No one has a right to receive a credit card. A credit card is a privilege because credit is a privilege.

This is why your employment is also a privilege, because you have to apply for the job or position. That’s why you ask for a “job application.”

The above should let you know that the insurance programs you are paying for via your job are not bona fide insurance programs, but mere forms of taxation. The state does not give you an amount (or accounting) of how much money you’ve paid into the program for purposes of informing you of how much money you have in your personal state insurance account. You have no state insurance account!

Though the amount of taxes deducted from each pay period and to date is on each paycheck stub, that money is not earmarked. If it was earmarked you’d have a valid case that the state was robbing you for only paying you a small fraction of what you had in your account over a period of time.

The State and federal government makes a lot of money via these fraudulent insurance schemes that are really nothing but payroll taxes. The State and federal government are taxing you on the privilege of employment.

Unemployment, disability, Medicare, and Social Security (F.I.C.A.) are all government payroll taxes – taxes on the labor and thus the property of the American people in violation of U.S.Const.Amend.5 and 14.

It is unconstitutional to tax a constitutionally secured right such as property, but hell, if you dumb people down to the point where they are ignorant about law (and the wool being pulled over their eyes in regards to their status) and don’t know that their labor is their private property, then you can juts tax the hell out of them until they drop dead. Like good little slaves they’ll remain dumb and just work like good little slaves and just pay the tribute (tax) under the guise that they are being good citizens and/or just don’t want to rock the boat or make waves.

NOTE: Even though U.S. citizens have lost their constitutional rights and civil liberties, government still pretends these rights and liberties exist on the surface. A smart person would pretend like they still have the rights and enforce them against government.

Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th edition, clearly reveals that “Unemployment Insurance” is nothing but a payroll tax that the government compels the employer and employee to participate in. Please reference the following:

“Payroll tax.” Tax based on and deducted from payroll. A “payroll tax” is a government or state tax on employers as a percentage of wages and salaries paid to employees. City of Richmond v. Fary, 210 Va. 338, 171 S.E.2d 257, 260

In the language and eyes of the law, every employee is nothing but a servant. In law, this is what the term “employee” means. You don’t think so? Well, read it for yourself:

“Servant” is synonymous with “employee.” Gibson v. Gillette Motor Transport, Tex.Civ.App., 138 S.W.2d 293, 294; Tennessee Valley Appliances v. Rowden, 24 Tenn.App. 487, 146 S.W.2d 845

In addition, consider the following:

“Master and servant.” Such term has generally been replaced by “employer and employee.” Matoni v. Research-Cottrell, Inc., D.C.Pa., 202 F.Supp. 527, 532.

The government knows that if they outright called you a servant after all that college debt you got yourself into and for that worthless piece of paper called a diploma or degree (a fancy name for “work permit’), they’d have hell to pay with the American people (U.S. citizens). After all, who wants to be an educated servant? You went to Harvard only to end up as a servant? You went to Spellman College only to end up as a servant? You went to USC or UCLA only to end up as a servant? You went to Grambling or Howard only to end up as a servant? This fact will not sit right with most people. So instead of calling you a servant, you are called by a euphemism – employee! That sounds way better than servant, doesn’t it?

No folks! – They must keep the scheme going. Regardless of your occupation, if you are an “employee,” you’re a servant in the eyes of the law (government).

So if you’re a clerk, salesman or saleswoman, usher, bank teller, manager, chef, cashier, commercial driver, schoolteacher, waitress or waiter, customer service representative, auto mechanic, RN (registered nurse), doctor, accountant, beautician, barber, or computer technician to name a few, you’re a servant in the eyes of government.

The only exceptions to the rule are the positions of vice-principal, officer, agent, and independent contractor. But despite the above, these people (positions) still get pimped via the federal and state income taxes and insurance program schemes. They too pay F.I.C.A. (Social Security and Medicare), unemployment insurance, and disability insurance.

Did you know that the members of U.S. Congress and the Senate do not pay into the Social Security and Medicare schemes? I though what was good for the goose was good for the gander! But no, politicians are too smart to allow themselves to get screwed like the citizens who elect them to office. But hey, like they say on the streets: a hoe is as a hoe does! Hoes desire to be pimped.

Is there anything you can do about all this within the System itself? Unfortunately no! It’s beyond your control. It’s even beyond the control of your employer (master, boss). You are nothing but a human resource that is pimped for nearly 40% of your hard-earned money.

F.I.C.A. / Social Security

Social Security has to be the greatest Ponzi scheme going at present. The people paying Social Security payments today are paying for all the people receiving Social Security benefits at present.

Like with State disability and unemployment, there is no actual account with your name on it in some special vault somewhere in Washington, D.C. containing all the money you’ve paid to date for Social Security insurance. Well, what happened to all the money? Good question! But are you ready for the answer?

Government spent the money! Yes, every penny. Social Security contributions were spent on very important things [sarcasm here] such as presidential inauguration festivities (it was reported in the Los Angeles Times that President Clinton’s presidential inauguration galas cost 40 million dollars).

When Social Security began back in the 1930’s, there were 16 people working for every one person receiving Social Security. Today, in 2008, there are only 3 people working for every one person receiving Social Security. And with jobs closing and unemployment rates skyrocketing, soon it will be two people working for every person receiving Social Security.

The people receiving Social Security today are being taken care of, but what about you in the future? Do you have a guarantee that Social Security will even still be in existence to pay you when your time comes to retire?

You should know this (this is very important): People participating in Social Security payroll deductions do NOT acquire property rights or contractual rights through their payments, as they would if they were paying on an insurance policy or contributing to an annuity plan. Simply put, there are no guarantees! The Congress does have the power to deny benefits to citizens even though they had paid Social Security taxes.

Also, the amount of benefits granted are at the option of Congress. Also, Congress included in the original act, and has since retained a claim expressly reserving to it the right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision of the act.

Social Security is such a Ponzi scheme when you think about the people who only paid into Social Security for two years, i.e. 1937-1939, but who received Social Security benefits for the rest of their lives.

A guy who only paid Social Security taxes for two years before retiring at age 62 in 1939 may have lived another 20 years and received Social Security benefits for those remaining 20 years of life lived. Not a bad deal to pay two years into Social Security and receive 20 years worth of benefits!

“Well can’t we just opt out of Social Security and sign up with a private insurance company like Met-Life or Prudential for retirement benefits?” Unfortunately no! You either pay Social Security or go to jail. Period! It’s the law!

Government can’t let you out of this adhesion contract and scheme because it is dependent on your tax dollars to finance itself – its objectives. Rich politicians must enjoy themselves while you toil like a slave. Hey, you know the deal! Pimps up, hoes down!

You work and they (politicians) get a nice cut and slice of the pie (your salary) and go do what they want to do with the money and the American people allow it. This is the price people pay for wanting other people to take care of them and to be responsible for them. This is how you lose being a sovereign. And like they say: he who does it for you, can do it to you!

Again, Social Security is a tax – another payroll tax! F.I.C.A. stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act and is a tax – the F.I.C.A. tax!

A payroll tax is an employment tax as stated supra. Your F.I.C.A. tax goes towards Social Security and Medicare. Social Security benefits include old age, survivor, and disability insurance. Medicare provides for hospital insurance benefits.

Most U.S. taxpayers pay more money for F.I.C.A. (payroll taxes) than they do for federal income taxes.

For the year 2008, the average servant’s, I mean “employee’s” share of the Social Security portion of the tax was 6.2% of gross compensation, resulting in a maximum of $6,324 of total tax amount.

The limit is known as the Social Security Wage Base [SSWB] and goes up every year based on average national wages.

The average U.S. worker also pays 1.45% of total gross compensation for Medicare.

And don’t forget that jobs must match the Social Security tax that the employees pay. Each job must pay 6.42% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare. So the government is also punking corporations in this respect.

U.S. employers and employees pay a total of 12.4 % and 2.9% for Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes respectively.

In addition to the poor worker dishing out nearly 8% of his or her total wages for the F.I.C.A. payroll tax, he or she must also pay federal income taxes, state incomes taxes, state unemployment insurance, and state disability insurance.

All of these taxes account for nearly 40% of the average workers pay. And God help you if you’re working for minimum wage – an insult to human decency.

Like comedian Chris Rock once said, because of taxes, when you work five days out the week and for minimum wage, it’s like working every Tuesday and Wednesday for free. You’re getting paid for 3 days out the week: Monday, Thursday and Friday -and working on Tuesday and Wednesday is like getting kicked in the ass!

I used to be just like Chris Rock and never wanted to look at the stub of my paycheck. To do so infuriated the hell out of me. Even way back then I knew I was being robbed! Looking at one of my Pacific Theatres checks or General Cinema Theatres checks or even my Stein Investigation Agency check was very frustrating. It was like the government was saying: “Here’s what you made but here’s what you gon’ get!”

I was just like Chris Rock and my sentiment was also: “Don’t show me that shit!” “Just don’t show me how much money was taken for taxes.”

And don’t be self-employed today (at least within the System)! God help you if you are, because the self-employed individual must pay the whole 15.3% F.I.C.A. payroll tax.

However, due to allowables, the amount comes down to 7.65%! I guess Uncle Sam knows that you can’t stick it in too deep without doing serious damage.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of

NOTE: The information in this article was for information and education purposes only, in accordance pursuant to U.S.Const.Amend.1 and California Constitution 1 § 1. Lawful information is not legal advice!

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Sex Before Marriage? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:41 +0000

Sex before marriage is an outdated concept that doesn’t serve most people in today’s world or society. Not all people, just most people. No sex before marriage is predicated upon an old and outgoing paradigm. God never told man to first get married before having sex. The Bible clearly shows that having sex created the […]


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Sex before marriage is an outdated concept that doesn’t serve most people in today’s world or society. Not all people, just most people. No sex before marriage is predicated upon an old and outgoing paradigm. God never told man to first get married before having sex. The Bible clearly shows that having sex created the marriage. When you had sex, you were married. You couldn’t even be married if sex didn’t take place, according to the Bible. So you didn’t get married first and then have sex. You had sex first and then became married. Hey, just keeping it real but also being technical.

And by no means is my motive here to promote sex before marriage. I’m just promoting and espousing doing what works best for you and your mate and you guy’s personal circumstance and situation whatever it may be. If sex before marriage is your thing, good for you. More power to you! If sex before marriage is not for you, hey, the same applies – more power to you. I’m a respecter of free will. DO YOU!

Sex before marriage is not a sin, especially if you’re not a Christian (no disrespect Christian brethren). People who believe that sex before marriage is a sin hold a subjective belief and they should not speak in terms of sex before marriage being a sin in an objective fashion because nothing exists to support such a notion. It’s wholly preposterous!

Sex after marriage is dangerous, or could be. What if you don’t like the sex after marriage? What to do? Stay stuck with the person? We cannot pretend that in a society such as ours that sex is not important because it is. Relationships and marriages end all the time over sex: not getting enough sex or getting too little sex, affairs (having sex outside of one’s marriage or relationship), not sexually satisfied from the sex act with your partner, etc.

Our society has made marriage too burdensome. It is seen as bondage and slavery by many people in our society. It comes along with too much pressure. There’s even a marriage tax imposed by government and how does this promote marriage? Many married couples see the governmental marriage tax as a penalty on marriage and rightfully and understandably so.

Why would government make married couples pay more on their taxes? Marriage should be an incentive as far as government is concerned. Many couples wisely file their taxes separately and you can’t blame them.

Many people, due to personal irresponsibility and immaturity, are afraid of marriage due to commitment and possible legal ramifications. People have to consider marriage tax penalty, costly divorce, alimony and palimony, child support, court fees and expenses, and for some couples, a prenuptial agreement. Of course all of this is on the negative end of the pole, but many people have to think like this because the truth of the matter is that marriage in our society is a legal business and commercial agreement. If the marriage doesn’t work out, money will be spent, perhaps more money than it cost to be married depending on the couple and circumstances.

“Man, when you get married you are pretty much paying for sex! In-house sex! That’s all you’re doing; and the trip thing is that after you get married (about 6 months to a year), the fucking slows down drastically and you’re lucky if you get any at all. Oh, and don’t have children. You can forget about the sex then. Shit drastically slows down after your woman has a baby. They’re always tired or tending to the baby and you’re left with nothing but a rock hard dick.” – Keith C, San Francisco, CA

Marriage is a privilege and not a right in our society. The State (government) has replaced God today and the collective people have allowed it. People don’t go before God to get married. They go before the State to get married.

So you think marriage is not a privilege but a divine or God-given right? Well, if this is so, why do you have to apply for and get a marriage license?

License denotes a privilege that without the license the act would be illegal. In addition, a license denotes PERMISSION!

“A license is merely a permit or privilege to do what otherwise would be unlawful.” Payne v. Massey, 196 S.W. 2d 493; 145 Tex. 237, 241

The purpose of a license is to make lawful what would be unlawful without it.” State v. Minneapolis-St.Paul Metro Airports Com’n, 25 N.W. 2d 718, 725

Why would marriage be unlawful before the eyes of the State if a man and woman were in love and decided to come together for purposes of satisfying God’s command of man and woman coming together in holy matrimony and also to multiply via children and establishing a family? Why would this be illegal without the State’s permission? If God ordained marriage, why would the State (man) have a problem with marriage, wanting to regulate it?

Civilized marriage all boils down to the fact that the State sees both man and woman as pieces of state-owned property, JURISTIC PERSONS, that don’t have sense in their head (brain), that are in a state of non compos mentis (not of a sane and sound mind) and thus are incompetent and must get permission from a competent authority, which clearly is the State, to do things (things that constitute natural rights).

When you obtain a license, such as a marriage license, you are asking for permission from someone more competent than yourself in order to do or perform some act:

A license is a Right granted by some competent authority to do an act which, without such license, would be illegal.” Beard v. City of Atlanta, 86 S.E. 2d 672, 676; 91 Ga. App. 584 Did you see the words COMPETENT AUTHORITY above in Beard v. City of Atlanta?

A license cannot be a right granted because rights are not granted, only privileges are granted. You don’t need permission to exercise a right, only a privilege.

License, such as a marriage license denotes authority has been given to do or perform some act:

“License.” n. 1.a Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing. See Syns at permission. b. Proof of permission granted, usu. In the form of a document, card, plate, or tag. 2. Deviation from normal rules, practices, or methods. 3. Latitude of action, esp. in behavior or speech. 4. Excessive freedom. – v. -censed, -cens’ing. 1. To give permission to or for. See Syns at authorize. [< Lat. Licentia, permission < licēre, be permitted.] The American heritage Dictionary (1994), 3rd edition, pg. 480, “License.”

You have to get permission and authority from the State to get legally married because the truth of the matter is that both man and woman, husband-to-be and wife-to-be are both private property of the State and the proof is that they both have Social Security numbers that were given by the State upon application of the applicants of course. Basically, the couple has to ask for permission to come together. And really, the State wants the man to pay for his in-house sex from the female. You see, in a legal marriage, the woman has all the value (and thus more rights under the law) because she is the one to bear new life (babies) and bring more property (res accessoria) into existence. Legal marriages favor women more so than men in the Matrix.

Now here’s the history behind the need for a license (permission) in civil marriages. If the term ‘license’ means “permission granted by a competent authority which without the license would make an act illegal, trespass, or tort”, pertaining to marriage, what kind of marriage was illegal without the licenses, especially since so-called civilized people have been marrying for centuries?

The answer is: INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES! That’s right! Marriages between Black people (so-called Negroes) and Caucasians were illegal and required licensing and this fact is well recorded. When Blacks and Whites were married, the State didn’t recognize such marriages and considered them illegal and void:

In an act of Jan. 17, 1829, titled: An act respecting free negroes and mulattoes, servants and slaves; provides: Sec. 3. Forbids the intermarriage of “persons of color, negro, or mulatto with white persons.

California Civil Code of 1872 (Sec. 60), and as amended in 1905 (Cal. Stats. 1905, p. 554) restricted marriages as follows: All marriages of white persons with negroes, Mongolians, members of the Malay race, or mulattoes are illegal and void.

Georgia General Assembly enacted a law on Aug. 20, 1927, that restricted intermarriages: “All marriages of a white person with a person having any ascertainable trace of either Negro, African, West Indian, Asiatic Indian, Mongolian, Japanese, or Chinese blood in their veins are a felony and the marriage void.

Clearly, marriage licenses eventually came into existence so Blacks and Whites could intermarry, legally. The license made the otherwise illegal act of a Black and White marrying, legal in the eyes of the law.

However, today all marriages are based upon business, well, at least in the eyes of government. They are contracts that give the State jurisdiction to rule and govern the married couple:

Marriage, while from its very nature a sacred obligation, is nevertheless, in most civilized nations, a civil contract and usually regulated by law. Upon it society may be said to be built, and out of its fruit spring social relations and social obligations and duties, with which government is necessarily required to deal.” – U.S. Supreme Court, Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145

Legal marriages (civil marriages) bind both man and woman, husband and wife, to the government. As the Reynolds case supra states: Marriage creates social obligations and duties; social obligations and duties to whom? Can you say – The State (government)?

When you get legally married, whether you know it or not, you’re involved in a legal manage a trios (threesome). The marriage involves the man (husband), woman (wife) and the State – Uncle Sam’s bitch ass! When you understand how the Game is ran or played, you’re screwing your ole lady (and vice versa) and Uncle Sam is screwing the both of ya’ll, and with no Vaseline at that.

And if ya’ll (married couple) have a baby, the State is the legal parent or guardian under a legal doctrine known as parens patriae, which means “the State as father.”

The child from a married couple (and really an unmarried couple) belongs to the State, especially when that child is born in a hospital and a birth certificate is issued followed by the issuance of a Social Security card. The child belongs to the State. Why do you think the State (Department of Children Protective Services) can take away ‘your’ child? It’s because the child (baby) is the State’s property. How could it not be when both the parents are the State’s property?

Legal marriages are strictly for business accounting and commercial purposes and commercial purposes deal with the transportation of goods. Commerce is also known as “intercourse.” And there’s a thing called “sexual intercourse.”

Sexual intercourse is commercial in nature because goods are being transported. When sexual fluids are exchanged between partners (especially vaginal fluids and penile fluids), goods are being transported from one body to another and under maritime-admiralty law, that’s commerce or intercourse.

Trade. noun. Commerce; Intercourse; Traffic.

This is why sex is legally called sexual intercourse, so government (the State) can regulate it. The government regulates sex and there are sexual behavior statutes in the Penal Code that regulates sexual activity and behavior, telling a person what they cannot do which presupposes telling them what they can do.

Prostitution is illegal because the State doesn’t allow it. But doesn’t a woman own her own body? Nope! If she did she could sell her body to whomever she wanted to and could never be arrested for it. But when a woman sells her body and makes money (receives compensation) and the State doesn’t get a cut of the money, the woman is engaged in a black market trade. It is illegal because government hasn’t approved of the trade nor did it get a slice of the pie (money).

It is the State that tells us when we can legally have sex. We have to be over the legal age of 18 to have legal sex because the statutes say so. If you have sex with a person (property) under the age of 18, despite the person consenting, you have committed statutory rape. You are charged with rape! You have committed a violation! Not of a person, but of a statute.

You didn’t rape a person. You raped (violated) the statute that was enacted by the Legislature. That’s your crime!

And this is not to say that statutory rape is a bad statute or law or not necessary because it comes in handy when people under the age of 18 are forced to have sex absent their consent; however, rape is rape, regardless of age. The crime should always be sex without consent and/or by force. Whether you’re 8, 18 or 28, if you don’t consent to the sex, you’ve been violated. Period!

Statutory rape legislation is also beneficial pertaining to young people who may not be aware of their right to consent or dissent to sex. So under certain circumstances, statutory rape statutes are very beneficial and necessary. Make no mistake about it.

Legal marriages are strictly for accounting and commercial purposes. Nothing else!

So men, just because you’re married, your wife may have your last name, but she belongs to the State and the State can use her to make your life miserable and bring in a lot of money from you using the court system. So don’t piss her off! LOL!!! In most cases, it’s usually cheaper to keep her!

I am a proponent of spiritual marriage which I only advocate for mature, conscious, responsible, accountable, intelligent, and spiritual people.

People who are immature, unconscious, irresponsible, unaccountable, and ignorant – generally, the masses, need legal marriages so that the State can tell them what to do as far as their duties and obligations are as well as to make them behave, civilly behave, that is. If every man automatically provided for any child he produced regardless of the circumstances or situation with the mother, child support court wouldn’t exist today. But it exists today and for a very good reason, or reasons (at least for the custodial parent and government): to enforce financial support of a child(ren) and to bring in extra revenue for the government.

And lastly, if marriage licenses were created for interracial marriages (marriages between Blacks and Whites), how come you applied for and possess a marriage license today, especially if your mate is of the same race, ethnicity, or nationality as yourself? Don’t get mad! I just want you to think, that’s all!

And no, no, no, no, no am I suggesting for you to get your marriage annulled or to get a divorce to undo the trick. You did what you did out of ignorance as well as being a good little trained and programmed slave here in the Matrix.

Again, the information given here was only for purposes of mental stimulation, to trigger thought. Not to make you upset and act while being upset.

I would like a different kind of marriage in the world. I will not call it ‘marriage’ because the word has become poisoned. I would like to call it just a friendship; no legal bondage, just a loving togetherness. No promise for tomorrow – this moment is enough. And if you love each other this moment, and if you enjoy each other this moment, if you can share with each other this moment, the next moment will be born out of it; it will be enriched. As time passes by, your love will become deeper, it will start having new dimensions, but it will not create any bondage.” – Osho

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of


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