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Natural remedies for vertigo include a variety of exercises, staying hydrated, using essential oils, and more to help improve symptoms.


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Vertigo is the feeling of spinning and dizziness that occurs without any movement. The dizzy feeling happens when the brain feels that the body is off balance, even though it is not. Not only does vertigo limit a person’s activity, but it also makes them feel sick. The chances of getting hurt from a fall increase dramatically for people with vertigo. Living with vertigo means that surroundings may move despite how still the person is. 

What Causes Vertigo?

A delusion of motion can be very severe and debilitating, which leads to nausea and occasional vomiting. When you understand what’s behind your symptoms, you can decide which natural remedies for vertigo work best. Experts agree that there are a few things that can trigger vertigo spells:

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo): Crystals inside chambers of the inner ear, which sense motion, float around or become dislodged. 
  • Vestibular Neuritis: This involves inflammation of the vestibular nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain. 
  • Meniere’s Disease: This disorder of the inner ear can cause vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Symptoms result from a build-up of fluid in the inner ear, and doctors typically prescribe medication (or at least in part) to help treat the condition.

Try The Brandt-Daroff Exercise

This is part of neck therapy for vertigo, also known as vestibular rehabilitation. Your doctor may suggest you perform Brandt-Daroff exercises at home to help relieve symptoms. These exercises don’t move the crystals that have become displaced in the inner ear; rather, they help your brain acclimate to your dizziness, which can help decrease symptoms over time. Brandt-Daroff exercise involves:

  • Sit in an upright position. Lie down on your right side, pointing your nose up at above a 45-degree angle. 
  • Remain in this position for about 30 seconds, or until the vertigo passes. 
  • Return to the seated position and then repeat on the other side. 

Ginger Tea

According to research published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, ginger root may reduce symptoms of vertigo better than manual repositioning. You can steep raw ginger root in a cup of boiling water for five minutes. Honey will help mellow the spicy flavor of ginger. Experts recommend drinking ginger tea twice daily to help reduce dizziness, nausea, and other vertigo symptoms. 


Dehydration can cause or worsen symptoms of vertigo. This is true even if the body is in a mildly dehydrated state. When you properly hydrate the body, you can help minimize dizziness and balance issues. In order to effectively hydrate, drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 150 pounds and divide that by two to get 75, you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. Water is the best option because it is calorie- and caffeine-free, and it is not a diuretic. 


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, only it involves applying pressure to specific pressure points and doesn’t use needles. The goal of this therapy is to promote overall relaxation and wellness. The P6 acupressure method, for example, involves an effective pressure point located in the two tendons between the inner forearm and wrist. Stimulating these pressure points may help manage vertigo symptoms. 

Do Balance Exercises

If vestibular neuritis causes you to experience vertigo, experts encourage you to practice balance exercises. You have to exercise the balance system in your body to make it stronger. The balance system is the interconnection between the information your brain receives from your muscles, joints, eyes, and inner ear. Vestibular therapists often recommend yoga for people with vertigo, as the postures help strengthen balance. 

The Epley Maneuver 

Potentially one of the most common ways to manage vertigo, the Epley maneuver involves a series of steps that you do before bed every night. Ideally, you do this maneuver nightly until you can resolve symptoms of vertigo for at least 24 hours. One report found that 52 out of every 100 people who use the Epley maneuver gain relief from vertigo symptoms. If symptoms of vertigo occur from the left side and left ear, follow these steps:

  • Sit on the edge of a bed and turn the head 45 degrees to the left. Lie down quickly, head facing up on the bed at a 45-degree angle. 
  • Maintain this position for 30 seconds before turning the head 90 degrees to the right without raising your head. Remain here for 30 seconds. 
  • Turn the head and entire body to the right side and look downwards for 30 seconds. 
  • Slowly return to a seated position and remain here for a few minutes. 
  • If vertigo starts on the right side of the ear, do the aforementioned instructions, but on the reverse side.


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The Best Teas To Help Soothe A Sore Throat Fri, 29 Apr 2022 09:08:00 +0000

Got a scratchy or sore throat? Learn about the best teas that can help soothe irritation. Slippery elm, peppermint, ginger, and more!


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It may not be cold and flu season, but it’s always beneficial to know how to get rid of a sore throat. Springtime is a popular time of year to experience allergies or general infections, and there’s nothing fun about either scenario. Both tend to result in that scratchy discomfort that you know will lead to unpleasant, sickly feelings. 

Although you may not be able to cure your sore throat overnight, drinking certain herbal teas can accelerate your recovery. Licorice root, slippery elm, peppermint, and more teas may reduce throat swelling and mucus production. Warm teas like these help the throat open and relax, opening the door for healing to begin. While iced beverages may seem better and more refreshing, hot liquids are best for soothing a sore throat. Several studies found that iced beverages can cause throat spasms, which cause more irritation. 

There are many warm brews that will support and soothe a sore throat. We don’t have all of them detailed in this article, but we tried to round up the best ones. Keep reading to learn which teas are most effective at soothing a sore throat. 

Ginger Tea

Ginger root is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can help soothe indigestion and sore throat. The gingerols and shogoals in ginger exhibit pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, which work to reduce irritation. Several scientific studies say that ginger may exhibit antimicrobial properties that fight viral infections that cause sore throats. Many of the studies on ginger, though, use ginger extract, which may have a higher dose of antiviral properties than regular ginger tea. More research is necessary to determine if ginger tea has the same effects. 

Licorice Root Tea

There is some research indicating licorice root’s ability to eliminate phlegm and mucus. It may also act as a coating agent, helping to soothe a sore throat. Researchers identified three important substances in licorice root that may relieve sore throat pain: liquilitin, liquiritigenin, and glycyrrhizin. Both liquilitin and liquiritigenin are expectorants, which work to loosen mucus so you can cough it up more easily. Glycyrrhizin acts as a demulcent, which provides the protective coating over the throat, preventing irritation when you swallow. 

Peppermint Tea

Dealing with a scratchy throat and a nasty cough? Bust out the peppermint tea because it is one of the best teas for soothing a sore throat. The menthol in peppermint exhibits antiviral and antibacterial properties. One study found that it has an antitussive effect, meaning it may have the ability to relieve a cough. More research on this is necessary, though. Other benefits of drinking peppermint tea include relieving upset stomach and cleaning out sinuses

Marshmallow Root Tea

No, this tea has nothing to do with s’mores, nor does it taste like roasted marshmallows. Marshmallow root tea is great for loosening mucus in the throat, meaning you can cough it up more easily. That may relieve a dry cough so you experience less pain in the throat. A 2018 study surveyed people who took marshmallow root syrup or lozenges to treat a cough. Within 10 minutes, most of the people reported that their throats felt much better and had a reduced urge to cough. 

Green Tea

Although many people drink green tea for the caffeine, it does have powerful antioxidants that help enhance immune function. Many of the anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties come from epigallocatechin-3-gallate. This compound works to reduce inflammatory proteins in the body, accelerating the healing process. Sore throats tend to result from an inflamed pharynx, which can make swallowing a more painful experience. In order to reap the benefits of green tea, you can either drink it or you can gargle with it. If you choose to gargle green tea, please do so for 30 seconds at a time. Make sure the tea is warm, not hot, so that you don’t burn your mouth when you gargle. 

Slippery Elm Tea

Just like licorice root, slippery elm has demulcent properties that provide a protective coating on the throat. The plant’s mucilage contains antioxidants that work to provide soothing properties to calm irritation. In addition to relieving sore throat pain, slippery elm may also soothe an upset stomach. If you experience indigestion, upset stomach, or need relief from coughing, brew a cup of slippery elm tea and drink it until symptoms subside. 


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The Top 5 Foods That Help Cleanse Mucus From The Body Sun, 17 Oct 2021 09:08:00 +0000

Struggling to get rid of phlegm? You can do it with food! Focus on these five foods if you want to cleanse mucus from the body with ease.


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Similar to bacteria in the gut, some mucus is beneficial to have in the body. Mucus protects certain areas of the body from drying out and can protect against bacteria and viruses. As many of you know, you can have too much of a good thing. Excess mucus in the body can cause regular congestion, throat irritation, and more. Knowing which foods can cleanse mucus from the body can help you feel like your best self. 

What Is Mucus?

Some people are disgusted by the words for mucus. Phlegm, snot, boogers, and other descriptions create an aversion to this natural bodily product. It’s a protective substance that the mouth, sinuses, throat, lungs, stomach, and intestines excrete. The main constituent of mucus is mucin, which can work as a selective barrier, viscous material, or lubricant. Regular mucin structure and production helps protect surfaces all over the body. Abnormal mucus production can result from various health conditions, including pneumonia, COPD, lung diseases, smoking, allergies, or even cystic fibrosis. Additionally, mucus can accumulate as a result of eating unhealthy or mucus-producing foods.

While there are effective natural remedies that can hep keep mucus production under control, your diet is often the best plan of attack. This can come in the form of eliminating certain foods, or consuming more foods that get rid of mucus. Whether you’re prone to excess phlegm or fighting a cold, the following foods can help cleanse mucus from your system. 


Garlic, among other members of the allium family, is a powerful expectorant, helping to break up mucus build-up. A 2017 review found that allium vegetables, including garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks, have anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is a primary culprit of excess mucus in the body, so lowering inflammation may reduce mucus. Garlic, specifically, exhibits antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties that may fight infections in the respiratory glands. Since infected respiratory glands produce more mucus, eating more garlic may reduce the amount you have in the body.


Cardamom is an Indian spice that exhibits intense flavor. The seeds, oils, and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal benefits. One such benefit is that cardamom helps reduce mucus build-up in the body. Cardamom is rich in cineole, which is an active ingredient that breaks down mucus. Excess mucus can partially block respiratory passages, making it dangerous for people with asthma, pneumonia, or respiratory conditions. Lastly, cardamom can liquify mucus in heavier foods, which can be hard for the body to digest. 


In addition to improving digestive health, pineapple may help eliminate mucus from the body. Fresh pineapple contains bromelain, an important enzyme with strong anti-inflammatory properties that aid respiratory function. In fact, pineapple’s anti-inflammatory nature has helped relieve symptoms of asthma and allergies. Fresh pineapple juice also exhibits mucolytic properties, which work to break up mucus and expel it from the body.


Drinking ginger tea when you have a cold is one of the best things you can do, as it soothes the throat and promotes decongestion. Several studies found that ginger is a natural decongestant and antihistamine. Plus, it’s rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can ease chest congestion by drying out excess mucus and promoting its removal. Ginger holds specific enzymatic benefits the produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Ginger actually alerts the immune system that it is safe and mucus production is not necessary. You can add fresh ginger root to smoothies, but the best way to consume it is by drinking homemade ginger tea. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is rich in the active compound capsaicin, which helps to naturally thin mucus. Capsaicin is also what gives cayenne the potent spice. If you experience a runny nose after eating spicy foods like cayenne, it’s because it has mucus-thinning properties. Cayenne pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which works to enhance immune function. If the body is fighting a virus or infection, optimizing the immune system can help reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. If you have acid reflux, you may want to avoid spicy foods like cayenne, because they may actually worsen phlegm-related issues. 


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Cinnamon, Fig, And Ginger Sun Tea Sat, 31 Jul 2021 17:51:00 +0000

Cool off during summer when you enjoy this cinnamon, ginger, and fig tea over ice. It helps promote decongestion and soothes sore throats.


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The classic combination of ginger and cinnamon helps to boost immunity and provide anti-inflammatory properties. If you have any sort of sinus congestion, the ginger cinnamon combo promotes decongestion. A healing duo such as ginger and cinnamon is beneficial for your health, but you can always enhance how they benefit the body. For example, this tea contains dried figs, which are naturally rich in calcium, iron, and potassium. Additionally, they offer powerful antioxidants like vitamin C, quercetin, epicatechin gallate, and kaempferol.

Traditionally, you serve this tea over ice, but you have the option to enjoy it warm. The warmth helps to open up the airways and the spiciness of the ginger can soothe a sore throat. You have the option to add some stevia or raw agave nectar if you want to temper the spiciness of the ginger and cinnamon. Sometimes, especially if it is your first exposure to these strong flavors, it can be better to use raw agave. Don’t go crazy with a heavy drizzle of agave; rather, a tablespoon will do just fine. Cinnamon can have a spicy, startling flavor as well, but it’s quite enjoyable. Cinnamon outranked 26 other superfoods in a study comparing their antioxidant activity. How amazing is that?

This recipe does make a hefty amount of tea, which is why it’s great for a large pitcher of summer iced tea. It also requires a slow brew, meaning you don’t boil the water. You add all of the ingredients to a large jar and allow it to brew for a couple hours in the sun. This works to hydrate the figs, thereby releasing their health properties into the liquid. It’s a different method to brew tea, but it often imparts a ton of flavor.


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5 Great Teas For People With Diabetes Tue, 18 May 2021 17:39:00 +0000

Learn how green tea, black tea, and other herbal teas can help people with diabetes manage blood sugar and even encourage weight loss.


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People with diabetes typically have to avoid certain foods and beverages, especially if they are sugary. Energy drinks, sugary sports drinks, sodas, and bottled juices tend to be off limits for diabetics, but that’s not the case for teas. Certain teas have proven to be very beneficial for people with diabetes. Some varieties may help increase insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, and aid with blood sugar control. All of these things are essential for managing diabetes. 

How Can Tea Help People With Type 2 Diabetes?

Unsweetened teas have powerful health properties that benefit people with or without type 2 diabetes. For diabetic patients, though, certain teas contain compounds that can help control blood sugar and inflammation. Drinking tea is a great way to provide the body with hydration and antioxidants that fight free radicals, which can damage cells. Many health experts believe that oxidative stress, caused by free radicals, is one contributing factor to the onset of type 2 diabetes. Choosing teas, then, that contain plant compounds that combat cellular damage is a step in the right direction. Additionally, hydrating the body with teas has been associated with more balanced blood sugar levels. In fact, one meta analysis found that drinking three cups of tea daily resulted in a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. 

Discover the perks of drinking the following teas if you are looking to help control or reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea comes from the same plant that green tea and black tea come from. Made from oxidized leaves from the Camilla sinensis plant, oolong tea may help to improve cognitive function and bone health. For diabetics, oolong tea may promote weight loss and improve heart health. One study found that drinking oolong tea helped control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Additionally, the polyphenols in oolong tea may offer protective effects against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

Rooibos Tea

According to laboratory studies, rooibos tea may encourage weight loss. Obesity is one of the primary contributing factors to type 2 diabetes. One study found that diabetics who were able to control weight were able to better control blood sugar and reduce the progression of the condition. Another study found that rooibos tea may inhibit fat cell formation, which may decrease the risk of obesity. Rooibos also contains aspalathin, which is a compound that may help to lower blood glucose levels. A 2019 study found that aspalathin may work to reverse metabolic complications that increase the risk of weight gain. Plus, rooibos tea may lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea has a classic zing and is beneficial for sore throats or upset stomachs. However, new research points to the fact that ginger may work to lower fasting blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. A 2015 study that was published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine observed diabetics who didn’t take insulin and supplemented with ginger. After three months of ginger supplementation, the group experienced improvement in glycemic control. Researchers believe that ginger tea helps to inhibit enzymes that play a role in carbohydrate metabolism and increased insulin sensitivity. 

Chamomile Tea

Native to many European and Western Asian countries, chamomile is an aromatic plant that offers numerous health benefits. Several studies found that drinking chamomile tea works to decrease blood sugar levels. Additional studies found that chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties that may inhibit damage to the pancreas. The pancreas helps to maintain balanced blood sugar levels, so this is good news for type 2 diabetics. A 2018 study found that chamomile tea may improve insulin resistance and glucose management. At the end of that same eight-week study, type 2 diabetics also also experienced a reduction in inflammatory markers. 

Peppermint Tea

Aside from calming an upset stomach, peppermint tea works to promote relaxation, which is good news for your A1C. Several studies found that diabetics with high stress levels experience blood glucose spikes and crashes. Calming the body and reducing stress often works to balance blood glucose, making them easier to control. A past study found that inhaling peppermint aroma via a diffuser helps to reduce anxiety, anger, and overall frustration. If you experience high stress and have diabetes, peppermint tea may be right for you!


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7 Great Caffeine-Free Teas For Morning Energy Fri, 21 Aug 2020 09:02:00 +0000

Whether you want to kick your caffeine addiction or reduce your daily intake, there are herbal teas that may increase energy levels.


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If you are like 90% of Americans, chances are that you consume caffeine in one or more ways every single day. More than 50% of American adults consume 300 milligrams of caffeine per day (considered too much by health experts), making it the most popular drug in America.

What Is Caffeine?

Caffeine is the undisputed morning drug of choice for people. It wakes you up, alters moods, and stimulates the central nervous system the same way that amphetamines do. Caffeine actually blocks adenosine, a chemical in that body that promotes sleepiness, which can interfere with a healthy sleep pattern. Found in more than 60 plants, caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world. It is a psychostimulant that makes you more alert. Yerba mate, guarana, coffee, tea, and certain herbs are the most common forms of caffeine.

Can You Increase Energy Levels Without Caffeine?

Most people don’t understand that caffeine is the short-term solution to increasing energy levels. And consuming too much caffeine results in a hardcore crash. The reality is that most people can’t imagine a life without caffeine, but it is possible to boost energy levels without it. The combination of regular exercise, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and stress-reducing techniques all improve your energy levels. Besides all of that, the following herbal, caffeine-free teas can give you that energy boost you’re looking for.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea helps to calm upset stomachs, but the secret benefits are that it can improve focus, memory, and energy levels. The tea has a minty flavor with hints of pine, and it tastes best when you brew it for five to ten minutes. Northrumbia University conducted a study with 180 individuals. One group took a placebo and the other drank peppermint tea. The group that drank peppermint tea experienced improved cognition and elevated mood.

Lemon Balm Tea

This isn’t high on everyone’s list of energy boosting beverages, but it may be after you read about it. Historically, lemon balm helped to regulate mood and improve cognitive function, making people more alert. People who drink lemon balm tea find that they are less irritable and have more energy without being nervous or jumpy.

Ginger Tea

You should always have ginger in your house. It’s a wonderful herbal remedy that helps reduce sore throats and stomach pain. Countless studies on ginger have examined its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve blood flow. Newer studies found that increased circulation can help boost energy levels. In fact, a study in Herbal Medicine found that ginger promotes adrenal catecholamine secretion. Since these chemical compounds regulate energy consumption, drinking ginger tea may help you sustain energy throughout the day on a chemical level.

Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root is an adaptogenic herb, and it helps to regulate hormonal production. It encourages the adrenal glands to increase blood flow, which in turn contributes to increased energy. Licorice root does have that signature licorice flavor, but you can mix it with other herbal teas to reduce the intensity of the flavor. You can also sweeten it with raw agave or stevia to mellow the taste.

Rooibos Tea

Native to South Africa, rooibos is a small red bush that contains potent antioxidants, similar to the ones that are in green tea. Most health experts consider rooibos tea to be the best caffeine-free tea in the world, specifically for the antiviral activity, cholesterol lowering abilities, chemopreventative activity, and blood pressure lowering ability. It can help to decrease fatigue and improve focus, but it isn’t the best tea for energy on this list.

Astragalus Tea

Astragalus is a common herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Brewed from the root of the astragalus plant, astragalus tea helps to support the adrenal glands, where we get our energy. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, astragalus should be one of your go-to herbs. Lastly, astragalus is a natural diuretic and helps to support healthy immune function.

Ginkgo Biloba

TCM uses ginkgo biloba to help increase blood flow throughout the body, opening channels of energy that improve overall health. Many people consume this tea to help boost brain health or improve memory. If you feel fatigued or have a cloudy mind, drink a cup of ginkgo biloba tea for mental clarity and a slight pick-me-up.


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7 Natural Remedies For Quick Migraine Relief Thu, 11 Jun 2020 08:56:00 +0000

When your head won’t stop pounding, you can’t think straight and everything is terrible. Beat that migraine with these natural remedies.


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Migraines are horrible, and anyone who has experienced that splitting pain wants it to stop immediately. When you have a migraine, simple tasks like walking, driving, working, or having a conversation prove to be difficult, or damn near impossible. Migraine relief isn’t easy to come by, but the natural remedies in this article should help decrease the pain.

What Are Migraines?

Migraines are intense, throbbing headaches that commonly affect one section of the head. In addition to the pain, one can experience nausea, vomiting, numbness, or difficulty speaking. When you get a migraine, all you want to do is lay in bed, turn off all the lights, and tune out the rest of the world. Rest is always a beneficial approach, but there are other remedies for quickly addressing migraine pain.

Alternate Between Heat And Ice Packs

It is important to alternate between heat and ice packs because solely focusing on one is not the best approach. Cold packs help to reduce inflammation and heat packs help soothe sore muscles. You can also soak in a hot bath and put a cold pack behind your neck to use both hot and cold remedies simultaneously.

Drink A Lot Of Water

If you feel the slightest throbbing pain of migraine, get out that water bottle and start drinking. When you are dehydrated, you are much more susceptible to migraines and headaches. Multiple studies found that drinking water relieves migraine symptoms for 30 minutes to three hours. Drink, up rest, up, and the pain will go away.

Change Your Diet

This is more of a preventative tip, but it is worth mentioning because diet plays a role in migraine development. You may notice that certain foods or beverages trigger migraine symptoms. Common trigger foods include red wine, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, and processed foods. Keep a food diary to keep track of the triggers so that you can live a migraine-free life moving forward.

Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger has myriad medicinal properties, and it is used to help remedy a variety of symptoms and conditions. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to reduce vomiting and nausea, which are common symptoms of migraines. When you feel a migraine coming on, brew yourself some ginger tea and slurp it down. You can also add ginger to smoothies if you don’t want to drink tea.

Consider A B-Complex Vitamin

According to numerous studies, B vitamins help prevent headaches and reduce migraine symptoms. A B-complex vitamin contains all eight essential B vitamins. Don’t just focus on a single B vitamin; rather, get all of them by taking one single supplement. You can take it on a regular basis to reduce your risk of migraines.

Experiment With Basil Oil

Basil has a strong scent and it is a popular ingredient in various culinary practices. What’s interesting is that basil essential oil has a long history of medicinal use, especially for relaxation or sore muscles. In fact, basil essential oil is a natural muscle relaxant, so it may help to relieve tension headaches like migraines.

Try A DIY Scalp Massage

DIY scalp massages not only feel great, but they can also help alleviate migraine symptoms. Some people who suffer from migraines will find that scalp massages reduce tension because they promote circulation in the head and neck area. Others don’t want to be touched when migraines strike. Firmly massage your scalp with all of your fingers for about five minutes. If you have someone to do it for you, definitely opt for that.  


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4 Teas To Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:01:00 +0000

Menstrual cramps are annoying and most women just have to deal with them once a month. Drink these teas to help provide relief from cramps.


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When “Aunt Flo” comes to town, all women know what is about to ensue. At best, a woman’s menstrual cycle is a mild annoyance, but many women commonly experience cramps, headaches, or aches and pains. Cramps can be mild, but they can also be quite severe, radiating pain to the lower back, glutes, thighs, and sometimes even the knees. Women are busy and don’t have time for cramps to interfere with their schedules, which is why we recommend the teas in this article for diminishing the pain associated with menstrual cramps.

What Are Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps, medically referred to as dysmenorrhea, are thought to be caused by increased levels of prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that help the uterus contract to release the uterine lining during the period. Prostaglandins are also hormone-like substances linked to inflammation and pain. They typically occur a few days before and during the first couple days of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Occasionally, cramps are caused by an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen hormones.

If you typically experience menstrual cramps, here are four teas that may help to counteract the pain.

Fennel Tea

If you are not a fan of licorice, then this may not be the tea for you. That being said, fennel contains anethole, a compound with anti-spasm effects, which may diminish menstrual cramp pain. A 2015 study that was published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing And Midwifery Research compared the effects of fennel extract on menstrual pain compared to mefenamic acid, a medication for dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps). Different groups of women in the study took fennel extract, mefenamic acid, vitex extract, or placebo. Over the course of two cycles, the women who took fennel had a greater effect at decreasing cramps than the women who took the mefenamic acid.

Peppermint Tea

Due to the inherent muscle relaxant effects, peppermint tea is an excellent tea for relieving menstrual cramps. One study examined the effects of peppermint on menstrual pain, and the findings determined that it helped improve menstrual-related pain. It also concluded that women with menstrual cramps may benefit from consuming peppermint tea over medicinal drugs.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a warming herb and it has many benefits, including the ability to soothe sore throats and calm upset stomach. Menstrual cramps are typically caused by increased levels of prostaglandins, and ginger works to soothe cramps by lowering those levels. A 2009 study examined a group of women who took 250 mg of ginger root four times a day for three days from the start of their menstrual cycles. Compared to the women who took ibuprofen, the women who took ginger experienced decreased cramps and pain relief. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can also be helpful in reducing menstrual cramp pain. For optimal effectiveness, drink 4 cups of ginger tea per day.

Cramp Bark Tea

If ever there was a name for an herb that relieves menstrual cramps, it is cramp bark tea. This antispasmodic herb has been known to alleviate cramps and assist with reducing symptoms of bloating as well. Preliminary research indicated that cramp bark may be useful for decreasing uterus spasms, helping it to relax during the menstrual cycle. Cramp bark tea is most effective when you drink it one or two days prior to experiencing cramps.


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3 Caffeine-Free Herbal Teas To Get You Through Your Day Mon, 05 Aug 2019 09:48:25 +0000 Caffeine Free Herbal Teas

A great way to enhance your overall well-being is to habitually drink various herbal teas daily. These 3 teas are a great starting point.


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Caffeine Free Herbal Teas

Tea drinking is not a habit that people take up, unless they come down with a cold or flu. Only then do they concoct tea blends, attempting to heal the body as quickly as possible. Let us let you in on a little secret: herbal teas can be consumed even when you aren’t sick. Wait…hang on a second. Is this real information? Yes, we can confirm that this is in fact a true statement.

Herbal teas, unlike green, oolong, black, or white teas, are not derived from tea plants. Each herbal tea is comprised of dried flowers, spices, herbs, or fruits, and some of them are blends of those ingredients, while others are made up of a singular herb, flower, or spice. Herbal teas are caffeine-free, differentiating them green or black tea varieties. The benefits of green tea, including the impressive antioxidants and its ability to help burn fat, often outshine the healing properties of other herbal teas. In reality, herbal teas need more attention because they have been known to reduce pain, stimulate digestion, improve immune function, provide anticancer benefits, detox the liver, and much more.

Often times, it is difficult to get your hands on fresh herbs, so the dried version is the next best thing. When you purchase dried herbs, it is best to store them in airtight glass jars in cool dark places. If you plan to combine several herbs to brew a healing cup of herbal tea, use a fine mesh tea bag or tea strainer, which you can drop in the mug of hot water. Make the following herbal teas to help you make it through your day.

Get Going Without Caffeine


  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • raw agave syrup or stevia to sweeten (optional)


  • Put the dried rosemary in a fine mesh tea bag or tea strainer and steep it in one cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bag or strainer from the mug and stir in the cayenne pepper and optional agave or stevia.
  • Drink one cup in the morning to feel a natural energizing jolt!

Anti-Stress Herbal Tea Without Caffeine


  • ¾ ounce lemon balm
  • ¾ ounce wood betony
  • ¾ ounce oatstraw
  • ¾ ounce skullcap
  • ¾ ounce vervain
  • ¾ ounce lavender


  • Combine all of these herbs in a tea strainer and boil 2-3 cups of water. Pour the boiling water into a teapot with the strainer and let the herbs steep for about five minutes.
  • Remove the tea strainer and sweeten with raw agave, if required.
  • Drink 1-3 cups a day if you are feeling stressed.

Healthy Caffeine-Free Sleepy Time Tea


  • ¾ ounce passionflower
  • 2 ounces valerian
  • ¾ ounce lemon balm
  • ½ ounce lavender


  • Combine all of these herbs in a tea strainer and boil 2-3 cups of water. Pour the boiling water into a teapot with the strainer and let the herbs steep for about five minutes.
  • Remove the tea strainer and sweeten with raw agave, if required.
  • Drink one cup of this tea about an hour before bed to help ensure a good night’s sleep.

Herbal Teas Can Improve Digestion

Containing powerful phenols, herbal teas can help strengthen stomach muscles and the muscles in the esophagus, which works to reduce acid reflux and symptoms of heartburn. Some herbal teas work to encourage healthy blood flow to the digestive tract, and they help to decrease indigestion or upset stomach. Teas can also absorb gas and reduce free radicals in the digestive system. Ginger tea, chamomile tea, and chai teas are best for improving digestion.

Herbal Teas Stimulate Brain Function

Ginger tea, lemon balm tea, and ginkgo biloba tea have been praised for their brain boosting properties. These teas help to increase blood flow to the brain, providing it with oxygen and other essential nutrients for optimal brain function. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea can help to reduce headaches, and gingko biloba helps to reduce aluminum chloride in the brain, a compound connected to neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease.

Herbal Teas Help You Unwind

Many herbal teas have relaxing and calming effects, often helping those with insomnia or sleep troubles. Millions of people have trouble sleeping and often turn to medications to treat the problem. Rather than relying on medications, which can induce negative side effects, relax and unwind with a cup of peppermint tea, chamomile tea, passionflower tea, or lemon balm tea, all of which reduce cortisol levels and may even soothe anxiety.


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Toxins Will Leave Your Body When You Eat These Foods Tue, 08 Jan 2019 11:15:48 +0000

Cleansing the body doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are foods you can eat that do the work for you. Eat these foods to help cleanse.


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Sometimes your body needs to be cleansed of all the toxins and waste. Whether you have absorbed these impurities via food, environmental pollution, or beauty products, cleansing them from your body can help your bodily systems function at their best. While we recommend cleansing between 2-4 times a year, there are foods you can eat to always keep your body clean. Get those toxins out of your system and help your body absorb nutrients by eating the foods in this article.


Ginger is an all around healer. It can help you recover from a sore throat or soothe digestive discomfort. Drinking ginger tea or chewing on a fresh piece of ginger can help cleanse your digestive tract. You can also infuse ginger by adding thinly sliced ginger to a pitcher of water overnight.


It seems that most everyone has caught on to this superfood. Health experts even recommend that people with kidney disease eat kale to help cleanse the kidneys. Kale is also rich in fiber and glucosinolates, both of which help the cleansing process. A great way to add kale to your diet is via smoothies.


Besides the fact that cabbage is incredibly low in calories, it also encourages the body to eliminate carcinogens. It is important to note that a lot of the benefits of cabbage are broken down by heat. This means that eating raw cabbage in smoothies or salads is the best way to reap its benefits. Cabbage can also help you naturally lower cholesterol levels.


You can’t beat the benefits of beets! While beets are beneficial for improving digestion, they are also rich in dietary nitrates, which help to naturally open up blood vessels. When your blood vessels are open, they can absorb more oxygen and efficiently carry it throughout the body.


Most people don’t know about the cleansing properties of asparagus. Aside from making your urine smell, asparagus helps to promote liver drainage. This means that compounds in asparagus help flush all of the toxins and waste, which the liver captures, from the body.


Like we always say, water helps to naturally flush toxins from the body. As the name implies, watercress has a high water content, making it a great detox agent. Watercress also helps to stimulate the liver’s cleansing enzymes and it protects your cells from free radical damage. Try adding this little green to your salads!

Other Notable Cleansing Foods:

  • Avocados
  • Grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Lemons
  • Broccoli
  • Dill
  • Dandelion Root
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Artichokes
  • Apples
  • Basil
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Turmeric


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