Tags: Customer Journals

Day 1

Today’s my first day. I wanted to start on Saturday but my fiancee decided to cook his famous red beans for Memorial Day on Sunday, so I decided to start today instead. I woke up a little late, so I just consumed the Blood & Lymphatic supplement on an empty stomach. I was impressed and […]

Day 2

Overall Day 1 was a success. I didn’t consume as much food as I’d like to but I was able to stick to the raw diet. I did try the Zucchini Noodles in Avocado Sauce. Honestly, it was okay (doable). I’m thinking of trying the Carrot Noodles in Tahini Sauce today. I felt really good […]

FBC Has Arrived

My Full Body Cleanse arrived yesterday evening. I am still in preparation mentally and obtaining the groceries that I need to do this cleanse the proper way this time. I believe this will be my 3rd time doing the cleanse. However, I’ve never completed it properly (missing days, etc.) and I’ve never changed my diet […]

Getting over the hump

Do you know what food freedom is? Can you drive to town without stopping at a Drive Thru? Guess what, I never thought I would experience the joys of food freedom. But with the 20 day full body cleanse, it is helped me to stop running towards my comfort foods. We as moms get stuck […]

Day 3

I successfully completed day 3 of my FBC. I am drinking a lot of water which is very good considering I drank way less than half of what I am currently consuming. At the end of the day, I do struggle to take the last few ounces of water. Nonetheless, I am excited to feel […]

2nd FBC

I am going to start the FBC on October 1st. My package is waiting for me in the mail. My first cleanse made me lose 15lbs. I felt fantastic during and after the cleanse back in March. I had high hopes to change the way I ate because I felt so good. My energy was […]

Day Seven

Today was actually the best day thus far. I drank a green smoothie for breakfast. My snack was green apple and grapes with cashew butter. For lunch and dinner I ate a salad consisting of romaine lettuce, spinach, radicchio, cucumber, carrot and tomato. I added avocado to the salad for dinner. Last week I tried […]

Day Six

Day four and five was somewhat derailed because of a family emergency. I am back on track on day 6. Surprisingly, the cleanse has not been too difficult. My headache is completely gone and I think I am getting used to just eating vegetables, fruits and nuts. I have made a decision to stick to […]

Day Five

Unfortunately, day four was not at all good. Not because I was in pain or hungry or anything to do with the FBC. I had a family emergency and did not remember to take most of my pills. I missed two sets of pills but was able to take the last the two. I hope […]

Day Four

I am starting on day four of my FBC. Day three was actually a lot better than the two other days. My headache was reduced significantly. For breakfast I made a green smoothie with kale, apple, flax seed and something else, I don’t remember. It was awful, so unfortunately I could not stomach it so […]

Day Three of my FBC

Yesterday was very difficult for me. My head was hurting so much that I could not really concentrate. I found out that my body was detoxing from aspartame and caffeine. On Sunday I had a cappuccino and a diet coke and I started my cleanse on Monday. That was a bad idea. Today is my […]

Day One of my FBC

Well today I started on my cleanse. I underestimated the preparation I needed to complete before going to work. Needless to say, I forgot so many things I wanted to do. I know better now to prepare the night before. The day was not bad though. I did get very hungry but I stuck to […]


Returning to plant-based eating, meditation & working out. Just purchased weight release cleanse and cleared my fridge. My goal is to release frustration, relieve stress, and regain control of my spirit & mind. I chose to put myself 1st! 🙏 Now let’s get to cleansing!

  • Dherbs Full Body Cleanse as featured on Steve Harvey
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