Tags: Fenugreek


The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.


Categories of diabetes were conveniently and strategically created by the National Diabetes Data Group of the National Institute of Health. When you see or have the word institute, you should see the connection to the word institution.


Toxins are first attacked by the liver. The liver does a great job of fighting toxicity until it gets overwhelmed and allows less toxic substances to slip through into the body via the blood while it fights the most deadly toxins.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is medically defined as a serious, sometimes fatal inflammatory disease. The condition causes the mucous membranes to react severely to medication or infection. Symptoms of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome are similar to symptoms of the flu and include cough, fever, and headache. Symptoms can escalate into a painful rash that spreads and blisters. This causes […]

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