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Wondering what a spiritual bath is? Go beyond cleaning your body and refresh your energy with balancing ingredients in these bath teas.


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If there is anything better than a soothing, warm bath, it is an upgraded bath infused with intention and a ritualistic touch. We are, of course, referring to spiritual baths, and this article details how to draw one for yourself and how they benefit you. Plus, we provide five recipes to get you started on the right foot.

What Is A Spiritual Bath?

A spiritual bath, or ritual bath as some people call it, is the idea of coupling a hot bath with intention. By submerging the body into the water and your intent, you can get more out of your relaxing experience. This practice dates back to the days of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, and India. Even modern-day baptisms use this practice that has taken place throughout human history.

The great thing about spiritual baths is that you can do them on your own. It doesn’t have to be a large demonstration; on the contrary, it can be a beautiful, solitary experience. In addition to the ingredients you add to the water, you can incorporate soul-nourishing or spiritual tools that you enjoy. Do your best to avoid any chemical products, including shampoo, conditioner, shower gels, or bubbly soaps. Instead, opt for Epsom salt, essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients. A saltwater soak is also a powerful way to cleanse the body’s energy.

The Purpose Of Spiritual Baths

A spiritual bath is a bath that refreshes the body and soul. It is easy to look at it like this: you feel one way before a bath and another way once you step out of it. That “cleansed” feeling goes beyond the feeling of a clean body. You often feel renewed and relaxed after a bath, so incorporating intention and a spiritual element can enhance the total experience.

What is the “purpose” of a spiritual bath, then? If anything, your intention determines the bath’s purpose. Generally speaking, the purpose is to allow yourself the time and space to be mindful and present in your body. During your bath, you can allow the internal and energetic healing that comes from that space to work with you. Cleansing is healing and inspiring, which is potentially why spiritual baths can have a grounding effect. 

How To Create A Spiritual Bath

Anybody can add ingredients to a bath and soak in it for a given amount of time. To create the perfect spiritual bath, we suggest you use the following instructions:

  • Declutter your space and clean the bathtub before you draw the bath. The energy of the tub should be pure and fresh. 
  • Fill the tub with water at your desired temperature. You can bring candles into the bathroom and light them around the tub. 
  • Add two handfuls of bath salts, either Epsom or Himalayan. You can also use homemade bath salt infusions. 
  • If you want essential oils, drop a few drops into the bath, but make sure you don’t add them freely. Too many drops can irritate the skin.
  • While you soak in the bath, aim to gather your thoughts and think positively. You can recite a mantra or intention, or repeat positive affirmations in a meditative state. A gratitude practice is also excellent during a spiritual bath. 

5 Spiritual Bath Teas

Spiritual bath teas involve ingredients that complete your intentions and affirmations. Each combination gives a different spiritual cleanse, making each bath unique. Here are some combinations to enhance your baths. 

Beauty Cleanse

Ground oats work to soothe skin, providing relief from irritation and inflammation. Their saponins can also absorb dirt and oil, which helps clean your pores. Add one or two cups of ground oats to your bath with optional orange essential oil. Massage the oats into your skin to rid yourself of dirt and negative energy. During this bath, use the affirmation, “I am beautiful in mind, body, and spirit.”

Abundance Bath

Smudge your tub with white sage and add some bay leaves, chamomile, and about one cup of Himalayan salt to the tub. Bring your citrine and place it on your tub, visualizing the things you want to attract more of into your life. During this bath, consider the affirmation, “I am a magnet for everything I desire.”

The Full Moon Bath

Wind down for the evening and make this bath the focal point of your night. Grab a pen and paper and write out a list of things you want to let go of, from beliefs to build-up stress. Take that list, rip it up, and throw it in the trash. Pour in a few drops of lavender essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil and about a cup or so of Epsom salt. Place your favorite crystals around the tub to purify the energy. You don’t need an affirmation for this bath because the goal of it should be to release everything and begin anew. 

New Moon Cleanse

Grab your Epsom salt, lavender essential oil, and maqui berry powder for this cleansing bath. Stir the ingredients and your bathwater will turn a dark blue hue. Place your amethyst and clear quartz crystals around the tub, along with a few of your favorite candles. Enter the bath setting new intentions for the coming week. Repeat the affirmation, “I have the power to create my reality.”

Lavender Love Cleanse

This bath helps you harness self-love and energy to reinvigorate yourself. Use rose petals, lavender essential oil, and about one cup of Epsom salt for this bath. Bring rose quartz crystals and place them around the tub. During this bath, you can use the affirmation, “I love myself unconditionally.”


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6 Great Natural Remedies For Vertigo Mon, 25 Sep 2023 09:19:00 +0000

Natural remedies for vertigo include a variety of exercises, staying hydrated, using essential oils, and more to help improve symptoms.


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Vertigo is the feeling of spinning and dizziness that occurs without any movement. The dizzy feeling happens when the brain feels that the body is off balance, even though it is not. Not only does vertigo limit a person’s activity, but it also makes them feel sick. The chances of getting hurt from a fall increase dramatically for people with vertigo. Living with vertigo means that surroundings may move despite how still the person is. 

What Causes Vertigo?

A delusion of motion can be very severe and debilitating, which leads to nausea and occasional vomiting. When you understand what’s behind your symptoms, you can decide which natural remedies for vertigo work best. Experts agree that there are a few things that can trigger vertigo spells:

  • BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo): Crystals inside chambers of the inner ear, which sense motion, float around or become dislodged. 
  • Vestibular Neuritis: This involves inflammation of the vestibular nerve, which connects the inner ear to the brain. 
  • Meniere’s Disease: This disorder of the inner ear can cause vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Symptoms result from a build-up of fluid in the inner ear, and doctors typically prescribe medication (or at least in part) to help treat the condition.

Try The Brandt-Daroff Exercise

This is part of neck therapy for vertigo, also known as vestibular rehabilitation. Your doctor may suggest you perform Brandt-Daroff exercises at home to help relieve symptoms. These exercises don’t move the crystals that have become displaced in the inner ear; rather, they help your brain acclimate to your dizziness, which can help decrease symptoms over time. Brandt-Daroff exercise involves:

  • Sit in an upright position. Lie down on your right side, pointing your nose up at above a 45-degree angle. 
  • Remain in this position for about 30 seconds, or until the vertigo passes. 
  • Return to the seated position and then repeat on the other side. 

Ginger Tea

According to research published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, ginger root may reduce symptoms of vertigo better than manual repositioning. You can steep raw ginger root in a cup of boiling water for five minutes. Honey will help mellow the spicy flavor of ginger. Experts recommend drinking ginger tea twice daily to help reduce dizziness, nausea, and other vertigo symptoms. 


Dehydration can cause or worsen symptoms of vertigo. This is true even if the body is in a mildly dehydrated state. When you properly hydrate the body, you can help minimize dizziness and balance issues. In order to effectively hydrate, drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 150 pounds and divide that by two to get 75, you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. Water is the best option because it is calorie- and caffeine-free, and it is not a diuretic. 


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, only it involves applying pressure to specific pressure points and doesn’t use needles. The goal of this therapy is to promote overall relaxation and wellness. The P6 acupressure method, for example, involves an effective pressure point located in the two tendons between the inner forearm and wrist. Stimulating these pressure points may help manage vertigo symptoms. 

Do Balance Exercises

If vestibular neuritis causes you to experience vertigo, experts encourage you to practice balance exercises. You have to exercise the balance system in your body to make it stronger. The balance system is the interconnection between the information your brain receives from your muscles, joints, eyes, and inner ear. Vestibular therapists often recommend yoga for people with vertigo, as the postures help strengthen balance. 

The Epley Maneuver 

Potentially one of the most common ways to manage vertigo, the Epley maneuver involves a series of steps that you do before bed every night. Ideally, you do this maneuver nightly until you can resolve symptoms of vertigo for at least 24 hours. One report found that 52 out of every 100 people who use the Epley maneuver gain relief from vertigo symptoms. If symptoms of vertigo occur from the left side and left ear, follow these steps:

  • Sit on the edge of a bed and turn the head 45 degrees to the left. Lie down quickly, head facing up on the bed at a 45-degree angle. 
  • Maintain this position for 30 seconds before turning the head 90 degrees to the right without raising your head. Remain here for 30 seconds. 
  • Turn the head and entire body to the right side and look downwards for 30 seconds. 
  • Slowly return to a seated position and remain here for a few minutes. 
  • If vertigo starts on the right side of the ear, do the aforementioned instructions, but on the reverse side.


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Women, Anemia and Low Blood Count Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

To correct low blood count and build the blood back up, get with nature and do the natural and common sensible thing.


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Many women suffer from acutely low blood pressure. Doctors state that the normal blood count should be around 12-15, but many of these women have reported to Dherbs that their blood count ranges between a count of 3-6, which the doctors say is acutely low.

It seems reasonable that women would have a lower blood count and lower blood iron than men simply because women have a menstrual cycle once a month and are discharging vital life fluid in the form of blood. Loss of vital blood may result in anemia.

Additionally, Bio-Iron or organic iron is abhorrently low in the food supply Americans are eating. The doctors are right – these women are anemic and need iron. However, it is not as simple as prescribing iron pills. There are two kinds of iron as there are two states of every mineral – organic and inorganic or phosphate and oxide.

These women need bio-iron or organic iron but these doctors prescribe inorganic iron, which is a toxin and poison to the body. Inorganic iron will always cause constipation in women/females because of the iron-sulfur dynamic, which throws the intestines out of sync.

Natural Healing

The following crystals provide a strong iron frequency or vibration which can cause the iron frequency in your body to resonate with that of these crystals or gemstones and thus naturally correct low blood iron in the body. These crystals/gemstones include Hematite, Malachite, Iron Pyrite (Fool’s gold), and Magnetite (Lodestone).

These crystals/gemstones can be carried on your person (in your pocket or a satchel bag), held in your hand (during meditation or chakra balancing or alignment); placed around your body as a grid during chakra work, or put in a glass of water over night and then drank (an ounce or less once a day). The only crystals/gemstones recommended for consumption purposes via elixir are polished or tumbled Malachite and Magnetite (Lodestone).

You can also entrain your mind to convert whatever available minerals in your body into needed iron. The body has an infinite intelligence and wisdom that works on your behalf. Learn to use this intelligence and wisdom. The body knows how to manufacture and produce whatever is needed for optimum functioning and life. However, you must consciously communicate with the cells of your body. The cells of the body have memory and can thus carry out orders and dictates. Your cells are more intelligent than you are, mentally-speaking.

You can also use the power of your voice (vibration) to program your drinking water to provide bio-iron. Water holds memory, which is thought-energy. The cells of the body also hold memory (thought-energy). Simply chant “iron” over a glass of micro-clustered, alkaline water for a few minutes. Your affirmation and intent will be programmed into this water.

Micro-clustered water is water with smaller water cells due to being broken down by electrolysis and which makes this water more penetrable into the cells. This type of water not only hydrates the cells, but also transfers memory (or what was recorded in to) into the cells. This is powerful. The vibration of bio-iron will now be in all of your cells, including your blood cells and your body will react accordingly. The frequency or vibration of the iron mineral in your body will enhance the effect.

Now if you do the above alchemical/imprinting technique and you doubt its power or effectiveness, you have merely wasted your time. Doubt is the subconscious will to fail. You must believe and have knowledge in this. Belief activates and knowledge substantiates (provides results). Belief is not belief if it can be touched by doubt.

Dietary Intervention

Remember ladies, your menstrual cycle reflects your diet and lifestyle. The very healthy female (usually a raw foodist or strict vegan) has a very short but quantitative menses with bright red blood and no foul smell.

The toxic female (usually the heavy meat, dairy and refined starch eater; who also smokes and/or drinks alcohol; eats junk food, eats a lot of candy and chocolate; worries, stresses, and thinks negative a lot, etc.) has a long menses with very dark blood, a foul stench or odor, and may even release blood clots during her menses or outside of her menstrual cycle.

To correct this low blood count and to build the blood back up all these women have to do is get with Nature and do the natural and common sensible thing which includes consuming natural iron, drinking crystal/gemstone water, meditating with iron, performing alchemy, and using imaginative therapy.

Natural foods rich in iron include:

  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Burdock
  • Mustard and Collard Greens
  • Chives
  • Black Currants
  • Elderberries
  • Blueberries, and
  • Blackstrap Molasses (un-sulfured)

Herbs such as:

Three of the best herbs to naturally rebuild the blood (red blood cell count) are Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Red Clover Tops, and Lycii Berry.

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color red will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. These include cherries, beets, capsicum fruit (cayenne), Goji berries, Lycii (or Wolf berries).

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color green will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. Some of these include Alfalfa, Watercress, Nettle, Sheep Sorrel, Wheatgrass (juice), Barley grass (juice); Spirulina, Blue Green algae, and Chlorella to name a few.

Also, all seaweeds will help to build and nourish the blood. Some of these include Dulse, Kelp, Nori, Wakame, Hiziki, Kombu, Chlorella, Spirulina, Bladderwrack (Seawrack), Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Red Marine algae, and Blue Green algae (best seaweed available).

If you are bleeding too much during the menstrual cycle, you need to curb excess bleeding (hemorrhaging). You simply want a short menses but a quantitative elimination or discharge. Certain herbs can curb excess bleeding. These herbs include Rehmmania, Dong Quai, Cranesbill (Alum Root), Solomon’s Seal, Valerian Root, Goldenseal Root, Periwinkle, Cinnamon, Capsicum (Cayenne), Cramp Bark, Beth (Birth) Root, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Manjistha, Knotgrass and Dragon’s Blood.


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The Metaphysics of Autoimmune Diseases Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Contrary to what Western medicine says, autoimmune diseases can be healed with the right knowledge and application of that knowledge. Healing can successfully remedy energy imbalances and intercellular blockages in the body.


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Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune (defense) system forms or creates antibodies that attack the body’s own tissues and creates localized and systemic reactions.

The cause of autoimmune diseases, metaphysically or esoterically, is MADNESS of the cells. Loss of memory in the cells causes the cells to forget their function; causes them to forget that they are one with the body. It is acidosis, lack of minerals, lack of oxygen, and energy imbalance that causes the cells to become MAD.

Because the cells see the body as foreign, they now attack the body. The cells begin eating up the tissues of the body in an attempt to kill what the dysfunctional immune system perceives as an attack.

Natural Healing Solutions

Unnatural living (negative thinking/thought process, poor diet, constant stress and worry; evil and wickedness/unrighteousness, etc.) causes serious energy imbalance and intercellular blockages throughout the body.

Acupuncture and acupressure, chakra balancing, certain massage technique, Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, chromatherapy, and pranic healing can successfully remedy energy imbalances and intercellular blockages in the body by moving and enhancing the Chi (vital life force), which has become stagnant throughout the body.

Many cellular disorders (and present-life illnesses and disabilities) are the result of ethereal blueprint programming, which carries imprints of past-life disease(s) and/or injury and crystals can successfully reprogram the subtle program from which the physical vessel (body) is constructed.

Crystals can successfully heal on all eight spheres of the body (physical, ethereal, emotional, mental, astral, ethereal template, celestial, and kethereal). Chakra balancing with crystals and gemstones include:

  • Shattuckite
  • Amethyst
  • Dioptase
  • Garnet
  • Azeztulite
  • Herkimer Diamond/Quartz
  • Nebulla Stone

All seaweeds stimulate cell growth and repair damaged cells.

There are certain herbs that unblock stagnant Chi (energy), including:

  • Dragons Blood resin
  • Cranesbill (Alum Root)
  • Capsicum fruit
  • Manjistha
  • Periwinkle
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger and
  • Gotu Kola

There are also certain herbs that cleanse and repair on a deep intercellular level:

Immune (defense) building herbs include:

  • Astragalus
  • Pau DArco (Red and Purple La Pacho)
  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal
  • Fo-Ti
  • Ginseng (all kinds)
  • Cats Claw (Una De Gato)
  • Codonopsis and
  • Lomatium

Dherbs Solutions formulas and products that help to eradicate autoimmune diseases include:

Thank you for reading!

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Cancer: Causes and Remedies Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.


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Cancer is defined by the National Cancer Institute as a disease “in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.”

There are actually more than 100 different types of cancer, which are usually named for the organ or cell-type where the disease starts. That said, cancer is organized into these categories:

  • Carcinoma – cancer that starts in the skin
  • Sarcoma – cancer that starts in the bone or musculo-skeletal system
  • Leukemia – cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow
  • Lymphoma or myeloma – cancer that starts in the lymph system or immune system
  • Central nervous system – cancer that starts in the brain, spinal column or nervous system

Tumors exist in two states: benign and malignant. Benign means “not fatal or pernicious.” Malignant means “highly injurious, pernicious or fatal.”

More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with some type of cancer each year. Of those, more than 577,000 will die.

Causes and Risk Factors

No one really knows why some people get cancer and others don’t, so discussion is generally more focused on risk factors. Known risk factors are:

  • Age
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight
  • Exposure to chemicals and other toxins
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation (such as radioactive fallout, xrays, radon gas, etc.)
  • Some viruses and bacteria such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, Human papilloma virus (HPV), Human immunodeficiency disorder (HIV)
  • Artificial hormone use such as medication containing estrogen and progestin (most commonly used to alleviate symptoms of menopause)
  • Family history and genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Being overweight


Cancer patients/suffers begin to get thin and this is caused by an internal “eating up” process where certain cells start attacking other cells. While an “eating up” is taking place in the body, a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells invade surrounding tissue, which metastasizes.

There are no specific symptoms with cancer. However, there are signs that may mean immediate attention is needed, including:

  • Lumps
  • Skin abrasians or discoloration
  • Persistent cough
  • Change in bowel movements or urination
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Hoarseness
  • Swollen glands
  • Changes to warts or moles
  • Persistent nausea, indigestion or trouble swallowing or eating
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Persistent fever
  • Non-healing sores
  • Persistent headache, muscle ache or bone ache

The Dangers of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Western medicine’s approach to treating cancer is the cut, slash and burn technique that usually involves surgery combined with radiation or chemotherapy treatment.

Chemotherapy is chemical therapy designed to kill the cancer cells. The challenge is that the immune system doesn’t always distinguish the difference between the cancer cells and healthy cells, making chemotherapy a physically difficult treatment. Side effects can be severe, including vomiting, hair loss and other issues.

Radiation is based upon the toxic element “radium oxide“, a serious poison to the human body. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body?

In the East, the doctors don’t tell the patient that they have a fatal disease and only have a certain amount of time to live. However, they do tell family members.

Healing Options

In healing cancer, first and foremost, you need a strong and positive mindset and strong will to live.


These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States. If you have an oxygen machine or ozonator and a body bag/suit, oxygenate or ozonate yourself twice daily (45-60 minutes). The oxygen or ozone will penetrate your skin and saturate your blood killing cancer cells instantly. You can also take oxygen/ozone baths daily. In these baths, you leave the machine going while in the tub. An oxygen/ozone bath should be anywhere from 1-2 hours. You can enhance this bath by adding a few pounds of sea salt (to alkalize the water) and MSM sulfur. Every glass of water should be oxygenated or ozonated in addition to being alkaline. If you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine, you may add oxygen drops (20-30 drops per glass) or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (1/8 of an ounce) to your water. You can also add these to your bath water if you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine. Oxygenated oil (Oz-Oil) can be used to rub the entire body down with so as to help oxygenate the body.


Magnets may help to shrink tumors. Magnet strength sizes 4,600 gauss to 14,000 gauss are ideal. The higher the better! Never sleep with magnets above your eyes (preventing brain ionization). The magnets should be applied to the tumor and left on.


Crystals work on the energy level where cancer begins. Crystals can cause cancer frequencies to change and thus rapidly begin the core healing aspect.


Colonics and enemas are essential in healing from cancer, especially colon and rectal cancers. Colon-cleansing herbs include Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Jalap Root, and Glucommanan to name a few. Bentonite clay (liquid form) helps to remove heavy metal toxins from the colon as well as mucoidal plaque. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very soothing and healing to the colon. Aloe Vera juice is very alkalizing.

Dietary Intervention

A healthy diet is crucial in preventing cancer. This means eating plenty of foods that are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. This includes whole-grain breads and cereals and 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Also, a healthy diet means limiting foods high in fat (such as butter, whole milk, fried foods, and red meat).

The best foods to eat to eradicate cancer are green colored foods – kale, parsley, spinach, greens, cabbage, broccoli, etc. Greens foods are great alkaline foods saturated with nutrients. Green drinks or veggie cocktails drank daily are exceptional.


Just about all vegetables should and can be eaten. Green vegetables and vegetables with color are best! Vegetables loaded with enzymes, minerals, and other valuable nutrients. Do not cook the vegetables.


Melons are the best fruits to eat in healing from cancer followed by various berries, especially those with antioxidant properties (blueberries, Goji, lycii, elderberry, etc.). Citrus fruits, in spite of their natural acids, are very alkaline.


You will want to use blood cleansing herbs such as Echinacea (purpurea, pallida or angustifolia), Goldenseal root, Chickweed, Manjistha, Yellow Dock, Cerasee, Burdock Root and Dandelion Root. Blood cleansing herbs will also cleanse the lymphatic fluid too. You will also want to use tissue rebuilding and repairing herbs too, such as Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Sarsaparilla and Chaparral.

Immune boosting herbs are also ideal in healing from cancer. These herbs include Suma, Ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D’Arco (LaPacho), Cat’s Claw, Yew Tips and Codonopsis to name a few. These herbs stimulate the body’s natural anti-cancer defenses. They increase the activity of natural killer cells, which recognize and destroy cancer cells at first sight and improve the efficacy of interferon.


Seaweeds are very oxygenating, alkalizing and nutritious. The best seaweeds to consume are Super Blue Green algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse, Irish Moss and Kelp. Seaweeds will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation from radiation treatment.


You will want to use the healing and therapeutic mushrooms Reishi, Maitake and Shitake. Maitake is the most potent of the healing mushrooms. These mushrooms should be taken in extract form. These mushrooms greatly help to dissolve tumor growth.


Hydrotherapy can be used in the healing regimen for cancer. The best water to drink for healing purposes is alkaline water followed by distilled water.

VITAMIN B-17 (Laetrile)

Leatrile/Vitamin B-17 is banned in the U.S. in drug form, but it is plentiful in Wheat Grass. Drink plenty of wheat grass to get as much Vitamin B-17 as you can.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these solutions to help with cancer:

Full Body Cleanse
10 Day Blood Cleanse
10 Day Colon Cleanser
Blood & Lymphatic
Electric Greens Combo
Anti-T Formula
Alkaline Formula
Immune Formula
Immune Booster Kit
Multi-Vitamins and Minerals
Full Body Cleanse Bath Drops

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Endometriosis Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine complaints and diseases.


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Endometriosis is a uterine disorder that affects many American women. Endometriosis is an abnormal gynecological condition characterized by unusual ectopic growth and function of endometrial tissue.

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel (colon), pelvic floor, urinary bladder, uterine musculature, peritoneum (membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity) and the deep pelvic peritoneal cavity are the common sites of growths of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity.

The abnormal implants of endometriosis respond to the hormonal changes regulating menstruation and, like the uterine lining, these fragments construct tissue monthly and then break down or destruct and bleed.

Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts

There is an unhealthy symbiosis between endometriosis and ovarian cysts, medically known as ovarial endometrial cysts.

Ovarian cysts are nothing but accumulated liquid toxic waste and thick, congealed menstrual blood that is dark in color and held together by mucus. Ovarian cysts cause pain due to their growth and pressing against other organs and nerves in the pelvic cavity. Ovarian cysts grow fast based upon poor diets.

If you are experiencing heavy menstrual blood flow (hypermenorrhea), releasing of small, moderate, to large blood clots from the vagina; pain (in the uterus, lower back, etc.), painful sexual intercourse, infertility, premenstrual vaginal staining of blood, and chronic constipation, chances are you may be suffering from endometriosis.


Unlike the blood from the uterine lining, the blood from the implants has no way of exiting the body and therefore the surrounding uterine tissue slowly absorbs the blood from the abnormal implants. The condition is also known as retrograde menstruation, since the blood doesn’t leave the body, but instead is absorbed into it.

Cells from the endometrium (lining of the uterus) also develop elsewhere in the abdominal cavity of the female body. During this slow process, blood accumulates in the body cavities and the process of bleeding and absorbing is generally quite painful.


This condition produces various symptoms such as severe and excruciating pain in the uterus, lower back, and pelvic cavity organs before and during menstruation, pain during the actual menses, excessive bleeding and expulsion of large clots and shreds of uterine tissue during the menses, and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, endometriosis can cause severe pain in a subsequent pregnancy because in pregnancy the uterus enlarges and the various organs in the abdominal cavity are pushed into different positions.

Natural Healing


Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine diseases. Uterine and/or oxytocic-specific* herbs include: Squawvine*, Ashoka, Blue Cohosh*, Pennyroyal*, Rue*, Shatawari, Eucommia, Chaste Tree berries (Vitex), False Unicorn Root, Fo Ti, Rehmannia, Yarrow, and Bayberry.

Female specific herbs with a hormonal stimulating effect on the body are ideal in restoring overall female health and uterine health in particular and include such herbs as: Canada Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Maca, Red Raspberry leaf, Red Clover tops, Black Haw, Beth Root, Lovage, Wild Yam root, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, Dong Quai, Ashwagandha, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Muira Puama, Saw Palmetto berries, Oatstraw, Sage.

Herbs that address menstrual irregularities will greatly help in addressing endometriosis. These herbs include: Canada Snakeroot, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Beth Root, Black Haw, Angelica, Dong Quai, Goldenseal Root, Burdock Root, Black Cohosh, Comfrey Root, Cranesbill, Dragon’s Blood, False Unicorn Root, Squawvine, and Yarrow.


Essential oils are paramount in holistic healing as the aroma from the oils affects the mind, spirit, emotions and etheric body. Essential oils with a female hormonal effect can greatly help to heal uterine and other female complaints and disorders. These oils include: Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Pennyroyal (use cautiously), Rue (use cautiously), Cananga, Fennel, Angelica, Combava, and Vitex (Chaste Tree).


No healing regimen is complete without the use of crystals, the greatest energy amplifiers on the planet. Crystals with an affinity for the female reproductive chamber are imperative in healing from any female reproductive chamber and include such crystals as: Quartz, Ammonite, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, and Zincite.

No healing regimen or therapy is replete or complete without chakra alignment or balancing. Remember, all disease first occurs on the energetic level.

Colon Therapy

Colonics are effective in dissolving hardened fecal and mucoidal debris in the colon. When you cleanse the colon you begin the cleansing process of all other eliminative channels. There can be no healing without an emphasis on cleansing out the colon.

If you are unable to afford a colon session (which are usually priced at $60-70 per session, then purchase an enema bag and perform weekly enemas. Cleaning out the rectum is better than doing nothing at all.


Hot sea salt baths which are very therapeutic. The bath should consist of hot water, sea salt (1-3 boxes), MSM sulfur (or sulphur) (1 cup), crystals (named above); and essential oils (named above, 2-4 drops each). The bath (actually a soak for the first 30-45 minutes) can be taken daily.

Acupuncture / Acupressure

These therapies work on the chi (energy) and get it moving again in the case of blockage. All disease is first energetic and these therapies deal with energy.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a most effective therapy. It is unfortunate oxygen therapies are banned in the U.S. despite proven facts that oxygen helps to heal, especially since lack of oxygen plays a pivotal role in degeneration and disease. The cells thrive off of oxygen and when you introduce more oxygen into the body, the cells’ communication ability restores and the innate healing effect of the body accelerates. The prohibition of oxygen therapies by your government is what you pay for with your tax dollars.

Massage Therapy

Because massage is intimate and requires trust and to effectively heal, you must open up (let your wall or guard down). When you open up, you automatically let go and “letting go” is what a lot of women) need to do in order to heal and move on in their lives. Most people, especially females, are holding on to negative and self-defeating and sabotaging thoughts (which affect their emotional state and feelings) and these thoughts lodge in the tissues of the body and alter the individual frequency and resonance of the particular body part or organ, manifesting disease as a sensor that something is wrong on a deeper, emotional, and energetic level.

Massage, especially deep tissue massage, is very therapeutic and healing because deep pressure into the tissues not only dissolves knots but also the negative and toxic thoughts lingering in the knot. When a massage therapist tells you that you have knots in your body (e.g. back), those knots are not liquid filled, but energy filled. You can actually feel them dissolve when a therapist applies pressure to the area.

Massage greatly helps to release all those negative emotions and feelings we hold in certain parts of our body. The feeling of shouldering too much responsibility stores in our shoulders. Feeling like we are carrying the weight of the world or others (family, friends, etc.) on our back stores in our back (as well as the feeling of feeling backed against a wall); people, events, and circumstances that feel like a “pain in the neck” to you actually store in your neck.

We actually feel everything we say and think, believe it or not; and unfortunately, a lot of us have thought and said and still think and say negative things. Negative and unproductive thinking needs to be put in check because our bodies literally believe every word we say.

Pranic Healing / Reiki

These two therapies are just as ideal as chakra alignment and balancing because they deal with healing via energy and again, all disease is first energetic. Whereas chakra alignment/balancing uses crystals, pranic healing and reiki uses the hands. Pranic healing does not require actual touch whereas reiki does; but a crystal grid around the person while undergoing a pranic healing or reiki session will undoubtedly enhance the effect of the energy.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnet therapy is great for healing because magnets alkalize the body and improve circulation to problem areas. Magnets cause blood vessels to dilate and thus improve blood flow in the body. Magnetic therapy should never be used on the belly (Sacral Chakra) area of a pregnant woman.

Anti-Gravity Therapy

Anti-gravity exercises where the body is slanted and the feet are raised higher than the head are great in healing uterine complaints and disorders such as endometriosis because when the body is in a slanted position with the feet raised higher than the head gravity now works for you rather than against you. Lying on an anti-gravity board or simply with your feet raised higher than your head (back and head on the ground or floor and legs propped up on a sofa or chair) causes gravity to pull on the uterus and helps put the uterus and other organs back in place. This method has a profound effect on the whole body and causes hardened substances to break up and become movable for elimination.


Fasting is a natural healing method that induces the body to go into a natural cleansing mode without the help of any outside agents or substances. The one drawback of fasting is that it requires discipline. Fasting is very effective in healing any and all ailments and complaints.

Mineral Therapy

The most important mineral required in remedying reproductive complaints and disorders is zinc. Not zinc derived from an inorganic source, but organic zinc, e.g. zinc phosphate. Organic zinc can be assimilated by the body, but not zinc oxide (derived from metals or stone). Zinc is important for uterine health because the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc and when the uterus is impaired and becomes defective, it loses necessary zinc.

Zinc can be found in the following foods and herbs: Pumpkin Seeds (a/k/a Papitas), Sunflower Seeds, Cocculus Root, False Unicorn Root, Irish Moss (and all other seaweeds), and Fenugreek Seed.

Dietary Intervention

Dairy foods are strongly tied to the development of endometriosis.

To heal, women must give up meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches and other processed chemicals and so-called foods and should consciously embrace a vegan and/or raw foods diet consisting of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains.

Vegetable juice is very alkalizing and healing. For endometriosis, make sure you consume a lot of vegetable juice containing asparagus and beets.

Positive Thinking and Attitude

Healthy and positive thinking is so important. Being emotional by nature makes females more sensitive and intuitive than males generally. Females in general, African-American females in particular are greatly out of sync with their feminine grace and essence today. External pathologies denote internal or inner imbalance. A positive mindset that thinks healthy, right, and positive impacts a person’s outer circumstances and their physical health. This is the best and greatest incentive for positive, right, and healthy thinking.

Saying daily affirmations and performing mediation can greatly help transform the mind in a positive light. We can really change our lives by the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel on a daily and consistent basis. Our lives are truly in our own hands to shape and mold as we see fit. You are the master of your own destiny and fate.


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Crohn’s disease Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

Though Western medicine openly admits their ignorance as to what causes Crohn's disease, Crohn's Disease is caused by a constipated mind or mental state and poor diet and lifestyle.


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Crohn’s Disease is medically defined as: “A chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown origin, usually affecting the ileum, the colon, or both structures. Diseased segments may be separated by normal segments.” Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., p. 321 “Crohn’s disease is characterized by frequent attacks of diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever, chills, weakness, anorexia, and weight loss. Children with the disease often suffer retarded physical growth. The diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is based on clinical signs, x-ray studies using a contrast medium, and endoscopy. The disease is easily confused with ulcerative colitis, which is also an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the colon and rectum.” Ibid.

Anal fistulas are very common in cases of Crohn’s Disease. An anal fistula is: “An abnormal opening on the cutaneous surface near the anus, usually resulting from a local crypt abscess. Also called Fistula in ano.” Mosby’s supra.

Because Crohn’s Disease is known as ‘ileocolitis’, it is characterized by inflammation of the ileum section of the colon.

Causes and Risk Factors

Though Western medicine openly admits their ignorance as to what causes Chron’s disease, it is most likely caused by a constipated mind, poor diet and excessive lifestyle.

Because Crohn’s Disease deals with inflammation in the colon, it is a disease physically caused by MUCUS due to excess ACIDITY in the body, the colon in particular. All inflammation is caused by extreme acidity (acidosis), which is created by the breakdown and byproduct of meat, dairy products, refined grains refined starches, and a host of other things that have no business in the human body.


Crohn’s Disease is most commonly indicated by these symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • General weakness
  • Anorexia or weight loss

The diarrhea aspect of Crohn’s Disease is the body attempting to pass hardened fecal matter via process of liquefying the stools, a process that robs sodium from the body.

The abdominal pain aspect of Crohn’s Disease stems from old gas pockets in the colon opening up releasing gas, causing severe spasms. The body is simply attempting to heal itself, but of course to the Western human mind, healing is considered sickness or a problem and must be interfered with.

The fever aspect of Crohn’s Disease is the body raising its own heat level or temperature so as to effectuate healing via hyperthermia that induces sweating, which is very therapeutic.

The weakness aspect of Crohn’s Disease is indicated by the body’s attempt to heal itself. People don’t move around as much when they feel weak so many times the body induces a feeling of weakness to keep people steady and still so healing can effectively take place. The mind has a tendency to operate on its own and many people will convince themselves via the mind that instead of lying in bed all day to allow optimal healing, they instead should be up doing things, working, making some money, cleaning up around the house, etc.

The anorexia and weight loss aspect of Chrons Disease stems from necrosis, whereby the cells begin to attack the body by eating away at the body.



Herbs can stimulate peristalsis and help tone, strengthen, nourish and repair the intestinal tract. Herbs that help remedy or prevent Crohn’s Disease include all cathartic and laxative herbs such as Senna Leaf/Pods, Cascara Sagrada, Aloe Vera Resin, Glucomannan, Buckthorn, Trifala, Bibitaki, Bilwa, and Ipecac Root.

Catalyst family herbs such as Cayenne, Ginger, Cloves, and Cinnamon are also helpful in cases of Crohn’s because they facilitate a fever; not breaking it, but working with it. They can also help to naturally break chills and counter nausea, especially Ginger.

Antispasmodic herbs are also beneficial for Crohn’s Disease. These herbs include Cramp Bark, Wild Yam, and Black Haw. They address and resolve painful spasms.

Nutritive herbs are also important in remedying Crohn’s Disease. A nutritive herb provides nutrition to the body. Nutritive herbs are usually rich in minerals, vitamins, B-vitamins, and amino acids (protein). Nutritive herbs include Moringa Seed, Irish Moss, Spirulina, Alfalfa, Chlorella, Blue Green algae, Suma, Dulse, Sheep Sorrell, Kelp, Barley Grass, and Wheat Grass.

These individual herbs help to counter anorexia and involuntary weight loss which are usually present in cases of Crohn’s Disease.

Carminative herbs are also recommended for Crohn’s Disease. These herbs soothe the digestive system and include Cardamom, Chamomile, Anise Seed, Fennel Seed, and Caraway Seed.


Crystal elixir of Carnelian is very helpful in cases of Crohn’s Disease. No other crystal impacts the colon to the degree that Carnelian does. A crystal elixir is made by placing a crystal in distilled water for 24 hours (overnight, for the moon’s influence on the elixir). After 24 hours, the elixir can be drunk (1-4 ounces per day).

Sea salt

Because diarrhea is associated with Crohn’s Disease, sodium loss is inevitable as diarrhea causes sodium to be lost. The sodium can be replaced by drinking celery juice (4 ounces per day) and/or drinking a glass of warm water with sea salt (one-third teaspoon of sea salt).


People suffering from Crohn’s Disease should switch to a vegan diet balanced with raw foods. All meat and dairy products should be cut out of the diet. Refined starches and grains should be entirely avoided.

Enemas and Colonics

Enemas and colonics should not be performed during severe bouts of Crohn’s Disease, but nevertheless should be performed after recovering from Crohn’s Disease. Weekly enemas and monthly (every 3 months) colonics are a great preventive measure of Crohn’s Disease and we at Dherbs.Com highly recommend these effective modalities.


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Eye Problems Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Eye problems diminish natural vision; so if you want optimal vision or eyesight, by all means take care of your eyes.


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Eye problems diminish natural vision; so if you want optimal vision or eyesight, by all means take care of your eyes.

Various Eye Diseases


Glaucoma is a major eye disease or disorder whereby there is a loss of peripheral vision, and accompanied by an increase in fluid pressure within the eyeball that can lead to degeneration of the optical nerve due to compression. The built up pressure in the eyes that cause the compression is really nothing but mucus and other toxic fluid wastes trapped in the body due to poor elimination and which make their way to the eyes.


This eye disease denotes inflammation of the conjuctiva. Anytime we have a medical term ending with “itis” i.e., bronchitis, vaginitis, arthritis, we know that inflammation is on the scene and that inflammation is due to excess negative or unhealthy mucus.


This is another eye disease whereby inflammation (due to excess buildup of negative or unhealthy mucus) of the outer edges of the eyelids causes redness, burning, itching, and a feeling that something is in one’s eye. Symptoms of this disease include loss of eyelashes, swollen eyelids, and sensitivity to light.

People who experience “glued” eyes are suffering from blepharitis. It causes secretions (that are mucus-based) that form crusts that “glue” or “paste” the eyes together during sleep.

Other Eye Problems

“Cat in the eye” is an excess mucus oozing from the corner or pocket of the eyes.

Watery eyes indicate a so-called “cold.” The so-called immune system is taxed and you need to rest. Most people can’t “see” this, but this is what the body is telling them.

Blurred vision usually denotes other problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Bloodshot eyes can denote many things, including consumption of alcohol, eyestrain, fatigue, and use of drugs. The eyes become bloodshot when “the small vessels on the surface of the eye become inflamed and congested with blood, usually in response to an insufficient supply of oxygen in the cornea or tissues covering the eyes.” Balch supra

Browning of the eyes (white of the eye) undoubtedly denotes cholesterol (unnatural cholesterol), usually from poor diet that includes dead animal flesh or carcass and animal excreta (dairy products, a/k/a liquefied cow snot/mucus).

Dark circles under or around the eyes usually indicate exhaustion stemming from lack of proper or adequate amount of rest and sleep.

Puffiness under the eyes usually denotes kidney problems, especially fluid retention in the kidneys. You work on this problem by addressing the kidneys and/or excess fluids in the body.

Red and swollen eyes usually indicate presence of allergies.

Yellowing of the eyes denotes liver toxicity, perhaps from jaundice, hepatitis, or other liver pathologies. This problem is addressed by addressing the liver (liver cleansing, coffee enema, etc.).

Droopy eyes usually denote weakening of the eye muscles.

Protruding or bulging eyes usually denote thyroid problems. This problem is addressed by addressing the thyroid gland.

There is a very good reason why so-called diabetics end up with eye problems, blurred vision followed by blindness. Diabetes the disease does not cause blindness, but the pharmaceutical grade of the drug ‘insulin’ does.

Prescription Glasses or Contact Lenses and Eye Problems

Wearing eyeglasses denote that your eyes or vision is bad or poor and you need help seeing.

Prescription eyeglasses can be detrimental to your eyes as well. Instead of strengthening your eyes, the ciliary muscles in your eyes, they actually help to weaken them. When you focus on a thing, you are using your ciliary muscles. But when you wear prescription glasses, the glasses magnify objects for you that cause your ciliary muscles in your eyes to become lethargic and indolent.

Why are so many young children wearing eyeglasses today? Because of harmful chemicals used in commercial brand children’s shampoo, conditioner, and bubble bath that contained industrial agents such as PROPYLENE GLYCOL and SODIUM LAUREL SULFATE.

Propylene glycol is used to make car anti-freeze. It is an industrial product that the government allows to be used in food and cosmetics, but not cat food because it’s too harmful for the pet to ingest.

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (and Sodium Laureth Sulfate) is a known skin irritant commonly used in hair care, skin, and bubble bath products. It’s also used in the cleaning industry as garage floor cleaner and engine degreaser.

Colored contact lenses are nothing but a profit-making scheme. People with poor eyesight need contact lenses. People who want to change their eye color do not.

Computers and Eye Problems

Another device that impairs the health of the eyes are computer screens. People who work on a computer for numerous hours throughout the day would be wise to purchase anti-radiation screens to place over their computer monitors. The radiation glare emitted from computer screens harms the eyes, including the chakra of the eyes.

Take periodic breaks from looking at your computer screen and perform ocular or eye exercises. Hold a blue colored crystal or stone (lapis lazuli and/or sodalite are best) between your fingers and stare into the stone for approximately one minute. These stones will dissipate the radiation field from computer screen to your eyes. Crystals and gemstones are more helpful than you know.

Commercial Drops and Eye Problems

Commercial brand eye drops are chemical based not helpful to the eyes. They mask a different problem that needs to be addressed.

Televisions and Eye Problems

The size of a TV set doesn’t just tell you how big the screen is. It’s also telling you the MINIMUM distance you need to place between your eyes and the screen. Simply convert the inches into feet and then sit that many feet away from your television set and screen.

Healing Eyes Problems Naturally

Pinhole readers are excellent in repairing the eyes. These glasses, which are black glasses (no lens) with numerous holes to look through, strengthens your ciliary muscles.

Pinhole readers

Liquid MSM eye drops are a far better choice for eye drops compared to “Visine.” I used MSM eye drops heavily (and daily) some 10 years ago and they greatly helped to improve my eyes.

Cucumber slices are great for puffy or baggy eyes. Puffy and baggy eyes are the result of either the kidneys or lack of sleep. Place cucumber slices over the eyes for about 30 minutes. Learn to get a good night’s sleep.

Crystals are excellent for healing and repairing the eyes. Crystals help to heal the chakras (energy centers) of the eyes. Both eyes have chakras. Your left eye allows energy into the body and the right eye allows energy to exist the body. All openings on the body have chakras – the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, female nipples, vagina, penis, and anus.

Good crystals to use for eye care, maintenance, and remedy include, but is not limited to: Agate, Chalcedony, Mica (Muscovite), Amethyst, Snowflake Obsidian, Angel Aura Quartz, Petalite, Tiger’s Eye, and Hawk’s Eye.

Dietary Intervention

Eat plenty of blueberries. It’s the best food you could eat for maintenance and/or repair of the eyes. Be it raw whole blueberries, dried blueberries (that are unsulphured), blueberry jam or jelly, etc., just simply eat a lot of blueberries for the sake of improving the health and vision of your eyes.

Drink a cup of organic blueberry juice daily. Good brands to purchase include Lakewood and Knudsen.

Eye nutrients include Vitamin A, Lutein, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc. Many of these nutrients are sold in natural form here at Dherbs.Com (see Minerals and Vitamins).

Herbs great for naturally healing and/or maintaining the eyes and vision include Bilberry, Eyebright, Calendula Flower, Chrysanthemum Flower, Passionflower, Mullein Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Cayenne, Amla Fruit, Bilberry (also known as Huckleberry and Blueberry) provides natural carotene and Vitamin E and greatly helps to strengthen the eyes. During WWII, British jet pilots were given bilberry so as to improve their night vision. This herb greatly helps to reverse and/or prevent night-blindness.

Eyebright maintains the health of the optical system. It ranks only under bilberry as a powerful eye aid and healer.

Calendula is one of the greatest natural sources of the eye nutrient “lutein”, which is sold in it’s isolated form in commercial health food stores. However, if the lutein is not derived from a living food, it’s inorganic and thus not good for human health. You can derive plenty of organic lutein from Calendula (a/k/a Marigold).

Grape Seed Extract is a natural source of anti-oxidant and helps prevent free radical damage, including in the eye area.

I do not advise the wearing of tinted sunglasses, at least for people with dominant eyes (Black people). Contrary to your programming, people with dominant eyes require sunlight. Looking directly into the sunlight for a few seconds each day is actually healthy for the eyes. On the other hand, people with recessive eyes (Caucasian people) have more of a concern against the sunlight (excess amounts of it) and are qualified and justified in wearing tinted sunglasses.

Lighting for Optimal Eye Health

Sunlight is necessary for the eyes because it helps to regulate our internal clock: our circadian rhythms, which tie into the Pineal Gland and melatonin.

Creative people (“Quaquaversals”) who are up throughout the night for higher creative pursuits, make sure you are using Full Spectrum lighting which match or mimic natural sunlight. Throw away or avoid using regular, commercial, cheap 2-spectrum bulbs (yellow and white light) because these bulbs greatly impair ocular or eye health. Pay the money and start using Full Spectrum lighting (bulbs). Full Spectrum light bulbs are available at good health food stores.

Full Spectrum lighting is used in many European countries whereby there is more darkness than light. Americans should also be using these bulbs as well for purposes of improving eye health as well as overall health. These bulbs last 2-3 times longer than white 2-spectrum fluorescent light bulbs.


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Congestion and Coughs Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

Congestion is very common for adults, children and babies who consume meat, dairy, refined grains and starches.


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Congestion in the body, especially in the lungs, is the result of phlegm or mucus. Congestion is very common for adults, children and babies who consume meat, dairy, refined grains and starches.

A normal body function when there is congestion in the chest area is a cough. A cough is a reflex action.

Causes and Risk Factors

Most cases of congestion pertain to congestion or accumulation of mucus in the lungs. Congestion, or mucus congestion.

Causes of congestion are:

  • Respiratory infection
  • Deviated septum
  • Asthma
  • Common cold and influenza
  • Allergies
  • Croup
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Lung cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart failure
  • Cystic fibrosis


Symptoms of congestion are:

  • Coughing (a reflex action)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Labored breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Runny nose
  • Wheezing
  • Chest discomfort
  • Blood in cough
  • Noise while breathing

Healing Congestion and Coughing Naturally

When there is congestion, drink plenty of water. Alkaline water is best, as alkalinity counteracts acidity. For more of an effect, squeeze lemon juice in the water (warm water is best) and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, stir well and drink. You can do this as much as you like. It will only help remedy the congestion and cough as it will help dissolve the stubborn and hardened mucus.


Individual herbs that are excellent and efficacious in cases of congestion include:

Cayenne, though not a mucilaginous or demulcent herb, works wonderfully well in conditions of mucus congestion. So does Black Pepper, Ginger Root, and Horseradish (used to make Wasabi for sushi).

Marijuana (in tea form) is a powerful herb for congestion and coughing bouts. Unfortunately however, the herb is banned here in the U.S. (due to political reasons). So you would be wise to stay away from this herb (to prevent getting yourself in trouble with the federal government).

The single best herb for coughing is Wild Cherry Bark, which provides natural codeine (bio-codeine). Wild Cherry Bark, unlike many pharmaceutical grade medications on the market, does not suppress a cough or coughing, but instead works with the cough (a normal body reflex) and facilitates the coughing process. Wild Cherry Bark works well with White Pine Bark (or Spruce).

Remember, we never want to suppress a cough because suppressing a cough keeps the mucus or phlegm in the body and thus, the congestion will return at a later date.

Essential Oils

There are essential oils known to be effective in cases of congestion and coughing include:

Eucalyptus is by far the best herb to use to counteract congestion. It should be inhaled, added to bath or soak water, and rubbed on the chest (especially before bedtime).

To apply to the chest, first rub on a little carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil) to your (or another person’s) chest, then add about 5-7 drops of Eucalyptus to your palm and rub or massage into the chest area. Make sure you open your window too as this oil works in tandem with the natural air that helps to dissolve hardened and stubborn mucus.

You can also add one drop of essential oil of Eucalyptus to a glass of warm water, stir well, and drink. You can do this 2-3 times a day.

In hot bath water, add 5-8 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 1-2 boxes of sea salt and soak for about 30-45 minutes. This is a great anti-congestion soak that I highly recommend. For infants and babies: use only 2-3 drops of oil and only half a box of sea salt and let the child soak for about 20-30 minutes.


Zoisite is also known to be effective in cases of congestion and coughing. It’s believed that Zoisite can help neutralize overacidification and reduce inflammation.

Margarite is another recommended crystal for mucus accumulation. It’s a form of mica that helps balance the acidity level of the body and to improve acidosis conditions.

These crystals and stones can be directly applied to the chest area or placed in a glass of water overnight and drank the next morning as an elixir.

Natural Healing Options for Children

For babies suffering with mucus congestion, add carrier oil to his/her chest and add only 1-2 drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus (and/or White Pine Bark) and rub into the child’s chest. Afterwards, dress the child with warm clothing and make sure the window is cracked (slightly opened) so a nice breeze can come into the room, as this works along with the oil and warmth caused by the clothing to cause the hardened mucus to dissolve.

Infants with congestion: 1-2 drops of essential oil Babies with congestion: 2-3 drops of essential oil Small children with congestion: 3-4 drops of essential oil

Carrier oils include: olive oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, rose hip seed oil, etc. Shea butter can also serve as a carrier.

Try a preparation of tea of Mullein leaves, Eucalyptus Leaves, White Pine Bark, and Wild Cherry Bark (or any one of these herbs individually), let it cool down, add a little lemon or lime juice, and some maple syrup (Grade B or C) or agave nectar or vegetable glycerine to sweeten, stir well, and pour contents into a baby bottle and let the baby drink this wonderful tea which should stimulate expectoration of mucus or phlegm.

These teas can be bought separately and mixed together (adding the various teabags to one cup of hot water).

Any demulcent formula tea is also good to give to the baby following the instructions above.

Over-the-Counter Drugs

Beware of all commercial pharmaceutical grade brands of antitussive and demulcent medications (cough syrup), especially Nyquil, due to the alcohol content and other ingredients. These harmful products impair motor skills, the nervous system, and the blood and liver among other things.

There are few good alternative brands of cough syrups (most made of elder berries) on the market at good health food stores that are safe and ideal to use. However, some of them may be made with honey, so make sure you read the labels. Honey should not be given to babies under the age of two.


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Ear Problems Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

By all means, avoid using Q-tips for purposes of ear cleansing. Q-tips will do more harm than good as a Q-tip will push ear debris such as wax further into the ear.


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Ear problems get our attention for a physical reason and a metaphysical reason.

The physical reasons may include a host of causative factors from excess ear wax buildup to excess mucus or waste matter of a liquid nature in the brain that press against ear nerve endings.

Common ear problems include:

  • Ear infections
  • Swimmer’s ear
  • Ear wax build up
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Hearing problems

Causes and Risk Factors

Ear infections are generally caused by an excessive build up of fluid behind the ear drum, usually as a result of cold, flu, respiratory infection or allergy.

Swimmer’s ear is a bacterial infection caused by water getting trapped in the ear canal. It can be aggravated by excessive or aggressive cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs, bobby pins, match sticks or other devices. A good rule is to never put anything smaller than your pinky-finger in your ear.

Ear wax is natural, and promotes a healthy ear system. Excess ear wax is not healthy and can cause a host of other problems.

Tinnitus, or ringing of the ears, can be caused by a number of reasons. One of the more modern causes is exposure to excessive noise such as digital sound, loud volume funneled through headsets on mp3 players, high-volume music concerts, or exposure to sirens blaring on emergency vehicles. Even something as innocent as church bells ringing, a child crying or the sounds of cars or motorcycles can cause tinnitus.

Vertigo is an inner ear problem that causes someone to struggle to keep his or her physical balance. It’s most commonly associated with those who experience sea-sickness or motion sickness, but in reality, anyone can experience vertigo if the circumstances are right.

Healing Ear Problems Naturally

Ear Coning and Candling

Ear coning/candling is an ancient craft that was practiced by the ancient Egyptians (People of Khem/Khemet); Mayans, Chaldeans, Druids, et al.

If you have never had ear coning performed, you don’t have a clue of how much wax you actually have in your ear and also the degree of harm this wax is doing or can do. Excess ear wax can actually prevent the depth of your hearing.

The ear coning process works via heat osmosis. The smoke from the cone goes deep into the ear canal and melts wax, liquefying it and sucking it up into the cone whereby it dries and hardens.

Always wait at least 48 hours before the next session so the natural ear secretions can return to the ear. For a really good ear candling session, put some good ear oil in your ears overnight (plugging the ears up with cotton as you sleep).

And by all means, avoid using Q-tips for purposes of ear cleansing. Q-tips will do more harm than good as a Q-tip will push ear debris (such as wax) further into the ear.

Ear Oil

Putting ear oil in your ear overnight from time to time is also helpful for the ears.

A good ear oil should contain Olive Oil, garlic (and or onion), herbs of Mullein (leaves and flower), Echinacea, and/or Goldenseal; essential oils of Rosalina, Tea Tree, Manuka, Ravensare, Kanuka, and Leleshwa; and crystals of Amber, Orange Calcite, Opal Aura Quartz, Obsidian, Celestite, and Rhodonite.


From time to time, insert Quartz (or Opal Aura Quartz) crystal sticks (with points), i.e. little thin wands, into your ears for about 15-30 minutes. This process helps balance the ear chakras and enhance the ability of spiritual hearing for purposes of spiritual understanding. There’s a physical hearing and a spiritual hearing. This is why the Biblical character Jesus said: “…because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.” Matthew 13:13

Oxygen & Ozone

If you have an ozone machine, you can insert the hose into the ear canal and let ozone ooze into the ear canal for about 15-30 seconds. You can do this daily or every 2-3 days as you like.


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