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Colder temperatures and longer nights can impact your sleep schedule. This guide may be what you need for better zzz’s this winter.


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The leaves have fallen and colder temperatures and longer nights are here. People associate winter with cozy blankets and hibernation, so it’s only natural to think that sleep is much easier. While this may be the case for some people, many people struggle to get sufficient and quality sleep. If you are one of those people, this article may help you find more zzz’s this winter.

The extended darkness can throw off your circadian rhythm, which can disrupt sleep schedule. Lack of sleep or poor sleep can make you feel sluggish, which can cause stress, overeating, and mood swings. Additionally, people who live in darker areas may develop seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition that can negatively impact sleep and mood. 

Although there may not be a magic remedy to help you fall asleep instantaneously, you can improve sleep with a few simple tips. You have the power to fight the elements that may make sleep more difficult. Continue reading to learn how you can improve sleep this winter

Use A Humidifier

Your sleeping environment can dictate how well you sleep. Many people can experience trouble breathing because of indoor heating. The heat increases dryness in the home and it can cause dry mouth, making it difficult to breathe properly while sleeping. This is especially dangerous for people with sleep apnea or asthma. A small humidifier in your room may be the key to unlock sound nights of sleep this winter. 

Don’t Wind Down Too Early

Obviously, the degree of darkening during the winter depends on where you live. Some places in the United States may only experience eight hours of daylight per day, while western and southern states may get a couple extra hours of daylight. Reduced daylight means that your body can’t rely on regular cues from light and darkness, thus leading to a circadian shift. More darkness can affect melatonin production, especially if you spend more time indoors. Because it gets darker earlier, it’s easier to wind down earlier. Instead, stick to your regular sleep habits because you may fall asleep too early and wake up in the middle of the night if you wind down too early. Keep your circadian rhythm in sync with its usual schedule to avoid under- or over-sleeping. 

Watch Out For Overeating

How does this affect your sleep? Well, winter can cause people to eat more and exercise less. The colder weather causes people to crave heartier, larger, and heavier meals. A large meal may make you feel tired, but overeating (and the weight gain that may ensue) isn’t great for sleep quality. Additionally, eating a large meal too close to bedtime can increase the risk of heartburn or gastrointestinal issues, which can disturb sleep. 

Keep Exercising

Exercise is beneficial for quality, nightly rest, no matter what time of year it is. Staying physically active can also reduce symptoms of SAD, which can impact sleep. Timing your exercise during winter is of the utmost importance because the time at which you exercise can increase the benefits. A short workout in the morning can help energize the body. Additionally, working out before dinner can prevent you from crawling into bed right after dinner. Basically, exercise can help keep your biological clock alert and keep you awake at the right times. 

Warm Up Before Sleep

The last thing you want to do is get into bed with the shivers. You don’t need to crank the heater, but it may help to warm up the body in some cozy pajamas or a blanket before getting into bed. Layering up can help you trap body heat, keeping you toasty warm and comfortable. Flannel pajamas, long-johns, fleece clothing, hoodies, and socks can increase your core temperature. You can also drink hot tea or hot water with lemon before bed to help warm up the body. Just make sure that your warm beverage is caffeine-free, otherwise you will have difficulty falling asleep.

Get Light In The Morning

You can sleep better when the body produces more melatonin, but more daylight is necessary for this to happen. Generally, melatonin gets secreted about an hour and a half to two hours before you go to sleep. Since the winter morning light is not as bright, daytime melatonin production may be suppressed. The typical big highs and lows of melatonin don’t happen during the winter, causing feelings of sluggishness or fatigue during the day or poor sleep at night. To counteract the season, go outdoors in the morning to get some sun exposure, provided that’s possible. If it’s too cold to sit outside and the sun is out, sit by the window for the first couple hours to increase more melatonin secretion later at night. 


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5 Yoga Poses That Build Arm Strength https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-yoga-poses-that-build-arm-strength/ Tue, 24 Dec 2024 09:52:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=174836

Whether you get better at doing push-ups or struggle with chaturanga pose, these yoga poses can help build arm strength.


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To address this straight out of the gate, building arm strength does not mean that you have to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. You do not need to do 2,500 bicep curls and 4,000 tricep extensions. There are many yoga poses that work to tone your arms using your own bodyweight. 

There are many yoga poses that can help you build arm strength, but we are only covering five of them in this article. They are great introductory poses for strength training. Once you build up stamina and more strength, you can practice poses that are a little more advanced. Get creative and incorporate some of these static poses into your workout routines. Not only do they target your arm muscles, but they also activate your core. Be strong and carry on!

Plank Pose

This is one of the most classic arm-strengthening poses out there. Plank pose activates most muscle groups, from your head to your toes. Keep your core tight and back straight as you practice this pose. To do the pose:

  • Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. 
  • Spread your fingers and press your palms firmly into the ground or yoga mat. Step your feet back and tuck your toes, engaging your lower abdomen and glutes as you do this. 
  • Lengthen the spine and imagine a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold for five deep breaths and then release. You can repeat this pose again after resting for one minute. 

Bear Pose

Similar to plank pose, bear pose activates most of your major muscle groups to keep you stationary. Don’t let your hips sag and keep your back straight by engaging your chest and shoulder muscles. To do bear pose:

  • Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. 
  • Press your palms firmly into the ground and tuck your toes. Engage your core as you lift your knees off the ground, just enough to hover them above the floor. 
  • Root your hands and toes into the ground while lengthening your spine. Hold for five deep breaths and then rest. 

One-Legged Plank Pose

We aren’t getting to handstands yet, people. You have to harness the power of your core in combination with your arms before you start inverting yourself. To do the one-legged plank pose:

  • Begin in a plank position (refer to the first yoga pose description).
  • Once you are in plank position, elevate your left leg up so that it is in line or slightly higher than your head. Do not twist your body; rather, keep your hips square to the ground and press firmly into the ground for support. 
  • Actively press against the floor to lift your chest away from it. Hold for five deep breaths before you switch sides. 

Side Plank

Get ready for the most intense pose in this article. The side plank targets single arm strength and is a classic gym exercise that also targets the obliques. It is a solid strengthening position with the full load of the body supported by one arm. To do the pose:

  • Begin in a side plank pose as described above. Start on your right side and place your hand on the ground directly under your shoulder. Stack your left leg on top of your right and hold a firm position. 
  • If you need a little extra support, feel free to lower your right knee to the floor. You can also stagger your legs so that your left foot is in front of your right foot on the ground. 
  • Press firmly into your right hand and reach your left hand up toward the sky. Rotate your torso to the left and direct your gaze toward your fingertips. 
  • Lift your hips away from the floor and hold for five deep breaths. Rest and switch sides. 

One-Legged Downward Dog

For the final pose in the sequence, you have another one-legged pose. You probably know of downward dog, but this pose is a notch above in regards to difficulty. It makes a little more work for your arm muscles, as you have to support more weight. To do the pose:

  • Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, stacking your shoulders over your wrists and hips over your knees. 
  • Walk your hands forward one palm’s length  and tuck your toes under. Lift your knees off the floor, tipping your pelvis forward slightly to stretch your sit bones toward the sky. 
  • Straighten your legs as much as you comfortably can while keeping both your feet planted on the ground. Drop your shoulders and widen your back as you press your hands firmly into the ground. 
  • Shift your weight to your right side and float your left leg up toward the sky. Keep your hips square and don’t rotate to one side. 
  • Evenly distribute your weight between both hands and hold for five deep breaths. Bring your left leg down, rest for five breaths, and then repeat on the other side.


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Self-Care Ideas To Get You Ready For The New Year https://www.dherbs.com/articles/self-care-ideas-to-get-you-ready-for-the-new-year/ Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=174831

Can you believe the New Year is almost here? We have some great self-care tips that will set you up for a successful 2025!


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It’s that time of year again, when the holidays are in full swing and the end of the year is approaching. Before you get ahead of yourself, don’t start stressing about the new year. Enjoy the holidays, and then you can start to plan what you’ll do when January 1st approaches. 

A lot of people want to lose weight, eat better, and exercise regularly at the beginning of the year. Weight loss and diet resolutions always top the list, but seldom do people follow through with those goals. Gyms in January look a lot different than they do in March, specifically regarding crowds. The reason that many people give up on their resolutions is because the goals are too lofty, and there is no plan in place. To make “weight loss” your resolution is a nice idea, but there is no structure. Instead, it’s better to say, “I want to lose five pounds in January,” for example. 

The new year isn’t just about exercise and dieting, though. One of the best things to incorporate into your “new year new you” plan is self-care. One could argue that the new year is the perfect time to start fresh with self-care. Self-care is not just bubble baths and time spent reading in a nook. Those things fall into the self-care category, but there is a lot more you can do for your mental health. To prepare you for a successful January, we’ve outlined a list of self-care ideas you can do before the year ends. Let us know if you engage in them before the New Year!

Enjoy Those Holiday Treats

Yes, you should have your holiday cake, and eat it too! Be mindful about the treats you eat, focusing on thoroughly enjoying the couple that you looked forward to all year. You do not have to completely lose all self-control and abandon dietary restrictions, but you should allow yourself to enjoy the holidays without guilt. There is enough guilt to be had from family!

Get Your Home In Order

Holiday clutter is a real thing, and it only builds on any preexisting mess(es) you had in your home. There is no greater feeling than entering the new year with a clean and tidy home. Although cleaning can feel like a chore, it is actually a form of self-care. Even if the actual cleaning process is not enjoyable, the feeling of a clear space helps to boost your mood. That puts you in a great mental space to start the year off right.

Create A New Year Playlist

Listening to music is beneficial on so many levels. It can lift your spirits, amp you up, bring you down, and turn you inside out. Whether you need to pump yourself up or rest and recharge, music can benefit your situation. We recommend that you create a playlist of songs that get you pumped up and motivated to tackle your New Year’s resolutions.

Gratitude For The Year

It can be beneficial to reflect on the year and write down all the things you are grateful for. There is power in gratitude! Sure, there were most likely moments of negativity, stress, or other low points, but good things and highs also happened. Focus on being grateful and flood your mind with positivity. If this ends up being a practice that you enjoy, consider practicing daily gratitude, during which you write down a couple small things you are grateful for every day

Move For The Sake Of Movement

Exercise and self-care go hand in hand because you always tend to feel better when you move your body. You don’t have to push yourself to the point of throwing up; rather, a neighborhood walk, playing with your kids in the park, riding your bike, or jumping rope are all great forms of movement. Move your body because it deserves to move! Dance like nobody’s watching, as they say. Consider taking a new class, such as Zumba or Pilates. Find your groove and carry that motivation into the new year. 

Set Your Goals Or Make A Vision Board

This may not be useful for everyone, but it can be for those who love personal development. Spend a day mapping out your goals, hopes, and dreams before the start of the year. We do not recommend doing this once 2025 arrives. Planning out your goals can be very helpful to your future self. Additionally, nothing says self-care quite like planning out the goals you want to achieve or things to happen in the year to come.


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Primal Movements That Help Build Strength And Stability https://www.dherbs.com/articles/primal-movements-that-help-build-strength-and-stability/ Sun, 22 Dec 2024 08:55:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=174828

Primal movements increased in popularity as a hot workout trend. They are bodyweight exercise that build strength and stability.


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Going to the gym is not feasible for everyone. Busy schedules, after school activities, work functions and more can get in the way of gym time. As we’ve said time and time again, you do not need a gym to exercise. There are many at-home movements, many of which don’t require weights, that can help build strength, endurance, and stability. Fitness experts refer to a lot of these exercises as primal movements.

What Are Primal Movement Workouts?

Great for the joints because they encourage blood flow throughout the body, primal movements aim to help the body tackle everyday activities. They are natural patterns that have been a part of human mobility for many years. Primal movements work to improve posture, strength, mobility, balance, and overall fitness. They allow your body to move with less effort and tension. 

Primal movements are not only fundamental, but also natural to the human body. Exercise physiologists suggest that they may reverse the negative effects on the body that happen from modern lives. These movements may help correct poor posture that results from sedentary lifestyle.

Most Common Primal Movements

  • Push movements: These revolve around the upper body and involve pushing weight away from your core. Alternatively, you push your core away from a stationary object, such as a bench or the ground. Push movements work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and forearms. 
  • Pull movements: Similar to push movements, pull movements revolve around the upper body, only they involve pulling a weight toward your core. You can also support your body weight by pulling your core toward a stationary object, such as a bar. Pull movements work your back, biceps, forearms, and traps. 
  • Lunge: Lunge movements require you to take a step forward or backward with one leg, while keeping the other leg stationary. These movements focus on one leg at a time and aim to strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. 
  • Squat: In a squat, you bend your hips, knees, and ankles in order to lower your butt toward the ground. The goal is to keep your back straight and chest up for proper form. Squats work to strengthen your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while also improving lower body strength and balance. 
  • Rotation/Twist: Rotation or twist movements involve twisting or rotating the body from side to side. These movements activate core muscles, targeting the abs and obliques, in addition to parts of the legs. 
  • Hinge: Hinge movements require bending and revolve around the core muscles, especially those in the back. These movements also require you to activate your upper legs, including your glutes and hamstrings. During hinge movements, you maintain a steady upper body as you hinge at the waist to bring your upper body toward the ground. 
  • Gait: Gait movements involve pulling, twisting, and lunging in order to make the body run, walk, or jog. A gait movement is classified by putting one foot in front of the other and moving the body backward and forward. 

What Are The Benefits Of Primal Movement Workouts?

As you probably know, there are mental and physical benefits to working out, especially as you get older. Practicing primal movements integrate the entire body, which helps condition your joints and muscle groups to work together. These movements can help enhance overall body integration, which ultimately improves athletic performance and reduces the risk of injury. When your major muscle groups consistently work together, the body can become more synchronized. 

Primal movements are suitable for all fitness levels because you can adapt the movements to accommodate your level of fitness. For example, you can do knee push-ups instead of regular push-ups. These movements do not require equipment, making them a cost-effective option for people who don’t want to pay for a gym membership. Finally, primal movement training can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Strengthening the muscles around the joints can reduce joint pain and preserve the joint in the long run.


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4 Ways To Cope With Depression During The Holidays https://www.dherbs.com/articles/4-ways-to-cope-with-depression-during-the-holidays/ Sat, 14 Dec 2024 08:47:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173144

The holidays can be very stressful, but they can also bring about difficult emotions. Learn how to cope with depression this season.


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The bright lights and holiday cheer may inspire joy and feelings of love for a lot of people, but not everyone. This time of year can bring about feelings of isolation, grief, loneliness, and sadness, especially for people with clinical or seasonal depression

Psychiatrists explain that depression can occur around the holidays for numerous reasons. The holidays increase thoughts of family, social engagement, and relationships. If there are issues within those dynamics in people’s lives, depression can rise to the surface. The holidays also tend to demand more family time than usual, which can be highly stressful for some people. Family events may cause old conflicts, emotions, or situations to arrive that can be very difficult to navigate. 

How To Manage Depression During The Holidays

For many people, the winter can trigger seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Unlike traditional depression, seasonal depression occurs in a seasonal pattern, typically worsening in darker fall and winter months. Practicing good self-care is essential year round, but it is extra important during the holidays. You can combat lack of energy, fatigue, and other symptoms with various coping strategies and self-care practices. Whatever the cause of your depression, we hope the following tips can help you cope.

Assess Your Relationships And Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, especially for your emotional and mental health. The boundaries you set will depend on the different people in your life and the situations that you’ll encounter during the holidays. Maybe you limit the time you spend with certain people who cause you to feel negative emotions or heighten depressive symptoms. Establish boundaries for these people and set availability for them as well. Your time and mental health are paramount! If you struggle with setting boundaries, click here for some helpful tips. 

Create A Coping Sheet

A coping sheet is a list of your favorite activities that you can turn to when you feel down. Create your own coping sheet or develop one with your family members or therapist. Many coping sheets are filled with actions that can help manage depressive symptoms. Some popular things to include on your coping sheet are:

  • Listening to music
  • Painting 
  • Meditating
  • Singing
  • Breathing techniques
  • Positive self-talk
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture

Get Outdoors And Stay Active

According to many studies, moving the body is one of the best ways to cope with depression, regardless of the season. One meta-analysis of 218 studies concluded that exercise is an effective way to manage depression. This was especially true for jogging, walking, strength training, and yoga. Exercise combined with psychotherapy proved to be the most effective way to experience depression relief. Researchers found that getting outside while engaging in exercise relieved depressive symptoms even more. Spending time in nature can help reduce risk of depression. One study found that time spent in green environments reduced the risk of anxiety and depression in the long run. Consider planning some fun, holiday outdoor activities. Go ice skating, snowboarding, sledding, or hiking, depending on where you live and what is available to you. 

Share How You Are Feeling With Loved Ones

During the holiday season, mental health experts recommend that you surround yourself with people you can rely on. These people can be family members or friends who can help you manage holiday depression. Reach out to people you trust and share how you are feeling. It’s impossible to know how friends or family will react, but the people who love you will be there for you no matter what. Confide in them about how you are feeling and they will most likely offer empathy, or share similar experiences that may help you feel less alone. Do not underestimate the power of community and love. People want to help, so just ask.


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How To Raise Potassium Levels When Your Body Needs More https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-raise-potassium-levels-when-your-body-needs-more/ Fri, 13 Dec 2024 09:28:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173141

If you sweat a lot from exercise, you can lose fluids and electrolytes. That makes it essential to replenish potassium levels. Here’s how!


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Have you ever had sudden, painful cramps that just don’t seem to go away? One potential cause is that you are low in potassium. Low potassium levels can also cause muscle weakness, fatigue, muscle spasms, tingling, or numbness. Heart palpitations or skipped heartbeat can be more severe symptoms of low potassium levels

It’s possible to fight leg cramps and other issues that stem from low potassium levels by simply increasing your potassium intake. The amount of time it takes to correct low potassium levels depends on how low they are. 

Symptoms Of Low Potassium

The only real way to know if your potassium levels are low is to take a blood test. You will get a more accurate reading of your levels via this route. That said, there are a few telltale symptoms of potassium deficiency that you should be aware of. These symptoms include:

  • Muscle cramps, twitching, or severe weakness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Constipation
  • Tingling and numbness

If potassium levels are very low, you may need to take a potassium supplement, or get an IV to elevate them back to a normal range. The quickest way to increase potassium levels in emergency situations is via an IV, which should be administered by a professional in a controlled setting. One report found that an IV can raise potassium levels within 20 to 30 minutes. If you have borderline potassium levels after a sweaty workout, you can use various foods to help bring them back up quickly. Continue reading to learn what foods and drinks may help you do that. 

Sip An Electrolyte Drink

Electrolyte-rich drinks can help replenish minerals, vitamins, and water lost via sweat or periods of diarrhea and vomiting. Not all electrolyte drinks are high in potassium, though. And you should not simply resort to sugary sports drinks to replenish electrolytes, as the preservatives, dyes, and added sugars do more harm than good. Coconut water, for example, is a great electrolyte-rich beverage, but make sure to buy one that is free of added sugars. 

Drink Some Orange Juice

Just as we said previously, the quality of the beverage matters. Many store bought orange juices contain added sugars and preservatives. Go directly to the source by juicing oranges! One cup of orange juice provides nearly 500 milligrams (mg) of potassium, which equates to 11% of the recommended daily intake (RDI). Orange juice may be a convenient way to raise potassium levels, but it tends to be high in sugar. You can also eat oranges to get the same nutrients, plus the fiber that will help the body absorb the natural sugars more slowly. You would need to eat two oranges to get the same amount of potassium as one cup of OJ.

Eat A Banana

This is a classic potassium-rich food, so eat a banana or two next time you are dealing with leg cramps. One medium banana contains 422 mg of potassium, and the potassium in bananas can increase levels within 30 to 60 minutes, per a 2012 health journal. In one study, researchers tested whether eating one or two bananas would increase potassium levels in adult athletes prone to leg cramps. Although there were mild increases in potassium levels in both groups after 30 to 60 minutes, the time it took to increase levels would not benefit an athlete experiencing cramps during competition. To avoid cramps, health experts recommend consuming potassium-rich foods regularly, especially before exercise. 

Eat Some Watermelon

Researchers note that one wedge of watermelon has 320 mg of potassium, making it a great choice for raising potassium levels. Watermelon is also a water-rich fruit (91% water), so it helps to enhance your hydration efforts. It is also rich in vitamins A & C, magnesium, and offers some iron and calcium. According to research, eating watermelon after a workout can help replace water, magnesium, and potassium that you lose via sweat. Drinking watermelon juice after a workout has been associated with reduced muscle soreness after 24 hours. 

Consider Supplementation 

If you consume all of the aforementioned items and your potassium levels remain low, you may want to consider a potassium supplement. Before you start supplementing, consult your healthcare professional to determine whether the supplement is right for you, and to understand proper dosage. The potassium you get via diet and what you supplement should not exceed the RDI, unless directed by your doctor.


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Burn Off Your Meal With These Post-Thanksgiving Workouts https://www.dherbs.com/articles/burn-off-your-meal-with-these-post-thanksgiving-workouts/ Fri, 29 Nov 2024 08:44:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173051

Let’s explore the best workouts to engage in after the Thanksgiving meal to address post-meal bloating and encourage better digestion.


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The family is together, football is on TV, and there is a bountiful feast in plain sight. After enjoying a carb-centric, calorically-dense meal, most people feel like they want to burst. Exercise is usually the last thing people think about, but that’s not true for everyone. Some people feel like they need to counterbalance the excess calories they consume. People choose to do that leading up to the big feats, while others decide to engage in post-Thanksgiving activity.

Before we recommend some beneficial workouts after Thanksgiving, allow us to highlight the importance of movement. Research indicates that there are many benefits to moving the body after a heavy, large meal. Exercise helps to improve digestion, boost metabolism, and prevent bloating. That is because it gets the muscles in the digestive system working, which helps the body process food more efficiently. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits and then which exercises are best to do after Thanksgiving.

Elevated Mood

Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. Engaging in physical activity after a big meal can help combat post-meal fatigue, while simultaneously improving mental clarity and promoting a better sense of well-being. 

Reduced Risk Of Chronic Disease

According to research, regular exercise helps reduce the risk of several chronic health conditions, including heart disease, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Exercising after heavy meals can help contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle. Being healthier helps reduce your risk of developing these diseases in the long run. Just remember to listen to the body and choose exercises that are comfortable but slightly challenging. A combination of aerobic and strength is ideal!

Improved Digestion

As stated earlier in this article, exercising after a heavy meal can stimulate digestion by encouraging blood flow to the digestive system. Increasing blood flow aids the absorption and transportation of nutrients, which may help reduce the discomfort of bloating

Blood Sugar Regulation

After consuming a heavy meal, it is very common for blood sugar levels to rise. Exercise may help regulate blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity, which allows the body to use glucose more efficiently. That is especially beneficial for people with insulin resistance or diabetes. 

Improved Metabolism

Exercise may temporarily boost the body’s metabolic rate, which means that it burns more calories efficiently. Exercising after a meal may result in a greater calorie burn, which can help prevent excess weight gain. 

After indulging in a Thanksgiving feast, consider a few workouts that help alleviate bloating and provide comfort. Gentle movement is essential! Stretching and walking can help relieve gastrointestinal discomfort while burning calories. Two post-Thanksgiving gentle exercises are as follows:

Walking Or Light Jogging

Both walking and light jogging can help burn calories while also allowing people to enjoy fresh air. A post-meal walk not only supports digestion, but it also helps reduce bloating. Aim to walk at a somewhat brisk pace for 30 minutes for the most benefits. Begin at a slower pace to warm up and then increase speed after three to five minutes. Whether walking or light jogging, maintain a comfortable pace and avoid stomping and unnecessary impact on the joints. Keep the body in line and elbows tight to the body. Don’t forget to cool down with some stretching after the walk or jog, which actually brings us to the next point. 

Stretching And Yoga

There are various stretches and gentle yoga postures that help encourage optimal digestion. Some research indicates that certain yoga poses can help enhance digestion, relieve bloating, and promote relaxation. Child’s pose has proven to be especially beneficial for the digestive system, and it also stretches the back and abdomen. Forward fold is another gentle stretch that targets the lower back and hamstrings, promoting blood flow to the digestive system in the process. Don’t push the body too much during stretching and avoid inverted poses after a large meal, as that can cause acid reflux or nausea.


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How To Work Out The Morning After Thanksgiving Dinner https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-work-out-the-morning-after-thanksgiving-dinner/ Thu, 28 Nov 2024 09:09:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167165

Be brave and forego the Black Friday shopping extravaganza and use the tips in this article to work out the morning after Thanksgiving.


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The big day of feasting will be here before you know it. You can go into Thanksgiving guns blazing, or you can take a more prepared, methodical approach. Although the former is more common, the latter may help you feel less bloated and better about yourself. Should you find yourself slipping into a food coma after gorging 3,000+ calories, you will need the tips in this article to get you back on track.

When you finally peel yourself out of bed after a reckless night of feasting, there are a few ways you can tackle the day. The first option is to lounge about and continue to pick at leftovers. The second option is to rise before dawn and race to take advantage of in-store Black Friday deals. Now, the third option is truly what this article is all about: getting yourself out of bed, donning your athletic clothes, and readying yourself for a workout. Continue reading for a step-by-step guide to working out the morning after Thanksgiving.

Start Slow

Whether you are a routine gym rat or someone who walks on occasion, there is no need to go hard straight out of the gate. That is especially true after you put your body through a night of excessive caloric intake. You won’t have a lot of energy and the body will have spent most of the night digesting all of that food and drink. Ease into your workout, starting with a gentle walk around the block a few times. There is no need to hit the neighborhood block in a full sprint. Once you engage in some mild cardio, you can decide how you proceed from there. 

Get In Your LISS

Low-impact steady state (LISS) aerobics can help warm up your body and elevate your heart right. When you get your blood pumping, you get your digestive system rolling. Consider pedaling on an exercise bike, or head out on a bike ride around the neighborhood. Jogging or running will cause your stomach to bounce, which isn’t something you want after a night of heavy eating. Begin your LISS at a leisurely pace for about five minutes. You’ll start to feel better at that point, and then you can increase your speed and resistance. Ideally, your aerobic workout should last 15-20 minutes. 

Time To Train

Once you finish your 15 minutes of aerobics, get ready to hit the weights for some strength training. You probably won’t have the energy for high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or even a full-body workout that leaves your muscles tired. Ideally, you want a moderate-intensity circuit that helps to target all your major muscle groups, while also working the cardiovascular system. Try the following circuit in the order as the exercises are listed. Complete the following three groups twice and your body will feel way better than it did after the big meal. 

First group:

  • Bench press 3 sets of 10 reps (3×10)
  • Standing rows 3×10
  • Bodyweight lunges 3×10 per leg

Second group:

  • Military press 3×10
  • Barbell bicep curls 3×10
  • Bodyweight squats 3×10

Third group:

  • Tricep extensions 3×10
  • Cable lat pull-downs 3×10
  • Leg press 3×10

Time To Digest

Your tummy may or may not feel iffy the morning after Thanksgiving. That is why you must hydrate with water from the moment you wake up. Try your best to avoid dehydrating beverages, such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and soda. Replenishing the body with water will help you detox all of that alcohol, turkey, pie, and stuffing from the night before. Consider a green smoothie for breakfast, or some chia pudding or oatmeal. In addition to water, your digestive tract is begging for fresh ingredients and fiber!


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6 Foods To Help You Poop https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-foods-to-help-you-poop/ Thu, 21 Nov 2024 09:33:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173011

Everyone needs a little assistance in the restroom from time to time. To help avoid constipation, here are foods to help you poop.


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Pooping is something everyone does on a daily basis, ideally once or twice per day, but nobody wants to talk about it. We love to talk about it! If you aren’t eliminating on a regular basis, then something is going on, be it poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, stress, or a digestive problem. Whatever the case may be, it can be quite frustrating (and painful) if you cannot poop.

According to available data, constipation affects 18% of adults in the United States. It is a common issue that people of all ages can experience and it has various causes. Lack of fiber, delaying bowel movements, traveling, certain medications, and hormonal changes can all cause constipation. It can also be a symptom of other health conditions and some common symptoms include:

  • Fewer than three bowel movements per week
  • Hard, dry, or lumpy stools
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Bloating or abdominal pain
  • Feeling like you still need to eliminate after using the toilet

What you eat can have a big impact on digestive function. Certain foods can also help you improve symptoms of constipation. Foods that are naturally rich in fiber, fluids, and natural laxatives can make stool easier to eliminate. Enjoy the following foods to help stimulate bowel movements


The mango is a juicy, tropical fruit that is a staple in many smoothie, dessert, and salad recipes. You can also cube it up to use it as a topping for acai bowls or chia pudding recipes. According to several studies, mangos can aid with constipation relief. Mangos are naturally rich in fiber, which adds bulk to stool, allowing it to move more easily through the digestive system. One study found that participants who ate 300 grams of mango (about one to two mangos) per day over four weeks saw an improvement in constipation. 


As a vitamin C superstar, kiwi is an excellent fruit to help boost immune function. It may also be an effective constipation remedy, as it is naturally rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps optimize gut microbiome, while insoluble fiber helps maintain regular bowel movements, but you can click here to learn more about the difference between them. Several studies indicate that kiwis work to improve complete spontaneous bowel movements (CSBMs), bowel habits, and transit time. Researchers attribute the constipation relieving abilities to the fiber content in kiwis. Another study found that eating two kiwis per day can reduce abdominal discomfort and improve constipation. 


These soft, sweet, fruits are not for everyone, but they do help relieve symptoms of constipation. They are less popular than apples and prunes for improving bowel movements, but studies show that fig paste can improve transit time and stool consistency. One study monitored people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who ate four dried figs per day reported a decrease in symptoms of constipation, including hard stools, compared to those who ate a placebo. 


According to surveys, apples are the most consumed fruit in the United States. They are naturally rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that works to improve the transit time of food in the digestive system. Pectin helps to absorb water in the digestive tract, which creates larger, softer stools that are easier to eliminate. Researchers note that supplementing with pectin can increase colon transit time and decrease constipation symptoms. 


Potentially one of the most effective constipation remedies, prunes are rich in fiber and sorbitol, making them a natural laxative that can stimulate bowel movements. Studies indicate that prunes significantly improve stool consistency and increase the number of CSBMs when compared to psyllium, another form of soluble fiber that is occasionally used as a laxative. 


To round out the list of foods that help you poop, we have psyllium. Psyllium can come in husk or powder form, and supplement manufacturers use it in laxatives because it increases the bulk of stool. It does this by drawing in water to ease the passage of stool. According to several studies, psyllium can reduce straining, improve stool frequency and consistency, and reduce stomach pain. Although psyllium isn’t as effective as prunes, it is a natural laxative to experiment with if you have a prune allergy. 


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Living With Parkinson’s? These Are Beneficial Activities https://www.dherbs.com/articles/living-with-parkinsons-these-are-beneficial-activities/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 09:02:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172998

If you are living with Parkinson’s disease, then you should remain as active as possible, and these activities are highly beneficial.


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Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that can get progressively worse. It is characterized by dopamine drops in certain areas of the brain. These dopamine decreases can cause people to experience tremors (the most common symptom), stiffness, and loss of balance. Because there is currently no cure for the condition, treatment tends to focus on reducing the severity of symptoms and improving overall quality of life. 

Health experts encourage people with Parkinson’s disease to engage in different activities that focus on fine motor skills and cognition. Additionally, physical exercises that require mobility and balance are also beneficial. Staying active, both mentally and physically, can help strengthen muscles that may prevent dementia. Continue reading to learn about beneficial crafts and activities for those living with Parkinson’s disease. 


Have you ever seen those videos of people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who listen to a song that gives them a rejuvenating jolt? They know all the words and it triggers other memories that relate to that song. Singing, in addition to assisting with memory, works to strengthen the vocal muscles. That is especially important for people with Parkinson’s disease because vocal tremors or difficulty speaking can occur as the condition advances.

Playing Virtual Reality And Video Games

You can use technological advancements to exercise important skills. Virtual reality and video games require mind-body coordination. Most of these games also require problem-solving skills, memory, and strategy to win or complete. Depending on the game and gaming system, you may be required to use a controller or keyboard, which utilizes fine motor skills. There are also reflex games that do not involve screen time and yield the same benefits. 


Cooking can help recall ingredients and measurements, and it offers the opportunity to follow steps in order. It can also be a social opportunity to connect with others while cooking and after when you enjoy the meal. As Parkinson’s progresses, it’s possible that patients may not be able to cook for themselves, or they may need assistance. Include someone with Parkinson’s disease in the cooking process as much as possible to enhance self-esteem and to create memories together. 

Knitting And Painting

Just like children, people with cognitive disorders can benefit from doing activities that require fine motor skills. People with Parkinson’s can experience tremors and have difficulty moving their hands. It’s also possible for them to experience feelings of depression as a result of declining physical and mental abilities. Creating something, such as a painting or a scarf, from scratch provides the opportunity to reduce stress, feel a sense of accomplishment, and focus on hand movements. 


Daily physical exercise can benefit Parkinson’s patients. Walking, swimming, yoga, and cycling are all great physical exercises that can improve balance, mobility, and flexibility. According to research, physical activity benefits can continue for months after training ends. Some studies indicate that physical activity may slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease

Solving Puzzles

Be it a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle, puzzles require concentration and memory. Solving puzzles, then, is a valuable cognitive exercise. Crossword puzzles also require word recall, while word searchers can help with word identification. People with Parkinson’s may experience cognitive changes that can affect attention, mood, and motivation. That’s why it is important to engage the brain with problem-solving activities.


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