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Learn a few simple tricks that will help you stay cool this summer if air condition is not an option and the heat is unbearable.


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Heat waves and record high temperatures present one primary challenge for people: how is it possible to stay cool? This proves more difficult if there is no air conditioning. To avoid rolling blackouts, some cities or counties advise people with air conditioning units to use more eco-friendly temperatures. That’s fine and great, but not everyone has functioning AC, or some people want to simply save energy and money by avoiding AC usage. 

With record high temperatures of 105-115º F, it’s very easy to feel uncomfortable all the time. Not to mention, going outside seems like an impossible task. The heat from the cement seems to warm your feet through the soles of your shoes. Opening windows may not even let in a refreshing breeze. Occasionally, in fact, it may feel more like opening an oven door, depending on where you live. 

To help people beat the summer heat without air conditioning, use the following tips and tricks. You may find that hot and sticky summer days and nights become more bearable, refreshing even. Let us know if they work for you in the comments below. 

Cold Compresses Keep You Cool

If the heat is getting to you, apply a few cold compresses or ice packs to key areas on the body. When you feel overheated, apply ice packs to the back of the neck, lower back, and wrists. Do not apply ice packs or ice directly to the skin, as it can result in ice burn. Place a thin layer of cloth between the cold and your skin, preferably an old shirt or something of that nature. It’s also beneficial to take a cold shower to cool down, especially before bed. 

Keep The Blinds Down And Curtains Shut

The darker you keep your house or apartment, the cooler it will stay when it’s hot outside. It’s wonderful and healthy to let natural light in your home, but reconsider that when it’s blazing hot outside. Heat can linger at night if you let sun rays in during the day. When it gets cooler at night, your home will cool off much more quickly than if it was light all day inside the house. 

Get Creative With Fans

Fans don’t just blow air around, and if you think that’s all they do, prepare to have your mind blown. If you have a box fan, face it out against an open window so that it pushes out hot air that’s in the house. You can also adjust ceiling fans to have the blades spin counterclockwise, which helps draw hot air in an upwards motion. Position fans in a specific way to create more of a cross-breeze in your home. Set up multiple fans around the room, with one by an open window, to create optimal airflow. 

Old School Tip: Place a tray of ice cubes in front of your fan and face it in your direction. The fan will provide a chilled breeze by picking up the cold that emanates from the ice. 

Always Have Water With You

When it’s hot outside the body sweats at a rapid rate, which puts the body at a higher risk of experiencing dehydration. The body loses not only water via sweat, but also essential electrolytes. To counteract the water loss, make sure to always replenish with cold water. Regular water intake helps to counteract dehydration and heatstroke or heat exhaustion. If you feel thirsty then you are already in a mild state of dehydration. Get ahead of dehydration by drinking water before you feel thirsty.

Avoid The Meat Sweats

During summer, it’s common to grill large amounts of meat and eat until you can no longer move. Instead of heavy, meat-centric dinners, opt for smaller dinners that are easier to digest. When you ingest a lot of meat, it takes a toll on the body, making it work harder to break down the food. Swap out a large steak for a plate of whole grains, vegetables and legumes. Additionally, don’t eat two to three hours before you go to bed because eating late can make you feel hot or sweaty when trying to go to sleep. 


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Are Cold Showers Good For Your Health? Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:02:00 +0000

Do you want to reap the benefits of cold plunges without buying one? We discuss whether cold showers offer the same health benefits.


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Listen to any number of podcasts these days and you’ll likely hear someone talk about their ice bath or cold plunge. Health gurus and average Joes alike swear that submerging their bodies in cold water promotes better mood, more energy, heightened recovery, and less anxiety. The benefits may change from person to person, but one thing is for certain: cold plunges are not accessible to everyone. 

It’s safe to say that the average person doesn’t have a few thousand dollars to drop on a cold plunge. It’s also safe to say that nobody wants to go buy bags of ice at the store every day, nor do they want to buy a commercial-grade ice maker for a makeshift cold plunge. That begs the question: can you achieve the same benefits by standing in a cold shower? Experts believe that cold showers count as a form of cryotherapy, so long as the temperature is cold enough (between 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of cryotherapy. 

It May Boost Metabolism

When you expose the body to cold temperatures, you can increase the metabolic rate and activate brown adipose tissue, both of which aid weight management. According to a 2022 study, immersing the body in cold water seems to transform adipose tissue, in addition to reducing insulin resistance. The combination of these benefits may also have a positive effect on cardiovascular health and metabolic diseases. 

It May Enhance Circulation

Doctors explain that cold exposure prompts immediate vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation, which improves blood flow to all organs. That is why a lot of people use cold plunges to accelerate exercise recovery. Although cold seems to reduce muscle soreness, it is unclear if the cold benefits muscle function. Improving circulation, regardless of athletic level, is beneficial. When you improve blood flow throughout the body, you help deliver fresh blood and oxygen to major organs, which helps them function optimally.

It May Beautify You

Cryotherapy will not turn back the hands of time, but it may positively impact your hair and skin. Cold water seals hair cuticles and helps lock moisture into hair strands. Additionally, the cold helps the scalp retain moisture content, while hot water strips it of its natural oils. The cold temperature strengthens hair cuticles to strengthen them and keep them healthy over time. Cold temperatures may also benefit people with inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea. Hot water can dry out the skin and cause slushing, which may pronounce redness in those struggling with it already.

It Can Encourage A Breathwork Practice

When you are in the cold, you have to steady your mind and control your breath. The power of controlling your breath can help you embrace the cold and know how to stay calm in the water. When you can control your breath, you can regulate your stress and stay calm in extreme conditions, such as the frigid water. The more you expose the body to cold and breathe through it, the easier it becomes. 

Are Cold Showers Cold Enough? 

Most of the existing research on cold water immersion therapy is focused on cold plunging or being in a cryochamber for a few minutes. Some studies have found that cold showers are a legitimate form of cryotherapy, provided the water temperature can be between 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. Some experts believe that cold showers fall under the cold water immersion umbrella.

Getting in a cold shower will have a similar effect to entering a cold lake, ocean, or pool. You don’t get cold as quickly as if you were to enter a cold plunge, but you can still reap some benefits. The last thing to remember is to have access to a heat source after stepping out of the cold shower, so that you can bring up the body’s core temperature to normal range. If you don’t bring core temperature back up after any type of cold immersion therapy, you increase the risk of hypothermia. 

How Long Do You Remain In The Cold Shower?

Typically, you remain in a cold plunge or cryochamber for three minutes. Since a shower does not get as cold, how long do you stand in the water? One study found that 10 minutes of cold exposure can aid muscle recovery, but that’s a long time to just let water run. If you want to reap the brain boosting benefits, the study found that you may only need five minutes or less in the cold. Other research says that two to three minutes of cold exposure is sufficient. Start off with less time in the cold and gradually increase the time.


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How Taking A Bath Can Completely Change Your Health Wed, 28 Jul 2021 09:07:00 +0000

Take your health to the next level by relaxing in a soothing bath. Embrace the warm soak and experience the benefits listed in this article.


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In the days of Ancient Rome, taking a bath was a fundamental right for city dwellers. People went to large, communal bathing centers that housed marble statues and captivating mosaics. In Japanese culture, a ritual that is practiced to this day involves bathing in onsen, traditional bath house. Cultures around the world embrace immersive bathing, so there must be a benefit to this practice, right? 

The act of submerging the body in water is an enjoyable, relaxing experience. Studies found that taking a bath works to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which puts the body in the “rest and digest” state. This aids with stress and anxiety reduction. For example, if you’ve ever had a bad day and taken a bath after dinner, you understand how transformative that bath can be for your mood. Bathing does not merely benefit mental health, though. In fact, there are many physical benefits to soaking in a soothing bath. Continue reading to find out more. 

Baths Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

There are many benefits to hydrotherapy, or standing under a cold shower, but shivering is not for everyone. A 2020 study monitored the habitual bathing habits of 30,000 people in Japan over a 20-year period. The results indicated that regular time in the tub reduced the risk of heart disease by 28%. The frequency of bathing mattered more than the temperature of the water. People who enjoyed lukewarm, warm, or hot baths almost every day received the most cardiovascular benefits. 

Baths May Encourage Hormonal Balance

According to several studies, bathing in warm water can aid the release of serotonin, which is arguably the most well-known neurotransmitter. It’s associated with overall happiness and well-being. Alternatively, bathing in a tub of cold water may help to relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Colder temperatures encourage the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). This helps to balance other hormones like beta endorphin and cortisol. Establishing this balance helps to reduce stress and boost overall mood

Baths Promote Better Sleep

If there is an easy, relaxing way to encourage better sleep, incorporate it into your daily regimen and don’t ask questions. One of the primary benefits of soaking in a bath, specifically in the evening, is that it helps encourage better sleep. One study monitored two groups of people, one of which include people between ages 17-22, and the other had people between the ages of 65-82. The study found that the younger adults felt warmer, while older participants reported an ability to fall asleep more quickly. Additionally, the overall quality of sleep improved. The belief is that an evening bath helps to dilate the skin’s blood vessels, helping the body release excess heat to cool down for bed. 

Baths Help You Breathe Easier

Submerging the body in water and only having the head above the water has a positive influence on the lungs. This aids with optimal oxygen intake and helps improve lung capacity. Both the temperature of the water and the pressure of the water on the chest contribute to improved breathing. Warmer water tends to cause the heart to beat faster, which improves the body’s ability to intake oxygen. Additionally, if there is steam from the heat, it helps to clear up the sinuses and airways in your chest. 

Baths Regulate Body Temperature

When it’s hot outside, going for a swim in a refreshing pool, lake, or ocean is the best way to cool the body down. After exposure to colder weather, taking a warm bath is the best way to warm up the body. Evidence shows that, despite the temperature of the weather, a natural body of water like a bath has a way of regulating body temperature. 

As you can tell from this article, there are many benefits of soaking in a bath. Fill up the tub and hop in! Try to soak for at least 20 minutes when you take a bath for maximum benefits. 


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How To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve For Optimal Brain & Gut Health Mon, 05 Jul 2021 08:59:00 +0000

People with poor gut health, cognitive decline, high blood pressure, or inflammation can stimulate the vagus nerve to improve overall health.


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It’s a fact that there is a direct link between the gut and brain. Anxiety can increase stomach problems and vice versa. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous is in fact a real thing. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is sensitive to emotions, including stress, sadness, anxiety, anger, and joy. All of these feelings and more can trigger reactions or symptoms in the gut. 

Because of the the gut-brain connection, health experts found that poor digestive health influences several neurological disorders. Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, migraines, and epilepsy have gastrointestinal manifestations, some of which include constipation, diarrhea, and indigestion. According to research studies, there is a deeper connection and communication between the brain and gut. The communication pathway is the vagus nerve

What Is The Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is the primary component of the parasympathetic nervous system. This system supervises bodily functions including immune response, digestion, heart rate, and mood. The parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest and digest” system, opposing the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the “fight or flight” response. 

Think of the vagus nerve as a communication highway that carries information that influences the brain and internal organs. Despite the fact that people refer to the vagus nerve as singular, it is a pair of nerves. They emerge from the medulla oblongata area of the brain stem and signals constantly travel from the brain to the gut and back via the vagus nerve. 

How To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve

There is some evidence that points to the fact that vagus nerve stimulation may treat or balance several psychiatric and digestive disorders. Some of these disorders include inflammatory bowel disease, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. Stimulating the vagus nerve may inhibit cytokine production while increasing vagal tone. Both of these mechanisms maintain resiliency in the body. Additionally, stimulating vagal afferent fibers in the gut can influence monoaminergic brain systems. Those systems play large roles in numerous mood and anxiety disorders. The thought is that a person can influence vagal tone via breathing techniques, yoga, and meditation. Continue reading to learn more about vagal nerve stimulation.

Take A Cold Shower

Wim Hof, a.k.a. “The Iceman,” may be the largest promoter of ice baths and cold showers. Cold water therapy helps to activate the vagus nerve, in addition to other neurons that travel on the vagus nerve highway. In doing so, this activation kickstarts the parasympathetic nervous system. All you have to do is remain in cold water for one minute. The final minute of your hot shower can be cold. Don’t be afraid of the chill!


You don’t have to gargle with salt water like you do when you want to combat a sore throat. Use filtered water and gargle like you mean it. There’s no elegant way to gargle, so gargle with purpose, even if it makes you sound like a monster. When your eyes start to water, you’ll know that you’ve gargled hard enough. The ensuing laughter will also stimulate the vagus nerve. Additionally, laughter increases the production of beta-endorphins and nitric oxide, which benefit the vascular system. 

Consume Probiotics

The gut microbiome can influence immune system and nervous system function. Improving the overall function of these systems may lead to improvement of conditions like depression and anxiety. There is growing research on the fact that increasing probiotic intake may positively impact vagus nerve activity. By interacting with gut microbiota, probiotics work to mediate the effects that drugs, gluten, and antibiotics can have on the brain. Probiotics may also increase GABA production, which promotes healthier sleep. Lastly, probiotics may help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Scale Back On Animal Protein Consumption

Several dietary studies found that people who consume a lot of animal protein have a higher risk of inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Eggs and red meat, for example, contain choline, which can be harmful when consumed in excess. Too much choline gets converted to trimethlyamine N-oxide (TMAO), which increases inflammatory markers. By reducing animal protein consumption, you can decrease inflammation and activate better vagal nerve function. This allows the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems to better regulate bodily vitals. 

Try Deep Breathing Or Meditation

It seems that deep breathing, especially diaphragmatic breathing, is the most efficient and simplest way to stimulate the vagus nerve. Breathe from the diaphragm, as opposed to breathing shallowly from the lungs. Ideally, these deep breaths stimulate and tone the vagus nerve. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a calmer feeling. You can accompany deep breathing exercises with meditation, which may help to improve sleep, reduce pain, and decrease anxiety levels. Practice for 5-10 minutes a day and make sure you take big belly breaths.


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How Cold Showers Can Help Reduce Stress Levels Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:36:00 +0000

Exposing the body to a physical stressor can help reset the stress response. Learn how taking cold showers can help you prevent chronic stress.


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We encounter different scenarios every single day, and each change can cause emotional stress. As many of you know, stress is an all too familiar feeling that most people file under the “I’ll deal with it later” section in their brain. When too much stress builds up in the body, however, it can take an extreme toll on your mental and physical health. This can lead to increased anxiety, feelings of depression, weight gain, or other chronic illnesses. 

What Is Stress?

Stress is the body’s response to some sort of change that demands a reaction. This can be a fight or flight response, which can help you tackle challenges appropriately. Once the change is dealt with, however, stress should fade away so that the body can return to a normal state. Constant stress occurs when the body cannot distinguish between serious threats and everyday challenges. For example, a traffic jam or waiting in line should not spin you out of control. This can cause unnecessary stress signals throughout the body, leading to potential hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and an unhealthy diet. Other common symptoms that stem from constant stress can include:

  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Arthritic symptoms
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Skin conditions (like psoriasis)
  • Asthma

How Do You Manage Stress?

Sometimes, therapy doesn’t cut it and other measures need to be taken to reduce anxiety and stress. In order to reduce stress, though, you must first identify the stressors in your life. Once you identify these stressors, you can use different strategies to return your body to a relaxed state. One effective way to manage stress is through a combination of breathing techniques and immersion into cold water.

Introducing The Body To Cold Water

According to many scientific studies and anecdotal research, cold water therapy can help the body become more resistant to stress. In fact, exposing the body to cold water that is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit can help the body adapt to harsher conditions. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, founder of Found My Fitness, wrote a report on the how shocking the body in cold water immersion (an ice bath) can positively affect the brain. The cold water helps to increase the release of norepinephrine, a hormone that calms you down, into the bloodstream. Increasing the amount of this hormone in the blood has been associated with improved focus, mood, immunity, and reduced inflammation, anxiety, and stress.

Cold Showers For Depression

It is very common for people with chronic stress to experience depression. In fact, 10% of American adults have depression and many use medications to treat symptoms. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), exposure to cold helps to activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the blood level of noradrenaline and beta-endorphin, in addition to increasing the synaptic release of noradrenaline in the brain. The skin contains a high concentration of cold receptors, so immersing the body in cold water sends mild electrical impulses to the brain, which can induce anti-depressive effects.

Introducing…The Iceman

In the ever-expanding world of alternative wellness and prevention methods, one of the most popular techniques for getting rid of anxiety or stress is the Wim Hof Method. Known as The Iceman, Hof has exposed his body to extreme cold in just shorts. He has jogged a half marathon above the Arctic Circle, barefoot and in shorts. He hiked Mt. Everest in shorts, swam 66 meters beneath the ice, and experienced no symptoms after being injected with E. coli bacterium. All this was made possible because of he trained his mind to overcome physical responses.

The Wim Hof method comprises three basic principles: exposure to cold, breathing technique, and commitment. Cold showers are considered physical stressors, and routinely exposing the body to them helps to reset the stress response. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and create awareness that allows you to switch off your stress response to prevent chronic stress. Finally, these cold showers, work to exercise the nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system, benefitting the entire body.

There’s no denying that you will feel cold when you get in the cold shower. The idea is to start in warm water and finish the last 30 seconds in cold. You can extend the amount of time that you are in the cold water as you practice more. You should breathe deeply the entire time to help yourself remain in control. You are in control of your mind, body, and your stress! You can do this!


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8 Ways To Boost Your Lymphatic System For Great Health Fri, 28 Jul 2017 12:00:05 +0000

There are countless benefits of getting your lymphatic system moving more efficiently, including more energy, less pain, and improved detoxification.


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The lymphatic system is made up of glands, lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils. It works to bathe your body’s cells and carry cellular waste from bodily tissues to the blood, where it can be eliminated through the liver and kidneys. This waste is comprised of byproducts of our bodily processes, over-the-counter medications, narcotics, cigarette chemicals, environmental pollutants, food additives, pesticides, and more.

Roughly 80 percent of women have sluggish lymphatic systems. Getting your lymphatic system to flow smoothly is beneficial for weight loss and improved overall wellness. If you are experiencing arthritis, headaches, or have excess cellulite or weight, a sluggish lymphatic system may be the culprit. Boost your lymphatic system by using the following techniques.

#1: Breathe Deeply

The body contains three times more lymph fluid than blood, but no organ can pump lymph fluid. The lymphatic system solely relies on deep breathing to help it transport toxins to your blood. Take deep breaths to help yourself, or try taking up meditation!

#2: Exercise

Your lymphatic system can have a healthy flow if you exercise regularly. You don’t have to go crazy in the gym or become a power lifter, but light exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, yoga, pilates, or rebounding help to improve lymphatic flow.

#3: Stay Hydrated

Lymphatic fluid cannot flow properly if you do not supply the body with adequate water. Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water every day to stay properly hydrated. If you weight 150lbs and divide that by 2 to get 75, you should be drinking 75oz of water a day.

#4: Eat More Raw Fruit On An Empty Stomach

Raw fruits contain powerful enzymes and acids that help to cleanse your lymphatic system. When you eat fruit on an empty stomach, you can gain maximum lymph-cleansing benefits.

#5: Eat Raw, Unsalted Nuts and Seeds

Raw nuts and seeds work to power your lymph with essential fatty acids. The best nuts and seeds to eat include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

#6: Drink Some Lymph-Boosting Herbal Teas

Some herbal teas that are great to drink for a healthy lymphatic system include astragalus, Echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot or wild indigo root. It is recommended to consult with an herbalist or natural medicine specialist before combining two or more herbs for consumption.

#7: Dry Skin Brushing

Before showering, use a brush with stiff bristles to brush your skin in circular motions toward your heart. The reason you brush towards your heart is because that is the direction lymph flows. Start with higher lymph node areas like your armpits or groin.

#8: Alternate Hot and Cold Showers

Jump in the shower and alternate between hot and cold water. Go as hot as you can handle and as cold as you can handle for several minutes in each temperature. The heat helps to dilate blood vessels, while the cold causes them to contract. If you have high blood pressure or are pregnant, avoid this natural remedy.


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