Tags: Enzymes

Stomach Problems

There are many reasons and factors for stomach problems which I will elucidate herein, but before we get to the causes and effect and the solutions or remedies for stomach problems, let us first get a basic understanding of what the stomach is and what it does.

To Bee or Not To Bee

Honey is used as an alternative sweetener by many people due to its natural sweetness. It is also rich in essential nutrients like amino acids, minerals. Royal jelly contains potent antibiotic and antiviral properties.


The number one thing at a core level that separate real food (e.g. plants, fruits, vegetables) from animal flesh (meat, cadaver) is ENZYMES! Enzymes represent life, but being technical, enzymes are LIFE. Enzymes are the life force of real food and real food is that which grows from the earth, from a seed. It is […]

FEATURE: Food Combining – How To Help Heal Disease Without Drugs Or Surgery By Correctly Combining The Foods You Eat

COMBINE FOODS YOU EAT ACCORDING TO THEIR ENZYME SECRETION Food Combination Diet was created by Dr. William Howard Hay, who was the director of a world famous Natural Health sanatorium in Pocono Haven, Pennsylvania, USA., in the early 1900s. Hay contended that foods to be eaten, should be combined according to their respective enzymatic secretion. […]

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