Tags: Edema


The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.

Throat Problems

Throat problems often result from problems with the lymphatic system, mucous membranes, and/or inflammation (mucus), especially mucus. Physically, a swollen throat means that certain things in your body are taxed, particularly your spleen (which correlates to your tonsils), lymph system (especially in the mouth area), and mucous membranes, with the culprit being mucus. Itchy, Irritated […]

Edema and Swelling Problems

Many times, the body swells in response to some adverse condition in the body. Certain injuries tend to make the body swell. This is a defense mechanism of the body. It’s like being socked in the eye. Immediately after being socked in the eye, the eye swells.

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