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If you are a woman and don't know about these herbs, it's time to read up on their importance because they have some amazing benefits for female health.


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Women have been cultivating and harvesting herbs, berries, mushrooms, and flowers for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Female herbalists, who familiarized themselves with the healing properties of various plant life, have existed in many cultures. To this day, certain herbs possess qualities that specifically benefit the female biology. It is the intention of this post to highlight the top five herbs that are catered to women’s wellness.

Women have to deal with changing hormones, menstrual cycles, fertility windows, pregnancy, and menopauses. These different stages in life can pose different challenges, and women can occasionally be unsure of how to handle them naturally. Using herbs is a great way to naturally support female health, especially since they don’t contain synthetic hormones, chemicals, or other added ingredients that can cause a long list of side effects.

There are almost too many herbs in existence, which is why we have selected the ones that are most supportive to various stages of a woman’s life. Continue reading to learn more about those herbs.

Red Raspberry Leaf

This is an herb that supports all around female health. In fact, it is been referred to as “the queen of herbs for women’s health,” according to the Bulk Herb Store. It is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, B, C, and E, most of which are beneficial for strengthening the uterus before and during pregnancy. The great thing about red raspberry leaf is that the body easily absorbs the iron and calcium. Women who regularly drink red raspberry leaf tea have reported reduced PMS symptoms and healthy hormonal levels.


Ashwagandha has a long history of use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, specifically because of the anti-stress and anti-anxiety benefits. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, meaning it adapts to the body’s needs. For example, menopausal women often experience sleep disturbances and high stress levels, which can worsen hormonal imbalance. Ashwagandha has been known to help calm the nervous system and promote more restful sleep. What woman is going to say “no” to that?

Red Clover

Menopausal women are often encouraged to use red clover because it may help reduce hot flashes, mood swings, and night sweats. Red clover is a nutrient-dense herb that contains isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which are plant hormones that can reduce certain menopausal symptoms. The best way to get the most out of red clover is to use it fresh. The blossoms, which are the most potent part of the plant, can be eaten fresh in salads, or they can be brewed into a tea.

Dong Quai

Popularly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, dong quai has been used as a liver and blood tonic because of the high mineral content. Many women have used it to help calm both menopausal and menstrual symptoms because it helps to strengthen and balance the uterus. Some female herbalists have referred to dong quai as one of the most useful female tonic herbs. Avoid taking it during pregnancy and during menstruation. Instead, take it a few days before the menstrual cycle.


Similar to red raspberry leaf, nettle or stinging nettle contains vitamins and minerals that support optimal female health. While the nutrients in nettle can be useful for any person who is feeling sluggish, these nutrients are especially beneficial for reducing PMS symptoms, supporting the body through menopause, and assisting with fertility issues. Nettle is a benevolent herb, but be careful when picking fresh nettle because the needles on the stems can sting you.


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Uterine Sense Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Wearing high heels sends an electrical shock from the metatarsal bones of the feet up the bones of the legs to the nerves of the uterus, shocks the uterus causing frying of the uterus resulting in uterine atrophy and a host of uterine pathologies.


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The uterus (womb) of a woman is the seat of her feminine nature, her feminine brain, and the seat of her emotions.

While the reproductive system may be regulated by the pituitary gland, the foundation of the female reproductive system lies at and in the uterus.

The female womb is a miniature or microcosmic universe. While the nature of the female womb is very unique, extraordinary, and sacred in nature or essence, unfortunately for many American women, the uterus is unhealthy today. It is near defective for many females. There are many causes of this modern day uterus deficiency and/or degeneration.

Causes of Uterine Degeneration

On an emotional level, many women today consciously and unconsciously resent the natural function of pregnancy and childbirth. Women fear this natural function for a variety of reasons.

On a spiritual level, so many American women are so disconnected from God/Goddess that they don’t understand and acknowledge the spiritual and divine aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, which is (at least for the Western religious woman) a divine command: “Multiply, and replenish the earth.”

On a physical level, diet, feminine hygiene and fashion play the most important roles. Gravitational pull is also a great enemy of the uterus, and just think about the fact that the higher you are as far as elevation is concerned, the greater the impact and intensity of the gravitational pull. Women who work in corporate high rises or buildings should ponder over this fact.

Antigravity exercise is the best remedy for the detrimental effects of gravity and its pull. Simply propping the legs up against the wall allowing the blood flow to travel down to the head or lying on an antigravity board for 15-30 minutes a day is a very simple and profound exercise and remedy to counteract or prevent uterine atrophy.

Dietary Considerations

Poor diet – eating meat and dairy products – also contributes to poor health and can injure your reproductive system. Dairy is laced with harmful hormones and preservatives and is no good for the health of the body in general and the female reproductive system in particular.

Starches or starchy foods break down into unhealthy stiffening agents. The acidic byproducts of these things cause serious toxicity and debris in the female reproductive chamber and because the majority of women are constipated and their eliminative channels are lethargic, the body causes internal trash bags to grow in order to hold the internal waste creating fibroid tumors.

Women who eat a lot of sugary snack foods such as ice cream, chocolate, candy, etc. are remiss for eating more of the above rather than eating fruit. Fruit is the best food for the uterus. The center of most fruit holds the seed of the fruit just like the uterus holds the seed of a man. So the fleshy part of fruit is the uterus, so when you are biting into fruit you are in essence biting into the endometrium lining of the uterus (fruit), a very profound fact to ponder upon.

Condom (male and female) usage, douching, commercial tampon and pads usage, IUD (intra uterine devices), and birth control pill/contraceptive consumption are all detrimental to the health of the uterus.

Additionally, the damaging effects and side effects of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) have a big impact on the uterus. These diseases greatly play a role in uterine atrophy or degeneration, especially if left untreated.

Certain masculine exercises, running and jogging, lifting heavy objects, and participating in male-based and dominated sporting events and athletic activity (WNBA basketball, boxing, kick boxing, etc.) seriously impair the health of the uterus and auxiliary female reproductive organs and glands.

Beneficial Uterine Exercises

Soft and gentle Eastern-based exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, and Eastern cultural dancing (including belly dancing); stretching, swimming, and walking are femininely safe, sound, and beneficial exercises that tone the female body and constitution while strengthening the female reproductive system.

Periodic uterine contraction exercises are also beneficial for uterine health. Contracting the PC (pubococcygeal) muscle 20-30 times a couple of times throughout the day help to strengthen the uterus. Of course this exercise should be avoided during pregnancy.


Since the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc, lack of zinc or zinc deficiency greatly plays a role in uterine atrophy and pathologies. Eating foods rich in zinc is important in revitalizing and nourishing the uterus. Pumpkin seeds (papitas), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, parsley, and spinach are excellent sources of natural zinc.

Herbs that supply abundant amounts of zinc include cocculus root, pygeum bark, saw palmetto berries, and sea weeds such as dulse, kelp, and Irish Moss.

Herbs that have an affinity for the uterus and are therefore oxytocic (causing the uterus to contract) in nature include: squawvine, blue cohosh, black cohosh, cramp bark, and black haw. These herbs should be avoided during the first eight and a half weeks of pregnancy.

Other herbs good for the uterus include: red raspberry leaf, chaste tree berries, white oak Bark, ashoka, asparagus, dong quai, maca, and false unicorn root.

Aromatherapy can also assist in uterine and female reproductive health. Essential oils of roman chamomile, cypress, combava, havozo bark, sage, clary sage, and fennel can help maintain the health of the uterus and female reproductive system. They can be added (2-5 drops) to a base or carrier oil and massaged directly into the skin of the belly (and breasts), added to a diffuser or simply inhaled via the nostrils.

Crystal therapy also offers tools for uterine and female reproductive health. Crystals or gemstones such as: chyrsocola, moonstone, tiger’s eye, and jade are great female balancing stones. These stones can be used in crystal water, crystal oil or for meditative purposes.

It is also important to note that since a woman’s reproductive organs are located in the Second Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, the seat of the pursuit of pleasure, it is important that this chakra (and actually all the charkas) be balanced (or opened) for optimal health, especially on an energy or energetic level.

Colon Health

As the colon is located directly above the uterus, good colon health is imperative for good reproductive and uterine health. You must keep the colon clean and the bowels regular. Colon cleansing with colon affinity herbs such as cascara sagrada, senna, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, jalap root, trifala, and rhubarb will help keep the bowels regular and bulky.

Personal enemas and professional colonics are also ideal in maintaining great colon health.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these formula for uterine health:

Dherbs offers these formulas for colonic health:

Thank you for reading!


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Female Hormonal Replacement Therapy? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

The Earth has what you need natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body's endocrine system.


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Female Hormonal Replacement therapy is a therapy whereby women, usually older women in their menopausal years, undergo a treatment of having synthetic estrogenic hormones placed in their bodies via consumption of pills (or liquids in some cases).

HRT erroneously and dangerously gives a woman more estrogen. It is true that as women age, their hormonal production and secretions decline and as such, a woman can feel quite unlike her normal self. But it’s not just their estrogen hormone level that declines. God and Nature deal with balance. A woman or female does not only have estrogen, she has progesterone too which balances the estrogen. She also has a minutia of balanced male hormones (‘testosterone’ and ‘androsterone’) too. You can find the principle of Yin and Yang in both males and females.

Problems with Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Now here’s the problem with HRT. When hormonal levels decrease in a woman, both hormones decrease, not just one. Western doctors are giving women extra estrogen; a synthetic and harmful pharmaceutical grade of estrogen which the body does not recognize and which causes the proliferation of white blood cell activity (because the body sees the estrogen drug as foreign to the body).

However, you cannot give a woman extra estrogen without giving her extra progesterone as well to balance the extra or added estrogen. This is what causes hormonal imbalance in the body in addition to toxicity because hormones are synthetic to begin with. So in attempting to correct hormonal imbalance, doctors are actually facilitating hormonal imbalance.

Too much synthetic estrogen causes cancer! Female reproductive cancers, to be exact; as synthetic estrogen adversely affect the female reproductive system and its organs.

When a woman starts experiencing hormonal imbalance before taking drugs (HRT), the studies show that it is progesterone that declines more so and before estrogen. Progesterone is the hormone that is responsible for conception or pregnancy, explaining why women are less likely to become pregnant after the age of forty. Estrogen, on the other hand, is conducive to sexual heat or sexual stimulation for purposes of copulation so that conception can take place.

HRT is playing a major role in female reproductive cancers just like birth control pills are. HRT and birth control pills have something in common – both of them provide the female with extra estrogen that they don’t need and which is also unnatural. Thus, HRT and birth control pills are dangerous and can prove fatal.

Correcting Hormonal Replacement Therapy

To properly correct hormonal imbalance, seek answers and assistance from Nature. Go to that which God has provided for you. Psalms 104:14 clearly tells you that God created the herbs for the service of humanity.

So consult the Earth as Job advised us to do in Job 12:7 of the Bible. The Earth has natural, safe, and effective herbs that provide a balance of bio-hormonal precursors which get into the female body and stimulate the natural production of hormones by the body’s endocrine system.

Dietary Intervention

Certain herbs contain phyto-estrogens which are plant-based estrogen precursors. Phyto means “plant.” Some plants naturally contain estrogen (and progesterone) precursors that can help a woman or young girl to correct her hormonal imbalance.

These female specific herbs include:

  • Red Raspberry Leaf
  • Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex)
  • Black Cohosh
  • Red Clover Tops
  • Blue Cohosh
  • Squawvine
  • Canada Snake Root
  • Angelica
  • Bala
  • Ashwagandha
  • Bayberry
  • Mugwort
  • Beth (Birth) Root
  • Muira Puama
  • Ashoka
  • Cramp Bark
  • Maca Maca
  • Blessed Thistle
  • Damiana
  • Black Haw
  • Dong Quai
  • Rehmannia
  • Sarsaparilla
  • False Unicorn
  • Licorice
  • Burdock
  • Gokshura (Tribulis Terrestris)
  • Fo Ti
  • Horsetail
  • Lady’s Mantle
  • Shatawari
  • Honeysuckle
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Lovage
  • Motherwort
  • Pennyroyal
  • Rue
  • Wild Yam
  • Saw Palmetto Berries
  • Peony Root
  • Musta
  • Sage
  • Yohimbe
  • Vidari
  • Schizandra, and
  • Yarrow

There are also many good female hormonal-specific essential oils too. They include:

  • Clary Sage
  • Fennel
  • Cypress
  • Rose Geranium
  • Grapefruit Peel
  • Cananga
  • Buddha Wood
  • Combava
  • Davana
  • Jasmine
  • Champaca
  • Pink Lotus
  • Neroli
  • Vitex
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Blue Yarrow and
  • Tuberose

What you may be eating plays a major role in throwing off your hormonal balance. Remember, all meat and dairy products contain synthetic hormones (estrone and estradiol, cancer-causing hormones) and should be avoided.

If you consume dairy products you are consuming female hormones. Milk comes from female cows. Milk and dairy are mammary gland-derived things. Dairy cows are pumped full of man-made synthetic hormones.

Additionally, good crystals and gemstones that can be used to correct hormonal imbalance include Carnelian, Moonstone, Green Jade, Malachite, Aquamarine, Tiger’s Eye, Pearl, Citrine, Ammonite, and Chrysocolla.

Dherbs Natural Healing Products

Dherbs offers these products to assist with hormone balancing:

Thank you for reading.


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What Can I Do To Get Bigger and Gain More Weight? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:51 +0000

Exercise is fundamental to putting on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if weight gain is what you're after, then start moving.


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Humans are designed to be a certain size with specific characteristics based on genetics, environmental exposure and diet. Nature isn’t capable to help people feel better about themselves by altering their body shape.

At best Nature will only help you to maintain something, to keep a part toned, defined, and structured. Nature provides us with:

  • Minerals
  • Trace elements
  • Vitamins and B-vitamins
  • Amino acids (protein)
  • EFA (essential fatty acids)
  • Oxygen
  • H2o (water)
  • Solar energy (sunlight)
  • And a plethora of other nutrients man has not yet given a name to

The Power of Visualization

One of the best ways to naturally augment the body or certain body parts is to use mental science, specifically visualization.

Visualize the size of the body part you desire to have augmented. SEE IT! See it constantly. Feel it! What you visualize will eventually materialize.

Dietary intervention

Your energy must come from food and oxygen! Your protein must come from food as well.

Everything you eat has protein, but for foods containing higher concentrations of protein, look for and consume a lot of the following (in capsule or powdered form):

  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Fenugreek Seeds
  • Blue Green Algae
  • Moringa Seed
  • Bee Pollen (for vegetarians, not vegans)
  • Alfalfa
  • Dulse
  • Kelp
  • Chia Seeds
  • Teff (grain)

To increase your energy levels while working out or performing athletics, consume the following (in capsule, tea, or extract form):

  • Gotu Kola
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Yohimbe Bark (Corynanthe)
  • Ginseng (all kinds)
  • Cordyceps Guarana
  • Yerba Mate
  • Kola Nut
  • Green Tea
  • Suma (Brazilian Ginseng)
  • Maca Maca
  • Ephedra or Ma Huang (if you can find it)
  • Blessed Thistle or Holy Thistle
  • Damiana
  • Fo Ti
  • Tieng Epimedium
  • Horny Goat Weed

The caffeine found in stimulant herbs such as Green Tea, Guarana, Yerba Mate, Kola Nut, etc. are all natural sources of caffeine and are not addictive like man-made caffeine.

For natural steroidal effects, consume herbs such as:

Breast enhancement

While not a replacement for breast augmentation, some women may naturally help augment, tone, and give definition to the breasts by taking Saw Palmetto Berry (6-9 capsules daily; 3-6 cups of tea daily).

A word about soy

Soy is an industrial by-product. It shouldn’t be consumed daily or excessively. It is a highly processed substance, and a lot of soy on the market today is of the GMO (genetically modified organism) variety.


Exercise is fundamental to putting on weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if weight gain is what you’re after, then start moving.

The exercise program is going to be different for everyone. And different types of exercise help create different looks. For example: if you want long, lean muscles, then yoga, pilates, ballet, swimming are in order. If you want big, thick muscles, then start lifting things: small children, free weights, jugs of water, etc.

A note about bodybuilding

Many men ask what can they do maintain muscle while detoxifying their body and/or to become or remain a vegan or raw foodist. Others ask what can they do to develop more size while abstaining from eating meat and other forms of faux protein.

Nature does not have a special food to develop muscles and/or to put more weight on bodies.

Your muscles are toned and defined from working out, not eating food. If you want to maintain your muscle mass, keep exercising. If you want to build muscle, then add strength training to your workout, or increase the weight and reps of your current program until the desired results are achieved.

Dherbs Solutions products that assist the athlete, body builder, exerciser, etc. include:

Thank you for reading!


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Is The Female Menstrual Cycle Natural? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:41 +0000

Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this […]


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Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural.

As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to pathologies, irregularities, and abnormalities, the female body has adapted to the pathology of menstruation and now uses this process as a cleansing method to rid the female body of toxins and waste. The female body has taken that which is unnatural (to bleed and lose the vital life essence) and converted that process into a normal female body function. Because of the menstrual cycle, women now have an additional eliminative channel in the vagina, bringing their total to six major eliminative channels (colon, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and uterus).

It is because of this sixth eliminative channel that rids the female body of unnecessary waste and toxins that women generally outlive men by seven years.

Why is menstruation considered unnatural?

Menstruation is considered unnatural because it violates the Law of Reciprocity. In Nature, when a thing is taken, it is also replaced. When you take a watermelon, there are seeds in the watermelon so the watermelon can come back many times over. Nature always gives back. Now with the menstrual cycle, in the blood (menstruum) is not only toxins, but also nutrients. With the menstrual cycle, necessary and essential nutrients (minerals) are lost by the body but not replaced. This activity leads to deficiency and deficiency of nutrients leads to diseases. It’s the same thing with male ejaculation. With every ejaculation nutrients are lost along with the ejaculate. This too is why many consider ejaculating other than for purposes of impregnation unnatural.

Menstruation is considered a disease because it is not natural to Nature. It is rare to find a mammal that lives and eats according to the laws of Nature to have a menstrual cycle. Have you ever witnessed a female horse, gorilla, elephant, buffalo, monkey, hippopotamus, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, or cow having a menstrual discharge? Don’t you think corporate and greedy man would have devised feminine pads and tampons for these animals to prevent the spilling and dropping of excessively large amounts of blood?

Man created pads and tampons for career females so that the menstrual cycle would not interfere with daily business activity. Originally, during the cycle time, women abstained from work and other daily functions. This break time due to menstruation was anywhere from 1-3 days at the most. Women broke from the world or society because during the menses women/females became very receptive to psychic phenomena, became very intuitive, which allowed them to pick up information from the cosmos or the ethers which they could use for the mundane world.

Menstruation Side Effects

For a human being to lose its vital life essence monthly is not a natural occurrence. Blood exiting out of the body is not a natural thing. If a man goes to urinate and sees blood in his urine, he first screams in fear and then goes to the emergency room at the local hospital to see the doctor.

Now if the blood which carries these minerals throughout the body is being eliminated out of the body for the sake of ridding the female body of toxins and waste (which the colon and kidneys could easily perform), then the organs that need and depend on these vital elements are not going to get them and the result is going to be lack of optimal health.


PMS is associated with mood swings, irritability of nerves, gas (flatulence), abdominal cramps, headaches, body spasms, short term memory loss, etc. With blood saturated in the vaginal area during the menses and exiting via the vagina, the brain is not going to get the minerals carbon, copper, calcium and potassium it requires. With blood leaving the body during the menses, the nerves are not going to get its needed amount of potassium for proper nerve transmission. The thyroid gland (a major factor in weight gain and loss) is not going to get the necessary amount of iodine it needs to regulate body weight. And with a major loss of iron, a trace element, anemia is going to undoubtedly occur and cause a host of ill-effects such as dizziness, weakness, nausea, fatigue, frigidity, and brittle fingernails.

During the menstrual cycle, the female body is going to saturate the blood supply in the vaginal area to help with the menstrual cycle, and as a result, necessary minerals will not be transported in the amount needed by the other body organs and members. These minerals that are lodged in the vaginal area during the menstruation will come out in bulk in the “white” stage (leukorrheac discharge). Yes, that white discharge commonly referred to as “leucorrhea,” is full of nutrition (that nutrition which did not make the grade doing the menstrual cycle). The white discharge is considered healthy or normal due to its high mineral content and non-smelly or foul odor, whereas and in contrast to an irritating, pruritic, copious, foul-smelling green or yellow discharge, which indicates vaginal or uterine infection or other pathogenic conditions of gynecologic origin.

So PMS is due to a mineral deficiency. Medical logic suggests that PMS can be corrected by counteracting mineral deficiency by giving the body more minerals before, during, and after the menstrual cycle. The best source of these minerals is raw, organic foods (fruits and vegetables) and herbs.

Pregnancy and Menstruation

If menstruation is necessary and natural, and serves to expel or eliminate toxins from the female body on a monthly basis, why then does the menstrual cycle stop or go away during pregnancy?

Does an unhealthy woman automatically become because of pregnancy? Of course not. So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body’s intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life.

So what about the process of eliminating toxins? How does the female body throw off toxins during pregnancy? The female body will utilize the first trimester (or first three months) to eliminate toxins from the mother host body via “morning sickness.”

Natural Healing

Does an unhealthy woman automatically become because of pregnancy? Of course not. So why does the menses halt? The answer lies in the fact of the body’s intelligence knowing that a new life is forming in the flesh and that the body will need extra nutrition for the building blocks of the new life.

Natural sources rich in “iron” include: yellow dock root, burdock root, dandelion root, elderberries, red raspberry leaf, devil’s claw, rooibos, and mullein leaf.

Natural remedies to counteract breast soreness and tenderness during the menstrual cycle include: (oils) [internally and externally] evening primrose oil, borage oil, black currant oil; (externally – massaged into breasts) olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, grapefruit seed oil, rose hip seed oil; (essential oils that can be added to breast massage oil) fennel seed oil, clary sage, grapefruit peel oil, and rosemary; (herbs) saw palmetto berries, honeysuckle flower, red raspberry leaf, red clover tops, yew tips, poke root, wild indigo, and red root. Herbs that counteract eclampsia during pregnancy include: white peony bark, deer tongue herb, milk thistle seeds, dandelion root, burdock root, carbon (activated charcoal), uva ursi, grapevine leaf, and Oregon grape.

Herbs to coagulate the blood and stop excessive bleeding include: goldenseal, cranesbill (alum root), dragon’s blood, manjistha, musta, shepherd’s purse, lady’s mantle, yarrow, cayenne, Solomon’s seal, barberry, and heal-all herb.

Dietary Intervention

Green vegetables such as parsley, greens, chives, and spinach are also great sources of iron.

To replenish the body of the necessary nutrients (minerals), consume herbs such as alfalfa, sheep sorrel, suma, rooisbos, rose hips, watercress, parsley leaf, moringa or karela seed, barley grass, wheat grass, nettle leaf, moringa, and spinach leaf. These herbs individually provide almost every mineral the body needs and if consumed together will provide a full spectrum of every mineral and nutrient required to maintain and sustain optimal health and well-being.

Also, consume sea weeds (algae) such as kelp, dulse, spirulina, chlorella, Irish Moss, bladderwrack, Blue-Green Algae, Iceland Moss, and red marine algae. Sea weeds are the best and most nutritious foods you can eat, and provide your body with everything you need (oxygen, minerals, protein, etc.) and are an excellent source of organic “iodine” (thyroid gland food).

Herbs to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle and flow include: maca, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, mugwort, red raspberry leaf, wild yam root (best and highest source of natural progesterone), squawvine, false unicorn, chaste tree berries, lycii fruit, red clover tops (best and highest source of natural estrogen), licorice root, sarsaparilla, and angelica.

Herbs that help soothe the nerves during the menstrual cycle include: nerve root or lady’s slipper, kava kava, jatamansi, valerian root, lavender flower, passionflower, hops, skullcap, chamomile, and linden flower.

Herbs that counteract menstrual cramping and spasms include: beth or birth root, cramp bark, fennel seed, anise seed, and wild yam root. Herbs that counteract menstrual related pain and headaches include: white willow bark, black willow bark, feverfew, meadowsweet, birch bark, wood betony, wild lettuce, peppermint, wintergreen, and woodruff.

Herbs that give energy for fatigue during the menstrual cycle include: ginseng (all species), ashwagandha, schizandra berries, jiwanti, yerba mate, green tea, suma, codonopsis bark, kola or bissey nut, and guarana seed.

Herbs that counteract constipation during the menstrual cycle include: senna leaves and pods, cascara sagrada, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, rhubarb root, jalap root, bibitaki, mandrake, black walnut hulls, poke root, slippery elm bark, Irish moss, guar gum, acacia gum, and psyllium Husks.

Herbs that strengthen the uterus during the menstrual cycle include: ashoka, squawvine, false unicorn, pumpkin seed, cocculus root, and saw palmetto.

Herbs for mental stimulation during the menstrual cycle include: gotu kola, gingko biloba, bringraj, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy or blessed thistle, kola or bissey nut, yerba mate, and guarana seed.

The female menstruation itself is not dirty. A woman/female is not dirty at any time of her existence. She is not impure because of her blood. Menstrual blood, especially in modern woman/female, is only unhealthy due to what she eats, thinks, and feel and allows to come inside of her from a male (be it his penis or his inventions, such as condoms, intrauterine devices, tampons, etc.). Solutions

Dherbs offers these formulas:

Thank you for reading!


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Iron Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:39 +0000

Iron-deficiency anemia is an adverse condition most commonly associated with severe shortage of iron.


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Iron is a trace element that is essential for human health, especially female health since so much of it is lost due to the monthly menstrual cycle that causes valuable nutrients to exit the female body.

Iron is present in our bodies as hemoglobin, the red pigment of blood. It is also present in myoglobin, the form of hemoglobin found in muscle tissue.

Iron is stored in the liver, spleen, bone-marrow and muscles.

For maximum absorption of Iron, the following nutrients are essential: Vitamin A and C, Copper, b-vitamins, Manganese and Molydenum.


Iron-deficiency anemia is an adverse condition most commonly associated with severe shortage of iron. Anemia has been a prominent condition for many years now. In fact, ancient Kemetic physicists studied anemia in 1,500 B.C.

Iron is required for the following:

  • Muscle protein
  • Improving physical performance
  • Preventing learning problems in children
  • Boosting energy levels
  • Essential for enzymes
  • Boosting the defense or immune system

Found in the human blood, iron is a mineral that is found in very large amounts. Deficiency of this mineral is caused by an insufficient diet. Females can become deficient in iron from excessive menstrual bleeding. If there is blood loss, there is loss of iron.

Strenuous exercise also depletes the body of iron. Females who perform rigorous and strenuous exercises damage the integrity of the female reproductive system. The glands and organs can create internal imbalances, especially regarding hormones.

Regular strenuous exercise may cause a decrease in the production of female hormones, progesterone and estrogen. On the other hand, it may also cause an increase in male hormones such as testosterone and androsterone.

Iron-Deficiency Symptoms

Symptoms of iron-deficiency include:

  • Anemia
  • Pallor
  • Breathlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Tiredness
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling cold
  • Brittle hair
  • Dizziness
  • Inflammation of the tissues of the mouth
  • Slowed mental reactions
  • White spots on the fingernails

African and African-American women require more Iron than any other race or ethnicity of female. It is imperative that African women consume adequate amounts of iron.

Dietary Thiocyanate and Iron are the two nutrients that are most important for their overall health. These two nutrients are very important, especially if a person has sickle cell and/or anemia. Both of these adverse conditions are endemic to Africans in America and African-Americans. However, more than 90% of American females in general are reported to be anemic.

Organic vs. Inorganic Forms

It is best to avoid synthetic forms of Iron that are commonly found in pharmaceutical products. They have been shown to cause constipation, especially in females.

Pharmaceutical grades of Iron are derived from oxides such as metals and stones.

Organic or botanical Iron is the kind that the human body requires and can digest, absorb and use effectively.

Inorganic forms of Iron include: Ferrocholinate, Ferrous Fumerate, Ferrous Gluconate, Ferrous Sulfate, Iron-dextran and Iron Oxide.

Natural Sources of Iron

Natural food sources of Iron include:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Watercress
  • Almonds
  • Beets
  • Avocados
  • Dates
  • Kidney
  • Lima beans
  • Lentils
  • Millet
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pumpkin
  • Dried prunes
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Raisins
  • Wheat bran
  • Sesame seeds

Herbs that contain organic Iron include:

Seaweeds are also exceptional sources of organic, dietary Iron. Good seaweeds to consume for Iron purposes include: Kelp, Dulse, Spirulina, Irish Moss, Chlorella and Blue-Green Algae.

Other sources of Iron include gemstones of Hematite, Malachite and Iron Pyrite. Gemstones of Hematite, Androdite and Chlorite assist in the proper use of organic Iron in the body.

These gemstones can also be used to make elixirs of Iron. However, they should not be placed directly into the water, especially Malachite, but should be placed in a separate glass container and placed within a large container of water.

This is the indirect way to make elixirs. The crystal or gemstones does not touch the elixir water because they are toxic in their solid state, but they emit beneficial vibrations that are recorded into the water.

Dherbs Solutions products and compounds that contain natural and organic Iron include:

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The post Iron appeared first on Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products.
