Should We Trust Our Food Labels?
Are nutrition labels inaccurate?
Are nutrition labels inaccurate?
Making a list, checking labels, and using a money-saving app can optimize your shopping trip. Learn to avoid these common mistakes.
Nutrition labels can be confusing, especially if you’re trying to turn your health around. This guide should help you read your way healthy.
On the latest episode of Vegan101, we’ll go over going over reading the nutritional labels correctly on the vegan diet.
The FDA updated the Nutrition Facts labels on packaged foods and drinks. Learn to read them so you can keep eating healthy.
Failing to understand nutrition labels could be holding you back from reaching your health goals. Follow these tips to understand them.
Have you been using the wrong protein powder all this time? Not only is vegan protein powder better for you, but your body uses it more efficiently.
It’s time to clean the slate or hit the reset button on your health. Forget these 2016 “health” trends and embrace a healthier future.
Does America need new nutrition labels with increased serving sizes? Find out what the FDA is doing to change nutrition labels on the foods we eat.
This article will show you how to identify the causes of your headache through an elimination diet.
The list of additives in ice-cream sounds like a science project.
Vinegar, an impure dilute solution obtained by fermentation used as a preservative. It is not a food. It is a solvent. Interferes with the digestive process, retarding and preventing the proper assimilation of food causing ulcers, cancer.
The strange thing is, cat and dog food manufacturers put more synthetic nutrients in cat and dog food than human food manufacturers put in so-called human food.
Vitaminwater is not a healthy alternative to normal water.
Yes, beware of toothpaste! Commercial brand toothpastes, that is!
We all know fructose is some type of sweetener, we see it listed on so many food labels: ketchup, soft-drinks, energy drinks, cereals, cookies, breads, crackers, ice creams, canned soups, and more. And most of us think fructose has something to do with fruits. So in some way it’s okay; it’s just some sweetener thing […]
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