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Dherbs Full Body Cleanse is a great way to propel you into a healthier lifestyle.


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Dherbs Full Body Cleanse is a great way to propel you into a healthier lifestyle. Whether you are looking to release weight, support your immune system, boost energy levels, or reboot your system, the Full Body Cleanse is exactly what you need!


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3 Beginner Breathwork Techniques And The Best Time To Do Them Fri, 20 Sep 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Meditation is a powerful practice that can connect the mind and boy. Learn the best times to practice three beginner breathwork techniques.


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Meditation can be a little intimidating because, like most difficult things, it takes time to master. It requires practice, but also patience to become comfortable sitting in meditation. You will not be a zen master after your first two meditation sessions. Practice makes perfect, though, and you will be able to quiet the mind soon enough. Thoughts will race and sensations will bubble up, but allow them to come like strangers in the night.

Breathwork is an active form of meditation, during which you disconnect from the mind and let your heart and body guide you. The goal is for you to actively exhale your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and actions that do not support growth. You return to your breath to handle stress, anxiety, and any lingering trauma. Different techniques may be more effective for certain people and not for others. Below, you will find three beginner breathing techniques and when to use them. 

The 4-4-4-4 Breath: When You Need An Energy Boost

The 4-4-4-4 breathing practice, also known as box breathing or square breathing, comes from the Navy SEALs. This breathing technique aims to slow your heart rate and enhance concentration. It may also increase efficiency and mental performance, in addition to relieving stress. Ideally, you engage in this breathwork after you wake up in the morning, or in the middle of the day when you feel sleepy. To practice this technique:

  • Sit up straight and start by releasing all of the air from your chest. Hold your breath for four seconds and then breathe in through your nose for four seconds. 
  • Hold your breath for four seconds and then exhale out of your nose for four seconds. Repeat this cycle for five full minutes to feel the effects. 

During your inhales, imagine that the earth is nourishing the physical body. When you hold your breath, imagine that your breath is going through your mind like the wind, clearing out any thoughts that do not serve you. During your exhale, imagine that the fire element is pushing out any negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions from your belly. 

The 4-7-8 Breath: When You Feel Overwhelmed

This is a relaxing breathing method that was developed by Andrew Weil, M.D. It aims to calm the body and slow down your heart rate, bringing you into the present moment. This breathing technique is ideal when you feel anxious, angry, overwhelmed, triggered, or have difficulty sleeping. It also teaches the body to take in less, creating space between each inhale and exhale to release excess energy and thought. To practice this technique:

  • Ideally, this technique aims to empty the lungs of air. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale out of the mouth for eight seconds. 
  • Repeat this cycle at least four times for the full effects. 

When you inhale, imagine that the earth is grounding and nourishing your breath. Allow that energy to come into the body and when you hold your breath, visualize that energy spiraling throughout your body. Allow that energy to extract any thought that does not serve you. During your exhale, think about releasing all of that energy, not just through your mouth, but through your entire body.

The 5-5 Breath: When You Feel Worked Up

The natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two to three seconds per minute. The 5-5 breath, however, is a controlled practice that slows your breathing to four seconds and then five seconds. The 5-5 breath works to improve your overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day. To practice this breathing technique:

  • To begin, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to get a baseline for the length of each inhale and exhale. 
  • For one minute, inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds. 
  • For the next minute, repeat that process, but inhale and exhale for five seconds. Continue for six seconds and you can gradually extend to 10 seconds if you want to. 
  • In the initial stages, this practice should take five minutes, and you can work your way up to 20 minutes over time. 

During this practice, imagine that the earth’s energy is rising up through your body during every inhale. When you exhale, let that same energy wash out any negative thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that you no longer want to hold onto.


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How To Best Achieve Restorative Sleep Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:15:00 +0000

The CDC states that one in three people don’t get enough sleep. Learn how to get a better night’s sleep with a few simple tips.


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You don’t need an expert to explain how beneficial sleep is for your overall health. You already know how much better you feel when you wake up after a good night’s rest. The benefits extend beyond an energy boost and better mood. Optimal sleep may help support your health far more than you realize, which is especially true if you aren’t sleeping enough right now. 

According to sleep experts, the average adult should get seven to eight hours of sleep every night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that getting less than that may reduce immunity and increase the risk of chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, depression, obesity, and heart disease. Yet, one in three people do not get enough sleep per night. Even though this is the case, you can improve your chances of getting better, more restorative sleep. The following tips explain how you can set yourself up for sleep success.

Lower Your Thermostat

There is an attraction to being warm and cozy and snuggling up like a little fox in a bed. According to sleep experts, though, keeping your bedroom cool at night can support more optimal sleep. The body’s core temperature naturally dips in the evening to prepare the body for bed. For this reason, experts recommend that you put your thermostat between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit to keep the body cool. If you run hot at night, consider purchasing sheets or nightwear that is moisture-wicking or cooling. 

Move Your Body

Some evidence suggests that exercising during the day leads to more restful sleep, especially for adults and older adults. Physical activity actively tires out the body’s major muscles and helps to relieve stress, both of which relax the mind and body, making it easier for you to fall asleep. You don’t have to run a marathon or take part in a Spartan race to reap the benefits. A 2017 study found that regular movement can improve both sleep quality and duration, regardless of the intensity of your exercise. 

Make Your Bedroom A Sleep Haven

You do not need to do any major remodeling to your bedroom to sleep better. Set your bedroom up for sleep success by making it very dark, cool, and as tranquil as you can. Darkness is paramount because the more light you have, the likelier your mind is to race and wake up. Research from 2018 found that even a soft glow can disrupt your sleep, so consider purchasing blackout curtains or shades and unplug any devices or charges that emit light. Sleep experts also encourage you to make your bedroom a sleep-only zone, meaning you don’t spend time in bed catching up on work emails or scrolling social media. Treat your bedroom as a sacred space for sleep, which may help train your brain to power down when you go under the covers at night.

Try Relaxation Techniques In Bed

If you struggle to fall asleep because you get tense or anxious at night, it can be beneficial to engage in relaxation techniques. Many people benefit from guided imagery, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation. Trying to force yourself to fall asleep usually has the opposite effect. If you are not able to doze off with the relaxation techniques we just mentioned, consider reading, listening to an audiobook, or listening to calming music. Accepting your sleepless state can actually relax the mind and make it easier to fall asleep. 

Create A Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Sleep experts suggest going to bed and waking up around the same time daily to regulate the body’s internal clock. Research from 2015 found that consistent sleep and wake times may make it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up with more energy the next day. In order to do this, consider establishing a nighttime ritual, which can include pre-bed activities that aid sleep, such as: 

  • Dimming the lights: A study from 2019 found that exposure to bright light suppresses the body’s production of melatonin. Turning off or dimming the lights an hour or so before bed may help you drift off more easily. Additionally, stop looking at screens an hour or so before bed to reduce your exposure to blue light
  • Take a hot shower or bath: Taking a steamy, hot shower or warm bath is very relaxing, but it’s the aftermath that may have a positive effect on your sleep. Research from 2019 found that the body’s core temperature starts to go down after a hot bath/shower. That supports that natural temperature dip that occurs every evening to prime the body for sleep.


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Cranberry Citrus Salad With Pecans Wed, 06 Mar 2024 20:00:18 +0000

This salad has so many superfoods in it, you may just develop some super body capabilities!


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This salad has so many superfoods in it, you may just develop some super body capabilities, for example, better digestion, more energy, and a stronger immune system!


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Energizing Green Smoothie Wed, 04 Oct 2023 17:38:00 +0000

A healthy green smoothie that is filled with nutritious ingredients that help enhance immunity, improve focus, and boost energy levels.


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Who doesn’t love a delicious and nutritious green smoothie? When you drink a green smoothie, you just feel good about the food that you’re putting in your body. No need for green powders, protein powders, or other supplements when you use real ingredients! This smoothie, for example, only contains six ingredients, all of which provide different essential vitamins and minerals. Some even contain protein and healthy fats!

This green smoothie is energizing because it delivers a boatload of nutrients in one large cup! Consuming any green smoothie, so long as you don’t dump sugar into it, can help lower the risk of age-related illnesses like dementia. Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, collards, or lettuce, contribute to healthier bones and better immune and brain function. Spinach, for example, contains an assortment of antioxidants, fiber, calcium, and iron, and eating more of this green can help regulate blood pressure levels.

The reason that we included Granny Smith apple in this smoothie is because they are more nutrient-dense than regular Red Delicious apples. Granny smith apples contain more fiber, minerals, and vitamins, and they may enhance metabolism. Some studies note that these apples may improve the overall appearance of your skin, and may help get rid of dark circles under your eyes! Will this smoothie do all of that and more? Well, try it out and let us know!


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Energy Boosting Vegan Chickpea Masala Wed, 22 Mar 2023 21:00:10 +0000

Chickpeas do a great job at making you feel full because the protein and fiber work to slow digestion.


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Chickpeas do a great job at making you feel full because the protein and fiber work to slow digestion. This process promotes feelings of fullness and may increase levels of appetite-reducing hormones in the body. The protein in this chickpea masala is also essential for weight management, bone health, and muscle strength.


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5 Signs That You Don’t Have Enough Fat In Your Diet Sat, 12 Mar 2022 09:14:00 +0000

If you don’t get enough fat in your diet, you may notice hair loss or weak immune function. Learn about the other signs in this article.


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Fat has a bad reputation in regards to your diet. Just as there are healthy sugars and unhealthy sugars, so are there unhealthy fats and healthy fats. Consuming the right dietary fats doesn’t mean that you automatically become fat. The body needs certain fats to function optimally, as healthy fats comprise a portion of the foundation of a healthy body.

The reason that people love to hate on fats is because of the popular low-fat craze during the 1980s and 1990s. That is no longer the case, especially with the popularity of the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic and paleo diets. People who don’t subscribe to high-fat diets may or may not fulfill the recommended daily intake of healthy fats. Ideally, each person should aim for 30-35% of daily caloric intake to come from fat. People are afraid of fat, though, and fat-free products (despite being incredibly high in sodium) are very popular because they are marketed as health conscious choices. 

Why Do You Need Fat In Your Diet?

The body uses fat for many biological processes. In fact, you would not be able to live a healthy life without it. For example, fat assists the body with vitamin absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble, meaning that the body can only absorb them when consumed along with fat. Certain fats like omega-3 fatty acids work to support optimal brain and eye function. The body doesn’t make these essential fats, so it is your responsibility to get them via your diet. Additionally, fats are an excellent source of energy, providing the body with nine calories of energy per every gram of fat. Compare that to one gram of carbohydrate or protein, both of which only yield four calories of energy.

Ideally, you should focus your efforts on consuming healthy fats. Healthy fats are monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). Omega-3 fatty acids fall under the PUFA umbrella, and they help to regulate mood, heart health, brain function, and happiness. MUFAs may help to reduce bad cholesterol and increase the amount of good cholesterol. Basically, these essential fats are good for head-to-toe health, and you know that you need more in your diet if you notice the following signs.

Your Joints Ache

Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the structural integrity of every cell in the body. Studies show that low levels of omega-3s contribute to loss of flexibility and joint mobility. The reason for this is because omega-3s help control inflammation in joints. The more inflammation that accumulates in the body, the more likely your joints will ache because of limited movement. 

Your Energy Is Low

The heart gets 70% of its fuel from fat because it contains energy. As we mentioned earlier, one gram of fat provides nine calories. That means that there are more calories in an avocado than in an apple. If you feel sluggish or like your energy tank is low, you probably are not eating enough fats. Limiting fat intake reduces your overall caloric intake, which results in sluggish movements and general fatigue. 

You Have Trouble Concentrating

The brain is 60% fat, so it requires fat in order to run efficiently. When you consume foods that contain monounsaturated fatty acids, you increase the production of acetylocholine, a neurotransmitter. Acetylocholine is necessary for learning and memory processing. One study found insufficient fat consumption, specifically omega-3 consumption, increases the risk of cognitive impairment. Maintain the structural integrity of the brain and help increase concentration by keeping up with your fat intake. 

You Are Always Hungry

Fat helps to increase the feeling of satiety because it slows the digestion of food. It provides more calories than carbohydrates and protein, both of which the body uses up very quickly. If you experience a ravenous hunger shortly after you eat, consider adding an extra source of fat to your meal. Avocados, nuts, seeds, or wild-caught fish provide healthy fats that help you feel full for a lot longer. 

Your Skin Is Inexplicably Dry

If it isn’t the weather or lack of moisturizer, what is the cause of dry skin? Like many problems with the body, diet often plays an integral role. All of the skin’s cells are enclosed in a protective bubble of fats, which aim to protect the skin from drying out. These fats also help keep out harmful substances from the environment. A diet low in fat can reduce skin barrier function, leaving your skin more prone to dryness, or even eczema in severe cases. 


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Missing Out On These Nutrients Can Cause Fatigue Tue, 03 Aug 2021 17:42:00 +0000

Do you feel more sluggish than usual? Experiencing constant fatigue may mean that you are missing out on these vital nutrients.


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In today’s day and age, it’s normal for life to move at a hectic pace. Most people may ignore daytime sleepiness and attempt to counteract it by drinking more caffeine. The caffeine may work temporarily, but it inevitably wears off. There may be a more serious reason why your tank feels like it’s empty, though, even if you are well-rested. 

Fatigue is a common symptom of many health conditions. If you come down with the flu or a common cold, it’s normal to experience fatigue. General fatigue, however, is often attributed to nutritional deficiencies. As a matter of fact, vitamins and minerals play a role in metabolism, oxygen transport, and neurological functions. These actions are critical for optimal brain and muscular function. As a result, lacking in some of these nutrients can lead to a general feeling of fatigue. 

The most common reason that you would experience nutritional deficiencies is by consuming foods that are not nutritionally dense. Focus on healthy fats, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and an assortment of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes provide diverse nutrients that may prevent you from feeling tired. Make sure to consume the following nutrients if you feel more sluggish than usual. 

Vitamin D

Bone and muscle strength tend to decline when the body experiences a vitamin D deficit. One study monitored people with low vitamin D levels and they took vitamin D supplements for five weeks. The participants experienced an improvement in fatigue symptoms. Vitamin D is unique in that the body produces it when skin is in direct sunlight. There are not many natural food sources of it, but it does exist in various mushrooms. 


Magnesium plays a large role in the production and utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary carrier of energy in cells. Each ATP molecule binds to a magnesium ion to create a biologically functional form. Magnesium works to regulate the activity of several enzymes, and it is a necessary component of energy production. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it has a lot to do with optimal cardiovascular function, protein synthesis, and blood sugar regulation. Click here to learn about excellent sources of magnesium.

Vitamin B12

In order for the body to produce healthy red blood cells, it needs a sufficient amount of vitamin B12. Low B12 levels make it difficult for red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells can become compromised when there is not enough vitamin B12 in the diet. Often times, people don’t consume enough B12 via diet alone, so supplementation is often beneficial. Additionally, it’s harder for the body to absorb vitamin B12 as you get older. Some health conditions can also impair B12 absorption. If you do not consume enough B12, there are many supplements and injections that counteract deficiency. 

Vitamin C

Two dioxygenase enzymes require vitamin C for biosynthesis of carnitine. This is an essential cofactor that helps transport long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. In simpler terms, vitamin C is necessary for energy production. People who don’t consume enough vitamin C can commonly experience sluggish metabolism or general weakness. Vitamin C also creates amino acids for muscle building and plays a role in collagen development. Failure to nourish the bones and muscles in the body can cause general fatigue. Become more familiar with vitamin C-rich foods by clicking here


Hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body. If you don’t consume enough iron via the diet, the body cannot produce sufficient hemoglobin to transport oxygen. Iron deficiency is a common form of anemia, which is a condition that is characterized by a lack of red blood cells. The most common symptom of anemia or iron deficiency is fatigue. You will feel weak if the body’s cells and tissues do not receive nourishment from oxygenated blood. Healthy sources of iron include chickpeas, spinach, beans, peas, lentils, oats, cashews, kale, and pumpkin seeds. 


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Top 5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy Thu, 06 May 2021 20:00:11 +0000

This week on Top5, we'll be telling you the Top 5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy!


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This week on Top5, we’ll be telling you the Top 5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy!


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7 Proven Tips To Help Improve Your Focus At Work Wed, 10 Mar 2021 09:26:00 +0000

Do you need to improve your focus at work? If you have difficulty focusing and completing tasks, use these tips to boost productivity.


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It’s no secret that we live in the age of distraction. With endless information at our fingertips, both on computers and cellphones, completing a 30-minute task can seem like an impossible feat. People can’t even make it through a one-minute video! In theory, a person should be able to accomplish a lot within an eight-hour workday, but this proves difficult if you don’t have solid work habits. 

According to psychologists, it’s unlikely that people focus or give undivided attention to any one task for more than three to five minutes at a time. Emails, text alerts, social media notifications, calls, conversation, and more are primary distractions. The crazy thing is that you can leave all of those things by the wayside, but you’re drawn to those distractions. Each person is very capable of avoiding work by paying attention to the aforementioned distractions. 

How Do You Fight The Distractions?

The ability to focus is one of the hardest things to master in this life, and it’s one of the primary keys to success. The fact of the matter is that the brain can’t deal with perpetual distractions that try to disrupt your focus. However, you are able to train your brain and avoid the temptation of common distractions. You have to power to find more focus at work to function better and not be dependent on distractions. Below, you’ll find out what these tips are and how they can help improve your focus at work.

Put Your Phone Face Down

Studies have shown that each notification you see on your phone results in a small release of dopamine in the brain. The alert makes you feel excited, connected, and happy. It’s not feasible for someone to go from checking their phone all day to not checking it at all. For this reason, start small by facing your phone down and turning off the ringer. If you don’t see the notification, you won’t want to check it constantly. Additionally, set a timer on your phone for once every hour. Dedicate no more than five minutes to checking texts or emails, and then set the phone face down again.

Work In Blocks

Experts say that our attention span and ability to focus wanes as we continue to work throughout the day. By the end of the workday, it’s more common to get sucked into the vortex of distractions. It’s beneficial to set timers to take small breaks toward the end of the day. Reset your focus every hour by stretching, walking around the office, or listening to a song. 

Embrace Mushrooms

We’re not talking about magic mushrooms, although the medicinal properties of brain-boosting mushrooms seem magical. Thanks to numerous teas, capsules, and powders, it’s easy to make a focusing cup of mushroom tea that helps enhance attention and productivity. Some great mushrooms that improve focus and cognition include cordyceps, maitake, lion’s mane, and reishi. You won’t get the jitters of caffeine when you take these mushrooms, either!

The Pomodoro Technique

Spoiler alert: this helpful tip does not involve eating the classic Italian tomato sauce that you mix with pasta. The Pomodoro technique is a proven work schedule that involves working for 25 undisturbed minutes, and then breaking for five minutes. The “pomodoro” is the 25-minute focused time of work. Studies have shown that people who work in shorter bursts with frequent breaks are more productive than those who try to engage in a more traditional work schedule.

Plan Out Each Hour

Many people thrive off visual goals, so writing critical tasks down for each hour helps the brain stay motivated. If you need to accomplish a task within the next hour, write it down and you’ll be more determined to complete it. Write down tasks every hour and you’ll find that you can manage your work much more efficiently. Crossing them off your list also fills you with great satisfaction.

Schedule Distraction Time

Everyone needs distractions, no matter who they are. Some people need to check social media and others need to get lost in a pointless game that helps reduce stress. Make your distractions work for you, not against you, by scheduling distraction time. You can think of this time as a small reward for powering through work for a solid chunk of time. Remember, set a time limit on this distraction time to avoid losing control. 

Practice Things Without Distractions

How do you get better at avoiding distractions? The answer is that you practice not being distracted. Start small by eating lunch without watching something on your phone. Eat your meal and don’t read, check emails, or watch YouTube videos on your phone. Once you finish, reward yourself with some distractions. Don’t doodle on your notepad in meetings or play on your phone. Be in the meeting. These things will help you develop a less-distracted work life. 


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