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High cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. Here are some valuable tips to help lower cholesterol with proper dieting.


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Ahhh, cholesterol…you’ve seen it on nutritional labels and your doctors tell you to keep it in check to reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that the liver produces. You obtain it by eating dairy, eggs, meat, and other animal products. The liver produces less cholesterol if you consume a lot from food sources, so dietary cholesterol doesn’t usually have a huge impact on total cholesterol levels. 

If that is the case, why should you worry about cholesterol? Well, eating foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar can elevate cholesterol levels. Keep in mind, though, that there are different types of cholesterol. “Good” HDL cholesterol is beneficial, while “bad” LDL cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is more likely to adhere to arterial walls and form plaques, which narrow the arteries. To learn some helpful tips to lower cholesterol with your diet, continue reading. 

Cook With Herbs And Spices

It is very common to season meals with salt and pepper. Excess salt intake can increase the risk of heart problems, but you can achieve intense flavor in your food using less salt and more herbs and spices. Garlic, turmeric, and ginger, for example, offer great flavor and have proven effective at lowering cholesterol when eaten regularly. Eating one clove of garlic per day for three months has proven to lower total cholesterol by 9%. Additionally, many herbs and spices contain antioxidants that help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, which reduces the formation of plaque. 

Avoid Artificial Trans Fats

Trans fats, which you should avoid in general, occur naturally in dairy products and red meats. Most people’s primary source, however, is artificial trans fat, which is common in processed foods and restaurants. Artificial trans fats are the result of hydrogenating, or adding hydrogen to, unsaturated fats like vegetable oils. That ultimately changes their structure to solidify them at room temperature. A lot of research indicates that artificial trans fats increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. Watch out for words like “partially hydrogenated” on ingredient lists. The good news is that artificial trans fats were banned from use in restaurants in 2018, so they are easier to avoid now. 

Follow The Mediterranean Diet

Health experts agree that a Mediterranean-style diet is a great diet for longevity and improving heart health. The diet places a large emphasis on fruits, olive oil, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fish. It is very low in red meat and most dairy. This style of eating includes a lot of foods that help naturally lower cholesterol and avoids foods that elevate cholesterol levels. Research indicates that following a Mediterranean-style diet for three months can reduce LDL cholesterol by an average 8.9 mg per deciliter (dL). 

Eat A Lot Of Fruits And Vegetables

Studies have shown that adults who consume at least four servings of fruits and vegetables daily experience 6% lower LDL cholesterol levels than people who eat fewer servings. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory properties. All of these nutrients help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and forming plaques in the arteries. Additionally, researchers noted that people who consumed the most fruits and vegetables have a 17% lower risk of developing heart disease over 10 years compared to people who ate the least. 

Consume Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber exists in beans, legumes, whole grains, flaxseed, apples, and citrus fruits. Humans do not possess the right enzymes to break down soluble fiber. It passes through the digestive tract and absorbs water to form a thick paste. Soluble fiber absorbs bile as it travels and both are eventually excreted in stool. Bile is made from cholesterol, so the liver pulls cholesterol out of the bloodstream when it needs to make more bile, which helps naturally lower cholesterol. Regularly consuming soluble fiber has been associated with a 5-10% reduction in total and LDL cholesterol levels in just one month. Consume at least five to 10 grams of soluble fiber daily for the best cholesterol-lowering effects.


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Plant-Based Eating May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease And Cancer https://www.dherbs.com/articles/plant-based-eating-may-reduce-risk-of-heart-disease-and-cancer/ Thu, 23 May 2024 09:12:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170572

According to a new study, people who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to develop risk factors for cancer and heart disease.


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More and more studies continue to find that plant-based diets may reduce the risk of chronic health conditions. A recent study collected data from over 20 years and found that vegans and vegetarians may have a lower risk of developing heart disease and cancer. Plant-based eaters may also have lower odds of developing risk factors, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol, which contribute to these health problems. 

What Did The Study Examine?

Researchers examined results from over 48 reviews published over the course of two decades. These results explored the health benefits of vegan or vegetarian diets. For clarification, a vegan diet excludes all forms of meat, eggs, dairy, and all other animal products, including honey and gelatin. A vegetarian diet is the same, but allows for the consumption of dairy and eggs. 

Researchers observed a lower risk of developing certain cancers and ischemic heart disease for both vegan and vegetarian diets. Ischemic heart disease occurs when the person experiences restricted blood flow because of narrowed or hardened arteries. Researchers also found that plant-based diets reduced the risk of prostate cancer and certain gastrointestinal cancers. Additionally, researchers linked vegetarian diets to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. 

Don’t be mistaken, though, it is possible for vegans and vegetarians to be unhealthy. They can eat plant-based meats, French fries, and pasta with little to no fruit and vegetable intake. For the research, vegan and vegetarian diets included many plant-based foods that contributed to overall better health. Plus, people who adhere to plant-based diets tend to consume higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and other substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. Because they don’t consume meat and animal-based foods, they don’t suffer the pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory effects.

The Study Examined Strict Vegan And Vegetarian Diets Only

The reviews that researchers examined only included people who followed strict vegetarian or vegan diets. The study didn’t include people who eat plant-based just some of the time. Similarly, that’s how researchers looked at all forms of animal protein, making it difficult to determine whether avoiding specific animal-based foods, such as poultry, fish, or red meat, could have health benefits.

The purpose of the study was not to prove whether or how a vegan or vegetarian diet could improve overall health and longevity. Because each of the reviews and smaller studies included the measured health benefits of plant-based diets differently, study authors could not properly calculate how much plant-based diets could reduce the odds of developing cancer, heart disease, or risk factors that contribute to these conditions. 

As we stated earlier, not all vegetarian or vegan diets are equally nutritious. Some of these diets emphasize the importance of unhealthy plant foods. Bottled, sugary fruit juices, potato chips, refined grains, and even sodas can be vegan or vegetarian and have detrimental effects on overall health. 

Focus On Fiber-Rich Foods

Eating a lot of plant-based whole foods may reduce the risk of chronic diseases because many of these foods contain a lot of fiber. Animal-based foods do not contain fiber, according to health experts. By eating fiber-rich foods, you can slow digestion and prevent blood sugar spikes or crashes. Fiber also helps people feel fuller for longer, which can help people eat a little less over time, which may help prevent weight gain. Additionally, fiber works to clean out the digestive tract and higher fiber intake has been linked to lower cholesterol levels

All of fiber’s positive effects may help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Avoiding meat is also helpful in your effort to avoid these major health conditions. The reason is because meat contains saturated fat, which increases the risk of high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries that contributes to heart disease). That means that vegans and vegetarians not only reap the benefits of fiber and plant-based nutrients, but they also avoid problematic things that may worsen their health. Finally, health experts recommend that if you plan to make the plant-based switch, it is better to first eliminate red meat and processed meats (hot dogs, deli meat, etc.) from your diet due to the saturated fat and sodium content.


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A Plant-Based Diet May Slow The Progression Of Prostate Cancer https://www.dherbs.com/articles/a-plant-based-diet-may-slow-the-progression-of-prostate-cancer/ Sat, 11 May 2024 08:53:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=170498

According to a new study, consuming a plant-based diet may slow the progression of prostate cancer and help patients live longer.


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One of the primary concerns with prostate cancer is that the disease can progress to an advanced stage and become life-threatening. That is truly the case for most cancers, which is why medical experts stress the importance of early detection. They also harp on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle habits to reduce the risk of cancer. And new research further amplifies this point, showing that eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds can reduce the risk of prostate cancer spreading. 

The study, which was recently published in JAMA Network Open, made an interesting discovery. Researchers noted that men with prostate cancer who consume a high amount of plant-based foods can cut their risk of cancer growth by nearly 50% compared to those who don’t eat a lot of plant-based foods. Consuming a predominantly plant-based diet has been associated with better prostate cancer-specific outcomes. It may also help reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality. Making small changes in your diet to focus on more plant-based foods can do more good than you know!

Plant-Based Diet May Control Prostate Cancer

The study involved more than 2,000 men who were at an average age of 65 years old at the start. They all had a diagnosis of non-metastatic prostate cancer, meaning it hadn’t spread to other parts of the body. Each participant completed a comprehensive diet and lifestyle questionnaire to provide details about their eating habits. 

During an average 6.5-year period, 190 participants experienced a progression in prostate cancer, and 61 died from prostate cancer-specific causes. Study authors then determined that the participants who consumed the highest amounts of plant-based foods experienced a 47% lower risk of prostate cancer spreading than the men who ate fewer plant-based foods.

Small Dietary Changes Can Make A Difference

It can be difficult to make the complete switch to plant-based, but you don’t have to. Ideally, you simply add more plant-based foods to your diet and if you consume meat, focus on lean protein that is high-quality. Study authors noted that in comparison to the lowest level of plant-based consumption, the highest meant eating 1.9 more portions of vegetables, 1.6 more servings of fruit, and 0.9 more servings of whole grains per day. 

What does that mean in relation to a plate of food? Well, a standard serving of fruit, for example, can be one medium apple, banana, orange, or pear. A half-cup of brown rice is a single serving of whole grains, while a half-cup of cooked or one cup of raw broccoli or carrots counts as a single portion of vegetables. People who eat higher quantities of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits on a regular basis also eat fewer animal-based foods, on average. That could mean that they eat fewer eggs, one less serving of dairy, and marginally less meat. And since a growing body of research indicates that eating more plant-based foods reduces the risk of prostate cancer, you may want to consider eating more of these foods. 

A Plant-Based Diet Offers Numerous Benefits

There have been many previous studies and reviews related to the potential protective effects of plant-based foods for prostate health. Why is a plant-based diet so beneficial for the prostate? Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, which may prevent free radical damage that can harm cells. Animal-based foods, such as processed meats and red meat, are carcinogens, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Consuming dairy products also increases the risk of worse prostate cancer outcomes. A plant-based dietary program helps you steer clear of harmful foods and shifts your focus to foods that help the body. 

Prostate Cancer Is Most Common Among Men In the United States

After skin cancer, prostate cancer is still the most common cancer among men in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that 299,010 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2024 alone; roughly 35,000 men will die from the condition. Even though six out of every 10 prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65, dietary changes early on in life can make a big difference. 

It is never too late to make a dietary change. You don’t have to become a vegan straight away, but including more plant-based foods in your daily diet can help a lot. Incorporate more of these foods daily and try out one day of complete plant-based eating every week. Try for two days a week if you can! Greater consumption of plant-based foods may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and improve overall quality of life.


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Homemade Sweetened Condensed Oat Milk https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/homemade-sweetened-condensed-oat-milk/ Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:50:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=169989

Homemade sweetened condensed oat milk is made with three ingredients and comes together in just 15 minutes! It's perfect for coffee or tea.


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Fancy a tea or coffee that’s sweetened with homemade condensed oat milk? You are in luck because this recipe requires three ingredients and 15 minutes of your time. The condensed oat milk is sweet, thick, rich, and perfect for any tea, coffee, milkshake, or creamy beverage. You can also use it in myriad dairy-free or vegan baking applications. Drizzle it over scones, cakes, biscotti, and more!

There are not too many (if any) non-dairy condensed milk options available for purchase. Commercially available condensed oat milks are very rare, but you can sometimes have luck with condensed coconut milk. Because they are not easy to find, we wanted to provide you with an easy homemade option. All you need is the ingredients, a blender, a saucepan, and some of your precious, valuable time.

After you blend the ingredients, strain the blended mixture through a nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or fine mesh sieve. Pour that strained liquid into a saucepan and heat slowly while whisking frequently. This step is very important because you want the mixture to thicken evenly. The frequent whisking and heat will thicken the liquid, but be mindful that this can take three to five minutes. Just be patient and remove the saucepan from the stove once it reaches your desired consistency.


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Homemade Cinnamon Date Cashew Milk https://www.dherbs.com/recipes/recipe/homemade-cinnamon-date-cashew-milk/ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 17:46:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?post_type=recipe&p=169899

Creamy homemade cashew milk is flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with dates, making it perfect for smoothies, baking, and more!


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Are you an almond milk fanatic, or do you prefer oat milk? Maybe you enjoy macadamia nut milk or hemp seed milk instead. There is nothing wrong with these non-dairy milk alternatives; rather, quite the opposite, so long as you buy the unsweetened varieties with minimally processed ingredients. Better yet, if you make your own plant-based milks then you are really killing the game. We will say, though, that if you have never tried cashew milk, you are in for a treat, especially with this recipe.

Cashew milk can be quite expensive in stores, so making it at home may help you save a little money. Plus, as you know by now, making your own nut or seed milk is an incredibly easy process, especially if you have a nut milk bag. In the case of this recipe, the cashew milk offers a warm, sweet, and slightly richer flavor than your typical store bought variety. It also drinks smoother and has a creamier texture, which is great if you want to add this to your post-cleanse cup of coffee.

The great thing about this cashew milk, besides the highly addictive flavor, is its versatility. It goes great in smoothies, baked goods, energy balls/bars, cereal, or coffee. The options are truly endless and you can feel great about enjoying this cashew milk because it doesn’t contain the emulsifiers, thickening agents, added sugars, or preservatives, all of which are usually in store bought varieties. If you like this recipe and want to see more like it, drop a comment below so we know!


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Is Constipation Not A Lactose Intolerance Symptom?! https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/street-interview/is-constipation-not-a-lactose-intolerance-symptom/ Mon, 04 Mar 2024 19:32:39 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/is-constipation-not-a-lactose-intolerance-symptom/

People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) in milk.


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People with lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) in milk. This can result in diarrhea, gas and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products.


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Here’s Why You May Want To Rethink Your Coffee Creamer https://www.dherbs.com/articles/heres-why-you-may-want-to-rethink-your-coffee-creamer/ Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:08:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169178

Is your coffee creamer ruining your morning brew? Not all creamers are created equally, and most are far from nutritious concoctions.


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Coffee used to be simple, with milk and sugar being the only additions. Nowadays, you can look at an entire refrigerated section in a grocery store with hundreds of coffee creamer options to choose from. With dairy and non-dairy options aplenty, how do you know which ones to choose? Not to mention, which one is healthy, unhealthy, or somewhat healthy? We can assure you of one thing, and it is that the brown sugar cinnamon swirl option isn’t doing your body any favors. 

Are any of these coffee creamers better or healthier options than cow’s milk? Even oat milk, which is a popular non-dairy milk alternative, recently received negative attention for spiking blood sugar. Most coffee creamers, though, have added sugars, emulsifiers, thickening agents, and preservatives to extend their shelf life. And yet, even with these ingredients, people choose them over regular cow’s milk and sugar. 

How do you select the healthiest coffee creamer? It can be very difficult to do this, but you can click here to make three homemade vegan coffee creamers that are healthier than store bought varieties. They don’t have harmful ingredients and they taste incredible! Make them and see for yourself. Continue reading to learn why you should rethink your coffee creamer. 

The Different Types Of Creamers

Generally, you can break down coffee creamers into the following four categories:

  • Basic dairy, including milk, cream, and half-and-half
  • Powders, such as nonperishable products, either plain or flavored
  • Basic non-dairy, including unsweetened oat, soy, almond, coconut, and macadamia nut milks
  • Liquids, such as coffee flavored products, either made from dairy or non-dairy ingredients

As a quick rule of thumb, the simpler the product, the healthier it is for you, according to registered dietitians. From the four categories above, basic dairy and basic non-dairy creamers are the best options. That said, you still have to read the nutritional labels to ensure that they aren’t full of emulsifiers, added sugars, and more. You want to look for minimal ingredients!

When Is Coffee Creamer Bad For You?

Everything in moderation, right? If you use your favorite coffee creamer sparingly, there is nothing to worry about. Most people add coffee to their creamer. You know those types, the people that like their coffee so sweet to the point where the coffee flavor is almost non-existent. Additionally, coffee milkshakes, frappuccinos, pumpkin spice lattes, and other similar drinks contain excess calories and sugar. Those drinks don’t contain coffee creamers, but they are just as unhealthy as pouring tablespoons of creamer into your coffee cup. 

Just keep in mind that nutritional values vary between brands and flavors. Most coffee creamers have about 20 calories and at least one gram of sugar per serving, although many non-dairy creamers do not contain sugar. Here are some of the ingredients in coffee creamers to watch out for, especially if you over-pour.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Hydrogenated vegetable oil typically tops the ingredient lists of most powdered creamers. It is used as a preservative and thickening agent, extending the shelf life and giving the creamer its creamy texture. Although hydrogenated oil is not as bad as partially hydrogenated oil (trans fat), you still shouldn’t consume a lot of it. Hydrogenated oil is still saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease. If that is the case, why does powdered coffee creamer state that it has zero grams of saturated fat? Well, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that a label can claim zero grams of saturated fat if a serving has less than 0.5 grams per serving. That is why you need to be aware of the serving size and monitor how many servings you add to your cup. 


This is a common food additive in many non-dairy creamers and non-dairy milks. Extracted from red seaweed, carrageenan may potentially impact gastrointestinal health, causing bowel inflammation. That said, a USDA report found that food-grade carrageenan doesn’t pose significant health risks at dietary levels. Carrageenan intake should be based on your individual health status, so just be aware of how it makes you feel if you consume a creamer that contains it. 

Dipotassium Phosphate

As a common additive in many processed foods, dipotassium phosphate is generally considered safe by the FDA. Some health experts have their concerns about this additive, and other food additives in general. According to research, dipotassium phosphate is absorbed at a much higher rate than phosphorus. Because of this ingredient’s prevalence in processed foods, many Americans may be over-consuming phosphates. Researchers note that high levels of phosphates in the blood increase the risk of kidney problems, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. More rigorous studies are still necessary, but you may want to consider limiting your intake of phosphate additives. 

Gellan And Other Gums

Gellan gum is a plant-based alternative to gelatin, so it is used as a stabilizer and thickening agent in non-dairy creamers. According to research, gellan and other gums are generally safe, even when consumed in larger amounts than your regular coffee creamer serving size. Just be mindful of your intake because too many gums may negatively affect digestive health.


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Quick Tips For Eating Healthy During Pregnancy https://www.dherbs.com/articles/quick-tips-for-eating-healthy-during-pregnancy/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 09:18:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=169115

When you're pregnant, you need more of certain nutrients, including protein, iron, and folate. Learn all about nutrition during pregnancy.


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Following a healthy eating routine is what everyone should do to maintain proper intake of nutrients. When you are pregnant, the body requires more of certain nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, potassium, folate, protein, iron, choline, and iodine. Making smarter food choices can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. In this article, we aim to give you some quick dietary tips to help you eat healthy while pregnant. 

Before we get started, the basic principles of healthy eating remain whether you are pregnant or not. Make sure that you consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. A few nutrients during pregnancy deserve special attention, though. To maintain a healthy pregnancy, the following components come into play:

  • A balanced diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Appropriate and timely vitamin/mineral supplementation
  • Appropriate weight gain

Get The Right Amount Of Calories

The amount of calories you need will change during the course of your pregnancy. Generally speaking, most pregnancies require the following caloric needs:

  • First trimester (first 12 weeks): no extra calories
  • Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks): about 340 extra calories per day
  • Third trimester (after 26 weeks): about 450 extra calories per day

Weight gain is completely natural during pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat everything in sight. How much weight you’ll need to gain, in addition to the number of calories, will depend on a few things. Ask your doctor or midwife how many calories you need and how much weight is necessary for you to have a healthy pregnancy. 

Follow A Healthy Eating Routine

Ideally, you want to consume a wide range of healthy foods while pregnant. Choose a mix from the following food groups to enjoy daily:

  • Whole fruits: berries, apples, mango, bananas, and more
  • Whole grains: such as brown rice, bulgur wheat, millet, oats, and multi-grain bread
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, okra, beets, spinach, bell peppers, jicama, broccoli, and more
  • Healthy oils: olive oil, avocado oil, and virgin coconut oil
  • Lean protein: eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, tofu, salmon, lamb, and skinless chicken
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy: yogurt, lactose-free dairy, cheese, soy yogurt, or fortified soy beverages

Should You Take A Prenatal Supplement?

Most health care providers or midwives will prescribe a prenatal supplement either before conception or shortly thereafter. This is to ensure that you meet all of your nutritional needs. Please note that a prenatal supplement does not replace a healthy diet. Whether or not you decide to take a prenatal supplement is up to you. Just make sure that you get enough of the following nutrients: 

  • Iron: Many women do not get enough iron during pregnancy. Iron helps your baby develop, so consult your healthcare provider to see if you need a prenatal supplement with iron, or a separate iron supplement. 
  • Choline: An important nutrient for the developing baby’s brain. Foods that contain choline include lean meats, seafood, beans, lentils, eggs, and fat-free dairy. Most prenatal supplements do not have choline, so if you don’t think that you are consuming enough, consult your healthcare professional.
  • Folic acid: Keep in mind that folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, which exists in many dark leafy vegetables, beans, peas, and nuts. You can also obtain folate from oranges, lemons, strawberries, melons, and bananas. If you take a prenatal supplement, make sure that it contains 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. 
  • Iodine: Another nutrient that is integral for the baby’s brain. If you use salt to season your food, make sure it is iodized salt. Prenatal supplements typically do not have iodine, so ask your doctor whether you need an iodine supplement or not. 

Avoid Certain Foods

During your pregnancy, please note that you should stay away from certain foods. The following foods may contain bacteria that can harm the baby:

  • Lunch or deli meats, smoked seafood, and hot dogs
  • Raw (uncooked) or rare (undercooked) meats, poultry, or eggs
  • Raw sprouts, including clover, radish, alfalfa, and mung bean sprouts
  • Unpasteurized juice, cheese, or milk. Make sure you see “pasteurized” on the label.
  • Raw or rare fish or shellfish, such as sushi or raw oysters. (You can eat fish because it contains healthy fats, but some seafood is high in mercury. Generally speaking, you can eat eight to 12 ounces of seafood per week, so long as it is low in mercury and high in healthy fats).
  • Refrigerated pate and meat spreads


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6 Myths To Stop Believing About The Common Cold https://www.dherbs.com/articles/6-myths-to-stop-believing-about-the-common-cold/ Tue, 16 Jan 2024 09:29:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=168786

Does going outside with wet hair make you sick? Does dairy increase mucus production? Read on to separate the fact from fiction.


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When you come down with a cold, your first thought is that you wish it could go away immediately. A virus drains your body and it seems like you blow your nose for hours, yet you still see mucus in the tissues. Perhaps you rely on a few strategies when you feel sick, and it usually stems from advice that your parents, grandparents, or other wise people gave you as a child. 

The unfortunate reality is that a lot of the old common cold advice you hold near and dear to your heart is usually more myth than fact. There is no sense in faulting the people who gave you this old folk wisdom, but you can learn to separate fact from fiction in this article. Read on to learn about some of the most common myths about catching or recovering from the common cold. We’ll also provide the real facts from health experts. 

Myth: Feed A Cold And Starve A Fever

The fact of the matter is that you need to rest and hydrate when you fall ill. If you don’t have an appetite or you have a fever, continue to replenish the body with fluids, including water, herbal teas, and electrolyte-rich beverages. Soups are easily digestible and can also aid your hydration efforts. They also provide essential nutrients, and that warmth can aid your recovery efforts. 

Myth: More Dairy Means More Mucus

According to health experts, dairy can make mucus thicker and it may upset your stomach, especially if you’re running a fever. Dairy doesn’t necessarily increase mucus, though. If you are lactose intolerant or have a sensitivity to dairy products, it may not be a conducive food to your recovery. Enjoying frozen yogurt or a frozen dairy product while sick may help some and harm others. This varies from person to person.

Myth: Antibiotics Treat A Cold

Researchers note that antibiotics treat infections caused by bacteria, and colds result from viruses, according to physicians. Antibiotics work by killing or slowing the growth of all bacteria, both good and bad. They can treat bacterial infections, such as strep throat, ear infections, or bronchitis. They cannot, however, cure viral infections. In fact, they can actually cause dangerous antibiotic resistance if you use them too often or incorrectly.

Myth: Your Cold Isn’t Contagious Unless You Have A Fever

You don’t have to have a fever to pass your cold to other people. That means that you have very few symptoms and be very contagious. People became hyper aware of that during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people contracted that virus and were asymptomatic. A cold can be dangerous a day before the onset of symptoms. Colds are usually the most contagious in the first four days after symptoms start. Although viruses can remain in the body for weeks after symptoms end, the chance of spreading infection lessens as time passes.

Myth: You Can’t Do Much To Prevent Colds

Do you gargle salt water, use a Neti Pot, or drink lots of fluids when you have a cold? Although these efforts may not prevent you from getting sick, they may help reduce the severity and longevity of symptoms. If you want to prevent colds, you have to take extra precautions against everything. Experts suggest that you wash hands with soap frequently, stay hydrated, get sufficient sleep, avoid other sick people, eat a balanced diet, and regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces. Taking these extra precautions can help keep you healthy during cold and flu season.

Myth: You’ll Catch A Cold If You Go Outside With Wet Hair

This old gem still gets passed around like a bad game of telephone. Going outside with wet hair will make you feel cold, but it won’t cause sickness or a cold. Health experts explain that viruses and bacteria cause illnesses, usually when you are in close contact with another sick person. If you live in a colder climate, take extra care to wear warm clothing to protect against the weather. There’s no need to get frostbite, people!


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Does Ice Cream Help Soothe A Sore Throat? https://www.dherbs.com/articles/does-ice-cream-help-soothe-a-sore-throat/ Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:29:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=167034

The cold nature of ice cream may offer soothing relief to sore throats, but eating too much sugar may cause symptoms to worsen.


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When you have a sore throat, all you want is to get better so that itchy, scratchy feeling can go away. You may drink hot herbal tea, which is a great relief method, or you may reach for some ice cream in hopes of soothing the throat. Although ice cream provides a soothing cold relief, it may not be completely harmless. In fact, ice cream may make your condition worse. Continue reading to get the full scoop on eating ice cream for a sore throat. 

If you have ever eaten ice cream to soothe a sore throat, you know that it may provide temporary relief. Depending on your beliefs, you may completely avoid all things cold when you have a sore throat, or you embrace both hot and cold items. Regarding ice cream, the relief it provides is often short-lived. The type of ice cream and the ingredients may even increase inflammation, lower immune function, and worsen your condition. The good news, however, is that there are some ice cream options that may help provide relief without the negative side effects. 

Can Sugar Worsen Your Sore Throat?

According to research, sugar is not the ideal ingredient to boost immune function, which should not surprise you. Sugar can cause more inflammation in the body and weaken the immune system’s ability to fight off infections. High sugar intake may reduce the efficacy of white blood cell activity against infections. That is especially true if a sore throat is caused by a virus or bacteria. 

Better Ice Cream Options For Sore Throat

If you are dead set on eating ice cream to soothe your sore throat, the best thing to do is opt for specific, healthier varieties. Due to the vast amount of dietary restrictions and preferences these days, there are many low-sugar, non-dairy, and other “healthier” types of ice cream. Here are some varieties to consider:

  • Non-dairy options: If you are sensitive to dairy, or you have a dairy allergy, avoid eating dairy ice cream while sick. A person who is allergic to dairy will only put more stress on their immune system, which is battling the virus or bacteria. Non-dairy ice creams made with coconut milk, almond milk, macadamia milk, or cashew milk are readily available. They provide that soothing cold without the risk of dairy problems. 
  • Smooth textures: If you can, opt for ice cream that has a smoothy, creamy texture. Don’t purchase ice creams that have crunchy or hard mix-ins, as these items may irritate the throat. 
  • Low-sugar varieties: Because high sugar content may increase inflammation and irritate a sore throat, choose low-sugar ice cream options. Sugar-free or low-sugar alternatives can be both gentler on the throat and the immune system. 
  • Fruit sorbets: Generally lower in fat and typically dairy-free, fruit sorbets make for a much lighter option than traditional ice cream. If you find the ones that are made with real fruit, that is even better, as fruit provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may help soothe your throat. Keep in mind, though, that many sorbets can be very high in sugar. Don’t forget you can easily make your own sorbet with some frozen fruit and a food processor!

Are Cold Or Hot Foods Better For A Sore Throat?

Experts suggest that both cold and hot foods can offer relief, but the preference varies from person to person. A popsicle may be great for one person, while a warm cup of vegetable soup is better for another person. One study observed 120 children (ages four to 12) that underwent tonsillectomy prior to the start of the study. The kids were divided in two groups, one of which received a cold diet while the other received a room-temperature diet. The results indicated that the temperature of the diets didn’t significantly affect pain levels, vomiting, or bleeding. As long as the food isn’t so incredibly hot, your throat should tolerate the food. 

Ultimately, what it comes down to is not feeding your body inflammatory foods while you are sick. If you find that a couple spoonfuls of ice cream relieves pain and doesn’t worsen symptoms, then proceed responsibly. Just keep your sugar intake in mind, opting for low-sugar and non-dairy varieties whenever you can while sick.


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