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Pitaya is a great source of fiber, helps increase energy, and is naturally rich in magnesium. Learn about other benefits in this article.


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You have undoubtedly ordered, or at least heard of, an acai bowl. Although acai berries and bananas typically make up the base for these bowls, dragon fruit, also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, is another common base. Are pitaya and dragon fruit the same thing, though? We will cover all that and more in this article.

What Is Pitaya?

Pitaya, or dragon fruit, is a low-calorie tropical fruit that has a subtly sweet and somewhat neutral flavor. The fruit has a pink exterior with green leaves, but it can either have white or vibrantly pink flesh inside. The pink pitaya is slightly richer in flavor and nutrients and exhibits a flavor similar to that of an earthy watermelon, but the seeds give it the consistency of a kiwi.

First discovered in Central America hundreds of years ago, this vibrant, tropical fruit has expanded across the globe. According to historians, early missionaries brought pitaya to Asia, where it is commonly known as dragon fruit. It’s not just a pretty fruit, though. Continue reading to learn more about its health benefits

May Promote Gut Health

There are trillions of microorganisms that make up the gut microbiome. In various human and animal studies, imbalances in the gut have been linked to poor immune health and more serious problems, such as heart disease. Having a greater amount of beneficial bacteria in the gut positively impacts your overall health. 

Pitaya is a natural source of prebiotics, which work to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics, just like all fibers, are not broken down by the gut. The bacteria in the gut can’t digest them, so bacteria essentially use prebiotics as fuel for growth. Regular consumption of prebiotics and probiotics can help reduce the risk of gut disorders. That said, more research is necessary to determine the direct effects of pitaya on gut health. 

Great Source Of Fiber

Fiber is best known for its role in digestion, but many research studies indicate that it may benefit heart function and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Some preliminary research found that diets rich in fiber may help ward off colon cancer, but more research is still necessary in this field. It should be noted that there are no direct studies linking the consumption of pitaya to any of the aforementioned conditions. One cup of pitaya provides 5.6 grams (g) of fiber, which fulfills about one-fifth of the recommended daily intake (RDI). Generally speaking, the average adult should consume 25 to 30 g of fiber per day from food, not supplements.

May Prevent Against Chronic Disease

According to various studies, pitaya contains powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Betacyanins are the antioxidants that give pitaya its beautiful pink exterior. Studies confirm that these antioxidants work to reduce oxidative stress, or damage to cells, caused by an overabundance of free radicals in the body. The body produces free radicals when it breaks down food, or when you expose yourself to radiation, environmental pollution, or cigarette smoke. A buildup of these free radicals can accelerate cell aging and increase the risk of health problems, such as heart disease, arthritis, or cancer. 

The pink-fleshed pitaya contains phenolic compounds, which contribute to the taste, color, and health benefits. A 2021 report found that pitaya has the highest concentration of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity compared to white or yellow dragon fruits. Researchers believe that the microbiome shift caused by the prebiotics in pitaya may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Protection against other types of cancer may be attributed to the presence of phenolic acids, flavonoids, and other antioxidant compounds, but more research is necessary.

Encourages Healthy Blood Flow

By eating pitaya, you may help to improve overall blood flow throughout the body. It can’t be that simple, right? Not quite, unfortunately, but a small study of 18 younger, healthy people examined the effects of eating 24 g (just under an ounce) of pitaya powder daily, or a placebo. Researchers observed the outcomes that pitaya extract had on artery stiffness, blood pressure, and blood flow. All of these were measured one, two, three, and four hours after consumption, and after two weeks. 

The researchers found that those who consumed pitaya extract showed significant improvements in blood flow two, three, and four hours post consumption compared to the placebo group. Those results remained consistent even after the two-week period. Finally, researchers attribute these benefits to betalain, the plant’s red pigment.

May Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Even though pitaya contains natural sugar, eating it could actually help control your blood sugar levels. Research indicates that the antioxidant compounds in pitaya may help regenerate beta cells in the pancreas. These beta cells make and secrete insulin and amylin, two hormones that help regulate blood sugar levels. The anti-inflammatory properties of pitaya may also play a role in this, as inflammation is a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. 

A review from 2017 analyzed four previously published studies. The conclusion was that pitaya had a significant ability to help lower fasting blood sugar levels in people with prediabetes. Although these results were not observed in people with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar reduced significantly when people consumed larger portions of pitaya.


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Health Problems That Are Linked To Insufficient Sleep https://www.dherbs.com/articles/health-problems-that-are-linked-to-insufficient-sleep/ Wed, 18 Dec 2024 09:09:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=173187

Are you sleep deprived? Failure to get enough sleep can have serious long-term consequences to your overall health and well-being.


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Is there anything better than a good night’s sleep? You wake up in a good mood and when you sit up and get out of bed, it’s as though your body thanks you for that rest. Contrast to the mornings when you wake up after a minimal amount of sleep. You don’t feel like yourself and you usually see dark circles under your eyes. You feel sluggish and would give anything for a few more hours of sleep. 

Growing evidence indicates that sleep is necessary for maintaining long-term health. The body can typically handle a few nights with minimal sleep, but it is not sustainable over time. There will be a price you pay if you continually get insufficient sleep, according to health experts. In this article, we’ll detail some of the health problems linked to sleep deprivation.

Type 2 Diabetes

People who experience minimal sleep or poor quality sleep tend to have poorer blood sugar control, especially in people with diabetes. Additionally, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. In a group of middle-aged Caucasians, researchers observed a strong connection between poor sleep quality and metabolic syndrome, fasting blood duster levels, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, a precursor for type 2 diabetes. 

Kidney Issues

Unfortunately, the link between insufficient sleep and kidney health has not been as firmly established as the link between poor sleep and other health conditions. Researchers note that people with chronic kidney disease tend to have sleep disorders, including restless leg syndrome and insomnia related to their condition. Some evidence shows that poor sleep quality may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Researchers believe that the link could be related to disruptions to the circadian rhythm. 

Depression And Anxiety

According to research, people who have chronic insomnia have a higher rate of depression and anxiety. An estimated 40% of people with insomnia have clinical depression. The relationship between your mood and sleep is complex and bidirectional. That means that depression or anxiety can negatively impact sleep and lack of sleep can negatively affect your mood. Sleep experts consider insomnia to be an independent risk factor for developing mental health disorders, such as depression. You may need to address your sleep problems and anxiety or depression separately in order to improve your overall health. 

A Less Healthy Gut

The gut microbiome is a complex system of trillions of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Experts believe that the more diverse the microbiome, the better a person’s overall health is. Some studies suggest that altered sleep patterns, such as those consistent with night shift workers, may impact gut health. One study used Mendelian randomization, a method that looks at genetic variation to study the effects of different health variables. This study found that sleep issues may alter the abundance of bacteria in the gut. 

Hypertension, Stroke, And Heart Disease

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the smallest changes in sleep have been linked to heart issues. After the clocks change in March, there are 24% more heart attacks for the first three to four days. When the clocks “fall back” in November, the AHA estimates a 21% reduction in heart attacks because people gain an hour of sleep. Sleeping for five hours or less per night on a regular basis has been associated with a two to three times greater risk of coronary artery buildup. That decreases the flow of blood to your heart, so sleep deprivation may increase the risk of coronary artery disease. 

Reduced Immune Function

Sleep experts suggest that insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can harm immune function. Evidence shows that poor sleep increases your susceptibility to various infections and illnesses. Studies show that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are three times more likely to develop the common cold compared with people who get eight hours or more of sleep per night. 

Additional research states that insufficient sleep can make it more difficult for the body to produce disease-fighting antibodies, specifically after receiving flu, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines. Participants who only slept four hours per night in the days before and following vaccination developed lower levels of antibodies compared to those who had great sleep. 

Weight Gain

Unfortunately, there is a strong connection between sleep issues and being overweight or having obesity. Failure to get enough sleep every night can cause a hormonal imbalance, and these are the hormones that regulate appetite. Ghrelin makes you feel hungry and leptin helps you feel full. Leptin levels tend to rise during sleep, so the theory is that insufficient sleep causes a decrease in those levels. That makes you feel hungrier, which leads to unnecessary eating. Additionally, sleep disturbances of any kind can increase the production of ghrelin, which increases appetite. Studies suggest that insufficient sleep can make people burn 100 more calories per day. While that sounds wonderful, the extra wake time increases how much people eat or drink by more than 250 calories per day. Over time, that can cause people to gain weight.


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5 Early Warning Signs Of Liver Damage https://www.dherbs.com/articles/5-early-warning-signs-of-liver-damage/ Sat, 02 Nov 2024 08:58:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172851

Don’t ignore these early warning signs of liver damage! The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the bloodstream and so much more.


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The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is tasked with several important duties. It works to remove toxins, such as alcohol, from the bloodstream, regulates blood clotting, and aids with bile production. Much like most other organs and systems in the body, the liver is prone to damage based on certain lifestyle habits. The more damaged the liver is, the worse it functions. 

It’s estimated that liver disease affects 4.5 million adults in the United States. Liver disease is a broad term that encompasses different conditions, which impair healthy liver function. Liver conditions include liver cancer, hepatitis, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Sometimes, symptoms of an impaired liver happen immediately, but they can also take time to show up. Additionally, they usually don’t show up until there is significant liver damage

How do you know when something is wrong with the liver? How do you know what to do to address the problem? Hepatologists want you to know about the five most important warning signs of liver disease, and what to do if you notice them. 

Dark Urine, Even If You Are Hydrated

Usually, dark urine indicates dehydration, and it is quite common to see in the morning or after long periods without fluids. Dark urine is also typical for people with liver conditions. This is due to the buildup of bilirubin, which causes urine to appear dark orange, brown, or amber in color. If you regularly hydrate and still notice issues with urine color, something else is likely afoot, so consult your healthcare provider to determine the cause. 

Swelling In The Legs, Ankles, Or Abdomen

Swelling may not be the first thing you associate with the liver, but swelling in the legs and feet may indicate a problem in the body. This is especially true when you have cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. Cirrhosis basically slows the flow of blood through the liver and increases pressure in the vein that delivers blood to it. The pressure in the portal vein, as it is called, can lead to fluid buildup in the legs and abdomen. The swelling may also occur if the liver cannot produce enough of certain blood proteins, such as albumin. 

Yellowing Of The Skin Or Eyes

Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, can be a subtle sign of liver disease. Jaundice occurs when there is excess bilirubin, which is a pigment created during the breakdown of red blood cells. The liver typically processes bilirubin and removes it from the body, but too much can cause jaundice and other liver issues. High levels of bilirubin, however, are not always a concern for adults, which is why it is crucial to speak with your healthcare provider if you notice jaundice. 

You Bleed Or Bruise Easily

It is possible for people with liver damage to bruise or bleed easily when injured. The reason this happens is because the liver produces proteins necessary for blood clotting. If the liver is not functioning optimally, then you are at greater risk of bleeding or bruising easily.


It is perfectly normal to forget things from time to time. You walk out of the house without your lunch after just packing it, or you can’t find your sunglasses, which you put on your head. You should not ignore major changes in your mental state, though, as they may indicate liver problems or other underlying issues. A person who is generally healthy can develop acute liver failure, which can manifest in mental changes or disorientation, even personality changes. 

What To Do If You Think You Have Liver Damage

Do not dismiss liver issues, so do not dismiss these symptoms if you notice them. It is common for people to experience liver problems if they have type 2 diabetes, drink alcohol heavily or moderately, or share needles. It is also common to experience liver problems if there is a family history of liver disease. Discuss any liver damage symptoms with your doctor to determine the right course of action. Stool changes, appetite changes, and exhaustion are also symptoms of liver problems.


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These Common Habits Fuel Erectile Dysfunction https://www.dherbs.com/articles/these-common-habits-fuel-erectile-dysfunction/ Mon, 30 Sep 2024 09:02:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=172332

According to urologists, common behaviors can fuel erectile dysfunction. You may want to stop these habits to improve your sexual health.


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Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a normal part of having a penis, to put it bluntly. Sorry, folks, but these issues are part of manhood, especially as men age. Ongoing ED issues can interfere with your sex life, but they can also cause issues outside the bedroom. 

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. If you have trouble achieving an erection from time to time, you don’t need to worry or doom scroll different medical websites. If ED is an ongoing issue, though, it may cause stress and affect your self-confidence, two things that can create relationship problems. Underlying health conditions can also increase the risk of ED, so you may want to treat the conditions in order to remedy the ED problem.

In the past, health professionals thought that ED resulted from psychological causes. These days, experts say that ED is commonly caused by physical health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and vascular disease. Some prescription drugs, including antidepressants, blood pressure meds, and sedatives, can also cause ED. In some cases, a combination of physical and psychological factors may cause the issue. Below, we will highlight everyday habits that can worsen ED. You may not even know that you are causing the problem!

5 Common habits that fuel Erectile Dysfunction

1. Being sedentary

If you do not engage in regular physical activity, then you are at a higher risk for developing ED. Research indicates that regular aerobic exercise, such as swimming, cycling, or walking, can significantly improve ED. A 2023 study found that exercise can improve ED symptoms just as effectively as medications like Viagra. Just remember that ED can serve as a barometer for underlying cardiovascular health. Urologists suggest that you engage in aerobic exercise to improve cardiovascular health to positively influence erectile health and function.

2. Using marijuana

As of 2024, marijuana is legalized for recreational use in 24 states, plus the District of Columbia. People use it to help promote relaxation, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety. Although some people report that using cannabis increases libido and improves sexual performance, it may be harmful in the long run. According to researchers, THC, the active compound in cannabis, affects the brain’s neurotransmitters. Over time, that can disrupt the necessary signals to achieve an erection. Chronic marijuana use can also reduce testosterone levels, which can impair sexual performance and libido. In some individuals, marijuana can increase feelings of anxiety and paranoia, which can contribute to performance anxiety and worsen ED. 

3. Insufficient sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, cortisol levels can increase and testosterone levels can decrease. How significant that decrease is will depend on how sleep-deprived you are. Higher cortisol levels can increase levels of stress and anxiety, in addition to weight gain, moodiness, and mental performance. If you do not regularly get enough sleep, you may experience fatigue and a reduced interest in sexual activity. That lack of interest can worsen sexual dysfunction, both of which feed off each other. Urologists note that men who do not sleep enough may not produce sufficient signal from the pituitary gland, and ultimately suffer from low testosterone and ED.

4. Drinking too much alcohol

Health experts note that a drink or two here and there will most likely not have a big impact on sexual health. Excessive alcohol intake, however, can lead to ED problems in the short- and long-term. Alcohol is a depressant that can interfere with the brain’s ability to send the right signals that trigger an erection. Heavy drinking can also reduce testosterone levels, which are integral for optimal sexual function. Additionally, chronic alcohol use can worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can negatively impact sexual health.

5. Smoking

In case you needed another reason to stop smoking cigarettes, this is it. Smoking can damage blood vessels, which reduces blood flow through the body, including to the penis. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, limiting the circulation necessary for an erection. Long-term smoking can also lead to permanent vascular damage, making erections much more difficult to achieve. Finally, smoking increases the risk of developing other health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, all of which can cause ED. In fact, men who smoke cigarettes are almost two times as likely to develop ED compared to men who don’t smoke.


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Experts Suggest Nearly 50% Of Dementia Cases Could Be Delayed https://www.dherbs.com/articles/experts-suggest-nearly-50-of-dementia-cases-could-be-delayed/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:22:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171173

High levels of bad cholesterol and vision loss join the list or existing preventable risk factors that could delay 50% of dementia cases.


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A new report suggests that nearly 50% of dementia cases could be prevented by addressing 14 preventable risk factors. Recently, high cholesterol and vision loss have been added to the list of modifiable risk factors for dementia. Taking care of your physical health and engaging in mentally stimulating activities during midlife can reduce your risk of dementia. Continue reading to learn more about the new report. 

This new report, which was written by 27 of the world’s leading dementia specialists, urges health officials to take action to reduce preventable risks of dementia. Some people will undoubtedly develop dementia, but addressing risk factors earlier in life may help them live a longer, healthier life. It may even help them delay development of the cognitive illness. It is never too early to take action, especially when these opportunities can make a big impact on your life

Preventing Physical Threats To Mental Acuity

According to the new report, there are 14 modifiable risk factors for dementia, which are:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Exposure to air pollution
  • Vision loss
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • High LDL cholesterol levels
  • Social isolation
  • Physical inactivity
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Lower education
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Hearing loss

Physical risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, and diabetes may increase the risk of narrowed or blocked arteries. By decreasing blood flow to the brain and brain cells, you increase the risk of cognitive decline. The brain and its cells require a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen to function optimally. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of heart disease and cause brain cells to die because of the toxins. And finally, a traumatic brain injury can disrupt mental capabilities and how the brain functions. 

High Cholesterol And Vision Loss Contribute To Dementia Risk

The new guidelines added high cholesterol and vision loss in midlife (about age 40) to the list of preventable risk factors. According to researchers, 7% of dementia cases stem from high levels of LDL, or bad, cholesterol. That is because LDL cholesterol buildup can narrow the arteries and reduce blood supply to the brain. 

2020 was the last time this list was updated and available evidence indicated LDL cholesterol as a possible risk factor. At that point, evidence about it being a risk factor for dementia was inconclusive. Since then, however, compelling evidence indicates that LDL cholesterol increases the risk of developing cognitive decline. Additionally, vision loss was also a recent update. Hearing loss was already on the list, and it seems consistent that a decline in sensory functions can lead to confusion and problems processing information. In fact 2% of dementia cases were attributed to untreated vision loss later in life. 

How to Reduce Dementia Risks

People can take preventative steps to delay mental decline at any age. The longer you expose yourself to risk factors, the more harmful they are to overall cognition. Developing healthier habits during early life and midlife can form a strong base for behaviors later in life. Getting regular exercise and following a healthy diet can decrease your risk for some of the risk factors of dementia. Health experts have several suggestions that can help people keep the dangers of cognitive decline at bay, and they include:

  • Making screenings and treatments for vision impairment accessible for all
  • Treating depression effectively
  • Providing all children with quality education and ensuring that they are cognitively active in midlife
  • Prioritizing supportive community environments and housing to increase social contact
  • Reducing the sugar and salt content in food sold in stores and restaurants
  • Wearing helmets and head protection in contact sports and while riding bikes or skateboards
  • Expanding measures to reduce smoking and increasing the minimum age of purchase
  • Detecting and treating high LDL cholesterol in midlife
  • Making hearing aids available for those with hearing loss
  • Reducing exposure to air pollution via stricter clean air policies


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A New Study States Which Antidepressants Cause Weight Gain https://www.dherbs.com/articles/a-new-study-states-which-antidepressants-cause-weight-gain/ Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:03:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=171066

Antidepressants can reduce feelings of depression, but they can also cause excessive weight gain, which is a common side effect.


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It is no secret that antidepressants can cause weight gain, which is one reason people want to avoid them. A recent study highlighted exactly which antidepressants are more likely than others to increase body weight. Researchers examined the electronic health records of more than 183,000 people (aged 18 to 80) in the United States taking antidepressants for the first time. The team tracked overall weight for 24 months. 

Researchers compared various drugs to Zoloft, the most readily prescribed antidepressant among study participants. After six months, Zoloft users gained half a pound, and people taking Prozac experienced similar weight gain. Those prescribed Cymbalta, Paxil, and Celexa gained a little more on average. Lexapro users experienced the most weight gain of 1.4 pounds at the six-month mark. That number increased to 3.6 pounds after 24 months. Although people taking Wellbutrin did not experience weight gain at six months, they did gain a pound after 24 months. 

Researchers suggest that people who experience unwanted weight gain as a side effect of taking antidepressant are less likely to continue taking medication. That is why study authors wanted to compare weight gain across first-line antidepressants. Understanding this may help inform clinicians to make the best decisions for the overall health of their patients. 

Why Is Weight Gain A Common Side Effect?

The exact mechanism for weight gain is not fully understood, and it wasn’t explored in the study. Some researchers suspect a few reasons as to why antidepressants may cause some people to gain weight. Health experts believe that it has to do with an increase in serotonin, the chemical that plays a role in overall mood. 

Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, and Celexa all raise serotonin levels. Similarly histamine receptors, such as tricyclic antidepressants, raise serotonin levels. Increasing serotonin can enhance a person’s appetite and cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. Additionally, some research suggests that certain antidepressants can change metabolism by slowing metabolic rate. They may also influence insulin, make people sluggish and lazy, and promote fat storage. 

It is possible for some people to lose weight once they get off antidepressants, but that isn’t feasible for everyone. Some changes that result from taking antidepressants take a long time to wear off, for example, metabolic changes. The extent of weight loss after you discontinue antidepressants can vary depending on medication use, metabolic changes, and overall lifestyle. 

Balancing Weight Gain With Other Factors

According to health experts, weight gain is a factor to consider when deciding on an antidepressant. Not only can weight gain increase feelings of depression, but it can also exacerbate underlying medical conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension. Someone who is depressed may also feel overwhelmed by having to manage weight, in addition to their mental health. For this reason, clinicians need to be careful about addressing these concerns prior to prescribing antidepressants. 

Each class of antidepressants works differently, so medical professionals should consider a person’s symptoms and medical history. People with a history of seizures, eating disorders, or those who abruptly quit alcohol or sedatives should not take Wellbutrin. The reason for that is because it can increase the risk of seizures and cause other symptoms, including anxiety, insomnia, and risk of hypertension.

The good news is that antidepressants aren’t necessary for everyone. There are various actions a person can take to reduce symptoms of depression, with therapy being a great one. The main thing that mental health experts want is for people to take action. If you are struggling with depression, do not avoid mental health treatment options, especially if the fear is weight gain. There are many methods to treat depression, and medication isn’t always the answer. Additionally, it may not be the answer for you. Do your research and talk to your healthcare professionals to see what the right option is for you if you have depression.


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Seemingly Harmless Habits That Prematurely Age The Brain https://www.dherbs.com/articles/seemingly-harmless-habits-that-prematurely-age-the-brain/ Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:01:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170731

Just like the body, the brain changes as you age. Habits that may seem harmless may actually be hurting your brain health in the long run.


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The older you get, the more difficult it is to remember information. Which restaurant did you eat at last week for lunch with your friend, James? Better yet, where are your car keys that you just had in your hand 40 minutes ago? Remembering such things becomes more difficult with age, and it also takes longer to learn something new. 

Although brain aging is a natural part of life, there are many things you can do or not do to keep your brain healthy. Are there foods that contain nutrients that can boost brain health? Absolutely, but you don’t have to immediately transform your diet to encourage brain health as a jumping off point. You can help prevent your brain from aging prematurely by assessing your daily habits. 

Health experts agree that most people engage in seemingly harmless everyday habits that can prematurely age the brain. What are these habits and what can you do instead? Continue reading to learn about the mistakes you need to correct. 

You Dismiss Chronic Stress 

Stress is a natural part of life and the body can quickly recover from acute stress that results from a specific situation. Problems arise when you do not address chronic stress that you carry around. People are excellent at keeping the stress response on all day, at least at a moderate level they may not even notice. Psychiatrists state that people can carry around unconscious stress even when nothing stressful is happening. 

Ideally, you recognize stress and find ways to release it throughout the day. You can engage in stretching, mindful meditation, or exercise to help reduce stress. It can be helpful to create short-term states of acute stress to help relieve chronic stress. For example, jump in a cold shower or cold plunge, sit in a hot sauna, or engage in high-intensity interval training. You will be stressed during the activity, but the activity leads to relaxation and better quality sleep later on.

You Aim For Enough Sleep, But The Quality Isn’t Good

You may aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but it means nothing if the quality of sleep is poor. You probably know that you feel tired in the morning if you tossed and turned all night. Both the quantity and quality of sleep are integral for optimal brain health. While you are asleep, the brain sorts out memories of the day and places them in the right place to access in the future. The brain also cleans beta-amyloid, the protein that wreaks havoc on the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, during sleep. That process is interrupted if you don’t sleep enough or if you sleep poorly. To improve the quality of sleep, set a consistent bedtime, minimize alcohol intake, reduce fluid intake before bed, and avoid screens at least one hour before bed.

You Don’t Get Enough Social Interaction

Whether you have a new baby, you work remotely, or you are retiring, many situations in life can make it difficult to be social. Regular in-person interactions are necessary for your brain to thrive, but online interactions can be helpful as well. When you meet someone new, the brain forms a new connection between cells. Having a strong social network has been proven to improve mood, which coincidentally improves the health of the brain. If you are isolated and lack community, be that in-person or online, you may age the brain more quickly than you would like. Keep yourself engaged with people!

You Rely On Takeout Too Much

How common is it for someone to have a regular job and a side hustle? Whether you jump from job to job or have kids to care for, business can make eating at home very difficult. To save time, you eat out, and those food choices aren’t always the best. Fast food, for example, contains lots of saturated fats, added sugars, and highly processed ingredients. Studies confirm that diets high in these types of foods increase the risk of dementia. Other studies suggest that these foods lead to conditions, such as obesity or diabetes, that negatively affect brain health. For example, uncontrolled diabetes can cause the brain to shrink! 

You Don’t Engage In Regular Physical Activity

Are you familiar with the brain-boosting benefits of exercise? According to studies, regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular movements, are necessary to keep the brain young. Exercise can increase growth hormones in the brain, including nerve factors that improve brain wellness and function. Beyond working out, you can incorporate other things that count as “being active.” Gardening, hiking, swimming at the beach, or even cleaning can do more good than you realize. Not to mention, these are sustainable things that seem more feasible than going to the gym for an hour three times per week.


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What’s The Link Between Cholesterol And Inflammation? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/whats-the-link-between-cholesterol-and-inflammation/ Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:13:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170635

When cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can trigger inflammation, which can affects how the body breaks down lipids.


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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), two in five adults in the United States have elevated total blood cholesterol levels. One in 17 adults in the United States has high LDL cholesterol, with one in 48 adults having very high LDL cholesterol. That said, the prevalence of high cholesterol dropped 12.4% from 1999 to 2020. That figure represents about 21.5 million adults, which is a substantial amount.

When you have too much cholesterol in your arteries, it can build up as plaque on the arterial walls. That causes arteries to narrow, which makes it more difficult for blood to flow through them. That increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. Because inflammation is the body’s natural response to what it believes is harmful, it can interpret cholesterol as a problem. That can change the health of your arteries, making it more likely that cholesterol will cause problems. 

Does Cholesterol Affect Inflammation?

As previously mentioned, inflammation can cause changes to existing cholesterol in the arteries. Previous research linked inflammation to lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels. HDL cholesterol works to protect the heart by reducing the buildup of cholesterol in the blood. If you have low HDL levels, you may be at an increased risk for heart disease because cholesterol is more likely to cause plaque deposits. 

Inflammation also causes LDL (bad) cholesterol molecules to become more dense. Those turn into plaque deposits more easily. Additionally, inflammation can elevate triglycerides, another type of fat found in the blood. Just like high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels increase the risk of heart disease. 

Traditionally, people with high cholesterol or high triglyceride levels have directed their efforts to reducing those levels to decrease the risk of heart disease. New research indicates that finding ways to reduce inflammation may have more of an impact. 

Autoimmune Diseases And High Cholesterol

Autoimmune diseases are a group of health conditions that result from an abnormal immune response. Basically, the inflammatory does not turn off and causes damage. For example, the immune system mistakenly attacks health organs, tissues, or cells, weakening certain functions or abilities. Inflammation that results from autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, can be systemic. That means that it affects many bodily systems, including circulation and metabolism. Both of those factors can cause plaque to build up more easily in arterial walls. 

How Can You Lower Inflammation And Cholesterol?

Many experts encourage people to follow the Mediterranean diet to help reduce the risk of heart disease. This diet includes a lot of foods that contain antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which may assist your inflammation-reducing efforts. Research indicates that the Mediterranean diet is also linked to lower inflammatory markers in the body. The Mediterranean diet includes:

  • Beans and lentils
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Small amounts of eggs, poultry, and dairy products
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy fats from avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fish

Managing or preventing heart disease may also involve managing other risk factors for heart disease. You can take the following steps to help reduce risk factors: 

  • Monitor blood pressure and manage as needed
  • Stay active, aiming to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week
  • Manage stress, engaging in meditation, yoga, deep breathing, etc.
  • Regulate blood sugar if you have diabetes or prediabetes
  • Get sufficient sleep every night

The Takeaway

Both inflammation and cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, several studies indicate that inflammation may be the main driving force of heart disease. If you take steps to both manage your cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation, you may reduce the risk of heart disease. Just remember that managing your cholesterol may not always be enough. You have to actively manage other risk factors as well, such as inflammation.


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The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Chickpeas https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-top-5-health-benefits-of-chickpeas/ Wed, 15 May 2024 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170512

Chickpeas have a low glycemic index and offer lots of protein, fiber, fats, and other health benefits, such as regulating blood sugar.


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Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, have a long history of use in Middle Eastern countries. They have a nutty taste that pairs well with numerous ingredients and dishes. Chickpeas are technically a type of pulses, which are the dried, edible seeds of plants in the legume family. Although there are many types of garbanzo beans, the most common is the Kabuli variety, which exhibits a smooth texture and buttery flavor. This is the most common variety in the United States. 

Chickpeas contain a moderate amount of calories at 269 per cup. Roughly 67% of those calories come from complex carbohydrates, while the rest come from protein and healthy fats. They also provide different vitamins and minerals, some of which are listed in the following nutritional profile, which is from a one-cup serving of cooked chickpeas:

  • Calories: 269
  • Fat: 4 grams (g)
  • Protein: 14.5 g
  • Fiber: 12.5 g
  • Carbs: 45 g
  • Copper: 64% of the daily value (DV)
  • Iron: 26% of the DV
  • Manganese: 74% of the DV
  • Zinc: 23% of the DV
  • Thiamine: 16% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 22% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the DV
  • Selenium: 11% of the DV
  • Potassium: 10% of the DV

As you can see, chickpeas contain an array of nutrients and are particularly rich in manganese, folate, and protein. Learn more about their health benefits below. 

They May Protect Heart Health

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Your risk increases if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or high blood sugar. By adding more fiber-rich foods to your diet, you can help care for your heart. Fiber works to lower cholesterol by decreasing cholesterol absorption by the body. It also helps you increase the excretion cholesterol via stool. Chickpeas also contain phytonutrients, including isoflavones and saponins, which have heart-protective properties. Research shows that isoflavones protect against high blood lipid levels and plaque buildup in the arteries. Saponins bind to cholesterol and inhibit its absorption by the digestive system, which ultimately lowers blood cholesterol levels. 

They Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Chickpeas have a low glycemic index (GI), which is a marker for how quickly blood sugar rises after eating food. Most diets that promote blood sugar management include chickpeas for this reason. Chickpeas also contain fiber and protein, both of which may help regulate blood sugar levels. Fiber slows the absorption of carbs, promoting a steady rise in blood sugar instead of a spike. One small study found that eating 1.25 cups of chickpeas suppressed post-meal increases in blood sugar by 35% compared to eating 2 slices of white bread. Other studies associated chickpea intake with a reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. 

They May Support Healthy Body Weight

As previously mentioned, chickpeas contain a lot of fiber and protein, two nutrients that play a role in satiety. These nutrients slow digestion and increase glucagon-like cholecystokinin and peptide-1, both of which help you feel fuller after eating. Choosing foods, like chickpeas, that are richer in fiber and protein can help you eat fewer calories, which is good news for your waistline. Studies show that eating chickpeas can reduce appetite and help you eat fewer calories per day. A small study from 2017 included 12 women and compared a serving of white bread to 200 grams of chickpeas. Study authors observed that the women consumed 194 fewer calories at their next meal, which was two hours later, after consuming the chickpeas.

They May Support Brain Health

Chickpeas contain choline, which plays a role in brain function. This nutrient is necessary for the production of certain neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers for your body’s nerve cells. Although choline is vital for infants, its role in adult health is not well researched. Research shows that magnesium, selenium, and zinc, all of which are in chickpeas, protect against anxiety and depression. 

They May Boost Digestive Health

The fiber in chickpeas is mostly soluble, meaning it blends with water to form a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. Not only does soluble fiber make it easier to pass stool, but it also helps increase the beneficial bacteria in the gut. That may reduce the risk of certain digestive conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and colon cancer. Lastly, one review found that chickpeas may support digestive health by improving the ease, consistency, and frequency of bowel movements.


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6 Beverage Dos And Don’ts For Diabetics https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-beverage-dos-and-donts-for-diabetics/ Thu, 09 May 2024 09:31:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170485

Diabetics should stay hydrated and refreshed with healthy drink choices and skip the drinks that cause blood sugar levels to spike.


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If you have type 2 diabetes, monitoring what you drink is just as important as what you eat. A single drink can affect your blood sugar more than you realize. For example, think of the sugar content in a can of cola or sweetened juice. Drinks with carbohydrates (sugar) affect blood sugar more than zero-carb, zero-sugar drinks. Ultimately, any liquid with carbohydrates will digest faster than something you have to chew. 

Having type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to avoid every single beverage. Taking sugary drinks, such as regular soda, sweet tea, and some juices, off the table and replacing them for low-sugar or sugar-free options is much better. That isn’t to say that you should replace those drinks with diet beverages, as those contain copious amounts of aspartame and other unhealthy artificial sweeteners that lead to other health complications

If you enjoy bottled drinks, how do you stay hydrated if you have to avoid so many beverages? Most people have an aversion to water, despite the fact that it is the most important liquid to consume. It keeps you alive and helps your body function optimally. Besides water, consider the following drinking dos and don’ts if you have diabetes. 

Don’t Drink Sugar-Sweetened Sodas Or Teas

They are very tempting to drink, but they wreck your body in so many ways. According to one study, middle-aged adults who drank more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 46% higher risk of developing prediabetes than people who did not drink those beverages. An earlier study found that people who consumed just two sugar-sweetened sodas or juices per week increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That was even truer if they gained more than six pounds over a five-year period. Get in the habit of consuming water or unsweetened teas because a typical 12-ounce can of soda contains about 38.5 grams of sugar.

Drink Unsweetened Coffee And Tea (In Small Amounts)

Diabetics can enjoy tea or coffee (hot or iced) in moderation. It’s best to enjoy them unsweetened, although you may use monk fruit sweetener or stevia to aid the flavor. Just don’t go overboard with these natural low-calorie sweeteners. If you add milk, cream, or creamer to your coffee or tea, make sure to look at the ingredient label. Coffee creamers are very dangerous, especially because some people use more creamer than coffee! Adding organic cream isn’t the worst thing for you, but sugary hazelnut, vanilla, or caramel creamers won’t do you any good. If you want to drink iced tea, consider adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice to add more depth of flavor. Green tea, in particular, may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to research. 

Don’t Drink Energy Drinks

Energy drinks, or other canned caffeinated beverages, typically contain an ungodly amount of sugar, which is where most of the energy comes from. All of that sugar, in addition to the caffeine, can disturb your heart rhythm, increase heart rate, and lead to high blood pressure. One 8.4-ounce Red Bull energy drink contains more than 26 grams of sugar and 75 milligrams of caffeine. Even the sugar-free version has the same amount of caffeine. Don’t rely on liquid energy to keep you going! Fight that fatigue in other ways, for example, by getting quality sleep every night or engaging in regular exercise. And if you need a little energy boost, consider healthy options like unsweetened tea or coffee. 

Drink Plain Water

We shouldn’t have to tell you to drink plain water, but so many people add powders or liquid flavors to water these days. Some people just don’t like the taste of water! Water is neutral, so it doesn’t raise or lower your blood sugar. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and helps dilute your blood, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If you want to add a little more flavor and pizzazz to your water, consider adding fresh fruit and herbs to make detox waters

Don’t Drink Sports Drinks

A lot of people drink nuclear-colored sports drinks on the regular because they think they are healthy. That is 100% false, unless the person is a super endurance athlete and burns calories quicker than they can consume them. A eight-ounce serving of Powerade, for example, nets about 19 grams of carbs, which doesn’t account for the entire bottle. Dietitians only recommend these sports drinks to endurance athletes, who go through strenuous workouts and need the salt and nutrient replenishment. Water will keep you hydrated if you engage in moderate-intensity exercise, and it won’t spike your blood sugar either. 

Drink Tomato Juice Instead Of Sugary Fruit Juice

Do you enjoy drinking juice? Well, it’s best to avoid sugary fruit juices if you have diabetes and opt for smaller portions of vegetable juices instead. 100% tomato juice that doesn’t contain added salt or sugar can provide impressive health benefits. If you drink 1.5 cups of pure tomato juice daily for a month, you may reduce inflammatory markers. Tomato juice has about 10 grams of carbs per cup, so just keep that in mind. It’s better to eat whole fruits and vegetables because it takes quite a lot of them to make fresh juice. Eating a whole tomato per day may reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. 


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