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Bring a little light back into your life after the holidays are over. Here are several tips to help lift you out of your post-holiday blues.


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For a lot of people, the hype of the holidays can bring a lot of excitement, joy, and lots of nostalgia. For others, the holiday season can bring up past trauma, estranged relationships, and feelings of loneliness. Even if that isn’t the case, the holidays are like an emotional rollercoaster. You go from intense levels of holiday activities to very low energy, which can seem like peace, but the emotional result is often depression.

What Are The Post-Holiday Blues?

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the holiday blues are characterized by feelings of anxiety and stress that stem from a variety of reasons. A 2015 survey found that about 64% of people reported that they experienced the post-holiday blues. Financial stress, an inability to make it home for the holidays, and the emotional whirlwind of emotions after the holidays finish can all cause bouts of depression. Plus, seasonal depression is more common than you think, with about 14% of American adults experiencing the winter blues. 

If you are dealing with feelings of stress or depression, please understand that you are not alone. There are many ways to manage your symptoms and get the help you need. The post-holiday blues can affect people who may or may not be dealing with depression already. The following signs are common indicators of post-holiday blues:

  • Activities are more difficult than normal
  • Difficulty getting out of bed or struggling to make food
  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Losing interest in things that used to bring you joy

Don’t let the post-holiday blues control your life. Take action and manage your mental health, working through your feelings to start anew. We hope that the following tips help you beat the post-holiday blues. 

Get Out Of The House

Cut the atmosphere of being in a house that doesn’t have any holiday activities or aromas by getting out of your home. Even on a gray or snowy day, step outside to raise your energy levels. If it is really cold where you are, make sure to bundle up so as not to freeze. You can combine your outing by meeting a friend at a local coffee shop. Consider chatting with the cashier at the grocery store, the mail carrier, or even the gas station attendant. Getting out of your house is a great way to interrupt the winter blues. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking and the holidays seem to be quite synonymous, especially during holiday celebrations. The intake of libations tends to continue long after the celebrations come to a close, though. Because alcohol is a depressant, it can only enhance feelings of sadness, especially if you are alone. Drinking to excess can affect your mood and amplify any negative feelings, even if you push them down deep. Avoid alcohol if you can and consider doing something productive, like taking down decorations, getting rid of old clothes, or volunteer at a local shelter to help out those in need.

Talk To Someone Verbally

It’s easy to send a text, direct message, or email, but it means so much more when you communicate verbally. Think about someone that you enjoy being around or care about and call that person on the phone. Rather than complaining about your mood, ask them how they are doing. What was the best part of their holiday weekend, or where did they have the most fun? If you feel that someone may not answer their phone, you can send a text saying that you want to chat for a few minutes. 

Reread Greeting Cards

Greeting cards, or holiday cards, are not as common as they used to be, but people still send them and they can bring a smile to your face. We aren’t going to lie: some greeting cards are bland and boring. For every few bad greeting cards, you get a great one that you hopefully save. When the holidays are over, bust out the greeting cards to reread them and figure out which ones are your favorites. Don’t ruminate in your depression when you can easily brighten your spirits by reading words from a friend, family member, or loved one. 

Slide Out Of The Holidays

If you are going to sit on the couch and watch TV or do another activity, make sure that it is not holiday-related. It may not seem likely, but you can easily go down the rabbit hole of what you just lost. Take care of your mental health by taking your mind off the holidays and directing your gaze toward the new year. There are many things to do to wrap up the year! Consider getting a head start on your health goals, or start cleaning to have a neat and tidy home for New Year’s Day.


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Get Healthy In 2025 With These Resolution Tips Fri, 27 Dec 2024 09:18:00 +0000

With 2025 knocking at the door, many people are setting goals to get healthy. To help you on your journey, use these resolution tips.


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Who is setting goals to get healthy in the upcoming year? Weight loss and eating better are two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, most likely because people eat all sorts of sweets and treats during the holiday season. They want to hit the reset button on their health and get healthy. What does “getting healthy” actually mean, though? 

We believe that getting healthy applies to everything related to physical, mental, and emotional health. Improving your health can mean eating more balanced meals, getting therapy, establishing a better sleep schedule, etc. Having the right tools ahead of time can help better prepare you to take on the challenge when the New Year arrives. That’s where the tips in this article come in. If your resolution applies to any of the following ones, we hope the information is helpful to you. 

If Your Resolution Is To Start Moving

As busy as people are during the holidays, it’s very common to slow down during this time in regards to fitness. Since a lot of people have the resolution to start moving in the new year, they decide to let their workout regimen slide. You don’t have to be a pro athlete to benefit from exercise, though. Physical activity is beneficial for everyone, even 10 to 15 minutes of movement per day. You can start with a short walk on your lunch break, or a 20-minute yoga session when you get up in the morning. Cultivating patience and consistency will set you up for long-lasting success. 

If Your Resolution Is To Improve Mental Health

Committing to improve your mental health is a noble goal, one that can take a lot of work and determination. How you go about improving your mental health depends on your situation and if you currently deal with a mental health disorder. Mental health coaching may benefit one person, while therapy is the right path for someone else. A good therapist, however, can help you learn how to deal with stress, heal after the loss of a loved one, or manage symptoms of depression or anxiety. There are so many avenues to seek therapy, so don’t be afraid to explore them all, including the apps!

If Your Resolution Is To Prioritize Relationships

Looking to make more time for your partner in 2025? It could be as simple as talking to them more often. According to several studies, couples who spend more time talking to each other have a higher rate of relationship satisfaction. You can engage in a “listening night,” during which you each take about 10 to 15 minutes to talk while the other person listens. It can sometimes be difficult to find time to talk and listen, especially if you have kids. Sometimes, you need a little outside support in the form of a couples therapy section. There are many options, so don’t be afraid to explore what’s out there. 

If Your Resolution Is To Cook More

A lot of people cannot justify going to the grocery store, spending money on food, and then taking the time to cook. Given that there are so many meal service kits and food delivery apps, it’s common for people to order food a couple times per day. Cooking at home has been associated with better diet quality, though. The first step to cooking more is to delete your food delivery app(s). Additionally, do not accompany your desire to cook more at home with a highly restrictive diet. Your plan should be to build sustainable, long-lasting habits by emphasizing what you enjoy. Make it a point to include colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, and whole grains in your diet to help nourish your body. Not only does this approach foster balance, but also consistency and satisfaction.

If Your Resolution Is To Grow Fresh Food

Gardening can have powerful effects on your mental health and overall mood. It can also provide a sense of purpose and is a relaxing hobby. Research shows that growing your own food can lead to an increase of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables in your diet. The increased availability and emotional attachment to the plants, plus a sense of pride and accomplishment are just a few of the reasons for this. If the weather permits, we encourage you to garden outdoors, as being in the sun and can increase vitamin D absorption and improve overall well-being. Digging and raking can also restore dexterity and strength, while also providing aerobic benefits. Essentially, growing your own food is one of the coolest things you can do as a resolution. The success comes in the form of deliciousness!


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Health Problems That Are Linked To Insufficient Sleep Wed, 18 Dec 2024 09:09:00 +0000

Are you sleep deprived? Failure to get enough sleep can have serious long-term consequences to your overall health and well-being.


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Is there anything better than a good night’s sleep? You wake up in a good mood and when you sit up and get out of bed, it’s as though your body thanks you for that rest. Contrast to the mornings when you wake up after a minimal amount of sleep. You don’t feel like yourself and you usually see dark circles under your eyes. You feel sluggish and would give anything for a few more hours of sleep. 

Growing evidence indicates that sleep is necessary for maintaining long-term health. The body can typically handle a few nights with minimal sleep, but it is not sustainable over time. There will be a price you pay if you continually get insufficient sleep, according to health experts. In this article, we’ll detail some of the health problems linked to sleep deprivation.

Type 2 Diabetes

People who experience minimal sleep or poor quality sleep tend to have poorer blood sugar control, especially in people with diabetes. Additionally, sleep deprivation can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to some studies. In a group of middle-aged Caucasians, researchers observed a strong connection between poor sleep quality and metabolic syndrome, fasting blood duster levels, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, a precursor for type 2 diabetes. 

Kidney Issues

Unfortunately, the link between insufficient sleep and kidney health has not been as firmly established as the link between poor sleep and other health conditions. Researchers note that people with chronic kidney disease tend to have sleep disorders, including restless leg syndrome and insomnia related to their condition. Some evidence shows that poor sleep quality may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Researchers believe that the link could be related to disruptions to the circadian rhythm. 

Depression And Anxiety

According to research, people who have chronic insomnia have a higher rate of depression and anxiety. An estimated 40% of people with insomnia have clinical depression. The relationship between your mood and sleep is complex and bidirectional. That means that depression or anxiety can negatively impact sleep and lack of sleep can negatively affect your mood. Sleep experts consider insomnia to be an independent risk factor for developing mental health disorders, such as depression. You may need to address your sleep problems and anxiety or depression separately in order to improve your overall health. 

A Less Healthy Gut

The gut microbiome is a complex system of trillions of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Experts believe that the more diverse the microbiome, the better a person’s overall health is. Some studies suggest that altered sleep patterns, such as those consistent with night shift workers, may impact gut health. One study used Mendelian randomization, a method that looks at genetic variation to study the effects of different health variables. This study found that sleep issues may alter the abundance of bacteria in the gut. 

Hypertension, Stroke, And Heart Disease

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the smallest changes in sleep have been linked to heart issues. After the clocks change in March, there are 24% more heart attacks for the first three to four days. When the clocks “fall back” in November, the AHA estimates a 21% reduction in heart attacks because people gain an hour of sleep. Sleeping for five hours or less per night on a regular basis has been associated with a two to three times greater risk of coronary artery buildup. That decreases the flow of blood to your heart, so sleep deprivation may increase the risk of coronary artery disease. 

Reduced Immune Function

Sleep experts suggest that insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can harm immune function. Evidence shows that poor sleep increases your susceptibility to various infections and illnesses. Studies show that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are three times more likely to develop the common cold compared with people who get eight hours or more of sleep per night. 

Additional research states that insufficient sleep can make it more difficult for the body to produce disease-fighting antibodies, specifically after receiving flu, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines. Participants who only slept four hours per night in the days before and following vaccination developed lower levels of antibodies compared to those who had great sleep. 

Weight Gain

Unfortunately, there is a strong connection between sleep issues and being overweight or having obesity. Failure to get enough sleep every night can cause a hormonal imbalance, and these are the hormones that regulate appetite. Ghrelin makes you feel hungry and leptin helps you feel full. Leptin levels tend to rise during sleep, so the theory is that insufficient sleep causes a decrease in those levels. That makes you feel hungrier, which leads to unnecessary eating. Additionally, sleep disturbances of any kind can increase the production of ghrelin, which increases appetite. Studies suggest that insufficient sleep can make people burn 100 more calories per day. While that sounds wonderful, the extra wake time increases how much people eat or drink by more than 250 calories per day. Over time, that can cause people to gain weight.


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4 Ways To Cope With Depression During The Holidays Sat, 14 Dec 2024 08:47:00 +0000

The holidays can be very stressful, but they can also bring about difficult emotions. Learn how to cope with depression this season.


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The bright lights and holiday cheer may inspire joy and feelings of love for a lot of people, but not everyone. This time of year can bring about feelings of isolation, grief, loneliness, and sadness, especially for people with clinical or seasonal depression

Psychiatrists explain that depression can occur around the holidays for numerous reasons. The holidays increase thoughts of family, social engagement, and relationships. If there are issues within those dynamics in people’s lives, depression can rise to the surface. The holidays also tend to demand more family time than usual, which can be highly stressful for some people. Family events may cause old conflicts, emotions, or situations to arrive that can be very difficult to navigate. 

How To Manage Depression During The Holidays

For many people, the winter can trigger seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Unlike traditional depression, seasonal depression occurs in a seasonal pattern, typically worsening in darker fall and winter months. Practicing good self-care is essential year round, but it is extra important during the holidays. You can combat lack of energy, fatigue, and other symptoms with various coping strategies and self-care practices. Whatever the cause of your depression, we hope the following tips can help you cope.

Assess Your Relationships And Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, especially for your emotional and mental health. The boundaries you set will depend on the different people in your life and the situations that you’ll encounter during the holidays. Maybe you limit the time you spend with certain people who cause you to feel negative emotions or heighten depressive symptoms. Establish boundaries for these people and set availability for them as well. Your time and mental health are paramount! If you struggle with setting boundaries, click here for some helpful tips. 

Create A Coping Sheet

A coping sheet is a list of your favorite activities that you can turn to when you feel down. Create your own coping sheet or develop one with your family members or therapist. Many coping sheets are filled with actions that can help manage depressive symptoms. Some popular things to include on your coping sheet are:

  • Listening to music
  • Painting 
  • Meditating
  • Singing
  • Breathing techniques
  • Positive self-talk
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture

Get Outdoors And Stay Active

According to many studies, moving the body is one of the best ways to cope with depression, regardless of the season. One meta-analysis of 218 studies concluded that exercise is an effective way to manage depression. This was especially true for jogging, walking, strength training, and yoga. Exercise combined with psychotherapy proved to be the most effective way to experience depression relief. Researchers found that getting outside while engaging in exercise relieved depressive symptoms even more. Spending time in nature can help reduce risk of depression. One study found that time spent in green environments reduced the risk of anxiety and depression in the long run. Consider planning some fun, holiday outdoor activities. Go ice skating, snowboarding, sledding, or hiking, depending on where you live and what is available to you. 

Share How You Are Feeling With Loved Ones

During the holiday season, mental health experts recommend that you surround yourself with people you can rely on. These people can be family members or friends who can help you manage holiday depression. Reach out to people you trust and share how you are feeling. It’s impossible to know how friends or family will react, but the people who love you will be there for you no matter what. Confide in them about how you are feeling and they will most likely offer empathy, or share similar experiences that may help you feel less alone. Do not underestimate the power of community and love. People want to help, so just ask.


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A Guide To Managing Stress During The Holidays Wed, 04 Dec 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Not feeling particularly cheery this time of year? You are not alone. With this guide, you can help manage stress during the holidays.


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The holidays are a wonderful time to reconnect with family, but it can be difficult to juggle different personalities, parties, and your own mental health. A report from the National Alliance of Mental Health found that 64% of people living with mental illness experienced worse symptoms during the holidays. On top of that, 38% of adults find that the festive season causes stress levels to rise. Although the holidays can bring as much stress as they do joy, there are mindful tips to help you manage stress this season. 

End of the year projects, gift shopping, the arrival of family members, and traveling to see family members don’t make the holidays any easier. There are added expectations and responsibilities, which can seem unattainable. All of this can cause you to spiral out of control and into a bout of depression or anxiety. Basically, there are so many things to do with a lot less time, which is a naturally overwhelming situation. 

Take Care Of Yourself First

In order to make it through the holidays without falling apart, you have to make your mental health a top priority. It’s so easy to try to support everyone else and neglect yourself during the holidays. Shift your focus to yourself this holiday season and you may find that you have the extra energy to support others when they need it. The following tips should help invite more mindfulness into your life, helping you emerge from the holidays triumphant and less-stressed than you were in previous years. 

Respond With Kindness

It’s impossible to change how others act as a result of holiday stressors. You can, however, change how you respond to certain situations. If you encounter a difficult person, it is important to remind yourself that they may be suffering. That is why they are acting out towards you, and showing them some compassion may calm them or bring them back down to earth. The holidays are also difficult for people who are alone, so extend an act of kindness to those without family or friends this time of year. 

Set And Maintain Firm Boundaries

This goes back to caring for yourself first because an effective way to reduce holiday stress is to communicate with people in your life. Whether you’re at home or at work, establishing healthy boundaries can lead to stronger relationships and more energy. You can say yes to things, but it’s also acceptable, encouraged even, to say no to things. Once you identify your boundaries you need to maintain mental and emotional stability, you can communicate them to others. If you explain why you need to decline an offer, for example, your friends or family should respect that decision.

Reach Out

It is very easy to put yourself in the vulnerable position of reaching out to others. Do you know what typically happens if you surround yourself with good people, though? When you reach out to them, they will most likely be happy to talk and connect. Many people share the same stress and fear of the holiday season, and talking about that with another person can benefit you tremendously. Call a friend out of the blue, message old friends on social media, and be kind to those you encounter. Companionship is beautiful and talking with other people may help reduce their stress levels as well.

Set Your Differences Aside

Dealing with different personalities and opinions can be quite exhausting, especially when you’re already burnt out. Don’t add fuel to your fire by combatting family members or friends, even if they eat away at you. There is a time and place to discuss politics or opinions on certain matters, and the holiday season is not the right time. If others get upset when something goes awry, they are likely feeling the same holiday stress, so don’t enter a state of anger or distress. Talk with them and you may find some calming common ground. 

Rethink Your Resolutions

How do New Year’s resolutions relate to holiday stress? Well, this is the time of year when people start thinking about changes they want to make in the coming year. Do yourself a favor: don’t make resolutions that set you up for failure. Start small and break your goal into small steps that you can achieve over the course of the entire year. If weight loss is your goal, you don’t need to lose 20 pounds before January comes to a close. Try to eat more vegetables in January and slowly cut back on sweets or carbs throughout the next month. An impossible resolution will only cause you more stress.


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Living With Parkinson’s? These Are Beneficial Activities Mon, 18 Nov 2024 09:02:00 +0000

If you are living with Parkinson’s disease, then you should remain as active as possible, and these activities are highly beneficial.


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Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that can get progressively worse. It is characterized by dopamine drops in certain areas of the brain. These dopamine decreases can cause people to experience tremors (the most common symptom), stiffness, and loss of balance. Because there is currently no cure for the condition, treatment tends to focus on reducing the severity of symptoms and improving overall quality of life. 

Health experts encourage people with Parkinson’s disease to engage in different activities that focus on fine motor skills and cognition. Additionally, physical exercises that require mobility and balance are also beneficial. Staying active, both mentally and physically, can help strengthen muscles that may prevent dementia. Continue reading to learn about beneficial crafts and activities for those living with Parkinson’s disease. 


Have you ever seen those videos of people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who listen to a song that gives them a rejuvenating jolt? They know all the words and it triggers other memories that relate to that song. Singing, in addition to assisting with memory, works to strengthen the vocal muscles. That is especially important for people with Parkinson’s disease because vocal tremors or difficulty speaking can occur as the condition advances.

Playing Virtual Reality And Video Games

You can use technological advancements to exercise important skills. Virtual reality and video games require mind-body coordination. Most of these games also require problem-solving skills, memory, and strategy to win or complete. Depending on the game and gaming system, you may be required to use a controller or keyboard, which utilizes fine motor skills. There are also reflex games that do not involve screen time and yield the same benefits. 


Cooking can help recall ingredients and measurements, and it offers the opportunity to follow steps in order. It can also be a social opportunity to connect with others while cooking and after when you enjoy the meal. As Parkinson’s progresses, it’s possible that patients may not be able to cook for themselves, or they may need assistance. Include someone with Parkinson’s disease in the cooking process as much as possible to enhance self-esteem and to create memories together. 

Knitting And Painting

Just like children, people with cognitive disorders can benefit from doing activities that require fine motor skills. People with Parkinson’s can experience tremors and have difficulty moving their hands. It’s also possible for them to experience feelings of depression as a result of declining physical and mental abilities. Creating something, such as a painting or a scarf, from scratch provides the opportunity to reduce stress, feel a sense of accomplishment, and focus on hand movements. 


Daily physical exercise can benefit Parkinson’s patients. Walking, swimming, yoga, and cycling are all great physical exercises that can improve balance, mobility, and flexibility. According to research, physical activity benefits can continue for months after training ends. Some studies indicate that physical activity may slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease

Solving Puzzles

Be it a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle, puzzles require concentration and memory. Solving puzzles, then, is a valuable cognitive exercise. Crossword puzzles also require word recall, while word searchers can help with word identification. People with Parkinson’s may experience cognitive changes that can affect attention, mood, and motivation. That’s why it is important to engage the brain with problem-solving activities.


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Managing Mental Health This Thanksgiving Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Thanksgiving Day is a joyous time to reunite with loved ones over a shared, large meal, but it can also cause lots of stress and anxiety.


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For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a whirlwind of a day. It involves a lot of cooking time, a marathon of eating, and time spent with loved ones. Maybe you turn on the Macy’s parade or watch some football games before you pile on the calories. However you celebrate this holiday, one thing is for certain: about 70% of the American population feels stressed about the holiday’s arrival. 

Thanksgiving can induce stress for a variety of reasons. If you are in charge of cooking the meal, you have a lot of prep work today for the arrival of your guests. That can be quite stressful, but it’s also possible to feel anxiety or strong emotions about going to Thanksgiving dinner at a relative’s house. Maybe you had to take two flights and an Uber in peak holiday travel to make it. Perhaps you just have anxiety about aunts and uncles asking about your employment. Whatever the case, there are many things that can induce stress over this feast of a holiday. Fortunately, there are also strategies that can help you manage stress, and we detail them below.

Consume To Enjoy And Don’t Eat Your Feelings

The Thanksgiving spread is full of calorically dense, rich entrees, sides, and desserts. We are not here to dissuade a generally healthy person from an extra spoonful of gravy or an additional slice of pie. Are you enjoying an extra serving just to do so, or is a fully loaded second plate your way of coping with feelings of stress or anxiety? Overeating and over-drinking are unhealthy coping mechanisms that are all too common around the holidays. Consume festive food with people out of merriment, not to bury negative feelings. 

Set Boundaries

If you want to avoid stress and anxiety around Thanksgiving, or any holiday celebration with family, make sure to set boundaries regarding certain discussion topics. For whatever reason, there is always one family member that likes to stir the pot. Perhaps they bring up who they voted for or what their foreign policy opinions are. There will likely be a lot of election anxiety, as a result of the aftermath, and opinions are stronger than ever. Set a boundary by sending a loving email requesting that everyone leave their political opinions at the door for Thanksgiving. Request that you do not want to talk about any religious, socioeconomic, or other issues that are touchy subjects. Keep the conversation light-hearted and loving to keep stress levels down.

Embrace Gratitude

There is great power in gratitude. Being thankful for things that are good in life, even the smallest things, can lead to mental health improvements. According to one analysis of 70 studies, there is an association between higher levels of gratitude and lower levels of depression. The same report found that reaffirming gratitude for 15 minutes per day, five times per week, can enhance mental awareness. A separate meta-analysis of 64 randomized trials found that participants who underwent gratitude interventions experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try your best to express gratitude on a day that represents being thankful. If you do not wish to speak your feelings of gratitude out loud with family, consider writing in a gratitude journal and reflect on it around Christmas or the New Year. 

Be Mindful Of Your Triggers

There are certain people and situations that just seem to push your buttons like no other. This is especially true during the holiday season. As you enter Thanksgiving, be mindful of this and recognize your potential triggers before you encounter them. That way, you can practice coping skills and prepare how you will react to those triggers. You can reframe your thoughts, employ progressive muscle relaxation, or use breathing techniques to help reduce anxiety and stress. A few common triggers are:

  • Excessive crowds in shopping centers and grocery stores
  • Travel issues, including flight delays and accommodation struggles
  • Issues that come about when you host Thanksgiving
  • Interactions and disagreements with certain family members


Fatigue and laziness often accompany Thanksgiving stress and anxiety. Stave off your lethargy by incorporating or increasing exercise into the days leading up to the big feast. You are not trying to burn extra calories so that you can eat more; rather, the goal of exercising is to promote mental wellness. Exercise helps to trigger a brain-body response through the healthy release of dopamine. When you exercise outdoors, that dopamine release is combined with an increase in serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter that may help reduce anxiety and stress.


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4 Conditions That May Cause Migraines (And What To Do About Them) Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Fibromyalgia, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and anxiety are common conditions that cause migraines. Here’s what to do about them.


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The American Migraine Foundation states that many illnesses can cause migraines. A near 90% of people with chronic migraines have a chronic health condition. Sleep disorders, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), depression, anxiety, and others are somehow related to migraines. If migraines result from a specific health condition, you must treat that health condition in order for the migraine, which results from said health condition, to go away. 

If your anxiety and depression is accompanied by a migraine, each condition may have an effect on the other. You must treat anxiety and depression in order to get rid of the migraine. The treatment of anxiety or depression may improve migraine symptoms, but it may not make migraines go away for good. Understanding how you can regain control of your overall health can help you both manage a chronic health condition and migraine frequency. Below, you’ll find separate health issues that commonly cause migraines. 

Depression And Anxiety

Mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, tend to go hand in hand with migraines. Neurologists suggest that the health conditions that have the biggest overlap among all migraine patients are depression and anxiety. Treating those conditions may help you deal with the severity and frequency of migraines.

Sleep Disorders

If you have a rough night, or a couple nights, of sleep, you may experience brain fog, headache, or migraine. A recent review found that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder among people with migraine. However, restless leg syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, and circadian rhythm disorders can cause migraines as well. Additionally, snoring and other sleep disturbances can also increase the risk of migraines.


This article has established that several chronic disorders are linked to migraine development. Fibromyalgia, in particular, was found to affect between 22% and 40% of people with migraine. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that involves diffused muscle pain and tenderness at certain trigger points in the body. One analysis found that people experiencing migraine were 57% more likely to have migraine than people without migraine. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain or discomfort, and the condition shares similar risk factors with migraine. Both IBS and migraine are more likely to affect women and to start before the age of 50. Various studies indicate that there is an elevated incidence of migraine or headache in people with IBS. People with migraines also have an increased risk of migraine. 

How To Take Control

If you experience symptoms of another chronic health condition in addition to migraine pain, take steps to address the health condition. This approach will help reduce migraine symptoms. You may need to speak with your healthcare professional to develop a plan of attack, or make simple lifestyle changes to reduce the severity or burden of your condition. Continue reading to learn several steps that may improve lifestyle and reduce migraine pain.

Follow A Consistent Lifestyle

Migraine brains don’t enjoy changes in daily routine or behaviors. Consistency is key because that repetition ensures your brain that everything is completely fine. Eat meals at the same time, go to bed and wake up at the same time, and exercise regularly. The brain will know what to expect in regards to eating, waking up, sleeping, and exercising when you have a consistent schedule.

Receive A Correct Diagnosis

Make sure that you get an accurate diagnosis if you have anxiety, depression, IBS, fibromyalgia, or sleep disorder that accompanies migraine headaches. Your healthcare professional will be able to discuss your health history, do a physical exam, and order lab tests or scans that may be necessary to determine a diagnosis. 

Maintain A Regular Sleep Schedule

For the health of your circadian rhythm, sleep experts recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Doing so can improve several aspects of your health, including reducing the risk of migraine symptoms. Migraines are very sensitive to change, be it weather, sleep cycle, or sickness. Keep consistent and you can avoid migraine problems. 

Avoid Potential Dietary Triggers

Not everyone has a migraine food trigger, but a lot of people do. Do your migraine symptoms worsen after you eat a certain type of food? If you notice a pattern, then avoid common food triggers to avoid migraines. Health experts advise migraine patients to minimize the intake of caffeine and sugar, in addition to processed foods, chemicals like MSG, and nitrites. 

After taking in all of that information, there is one thing left for us to tell you: make sure to live your life to the fullest. Take a holistic approach to manage migraines, instead of putting a microscope to every little thing that may worsen symptoms. Sure, you can take precautions, but make sure to live your life!


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The Top 5 Ingredients To Look For In Postnatal Vitamins Thu, 24 Oct 2024 09:29:00 +0000

These postnatal vitamins have been tested for safety and contain nutrients that assist the body after birth and while breastfeeding.


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You have your diaper bag. The car seat is properly installed. You have given your baby lots of snuggles, naturally. With all that said, one could say that you are crushing the role of parent already. The only thing left for you to do is tackle the responsibility of getting your diet under control. 

Diet is usually the last thing on new parents’ minds. Some people get very lucky and they have lots of friends and family make them meals that they can easily heat up. Are all of these meals healthy? It’s not often that they are, but those meals keep you fed and sane. While enjoying whatever food you can shovel in your mouth while you aren’t breastfeeding, sleeping, or cleaning, you may also be required to take vitamins. 

Some doctors also instruct new mothers to continue taking their prenatal vitamins. The birth of your baby should not stop you from doing that. Prenatal supplements work to support a healthy pregnancy, but a lot happens to the body during those nine months, the biggest of which is the birth of your baby. Your body was doing a lot during pregnancy, and it still requires nutrients postpartum. A nutritious diet is ideal, but not always easy with all the other baby responsibilities. That’s why postnatal vitamins may help fill in the remaining gaps. When shopping for those vitamins, make sure to look for the following ingredients. 

Vitamin D

Whether you choose to breastfeed or not, vitamin D proves to be an integral nutrient post-birth. According to health experts, there should be a minimum of 2,000 IU in your postnatal vitamin. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to postpartum depression. For that reason, doctors recommend vitamin D as one of the many supplements to help alleviate symptoms of depression, in addition to supporting immune function. 


Omega-3 fatty acids not only benefit your health, but also your baby’s health. These fatty acids work to support brain development in your baby if you are breastfeeding or chest feeding, according to researchers. Your DHA needs increase during pregnancy, and they don’t immediately decline postpartum. In fact, they remain about the same during lactation. If you enjoyed a particular omega-3 supplement during pregnancy, you can continue taking that. 


Calcium is a mineral found in dairy products, fortified foods (breakfast cereals and juice), and some plant-based foods. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that the calcium found in breast milk is sourced from your own stores, primarily bones. That’s why health experts recommend breastfeeding mothers to get at least 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. That amount helps ensure that your bones will remain strong after you’ve weaned your baby off breast milk to other foods and beverages.


The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that an iron supplement, taken by itself or with folic acid, helps to reduce the risk of anemia in the six- to 12-week period after giving birth. The body’s iron needs end up decreasing during the postnatal period, so most postnatal supplements do not have a large amount of iron. Researchers suggest that there is more iron in a prenatal vitamin than you will need in postnatal life, but it may be valuable immediately after giving birth. Most women lose a lot of iron during birth, so it becomes a valuable mineral for new moms. That is particularly true if you do not usually get enough iron in your diet. 


Your folate needs continue during the postpartum period, but the type of folate you take is not as important as it is in prenatal vitamins. Folate in the form of folic acid primarily serves to prevent neural tube defects in the developing infants during pregnancy. In the postnatal period, all types of folate are acceptable to keep your folate levels up. You might see folic acid, whole-food folate, or methylfolate as forms of folate in postnatal supplements.


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How To Be There For A Partner Struggling With Their Mental Health Mon, 14 Oct 2024 08:59:00 +0000

How do you handle a partner struggling their mental health without worsening the situation? These tips may be of great use to you.


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It can be very difficult to see a partner, a friend even, struggling with their mental help. They fall into a slump and that can strain the relationship. For anyone in a long-term relationship, a mental health slump will likely occur at some point. In fact, about 50% of Americans will experience some form of mental illness at some point during their lifetime. 

How do you approach a partner who is experiencing a mental health slump? There are supportive strategies that can be highly beneficial for both of you. Just remember that you are there for your partner, even in times of hardship. Continue reading to learn how you can help support a partner who is struggling.

No Toxic Positivity Allowed

There is no need to be an ever-positive ray of sunshine when it comes time to help a partner in need. There is no need to say things like, “Be positive!” Don’t remind them how much they have to be grateful for because that will usually cause them to feel shame. It may also make them feel as though you misunderstand their situation. 

Do Not Ignore The Situation

Ignoring something does not make it go away. The last thing you want to do is bottle up feelings and hope for the best, and you shouldn’t want that for your partner either. Do not ignore your partner’s mental health slump because that will only cause them to feel more isolated. Begin the dialogue and proceed in a gentle way.

Begin The Conversation Sensitively

Ideally, you should approach this conversation with a sensitive and delicate touch. Your partner is in a fragile state, so begin with a phrase like, “I’ve been thinking about you and I’m curious how you are doing.” You can also say something like, “I care about you and want to be here for you.” Ask if there is a special way that you can support them, as you may not be aware of how to do that.

Be Clear On How They Want To Be Supported

Everyone requires their own solutions for their given difficulties. Some people may choose or not choose to accept support. That is why it is paramount for you to get clear about your partner’s needs. Perhaps they need you to just be there and be silent, or you take walks together. Understanding and respecting your partner during their mental health challenges will only strengthen the connection between both of you. Plus, your relationship will remain in better standing as you support them, while also allowing them to experience their own symptoms. 

Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice

It is almost human nature to offer advice or suggestions when someone is in need. There is a time and place for advice, though. Sometimes, the best advice you can give is nothing at all. Oftentimes, your presence and quiet time is appreciated above all else. Just be there for your partner, show them respect, and understand that they are going through a mental health slump. Your relationship will likely become stronger when you offer your support and allow them to work through their depressive symptoms.

Validate Your Partner

People usually crave validation and safety in times of hardship. They want to feel love and there is nothing wrong with them wanting that. Even if your partner feels shame, confusion, or anger, use phrases like, “I can see that you are struggling and how much effort you’re putting forth.” You can also say something like, “What you are saying and feeling is understandable.”

Make Plans To Do Something Fun

It is very common for mental health issues to tell the person lies. For example, a person’s mind may tell them that they will not enjoy an activity that usually invites joy. You should suggest and plan activities that can help shift your partner’s energy. If they are really against the suggestion, though, do not force them to engage. Your suggestions can be very low-maintenance, such as going for a walk or hike, playing a board game, or getting a massage. 

Know Your Own Limits

For your own mental health, make sure that you know where the line in the sand is. There is a distinction between being a partner and being your partner’s therapist. You can always encourage your partner to find support, be that in the form of a therapist, life coach, or support group. That doesn’t mean that you abandon your partner; rather, it just reaffirms the boundaries in your relationship. You are not your partner’s sole emotional caretaker!


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