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In 2020, data from a National Health Interview Survey found that 14.5% of adults had trouble falling asleep most days. The number of adults who had a hard time falling asleep increased as family income and educational attainment decreased. Additionally, the percentage continued to increase as family income decreased and the place of residence became […]


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In 2020, data from a National Health Interview Survey found that 14.5% of adults had trouble falling asleep most days. The number of adults who had a hard time falling asleep increased as family income and educational attainment decreased. Additionally, the percentage continued to increase as family income decreased and the place of residence became more rural.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends seven to eight hours of sleep per night for optimal health. Over 25% of adults do not meet this recommendation on a regular basis. If you have a hard time falling asleep, that decreases your ability to get a sufficient amount of sleep per night. Sometimes, it is difficult to relax, and that can be the result of an irregular circadian rhythm. Instead of resorting to sleeping pills, since they have a long list of side effects, you may want to consider experimenting with the bedtime balm in this article. 

Does Lavender Promote Sleep?

One study compared the effects of lavender and sleep hygiene versus sleep hygiene alone on sleep quantity and quality. The goal was to determine if participants experienced a sustained effect two weeks after the study. Study authors noted that the lavender and sleep hygiene group demonstrated better sleep quality at the two-week follow-up. Additionally, study authors noted that the lavender group woke up feeling more refreshed. 

Several studies indicate that inhaling lavender aroma may help reduce anxiety. Scientists have found similar results for lavender’s effectiveness in treating depression. Lavender essential oil is also popular in aromatherapy because of its ability to promote relaxation and sleep. Some studies found that the use of lavender oil for aromatherapy improved sleep quality not only in people without sleep or mental health disorders, but also in people with depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Inhaling lavender essential oil’s aroma may also increase the time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep. 

Some research indicates that lavender may have a calming effect on the central nervous system. For this reason, lavender may benefit people who experience circadian rhythm disorders or occasionally sleeplessness. 

Where Do You Apply The Bedtime Balm?

Once you make the bedtime balm, apply a small amount to your wrists, collarbones, or temples when you get ready for bed. It is unclear how quickly the sleep balm works. It usually depends on how sensitive you are to the aromas in the balm. For the average person, it may start to calm you down and promote sleep in about 15-30 minutes. As with any natural remedy, though, it may take a few tries for it to be effective. Continue using it and experiment with different placements. Lastly, before we give you the recipe, make sure to do a small patch test on your arm and see if you have a reaction within 24 hours. 

DIY Bedtime Balm


  • 1.5 ounces beeswax pellets
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil
  • 10 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops myrrh essential oil
  • 8 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • 6 drops vetiver essential oil
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil


  • Melt the beeswax and coconut oil in the top of a double boiler or in the microwave in a heat-safe bowl. 
  • While those ingredients are melting, prepare your lip balm containers to be filled. 
  • Once the beeswax and coconut oil are melted, pour in the sweet almond oil and stir to combine. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. 
  • Let the mixture cool for about a minute and then add the essential oils. Stir until fully incorporated. 
  • Pour the mixture into the containers and allow it to cool and solidify at room temperature. When fully cooled, the balm is ready to use. 
  • To use, apply a small amount to your temples, wrists, collar bones, or back of your neck. You can even place a small amount on your pillow to help you sleep.


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How Does Anger Affect Your Health? Mon, 26 Aug 2024 09:14:00 +0000

If you feel intense, frequent anger, especially when it is an overreaction, your physical & mental well-being can suffer more than you think.


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If you have ever been angry, you understand that it does not make you think straight. Although anger alerts you to danger and can inspire action, spending too long feeling this emotion can have long-lasting effects on your health. That is especially true if you constantly feel antagonism toward someone, a situation, or something. 

Anger experiences that are too frequent, too intense, or last for too long can have problematic effects on your health. Clinical psychologists state that anger belongs to the fight or flight response, during which the adrenal glands flood the body with stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. If the body is in a constant state of anger, these hormones run rampant in your body, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. That is because the body is always ready to fight or defend from danger. 

Although the body’s stress response aims to protect you, you don’t need it activated at all hours of the day. You definitely do not need it to deal with whatever is causing your anger, be it an uncooperative child or tense interaction with a coworker. Continue reading to learn just how much anger can affect your physical and mental health

Anger Can Interfere With Digestion

There is a lot of research that indicates a strong communicative connection between the gut and brain. In fact, one influences the other! The autonomic nervous system, which regulates involuntary bodily responses, works to regulate digestion. If the body enters fight-or-flight mode, which occurs during stress, it can disturb the digestive process. Researchers note that stress can lead to numerous, unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, upset stomach, and diarrhea. The longer the stress lasts, the likelier you are to develop acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or even inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Anger Can Affect Sleep

If you struggle to control your anger, it’s possible to experience worse sleep than people who keep their anger in check. One study observed the correlation between higher levels of anger and sleep disturbances. Researchers looked at difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep in middle-aged Korean men and women. The study found that moderate-to-high levels of anger increased the risk of sleep disturbances by 40-70%, depending on the participants. Other research suggests that feelings of anger can increase psychological arousal, which makes it harder to fall asleep.

Too Much Anger Can Harm Mental Health

Just as anger affects digestion and sleep, so too can it take a toll on your mental health. Several studies indicate that anger is higher in people with emotional disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Anger can also worsen symptoms and reduce a person’s response to treatment for mental health disorders. Prolonged anger can affect your ability to think and concentrate, and it can also increase hostility and volatility. All of that can take a toll on relationships and your ability to form bonds. Reacting angrily to things can cause the most harm to relationships. 

Anger Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack

There is evidence that links anger to a higher risk of heart attack. In a systematic review of studies consisting of more than 4,000 people, researchers found more than a twofold increase in heart attacks within two hours of an anger outburst. They also noted an association between the level of heart attack and the intensity of anger. More research is necessary to determine how bad anger is for overall heart health. 

Anger Puts Stress On The Heart

Anger triggers the release of stress hormones, which can be quite taxing to your health over time. Research indicates that anger causes changes in the heart that worsen its ability to pump blood. That increases the risk of high blood pressure and subsequent complications, which include heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Additional research found that people with higher levels of anger have a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Another study found that higher train anger was associated with a higher risk of death from coronary heart disease and complications.


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Can Acupuncture Help Restless Leg Syndrome? Sat, 17 Aug 2024 09:13:00 +0000

Current research is limited, but some studies indicate that acupuncture may be an effective treatment for people with restless leg syndrome.


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Restless leg syndrome, which is a neurological condition that causes the uncontrollable urge to move your legs, affects about 10% of Americans. It is common to experience this urge in an uncomfortable situation because moving eases tension temporarily. Most people tend to experience this restlessness in the morning or evening hours. It can begin at any age and usually worsens with age. 

It is possible to manage restless leg syndrome with some self-care methods and alternative remedies, one of which is acupuncture. Acupuncture is the practice of puncturing the skin with tiny needles at specific anatomical points in the body. Acupuncturists use this integrative medicine to help relieve joint pain, muscle soreness, and improve energy flow within the body. Although acupuncture is not a scientifically-proven treatment for restless leg syndrome, some research indicates that it may benefit the condition.

Can Acupuncture Reduce Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome?

Existing research indicates that some people with restless leg syndrome benefit from acupuncture treatment. The primary benefits include improved sleep quality, relief of pain and discomfort, and reduced restless leg sensations. Health experts consider acupuncture to be an alternative or complementary treatment for restless leg syndrome.

A 2021 review of studies found that acupuncture was an effective treatment for people with restless leg syndrome. That review called for more high quality studies to continue the research on the benefits of acupuncture. A 2023 study analyzed data collected between 2007 and 2022. Researchers noted that participants with restless leg syndrome who received acupuncture experienced significant improvements in sleep quality and other factors. 

Are There Drawbacks Of Acupuncture For Restless Leg Syndrome?

At this time, there is not enough scientifically-backed evidence to support acupuncture as a treatment option for restless leg syndrome. It does provide benefits, but major U.S. medical institutions don’t back it as a treatment. That’s why most insurance providers don’t cover acupuncture for restless leg syndrome. They may cover it for other conditions with more research, though. 

That ultimately means that people with restless leg syndrome who want to experiment with acupuncture will have to pay out of pocket. Depending on where you live, a licensed practitioner is not always easy to find. Some metropolitan areas, however, offer a plethora of acupuncturists, or other alternative medicine professionals that offer similar services. If you decide to try the treatment, you may experience mild soreness, which is temporary. To minimize potential risks, see a licensed professional. 

Acupuncture Pressure Points For Restless Legs

If you do not like needles, perhaps you can experiment with acupressure massage points. You can try stimulating the following pressure points with your hands or gua sha stones. Those pressure points are:

  • Xuhai (SP10): This point is located on the back of your inner thigh about two inches above the kneecap. 
  • Zusanli (ST36): You’ll find this point about two inches below the front of your kneecap and about a half inch toward the inside of the calf. 
  • Shenshu (BL23): You can find this point on either side of your lumbar vertebra on your back, at the midpoint between the bottom of your ribs and belly button. 
  • Chenshan (BL57): This point is at the bottom of the calf muscle in the depression that forms when you point your toes. 
  • Taixi (KD3): This point is located between the Achilles tendon and ankle bone on the inside of the leg. 
  • Sanyinjiao (SP6): This point is on the inside of your leg roughly two inches above the ankle bone. 

Acupuncture is a healing practice that many people use as an alternative remedy for pain management. Although it may not treat restless leg syndrome, it may help relieve symptoms. Existing research is promising, but more research is necessary to get a better understanding of its efficacy as a treatment option.


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Caring For A Pet May Reduce Depression And Anxiety Sat, 10 Aug 2024 09:13:00 +0000

According to new research, having a pet, especially a dog, may help improve mental health by reducing anxiety and depression.


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A recent study involved middle-aged women and researchers observed that having a high attachment to a furry friend helped reduce anxiety. Specifically, dog ownership, not cat ownership, was found to lower anxiety. In fact, researchers noted that a strong connection with a dog contributed to lower rates of depression and anxiety, in addition to symptoms of either disorder. This was especially true for women with a history of childhood abuse. 

Researchers noted that the level of attachment to a pet is a crucial factor in how they help reduce anxiety or risk of their owners’ depression. This bond may be more impactful for certain groups, but that depends on the person’s attachment style and if they endured childhood abuse. Just as with anything, there are other factors to consider before adopting a pet. Although it may benefit your mental health, not everyone is equipped to have a pet. Just keep that in mind when reading about the following study. 

Women With Strong Bonds to Dogs Had Lower Rates Of Anxiety And Depression

Study authors explain that the goal of the study was to better understand if a close bond with a pet reduced a person’s anxiety and depression, especially for women who endured childhood abuse. The study included 214 women who previously enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study 2. 140 of those women owned a pet, 56% of which owned a dog and 33% of which owned a cat. The controlled group in the study consisted of 74 participants who had never owned a pet. 

Researchers purposefully, but randomly, oversampled participants who reported childhood abuse. That means that they included a higher percentage than would normally be found in the general population. This was to better understand the impact of pet ownership on women with mental health issues. The average age of the group was 61, and 156 women experienced childhood abuse. 

During the study, participants were asked about their feelings and behaviors toward the pet they spent the most time with. Did they consider them a friend? Did they talk to them or play with them frequently? Were the pets considered family members? Researchers noted that a higher attachment to dogs was linked to significantly lower symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dog attachment also revealed lower scores in general anxiety and overall anxiety and depression symptoms. That was particularly true among women with a history of childhood abuse.

Women With Cats Didn’t Have Lower Anxiety And Depression

Although pet attachment was linked to lower anxiety levels, there was no significant reduction in depression or anxiety in women who had an attachment to cats. Is this another reason to understand that dogs are better? We are not at liberty to make that claim. Unfortunately, researchers don’t fully understand why that is. They theorize that may have been due to a smaller sample size of cat owners. Perhaps it was the differences in the lifestyles and personalities of cats versus dog owners. 

Cats are generally more independent than dogs, though. Some people may feel that cats lack the same level of companionship or emotional support, but that is entirely subjective. The social interactions encouraged by dogs may not be as prevalent with cats. Dogs require walks, trips to the park, or even doggy playdates.  Cats tend to stay indoors and may not encourage the same level of social engagement or physical activity. 

The Love For Animals Inspires Researchers

All of the researchers behind the study had pets of their own and shared a similar love for animals. The research was driven by the growing evidence that pets have the power to benefit human health. Many researchers have noticed that elderly patients are able to relax and find anxiety relief when through the companionship of a pet. Pets bring a level of comfort and can help reduce feelings of loneliness. They offer unconditional love and support!

Should You Consider A Pet?

If you suffer from depression or anxiety, getting a pet may seem like the answer. As a disclaimer, not everyone with depression or anxiety will benefit from pet ownership. There are a lot of things to consider before getting a pet. Pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities and commitment, physically, financially, and emotionally. 

Many people who experience feelings of depression or loneliness may benefit from interacting with a pet. That pet may even cause you to get out of bed in the morning because that living creature relies on you. For others, getting a pet can be very overwhelming, and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy, stress, or shame. All of that can contribute to more depression or anxiety. Just calculate the risk of getting a pet before jumping in the deep end. You may find that fostering a pet is a great first step!


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Experts Suggest Nearly 50% Of Dementia Cases Could Be Delayed Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:22:00 +0000

High levels of bad cholesterol and vision loss join the list or existing preventable risk factors that could delay 50% of dementia cases.


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A new report suggests that nearly 50% of dementia cases could be prevented by addressing 14 preventable risk factors. Recently, high cholesterol and vision loss have been added to the list of modifiable risk factors for dementia. Taking care of your physical health and engaging in mentally stimulating activities during midlife can reduce your risk of dementia. Continue reading to learn more about the new report. 

This new report, which was written by 27 of the world’s leading dementia specialists, urges health officials to take action to reduce preventable risks of dementia. Some people will undoubtedly develop dementia, but addressing risk factors earlier in life may help them live a longer, healthier life. It may even help them delay development of the cognitive illness. It is never too early to take action, especially when these opportunities can make a big impact on your life

Preventing Physical Threats To Mental Acuity

According to the new report, there are 14 modifiable risk factors for dementia, which are:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Exposure to air pollution
  • Vision loss
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • High LDL cholesterol levels
  • Social isolation
  • Physical inactivity
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Lower education
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Hearing loss

Physical risk factors like obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, and diabetes may increase the risk of narrowed or blocked arteries. By decreasing blood flow to the brain and brain cells, you increase the risk of cognitive decline. The brain and its cells require a sufficient supply of blood and oxygen to function optimally. Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol and smoking can also increase the risk of heart disease and cause brain cells to die because of the toxins. And finally, a traumatic brain injury can disrupt mental capabilities and how the brain functions. 

High Cholesterol And Vision Loss Contribute To Dementia Risk

The new guidelines added high cholesterol and vision loss in midlife (about age 40) to the list of preventable risk factors. According to researchers, 7% of dementia cases stem from high levels of LDL, or bad, cholesterol. That is because LDL cholesterol buildup can narrow the arteries and reduce blood supply to the brain. 

2020 was the last time this list was updated and available evidence indicated LDL cholesterol as a possible risk factor. At that point, evidence about it being a risk factor for dementia was inconclusive. Since then, however, compelling evidence indicates that LDL cholesterol increases the risk of developing cognitive decline. Additionally, vision loss was also a recent update. Hearing loss was already on the list, and it seems consistent that a decline in sensory functions can lead to confusion and problems processing information. In fact 2% of dementia cases were attributed to untreated vision loss later in life. 

How to Reduce Dementia Risks

People can take preventative steps to delay mental decline at any age. The longer you expose yourself to risk factors, the more harmful they are to overall cognition. Developing healthier habits during early life and midlife can form a strong base for behaviors later in life. Getting regular exercise and following a healthy diet can decrease your risk for some of the risk factors of dementia. Health experts have several suggestions that can help people keep the dangers of cognitive decline at bay, and they include:

  • Making screenings and treatments for vision impairment accessible for all
  • Treating depression effectively
  • Providing all children with quality education and ensuring that they are cognitively active in midlife
  • Prioritizing supportive community environments and housing to increase social contact
  • Reducing the sugar and salt content in food sold in stores and restaurants
  • Wearing helmets and head protection in contact sports and while riding bikes or skateboards
  • Expanding measures to reduce smoking and increasing the minimum age of purchase
  • Detecting and treating high LDL cholesterol in midlife
  • Making hearing aids available for those with hearing loss
  • Reducing exposure to air pollution via stricter clean air policies


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A New Study States Which Antidepressants Cause Weight Gain Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:03:00 +0000

Antidepressants can reduce feelings of depression, but they can also cause excessive weight gain, which is a common side effect.


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It is no secret that antidepressants can cause weight gain, which is one reason people want to avoid them. A recent study highlighted exactly which antidepressants are more likely than others to increase body weight. Researchers examined the electronic health records of more than 183,000 people (aged 18 to 80) in the United States taking antidepressants for the first time. The team tracked overall weight for 24 months. 

Researchers compared various drugs to Zoloft, the most readily prescribed antidepressant among study participants. After six months, Zoloft users gained half a pound, and people taking Prozac experienced similar weight gain. Those prescribed Cymbalta, Paxil, and Celexa gained a little more on average. Lexapro users experienced the most weight gain of 1.4 pounds at the six-month mark. That number increased to 3.6 pounds after 24 months. Although people taking Wellbutrin did not experience weight gain at six months, they did gain a pound after 24 months. 

Researchers suggest that people who experience unwanted weight gain as a side effect of taking antidepressant are less likely to continue taking medication. That is why study authors wanted to compare weight gain across first-line antidepressants. Understanding this may help inform clinicians to make the best decisions for the overall health of their patients. 

Why Is Weight Gain A Common Side Effect?

The exact mechanism for weight gain is not fully understood, and it wasn’t explored in the study. Some researchers suspect a few reasons as to why antidepressants may cause some people to gain weight. Health experts believe that it has to do with an increase in serotonin, the chemical that plays a role in overall mood. 

Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, and Celexa all raise serotonin levels. Similarly histamine receptors, such as tricyclic antidepressants, raise serotonin levels. Increasing serotonin can enhance a person’s appetite and cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. Additionally, some research suggests that certain antidepressants can change metabolism by slowing metabolic rate. They may also influence insulin, make people sluggish and lazy, and promote fat storage. 

It is possible for some people to lose weight once they get off antidepressants, but that isn’t feasible for everyone. Some changes that result from taking antidepressants take a long time to wear off, for example, metabolic changes. The extent of weight loss after you discontinue antidepressants can vary depending on medication use, metabolic changes, and overall lifestyle. 

Balancing Weight Gain With Other Factors

According to health experts, weight gain is a factor to consider when deciding on an antidepressant. Not only can weight gain increase feelings of depression, but it can also exacerbate underlying medical conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension. Someone who is depressed may also feel overwhelmed by having to manage weight, in addition to their mental health. For this reason, clinicians need to be careful about addressing these concerns prior to prescribing antidepressants. 

Each class of antidepressants works differently, so medical professionals should consider a person’s symptoms and medical history. People with a history of seizures, eating disorders, or those who abruptly quit alcohol or sedatives should not take Wellbutrin. The reason for that is because it can increase the risk of seizures and cause other symptoms, including anxiety, insomnia, and risk of hypertension.

The good news is that antidepressants aren’t necessary for everyone. There are various actions a person can take to reduce symptoms of depression, with therapy being a great one. The main thing that mental health experts want is for people to take action. If you are struggling with depression, do not avoid mental health treatment options, especially if the fear is weight gain. There are many methods to treat depression, and medication isn’t always the answer. Additionally, it may not be the answer for you. Do your research and talk to your healthcare professionals to see what the right option is for you if you have depression.


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6 Effective Ways To Calm Your Anxiety Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Feeling anxious or worried is natural in a stressful situation, but not all the time. Learn about effective ways to help calm your anxiety.


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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 30% of American adults have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. For those people, feelings of anxiousness extend beyond regular worry from stressful situations. These feelings of anxiety are persistent and can interfere with everyday life. Symptoms can even extend to physical symptoms, including sweating, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. 

The exact cause of an anxiety disorder can be quite complex. Mental health experts suspect that anxiety disorders stem from a mix of environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. Although you may not be able to prevent an anxiety disorder entirely, you can develop coping strategies to help minimize symptoms. If you experience an anxiety attack or symptoms of anxiety, experiment with the following lifestyle and mindfulness techniques and see which ones work for you. 

Limit Your Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

Caffeine and alcohol can affect your sleep and mood, so it isn’t a surprise that they can trigger anxiety. Experts recommend limiting your intake of both if you want to reduce or avoid anxiety symptoms. If you consume a lot of caffeine and want to reduce your intake, be mindful that you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Make sure that you drink water throughout the day to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. Researchers note that drinking water throughout the day can lower depression and anxiety risk in adults. 

Be Active

Studies have shown that regular exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks. Just 15 minutes of daily exercise, such as walking, swimming, biking, or yoga, can provide short-term anxiety relief. If you want more substantial and long-term benefits, try to develop a consistent exercise routine. That could mean that you engage in 20 to 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity daily. It could also mean that you engage in a regular mindfulness yoga practice several classes per week.


As we just mentioned, yoga is a relaxing and mindful exercise practice. Enhance your relaxation efforts by engaging in a meditation practice, be it on your own or guided from a video. Meditation may help reduce anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety disorders, according to several research studies. Guided mental imagery meditation has proven to be very effective at relieving anxiety. It involves picturing a future scenario, task, or event in a positive light. When you encounter the event or experience that thing, you will feel more prepared and at ease. 

Get Sufficient Sleep

There is a complex relationship between anxiety and sleep. Various studies suggest that anxiety can cause lack of sleep and vice versa, meaning lack of sleep can trigger anxiety. Statistically, more women are affected by this relationship. If you want to improve your sleep habits, you can make small adjustments that go a long way. Keep a consistent sleep and wake cycle, i.e. go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Turn your phone and other screens off about an hour or so before bedtime, and consider reading a book or putting on relaxing music or guided meditation to promote relaxation. 

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish! Making intentional time for self-care can help ease symptoms of anxiety. For some people, self-care might look like taking a bubble bath. For others, it could mean reading a book or getting a massage. Whatever self-care looks like for you, just make sure to clear a spot on your calendar so that you can improve your overall well-being.

Experiment With Grounding

Grounding is the act of temporarily detaching yourself from feelings of anxiety to center yourself. It’s important to note that grounding will not stop feelings of anxiety, but it can help make them less intense. That reduction in anxiety can help you feel safer and more in control. There are a few different grounding practices that you can experiment, with one being the 333 rule. To practice this 333 rule, scan your surroundings and name three objects you see. Listen to the environment and name three things you can hear. Finally, touch or move three things, such as objects near you. You can also go outside and simply walk barefoot on the grass or head to the beach and walk barefoot along the sand. 


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Happy Pride Month! Mental Health Resources For LGBTQIA+ Community Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:03:00 +0000

The LGBTQIA+ community experiences alarmingly high rates of mental health challenges. Learn about the available resources here.


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Is there anything more beautiful than embracing your true identity? Celebrating who you are, no matter your gender identity, skin color, or sexual orientation, or gender expression, is a beautiful thing. It can be difficult or challenging to be yourself with family, friends, or in public, though. As a result, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersexed (LGBTQI+) community experiences alarming rates of mental health challenges. 

Belonging to the LGBTQI+ community can be a source of strength. There are often untapped resources that one would not know about if they weren’t in the community. On the other side of the coin, belonging to the LGBTQI+ community brings its own set of unique challenges. For a person on the outside, it may seem that there is no struggle, but the world can be a cruel place. Many LGBTQI+ people face discrimination or learn that not all mental health resources understand their experiences. 

Mental Health Statistics IN LGBTQI+ Community

According to statistics and surveys, LGB adults are twice as likely as heterosexual adults to experience a mental health condition. Transgender individuals are about four times as likely as cisgender individuals to experience a mental health condition. LGB youth can also experience a higher risk of mental health conditions and suicide. This is likely because LGBTQI+ people face socioeconomic and cultural conditions that negatively impact mental health. In the United States alone, 18% of LGBTQI+ adults of color have no health insurance coverage. 

Being a member of the LGBTQI+ community does not increase the risk of mental health issues. The stigma and discrimination that LGBTQI+ individuals face can increase the risk for mental health challenges, though. For Pride Month, which is a time for the LGBTQI+ community to celebrate their identity in solidarity, we wanted to take the time to share reputable mental health resources. For anyone who needs them, the following resources are excellent to use. Find the one that is right for you if you need it, and share the resources with the people you love or care about. 

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization that provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to people under 25 in the LGBTQI+ community. The organization has a commitment to producing new research that sheds a light on suicidology. There are life-saving programs and services that cater to LGBTQI+ youth. Trained counselors can offer 24/7 support, so reach out to them if you are a young LGBTQI+ is in criss and need a safe, judgment-free place to talk. 

It Gets Better Project

This is a nonprofit organization that aims to empower and uplift the LGBTQI+ community. The It Gets Better Project has an informational site that shares stories and gives a directory of local resources to help people get the support they need. They regularly put out educational material and programming, and have an arsenal of tools to help people in the United States and 20 other countries. 

Each Mind Matters

Made up of millions of individuals and thousands of organizations, Each Mind Matters works to advance mental health. Millions of people around the world face challenges ever single day. There’s no reason to be alone in times of struggle. Each Mind Matters is a useful resource that hosts LGBTQI+ videos, stories, and information to help overcome mental health issues. 

Trans Lifeline

The Trans Lifeline works to promote the general well being of transgender people. It’s a nonprofit organization with a hotline that is staffed by transgender people. Trans Lifeline helps to connect trans people with community support and resources that may be of use to them. 

Association Of LGBTQI+ Psychiatrists (AGLP)

AGLP celebrates over 40 years of service to the LGBTQI+ community. Gay and lesbian members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) met secretly in the 1960s to hold annual meetings. Homosexuality could have caused them to lose their licenses to practice psychiatry at the time. Now, the AGLP is a wonderful resource that publishes a quarterly newsletter and conducts full seminars and discussion groups. It can offer many referral services and provide psychiatric professionals to people in need. 


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3 Mantras To Help Harness Self-Compassion Mon, 03 Jun 2024 09:22:00 +0000

The way you speak to yourself during or after stressful situations can help you from spiraling out of control, which is where these mantras…


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During or after a stressful situation, it is very common for people to speak to themselves in a negative way. The way you speak to yourself can make all the difference as to whether you spiral out of control or not. If you have a mantra that can help you establish a sense of calm during times of stress, you may avoid overwhelming panic. That can help give you the strength to move on!

Within the past several years, researchers have identified that self-compassion can help you cope with stress. People with higher self-compassion have healthier coping mechanisms in times of stress. On the other hand, people with lower levels of self-compassion tend to use harmful coping mechanisms that only intensify feelings of stress, according to 2021 research. Regardless of stress, self-compassion is a powerful tool that can propel you through the best and worst of times. 

Self-compassion is one of the most powerful coping and resilience tools you have as a person. It is readily accessible in your tool belt, but not everyone uses it. Fortunately, you can practice being more compassionate towards yourself. Like most things in life, practice makes perfect. To help start you out on the right path, consider the following mantras and information about self-compassion. 

3 Self-Compassion Mantras That Beat Stress

During times of stress, or a stressful situation, you can choose from one of these mantras. Each one covers a component of compassionate self-talk. 

  • Mindfulness: This is difficult, but it is only temporary.
  • Common humanity: I’m not alone.
  • Self-kindness: I’m here for you. What do you need right now?

Put them together like this, “This is difficult for me, but I’m not alone. Other people have gone through similar situations, too. Hey, self, I’m here for you. What can I do for you right now?”

While you are reciting these mantras, you can incorporate soothing self-touch, which is a practice that can help enhance stress reduction. Place your hands on your body, such as touching your face, holding your hands, putting your hands on your heart, or giving yourself a hug. Soothing touch can help reduce stress hormone levels and stimulate the vagus nerve, releasing oxytocin, the feel-good hormone that helps you calm down and feel better. 

What Is Self-Compassion? 

Defined as the ability to soothe yourself with non-judgemental kindness, self-compassion is a powerful tool that can help you reduce stress. Statistically, the more self-compassion you have, the fewer mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, you will face. Self-compassion is like a muscle, which will strengthen if you condition it. That just takes practice and some mild discipline on your part. 

Now, there are three integral components to self-compassion: mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness. Self-compassion also helps you avoid isolation, self-judgment, and over-identifying with your stress, which causes you to be overwhelmed by it. Continue reading to learn more about the three aspects of self-compassion.


Mindfulness is a pretty straightforward word, but it can be a hard practice to put into place. Ideally, you direct your full focus to what you are doing, the space you are moving through, and what is happening. This sounds relatively easy, but the mind tends to wander. Don’t ignore your stress, or it will become a problem. Stress that you store in the body only builds on itself, and that leads to chronic stress, which is associated with other health problems. Some powerful and easy mindfulness-related self-compassion mantras are:

  • This is difficult, but only temporary.
  • It’s hard to feel this way.
  • Stress is painful and difficult.
  • This is just a moment of difficulty that will pass.


If a friend was in the same stressful situation or feeling the same feelings, what would you tell them? Now, tell yourself the exact same thing. Self-kindness is truly about supporting yourself, covering yourself with loving warmth, and finding out what you need to get through the moment. Self-kindness is basically emotional self-care, and practicing it can make stress feel less intimidating. Sometimes, all you need is to be assertive and establish boundaries with other people. Other times, you may suffer from stress, but you have the power to give yourself emotional support. Here are a few self-kindness mantras to practice:

  • What do I need right now?
  • I have permission to give myself the compassion I need.
  • I am going to get through this
  • Let me be kind to myself in this moment.
  • What do I need in order to be well?

Common Humanity

The third and final component to self-compassion is common humanity. Everyone experiences stress because that’s part of life. Once you realize that stress is common and that everyone else is going through similar situations, you can feel better and make the situation less overwhelming. Here are a few examples of common humanity mantras:

  • Stress is just a part of life.
  • I’m not the only one experiencing stress.
  • There is nothing wrong with feeling this way.
  • Stress is part of being human.


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6 Breathing Exercises To Try When You Feel Stressed Sun, 26 May 2024 09:11:00 +0000

There are several breathing exercises that may help you feel calmer and more relaxed when you are dealing with high stress levels.


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Breathing is something that you do without thinking about it, making it an automatic bodily function. If you are in tune with your body, you know that your breathing rate elevates in times of stress. This is a natural part of the body’s fight-or-flight response, just as slower breathing occurs during the rest-and-digest state. 

The good news is that you have the power to change your own breathing pattern. According to scientific studies, controlling your breath can help you manage stress and stress-related health conditions. Yoga, tai chi, and certain forms of meditation use breath control to promote relaxation and mind-body awareness. Deliberately changing your breathing pattern can help you prevent hyperventilation. 

A stressed person will usually breathe in an anxious way, e.g. shallow breaths that do not engage the diaphragm. That style of breathing disrupts the natural balance of gases in the body. Shallow breathing can prolong anxiety, whereas controlled breathing can help reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and balance oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Continue reading to learn about breathing exercises that can help reduce stress.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Also known as belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing can help you use the diaphragm properly. In addition to helping you manage stress, it may help you ease constipation, reduce blood pressure, and relieve headaches. Practice diaphragmatic breathing for five to 10 minutes, three to four times per day for best results. 

Lie flat on your back with your knees slightly bent. Rest your head on a pillow and consider placing a pillow or bolster under your knees for support. Place one hand on your upper chest and one just b below your rib cage so you can feel the diaphragm move. Inhale through your nose and feel your stomach press into your hand. Keep the other hand on your upper chest still and hold for a second. Exhale through pursed lips, tightening your abdominal muscles to expel all of the air. 

Lion’s Breath

This is an energizing breathing practice that is quite common in yoga sessions. In addition to reducing stress, it may help relieve tension in the jaw and facial muscles. To do this breathing technique, sit up straight in a cross-legged position. Press your palms against your knees and spread your fingers apart. Inhale deeply through your nose and open your eyes wide. Simultaneously, open your mouth as wide as you can and stick out your tongue, bringing the tip toward your chin. Exhale with a longe “haaa” sound and direct your gaze toward the front of your nose. Do this breath about two to three times. 

Equal Breathing

Equal breathing is the practice of focusing on matching the length of your inhale to the length of your exhale. Bye making your breath smooth and qual, you can bring about balance. According to research, older adults with high blood pressure who practiced this technique increased oxygen supply to the brain and lungs. Make sure to find a breath length that isn’t too difficult, for example, somewhere between three to five seconds. 

Sit down in a comfortable position and find your center. Breathe in through your nose, counting the duration of your inhale. Exhale for the same amount of seconds as your inhale. If you want, you can add a slight pause between your inhale and exhale if you feel comfortable. Continue practicing this technique for at least five minutes. 

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing works relieve shortness of breath because it helps prevent air from getting trapped in your lungs. It also helps you breathe in fresher air and may contribute to feelings of deeper relaxation. While sitting or standing, draw your elbows back to allow your chest to expand. Take a deep breath in through your nose and retain this breath for five seconds. Slowly release the breath through your nose. Continue with this breathing pattern until you feel more centered and relaxed.

Pursed Lip Breathing

This is a simple breathing exercise that can help you slow down your breathing because it requires you to apply effort with each breath. You can engage in pursed lip breathing at any time, but it may be most useful during activities such as bending, lifting, or climbing stairs. Ideally, practice this breathing exercise four to five times per day when you begin to correctly learn how to do it.

Sit down on the edge of a chair and keep your back straight. Relax your neck and shoulders and keep your gaze forward. Keep your mouth closed as you inhale slowly through your nose for two seconds. Purse your lips and exhale slowly, blowing air through your pursed lips for four seconds. Continue alternating until you complete about 10 cycles. 

Resonant Breathing 

Resonant, or coherent, breathing involves breathing at a rate of five full breaths per minutes. How do you achieve this rate? You inhale and exhale for a count of five, respectively. By breathing this way, you can maximize your heart rate variability (HRV), promote stress reduction, and reduce symptoms of depression. To do this, sit down in a comfortable position. Inhale for a count of five and then exhale for a count of five. Continue this breathing pattern for a few minutes. 


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