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Certain foods, including soy, fatty meat, gluten, and more can affect the thyroid gland and the body’s ability to use thyroid hormone.


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Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. Also known as underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism can be a tricky condition to manage. You may not notice symptoms in the early stages, it can lead to other health problems over time, including high cholesterol and heart problems

In order to diagnose hypothyroidism, doctors will draw blood. Once you know that you have the condition, you can take steps to manage it appropriately. In addition to taking medication or using natural remedies, you should also avoid certain foods. The reason for this is because some nutrients can either influence or inhibit the efficacy of the thyroid gland. Some factors of the condition may be out of your control, but the foods you choose to eat are well within your control. 

Below, we detail foods that you should avoid if you have hypothyroidism. Some of the items on this list may surprise you because they are healthy. You may be able to enjoy these foods, but only in moderation.

Gluten From Bread And Pasta

One research review found that hypothyroidism and celiac disease are often present together. Although no research has found that a gluten-free diet treats thyroid disorders, you may want to consult your doctor to determine if eliminating gluten will help your condition. If you opt to eat gluten, choose whole grain breads or pastas. These are higher in fiber and other nutrients that support bowel regularity, which can prove tricky if you have hypothyroidism. If you take hypothyroidism medications, make sure to take them several hours before or after eating high-fiber foods to avoid interference with the absorption of synthetic thyroid hormone.

Sugary Foods

If you have untreated or under-treated hypothyroidism, your metabolism can slow down. That is why weight gain is common in people with this condition. Dietitians recommend avoiding foods that contain lots of sugar because they also contain a lot of calories with minimal to no nutrients. Ideally, reduce your overall sugar intake or try to eliminate sugar completely from your diet, save for some natural sugars found in fruit. 

Foods Containing Soy

Soy contains certain compounds, specifically isoflavones, that may negatively affect thyroid function. Some researchers believe that eating too much soy can increase a person’s risk of hypothyroidism. One study, however, could not find a link between soy consumption and soy’s effects on thyroid hormones. For this reason, there are no specific dietary guidelines about, but some research suggests that eating soy may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb thyroid medication. If you want to consume soy, health experts advise waiting four hours after eating soy to take the regular dose of thyroid medication. 

Excess Fiber From Beans, Legumes, And Vegetables

Fiber is a key nutrient in a healthy diet, as it aids digestive function and can improve bowel regularity. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of fiber is 25-38 grams for most adults. You can find fiber in varying amounts in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, and legumes. The amount of fiber in some of these foods go above a level that affects digestive function and that can interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement drugs. If you want to consume more fiber-rich foods, consider asking your doctor about increasing the dosage of thyroid medication. 


Alcohol is not kind to thyroid hormone levels, and it can also impact the body’s ability to produce thyroid hormones, according to one study. Researchers note that alcohol has a toxic effect on the thyroid gland and suppresses the body’s ability to use thyroid hormone. People with hypothyroidism should cut out alcohol completely or drink in moderation. 

Processed Foods 

Word to the wise: if you have hypothyroidism, avoid packaged processed foods, including frozen meals. Processed foods contain a lot of preservatives, excess sodium, and added sugars. Doctors suggest that people with hypothyroidism should avoid sodium because an underactive thyroid increases a person’s risk of high blood pressure. Eating lots of salt can further increase that risk. Always read the nutritional label on food packaging, making sure to keep an eye out for lots of sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats. 


If you enjoy a little caffeine hit to start your morning, be careful if you have hypothyroidism. Studies show that people who took thyroid medication with their morning coffee had uncontrollable thyroid levels. For that reason, doctors tell people to take thyroid medication with water. Wait at least 30 minutes after taking medication to have a cup of coffee.


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6 Beverage Dos And Don’ts For Diabetics Thu, 09 May 2024 09:31:00 +0000

Diabetics should stay hydrated and refreshed with healthy drink choices and skip the drinks that cause blood sugar levels to spike.


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If you have type 2 diabetes, monitoring what you drink is just as important as what you eat. A single drink can affect your blood sugar more than you realize. For example, think of the sugar content in a can of cola or sweetened juice. Drinks with carbohydrates (sugar) affect blood sugar more than zero-carb, zero-sugar drinks. Ultimately, any liquid with carbohydrates will digest faster than something you have to chew. 

Having type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to avoid every single beverage. Taking sugary drinks, such as regular soda, sweet tea, and some juices, off the table and replacing them for low-sugar or sugar-free options is much better. That isn’t to say that you should replace those drinks with diet beverages, as those contain copious amounts of aspartame and other unhealthy artificial sweeteners that lead to other health complications

If you enjoy bottled drinks, how do you stay hydrated if you have to avoid so many beverages? Most people have an aversion to water, despite the fact that it is the most important liquid to consume. It keeps you alive and helps your body function optimally. Besides water, consider the following drinking dos and don’ts if you have diabetes. 

Don’t Drink Sugar-Sweetened Sodas Or Teas

They are very tempting to drink, but they wreck your body in so many ways. According to one study, middle-aged adults who drank more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 46% higher risk of developing prediabetes than people who did not drink those beverages. An earlier study found that people who consumed just two sugar-sweetened sodas or juices per week increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That was even truer if they gained more than six pounds over a five-year period. Get in the habit of consuming water or unsweetened teas because a typical 12-ounce can of soda contains about 38.5 grams of sugar.

Drink Unsweetened Coffee And Tea (In Small Amounts)

Diabetics can enjoy tea or coffee (hot or iced) in moderation. It’s best to enjoy them unsweetened, although you may use monk fruit sweetener or stevia to aid the flavor. Just don’t go overboard with these natural low-calorie sweeteners. If you add milk, cream, or creamer to your coffee or tea, make sure to look at the ingredient label. Coffee creamers are very dangerous, especially because some people use more creamer than coffee! Adding organic cream isn’t the worst thing for you, but sugary hazelnut, vanilla, or caramel creamers won’t do you any good. If you want to drink iced tea, consider adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice to add more depth of flavor. Green tea, in particular, may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to research. 

Don’t Drink Energy Drinks

Energy drinks, or other canned caffeinated beverages, typically contain an ungodly amount of sugar, which is where most of the energy comes from. All of that sugar, in addition to the caffeine, can disturb your heart rhythm, increase heart rate, and lead to high blood pressure. One 8.4-ounce Red Bull energy drink contains more than 26 grams of sugar and 75 milligrams of caffeine. Even the sugar-free version has the same amount of caffeine. Don’t rely on liquid energy to keep you going! Fight that fatigue in other ways, for example, by getting quality sleep every night or engaging in regular exercise. And if you need a little energy boost, consider healthy options like unsweetened tea or coffee. 

Drink Plain Water

We shouldn’t have to tell you to drink plain water, but so many people add powders or liquid flavors to water these days. Some people just don’t like the taste of water! Water is neutral, so it doesn’t raise or lower your blood sugar. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and helps dilute your blood, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If you want to add a little more flavor and pizzazz to your water, consider adding fresh fruit and herbs to make detox waters

Don’t Drink Sports Drinks

A lot of people drink nuclear-colored sports drinks on the regular because they think they are healthy. That is 100% false, unless the person is a super endurance athlete and burns calories quicker than they can consume them. A eight-ounce serving of Powerade, for example, nets about 19 grams of carbs, which doesn’t account for the entire bottle. Dietitians only recommend these sports drinks to endurance athletes, who go through strenuous workouts and need the salt and nutrient replenishment. Water will keep you hydrated if you engage in moderate-intensity exercise, and it won’t spike your blood sugar either. 

Drink Tomato Juice Instead Of Sugary Fruit Juice

Do you enjoy drinking juice? Well, it’s best to avoid sugary fruit juices if you have diabetes and opt for smaller portions of vegetable juices instead. 100% tomato juice that doesn’t contain added salt or sugar can provide impressive health benefits. If you drink 1.5 cups of pure tomato juice daily for a month, you may reduce inflammatory markers. Tomato juice has about 10 grams of carbs per cup, so just keep that in mind. It’s better to eat whole fruits and vegetables because it takes quite a lot of them to make fresh juice. Eating a whole tomato per day may reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. 


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7 Self-Care Ideas For Difficult Days Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:09:00 +0000

When you are faced with difficult days or moments in life, it can help to rely on self-care strategies to help you feel better.


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You cannot go through life without encountering difficult times. Whether those times are bad days or bad years is undetermined, but you have the power to control how you cope and recover. When you have specific self-care strategies in place to help you get through tough times, anything is possible. This article aims to provide you with those strategies, which work to help you relax, reduce stress, and feel better about yourself. 

Why Is Self-Care Important?

Self-care is not the same as being selfish. Ultimately, self-care is about being responsible for the choices you make about your life and health. Taking care of yourself can make you more conscious about small things that bring harmony and balance to your life. Self-care is not complex, so don’t over-complicate it. Use the following suggestions to move through life when things get tough, and you may feel more empowered and in control when you do so. 

Cue Some Inspiration

Laughter is often the best medicine if you start to feel your feelings. According to research, laughter can boost your mood, lessen physical pain, and protect you from the effects of stress. In fact, laughter can help bring you back to normal, balancing your mind and body. If you need a good chuckle, cue up a comedic podcast, audiobook, movie, or TV show that you know will elevate your spirits. Alternatively, you may benefit from positive affirmation, so consider a motivational, inspiring podcast, video, or even saved recording to reshape your mindset. 

Talk To A Friend

Talking to someone, especially a friend who understands you and your struggles, is the easiest thing to do. Reach out to someone, be it a close friend or family member you can trust, and open up to them. A great heart-to-heart conversation can make all the difference, especially if you know that someone cares about you. 

Take A Walk In Outside

If you are feeling down, a walk in a park, along the beach, or in the woods can help reset your mind. Studies have shown that being in nature can reduce stress and boost your mood. Not only does a walk in nature benefit your mental health, but it also boosts your physical activity. Walking, jogging, biking, or swimming in nature can help you clear your mind, de-stress, and rebalance your mind and body. 

Ground Yourself

In addition to spending time outdoors, it can be beneficial to connect your body to the earth via grounding. Also known as earthing, grounding is the act of putting your skin in direct contact with the earth’s surface. This allows you to absorb the earth’s electricity, which can charge you with positive energy. Some research indicates that grounding has profound anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties. If you have the ability, go for a barefoot walk on the beach for 20-30 minutes, or walk barefoot in a local park. 

Feed Your Emotions

To be clear, this tip is not about supporting emotional eating, nor is it about letting your emotions get the better of you. On difficult days, head to your local farmer’s market or grocery store and get some fresh produce. Colorful fruits and vegetables carry beneficial nutrients that can help reduce inflammation, lower stress, and boost mental health. You can even go so far as to research a specific recipe before heading to buy food. That way, you can turn the produce you buy into a meal that comforts the soul. 

Treat Yourself To A Cafe Visit

A visit to a cafe for coffee or tea every day may not be financially responsible, especially if you are on a budget. If going to get a latte or a slice of cake with tea brings you joy, allow yourself that luxury if you need some self-love. For some people, the allure of a coffee shop is the smell of coffee brewing, the clicking of laptop keys, or the steam from a cappuccino maker. Maybe you enjoy a hipster coffee shop that plays smooth jazz. Whatever you like is what you like, and there is no sense in denying yourself that happiness if you encounter a difficult day.


Whether you are frustrated, stuck, or just having a bad day, meditation can be highly beneficial. A lot of people find meditation to be the best course of action to overcome such circumstances. Find a comfortable place to sit or lay down and start your meditation session. You can follow your breath in silence, or you can practice guided meditation, which can help prevent your mind from wandering if that is something you struggle with. Meditation can help you regain perspective and put you in a better place to deal with your stressful day.


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Homemade Sweetened Condensed Oat Milk Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:50:00 +0000

Homemade sweetened condensed oat milk is made with three ingredients and comes together in just 15 minutes! It's perfect for coffee or tea.


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Fancy a tea or coffee that’s sweetened with homemade condensed oat milk? You are in luck because this recipe requires three ingredients and 15 minutes of your time. The condensed oat milk is sweet, thick, rich, and perfect for any tea, coffee, milkshake, or creamy beverage. You can also use it in myriad dairy-free or vegan baking applications. Drizzle it over scones, cakes, biscotti, and more!

There are not too many (if any) non-dairy condensed milk options available for purchase. Commercially available condensed oat milks are very rare, but you can sometimes have luck with condensed coconut milk. Because they are not easy to find, we wanted to provide you with an easy homemade option. All you need is the ingredients, a blender, a saucepan, and some of your precious, valuable time.

After you blend the ingredients, strain the blended mixture through a nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or fine mesh sieve. Pour that strained liquid into a saucepan and heat slowly while whisking frequently. This step is very important because you want the mixture to thicken evenly. The frequent whisking and heat will thicken the liquid, but be mindful that this can take three to five minutes. Just be patient and remove the saucepan from the stove once it reaches your desired consistency.


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Homemade Cinnamon Date Cashew Milk Mon, 25 Mar 2024 17:46:00 +0000

Creamy homemade cashew milk is flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with dates, making it perfect for smoothies, baking, and more!


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Are you an almond milk fanatic, or do you prefer oat milk? Maybe you enjoy macadamia nut milk or hemp seed milk instead. There is nothing wrong with these non-dairy milk alternatives; rather, quite the opposite, so long as you buy the unsweetened varieties with minimally processed ingredients. Better yet, if you make your own plant-based milks then you are really killing the game. We will say, though, that if you have never tried cashew milk, you are in for a treat, especially with this recipe.

Cashew milk can be quite expensive in stores, so making it at home may help you save a little money. Plus, as you know by now, making your own nut or seed milk is an incredibly easy process, especially if you have a nut milk bag. In the case of this recipe, the cashew milk offers a warm, sweet, and slightly richer flavor than your typical store bought variety. It also drinks smoother and has a creamier texture, which is great if you want to add this to your post-cleanse cup of coffee.

The great thing about this cashew milk, besides the highly addictive flavor, is its versatility. It goes great in smoothies, baked goods, energy balls/bars, cereal, or coffee. The options are truly endless and you can feel great about enjoying this cashew milk because it doesn’t contain the emulsifiers, thickening agents, added sugars, or preservatives, all of which are usually in store bought varieties. If you like this recipe and want to see more like it, drop a comment below so we know!


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Here’s Why You May Want To Rethink Your Coffee Creamer Mon, 26 Feb 2024 09:08:00 +0000

Is your coffee creamer ruining your morning brew? Not all creamers are created equally, and most are far from nutritious concoctions.


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Coffee used to be simple, with milk and sugar being the only additions. Nowadays, you can look at an entire refrigerated section in a grocery store with hundreds of coffee creamer options to choose from. With dairy and non-dairy options aplenty, how do you know which ones to choose? Not to mention, which one is healthy, unhealthy, or somewhat healthy? We can assure you of one thing, and it is that the brown sugar cinnamon swirl option isn’t doing your body any favors. 

Are any of these coffee creamers better or healthier options than cow’s milk? Even oat milk, which is a popular non-dairy milk alternative, recently received negative attention for spiking blood sugar. Most coffee creamers, though, have added sugars, emulsifiers, thickening agents, and preservatives to extend their shelf life. And yet, even with these ingredients, people choose them over regular cow’s milk and sugar. 

How do you select the healthiest coffee creamer? It can be very difficult to do this, but you can click here to make three homemade vegan coffee creamers that are healthier than store bought varieties. They don’t have harmful ingredients and they taste incredible! Make them and see for yourself. Continue reading to learn why you should rethink your coffee creamer. 

The Different Types Of Creamers

Generally, you can break down coffee creamers into the following four categories:

  • Basic dairy, including milk, cream, and half-and-half
  • Powders, such as nonperishable products, either plain or flavored
  • Basic non-dairy, including unsweetened oat, soy, almond, coconut, and macadamia nut milks
  • Liquids, such as coffee flavored products, either made from dairy or non-dairy ingredients

As a quick rule of thumb, the simpler the product, the healthier it is for you, according to registered dietitians. From the four categories above, basic dairy and basic non-dairy creamers are the best options. That said, you still have to read the nutritional labels to ensure that they aren’t full of emulsifiers, added sugars, and more. You want to look for minimal ingredients!

When Is Coffee Creamer Bad For You?

Everything in moderation, right? If you use your favorite coffee creamer sparingly, there is nothing to worry about. Most people add coffee to their creamer. You know those types, the people that like their coffee so sweet to the point where the coffee flavor is almost non-existent. Additionally, coffee milkshakes, frappuccinos, pumpkin spice lattes, and other similar drinks contain excess calories and sugar. Those drinks don’t contain coffee creamers, but they are just as unhealthy as pouring tablespoons of creamer into your coffee cup. 

Just keep in mind that nutritional values vary between brands and flavors. Most coffee creamers have about 20 calories and at least one gram of sugar per serving, although many non-dairy creamers do not contain sugar. Here are some of the ingredients in coffee creamers to watch out for, especially if you over-pour.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Hydrogenated vegetable oil typically tops the ingredient lists of most powdered creamers. It is used as a preservative and thickening agent, extending the shelf life and giving the creamer its creamy texture. Although hydrogenated oil is not as bad as partially hydrogenated oil (trans fat), you still shouldn’t consume a lot of it. Hydrogenated oil is still saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease. If that is the case, why does powdered coffee creamer state that it has zero grams of saturated fat? Well, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that a label can claim zero grams of saturated fat if a serving has less than 0.5 grams per serving. That is why you need to be aware of the serving size and monitor how many servings you add to your cup. 


This is a common food additive in many non-dairy creamers and non-dairy milks. Extracted from red seaweed, carrageenan may potentially impact gastrointestinal health, causing bowel inflammation. That said, a USDA report found that food-grade carrageenan doesn’t pose significant health risks at dietary levels. Carrageenan intake should be based on your individual health status, so just be aware of how it makes you feel if you consume a creamer that contains it. 

Dipotassium Phosphate

As a common additive in many processed foods, dipotassium phosphate is generally considered safe by the FDA. Some health experts have their concerns about this additive, and other food additives in general. According to research, dipotassium phosphate is absorbed at a much higher rate than phosphorus. Because of this ingredient’s prevalence in processed foods, many Americans may be over-consuming phosphates. Researchers note that high levels of phosphates in the blood increase the risk of kidney problems, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. More rigorous studies are still necessary, but you may want to consider limiting your intake of phosphate additives. 

Gellan And Other Gums

Gellan gum is a plant-based alternative to gelatin, so it is used as a stabilizer and thickening agent in non-dairy creamers. According to research, gellan and other gums are generally safe, even when consumed in larger amounts than your regular coffee creamer serving size. Just be mindful of your intake because too many gums may negatively affect digestive health.


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How To Get Over Jet Lag Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:13:00 +0000

Experiencing jet lag? Get back on track after your long-haul journey by quickly adapting to your time zone with a few simple practices.


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Escaping your day-to-day life by traveling to one of the Wonders of the World or a tropical paradise is truly a gift. Jet lag just happens to be something that often accompanies a long-haul journey of this caliber. It can be quite annoying when the body crosses time zones and bypasses normal sleep patterns. Although some global travelers have their own hacks, this article aims to highlight a few helpful tips to help get over jet lag.

What Is Jet Lag?

Yes, jet lag is a real thing, but you usually don’t feel it if the time change is small (a couple hours for example). Jet lag is essentially the disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm, which occurs when you travel across three or more time zones. The symptoms often include impaired cognition, general malaise, sleeping troubles, daytime drowsiness, and gastrointestinal issues. Depending on how far you travel, jet lag can last a couple days to a couple weeks.

Researchers suggest that it takes people about one day to adjust for each one to 1.5 hours of time change. That one-hour-per-day rule isn’t concrete, though, and eastward travel tends to create more jet lag than traveling west does, but everyone experiences it differently. Trip itinerary and biological factors can also affect the severity of jet lag. The key to getting over jet lag is getting your body’s circadian rhythm back on track with the sunrise and sunset of your destination. You may find the following tips helpful. 

Adapt To Your Time Zone

Some will agree that this is easier said than done, but do your best to forget your old time zone once you land in your new one. If you continue to eat and sleep according to your old time zone, then you’ll experience great trouble. Eat meals and go to bed according to your destination’s time. If you land in the morning, don’t go to sleep right away, despite your desire to do so. 

Realign Your Circadian Rhythm

Jet lag disrupts your body’s internal clock, which you have to synchronize with the 24-hour day at your destination. This happens whether you travel east or west, although more people have a harder time traveling east. Because there are so many variables, such as flight arrival time, length of the trip, number of time zones crossed, etc., there is no single remedy to realign your circadian rhythm. Proper timing is essential to adjust your circadian rhythm, though, with proper daylight and dark exposure to quickly get over jet lag. Even with a well-oiled plan, you may still need a few days to over a week to adjust your circadian rhythm. Do your best not to overindulge with caffeine and sleep at night at your destination. 

Drink Water

During long-haul flights, most people don’t drink enough water. In fact, people tend to avoid drinking a lot of liquids to ensure fewer bathroom breaks. Proper hydration may help you manage fatigue and other jet lag symptoms. Opt for water instead of soda, sugary juices, or coffee during in-flight service. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up at your departure airport so that it is full for the flight. You may also ask the flight attendants to fill your water bottle if you run out during the flight. They may or may not say yes, though.

Manage Sleep Time

It can be tempting to sleep whenever you feel tired in your destination. If your flight arrives during the morning or daytime, try to avoid the urge to nap or sleep for a long time. That can make sleep much more difficult once nighttime arrives at your destination. A few things that can help you rest include eye masks, earplugs, comfortable blankets and pillows, portable white noise machine, and noise-canceling headphones. Do your best to get some sleep during your flight if you are in the air during your destination’s nighttime. 

Experiment With Melatonin

The body makes melatonin on its own to trigger sleepiness, but it comes as a supplement as well. Melatonin may be a valuable supplement to consider to help your body get sleepy once you arrive at your destination, depending on the time of arrival. If your body isn’t ready for bed at night, you may benefit from taking some. Just be careful to not consume too much melatonin if you want to avoid the unwanted side effects. Don’t take more than five milligrams at a time. 

Don’t Over-Schedule Your First 

Because you will most likely experience some degree of jet lag upon your arrival, don’t overbook yourself at your vacation destination the first couple days. If returning home, try to leave a day or so of rest before you resume work. Budget enough time for sleep and keep tabs on how you feel to avoid getting sick.


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5 Morning Habits That May Lower Your Blood Pressure Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Small changes to your morning may contribute to more balanced blood pressure levels. Learn how simple changes make a big difference!


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One of the most dangerous aspects of high blood pressure is that there are no warning signs. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is through a blood pressure reading. Over time, unchecked blood pressure levels can damage certain parts of the cardiovascular system and other organs, including the kidneys, brain, eyes, and more. 

There are lifestyle changes you can make to help naturally lower blood pressure levels, though. Healthy eating and regular exercise go a long way, but you already know that. There are other, smaller changes you can make to your morning routine that may benefit your blood pressure. Did you know that cardiac events, such as heart attack or stroke, are more likely to happen in the morning because of elevated morning blood pressure? That’s why tweaking your morning habits may be the best way to start lowering blood pressure levels. 

In this article, we’ll discuss a few morning habits that can be beneficial if you have a hypertension diagnosis, or if you want to maintain a healthy heart.

Eat A Balanced Breakfast

This tip seems simple enough, but so many people either eat an unhealthy breakfast or skip it altogether. A 2022 meta-analysis suggests that adults who skip breakfast have a higher risk of hypertension. When you eat matters, but what you eat matters more. A bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich is much different than a green smoothie or bowl of plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts. Fruits and nuts, for example, are typical fixtures in the DASH and Mediterranean diets, which have been shown to benefit heart health. Kiwis, bananas, oranges, spinach, hazelnuts, almonds, and walnuts all have blood pressure-lowering capabilities

Exercise Regularly

Are you going to drop into a set of burpees immediately after rolling out of bed? Most likely, no, but a morning workout can support healthy blood pressure overall. A strenuous, high-intensity interval (HIIT) workout can temporarily raise blood pressure readings, but that’s completely normal. Experts recommend two and a half hours of moderately-intense aerobic activity per and/or 90 to 150 minutes of strength training per week. 

Morning Meditation

With work responsibilities and the ensuing commute to the office, it’s easy for stress to get the better of you in the morning. Getting your body to relax at the start of the day can have a positive effect on blood pressure levels. Harvard Health Publishing suggests that you can achieve this morning state of calm via meditation. Several studies show that a mindfulness-based practice, such as meditation, can help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with mild hypertension. The body is prompted to promote more nitric oxide during a meditation session. This helps to widen blood vessels and ultimately lower blood pressure.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Sorry to say, but a morning cup of coffee can lead to unhealthy blood pressure levels, especially if you drink several cups. Caffeine, as you know, is a stimulant, which is why you probably drink it. While it may put a little pep in your step, it can also spike blood pressure. Researchers don’t fully understand the exact reason this happens, but some experts attribute it to the fact that caffeine may block a hormone that widens arteries. Two to four cups of coffee, which amounts to 200-300 milligrams of caffeine, typically elevates blood pressure by about 8mmHg systolic (the top number) and 6mmHg diastolic (the bottom number). Fortunately, this spike doesn’t last for too long, wearing off in a matter of hours. Just be mindful of coffee consumption if you deal with high blood pressure.

Skip Sugar

Your favorite breakfast items, from donuts to scones to cereal, contain a lot of added sugars. Too much sugar can negatively affect blood pressure. Health experts note that eating sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, can affect hormonal pathways in the body. The hormone pathways it affects are peptide endothelin and aldosterone, both of which regulate blood pressure. High blood sugar levels also increase the risk of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), which can lead to stiff arteries and high blood pressure. Prevent this from happening by skipping foods or beverages that contain added sugars. Any food that has a 20% or higher daily value (DV) of sugar is a high-sugar food.


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Homemade Vanilla Coffee Body Scrub Sat, 13 Jan 2024 09:29:00 +0000

Smell like a vanilla latte and exfoliate your skin with this homemade vanilla coffee body scrub that makes your skin feel amazing.


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There’s nothing wrong with brewing a fresh cup of coffee to get your day started. What if you ground some coffee beans and didn’t pour hot water over them, though? What if you incorporated them into a sugar scrub that helps exfoliate and nurture your skin? The beauty industry recognizes coffee as a beneficial skin care ingredient, and we’ll cover why that is in this article. 

Body exfoliation is an essential part of skin care, and a coffee scrub is one of the best products to benefit your skin. Depending on the ingredients you pair coffee grounds with, a coffee scrub will have different benefits. For example, pairing it with jojoba or coconut oils can help infuse the skin with more moisture. Not only does coffee help exfoliate the skin, but it also provides the following benefits. 

Reduces Cellulite Appearance

Although coffee doesn’t make cellulite vanish magically, it may diminish the appearance of cellulite on the skin. The caffeine in coffee works to dilate blood vessels under the skin and stimulate blood flow. That works to improve the skin’s appearance, making it look tighter by shrinking those small dimples. 

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Coffee exhibits a high amount of polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds. According to research, the specific anti-inflammatory effects of coffee are attributed to chlorogenic acid, a compound in coffee. Including coffee in your body scrub, or other skin care products may help reduce redness, breakouts, or flare-ups on acne-prone skin. 

Works To Moisturize Skin

Some studies suggest that coffee bean oil contains essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid. These fatty acids are building blocks for ceramides, which enhance your skin’s barrier (the outermost layer). Not only does that help lock in moisture, but it also helps keep out irritants. Research suggests that coffee’s polyphenols work to reduce skin dryness and improve microcirculatory function. 

Anti-Aging Properties

Due to the presence of antioxidants and polyphenols, coffee works to fight free radicals to help enhance the overall appearance of skin. One study found that the caffeine in coffee helped reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and wrinkles in middle-aged women. Additional research suggests that coffee exhibits antioxidant activity, thus improving fine lines, wrinkles, and overall appearance of skin.

Protects Against Sun Damage

Can you replace your sunscreen with coffee grounds? Absolutely not, but studies show that the caffeine in coffee helps protect against ultraviolet (UV) damage. Some research notes that coffee may protect against sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and skin cancer caused by sun damage. Researchers state that caffeine acts similarly to sunscreen and preliminary test-tube studies show it may help kill skin cancer cells. 

Bean There, Done That

Was that overly corny? Regardless of your stance on puns, we want to urge you not to throw away your coffee grounds after you finish brewing a hot cup of coffee. Save the coffee grounds and add them to your beauty regimen. As with so many other foods, coffee provides a host of skin care benefits. In fact, it helps reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes, which is why coffee extract is a common ingredient in under-eye creams.

Homemade Vanilla Coffee Body Scrub


  • 1.5 cups white sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 20 drops vanilla essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon coffee grounds


  • Add the sugar, coconut oil, and vanilla essential oil to a medium mixing bowl and stir well. 
  • Add in the coffee grounds (fresh or used is fine) and stir well to combine. 
  • Pour the mixture into some four-ounce mason jars and store in a cool-dry place. This scrub will last about two to three weeks, so consider giving some of it to a close friend or family member if you don’t think you’ll use it all in time.


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5 New Year’s Money Resolutions To Make For 2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 09:02:00 +0000

2024 is right around the corner! Hard to believe that, right? Determine the resolutions you want to make when the new year rolls around.


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Focusing on fitness, improving your diet, and achieving better mental health are sound New Year’s resolutions. Don’t overlook the changes you need to make in order to reach your financial goals, though. If you keep your finances in mind, you can set a plan in motion that will encourage a more prosperous future. 

Right now is the perfect time to plan out the changes you want to make next year, given that 2023 is coming to a close. If you want to secure a more financially stable future, there are impactful, money-focused resolutions that you may want to consider. That doesn’t mean you have to abandon fitness goals, but you may want to consider starting the year with your finances in mind. Explore the following options and see if they make your resolution list. 

Quit Your Regular Savings Account And Open A High-Yield Option

It’s always a great idea to save because that provides a sense of security. The unfortunate reality is that savings accounts tend to fall short in regards to earning substantial interest. Take your financial future to the next level by closing your regular savings account and opting for a high-yield savings account instead. A high-yield savings account allows you to grow your money at a faster pace, considering that they have higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. Do a quick search or consult your financial advisor to find which high-yield savings account is right for you. 

Invest In Your Financial Knowledge

The world of finance constantly changes, so staying informed is vital to your financial success. One potential resolution you can adopt in 2024 is to invest more time in expanding your financial literacy. That may look like reading books or articles, meeting with a financial advisor, or taking online courses about finances. When you understand the intricacies of taxes, personal finance, and investing, you can make better decisions that aid your long-term financial goals. 

Create A Budget And Stick To It

If you want financial success, you have to learn to budget. Begin the year by creating a realistic budget that takes your income, expenses, and savings goals into account. Track your spending in a diligent way and make adjustments where necessary. If you manage your budget successfully, you can understand where your money is going and you’ll help yourself save more. A great first step to budgeting is to start making coffee or tea at home if you buy a coffee out every day. If you eat lunch out, consider meal prepping to help save more money.

Move Some Savings To A Certificate Of Deposit

If you want to maximize your savings, explore different investment options. Traditional savings accounts offer safety, but they don’t have the best interest rates that keep up with inflation. A regular savings account, for example, has an average 0.46% interest rate, which is lower than the current inflation rate. Rather than settling for a low interest rate, diversify your savings and set aside  some to a certificate of deposit (CD). A CD offers fixed interest rates, so you can leave your money deposited in the account until the CD matures. Explore the options available to you because there are so many out there. If you leave your money in a different type of account, you are potentially passing up an easy way to earn more money. 

Review And Update Your Insurance Policies

You cannot predict your future, which is why having the right insurance coverage can help your financial security. Take the time to review your insurance policies, including health, life, home, and car insurance policies. Does your coverage align with your current needs? If it doesn’t, contact your insurance providers to adjust your policies and provide a safety net.


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