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Eating fava beans regularly may help boost immune function, aid weight loss, and improve digestion, in addition to other health benefits.


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Fava beans, or broad beans, are large green legumes that come in pods. Eaten by people around the world, fava beans exhibit a slightly sweet but earthy flavor. They are nutritional powerhouses, providing a variety of health benefits. Naturally rich in fiber, protein, and a variety of other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fava beans may aid blood sugar regulation, support heart health, and boost immunity. 

Even though fava beans are relatively small in size, they pack a ton of nutrients. They are particularly rich in plant protein, folate, and soluble fiber. One cup of fava beans contains the following nutrients:

  • 187 calories
  • 33 grams (g) of carbs
  • 13 g of protein
  • Less than 1 g of fat
  • 36% of the daily value (DV) of manganese
  • 18% of the DV of magnesium
  • 40% of the DV of folate
  • 14% of the DV of iron
  • 22% of the DV of copper
  • 13% of the DV of potassium
  • 11% of the DV of thiamine and zinc

May Help Prevent Birth Defects

Folate is essential for creating cells and organs, and it is a nutrient that promotes healthy fetal development. An expecting mother should increase her intake of folate, be it from food or supplements, to help reduce the risk of neural tube defects, or developmental issues with the infant’s spinal cord and brain. One study involved more than 23,000 women and found that the incidence of brain and spinal cord issues was 77% lower in infants of mothers who had the highest daily intake of folate. Since one cup of fava beans contains 40% of the DV of folate, they should be near the top of the list of great pregnancy foods.

May Benefit Bone Health

Fava beans are rich in both manganese and copper, two nutrients that may prevent bone loss. Health experts do know the exact role that these nutrients play in bone health, but animal studies suggest that being deficient in these two nutrients may lead to decreased bone formation. Existing human research suggests that both manganese and copper are integral to bone health. A one-year study in postmenopausal women with weak bones found that taking a manganese and copper supplement along with vitamin D, calcium, and other nutrients, improved bone mass. 

May Help Lessen Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

Fava beans contain levodopa (L-dopa), a compound that the body converts into dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Researchers note that Parkinson’s disease causes the death of dopamine-producing brain cells. That process can lead to tremors, difficulty walking, and issues with motor function. Eating fava beans may help with some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but more research is necessary. One small study involved 11 people with Parkinson’s. Study authors observed that participants who ate 1.5 cups of fava beans after 12 hours without medication had a comparable positive effect on blood dopamine levels and motor function as L-dopa drugs.

May Help Boost Immune Function

Naturally rich in antioxidant compounds, fava beans may help optimize immune function. Antioxidants work to fight free radicals that may cause cell damage, making them vital to your body’s immune defense. One test-tube study found that fav bean extract was able to increase the antioxidant activity in human lung cells by 62.5%. Additionally, fava beans contain compounds that boost the ability of glutathione in human cells, which may help delay cellular aging.

May Help Reduce Blood Pressure

Fava beans contain magnesium and potassium, both of which may relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Various studies indicate that the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommends foods high in potassium and magnesium. A 10-year study in 28,349 women found that participants with the highest intake of magnesium were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those with the lowest intake. 

May Help Lower Cholesterol

The soluble fiber in fava beans may help promote healthy bowel movements because it absorbs water in the gut. During that process, it forms a gel-like substance and helps soften your stool. Soluble fiber also binds to and removes cholesterol from the body. Several studies indicate that soluble fiber may help lower blood cholesterol levels in healthy adults and those with elevated levels. A review of 10 studies focused on the effects of fiber-rich legumes on cholesterol levels. The review concluded that diets that included these legumes were associated with modest decreases in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.


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These Carotenoids Provide Critical Eye Support https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-carotenoids-provide-critical-eye-support/ Sun, 08 Dec 2024 08:35:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173120

Your vision naturally gets worse with age, be it from cataracts or other age-related diseases, but these carotenoids may support eye health.


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According to research studies and surveys, the leading cause of vision loss in older adults is age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. In fact, a 2022 report found that an estimated 20 million people in the United States over the age of 40 had AMD. It is very common for eyesight to get worse with age, be it from AMD, cataracts, or other ocular diseases. Fortunately, there are exercises you can do and foods you can eat that help support eye health. 

What Is AMD?

AMD is an eye disease that can blur central vision. This occurs when aging causes damage to the macula, a part of the eye that controls straight-ahead vision. The macula is a part of the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. AMD is a very common condition, and the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. Losing central vision makes it difficult to see faces, read, drive, or do close-up tasks. 

The condition can come on slowly in some people and faster in others. Scientists believe that one of the primary causes of AMD is exposure to oxidative stress (cell damage) and inflammatory reactions. Because of this, the theory is that including more nutrients that support vision in your diet can be beneficial in preventing AMD. Some of those nutrients include carotenoids that fight against reactive oxygen species (ROS). 

How Do Carotenoids Support Vision?

Carotenoids are the red, orange, and yellow pigments produced by plants. Astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and xanthophylls are specific carotenoids that demonstrate impressive antioxidant activity. Some studies have found these carotenoids to protect the eyes from oxidative damage. 

Both lutein and zeaxanthin are found in concentrations 1,000 times higher in the eye than other tissues in the body. Reportedly, these are beneficial in reducing the risk of developing AMD. One study found that participants with the highest intake of lutein and zeaxanthin were 65% less likely to develop neovascular AMD compared to people with the lowest intake. Another study from 2022 found that these two carotenoids were able to protect the retina and lens from age-related changes.

Although astaxanthin is not as concentrated in the eye, it does have antioxidant properties that are ten times greater than lutein and zeaxanthin. Astaxanthin has demonstrated an ability to address choroidal neovascularization (CNV), which is a hallmark feature in AMD. This feature causes oxidative stress and inflammation and blood vessels grow in the eye and leak as a result. That can lead to vision loss. 

How To Get More Carotenoids In Your Diet

The body cannot make carotenoids on its own, so it is your responsibility to consume them via foods or dietary supplements. In order to support eye health and vision longevity, experts encourage you to consume at least 10 milligrams (mg) of lutein, two mg of zeaxanthin, and six mg of astaxanthin per day.

In which foods can you find these carotenoids? Well, lutein and zeaxanthin are readily available in leafy greens (kale, spinach, and collards), avocado, orange bell peppers, green peas, and eggs. Astaxanthin primarily exists in marine-derived foods, such as shrimp, salmon, lobster, and algae. All three of these carotenoids, however, are available in various eye supplements, should you not want to worry about consuming specific foods every day. 

At the end of the day, your eyesight will get worse with age, but it doesn’t have to be inevitable. Try to increase your intake of the carotenoids we detailed in this article to help support eye health and protect them from AMD and other causes of age-related vision loss.


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Living With Parkinson’s? These Are Beneficial Activities https://www.dherbs.com/articles/living-with-parkinsons-these-are-beneficial-activities/ Mon, 18 Nov 2024 09:02:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172998

If you are living with Parkinson’s disease, then you should remain as active as possible, and these activities are highly beneficial.


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Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that can get progressively worse. It is characterized by dopamine drops in certain areas of the brain. These dopamine decreases can cause people to experience tremors (the most common symptom), stiffness, and loss of balance. Because there is currently no cure for the condition, treatment tends to focus on reducing the severity of symptoms and improving overall quality of life. 

Health experts encourage people with Parkinson’s disease to engage in different activities that focus on fine motor skills and cognition. Additionally, physical exercises that require mobility and balance are also beneficial. Staying active, both mentally and physically, can help strengthen muscles that may prevent dementia. Continue reading to learn about beneficial crafts and activities for those living with Parkinson’s disease. 


Have you ever seen those videos of people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who listen to a song that gives them a rejuvenating jolt? They know all the words and it triggers other memories that relate to that song. Singing, in addition to assisting with memory, works to strengthen the vocal muscles. That is especially important for people with Parkinson’s disease because vocal tremors or difficulty speaking can occur as the condition advances.

Playing Virtual Reality And Video Games

You can use technological advancements to exercise important skills. Virtual reality and video games require mind-body coordination. Most of these games also require problem-solving skills, memory, and strategy to win or complete. Depending on the game and gaming system, you may be required to use a controller or keyboard, which utilizes fine motor skills. There are also reflex games that do not involve screen time and yield the same benefits. 


Cooking can help recall ingredients and measurements, and it offers the opportunity to follow steps in order. It can also be a social opportunity to connect with others while cooking and after when you enjoy the meal. As Parkinson’s progresses, it’s possible that patients may not be able to cook for themselves, or they may need assistance. Include someone with Parkinson’s disease in the cooking process as much as possible to enhance self-esteem and to create memories together. 

Knitting And Painting

Just like children, people with cognitive disorders can benefit from doing activities that require fine motor skills. People with Parkinson’s can experience tremors and have difficulty moving their hands. It’s also possible for them to experience feelings of depression as a result of declining physical and mental abilities. Creating something, such as a painting or a scarf, from scratch provides the opportunity to reduce stress, feel a sense of accomplishment, and focus on hand movements. 


Daily physical exercise can benefit Parkinson’s patients. Walking, swimming, yoga, and cycling are all great physical exercises that can improve balance, mobility, and flexibility. According to research, physical activity benefits can continue for months after training ends. Some studies indicate that physical activity may slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease

Solving Puzzles

Be it a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle, puzzles require concentration and memory. Solving puzzles, then, is a valuable cognitive exercise. Crossword puzzles also require word recall, while word searchers can help with word identification. People with Parkinson’s may experience cognitive changes that can affect attention, mood, and motivation. That’s why it is important to engage the brain with problem-solving activities.


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Watch Out For These Types Of Common Colds https://www.dherbs.com/articles/watch-out-for-these-types-of-common-colds/ Sat, 09 Nov 2024 08:49:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172884

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, coughing, and more. Watch out for these types of colds.


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The common cold is an upper respiratory infection that causes symptoms that plague the nose and throat. Typically, most colds are harmless and you may only develop a few mild symptoms. Colds, more than anything, are very annoying and you just want to feel better to leave the sickness behind you. 

Common symptoms of a cold include runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, mild headache, sneezing, coughing, or low-grade fever. These symptoms usually last for about one week, but they can last longer in older adults, young children, or people with weakened immune systems. It is very common for adults to get two to three colds yearly, while children get them more frequently. 

It is very easy for a cold to spread. An infected person can sneeze or cough in your vicinity and you inhale microscopic droplets that contain the bacteria or virus. You can also touch a contaminated surface before touching your face and develop a cold that way. Given that there are over 200 viruses that can cause a cold, catching one is relatively easy. The rhinovirus is the most common, but  enteroviruses, human parainfluenza (HPIV), adenovirus, and coronavirus (the common cold version) can all cause common cold. Continue reading to learn more about the types of common colds. 


Enteroviruses belong to a group of over 300 viruses, including echoviruses, polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and rhinoviruses. These viruses can cause a range of illnesses, but the rhinovirus is the most common cold-causing virus. Other enteroviruses, including enterovirus D68 and coxsackievirus, can cause respiratory symptoms. There are non-respiratory enterovirus illnesses that can cause conditions such as hand, foot, and mouth disease, or aseptic meningitis. Common symptoms of enterovirus include cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, wheezing, or pneumonia


Rhinoviruses account for about 50% of common cold cases. Although they can spread throughout the year, rhinoviruses are most active in the spring and early fall. They spread easily in crowded places, such as offices, schools, and public transportation. Symptoms, which can include cough, mild sore throat, sneezing, mild fever, or runny nose, tend to go away in seven to 10 days. Rhinoviruses can also cause other problems, such as ear infections, breathing issues, or sinus infections, especially in people with allergies or asthma


Adenovirus can cause cold symptoms that last for longer than symptoms that result from the rhinovirus. In fact, some people can experience these symptoms for weeks, or months. This virus is more common in the early spring and winter, although it can occur year round. Common colds caused by the adenovirus can spread easily in hospitals, schools, daycares, and military barracks. Symptoms can include cough, runny nose, fever, and sore throat. That said, adenovirus is also known to cause conjunctivitis (pink eye) and bladder infections or diarrhea. 

Coronavirus (Common Cold Version)

Before anyone even knew about COVID-19, coronaviruses were a typical cause of common colds. In fact, coronaviruses account for nearly 15% of seasonal colds, usually peaking in the winter. Coronavirus colds are usually mild and tend to last for one week, but they can lead to more serious issues, including pneumonia, for people with weaker immune systems. The common cold coronavirus is different from the coronaviruses that cause COVID-19. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 virus, however, you can test for your own safety and the safety of others. Common symptoms of coronavirus colds include sneezing, runny nose, stomach problems (not too common), mild cough, and occasional low-grade fever.

Human Parainfluenza Virus

Human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) can cause infections in the upper and lower respiratory tract. That can affect airways in children under five years old, immunocompromised adults, and elderly people. There are four types of HPIV, with types one and two being the most common in fall. Type three occurs annually and is most common in spring and early summer, while type four tends to affect people year round. Symptoms of HPIV include fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, cough, or chest pain, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

Determining which virus is behind your cold can be a little tricky, but certain patterns can clue you in to some degree. A barking cough usually indicates croup from HPIV, while a cold with pink eye comes from adenovirus. Your healthcare provider may want to run tests to detect the virus, depending on the severity of symptoms. 


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Berry Pistachio Smoothie https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/berry-pistachio-smoothie/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 17:32:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=172875

A salty-sweet creation that is a delightful way to start your day! This berry pistachio smoothie is full of vitamin C, fiber and healthy fats.


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Greetings to all the berry and pistachio lovers! Welcome to the unique and delicious flavor combination that is this sweetly-tart berry pistachio smoothie. It satisfies both your sweet and salty cravings at once, and in smoothie form no less! It isn’t an overly salty smoothie, though. You won’t feel like you just ate an entire bag of chips after sipping on a tall glass of this tasty creation. The pistachios provide a hint of saltiness that pairs beautifully with the sweet tartness of the raspberries, strawberries, and fresh orange.

Did you know that pistachio intake can be traced back 300,000 years? You commonly see them as a snack nowadays, but you can add them to desserts, salads, trail mixes, and so much more. Besides offering a slightly salty flavor, pistachios offer a long list of health benefits. Pistachios, just like raspberries, strawberries and orange, offer lots of antioxidants that help protect your cells. Researchers note that pistachios contain more antioxidant compounds that other nuts and seeds. They are especially rich in zeaxanthin and lutein, two antioxidants that help protect the eyes from blue light damage and age-related macular degeneration. The polyphenols and tocopherols in pistachios may help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Believe it or not, this smoothie does not contain banana. Although it doesn’t require one, you can add a banana if you desire. Want your smoothie to be a little thicker? Go ahead and add some more berries and ice cubes during the blending process. If you want to bulk up the smoothie a little, you can add some chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp hearts, or avocado. Feel free to throw in some spinach, but just keep in mind that the color of the smoothie will change.


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The Best Supplements To Support Brain Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-best-supplements-to-support-brain-health/ Mon, 04 Nov 2024 08:46:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172859

Boost brain health with these key nutrients that support your ability to learn, retain information, problem solve, and focus as you get older.


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Maintaining a healthy brain can improve your ability to retain and recall information, problem solve, focus, and connect with others on an emotional level. As you age, your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other cognitive disorders increases. To help reduce the risk of developing these conditions, we outline integral supplements to support brain health in this article. 

Although the supplements in this article may support a healthy brain, they alone will not fight off cognitive disorders. That said, taking supplements may help to fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet and boost overall cognition. And while certain nutrients may play a role in cognitive function, there isn’t evidence supporting their efficacy for improving brain health. Read on to learn about supplements and nutrients that support brain health.


Choline helps the Brian make acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved with memory, cell signaling, cognition, and mood. One study monitored choline intake via diet and supplements and the cognitive function in people over the age of 60. Study authors noted that choline intake of 188-399 milligrams (mg) per day reduced the risk of low cognitive function by about 50%. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of choline in adults 550 mg for males and lactating persons, 450 mg for pregnant persons, and 425 mg for females. You can find choline in potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, egg yolks, Brussels sprouts, kidney beans, quinoa, peanuts, and cruciferous vegetables. 

Ginkgo Biloba

This is a popular supplement in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to smaller studies, ginkgo leaf extract may improve brain function and memory in people with age-related cognitive decline. More extensive studies are necessary in order to arrive at the same conclusion. Research in healthy adults found that ginkgo biloba may improve attentiveness, recognition, information processing, and memory. Most of the studies confirming these findings have been small, so more studies are necessary to determine the full effects of ginkgo biloba on brain health. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In addition to reducing inflammation and supporting heart health, omega-3 fatty acids may encourage better cognitive function. Fatty acids work to build cells and exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Various studies indicate that including omega-3 fatty acids in your diet or supplement routine may help boost brain health. In fact, diets high in omega-3s have been associated with a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Although you can take an omega-3 supplement, you can consume fatty fish, soybeans, nuts, seeds, and other foods to get your daily fill of omega-3s.


This stimulant wakes you up and helps promote energy. Researchers note that consuming caffeinated beverages, such as coffee or black/green tea, helps improve alertness and cognitive capacity. Caffeine doesn’t affect mental performance or accuracy, and there are no long-term benefits for brain health. Ideally, keep your caffeine doses between 50 to 260 mg per day. Generally speaking, one cup of black coffee contains 95 to 200 mg of caffeine. 


This popular adaptogenic herb may be beneficial for certain brain-related conditions, such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, alertness, and aging. One study observed people between the ages of 65 and 80 who took 600 mg of ashwagandha per day for 12 weeks. Researchers observed that the participants who took ashwagandha improved sleep quality, mental alertness, and overall wellbeing. More research is still necessary to understand the full brain-boosting benefits of this nutrient. Before taking ashwagandha, consider how this product may interact with medications or the central nervous system. 


This essential mineral is found in many foods and supplements. Magnesium plays many important roles in the body, one of which is assisting with the transmission of signals through nerves and the brain. Some evidence suggests that low magnesium levels increase the risk of cognitive impairment and neurological diseases. More research is necessary to determine if higher magnesium intake in people over age 60 can improve cognitive function. As of now, there is conflicting evidence on this matter. You can increase magnesium intake by taking supplements or eating leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and some other fruits and vegetables.


Theanine is a natural amino acid commonly found in tea. It may help improve mental performance, especially when combined with caffeine. Green tea, for example, contains both caffeine and theanine, the winning one-two punch. A small study found that a one-time 100-mg dose of theanine improved attention. That said, participants who received a 200-mg dose of theanine daily for four weeks saw no improvements in memory, motor speed, or decision skills. For this reason, more research is still necessary on how theanine may improve cognitive skills.


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How To Manage Acid Reflux At Night For Better Sleep https://www.dherbs.com/articles/how-to-manage-acid-reflux-at-night-for-better-sleep/ Sun, 03 Nov 2024 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172857

Acid reflux symptoms may flare up when you want to go to bed. Learn valuable strategies to control them so you can sleep better.


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Acid reflux can flare up after a large meal, especially if it is rich or highly acidic. You may also experience symptoms if you lie down too soon after you finish eating. The stomach acid rises into the esophagus, which causes heartburn and other symptoms. You may be able to manage acid reflux if you only experience it occasionally, but chronic acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may require treatment. 

What Is Acid Reflux?

The contents of the stomach are only supposed to travel one way: down. Acid reflux is characterized by stomach acid traveling up back into the esophagus and throat. When acid creeps into places it does not belong, you will feel the results. Acid irritates the tissues and causes inflammation in the esophagus, which runs from the stomach up through your chest to the throat. 

Nearly everyone has experienced the occasional bout of acid reflux, which may feel like burning stomach pain or indigestion after eating. You may also experience a burning sensation in the sternum area, or heartburn. Occasional acid reflux is not a disease, but constant acid reflux can cause real damage.

Why Is Acid Reflux Worse At Night?

Many people experience acid reflux if they eat too late and do not wait before lying down to go to sleep. Gravity works against you, as lying flat makes it easier for the contents in the stomach to enter the esophagus. The size and contents of your meal also play a role in acid reflux development. Drinking alcohol, smoking, or other lifestyle factors, such as taking certain medications, can make heartburn worse. 

Chronic acid reflux can interfere with sleep quality, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Making small adjustments to your nighttime routine can help improve sleep and reduce heartburn or acid reflux symptoms at night. Continue reading to learn more.

Elevate Your Sleeping Position

If you have acid reflux, sleep experts recommend that you elevate your head four to six inches higher than your stomach. Extra pillows may not be sufficient, though, so you may require a special wedge support block or pillow. You can also use risers at the head of your bed to confirm that your head is elevated. 

Make Some Lifestyle Modifications

If you are overweight or obese, losing weight may help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn. There are so many diets and weight loss programs available, so losing weight is very doable, so long as you can motivate yourself. You can also try our Full Body Cleanse to help improve your overall health. If you smoke, consider reducing your intake or quit entirely. Finally, choose pajamas or clothes that are not too tight when you go to bed, as putting extra pressure on the stomach may worsen acid reflux symptoms

Plan Dinnertime And Bedtime

Whatever you do, do not go to bed soon after finishing your dinner. Ideally, stay up for at least three to four hours after your last meal or snack. When you eat smaller meals throughout the day, you’ll be less inclined to eat a large meal for dinner. You can also make lunch your biggest meal of the day to reduce the size of your meal for dinner

Consider Medication

If you can avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin, that would be ideal. Choose acetaminophen when you need an over-the-counter pain reliever. You can also experiment with antacids to provide quick acid reflux relief. If symptoms persist, talk with your healthcare professional to develop a plan of action. 

Check Your Diet

Last, but certainly not least, you have the easiest way to correct symptoms. Besides eating smaller portions more frequently, it is best to avoid foods that cause problems when eaten too close to bedtime. Limit drinks that contain caffeine and avoid alcohol, in addition to avoiding highly acidic fruits and vegetables. The more acidic your meal, the more likely you are to experience acid reflux symptoms.


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5 Early Warning Signs Of Liver Damage https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-early-warning-signs-of-liver-damage/ Sat, 02 Nov 2024 08:58:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172851

Don’t ignore these early warning signs of liver damage! The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the bloodstream and so much more.


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The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is tasked with several important duties. It works to remove toxins, such as alcohol, from the bloodstream, regulates blood clotting, and aids with bile production. Much like most other organs and systems in the body, the liver is prone to damage based on certain lifestyle habits. The more damaged the liver is, the worse it functions. 

It’s estimated that liver disease affects 4.5 million adults in the United States. Liver disease is a broad term that encompasses different conditions, which impair healthy liver function. Liver conditions include liver cancer, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Sometimes, symptoms of an impaired liver happen immediately, but they can also take time to show up. Additionally, they usually don’t show up until there is significant liver damage

How do you know when something is wrong with the liver? How do you know what to do to address the problem? Hepatologists want you to know about the five most important warning signs of liver disease, and what to do if you notice them. 

Dark Urine, Even If You Are Hydrated

Usually, dark urine indicates dehydration, and it is quite common to see in the morning or after long periods without fluids. Dark urine is also typical for people with liver conditions. This is due to the buildup of bilirubin, which causes urine to appear dark orange, brown, or amber in color. If you regularly hydrate and still notice issues with urine color, something else is likely afoot, so consult your healthcare provider to determine the cause. 

Swelling In The Legs, Ankles, Or Abdomen

Swelling may not be the first thing you associate with the liver, but swelling in the legs and feet may indicate a problem in the body. This is especially true when you have cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. Cirrhosis basically slows the flow of blood through the liver and increases pressure in the vein that delivers blood to it. The pressure in the portal vein, as it is called, can lead to fluid buildup in the legs and abdomen. The swelling may also occur if the liver cannot produce enough of certain blood proteins, such as albumin. 

Yellowing Of The Skin Or Eyes

Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, can be a subtle sign of liver disease. Jaundice occurs when there is excess bilirubin, which is a pigment created during the breakdown of red blood cells. The liver typically processes bilirubin and removes it from the body, but too much can cause jaundice and other liver issues. High levels of bilirubin, however, are not always a concern for adults, which is why it is crucial to speak with your healthcare provider if you notice jaundice. 

You Bleed Or Bruise Easily

It is possible for people with liver damage to bruise or bleed easily when injured. The reason this happens is because the liver produces proteins necessary for blood clotting. If the liver is not functioning optimally, then you are at greater risk of bleeding or bruising easily.


It is perfectly normal to forget things from time to time. You walk out of the house without your lunch after just packing it, or you can’t find your sunglasses, which you put on your head. You should not ignore major changes in your mental state, though, as they may indicate liver problems or other underlying issues. A person who is generally healthy can develop acute liver failure, which can manifest in mental changes or disorientation, even personality changes. 

What To Do If You Think You Have Liver Damage

Do not dismiss liver issues, so do not dismiss these symptoms if you notice them. It is common for people to experience liver problems if they have type 2 diabetes, drink alcohol heavily or moderately, or share needles. It is also common to experience liver problems if there is a family history of liver disease. Discuss any liver damage symptoms with your doctor to determine the right course of action. Stool changes, appetite changes, and exhaustion are also symptoms of liver problems.


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Stop Eating These 3 Foods For Better Heart Health https://www.dherbs.com/articles/stop-eating-these-3-foods-for-better-heart-health/ Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:51:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172717

Cardiologists state that eliminating three foods from your diet can completely change your heart health for the better. Learn more here.


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In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. People of most racial and ethnic groups in the country are more likely to die from heart disease than other health conditions. You may know these statistics, but do not have a clear direction on what you can do to improve overall heart health. If you feel like that describes you, you are not alone. The good news is that you do not need to become a triathlete or make drastic dietary changes to do so. A few simple tweaks can have long-lasting effects. 

One of the easiest things you can do for your diet is eliminate, or strictly limit, your consumption of foods that are hard on your heart. Cardiologists and nutritionists encourage you to eliminate the following foods from your diet as soon as possible if you want to experience better heart health and function.

White Bread

When nutritionists talk about white bread, they are usually referring to Wonder Bread or similar products that you find in the grocery story. White bread has a high glycemic index and lacks the nutrients and fiber that you can commonly find in whole grain breads. Consumption of white bread can lead to insulin resistance, rapid blood sugar spikes, and weight gain, all of which increase the risk of heart disease. 

Refined carbohydrates increase the amount of circulating glucose and triglyceride levels in the blood. White bread does not contain healthy fiber, so you are left with pure sugar. When buying bread, though, do not just assume that wheat or whole grain options are automatically healthier options. Make sure to look at the ingredient list and read it thoroughly! When you look at the ingredients, you only want to see a short list, and you should recognize what they are. 


Bacon occupies a special place in the hearts of many, but experts agree that you should save bacon for special occasions (or eliminate it entirely) if you want to care for your heart. The processing of bacon can lead to adverse health effects on the heart, according to nutritionists. Bacon goes through a curing process with sodium nitrite, giving it a high sodium content that contributes to higher blood pressure. Additionally, the compounds that form when you cook bacon, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines (HCAs), lead to inflammation. These compounds can also damage blood vessels, which increases the risk of heart disease

Bacon is not the biggest offender, as many processed deli meats and red meats can also put strain on the heart. People who include a lot of red meat, especially processed meats, in their diets have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and mortality. The ingredients used to make those foods include sodium and nitrites. Bacon is rich in salt, cholesterol, saturated fat, heme iron, and HCAs, so avoid it if you can, and that goes for turkey bacon as well.

French Fries

Who doesn’t love a crispy French fry? Well, it is difficult to just eat one, so you probably end up eating five at a time. Unfortunately, enjoying handfuls of French fries is not conducive to heart health. The nutritional content of food changes when you fry it. Food loses water and absorbs fat, especially in the case of fries. Additionally, French fries are heavily seasoned with salt, and high sodium intake can increase the risk of high blood pressure. 

Researchers note that the regular consumption of fried food has been linked to an increase in obesity and coronary heart disease. That is primarily due to the high amounts of sodium, trans fats, and saturated fats. 

What Should You Eat Instead?

Now that you know which foods to avoid, you need to know which foods help enhance heart function. Nutritionists recommend that you increase your consumption of legumes, including lentils, chickpeas, and beans. The reason for that is because legumes contain a lot of fiber and help promote feelings of fullness. You can also make them in bulk!

If you can include flax seeds, chia seeds, and almonds in your diet, you should start doing that. All of those foods contain lignans, which exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity that support heart health by reducing oxidative stress. These compounds also work with other nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, and alpha-linolenic acid, to help improve cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and vascular health. You can also consume quinoa because it has been known to lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.


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Most Americans Have Diets That Increase Inflammation https://www.dherbs.com/articles/most-americans-have-diets-that-increase-inflammation/ Sun, 13 Oct 2024 09:37:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172632

This is not breaking news, but what you put in your body has a direct influence on your overall health. The same can be said for inflammatory markers in the body. It’s no secret that the Standard American Diet is not riddled with nutritionally dense foods. In fact, a new study confirmed that 57% of […]


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This is not breaking news, but what you put in your body has a direct influence on your overall health. The same can be said for inflammatory markers in the body. It’s no secret that the Standard American Diet is not riddled with nutritionally dense foods. In fact, a new study confirmed that 57% of American adults eat a pro-inflammatory diet. That means that about six in 10 adults regularly eat foods that increase inflammatory markers, which raises the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. 

In certain groups, such as Black Americans and men, inflammatory diets exist at much higher rates. The study’s findings indicated how often people consume pro-inflammatory foods. These foods include processed meats and refined grains, such as white bread. Study authors also highlighted barriers to eating an anti-inflammatory diet that certain groups faced. The study focused on the inflammatory diet scores of American adults from 2005 to 2018. They reported differences by age, race/ethnicity, education, sex, and income. Study authors noted a lot of differences in health conditions between those groups. 

What Is Inflammation and Which Foods Cause It?

It’s not a secret that short-term inflammation is a beneficial thing. Inflammation is part of the body’s healing and recovery process to an injury or virus. Long-term inflammation, or persistent inflammation, can damage the body on a cellular level, which can damage DNA. Health experts note that chronic inflammation is linked to various illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, autoimmune conditions, and neurodegenerative disorders. 

Chronic inflammation doesn’t just creep up out of nowhere. Researchers note that diet plays a big role in its development. There are foods that are definitely pro-inflammatory and there are foods that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Pro-inflammatory foods include hot dogs, unhealthy fats in red meat, refined flour, added sugars, artificial ingredients, preservatives, and excess sodium. Anything that is typically packaged and mass-produced may cause inflammation.

Inflammatory Foods In The American Diet

During this study, researchers wanted to find out how many inflammatory foods Americans routinely eat. The other goal was to determine which of these food groups contributed to the most inflammation. In order to do that, researchers looked at self-reported diets of nearly 60,000 Black, white, and Hispanic adults included in the 2005-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This program aims to assess the health and nutritional status of people in the U.S. Diets are scored using a metric called the energy-adjusted dietary inflammatory index. This measures the inflammatory potential of a diet. 

The measurement of dietary inflammation uses 45 food components, including nutrients, foods, compounds, and drinks. Each of these food items has a score of its pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory level. After looking at all of these foods in a person’s diet, the diet receives an overall inflammatory score. Researchers noted that 57% of the participants had pro-inflammatory diets. Non-Hispanic Black Americans, men, younger adults, and people with lower rates of education or income were more likely to consume more inflammatory foods than other groups. 

This study shows that certain groups have a harder time consuming anti-inflammatory foods. There is likely a twofold explanation for this. First off, you have people’s ability to both access and eat healthy foods. Secondly, there isn’t sufficient education about diet and how it affects the body, in addition to how to prepare healthy meals. The unfortunate reality is that people in certain demographics, especially younger adults in lower income brackets, are surrounded by fast food chains and convenience stores. These “food desserts” are less likely to have large grocery stores or different stores to choose from for specialty items. 

Can You Overcome This Barrier? 

In addition to healthy food scarcity, there is likely a financial barrier to eating more anti-inflammatory foods. Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables exhibit anti-inflammatory activity, but they are usually more expensive than fast foods or packaged foods. Additionally, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables have a shorter shelf life than other pro-inflammatory foods

One thing worth noting is that the study had some limitations. Researchers did not assess dietary patterns over time; rather, they only had information about what people consumed within the past 24 hours. Study authors also noted that dividing participants into race, sex, and socioeconomic status does not always reflect the complexity of these factors. 

How To Make Your Diet More Anti-Inflammatory

There are many ways to introduce more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet. Ideally, focus on consuming more foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, nuts, and salmon. You can also consume fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables. If your budget does not allow access to fresh fruits and vegetables, try to consume canned vegetables, but opt for low-sodium or sodium-free varieties. You can also make an effort to reduce your intake of processed meats, packaged foods, sugary sodas, and alcohol to help reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Just remember that some dietary changes are better than none!


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