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Snow on the ground doesn’t mean you have to stop your neighborhood jogs! Here’s how to stay warm while running in cold weather.


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You don’t have to give up your running habit just because the temperatures drop during winter. In fact, most athletes prefer the chill of the cold while they run, and it comes with a range of health benefits as well. The American College of Sports Medicine states that it is safe to run in cold temperatures that go down to as low as -7 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as you wear the right clothes and take precautions, you can enjoy running and avoid illness and injury.

Now, if the conditions are dangerous (think icy roads or negative temperatures), you can always hop on a treadmill and remain indoors. If you have exercise-induced asthma, running indoors is better and safer than inhaling the dry, cold winter air too quickly. For most healthy athletes or running enthusiasts, though, running outside in the cold is safe. Continue reading to learn about a few health benefits of running in the cold. 

Benefits Of Running In Cold Weather

You don’t need to put on the giant puffer jacket and three layers of pants to go outside in the cold. The frigid air may not motivate you to work out, but the cold weather actually encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters. That’s why a lot of people hop in ice baths these days! 

Going outside for a run in the cold may also help you combat the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Not only that, but running in cold weather also causes the body to burn more calories, as it has to work harder to maintain its core temperature. Studies have shown that running in cold weather can activate brown fat, which works to accelerate metabolism. That’s all great, but how do you stay warm while running in cold weather? We’ll detail that below.

Always Warm Up

When the weather is cold, the last thing you want to do is run out of the door without properly warming up. That brisk air is not kind to muscles that you don’t properly stretch and activate prior to exercise. The combination of cold weather and reduced air pressure causes joint tissues to expand, which ultimately restricts movement. Plus, you can easily experience spasms or cramps if you don’t properly warm up. Engage in dynamic stretching to flood your muscles with oxygen before your workout. Think of doing some range of motion drills, lunges, high knees, and butt kicks. 

Layer Up

If you know anything about being comfortable in the cold, layering is the ticket. The National Ski Patrol encourages people to wear moisture-wicking material against your skin, followed by an insulated middle layer, and then an outer shell to block the wind. When you layer appropriately, you can effectively protect yourself from wind chill. Moisture-wicking materials also prevent overheating! Runners like to wear polypropylene clothes when running because it helps to keep them dry and warm. You may also want to consider gloves, a beanie, headband, or earmuffs to keep your head/ears warm. 

Hydrate Properly

For some reason, people think that they only need to hydrate when temperatures are scorching outside. No matter the temperature, hydrating before, during, and after exercise, is crucial. You still sweat in cold weather and because the cold air is drier than warm air, hydrating properly will keep you safe during your run. You also breathe at a higher rate, which releases more moisture from the body. Aim to drink eight fluid ounces of water 20 to 30 minutes before your run, seven to 10 ounces every 20 minutes while running and another eight ounces 30 minutes after your run. Drinking water is great, but consider hydrating with electrolyte-rich beverages as well to regulate body temperature and keep energy levels up.

Protect Your Breathing

Even the most experienced of runners can experience breathing problems while exercising in the cold winter weather. Wind chill and temperature of the air will dictate whether or not you have to protect your mouth with a ski mask, muffler, or gaiter during your run. If the temperature drops to single digits, it is better to breathe through a mask or scarf, according to trainers. That will prepare the lungs for the cool air because you don’t want to hurt your lungs with frigid air. An expert tip is to wrap a lightweight scar around the lower face and nose. That isn’t as effective as a face mask, but it does the job. Lastly, breathe through your nose instead of your mouth to lessen breathing difficulties.


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Exercising During Period: What To Do And What To Avoid https://www.dherbs.com/articles/exercising-during-period-what-to-do-and-what-to-avoid/ Thu, 02 Feb 2023 09:25:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=152258

Exercising while on your period may seem counterintuitive, but certain low-intensity exercises may help you alleviate menstrual symptoms.


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When Aunt Flo comes to town, your first inclination is not to go to the gym. Fatigue, cramps, or bloating can set in and exercising seems like torture. As torturous as hitting the gym may seem, squeezing in a workout while on your period may improve your symptoms. In fact, exercising may boost your mood and promote better physical well-being.

As most of you know, there are many benefits that stem from exercising. It is a great way to relieve anxiety and depression, boost cognitive function, and get your blood pumping. Staying active during your time of the month is highly beneficial, but there are certain things to keep in mind. There are ways to make your activities more enjoyable, but you also need to pay attention to signs that indicate the body’s need to rest. 

The Benefits Of Exercising While On Your Period

One of the biggest upsides to exercising while on your period is the potential to reduce cramps. A 2019 review of studies found that 45-60 minutes of any level of intensity exercise at least three times per week significantly reduced the pain of menstrual cramps. That means that brisk walking, strength training, or yoga can help you. This is because exercise increases levels of beta-endorphins, which are substances in the blood that help block pain. 

In addition to reducing menstrual cramp pain, exercise may also bring relief to symptoms like fatigue, bloating, and low mood. Exercise enhances blood flow and decreases levels of aldosterone, a hormone that tells the body to retain salt and water. Movement also increases the production of various anti-inflammatory compounds. This one-two punch is effective for relieving symptoms like tender breasts and bloating. Lastly, exercising encourages the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters like dopamine, which enhance your mood by promoting more positivity.

Exercises To Do

There isn’t a single exercise, or form of exercise, that is better to do on your period. Some activities, however, may positively impact your cycle more than others. Continue reading to learn which exercises are more beneficial to do while on your period. 

Cardio Workouts

Aerobic or cardiovascular “cardio” workouts are exercises that get your blood pumping. Popular cardio workouts include jogging, dancing, walking, or swimming. Several studies found that aerobic workouts can help shorten the duration of your cycle. Cardio exercises may also decrease the severity of symptoms, including bloating and cramps, that occur during your period. Consider taking a brisk walk or riding your bike to help boost your mood and ease symptoms that hit during your time of the month. 

Low-Intensity Exercises

Yoga, stretching, Tai Chi, and Pilates are excellent forms of low-intensity exercises. Many low-intensity movements can help reduce the severity of cramps, improve mood, and boost energy levels. Certain yoga poses may also provide relief from PMS symptoms. For example, Cobra pose may combat depression and low energy, while Child’s pose may relieve fatigue and bloating. 

Resistance Training

If lifting weights or engaging in bodyweight exercises is your preferred workout style, there’s no reason to skip these workouts during your cycle. Strength training may not alleviate menstrual symptoms, but weight-lifting techniques during the follicular phase (first day of your period through ovulation) may help improve muscle mass and tone. Try to avoid heavy lifting during your time of the month, though. In fact, you may want to opt for lighter weights than you typically use. 

Exercises To Avoid

Certain activities and exercises may be more appropriate to do on your period, while others need to be avoided. Many women can still carry out their regular exercise routines during their cycles, just with minor adjustments. In general, you should reduce the intensity and frequency of training during this time. You don’t have to stop working out, but cutting back a little may benefit your body. Keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, but the general consensus is that pushing yourself too hard can negatively affect your cycle. To avoid missing periods or stopping your cycle entirely, avoid high-intensity workouts like long-distance running. Consider keeping an exercise diary to note how different exercises positively or negatively affect your cycle. If you know that your energy levels are low, though, opt for yoga and other low-intensity workouts.


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These Exercises May Help Reduce Anxiety https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-exercises-may-help-reduce-anxiety/ Mon, 12 Dec 2022 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=149792

Your body plays a larger role in your mental health than you realize. Try these exercises to provide some relief from anxiety.


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Most people deal with anxiety at some point in their lives. At times it can be the last thing you think about, but it can also prevent you from moving your body. Even though you may not want to move your body, there is a clear connection between exercise and anxiety relief. In fact, numerous studies confirmed that there is a powerful link between your physical and mental health. 

How Does Exercise Ease Anxiety?

Per a 2021 review in Frontiers in Psychiatry, exercise actively improves your mood, in addition to the other physical benefits that come with it. Further evidence indicates that exercise causes changes in an area of the brain that regulates the body’s stress response. Initially, exercise will spike the production of cortisol and epinephrine (stress hormones), but then they decline after completion of physical activity. It is this “die off” stress hormones that may lead to feelings of decreased stress.

For people with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, exercise may complement treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy or anti-anxiety medications. For people with mild anxiety, however, the following exercises may help prevent or even treat anxiety, but more research is necessary. 


As one of the more popular forms of exercise, yoga combines working out with controlled breathing. Yoga routines typically involve a meditative aspect and instructors occasionally request you to repeat a mantra throughout the session. A 2021 study observed 226 adults with generalized anxiety disorder. People were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of Kundalini yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy, or stress management education. Although the cognitive behavior therapy group experienced longer lasting benefits, yoga was able to significantly improve anxiety symptoms. Besides strengthening your core and improving flexibility, yoga demands that you focus on your breath, which is a great way to calm the mind. 

High-Intensity Workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts may be a great way to break a sweat, burn a lot of calories in a short period of time, and reduce anxiety symptoms. One study found that both high- and low-intensity exercise alleviate anxiety symptoms in study participants. However, researchers found that people experienced more anxiety relief after a high-intensity sweat session. Researchers believe that higher intensity workouts stimulate a greater release of endorphins, shifting the brain chemistry in a more drastic way than lower intensity workouts. Just 10 minutes of high-intensity exercise is enough to offer mental and physical health benefits. 

Nature Walks

This exercise does two things: exposes you to nature while getting your blood flowing. An expanding body of research highlights the therapeutic benefits of moving the body in natural settings, for example, hiking up a mountain or walking in a forest. A 2015 study found that young adults that went on a 50-minute nature walk felt less anxious and showed an improvement in memory function. A review of 12 studies concluded that nature walks were able to reduce state anxiety, which is the anxiety you feel in response to a perceived threat. Finally, other studies observed that walking in a lush, green environment eased anxiety symptoms. A great example of that is the practice of forest bathing


Dancing is a great way to move your body in an uninhibited way, making it a great stress reliever. Join a Zumba class or put on your favorite jams at home and start moving to the music. Not only is dancing a form of cardiovascular exercise, but it also helps to elevate your mood and relieve stress. Trust us when we say that you’ll feel much better after dancing. 


Research shows that any form of cardio, be it biking, swimming, running, jogging, or walking, can improve the way your lungs and heart deliver oxygen to your muscles. This improved oxygen delivery can help reduce symptoms of anxiety. In a 2015 study, researchers randomly assigned people to either an aerobics group that did 30 minutes of exercise or a controlled group that did stretching exercises. They measured anxiety levels before and after completing the exercise, in addition to measuring levels three and seven days later. The results indicated that the aerobic exercise group experienced reductions in anxiety sensitivity.


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Clear Your Mind Before Bed With This Gentle Workout https://www.dherbs.com/articles/clear-your-mind-before-bed-with-this-gentle-workout/ Mon, 19 Sep 2022 09:15:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=142945

Can’t relax before bedtime? Engage in this gentle workout routine before you go to bed to help wind down and promote sounder sleep.


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Too often does the average person lay their head to rest, only to be confronted by tomorrow’s tasks and worries. Instead of relaxing under the covers, you lie there, mind spinning out of control. Falling asleep takes forever and your health suffers as a result. You don’t have to let your mind spiral out of control before bed, though, because you can practice a gentle, quick workout to ease stress. 

When you elevate your heart rate, even the slightest bit, before bed, you release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. Fitness experts say that the release of these endorphins can help you fall asleep faster and contribute to healthier, sounder sleep. It isn’t always about drinking chamomile tea and reading; rather, a gentle workout is often the answer to get better nighttime Zzz’s. Below, you’ll find five moves that will help prepare your mind and body for rest


Activating your major muscle groups for a short period can help blood rush to your muscles and may promote relaxation at night. Lie face down with your forearms on the floor, keeping your elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your feet flexed so that the bottoms of your toes are touching the floor. Make sure to keep your forearms parallel with each other and have your hands in front of you, clasping them if you choose. Press into your forearms and rise up on your toes, so that your only points of contact with the floor are your toes and forearms. Your body should be in one straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Engage your lower abdomen, drawing your belly button in toward your spine, and simultaneously tighten your glutes. Hold this position for 60 seconds, breathing normally throughout, and then return to the floor. 

Low Lunge

Working to release tension in your hips, the low lunge can limit stiffness and help you get more comfortable before bed. Begin in a kneeling position with both knees on the floor. Step your left foot in front of you, keeping your left knee at a 90-degree angle. Keep your hip square and find your balance, using your right knee and shin as an anchor point. With a straight back, lean your chest forward slightly to deepen the stretch. Squeeze your right glutei and tuck your tailbone until you feel the stretch along the front of your right hip. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side. 

The Bird Dog

The bird dog works to enhance your stability and core strength. By stabilizing muscles in your back, it helps to improve range of motion, which may contribute to less pain and better sleep. Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, keeping your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Engage your lower abdomen, attempting to draw your belly button into your spine. Raise your left arm straight out in front of you, keeping it in line with your back. Lift your right leg straight behind you, keeping it in line with your back. Flex your foot so that your toes point to the ground and stabilize yourself in this position. Hold for 60 seconds and then switch sides. 

Butterfly Stretch

Stretch your inner thighs and groin in the butterfly stretch. If you want to deepen the stretch, you can press down gently on your inner thighs with your elbows. Sit down on the floor with your legs extended out in front of you. If you want some extra comfort, place a small pillow under your buttocks. Bend your knees, bringing your feet in toward your groin and pressing the soles of your feet together. Keep your back straight and allow both of your knees to fall toward the floor on either side. Grab your feet with your hands and rest your elbows on your knees, pressing gently if you want to deepen the stretch. 

Child’s Pose

After a long day of sitting, standing, or just being alive, resting in child’s pose is one of the most relaxing things you can do. It works to relieve tension in the lower back, inner thighs, and shoulders. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, keeping your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Widen your knees and bring your big toes together. Push your hips back and sit on your feet, sliding your hands forward. Lower your forehead to the floor and rest here for as long as you like. With each breath, aim to sink further into relaxation.


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6 Daily Habits To Boost Your Mental Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-daily-habits-to-boost-your-mental-health/ Sun, 22 May 2022 09:22:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=140347

Our lives are often busy and full stress, leading to times of high anxiety. Improve your mental health by practicing these daily habits.


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Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health. Mental health can seem like a widespread, frequently used term that people interpret both correctly and incorrectly. If you are still uncertain about the definition of mental health, you aren’t alone. That being said, caring for mental health can better regulate your mood, emotions, and ability to take each day as it comes. 

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health encompasses your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Not only does it determine how you handle stress and relate to others, but it also affects your way of thinking, acting, and feeling. Throughout your life, your mental health may take a dive, negatively impacting your behavior, mood, and thoughts. Mental health problems are very common and can result from biological factors, life experiences, or family history. 

There are so many resources at your fingertips in regards to getting help. Don’t ignore your mental health or allow it to decline, as that can lead to serious health consequences. If you have been feeling down or simply want to have a better outlook on life, practice the following daily habits to boost your mental health.

Cut Back On Social Media

Social media is the drug of choice for many people. Getting a notification, be it a like, subscribe, comment, or message is like a high for some people. Unfortunately, it’s easy to develop anxiety because of social media. Did enough people like your photo? Why are there only two comments? These thoughts weigh heavy on the mind and can lower your self-worth, increasing anxiety and depression. Take a break from social media by keeping your phone in a drawer while at work. Make a list of more meaningful activities to replace your scrolling times, and turn off notifications or delete the apps from your phone. 

Connect With Others

Don’t connect over social media, email, or phone; rather, go connect with a real person. Social interaction has a big impact on human health. Connecting with others helps you combat stressors that you encounter daily. Be courageous and step outside your normal circle of friends or family. Get involved with community programs or volunteer to help lift your spirits. You’ll be surprised at what this can do for you!

Get Restful Sleep

Sleep isn’t a meaningless aspect of your health. It is the body’s way of rejuvenating and lack of sleep can contribute to a variety of mental health symptoms, including anxiety, depression, and stress. A 2021 study found that people who averaged six hours of sleep per night were two and a half times more likely to report mental distress than those who averaged more than six per night. Healthy sleep habits may be difficult to build, but you can encourage healthier sleep by avoiding caffeine after 3 p.m., making your bedroom cool and quiet, and avoiding screens two hours before bedtime. 

Move Your Body…But On Your Own Terms

As much as people want to hate on exercise, it does wonders for both mental and physical health. In addition to relieving stress and lifting your mood, exercise may help manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Movement is different for every person, meaning going to the gym is not for everyone. One person may enjoy a Pilates class, while another person may love going to Zumba. Find your movements that you enjoy and exercise on your own terms. Additionally, take time to stretch, as stretching oxygenates the body and helps you feel more relaxed. 

Practice Gratitude And Stay Positive

Be thankful for the things you have in life because being gracious helps you stay positive, even when things aren’t always going your way. Take time each day to think about the positives in your life. If you enjoy journaling, consider jotting these positives down so that you can refer back to them. Even in your darkest moments, seeing what you have and what you’re grateful for can be the light in the darkness. 

Spend Time In The Sun

Spending time in the sun is great for the body, especially the brain because it promotes the release of endorphins. Endorphins don’t just boost your mood, they also help reduce emotional stress and promote an overall sense of well-being. Sunlight is also a great source of vitamin D, which may combat symptoms of depression. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with anxiety, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and schizophrenia. Take some time out of your day and absorb about 30 minutes of sun to drastically improve your mental health.


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5 Tricks And Tips To Help You Start Working Out https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-tricks-and-tips-to-help-you-start-working-out/ Mon, 16 May 2022 09:08:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=140124

Making exercise an enjoyable part of your day is easier than you think! Use these tips and tricks to help you start working out.


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Everyone can use a little extra motivation from time to time, no matter if you are a conditioned athlete or just starting your workout journey. The problem is that people know they should exercise. The science is there and studies show that working out on a regular basis improves aspects of mental and physical health. Responsibilities of life and other engagements get in the way, though, making it difficult to have a self-imposed sweat. 

The problem is not working out; rather, the problem is making your workouts consistent. Committing to the process is a promise that you take your health seriously. How do you start working out consistently, though, especially if you are new to exercise? Exercise should hook you on its own, as it releases feel-good hormones, endorphins, that promote feelings of euphoria. If you don’t know where to begin, it’s best to analyze your personality and lifestyle habits. 

The problem many people face is fitting workouts into their life, which doesn’t work. You have to make your workouts work for you, and enjoying them is a must! Stay on track with your workouts by using the following tips and tricks. 

You’re Not Too Busy

Even the busiest people find time to exercise a few times per week, if not every day. Ultimately, you decide if exercise is a priority or not. The problem most people have is that they think a workout has to last 45-90 minutes, which simply isn’t true. There are many 10- or 15-minute workouts that are very effective. When you can break a sweat and feel the burn in a short amount of time, you can see how easy it is to workout every day. Everyone has 15 minutes to spare!

Make An Appointment

Mark your workouts down on a calendar, just as you would do for a teeth cleaning or a physical. Putting your workouts on your calendar can help you plan a consistent schedule. Instead of fitting your workouts in with other appointments, you’ll start scheduling other engagements around your workouts. This is the ultimate goal and it can take time to get there. To begin, set a goal to exercise three days per week, marking each day and time down on your calendar. You can increase workout time, difficulty, and frequency from there.

Find A Workout You Enjoy

This is the most important trick to establishing a consistent workout schedule. If you go to a gym and find that you don’t enjoy being there, you won’t go back. Then you’ll pay for a gym membership without using it. Find a workout that you enjoy and you’ll have the desire to go back. Some people prefer Pilates or yoga, while others enjoy spin class or CrossFit. Your workout can also consist of going surfing, biking, or playing pickup basketball. The possibilities are endless, so find your passion and you won’t have a problem working out regularly. 

Set Mini Goals

One mistake that can deter you from working out is setting unrealistic goals. If you set a goal to lose 15 pounds in two weeks, you probably won’t come back to the gym again. Instead, it’s better to set mini goals because they motivate you to keep progressing at a steady pace. If the big goal is reaching the top of a staircase, for example, mini goals are the steps that you have to climb to get there. Increase the length of your run by half a mile every week, or increase your rep count by two reps. Small goals help you get to where you want to go, and they keep you excited about and committed to working out. 

Pick Workouts You’re Good At

According to research, humans have a desire to be good at something. For this reason, sports psychologists recommend that people seek out things they both enjoy and are confident in doing. You can also pick a workout or activity that you want to get better at. The activity doesn’t have to be easy for you; rather, you should push yourself in terms of building endurance and muscle strength. If basketball excites you, then go play! If you have the desire to learn jiu-jitsu or kickboxing, get after it!


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7 Science-Baked Health Benefits Of Pilates https://www.dherbs.com/articles/7-science-baked-health-benefits-of-pilates/ Sat, 23 Oct 2021 09:06:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=131471

Don’t sleep on these health benefits of pilates! This method of exercise trains the whole body and increases core strength and flexibility.


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Pilates is much more than a simple workout that improves flexibility. Although it was popularized by celebrities, Pilates is a workout that’s for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, size, ability, or specific fitness level. It’s a low-impact form of exercise that can help counteract a sedentary lifestyle, accelerate recovery, and even reduce anxiety.

What Is Pilates?

The Pilates repertoire includes over 600 exercises and variations, which you can perform on a mat or specialized equipment. It’s also a philosophy and style of exercise that encourages bodily alignment through balanced movements and breathing patterns. The creator, Joseph Pilates, developed the exercise body conditioning system in the 1920s. Initially, people in the dance community embraced it more than anyone, as it contributed to better strength, flexibility, and injury recovery. 

Nowadays, Pilates is a mainstream form of exercise that can benefit anyone from the office worker to professional athlete. It’s similar to yoga, in that it emphasizes mindful movements and breathing. It differs from yoga because it’s more anatomical and focuses on controlled movements and alignment, and less so on meditative aspects. Continue reading to learn how you can benefit from Pilates workouts.   

Improves Posture

As previously mentioned, Pilates focuses on postural alignment, and the movements encourage better posture. Many of the movements encourage abdominal, glute, and core strength, and these muscles help maintain correct posture. Strengthening these muscle groups also decreases joint and ligament tension in the neck and shoulders.

Increases Flexibility

As you progress through Pilates workouts, you slowly work to lengthen and stretch the muscles, improving range of motion in joints. There are not really contorted poses like there are in yoga, but lengthening the muscles helps the body flow more freely. That’s a realistic way of increasing flexibility without injury.

Strengthens The Core

Pilates emphasizes movements that involve the core, from which all movements stem. The core involves all of the surrounding muscles of the torso, which become pliable and supportive when strengthened. Having a strong core can decrease the risk of back and hip pain and pelvic floor dysfunction. 

Improves Balance

When your core is strong, the body has an easier time carrying out automated processes, including balance. The core muscles are the output of the body’s balance system. The core is nearest the body’s center of gravity, so strengthening the body’s foundation, so to speak, helps to improve the balance system. 

Enhances Body Awareness

Exercise physiologists define body awareness as the body’s ability to sense action, movement, and location. You walk without thinking or scratch your head with your eyes closed. Enhancing body awareness directs your focus on the sensations that your body experiences, including pain, emotions, or comfort. Improving the body’s response time and awareness may prevent injuries and falls. 

Improves Sex Life

One of the main benefits of Pilates is that it helps to strengthen the pelvic floor. Additionally, you become more flexible and develop a stronger core the longer you engage in Pilates workouts. All of these things can make a roll in the hay more enjoyable. Improving pelvic floor strength and function can increase sexual pleasure. 

Reduces Stress

Many studies have proven that exercise increases endorphin production, which are feel-good neurotransmitters. The more endorphins you produce, the more stress you can relieve. Pilates is an excellent method of exercise that also incorporates breath control, which is another way to relieve stress in the moment. Balancing the body’s autonomic nervous system also helps to ease long-term symptoms of stress, including anxiety and depression. 


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5 Quick Tips To Beat Holiday Stress https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-quick-tips-to-beat-holiday-stress/ Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:30:11 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=120058

Be sure to take some time for self-care during the holidays. Set boundaries, avoid conflict, and watch what you eat to beat holiday stress.


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’Tis the season of giving, and love and merriment should fill the air. If that’s the case, why do the holidays push you to your limits, stressing you out like never before? During the holidays, people often resort to bad habits like eating excess sugar, overdosing on caffeine, and being too indulgent with booze. Add all of that to the heightened emotions that surround the holidays and you get the perfect recipe for stress. 

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), roughly 50% of all adult women in the United States experience more stress during the holidays than they do the rest of the year. Additionally, roughly 41% of adult women turn to food for comfort, while 28% of women seek comfort in alcohol. Part of this stress comes from worrying about money, making sure that everything is perfect, and attempting to smooth family relations. 

The Holidays During COVID-19

For the most part, the 2021 holiday season should be less stressful. If you’ve been following health guidelines and taking care of your health, you should be fine to travel and visit with family that you may not have seen last year. With a new variant on the horizon, it may only enhance the stress that tends to accompany the holidays. You are not alone in this fight against stress, though, and we have six great tips to beat stress this holiday season

6 Tips To Beat Holiday Stress

#1: Know Your Spending Limit

You don’t want to max out your card or drain your checking or savings account during the holidays. At the same time, the holidays are notorious for money problems, which cause the most amount of stress. It’s essential to set a budget, but you have to respect it. You can’t set aside holiday spending money and exceed that limit just because you want to. It’s okay to be conservative with your funds. Consider making gifts from scratch to avoid spending a lot on miscellaneous stuff.

#2: Squeeze The Hegu Spot

Acupressure is the practice of applying pressure to specific points on the body that trigger internal responses. To aid stress reduction, you need to apply pressure to the hegu spot, which is between the thumb and index finger. Apply firm pressure in this area for 30 seconds to help reduce stress and upper body tension. Make sure to breathe deeply while squeezing this area. 

#3: Out With The Old

Because of COVID-19, your holiday season may not look the same. That’s perfectly fine! It may be frustrating to not spend time with family, but holidays don’t have to look the same this year. More often than not, it’s beneficial to welcome new ways of celebrating. Leave the traditions of old behind this year and enjoy the present. Many psychologists recommend that people start new traditions this year, which will focus your attention on positivity, instead of negativity and longing.

#4: Be Realistic

Once you accept that the perfect holiday celebration doesn’t exist, life is a dream. Don’t concern yourself with what society and commercials deem as the perfect holiday setup. Make the holidays special for your family. Once you start comparing your holiday situation to the rest of the world, you’ll see the tidal wave of stress on the horizon. Let this year be a chance to focus on love, generosity, and fun within your household and your stress will melt away.

#5: Say Yes To Sex

You didn’t think that this would be the final recommendation for reducing holiday stress, did you? As it turns out, health experts say that a good old-fashioned roll in the hay with your loved one gets rid of your stress. Additionally, it works to boost endorphin production and raise levels of oxytocin, which helps promote better sleep. Sex is also a great way to boost self-esteem. 

Don’t let the world dictate your holiday season. Make it special with your family and you will have a stress-free holiday season. Don’t forget that it’s all about love and spending time together. 


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6 Simple Ways To Change Your Mood When You’re In A Slump https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-simple-ways-to-change-your-mood-when-youre-in-a-slump/ Tue, 03 Nov 2020 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=118302

When you recognize that you are the only one with control over your life, you can improve your mood, no matter how stressed you may be.


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There are times in every person’s life when it seems impossible to have a positive outlook. A family member’s declining health, personal finances, relationship troubles, or career struggles can make the future seem uncertain and scary. Perhaps it is a combination of all of these things, which wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for the strange year that has been 2020. 

Please understand that it’s perfectly normal to feel down when times are tough. The important thing to remember is that these negative emotions and feelings do not control your life. You are the only person that is in control, and you have the power to elevate your state of mind, mood, and outlook on the world. Whenever the world looks dim and you find yourself in a slump, use the following tips to gain control and boost your mood

Acknowledge That You Feel Down

The worst thing you can do for yourself when you’re in a slump is to ignore the fact that you are experiencing those feelings. When you accept everything as it is, you are able to flourish as a result. It’s a matter of shifting your way of thinking. Acknowledging what caused your slump changes your thinking from “I’m angry or depressed” to “This is why I feel the way I do.” Once you do that, allow yourself to take a deep breath. Then take a few more. This can help you overcome that emotional slump.

Get Moving

Various neurological studies have proven that exercise has a positive effect on your mood. Movement boosts endorphin production and gets those feel good hormones flowing throughout the body. According to a Harvard study, regular low-intensity exercise helps the brain make new connections over time. When you’re down and out, it’s easy to watch the world pass and slip into a state of depression. Don’t overthink your situation and just keep moving. Do an online HIIT class, practice yoga in the park, or simply walk around the neighborhood and you’ll find that your perspective changes. 

Start A New Hobby

Life gives you too many lemons to worry about not having lemonade. There is always a way to thrive and dig yourself out of a depressing moment. Focusing your attention and energy on a new hobby, or a past hobby that you previously gave up, is a healthy way to improve your self-esteem, confidence, mood, and overall well-being. Whether you decide to resume painting or start learning a new language, a hobby can do wonders for your mental health. 

Clean Something

As the saying goes, “There’s no use in crying over spilled milk.” The reality is that you can always pout because something bad happened, but you can also clean up the mess. Since we are in the middle of a pandemic, it can be beneficial for your mental and physical health to get some cleaning done. Some people find that they get some of their most productive and detailed cleaning done when they are upset. Turn on your favorite music or listen to an audiobook or podcast while you scrub away your negative emotions, and the grime in your shower!

Write It Out

Don’t ever bottle up your emotions and feelings because they’ll eat away at your being and cause pain and unhappiness. You have to let them free! Studies have shown that one of the best ways to release stress is to write things down. After releasing your negative feelings, it’s important to follow that up with things that you’re grateful for. Gratitude is the ultimate path to focusing on positivity. 

Listen To Music

Music is a powerful force, a universal language that can lift you up, bring you down, energize you, and get you out of your own head. Whether you are depressed, anxious, or upset, try listening to soothing or happy music to pull you out of your personal funk. One study found that listening to classical music for 10 minutes helped to improve the participants’ negative moods. Listening to other calming music helped to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. Something you might want to consider is listening to calming music during meditation. You’ll elevate the mind and transition into a more peaceful, happy mood.


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The Adventures Of V-Man: PEMF And Light Therapy https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-adventures-of-v-man-pemf-and-light-therapy/ Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:01:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=117794

Follow The Adventures of V-Man as he gets charged by PEMF therapy and lets go of stress with special light therapy.


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On the latest episode of the Dherbs Adventures of V-Man series, our content writer, Vinnie, visited Transformational Healing Universe in West Los Angeles, CA. This was our most in depth therapeutic experience to date, and we experienced about six or seven different therapies during our visit. Instead of cramming everything into one video and article, we decided to break it up into two videos and accompanying articles.

About Transformational Healing Universe

There is a collection of practitioners at Transformational Healing Universe, and they all have a united goal of empowering clients to heal themselves. Dr. Har Hari Khalsa, DC, offers various healing modalities that address different ailments or conditions. He uses traditional chiropractic, ancient arts, meditation, light therapy, PEMF therapy, the BioCharger, and more to address underlying health conditions. 

During our visit, Dr. Khalsa invited Vinnie to participate in a series of healing modalities, but this article focuses on two of them: light therapy and PEMF therapy. Below is Vinnie’s account of these two therapies. 

Before I even begin to describe either therapy, I have to address the amazing character that is Dr. Khalsa. This is a man who has devoted his life to studying various healing modalities, and he’s accrued some amazing gadgets that enhance bodily health over the years. When we started talking, I noticed how vibrant and expressive he was. He seemed giddy about everything we were going to do, as though he was getting ready to experience these therapies for the first time. 

Light Therapy

This was the very first therapy we did and it was a crazy and wild way to start the day. I followed Dr. Khalsa into the light therapy room and saw a single bed that had a wooden cage around it. Plastic tubing was woven through the wooden frame. He called it The Chamber. He explained that the bed vibrated intensely to help relax the body. The vibration supposedly enhances the relaxation, and you also listen to calming, ambient music that goes along with the visuals. Oh, did I forget to mention that he compared this therapy to hallucinogenic drugs? Sorry, my bad. This is because of the PandoraStar, which is an advanced LED light machine that helps people achieve deep trance, stress-free states in a matter of minutes. 

Dr. Khalsa explained that the light guides the mind into a hypnagogic state, essentially simulating a deep state of meditation. This helps you turn off the outside world, similar to a sensory depravation tank. When you can disconnect from everything, you can have a transformative and meditative experience. According to Dr. Khalsa, this has incredible antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body

Going Under The Light

I lay down on the bed, put the headphones on, and positioned myself under the PandoraStar. Dr. Khalsa instructed me to close my eyes and then he played the music and turned on the light. At first, everything went orange and the low vibration of the bed paired with the deep tones in the headphones. The music and vibration crescendoed into a big expansive blast of music, and that’s when the visuals started. I didn’t go on a vision quest with a shaman or anything like that, but it did feel like I was in a kaleidoscope. The vibrantly colored fractal patterns seemed to move with the sounds I heard, and they intensified if the bed vibrated quickly. It almost felt like I should’ve been listening to the Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd. It was pretty far out, man.

After 15 minutes, everything went blue, the music faded out, and the bed stopped vibrating. I opened my eyes and exited The Chamber. It felt like I was in a mild daze, as though I had just arisen from a deep and relaxing slumber. I asked Dr. Khalsa why I saw such intense patterns, and he said that the electromagnetic activity in the brain follows the light frequencies that the PandoraStar projects on the face. This leads to increased endorphin production and a drastic reduction in stress

PEMF Therapy

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field, and any device that uses PEMF technology emits electromagnetic waves. The primary benefit of this therapy is that those electromagnetic waves stimulate and encourage the body’s ability to heal itself. Dr. Khalsa told us about numerous patients who experienced incredible recovery from a variety of conditions using PEMF therapy. One important clarification is that the therapy is more effective if you address the health condition in its early stages. For instance, he said a woman with early onset Alzheimer’s disease was able to dramatically improve her cognition with PEMF therapy. 

Most people are familiar with the adhesive patches that hook up to a device that sends electrical currents. The muscles tingle or twitch, depending on the intensity of the current. Dr. Khalsa had a bed with a switchboard next to it that controlled the electromagnetic waves. It looked like something out of the Star Wars movies. He instructed me to lie down on the bed and said that he would charge the bed to the same electromagnetic waves that the earth emits. If you don’t know what I mean by this, you can walk barefoot on the ground (sand, dirt, or grass) and be charged by the earth’s energy. 

How It Felt To Get Charged

When he cranked up those electromagnetic waves, it felt like every cell in my body was activated. I later found out that PEMF therapy helps to magnetically charge cell membranes, which can deteriorate over time. It was almost like I was glued to the table and my body pulsed with each passing second. I wasn’t getting electrocuted or anything, so don’t worry about that. Dr. Khalsa actually enhanced the therapy by placing a pad on top of stomach, sandwiching the electromagnetic waves between my torso. I can only equate it to the feeling of holding in your urine when you really have to go, even though I didn’t have to pee. Ultimately, it was very energizing and I left that therapy with a renewed energy. 

That’s not all we did at Transformational Healing Universe, but the other two therapies we did will be in the next article. Be sure to check out The Adventures of V-Man series on the Dherbs YouTube channel, and don’t forget to visit Transformational Healing Universe for amazing healing modalities. Stay tuned for the next article and video about our visit with Dr. Khalsa!

You can find Transformational Healing Universe at:

Instagram: @thuheal
Facebook: @transformationalhealinguniverse


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