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Embrace the back-to-school life by getting your kids involved! Kids are excited and filled with emotions, but you can mitigate their jitters.


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Back-to-school season tends to bring about mixed emotions. Parents are eager for their kids to get back into a routine and kids may feel excited to reunite with friends. It’s also possible to feel a little sad about saying goodbye to the good times of summer. That is true for family members of any age, not just the kids.

Many children also experience back-to-school jitters. Perhaps they are worried about what the school year will bring or how they will fit in. Parents may wonder how to calm those nerves and help their children better navigate this busy time in their lives. In an effort to mitigate those back-to-school jitters, you can get your kids involved in various processes. Asking them to participate in various tasks can help distract them and increase their responsibility requirements. Here are a few ways to prep tips as kids head into the school year. 

Create Family Mindfulness Routines 

Most parents will say that one of the biggest back-to-school adjustments is reestablishing healthy morning and bedtime routines. There is no secret code that unlocks the perfect bedtime or morning routine for every child. One way to incorporate the whole family is to work together to find mindfulness routines that everyone can practice. In the morning, for example, consider reciting a daily affirmation that encourages positive thinking and confidence. Affirmations can help children face tough challenges that they may encounter at school. In the evening, engage in a shared gratitude practice, during which everyone shares one thing they are grateful for. 

Allow Children To Craft Grocery Lists And Help Meal Plan

Whether you have kids or not, grocery shopping is something you must do. Kids can help make grocery lists, restock the pantry or fridge after a grocery run, and write down when things are running low. Take that a step further by involving your kids in meal planning. Come up with a weekly calendar of meals and talk about what you will need to buy for certain meals. You will also need to include snacks and treats that everyone can enjoy. Consider trail mix without chocolate or carrot sticks with hummus. Plus, getting everyone involved with grocery planning can help your kids later in life when they have to shop for themselves. 

Let Kids Pack Their Own Lunches

Take a chore off your morning to-do list by allowing your kids to pack their own lunches. If they are too young to make lunches, let them help place the contents inside their lunch boxes. Giving your children a sense of autonomy over chores is essential for growth and development. They will also learn how the food they pack can help fuel their bodies. To make this process easier, give them a checklist of foods to include. Break it down into protein, vegetables, fruits, and treats. Work with them to help better educate them about healthy food choices

Get Out And Explore

One of the reasons that the back-to-school transition proves difficult for kids is because they spend less time outdoors. They are in classrooms all day with a small break for recess. Take them out to walk the dog in the evening or plan small bike rides to the local park. Exposing children to natural light after school can help boost their mood and encourage better sleep at night. You can also plan more elaborate weekend excursions, such as hikes, picnics, beach days, and scavenger hunts. Involve the kids in these plans by having them help pack the essentials for your excursions the night before. 

Create New Family Traditions

The start of the new school year is a time of change. Kids and families can find it very disorientating, but you can help develop new routines that your kids can look forward to. Weekly traditions for the family can be very exciting. Perhaps one plan is a weekly dinner where kids get to plan pizza toppings. Another idea is to have one family member pick a game to play on the weekend. Maybe you have a movie night at home with theater-inspired concessions. The possibilities are endless!


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5 Productivity Hacks To Change Your Life Sun, 01 Sep 2024 09:05:00 +0000

Do you ever finish the day and feel as though you accomplished nothing? Change that with these simple productivity hacks.


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It can be frustrating to arrive at the day’s end, only to feel like you did not accomplish anything. You may feel like there are not enough hours in the day or days in the week to complete all the tasks on your to-do list. Even though there is a lot to do, there are many distractions that can absorb your attention for hours. You may not even realize how quickly time passes when you engage with them! To help you regain focus and accomplish daily tasks, we put together a list of five hacks that can help you improve productivity

Set Your Goals

The first step is to set goals. Don’t set lofty goals, for example, to clean the entire house in two hours. Instead, set smaller, more attainable goals to tackle them more efficiently. To do that, though, you first have to think through your goals before you set them. Imagine that you want to get detailed directions to a destination. Do that for yourself, but with goals, in order to maximize your likelihood of success. Live by the SMART acronym: Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. If you follow the SMART method, you’ll be knocking down goals left and right!

Reassess Your Schedule

Does your current schedule match up with your goals? It is easy to get caught up in a certain pattern, but specific goals may require you to shake things up. Perhaps that looks like saying no, especially if you are a people pleaser. Problems tend to occur when you spend the majority of your time doing things that you didn’t originally plan on doing. That doesn’t leave time for the goals you want to achieve. Naturally, various obligations, opportunities, or exciting events pop up. Social media can make you feel like you’re missing out. If you say yes too often, you are usually missing out on the things that matter most in life: family, solo time, etc. Just remember that every yes means that you’re saying no to something else. 

Plan Ahead

The best way to set time aside for your most important tasks is to establish time blocks. Plan your day simply and effectively by saying that you will complete certain tasks in a specific window. That way, you can be more purposeful with the time you spend on these actions. Additionally, keep in mind that planning affords you the opportunity to set your priorities with intention. That can help you be more purposeful with your time and the goals you want to accomplish. Planning can also help you avoid distraction, especially when you begin with intent. 

Focus On Priorities

Distractions are commonplace nowadays. If you work on a computer, you can easily visit infinite websites that distract you from the task at hand. You can also get caught up in social media scrolling or games on your phone. These devices just suck you in and you lose track of time instantaneously. Remember the time blocks we mentioned in the previous paragraph? Well, having a specific amount of time to tackle a task can show you how easy it is to get distracted and how hard it is to stay focused. Don’t allow distractions to control your time. You have to fight distractions in order to do that, and that can be very difficult at first. You have the power to come up with ways to get around distractions and do the things you have to do in your time block. 

Stack Habits

Working towards your goals is easier when you have a schedule and when you work on your habits. Change your habits by way of stacking them, which is a simple productivity hack. Habit stacking, essentially, is taking a habit that you have and stacking a new habit you want with it. Starting a new habit is a little easier when you pair it alongside an existing one. If you want to drink more water, for example, drink a glass of water to your pre-existing habit of eating. Do you eat breakfast at 730 a.m. every morning? Add a glass of water to that meal and it will feel like killing two birds with one stone. Attaching a new habit to an existing one is much easier than beginning a new one by itself. In fact, it can be more distracting to set aside time for a brand new habit!


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Caring For A Pet May Reduce Depression And Anxiety Sat, 10 Aug 2024 09:13:00 +0000

According to new research, having a pet, especially a dog, may help improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression.


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A recent study involved middle-aged women and researchers observed that having a high attachment to a furry friend helped reduce anxiety. Specifically, dog ownership, not cat ownership, was found to lower anxiety. In fact, researchers noted that a strong connection with a dog contributed to lower rates of depression and anxiety, in addition to symptoms of either disorder. This was especially true for women with a history of childhood abuse. 

Researchers noted that the level of attachment to a pet is a crucial factor in how they help reduce anxiety or risk of their owners’ depression. This bond may be more impactful for certain groups, but that depends on the person’s attachment style and if they endured childhood abuse. Just as with anything, there are other factors to consider before adopting a pet. Although it may benefit your mental health, not everyone is equipped to have a pet. Just keep that in mind when reading about the following study. 

Women With Strong Bonds to Dogs Had Lower Rates Of Anxiety And Depression

Study authors explain that the goal of the study was to better understand if a close bond with a pet reduced a person’s anxiety and depression, especially for women who endured childhood abuse. The study included 214 women who previously enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study 2. 140 of those women owned a pet, 56% of which owned a dog and 33% of which owned a cat. The controlled group in the study consisted of 74 participants who had never owned a pet. 

Researchers purposefully, but randomly, oversampled participants who reported childhood abuse. That means that they included a higher percentage than would normally be found in the general population. This was to better understand the impact of pet ownership on women with mental health issues. The average age of the group was 61, and 156 women experienced childhood abuse. 

During the study, participants were asked about their feelings and behaviors toward the pet they spent the most time with. Did they consider them a friend? Did they talk to them or play with them frequently? Were the pets considered family members? Researchers noted that a higher attachment to dogs was linked to significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dog attachment also revealed lower scores in general anxiety and overall anxiety and depression symptoms. That was particularly true among women with a history of childhood abuse.

Women With Cats Didn’t Have Lower Anxiety And Depression

Although pet attachment was linked to lower anxiety levels, there was no significant reduction in depression or anxiety in women who had an attachment to cats. Is this another reason to understand that dogs are better? We are not at liberty to make that claim. Unfortunately, researchers don’t fully understand why that is. They theorize that may have been due to a smaller sample size of cat owners. Perhaps it was the differences in the lifestyles and personalities of cats versus dog owners. 

Cats are generally more independent than dogs, though. Some people may feel that cats lack the same level of companionship or emotional support, but that is entirely subjective. The social interactions encouraged by dogs may not be as prevalent with cats. Dogs require walks, trips to the park, or even doggy playdates.  Cats tend to stay indoors and may not encourage the same level of social engagement or physical activity. 

The Love For Animals Inspires Researchers

All of the researchers behind the study had pets of their own and shared a similar love for animals. The research was driven by the growing evidence that pets have the power to benefit human health. Many researchers have noticed that elderly patients are able to relax and find anxiety relief when through the companionship of a pet. Pets bring a level of comfort and can help reduce feelings of loneliness. They offer unconditional love and support!

Should You Consider A Pet?

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, getting a pet may seem like the answer. As a disclaimer, not everyone with depression or anxiety will benefit from pet ownership. There are a lot of things to consider before getting a pet. Pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitment, physically, financially, and emotionally. 

Many people who experience feelings of depression or loneliness may benefit from interacting with a pet. That pet may even cause you to get out of bed in the morning because that living creature relies on you. For others, getting a pet can be very overwhelming, and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, stress, or shame. All of that can contribute to more depression or anxiety. Just calculate the risk of getting a pet before jumping in the deep end. You may find that fostering a pet is a great first step!


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6 Delicious And Healthy Summer Stone Fruits Tue, 30 Jul 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Besides being absolutely refreshing and delicious, summer stone fruits offer a unique and long list of impressive health benefits.


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There are only a handful of things that capture the essence of summer. A long beach day with the family, a day at the lake, a backyard barbecue, and, of course, biting into a juicy stone fruit. Be it a peach, nectarine, apricot, plum, pluot, or a cup of cherries, a stone fruit is nearly unmatched for summer fruits. Well, watermelon may top the list for some, but not for us!

A stone fruit, or a drupe, is a type of fruit that contains a large stone (pit) in the center. They belong to the Prunus genus family and usually have a thin skin with soft and juicy flesh. Unlike other fruits, stone fruits stop reopening right after being picked. That means that the stone fruit season is limited, but because of different ripening times, you can find stone fruit varieties throughout the year. Stone fruits provide a long list of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and you can continue reading to learn more about them. 


A true classic, the peach has been cultivated all over the world, dating all the way back to 6,000 BC. They exhibit a scrumptiously sweet flavor, are low in calories, and have a host of health benefits. Peaches are rich in carotenoids, which are plant pigments that give peaches their signature yellow color. Carotenoids exhibit anti-inflammatory effects and may help protect against certain eye diseases and cancers. Some research shows that people who eat carotenoid-rich diets have a lower risk of developing age-related macular degeneration


These small, orange stone fruits are naturally rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, and several B vitamins. Fresh apricots are especially rich in beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid that the body converts into vitamin A. Apricots are particularly rich in this plant pigment, in addition to other plant compounds that help protect against oxidative stress. One study with 1,300 people suffering from gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) found that people who ate apricots daily experienced significantly fewer GERD symptoms compared to those who didn’t. Apricots may also improve digestion by accelerating the rate at which food moves through the digestive tract.


The lychee fruit offers a distinct flavor and texture. The sweet and refreshing white flesh is protected by a sturdy, inedible pink skin. One cup of lychees fulfills 226% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C and 7% of the RDI of folate. Lychees are also rich in phosphorus, copper, potassium, and good amounts of riboflavin (vitamin B2). They also provide phenolic compounds, including epicatechin, rutin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid, all of which exhibit powerful antioxidant effects. 


Plums, despite their size, pack an impressive nutritional punch. They are naturally rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and offer an assortment of phenolic compounds, including kaempferol and proanthocyanidins. Phenolic compounds work to protect your cells from damaging free radicals, which may help reduce your risk of neurodegenerative illnesses and heart disease. Prunes, which are dried plums, may help increase bone mineral density and relieve constipation. Think of prunes like concentrated doses of the nutrients you find in plums. 


Didn’t think you’d see mangos on this list, did you? Most people don’t realize that mangos belong to the stone fruit family. They are naturally rich in several B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, and potassium. Like other stone fruits, mangos offer a diverse mix of antioxidant compounds, including anthocyanins and carotenoids. Mangos are high-fiber fruits, so it helps promote healthy digestion. One study involved people with chronic constipation. Researchers observed that eating two cups of mango daily significantly improved stool consistency and frequency. 


Last, but not certainly not least, we have cherries, which have a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Cherries are great sources of manganese, magnesium, copper, vitamins B6, C, and K, potassium, and lots of antioxidants, including procyanidins, anthocyanins, and flavonols. These antioxidants work to reduce inflammatory processes, potentially reducing your risk of some chronic diseases. A small one-month study found that people who consumed a little less than two cups of cherries per day significantly reduced inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin 18 (IL-18). Other studies indicate that cherries may help improve sleep, reduce post-exercise muscle soreness, and regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


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4 Tips For Staying Sober Through The 4th Of July Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:09:00 +0000

This is what you need to do to stay sober throughout 4th of July festivities. You’ll handle this holiday like a seasoned pro with these tips.


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The 4th of July is an incredibly festive time for people and an alcoholic beverage is typically within arm’s reach at any picnic or barbecue. For people in recovery, especially those new to the program, July 4th can be a difficult time to remain sober. Independence Day is a joyful holiday, but the reality is that it can remind you of old habits and the occasional unexpected emotions. How you navigate those emotions when they surface can influence how you handle the holiday. 

The primary goal is to direct your focus to things that you can do, not what you can’t do. You can have a lot of meaningful fun, enjoying outdoor activities, the beach, the lake, the pool, basketball with family, and the impressive spread of food. If, however, you are new to recovery and feel that you may succumb to the temptation, consider avoiding parties where drinking is prevalent. Get together with some sober friends or consider going to a 12 Step meeting to discuss how to manage urges, boredom, and loneliness. Below, you’ll find four expert tips to help you stay sober through 4th of July celebrations. 

Be Creative

If you get your creative juices flowing, the fun never stops! There are many opportunities to let your creative spirit lead the way on this holiday. You can engage in arts and crafts projects with your children, or nieces/nephews, or make sand castles with them on the beach. Experts say that an actively creative mind is the best defense against resisting the temptation of drugs or alcohol. If you find an art project or creative outlet that you enjoy, consider making it a 4th of July tradition! One possible tradition is to make mini movies, which you can save and rewatch each year. 

Hang Out With Sober Friends

Some people with years of sobriety under their belt have no problem hanging around substances. They have things under control and they know what to do if they get uncomfortable. If you are new to sobriety and don’t feel like testing the waters with friends who drink or use drugs, consider hanging out with sober friends this year. You can plan a picnic, watch fireworks, or have a barbecue with everyone and enjoy the day. Spending the holiday with sober friends eliminates drugs and alcohol from the equation because nobody will use them. If you do want to go to an event that will have drugs or alcohol, consider taking a sober friend as a support system. Plus, you’ll be personally accountable for both of your actions. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Say “No” 

If your friends know that you are sober and understand why you are committed to that lifestyle, they will most likely not offer you any substances. Better yet, true friends will do their best to ensure that you’re having a great time without alcohol, and they may even hold you accountable for your actions. However, some people may offer you drinks or drugs after imbibing for a while. If you attend a party as a solo sober person, don’t fear the word “no.” If you don’t feel confident in your ability to resist alcohol, though, don’t put yourself in a compromising situation yet. This is especially true for newly sober people. 

Have An Exit Strategy

Whether you are at a sober party or not, make sure to have an exit strategy in place before arriving. Holidays can occasionally be overwhelming, bringing back old memories of your past life. These memories may spark feelings that can be hard to deal with in your newly sober life. This is why you always need to set yourself up with an easy exit, no matter what the reason. You may need to drive separately, even if that means struggling to find parking. The best way to feel good about an exit strategy is to let your friends know ahead of time that you may leave at any minute. Finally, enter into the situation knowing that you need to do what’s right for you because that is the best way to live your life.


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The Best Summer Vegetables To Eat And Their Benefits Fri, 21 Jun 2024 09:13:00 +0000

Eating seasonally increases nutrient intake and contributes to a more sustainable environment. Eat summer vegetables for great benefits!


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When you eat seasonally, you actually contribute to a more sustainable environment and support local farmers. On top of that, studies show that eating seasonally can help increase your nutrient intake. That means that growing and buying summer vegetables from local growers at farmers markets can improve your health and contribute to your community. 

What are the best vegetables to enjoy during these warmer, summer months? Some of those vegetables include leafy greens like kale, bell peppers, squash, garlic, shallots, and herbs like basil. Continue reading to learn what’s in season during summer and the health benefits that these produce items offer. 


Belonging to the nightshade family, eggplant holds some highly unique plant compounds within their dark purple skins. The same polyphenols, such as anthocyanins, that are in blueberries and red wine exist in eggplant skin. That’s why the skin is purple! Eggplant may help fight free radical damage and provide the body with manganese and folate, both of which support bone and metabolic health. 


Shallots are members of the allium plant family, which includes onions, garlic, and leeks. Researchers found that the organosulfur compounds in allium vegetables exhibit antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. That means that they help support immune defenses, and some studies show that shallots may help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They even have compounds that may help the body battle certain cancers, but more studies are necessary to confirm the efficacy. 


Basil is one of the world’s most popular herbs, making its way into everything from sauces and dressings to broths and salads. Manufacturers extract basil essential oil from the plant because the herb is rich in protective compounds. Some of those compounds include linalool, citronellol, and eugenol, all of which work to fight inflammation. Studies show that the antioxidants and antibacterial properties in basil work to boost digestive function, promote detoxification, and maintain healthy skin. 


As another member of the allium family, garlic contains a compound called allicin, which works to protect against infections and fight pathogens. However, allicin is an unstable compound and it is only briefly present after you cut or crush garlic cloves. The sulfur compounds from garlic enter the body from the digestive tract, from which they travel throughout the body and have biological effects. 

Kale And Other Summer Greens

Kale is a popular superfood for good reason. As one of the healthiest greens available, kale is rich in antioxidants, including isothiocyanate. Kale also contains a good amount of potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and vitamins A, C, and K. Some studies show that certain substances in kale bind to bile acids in the digestive tract, preventing them from reabsorption into the body. That helps reduce the total amount of cholesterol in the body. Other heat-tolerant greens to enjoy in the summer include mizuna and Manoa lettuce, which yield new greens every three to five weeks. 


Tomatoes, especially heirloom varieties, are bountiful in the summer months. They are the juiciest and go great in summer salads, so we encourage you to eat them raw. Tomatoes happen to be great sources of vitamins A & C and disease-fighting antioxidants like lycopene. Each tomato has its own unique taste and nutritional profile, so get your hands on grape, Roma, heirloom, and beefsteak varieties this summer. 


The summer months are quite hot, so you need all the hydration help you can get. Cucumbers are more than 90% water and can help you reach your daily hydration goals. The high water content also helps your body break down food and absorb nutrients more efficiently. Cucumbers are naturally rich in vitamin K, which is a big bonus for bone health. Sufficient vitamin K levels reduce your risk of bone fractures and encourage healthy bone mass.


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The Historical Legacy Of Juneteenth Wed, 19 Jun 2024 09:23:00 +0000

A century and a half after the enslaved African Americans in Texas were told they were free, we celebrate the day known as Juneteenth.


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On June 19th, 1865, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. Juneteenth, as it was and is still called, has been celebrated by African Americans since the late 1800s. In 2021, President Biden signed legislation to make Juneteenth, which falls on June 19th, a federal holiday. Even before passing this bill, there was an observable increase in Juneteenth celebrations across the United States. 

How Did Juneteenth Begin?

The federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in June of 1865, a full two months after the Confederate general Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, Virginia. The arrival of General Gordon Granger and his 2,000 troops was to inform the nearly 250,000 enslaved African Americans in Texas of their freedom and the end of the Civil War. General Granger’s announcement put into effect the Emancipation Proclamation, which President Abraham Lincoln issued nearly two and half years earlier on January 1, 1863. The holiday, Juneteenth, is also called Juneteenth Independence Day, Freedom Day, or Emancipation Day. 

The post-emancipation period, or Reconstruction (1865-1867) marked an era of new hope, uncertainty, and struggle for the nation. Formerly enslaved people sought to reunite with families, establish schools, push laws into legislation, run for political office, and even sue slaveholders for compensation. Juneteenth, then, acts as a second day of independence in the United States. 

How Is Juneteenth Celebrated?

Despite the fact that it has been a long celebrated tradition in the African American community, Juneteenth is a monumental event that remains largely unknown to most Americans. The historical legacy of the day represents the value of never giving up hope in times of uncertainty. While many people may get the day off work for this federal holiday, early celebrations involved small family gatherings and prayer. As the years went by, later celebrations involved pilgrimages to Galveston to former enslaved people and their families. 

In 1872, a group of African American businessmen and ministers in Houston, Texas purchased 10 acres of land to create Emancipation Park. The park held the city’s annual Juneteenth celebrations for years. Today, celebrations often take place among families and food is typically a focal point. Some cities, including Washington D.C. and Atlanta, hold larger events that include festivals and parades with local businesses and residents. 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many Juneteenth celebrations were on hold for 2020 and 2021. That’s why celebrations ramped up in 2022 and future plans for the holiday are only growing. Galveston continues to remain a busy site for Juneteenth events, and artists dedicated a 5,000-square-foot mural in 2021. This year, in 2023, Galveston will celebrate the holiday with a scholarship ball, a banquet, and a festival. Organizers in Atlanta will hold a parade and music festival, while other cities, including Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Tulsa, And Philadelphia, will hold similar events. 

The Path To A Federal Holiday

Texas became the first state to designate Juneteenth as a holiday in 1980. All 50 states and the District of Colombia now recognize the holiday in some way, shape, or form. In the wake of the nationwide protests against police brutality in 2020, the push for federal recognition of Juneteenth gained new momentum. Congress rushed the bill through legislation in the summer of 2021. 

In fact, the House passed the measure by a vote of 415 to 14. The opposing votes came from members of the Republican party. Some of the opposers even argued that calling the new holiday Juneteenth Independence Day, echoing July 4, would create confusion among the American public and force them to choose a celebration of freedom based on race. 

The law went into effect on June 17, 2021, making Juneteenth the 11th federally-recognized holiday. The first federal Juneteenth holiday was observed the very next day after President Biden signed the bill into law. Juneteenth was observed on June 18, as June 19 fell on a Saturday.


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The Top Health Conditions That Disproportionately Affect The Black Community Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:12:00 +0000

In the United States, Black people are disproportionately affected by some health conditions, or have worse outcomes from those conditions.


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Although some conditions are more common among Black people, there are several conditions that disproportionately affect Black communities. In other instances, Black people may have worse outcomes, or develop conditions earlier, than other communities. 

The sad reality is that there are disparities between communities, and they are often complex and intertwined. Before we can delve into the conditions that disproportionately affect Black people in the United States, we have to address causes of racial disparities in health. Why do these disparities exist? In some cases, biology and genetics are the primary determining factors. In most cases, though, disparities are rooted in numerous systemic issues. 

  • Economic stability: Lacking income or employment can prevent stable housing and access to medical care and nutritious foods. 
  • Healthcare access and quality: In the United States, Black people are more likely to be uninsured or underinsured than white counterparts. Many reports indicate that they unfortunately receive a lower standard of care. 
  • Education access and quality: The level of your education is typically tied to income, but education itself can play a role in informing you about health and helping you live a longer life. 
  • Social and community context: The mistrust of the medical community may have deep roots in some pockets of Black communities. 
  • Environment: Where you live can impact your overall health. For example, living in an area with high rates of violence or pollution can expose you to adverse health problems or injuries. 

How do these factors influence Black people’s experiences with specific health conditions? Let’s explore that and more below. 


Statistically, Black adults are twice as likely as white adults to develop type 2 diabetes. That occurs when the body cannot produce sufficient insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Although genetic factors play into the development of diabetes, many socioeconomic factors and high obesity rates are at play. Complications from diabetes, such as kidney disease, are also more common in Black people. To fight back against diabetes, try to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and maintain moderate weight. If you have diabetes, monitor and manage blood sugar to avoid complications. 


A stroke is usually a result of a blockage in an artery, which means that not enough blood can get to the brain. Similar to other conditions relating to cardiovascular health, stroke disproportionately affects Black adults in the United States. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, smoking, and diabetes contribute to stroke. Maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of stroke, even if you have a family history of the condition. Reduce your salt intake, quit smoking, and learn more about the signs and symptoms of a stroke. 

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming nearly 700,000 lives per year. Despite having lower rates than white people, Black people in the United States are 30% more likely to die from heart disease. Research indicates that heart disease is also more likely to affect Black adults at a younger age. It’s worth noting that Black Americans have higher rates of major risk factors for heart disease, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. You can reduce your risk of heart disease if you adopt heart-healthy habits, know your family history, check blood pressure regularly, make efforts to reduce blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight. 


If you are obese, you significantly increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes, in addition to other health conditions. Surveys indicate that Black adults in the United States are 30% more likely to have obesity than white adults. For children and teens and women, the disparity is even greater at 50%. As we’ve stated in this article, obesity is a risk factor for many health conditions on this list, and it can worsen outcomes. The obesity disparity is largely attributed to economic and geographic causes. Some people may live in food deserts, where nutritional options aren’t as readily available and physical activity is challenging. To fight the obesity epidemic, help children develop healthy eating and exercise habits. Support community efforts to make nutritious food options more accessible and engage in physical activity. 

High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that 55% of Black adults in the United States have high blood pressure. That is one of the highest rates for high blood pressure in the world. Additionally, high blood pressure typically affects Black people earlier in life than it affects white people. Both obesity and diabetes are two contributing factors to high blood pressure, but so are racial discrimination and stress. If you want to reduce blood pressure levels, limit your alcohol and salt intake, find ways to manage stress, maintain a moderate weight, exercise daily, and eat a balanced diet. 

Kidney Disease

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) states that Black Americans are more than three times as likely as white people to have kidney failure. Diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure, all of which affect Black Americans disproportionately, can increase the risk of kidney problems. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) test assesses kidney function. Doctors state that this test often estimates that Black people have higher kidney function than they actually do, which can delay detection and treatment. For this reason, the NKF eliminated this calculation and is currently working on better tests to properly assess kidney function because the key to kidney management is early detection.


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Advice To Help You Build A Stronger Relationship Wed, 14 Feb 2024 09:10:00 +0000

A relationship is a two-way street and a lot goes into developing a strong relationship. Hopefully, these tips help you and your partner.


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What is the secret to a healthy, romantic relationship? Before we can answer that, we have to first determine what a healthy relationship is. They don’t look the same for everyone because everyone has different needs. Not only that, but needs surrounding affection, space, sex, hobbies, shared values, communication, and more can change over time. That’s why a healthy relationship that works for you in your 20s may not work for you in your 30s. 

It is hard to say that a relationship that goes against the norm isn’t healthy. People who practice polyamory or ethical non-monogamy may define a healthy relationship differently than a couple that practices monogamy. That’s why the term “healthy relationship” is broad and what makes one relationship thrive may threaten another one. One thing that all healthy relationships share, though, is adaptability. People change as they journey through life and relationships, so adapting to circumstances is vital. Here’s some advice to help you establish a stronger, healthier relationship. 


A healthy relationship does not exist if you or your partner is codependent. Instead, you want an interdependent relationship, which means you rely on each other for mutual support while maintaining your own unique identity and individuality. That essentially means that you have a balanced relationship. You each have mutual love and approval, but self-esteem isn’t dependent on each other. Maintain connections and friends outside the relationship and spend time pursuing personal interests and hobbies. 


Trust is not going through a partner’s phone and not feeling the need to hide anything about yourself. There is inherent integrity and honesty within the relationship. You don’t worry about the other person pursuing others while you’re apart. Trust is much more than believing your partner will be faithful and honest. Feeling safe and comfortable with the understanding that you won’t hurt each other physically or emotionally is trust. You have your partner’s best interests in mind and that they respect your own choices and encourage you to be your own person. 


One of the trademarks of a healthy relationship is curiosity. Each party is interested in each other’s thoughts, goals, and daily life. You are excited to hear about the other person’s day and tell them about your own day. You both want to grow together and don’t fixate on who you both used to or could be. The goal is to hold flexible mindsets about each other because that can help you overcome obstacles in a relationship, and ultimately make it more fulfilling. 


Sure, playfulness in the bedroom is perfectly welcome, but that’s not what this pearl of wisdom is referring to. One of the best things you can do in your relationship is make time for fun and spontaneity. Joke and laugh together because you never know when one of you will encounter one of life’s many challenges. An obstacle can temporarily change the tone of the relationship, but being able to share laughter in lighter moments can help relieve that weight and strengthen your bond over time. 

Time Apart

A healthy relationship involves spending time together, but the amount of time varies based on personal needs, commitments, living arrangements, and work. One of the keys to a successful relationship is time apart. You need to be able to recognize the need for personal space and individual hobbies. Spend time with family on your own or pursue a hobby with a group of friends. What you do doesn’t matter, but what does matter is not spending every moment of your relationship together. The last thing you want to believe is that your relationship will crumble if you spend time apart. 

Open Communication

In a healthy relationship, you can regularly discuss successes, failures, and everything in between. You should not feel uncomfortable talking about any issues with your partner. Be free in your communication, whether it is about work, mental health symptoms, or even a friend that causes stress. A great partner may have a different opinion, but will listen without judgment before sharing their perspective. Just remember that communication goes both ways, so make sure your partner also feels like their voice is concerned.


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8 Facts About Black History Month Sun, 04 Feb 2024 09:03:00 +0000

Observed each year from February 1 to March 1, Black History Month celebrates the many contributions of Black Americans to the U.S.


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Nearly 100 years ago, the United States celebrated the first Black History Month as a weeklong event. Carter G. Woodson established that week as Negro History Week, and he realized the importance of establishing a theme to attract and focus the public’s attention. The intention was never to dictate or limit the exploration of the Black experience; rather, the goal has been to bring public awareness to important developments that merit emphasis. 

Since 1976, the U.S. has celebrated February as Black History Month. Not only does Black history embrace the 400-year-long record of Black life in America, but it also emphasizes stories and activism against slavery and present-day racism. Read on to learn about eight facts about Black History Month

Black History Month Began As Negro History Week

As previously stated, Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week in 1926. The celebration highlighted Black Americans’ lives, history, and contributions to the U.S. It wasn’t until 1976 when Negro History Week expanded to a month-long celebration that people continue to observe today. 

The Theme For Black History Month Changes Yearly

The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), which was founded by Carter G. Woodson, selects a different theme for Black History Month each year. The very first theme was Civilization: A World Achievement. The theme for 2023 is Black Resistance, which sheds a light on historic and modern oppressions against Black Americans. Resisting acts of discrimination, racism, and injustice plays an integral role in the well-being of Black Americans. 

Different Countries Celebrate Black History Month

Known as the “Mother of Black History Month” in Canada, Dr. Jean Augustine established celebrations in 1995. Just like in the U.S., celebrations occur in February. In the Netherlands, Ireland, and the United Kingdom, Black History Month is observed in October. The United Kingdom’s initial focus was on Black American history, but the focus now is on Black British history.

Black History Month Recognizes All African American Experiences

According to the Census Bureau, Black Americans accounted for 13.6% of the U.S. population as of 2022. That means that there are over 45 million different lived experiences across the nation. Each experience is honored during Black History Month, and celebrations that honor these experiences are about supporting communities, family members, and the stories that unite them. 

Black Students Protested For Black History Month

In 1968, members of the Black United Students (BUS) at Kent State University protested disorderly conduct charges against students that participated in sit-ins. The student activism was successful in that it helped establish three Black studies departments and institutes on campus. The following year, BUS members demanded Kent State extend Negro History Week into a month of Black history celebrations. This was later observed nationwide. 

National Organizations Sponsor Black History Month

Different organizations honor Black History Month every February by hosting commemorative events. Of the many Black History Month sponsors, some of them include The Library of Congress, The National Park Service, The Smithsonian Institution, and The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. These organization-run events involve art gallery productions, different speakers, and community learn sessions. 

HBCUs Promote Black History Year-Round

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) were established to provide higher education opportunities to Black Americans. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania was the first HBCU established in 1837. HBCUs that were established prior to 1964 honor their mission to educate Black Americans. These universities recognize Black American experiences in addition to teaching Black history.

February Honors Frederick Douglass And Abraham Lincoln

Carter G. Woodson selected February to celebrate Black History Month for good reason. He wanted to honor Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln’s birth dates. Lincoln declared freedom for enslavedAmericans held in the Confederacy via the Emancipation Proclamation. Douglass escaped American slavery in 1838 and became a famous abolitionist, speaker, and writer. One of his most famous books was A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. 

Black History Month is a time to reflect on the past and learn from earlier lessons to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Explore community events and celebrations this February to learn more about Black History.


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