Tags: Energy

Plants as Healers and Teachers

Plants are not only healers, but they are also teachers. Shamans are able to pierce the veil of the dimension that separates plants from humans and commune on the visible realm with the elements of plants. They can extract much needed information for humanity on this realm or plane of existence. Shamans Shamanism is a […]

Dragon’s Blood

It is not literally dragon’s blood, but just the name given to the plant. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, its botanical name is Daemonorops draco Bl and Xuejie. It is a bright red resin secretion derived from the fruit and stems of the plant. Its medicinal and therapeutic properties include stypticity, an astringent that arrests profuse […]

Fruitarian Diet?

Fruitarians follow diets that include fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and grains. Because they avoid all animal products, it is considered a form of veganism. There are many varieties of the fruitarian diet. Those who consume fruit as 75% or more of their diet are considered fruitarians. Lifestyle Is it wise or even possible to successfully […]

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