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Do you find yourself putting off tasks until the last minute? Don’t disengage; rather, use these tips to help overcome procrastination.


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It is very easy to put off tasks, especially if you don’t want to do them. You know you should get them out of the way, but the desire to do the opposite of that takes over. Perhaps this stems from your younger years, when you would put off school assignments to hang with friends or play video games. It’s possible that you still hang with friends and play video games to avoid certain tasks!

By definition, procrastination is choosing to delay something you need to do, even though waiting to do it negatively affects you in the long run. Mental health experts note that disengaging from the task boosts your morale immediately. You can think of procrastination like a Band-Aid because it is a temporary solution to a bigger problem. It removes any stress, fear, or anxiety, but just know that it is an emotional quick-fix that does not help you achieve your goals. 

If you want to reduce procrastination, you have to dial up helpful feelings and silence the challenging ones. Not only will this help increase your productivity, but it may also help improve self-esteem and feelings of accomplishment. 

Be Mindful Of Warning Signs

Becoming more mindfully aware can help you identify your procrastination tendencies or habits. For example, if you are doom-scrolling or impulse shopping instead of cleaning your kitchen, take note of what you are doing. Do you feel guilty for not focusing on your task? If yes, then you are procrastinating. Once you have the ability to recognize and name what is happening, you can respond and act without judgment. Researchers note that mindfulness tactics, such as acting with awareness and non-judgmentally, can help reduce anxiety and procrastination

Address It Head On

More often than not, stress and anxiety are to blame if you have difficulty starting a task. Stress can make it very difficult to prioritize and organize. That is why you may find it hard to make a decision on how to begin an email to a coworker or client some days. Your brain is jammed and it seems that there is no way out. According to one study that examined academic procrastination, students who struggled with regulating emotions were more likely to procrastinate, which only worsened their emotional state. If you can find ways to reduce stress, you will notice that your desire to procrastinate decreases and you experience emotional relief as a result.

Set Yourself Up For Success

It is difficult to do this if you procrastinate, since procrastination sets you up for a mild degree of failure. Just be sure that you avoid negative self-talk from the get go. If you approach a task and say things like, “This is the worst,” or, “I hate this,” then you will only increase stress. Be careful how you talk to yourself if you want to have a positive outcome. Instead, tell yourself that you are interested in the task at hand and that you have what it takes to get it done. If you approach your tasks in this way, you will be less likely to procrastinate, according to psychologists. 

Get Clarity

Did you know that ambiguity is the downfall of productivity? If you cannot break something down into smaller, more manageable tasks, consider getting more clarity on what steps you have to take to complete the project. One study found that those who did not know what to do were more likely to put off tasks. Mental health experts note that it is always beneficial to get clarity if you feel uncertain about something. Ask questions and do research, which can help you a great deal in a professional environment. If you and your colleagues understand what to do, you will reduce workplace procrastination. 

Find The Bigger Meaning

Putting off going to the gym? You’re less likely to do that if you believe that being more active will help benefit you later in life. Want to be able to play with your future grandkids? Want to stand from a seated position without assistance? Answering these questions can help you see beyond the immediate and connect you to the big picture. Find your purpose and direction in order to form a larger sense of meaning. One study looked at revenge sleep procrastination, which is when people put off going to sleep in order to enjoy extra downtime. They know that they won’t get enough sleep for the next day, but they stay up anyway. After four sessions of motivational interviewing, which is a form of short-term therapy to link behaviors and values, bedtime procrastination reduced significantly.

Don’t Forget About Self-Compassion

By definition, self-compassion is the act of shifting your thinking about yourself negatively to a way that is more balanced. Remind yourself that you are just human, which means that you, like everyone else, make mistakes and you are somewhat flawed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Acknowledging this can help you manage your emotions in a healthier way, which can help you deal with your responsibilities, instead of avoiding them. Just remember that you should not be hard on yourself because that will only increase your desire to procrastinate.


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Hydrating With Alkaline Water? Here Are 4 Potential Benefits https://www.dherbs.com/articles/hydrating-with-alkaline-water-here-are-4-potential-benefits/ Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=175401

Is alkaline water all hype, or can your overall health benefit from it? We review 4 potential benefits of hydrating with alkaline water.


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It seems that you cannot wander down the bottled water aisle at a supermarket or grocery store without encountering several forms of alkaline water. Not to mention, there are various types of spring water, mineral water, sparkling water, distilled water, and classic filtered water. You may even find some volcanic water, but that isn’t at your average store. One thing is for certain, though, and it is that alkaline water and filtered water are different prices. Is there truly a difference between alkaline water and regular H2O, though? 

What Is Alkaline?

Let’s remove water from the equation for one moment to get a better understanding of alkalinity. Scientists use the pH scale, which goes from 0 – 14 to measure alkaline and acid substances. If something has a pH lower than 7, it is acidic. If something has a pH higher than 7, it is alkaline, or basic. Most tap water has a pH of about 7.5, whereas bottled water is typically closer to 7.0. 

Alkaline water usually ranges between 8.0 and 9.0, but it can be higher. There are beneficial nutrients you can reap if you drink alkaline water, but dietitians are a bit skeptical of the alkaline water trend. Is alkaline water truly worth it

Nutrition Facts

To give you a better idea of the nutrients in alkaline water, here is the general nutritional information for an eight-ounce bottle of alkaline water:

  • Calories: 0
  • Total fat: 0
  • Trans fat: 0
  • Protein: 0
  • Cholesterol: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 0
  • Fiber: 0
  • Sodium: 4.8 milligrams (mg)
  • Total sugars: 0
  • Added sugars: 0
  • Magnesium: 4.8 mg
  • Calcium: 24 mg
  • Copper: 0.017 mg

Natural alkaline water, or spring water, that runs over rocks will pick up minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and calcium carbonate. Those minerals raise the water’s pH, creating alkaline water. Those minerals are necessary for many bodily functions, including those related to your heart, brain, muscles, and bones. 

Experts state that there are two types of alkaline water: natural from springs and chemically processed. Most bottled alkaline water that you can buy in stores is typically the former. The natural alkaline water is collected and then bottled, but the processed version goes through an ionizer, which uses electricity to add hydrogen to the water in order to yield a higher pH. Continue reading to learn about some of the potential health benefits of drinking alkaline water. 

May Prevent Bone Loss

The older you get, the more you have to worry about bone less, considering that osteoporosis affects about one in five women, and one in 20 men, over the age of 50. Osteoporosis can make bones brittle and more prone to fracture, especially in postmenopausal women. The body needs to maintain a blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45, and one way it does this is by releasing calcium into the bloodstream. That leaves less calcium for your bones. One way to replenish this calcium is by consuming calcium-rich foods, including alkaline water. In a study of 100 postmenopausal women who drank alkaline water daily for three months while taking calcium supplements. Researchers observed that, when combined with calcium supplementation, alkaline water provided some improvements in bone loss. 

May Aid Hydration Efforts

Drinking any kind of water is beneficial for everyone, regardless of athletic ability. Water is necessary to live! Athletes who fail to hydrate properly can experience muscle cramps, reduced coordination, and decreased athletic performance. In one small study, 12 male university students drank natural alkaline water for three days before intense physical activity. The results indicated that they were better hydrated than those who drank tap water. Some people consume more water if it is alkaline, and there is nothing wrong with drinking more water. Researchers agree that people should drink alkaline water if it increases your water intake. More research is necessary to determine if it hydrates more effectively than regular filtered water, though. 

May Offer Cancer Protection

Make sure to take this claim with the tiniest grain of salt. According to some studies, cancer cannot grow in alkaline environments. That has begged the question of whether or not an alkaline diet, which includes alkaline water, can make the body an uninhabitable environment for cancer. Unfortunately, the biggest problem with this theory is that alkaline water alone cannot change your blood’s pH. Drinking alkaline water, while a great way to hydrate, is unlikely to affect cancer cells. For this reason, more research is necessary to support this claim. Currently, research and medical professionals concur that food and water cannot change the body’s pH levels because it is a highly regulated system.

May Combat Acid Reflux

Alkaline substances can neutralize acid, so drinking alkaline water may combat symptoms of high acidity in the stomach, but not for long. Research shows that the contents of the stomach are very acidic. Consuming a product that helps reduce that acidity may provide temporary relief. In fact, it will only last for a short while, for example, a few minutes at best. Alkaline water may be dangerous when consumed with certain medications, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). For this reason, consult your healthcare professional before you combine alkaline water with any medications. 

Alkaline water has grown in popularity, but it is not a cure for various health conditions. More research is still necessary to prove that alkaline water exhibits the potential health benefits listed in this article. Just remember to stay hydrated, with alkaline or filtered water, if you want to keep the body as healthy as possible.


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Whipped Gingerbread Body Butter https://www.dherbs.com/articles/whipped-gingerbread-body-butter/ Thu, 12 Dec 2024 09:39:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173138

Leave your skin feeling soft, radiant, and supple this holiday season when you use this homemade whipped gingerbread body butter.


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If we know one thing about winter, it is that the weather is colder and skin can dry out easily. The constant changing of environments does not do the skin any favors. Being bundled up outside in the cold and then going inside to the warm, dry heat is a recipe for dry skin. Fortunately, you can pamper your skin and bring it back to life with the homemade body butter in this article. It is filled with natural ingredients that help to leave the skin feeling soft, radiant, and supple. 

What’s The Difference Between Body Butter And Lotion?

Both body lotions and body butters work to moisturize the skin below the neck. Each of these skin care products can help soften skin and minimize dryness, but they work differently. The primary difference between lotion and body butter is the texture. While lotion has a higher water content and more liquid consistency, body butter is thicker and creamier. Body butter also tends to have a higher concentration of heavy moisturizers, such as shea butter. Body lotion tends to be formulated with glycerin, or other lightweight hydrators. 

Generally speaking, body butter is ideal for dry or rough skin. The ingredients work to replenish the skin’s natural oils and protect them from stressors that increase irritation or dryness. Below, we’ll detail two ingredients that make this body butter highly nourishing for the skin.

Shea Butter

Shea butter comes from the kernels of shea trees, which are native to sub-Saharan Africa. To this day, most shea butter still comes from this region. Shea butter helps promote hydration because it contains several types of fatty acids, including oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. These work to improve the skin barrier and protect the skin from damaging environmental pollutants. Shea butter also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for nourishing inflamed or upset skin. Additionally, shea butter is thought to offer mild protection from the sun, although it is not a replacement for standard sunscreen. 

Coconut Oil

Promoted for its ability to moisturize dry skin, coconut oil offers many compounds that help improve overall skin health. It exhibits antibacterial, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties when applied topically. Studies have shown that it may help relieve symptoms of atopic dermatitis or eczema, which can cause itchy rash. The anti-inflammatory properties work to improve skin barrier function and prevent moisture loss. And while coconut oil may not be able to remove stretch marks, it is possible that topical application may help reduce their appearance. More research is necessary on that topic, though. 

Whipped Gingerbread Body Butter


  • 1/2 cup raw shea butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil 
  • 1/4 tsp  gingerbread spice
  • 4 drops ginger essential oil
  • 4 drops cinnamon essential oil
  • 2 drops clove essential oil
  • 2 drops vanilla essential oil


  • Add the shea butter and coconut oil to a heat-safe bowl or measuring cup. Melt the two ingredients in the microwave for one minute. 
  • Remove and stir well. If the shea butter and coconut oil are not fully melted, heat in the microwave for an additional 30 seconds. Remove and stir well again to combine.
  • Transfer the melted mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer and refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour. 
  • Remove from the refrigerator and use the stand mixer to whip the mixture on high for five minutes. Stop to scrape down the sides every minute and continue blending until you have a light, fluffy cream. 
  • Add the gingerbread spice and essential oils and mix on low to incorporate. Spoon the mixture into a jar, cover, and store in the fridge. Use as needed.


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5 Ways To Soothe Your Nervous System In Times Of Stress https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-ways-to-soothe-your-nervous-system-in-times-of-stress/ Mon, 21 Oct 2024 08:51:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172702

During times of stress, it can be beneficial to know how to soothe the nervous system, especially if you are an empath.


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Some people are highly in touch with their own stimuli and can pick up on the smallest things in their surroundings. Others can be empaths who feel other people’s energies and emotions in their own systems. If you fall into either of these categories, you may experience strain on the nervous system from time to time. It’s almost as if these feelings and emotions crawl their way under your skin without you having any say in the matter!

What is an empath? Well, it means that you can bond quickly with others or feel what others feel. That can create some incredibly loving, intimate, and nourishing experiences. Being highly sensitive can also mean that you quickly become overstimulated, either from your own emotions or from others. When this happens, you need to soothe your sensitive system and bring it back into proper balance. Continue reading to learn how to do that.

Come Home To Yourself

Experiencing quality solo time is one of the most underrated self-care acts. You can take a walk in nature, read an inspiring book, or get lost in a creative spell, painting, carving wood, or drawing. Go ahead and do things that you enjoy alone, as that can help anchor you in your own energy. That will help you feel less frazzled and drained. During this alone time, make sure that you reconnect with yourself via relaxing, engaging, or enjoyable activities. If that means cleaning your house or listening to a podcast in the park, so be it!

Reduce The Physical Stimuli In Your Environment

By lowering the physical stimuli in your environment, you can help soothe your sensitive system. If you live alone, perhaps this looks like putting on relaxing music or nature sounds. Maybe you snuggle up under your softest blanket, dim the lights, and put your phone on silent. If you live with someone, be it a romantic partner, kids, or pets, create a sanctuary or retreat in your home where you can recover. Keep in mind that you can turn common areas into safe sanctuaries. 

Recognize When You Need Soothing

You may need to soothe your system if you experience an increase in any of the following:

  • Numbing yourself with addictive behaviors
  • Feeling tired or drained
  • Craving alone time
  • Stressing out more easily
  • Having difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Racing thoughts
  • Isolating, even if you are lonely
  • Feeling on edge, or jumpy
  • Overindulging in salty, fatty, or sugary foods

You can always communicate with your healthcare provider about your mineral, vitamin, and blood sugar levels. If they are out of whack, you may need to figure out how to balance them. Sometimes, that can be as simple as soothing yourself!

Get In Touch With What You Want, Need, And Feel

Empaths can feel what’s going on around them, so that means they may forget to prioritize their own experience. It’s common for empaths to get sucked into everyone else’s experience, which can make them feel lost or yearning for self-gratification. There is nothing wrong with being sensitive, as it usually inspires compassion. Just don’t let your own life become overly crowded. Connect with yourself daily in order to find out what you want, need, and feel. That will allow you to separate from others in a healthy way and make yourself a priority, which can help you ground yourself. That will only help you show up for others in a more responsible way.

Don’t Turn Someone Into A Healing Project

It is very common for a sensitive person to go on rogue healing missions. They tend to have stronger inner healers than the average person, but that doesn’t mean they should make it a point to heal co-workers, friends, or loved ones. If that happens, it is integral to create healthy space between you and the other person. Remind yourself that you are not responsible for someone else’s problems. You can still cherish loved ones and romantic partners without letting their issues affect you. Don’t be a “fixer” or tenderhearted person because letting someone else’s problems take over can negatively affect your nervous system.


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5 Lifestyle Tips To Have A Healthier Fall https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-lifestyle-tips-to-have-a-healthier-fall/ Mon, 16 Sep 2024 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=143327

Fall is a time of change: the leaves start to fall and sweaters come out. Why not make some changes for your health as well?


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Isn’t it wild that fall is nearly here? Before you know it, we’ll have to gear up for winter. For now, though, you get to prepare for the changing of leaves, sweater weather, and pumpkin spice lattes. Well, maybe don’t enjoy too many of those lattes because they are quite fattening and heavily sweetened. 

Fall and winter tend to be associated with unhealthy lifestyle habits, but you don’t have to fall into that trap. The stress of the holidays, long days out shopping and eating, and party after party all contribute to weight gain. Additionally, the hustle and bustle of fall and winter events can interfere with wellness rituals that you develop over summer. Fortunately, there are habits that keep you healthy during the fall. You don’t have to do anything crazy; rather, a few changes can make all the difference during this cozy time of year. 

Do Some Yoga

There’s nothing like escaping the world after a long, stressful day. Rather than plopping down on the couch to veg out in front of the TV all night, take 30 minutes to an hour to practice a yoga routine. At the day’s end, yoga can help put your mind at ease, helping you focus on the present moment. Take it one step further and commit to engaging in a yoga practice at least twice a week during the fall. You can do a routine in your house or head to a yoga studio if you prefer hot yoga or other varieties. Not only does it keep the body moving and strengthen your core, but it also helps you be more mindful and may even relieve stress or promote better sleep.

Spend More Time Outside

It sounds strange to suggest an outdoor setting when the weather gets colder, but being outside does wonders for your physical and mental health. According to research, spending time outdoors helps reduce stress and improve mood. If you have a dog, let that beautiful, sweet creature be your motivation. Walking for 30 minutes a day has been shown to help regulate bowel movements, reduce stress, contribute to weight loss, and boost your mood. Plus, being outside after being in an indoor 9-5 environment helps you recharge the batteries. Make the outdoors a priority and your mental health will thank you. 

Cook One-Pot Meals

A one-pot meal is exactly what it sounds like: you cook everything in one pot. Not only do one-pot meals epitomize comfort food, but they also make kitchen cleanup a lot easier. One-pot meals include soups, stews, pastas, and more. A one-pot meal can also be made in a slow cooker or Instant Pot. Using a slow cooker can take the stress out of making dinner when you get home. Simply throw all of the ingredients in the slow cooker in the morning, program the settings, and then go about your day. Dinner is ready when you get home!

Consider A Vitamin D Supplement

There is a vitamin D problem in the United States, the problem being that too many people are deficient in this nutrient. Given that the days are shorter and you most likely spend more time inside during the fall and winter, taking a vitamin D supplement can counteract the lack of sun exposure. Vitamin D helps control blood sugar, boost immune function, and aid with calcium absorption. Additionally, vitamin D has also exhibited an ability to help reduce anxiety and depression. Before you go out and purchase a vitamin D supplement, though, talk with your doctor about which supplement is best and what the right dosage is for you. 

Care For Your Skin

Your summer skin care routine may need to change with the onset of the fall season. The air gets drier and indoor heating switches on. It’s the reverse of summer, which exhibits hot and humid outdoor temperatures and dry, air-conditioned indoor environments. Consider switching to a rich moisturizer to keep your skin soft and smooth. Emollients and humectants are great ingredients that help lock moisture into your skin. Lastly, remember to wear sunscreen if you’ll be out during the day. Even though the days aren’t as sunny, the sun’s UV rays can still affect your skin, increasing the risk of skin cancer. 

Above all else, don’t forget to practice gratitude during this time of year. Gratitude can help you maintain your relationships and establish a healthier lifestyle. Consider writing down one thing that you’re grateful for every day to help shift your mind from negative to positive.


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Why Avocado Oil And Extract Are Used In Skin Care Products https://www.dherbs.com/articles/why-avocado-oil-and-extract-are-used-in-skin-care-products/ Sun, 15 Sep 2024 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172154

Avocados have a high concentration of fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, making them great additions to skin care products.


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The mighty avocado is more than an ingredient that restaurants charge extra for. It is a tropical fruit that exhibits an impressive nutrition profile. It is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats that help to keep the body healthy and strong. That probably isn’t news to you if you aren’t a stranger to guacamole, chocolate avocado pudding, or avocado toast. 

What you may not realize is that avocados benefit the skin, whether you eat them or apply them topically. Because they contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamin E, avocados are great for people with sensitive skin. In this article, we’ll detail a few skin benefits of avocados and why they are common ingredients in skin care products.

Avocado Oil And Avocado Extract In Skin Care

Avocado oil and avocado extract are not the same. Both are derived from the avocado fruit, but the oil is pressed from dried avocado pulp, which contains the fruit’s skin and pit. Avocado extract tends to be derived from the fruit and leaves of the avocado tree. The fruit’s extract is a concentrated liquid that has been the focus of many recent studies for its therapeutic benefits in medical settings. 

Although both avocado oil and avocado extract have their place in skin care products, avocado oil is used more commonly. It is naturally rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid, and vitamins A, C, and E. Due to the oil’s high fat content, it is very useful in skin care products intended for dry or chapped skin. Continue reading to learn more about the skin benefits of avocado oil and extract.

Rich In Antioxidants

According to several studies, the avocado fruit, the oil, and the extract contain a lot of antioxidants, especially polyphenols and carotenoids. These antioxidant compounds work to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which commonly form after exposure to UV rays, pollution, and environmental aggressors. The accumulation of free radicals on the skin can damage the DNA of skin cells, which contributes to premature signs of aging. Neutralizing these free radicals can protect the skin and keep it healthy. 

Avocado oil is commonly used in facial cleansers and eye serums for this reason. When combined with other ingredients, such as olive oil or sweet almond oil, it can help remove dirt, oil, and other impurities without stripping the skin of its natural barrier. Avocado oil also provides long-lasting moisture, which is especially beneficial for people with dry skin

A Powerful Moisturizer

As we were just saying, avocado oil is an excellent ingredient that keeps the skin moisturized. The oil contains about 62% lipids, most of which are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Studies confirm that avocado oil can easily penetrate the skin’s moisture barrier more effectively than other plant oils. That makes avocado oil great for people with dry or flaky skin. You may see avocado oil or extract in moisturizers or hydrating masks for this reason. These creams and masks may help minimize water loss, creating more supple, hydrated skin. These tend to be great for all skin types, but always do a patch test on your arm to see if you develop a reaction. 

Offers Soothing Benefits

If you have sensitive skin, inflammation may be a daily occurrence, whether you are aware of it or not. Inflammation is one of the skin’s responses to irritants, including pollution, extreme temperatures, or harsh ingredients. Eczema, for example, is an inflammatory skin condition. Avocado oil may help soothe the appearance of irritated skin. It offers moisturizing properties that may help soften parched or callused skin. Apply a generous amount of avocado oil to dry feet or hands before bed, and then wear socks and gloves. That will prevent the oil from staining sheets while locking in moisture for softer skin in the morning.


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6 Tips To Exercise Safely In The Summer Heat https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-tips-to-exercise-safely-in-the-summer-heat/ Tue, 20 Aug 2024 09:26:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=140967

Stay safe when exercising in hot weather by drinking enough fluids, wearing proper clothing, and following the other tips in this article.


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Many people around the world are experiencing the rising temperatures of summer. During the sunny season, people spend more time outdoors, flocking to beaches, basketball courts, lakes, or jogging through the neighborhood. When exercising in elevated temperatures, though, the body’s temperature regulation system is easily overworked. This increases the risk of heat-related illness, which can result in hospitalization. 

How Does Heat Affect The Body?

When you exercise in hotter weather, you put extra stress on the body. The air temperature and humidity level can increase the body’s internal core temperature, especially if you exercise outside. In order to cool itself down, the body has to send more blood to circulate through the skin. As a result, your muscles receive less blood and your heart rate increases. High humidity levels also stress the body because sweat cannot easily evaporate from the skin. Sweating in a humid environment also increases the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. 

Pay Attention To The Warning Signs

Please understand that spending time outdoors in the heat can induce heat-related illness. The more energy you exert, the more you have to pay attention to warning signs. Ignoring the signs and symptoms may result in a medical emergency. For this reason, pay attention to the following signs when you exercise in the heat: 

  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Dizziness
  • Low Blood Pressure

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. By that point, you are already in a mild state of dehydration. If you want to exercise safely in the heat, you have to help the body cool down by drinking water frequently. Research states that you should drink 16-24 ounces of water a couple hours before you head into the sun. Additionally, don’t take salt tablets because they can increase the risk of dehydration. Weigh yourself before and after you workout in the heat. For every pound you are down, drink two to three cups of water. 

Keep An Eye On The Weather

It may look sunny and beautiful outside, but it may be hotter than you realize. If you exercise in warmer weather, the body has to work extra hard to decrease the rising core temperature. This is true for even the most seasoned of athletes. The body cools itself down by sweating, but cooling down is difficult in humid weather, as your sweat can’t evaporate off the skin as easily. Before you exercise outside, look at the weather report. If the temperature or humidity is high, scale back your workout. A low-impact workout may be easy on a temperate day, but difficult on a hot day. Respect the weather to keep your body healthy.

Wear The Right Clothing

When you get ready to workout, don your lightest, well-ventilated clothing. Synthetic fibers like nylon, polyester, and lycra can easily absorb sweat, which allows for evaporation. If you exercise in direct sunlight, wear light colors because they reflect heat better than darker colors do. Wear a hat and soak it in water if necessary. The head is the most important body part to keep cool!

Know Your Limits

Many people want to push themselves during their workouts, but exercise caution when working out in hotter temperatures. Respect your limitations because it’s easy to overdo it in the heat. This is because you are more vulnerable to dizziness, nausea, and heat exhaustion. Always try to take your breaks in cooler, shaded locations to avoid jeopardizing your health and fitness goals. 

Avoid The Hottest Part Of The Day

The goal is to avoid intense heat when the temperatures are highest. For the most part, the hottest temperatures tend to occur between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., but this may vary upon location. Watch the weather forecast and try to exercise earlier in the morning or in the evening. Humidity can work against you as well, even if the temperature is not incredibly high. Exercise caution and avoid intense heat to keep your body healthy and cool. 


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Experts Suggest Nearly 50% Of Dementia Cases Could Be Delayed https://www.dherbs.com/articles/experts-suggest-nearly-50-of-dementia-cases-could-be-delayed/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:22:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171173

High levels of bad cholesterol and vision loss join the list or existing preventable risk factors that could delay 50% of dementia cases.


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A new report suggests that nearly 50% of dementia cases could be prevented by addressing 14 preventable risk factors. Recently, high cholesterol and vision loss have been added to the list of modifiable risk factors for dementia. Taking care of your physical health and engaging in mentally stimulating activities during midlife can reduce your risk of dementia. Continue reading to learn more about the new report. 

This new report, which was written by 27 of the world’s leading dementia specialists, urges health officials to take action to reduce preventable risks of dementia. Some people will undoubtedly develop dementia, but addressing risk factors earlier in life may help them live a longer, healthier life. It may even help them delay development of the cognitive illness. It is never too early to take action, especially when these opportunities can make a big impact on your life

Preventing Physical Threats To Mental Acuity

According to the new report, there are 14 modifiable risk factors for dementia, which are:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Exposure to air pollution
  • Vision loss
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • High LDL cholesterol levels
  • Social isolation
  • Physical inactivity
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Lower education
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Hearing loss

Physical risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, and diabetes may increase the risk of narrowed or blocked arteries. By decreasing blood flow to the brain and brain cells, you increase the risk of cognitive decline. The brain and its cells require a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen to function optimally. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of heart disease and cause brain cells to die because of the toxins. And finally, a traumatic brain injury can disrupt mental capabilities and how the brain functions. 

High Cholesterol And Vision Loss Contribute To Dementia Risk

The new guidelines added high cholesterol and vision loss in midlife (about age 40) to the list of preventable risk factors. According to researchers, 7% of dementia cases stem from high levels of LDL, or bad, cholesterol. That is because LDL cholesterol buildup can narrow the arteries and reduce blood supply to the brain. 

2020 was the last time this list was updated and available evidence indicated LDL cholesterol as a possible risk factor. At that point, evidence about it being a risk factor for dementia was inconclusive. Since then, however, compelling evidence indicates that LDL cholesterol increases the risk of developing cognitive decline. Additionally, vision loss was also a recent update. Hearing loss was already on the list, and it seems consistent that a decline in sensory functions can lead to confusion and problems processing information. In fact 2% of dementia cases were attributed to untreated vision loss later in life. 

How to Reduce Dementia Risks

People can take preventative steps to delay mental decline at any age. The longer you expose yourself to risk factors, the more harmful they are to overall cognition. Developing healthier habits during early life and midlife can form a strong base for behaviors later in life. Getting regular exercise and following a healthy diet can decrease your risk for some of the risk factors of dementia. Health experts have several suggestions that can help people keep the dangers of cognitive decline at bay, and they include:

  • Making screenings and treatments for vision impairment accessible for all
  • Treating depression effectively
  • Providing all children with quality education and ensuring that they are cognitively active in midlife
  • Prioritizing supportive community environments and housing to increase social contact
  • Reducing the sugar and salt content in food sold in stores and restaurants
  • Wearing helmets and head protection in contact sports and while riding bikes or skateboards
  • Expanding measures to reduce smoking and increasing the minimum age of purchase
  • Detecting and treating high LDL cholesterol in midlife
  • Making hearing aids available for those with hearing loss
  • Reducing exposure to air pollution via stricter clean air policies


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Why Do Covid-19 Number Surge During Summer Months? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/why-do-covid-19-number-surge-during-summer-months/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171162

The United States is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Scientists explain why COVID spikes return during summer months.


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Fall and winter, besides being associated with the holidays, are considered cold and flu season. At the moment, though, the United States (U.S.) is in the middle of another COVID-19 summer surge. Surveillance data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that high levels of the virus have been detected across most of the country. With the exception of 19 states, COVID-19 cases are very high, especially in the western part so the U.S.

Although it is inconvenient, it is very normal for COVID cases to spike during the summer. In fact, it has happened every summer since COVID-19 arrived on the scene. Why do cases increase, though? Below, we will explain why it tends to happen during the summer months and how you can protect yourself from the virus.

What Is A Summer Surge?

A COVID summer surge is defined by an unexpected increase in the number of COVID cases during the summer months, according to infectious disease specialists. Other than allergies, mild infectious illnesses like the cold and flu are common during fall and winter. That said, viruses can surge any time of the year. A COVID surge in the summer is common because people travel more and gather in large groups indoors and outdoors. 

The virus continues to evolve and stays ahead of the immune system. The immune system recognizes the infection of past variants as new ones appear, which can lead to an increase in new infections. And over the years, health experts have observed a big surge in COVID-19 cases at the beginning of summer. 

What Is Causing The Current Surge?

There isn’t just one cause that health experts can blame for the increase in COVID cases. The first of many causes is that people do not have immunity to the new variants. Immunity to prior COVID infection is short-lived. In fact, immunity can wane after just three months. That means that you need a new strategy if you plan to rely on your immunity to protect against COVID-19 infection. Perhaps that looks like getting a COVID booster vaccine, which is given out similarly to the flu vaccine nowadays. 

The COVID-19 FLiRT variants are largely driving this summer surge, though. These variants are more adept at evading the immune system. The weather may also factor into the equation. Some health experts explain that the emerging variants potentially thrive more in the heat than they do in the cold. That could cause an increase in COVID cases in the summer, as opposed to late fall and early winter. Additionally, the extreme heat, which is present across the country, drives people to gather indoors. 

Is it possible that the 2024 Summer Olympic Games will cause an uptick in COVID-19 cases? It’s always possible because large gatherings, be they indoor or outdoor, are the perfect environment for the virus to spread easily. That is true for people having guests over to their houses to watch the Olympics, or for attendees watching the games in person. In fact, there is already evidence of some olympic athletes testing positive since the start of the Summer Games. 

Will The COVID Surge Continue?

Health experts anticipate that the surge will continue as summer comes to a close. As long as people gather indoors and travel, transmission remains a worry. That said, infectious disease specialists are hopeful that another surge will not hit until late fall, or even early winter when people travel to see family for the holidays. If people take precautions, though, there is a chance that another spike in cases will not occur. It’s also possible that another surge will not be as big as the summer surge. 

How Do You Protect Yourself During Surges?

In order to prepare for a surge and reduce your risk of infection during summer, health experts encourage the following:

  • Test regularly for COVID-19, especially if you live with high-risk individuals
  • Open your windows if you have a large gathering
  • Practice good hygiene by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitizer
  • Wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces, especially if you have a loved one who is immunocompromised 
  • Use a HEPA air filtration system to reduce the risk of transmission
  • Stay up-to-date on boosters and vaccinations


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6 Effective Ways To Calm Your Anxiety https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-effective-ways-to-calm-your-anxiety/ Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171063

Feeling anxious or worried is natural in a stressful situation, but not all the time. Learn about effective ways to help calm your anxiety.


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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 30% of American adults have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. For those people, feelings of anxiousness extend beyond regular worry from stressful situations. These feelings of anxiety are persistent and can interfere with everyday life. Symptoms can even extend to physical symptoms, including sweating, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. 

The exact cause of an anxiety disorder can be quite complex. Mental health experts suspect that anxiety disorders stem from a mix of environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. Although you may not be able to prevent an anxiety disorder entirely, you can develop coping strategies to help minimize symptoms. If you experience an anxiety attack or symptoms of anxiety, experiment with the following lifestyle and mindfulness techniques and see which ones work for you. 

Limit Your Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

Caffeine and alcohol can affect your sleep and mood, so it isn’t a surprise that they can trigger anxiety. Experts recommend limiting your intake of both if you want to reduce or avoid anxiety symptoms. If you consume a lot of caffeine and want to reduce your intake, be mindful that you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Make sure that you drink water throughout the day to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. Researchers note that drinking water throughout the day can lower depression and anxiety risk in adults. 

Be Active

Studies have shown that regular exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks. Just 15 minutes of daily exercise, such as walking, swimming, biking, or yoga, can provide short-term anxiety relief. If you want more substantial and long-term benefits, try to develop a consistent exercise routine. That could mean that you engage in 20 to 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity daily. It could also mean that you engage in a regular mindfulness yoga practice several classes per week.


As we just mentioned, yoga is a relaxing and mindful exercise practice. Enhance your relaxation efforts by engaging in a meditation practice, be it on your own or guided from a video. Meditation may help reduce anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety disorders, according to several research studies. Guided mental imagery meditation has proven to be very effective at relieving anxiety. It involves picturing a future scenario, task, or event in a positive light. When you encounter the event or experience that thing, you will feel more prepared and at ease. 

Get Sufficient Sleep

There is a complex relationship between anxiety and sleep. Various studies suggest that anxiety can cause lack of sleep and vice versa, meaning lack of sleep can trigger anxiety. Statistically, more women are affected by this relationship. If you want to improve your sleep habits, you can make small adjustments that go a long way. Keep a consistent sleep and wake cycle, i.e. go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Turn your phone and other screens off about an hour or so before bedtime, and consider reading a book or putting on relaxing music or guided meditation to promote relaxation. 

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish! Making intentional time for self-care can help ease symptoms of anxiety. For some people, self-care might look like taking a bubble bath. For others, it could mean reading a book or getting a massage. Whatever self-care looks like for you, just make sure to clear a spot on your calendar so that you can improve your overall well-being.

Experiment With Grounding

Grounding is the act of temporarily detaching yourself from feelings of anxiety to center yourself. It’s important to note that grounding will not stop feelings of anxiety, but it can help make them less intense. That reduction in anxiety can help you feel safer and more in control. There are a few different grounding practices that you can experiment, with one being the 333 rule. To practice this 333 rule, scan your surroundings and name three objects you see. Listen to the environment and name three things you can hear. Finally, touch or move three things, such as objects near you. You can also go outside and simply walk barefoot on the grass or head to the beach and walk barefoot along the sand. 


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