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Gestational diabetes develops when the body cannot produce the insulin it needs during pregnancy, because of the higher levels of hormones.


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Gestational diabetes develops when the body cannot produce the insulin it needs during pregnancy, because of the higher levels of hormones. It usually goes away after birth, but if it doesn’t it then becomes type 2 diabetes.


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What Health Experts Want You To Know About Abortion Bans Mon, 04 Jul 2022 09:17:00 +0000

By a 6 to 3 majority, the Supreme Court decided to overrule the landmark Roe decision, and health experts want you to know what that means.


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The recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade leaves medical experts in a perplexing situation. Many physicians will be put in a bind, unable to fulfill professional obligations to provide care for pregnant patients because of state laws that forbid such things. This will all depend on where a person lives, but many women may need to travel long distances to find a clinic that can perform the abortion.

Physicians state that the goal is for a patient to make a decision for themselves about what is right for them. Depending on the state, the conversation has less to do with a person’s values, and more about the legal hoops they had to jump through prior to the procedure. The recent Supreme Court ruling opened the floodgates for a wave of litigation. One side of the ruling fought quickly to put statewide bans in effect, while the other side made it known that they would not interfere with a woman’s right to abortion.

It’s a frightening and confusing time, with some people arguing that it is a scary time. Here’s what health experts and women’s activists want you to know about the loss of abortion rights. 

The Decision Isn’t Science-Based

According to health experts, there is no public health reason that validates restricting a woman’s access to abortion. In fact, public health and medical data about abortion implications find that the opposite is true. Public health scientists say that the procedure is very safe at any stage of pregnancy. Carrying a pregnancy to term is actually riskier for overall health in the eyes of health officials. The decision to have an abortion should be the person’s decision, and their decision alone. 

Prohibiting Abortion Can Reject People’s Autonomy

Pregnancy isn’t something that should be a punishment. Any person who is pregnant can and does make the right decisions, and they do it on their own volition. Oftentimes, people don’t understand that one of the most common emotions following an abortion is relief. According to surveys, the vast majority of people who have abortions are certain about their decision. Additionally, they continue to believe it was the right decision for them years after the fact. 

The Loss Of Abortion Rights Will Harm Minorities

When a person is forced to raise a child or children, they ultimately limit their ability to build a sustainable career over time. Consequently, minority groups will be hit hardest by new abortion bans. This includes people of color, people who live with lower incomes, and people under 18 in rural areas. It’s unlikely that many of these groups will make the necessary travel to states where abortion is legal. On top of that, people who want to get abortions but are unable to do so are statistically more likely to live in poverty, and their children may not meet developmental milestones. 

It’s a fact that women in the United States have higher death rates while pregnant, during childbirth, or after delivery compared to women in other developed nations. This risk is higher for Hispanic and Black mothers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report in February 2022 that stated these types of deaths increased from 2018 to 2020.

Denying Abortion Hurts People

This is not merely an emotional hurt; rather, statistics show that people who cannot get abortions have worse physical health. The Turnaway Study found that people who wanted abortions and couldn’t get them because of legal limitations had poorer health outcomes. Denying people the right to abortion causes long-lasting harm. People who are forced to give birth have a higher risk of living in poverty and are less likely to achieve life goals than people who want to get abortions and can. 

In contrast to the United States, several countries have recently expanded, or now allow, access to abortion. In 2018, the Republic of Ireland legalized abortions, and Northern Ireland followed suit in 2020 after longtime restrictions. Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that abortions were constitutional in 2021, and Colombia legalized abortion through 24 weeks of pregnancy in February 2022. Unfortunately, it seems that the United States is moving in the opposite direction of progress.


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Dherbs Kacip Fatimah Thu, 06 Feb 2014 06:26:03 +0000

The herb enhances and increases a woman's libido and is a powerful female sexual stimulant.


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]]> Bunny Rabbit (Kacip Fatimah, Labisa pumila) is the female version of Tongat Ali. The herb enhances and increases a woman’s libido, is a powerful female sexual stimulant; is given to women in labor to enhance their labor, strengthens the uterus in preparation of delivery (childbirth); post-partum tonic, useful for conditions of uterine atrophy and uterine prolapse; treats gonorrhea and other STDs, restores vitality (especially after childbirth), tones vaginal muscles, powerful and effective emmenagogue and helps to regulate and normalize the menstrual cycle, prevents abdominal cramping and water retention during menses, eliminates excessive gas (flatulence) in the body, especially during the menses; balances, builds, and harmonizes the female reproductive system to encourage healthy conception, enhances vaginal lubrication, supports healthy vaginal flora to prevent irritation and infections; tightens vaginal skin and walls; relives dysentery, alleviates fatigue, smoothes menopausal symptoms and promotes emotional well-being; firms and tones abdominal muscles.


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Support Nurses & Midwives For World Health Day 2020 Tue, 07 Apr 2020 08:38:00 +0000

World Health Day takes place annually on April 7th. This year highlights the importance of nurses and midwives and how they impact global health care.


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Since its inception at the First Health Assembly in 1948, World Health Day has celebrated a specific theme each year. Over the past 50 years, World Health Day has highlighted mental health, children’s health, maternal care, climate change, and more. Celebrations and events that honor the theme take place worldwide, and this year is no different. 

World Health Day 2020 celebrates nurses and midwives and the integral role they play in global health. It is especially important to support and honor nurses and other health workers this year because they are at the forefront of COVID-19 response, providing treatment, assistance, and care for people with the virus. Some of them have opened up about their fears, yet they still fight on, working tirelessly to help the world overcome this pandemic. Other nurses and health care workers are even coming out of retirement to help provide support and care during this time.

Nurses and midwives are putting their lives on the line to care for coronavirus patients. In Kirkland, Washington, dozens of nursing home staff have tested positive for coronavirus. Over 160 employees at the Berkshire Medical Center in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, have been quarantined at home after being exposed to patients who tested positive. This forced the medical center to hire 54 temporary nurses to help care for new patients. These are just two examples of the same story that is taking place at hospitals and care facilities around the world.

Bonnie Castillo, head of National Nurses United, reported that the lack of protective equipment is a critical issue for both nurses and midwives. Without proper protective gear, health workers can easily contract the virus. Everyday people don’t need to stockpile N95 respirator masks, especially since they are encouraged to remain indoors and practice social distancing. Nurses and midwives need these respirator masks because they are on the frontline, engaging in close contact with COVID-19 patients to help keep them alive and safe.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nurses and midwives account for 50% of the global health workforce. Even though this is the case, there is a global shortage of nurses and midwives, with the largest shortage being in Southeast Asia and Africa. In fact, the WHO estimates that an additional nine million nurses and midwives will be needed by 2030. The fewer nurses and midwives there are, the longer it will take to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3 on general health and well-being.

What Is Sustainable Development Goal 3?

The aim of this initiative is to improve the health of millions of people around the world. In addition to reducing the rates of maternal and child mortality, the goal is also to help fight the leading communicable diseases. The lack of nurses and midwives means that half of the world’s population doesn’t have access to essential healthcare services, which explains why diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are responsible for many fatalities each year.

According to 2015 statistics, 303,000 women around the world died because of pregnancy or childbirth complications. Nearly all of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries, two-thirds of which were in sub-Saharan Africa. Another 2015 statistic is that the under-5 mortality rate was 42 deaths per 1,000 live births. Available data suggests that these numbers could’ve been prevented with more nursing and midwifery personnel. From 2013 to 2018, more than 55% of all countries had fewer than 40 nursing and midwifery personnel per 10,000 people. Finally, 98% of developing countries had fewer than 40 nursing and midwifery personnel per 10,000 people.

We don’t want to leave you on a sad note because there is improvement, and positivity is of the utmost importance in times like these. Thanks to nurses and midwives, that under-5 child mortality rate dropped to 39 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2018. Roughly 81% of childbirths in 2018 took place with the assistance of a midwife, a drastic improvement from 69% in 2012.

Please show appreciation for your nurses and midwives this year. They are beautiful souls who are working long hours every day to make the world a healthier place. Support them in any way you can; they’ll appreciate the love.


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The Benefits Of Oxytocin (The Love Hormone) Tue, 28 Jan 2020 09:00:37 +0000

Known as the love hormone, oxytocin is activated by positive interactions and it helps with social bonding and reducing stress levels.


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Oxytocin has been heavily studied within the past 40 years because of the way it influences psychological behavior and physical responses. It is a hormone that humans and other mammals produce, and it has been nicknamed “the love hormone.” It assists with building relationships, childbirth, social bonding, and breastfeeding.

What Is Oxytocin?

The American Psychological Association released information that oxytocin is dependent on social changes. The influence originates in the brain, specifically in the hypothalamus, and transfers to the pituitary gland, where it gets released into the bloodstream. Think of oxytocin receptors like antennas that pick up signals of positive social interactions or stressful experiences. One psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco said that it helps create feelings of calm or closeness.

It’s Not Just For Women!

Despite the theory that it was a feminine hormone, research has shown that men also produce oxytocin. This theory was based on the relationship between oxytocin and breastfeeding and labor. While it assists with male and female reproduction, men benefit from the fact that oxytocin supports motility of sperm and testosterone in the testicles.

Why Is It Called The Love Hormone?

Funny you should ask…Well, it’s not really funny; rather, oxytocin is responsible for certain aspects of sexual pleasure and social bonding. Oxytocin is released during situations that make us feel connected, safe, or happy, and it gets released with similar hormones known as dopamine and serotonin. New research has also indicated that higher levels of oxytocin bring about feelings of security and calm, assisting with keeping people monogamous in relationships. These findings came from studies that revealed oxytocin’s ability to increase feelings of trustworthiness and joy.

Benefits Of Oxytocin

Reduces Stress

Recent studies have found that people in negative or unhealthy relationships have higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and oxytocin. A controlled study administered oxytocin supplements to see if they would reduce stress-induced reactions. The findings revealed that oxytocin works to protect the nervous system from shutting down in stressful situations. It also acts as a natural buffer to help people make rational decisions when they are stressed.

Facilitates Childbirth & Breastfeeding

Oxytocin is most understood in this role, because the body releases large amounts of oxytocin during labor. This intensifies uterine contractions and allows the baby to pass through the birth canal. Doctors have been administering synthetic oxytocin to women in labor to encourage labor since the early 1900s. The body continues to stimulate uterine contractions after birth to reduce hemorrhaging. Oxytocin is also released during breastfeeding because nerves in the nipples send signals to the pituitary gland to produce more of the hormone, facilitating with the release of breast milk.

Improves Social Skills

A 2013 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that higher oxytocin levels improved interactive and social abilities of people with autism. This study examined that people with developmental disorders or autism had reduced oxytocin levels. The difficulty to communicate effectively may be attributed to lower levels of oxytocin, which is why supplementation via an inhaler has been encouraged.

Helps Build Relationships

Higher levels of oxytocin have been proven to promote calm, positive feelings, which in turn assists with positive social behavior. Oxytocin levels also seem to rise during social contact, or even in anticipation of social contact or interaction, for example, throwing a party or getting ready for a date. This hormone makes you want to socialize and seek out positive relationships, and the benefit is that these interactions increase oxytocin production.


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Uterine Sense Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Wearing high heels sends an electrical shock from the metatarsal bones of the feet up the bones of the legs to the nerves of the uterus, shocks the uterus causing frying of the uterus resulting in uterine atrophy and a host of uterine pathologies.


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The uterus (womb) of a woman is the seat of her feminine nature, her feminine brain, and the seat of her emotions.

While the reproductive system may be regulated by the pituitary gland, the foundation of the female reproductive system lies at and in the uterus.

The female womb is a miniature or microcosmic universe. While the nature of the female womb is very unique, extraordinary, and sacred in nature or essence, unfortunately for many American women, the uterus is unhealthy today. It is near defective for many females. There are many causes of this modern day uterus deficiency and/or degeneration.

Causes of Uterine Degeneration

On an emotional level, many women today consciously and unconsciously resent the natural function of pregnancy and childbirth. Women fear this natural function for a variety of reasons.

On a spiritual level, so many American women are so disconnected from God/Goddess that they don’t understand and acknowledge the spiritual and divine aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, which is (at least for the Western religious woman) a divine command: “Multiply, and replenish the earth.”

On a physical level, diet, feminine hygiene and fashion play the most important roles. Gravitational pull is also a great enemy of the uterus, and just think about the fact that the higher you are as far as elevation is concerned, the greater the impact and intensity of the gravitational pull. Women who work in corporate high rises or buildings should ponder over this fact.

Antigravity exercise is the best remedy for the detrimental effects of gravity and its pull. Simply propping the legs up against the wall allowing the blood flow to travel down to the head or lying on an antigravity board for 15-30 minutes a day is a very simple and profound exercise and remedy to counteract or prevent uterine atrophy.

Dietary Considerations

Poor diet – eating meat and dairy products – also contributes to poor health and can injure your reproductive system. Dairy is laced with harmful hormones and preservatives and is no good for the health of the body in general and the female reproductive system in particular.

Starches or starchy foods break down into unhealthy stiffening agents. The acidic byproducts of these things cause serious toxicity and debris in the female reproductive chamber and because the majority of women are constipated and their eliminative channels are lethargic, the body causes internal trash bags to grow in order to hold the internal waste creating fibroid tumors.

Women who eat a lot of sugary snack foods such as ice cream, chocolate, candy, etc. are remiss for eating more of the above rather than eating fruit. Fruit is the best food for the uterus. The center of most fruit holds the seed of the fruit just like the uterus holds the seed of a man. So the fleshy part of fruit is the uterus, so when you are biting into fruit you are in essence biting into the endometrium lining of the uterus (fruit), a very profound fact to ponder upon.

Condom (male and female) usage, douching, commercial tampon and pads usage, IUD (intra uterine devices), and birth control pill/contraceptive consumption are all detrimental to the health of the uterus.

Additionally, the damaging effects and side effects of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) have a big impact on the uterus. These diseases greatly play a role in uterine atrophy or degeneration, especially if left untreated.

Certain masculine exercises, running and jogging, lifting heavy objects, and participating in male-based and dominated sporting events and athletic activity (WNBA basketball, boxing, kick boxing, etc.) seriously impair the health of the uterus and auxiliary female reproductive organs and glands.

Beneficial Uterine Exercises

Soft and gentle Eastern-based exercises such as yoga, Tai Chi, and Eastern cultural dancing (including belly dancing); stretching, swimming, and walking are femininely safe, sound, and beneficial exercises that tone the female body and constitution while strengthening the female reproductive system.

Periodic uterine contraction exercises are also beneficial for uterine health. Contracting the PC (pubococcygeal) muscle 20-30 times a couple of times throughout the day help to strengthen the uterus. Of course this exercise should be avoided during pregnancy.


Since the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc, lack of zinc or zinc deficiency greatly plays a role in uterine atrophy and pathologies. Eating foods rich in zinc is important in revitalizing and nourishing the uterus. Pumpkin seeds (papitas), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, parsley, and spinach are excellent sources of natural zinc.

Herbs that supply abundant amounts of zinc include cocculus root, pygeum bark, saw palmetto berries, and sea weeds such as dulse, kelp, and Irish Moss.

Herbs that have an affinity for the uterus and are therefore oxytocic (causing the uterus to contract) in nature include: squawvine, blue cohosh, black cohosh, cramp bark, and black haw. These herbs should be avoided during the first eight and a half weeks of pregnancy.

Other herbs good for the uterus include: red raspberry leaf, chaste tree berries, white oak Bark, ashoka, asparagus, dong quai, maca, and false unicorn root.

Aromatherapy can also assist in uterine and female reproductive health. Essential oils of roman chamomile, cypress, combava, havozo bark, sage, clary sage, and fennel can help maintain the health of the uterus and female reproductive system. They can be added (2-5 drops) to a base or carrier oil and massaged directly into the skin of the belly (and breasts), added to a diffuser or simply inhaled via the nostrils.

Crystal therapy also offers tools for uterine and female reproductive health. Crystals or gemstones such as: chyrsocola, moonstone, tiger’s eye, and jade are great female balancing stones. These stones can be used in crystal water, crystal oil or for meditative purposes.

It is also important to note that since a woman’s reproductive organs are located in the Second Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, the seat of the pursuit of pleasure, it is important that this chakra (and actually all the charkas) be balanced (or opened) for optimal health, especially on an energy or energetic level.

Colon Health

As the colon is located directly above the uterus, good colon health is imperative for good reproductive and uterine health. You must keep the colon clean and the bowels regular. Colon cleansing with colon affinity herbs such as cascara sagrada, senna, buckthorn, aloe vera resin, jalap root, trifala, and rhubarb will help keep the bowels regular and bulky.

Personal enemas and professional colonics are also ideal in maintaining great colon health.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers these formula for uterine health:

Dherbs offers these formulas for colonic health:

Thank you for reading!


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The Science of Ear Rings Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Wearing earrings has an acupuncture-effect on the body. In ancient China, earrings developed for health purposes rather than female embellishment purposes, stemming from the result of acupuncture of the ear.


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Although women in Western world today may not know it, wearing earrings is not limited to fashion and accessorizing.

Earrings actually have a very beneficial function. Wearing earrings has an acupuncture-effect on the body. In ancient China, earrings developed for health purposes rather than female embellishment purposes, stemming from the result of acupuncture of the ear.

The father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, wrote about ear piercing and earring wearing around 470 B.C. as a remedy and treatment for menstrual problems. Galen also wrote about the same thing. In ancient times, if there was a deficiency in energy or chi, gold earrings would be placed in a pierced acu-point for stimulation. Silver earrings were used if there was excessive energy.

Gemstones were added for their therapeutic effects. A ruby was used to regulate menstruation and to enhance fertility. An emerald was worn to prevent miscarriage and to aid in childbirth. Citrine was worn to boost sexual energy. These benefits were then transmitted through the gold or silver.

In modern times, the traditional point for ear piercing is in the middle of the fleshy lobe. This part of the ear is the intuitive, Third Eye, or psychic point. It is very important that only gold, and not silver, be worn here on the ear lobe. Gold, combined with an amethyst or emerald (which are both traditionally regarded as very spiritual stones), will have an added positive effect on the function of intuition.

Ancient people treated diseases of feminine Yin organs via earrings in the left ear and diseases of the male Yang organs via the right ear. The left side of the body is the feminine side and the right side of the body is masculine.

The belly button is the seat of eroticism and sexual passion. It arouses sexual passion. This is why most belly dancers have their belly buttons pierced. Belly dancing is a form of dancing that arouses sexual desire in men. It is very erotic and highly sensual, though friendly and innocent in nature.

The modern day piercing of the tongue, eyebrows, and nipples is simply a fad that some believe helps express their individuality and rebelliousness.

In the 70s and 80s, men started piercing single ear lobes to sport a stud or a burned broomstick straw in the ear lobe. But today, it is very common for males to have both ears pierced. In Biblical lore, a man who voluntarily gave up his freedom to remain a slave had to have an aul driven through his ear as a sign that he was a willful slave.

Some parents decide to pierce their daughter’s ears when she is an infant. This is potentially dangerous, as the baby’s immune system is still strengthening and the act of piercing can introduce bacteria into the baby’s bloodstream. It’s also an issue of choice. When the child matures into legal age, if they want their ears pierced, they can make that decision for themselves. Children don’t need balancing as adults do, so this reason for piercing is nullified.

For those readers who presently have your ear(s) pierced, take care of your ears. Do not use alcohol on your ears. Use hydrogen peroxide or Australian tea tree oil. Soak your earrings or stud overnight in a solution of water and either hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil. Make sure to clean your ears weekly. Serious infection can result in unsightly keloid tumors. Also, don’t wear gold-plated earrings. Wear only 100% gold, silver, or copper earrings.


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C-Sections Are Unnecessary! Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:48 +0000

C-sections are illogical when you understand that God didn't come up short when creating the female and her vagina. It can stretch to accommodate any size head and body of a baby.


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That’s right! The medical and surgical procedure called “Caesarean Section” is totally unnecessary and is only recommended by doctors for one reason or purpose: TO MAKE MONEY!

That’s right! To make money is the purpose of the C-section! You see, C-sections are technically surgeries (as the procedure requires cutting on the human body) and surgery is where the money is in allopathic-Western medicine.

C-sections are also illogical when you understand the fact that the human female vagina’s opening can stretch many times its size to accommodate new life coming out of it. It’s amazing to me that a little baby can come out of that little hole of a woman. I’ve seen it myself up close a few times with a couple of my children born via home birth. My eldest daughter, Layla Iman, my second son, Ajani, and my third son, Anand, were all home births. I delivered Anand myself as our midwife was stuck in traffic and this gave me the opportunity of a lifetime: to not only witness his birth, but to actively play a role in it. It has impacted me for life and I’ll never forget it.

Childbirth is a totally mesmerizing experience. You never forget seeing that head squeeze out of that vagina. For me personally, it changed my whole perception of women, their powers and what they go through as women and bearers of new human life. The respect and reverence for them as creatures quadrupled. I already held them in high esteem, but witnessing new human life manifesting really changed my views, opinions, feelings, and understanding about women. They are undoubtedly some very powerful creatures.

So C-sections are illogical when you understand that God didn’t come up short when creating the female and her vagina. It can stretch to accommodate any size head and body of a baby. Yes, it may tear occasionally as some women do when giving birth, but never-the-less, it can and will squeeze out any size baby’s head and body and I’ve seen that too (big-headed babies) a few times being on the scene for a few female friends who also did the home birth thing.

So if the vagina can stretch, and it can, is it logical for a woman to have a Caesarean section performed? Of course not! But remember, doctors are God to most of their clients due to the client’s ignorance of their own body and diseases, so doctors are masters of manipulation, especially through FEAR. All a doctor has to do to a woman is threaten her: tell her she’s in grave danger of giving a natural birth and it’s a wrap! The woman belongs to the doctor due to sucking up the doctor’s words as if the doctor’s words are from God Almighty, the real God that is!

You can’t blame doctors for practicing what they were taught to practice. After all, they went to medical school. You know what schools really are, right? INDOCTRINATION camps!

Doctors are indoctrinated in medical school just as lawyers are indoctrinated in law school. This is just the natural system of things here in the Matrix or world of man.

One of the biggest lies, oops, I mean ‘reasons’ that doctors give to poor, ignorant, and unsuspecting pregnant women is that because they have or may have a sexually transmitted disease, especially genital herpes, that a cesarean section surgical procedure is best to prevent the baby from contracting the disease. But wait a minute! Is this even practical based upon what people are taught about so-called viruses?

You mean to tell me that an infected woman of HSV2 can only give herpes to a baby by the passing of the baby through the vaginal or birth canal? Sheer nonsense!

If herpes is in the blood and the baby is dependent on the mother’s blood while in the womb, wouldn’t the baby automatically have the so-called herpes virus by virtue of being in the womb?

An outbreak in the vaginal canal would only manifest the fact that the mother has herpes. It wouldn’t be the touching of skin that would subject a baby to herpes; it would have to be the corruption of the mother’s blood that would subject the baby to herpes (and that’s if you even believe in herpes in the first place and unfortunately most people do).

Poor, ignorant women are told by these medical doctors that “once a caesarean birth always a caesarean birth.” What great programming! Other reasons for caesarean section include: maternal distress, fetal distress, high risk fetus, pre-eclampsia, cord prolapse, uterine rupture, abnormal presentation, failed induction of labor, contracted pelvis, and umbilical cord abnormalities to name a few.

These are all doctor-created terms that may be told to ignorant and unsuspecting mothers to cause fear to weigh in on them and opt for childbirth by surgery called caesarean section, a surgical procedure that brings in more than half a billion dollars per year.

God intended for childbirth to be by way of the vagina and here comes sick ass man again trying to play God and now determining that there is another way to give childbirth and that is by making an incision into the abdomen (called laparotomy) and the uterus (called hysterotomy).

In my opinion, a woman can’t have a natural childbirth while delivering a baby in the hospital. How can the birth be natural considering all that’s done to the mother and child in one of these places?

What’s natural about a surgical incision made into a woman’s abdomen to deliver a baby when the woman has a vagina, a very stretchable vagina at that?

What’s natural about drugging up a woman before she gives birth? This puts the woman out of her mind, makes her unconscious to feeling which is important in childbirth; and how can you drug a mother’s body without the drug or drugs affecting the poor baby? You can’t! Most hospital babies come out with their eyes closed and dark circles around the eyes (a sign of strain and fatigue). I thought this was natural until I got involved in natural healing and holistic health and also witnessed my own children born by way of home birth. I was blown away when my daughter came out with her eyes wide open and very conscious and alert. I’ll never forget it. That moment of truth crushed a whole life of lies and misconceptions about childbirth.

What’s natural about a woman lying on her back in a hospital to give birth when the best way for a woman to give birth is bent over or squatting on her feet? Hospitals have women on their backs to deliver for purposes of making things convenient for the doctor.

And please tell me what’s natural about an epidural shot that could possibly paralyze a woman? This is wholly insane to me!

What’s natural about immediately cutting the baby’s cord (despite the cord still pulsating which means the soul has not made it’s way into the new body fully)? The cord should be cut after 17 minutes which is usually the amount of time the cord stops pulsating.

What’s natural about a doctor or nurse immediately taking a baby from its mother and taking it into another room shortly after it’s born? This shocks the hell out of the poor baby (despite the baby being unconscious from being drugged). The baby is connected to the mother via the energy field and a newborn shares it’s mother’s energy field which means the baby should not be taken too far from the mother or else there’s a disconnection (which there usually is in hospital births). Most babies in the U.S. are born in fear! We are destined to have ‘blown out’ first chakras due to how we are born in this Matrix.

And what’s natural about literally delivering your baby to the State (government) as property shortly after it’s born? Think about it, at one point babies were not born at hospitals. Hospitals were a place where only sick people went (and you do know pregnancy is not a sickness or disease, right?). Most babies were born at home by a midwife or even a doctor (who made house calls as doctors did back in those days, pre-1970’s) and the baby’s birth was recorded in the Bible.

But all of that changed when America was hijacked due to the national debt. When Great Britain got America to establish the Federal Reserve Bank in 1912 after creating the Panic of 1907, America shifted the right to coin money by Congress to a private corporation (Federal Reserve bank) which means America was not printing her own money anymore but was now in fact borrowing money from the Federal Reserve Bank, and borrowing at interest (high interest rates) which started the nation’s modern notorious debt.

Our nation’s debt has always been to the private bankers (Federal Reserve Bank) because that’s who prints the nation’s money. America (the U.S.) is borrowing money from a private bank at interest and making “We the People” pay back the loan and pay off the astronomical interest which we can never do under this present economical system. Never!

Well, by 1933, Great Britain via the Federal Reserve Bank had America so much into debt that it stolen all the nation’s gold reserves and so America had no more collateral (gold) to give the private bankers to print money. Fort Knox has been empty for many decades. British writer and novelist Ian Fleming of James Bond fame tried to warn the dumb American masses in a 1960’s James Bond movie called “Goldfinger” about a gold heist cleverly planned but we didn’t get the message.

However, someone else got the message – The Rulers, and Ian Fleming was killed by way of sodium morphate poisoning, the same thing the British owned C.I.A. used to kill and take out F.B.I. director, J.Edgar Hoover, found dead in 1971 on his bathroom floor with his toothbrush in hand. Sodium morphate was put into his toothpaste and poor Mary (Hoover’s secret drag queen name) croaked. Evidently, the C.I.A. wanted a C.I.A. man as the director of the F.B.I. because ole Hoover was very defiant to the C.I.A. and the C.I.A. got tired of tolerating Hoover and decided to take him out. The C.I.A. are experts at murder and assassination and the American people pay for this criminal outfit by way of their federal income tax dollars.

In closing, because America ran out of gold to pay off the loan and debt to Great Britain by way of the Federal Reserve, in 1933 President Roosevelt declared a three day banking holiday and shut down all banks in the U.S. and made a law forcing all U.S. citizens to turn in their private gold in exchange for worthless paper money not backed by any tangible substance and if they failed to do so they would be arrested.

This gold was taken to give to Great Britain and the owners of the Federal Reserve.

So with no more collateral to borrow money, the political leaders of America were faced with a dilemma. They needed more paper money but had no collateral (gold). So these devils ingeniously came up with a plan to put up the American people as collateral for the national debt and future borrowing of money or bank notes. You may not want to believe this but it is factual.

But how would the government keep account of all U.S. citizens, those born (new ones) and those who died (expired ones)? That was easy! What is accounting for? The government came up with the Department of Vital Statistics and would issue BIRTH CERTIFICATES to trace all new U.S. citizens born into existence serving as new collateral for future loans and would issue death certificates for all U.S. citizens that left the game and whose name could no longer be used to collect money (debt) on.

This is the real reason behind both birth and death certificates. Babies don’t require birth certificates nor do parents. Nor do dead or deceased people require death certificates. But government does and strictly for accounting purposes. Every U.S. citizen represents government-owned property via government documents (adhesion contracts). Birth certificates are really government bonds sold to international corporations and nations for million dollar loans and which mature in 18 years, the legal year of maturity here in the U.S. in which a U.S. citizen can now legally work full time and pay federal income taxes as well as state income taxes.

It’s so unfortunate that the government takes a birth certificate with a child’s straw man (all capital letter fictitious name) and sells it for money. And instead of the government paying back the loan and interest on the loan of the birth certificate, they wait until the child (whose name is on the particular birth certificate or bond) turns 18 years of age and can work full time and make the poor person pay back money and the interest the government borrowed against its name when it was a baby. This is what your federal income tax dollars are collected for. It is not collected for the nation. Not a single penny! It is collected for 100% debt owed. And the American people (U.S. citizens) keep these schemes and cons going by participating in the governmental frauds, i.e. presidential elections, Social Security (F.I.C.A), federal income taxes, and everything else.

Don’t buy into the population control schemes! The Rulers want more people (chattel, sheep, workers, Goyim) on the planet because the Rulers themselves ain’t gonna do all the work that’s needed to keep their world going. People are needed to make this scheme work and it is working very successfully because most people are successfully brainwashed (in the public fool system), indoctrinated, and are unable to use critical thinking.

I guess we can call all of this: tyranny by unconscious demand!

C-sections are hardly ever necessary. Hardly!

Despite what a doctor says, you always have options! Exercise your options!

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of Dherbs.Com.


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Red Raspberry Leaf and Pregnancy Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:42 +0000

Throughout history, this herb has been used safely and has shown to be beneficial to women, both pregnant and not.


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Red Raspberry Leaf comes from raspberry plant. The plant has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many conditions. The leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals.

One of the many uses of Red Raspberry Leaf has been for pregnancy. It is thought to be helpful in easing delivery and in enriching a mother’s milk.

Today, there are many reports being published stating that Red Raspberry Leaf is in fact unsafe during pregnancy. In our opinion, this claim is false. Throughout history, this herb has been used safely and has shown to be beneficial to women, both pregnant and not.

Red Raspberry Leaf and Women’s Health

This leaf has been called “woman’s best friend” by some. Woman can consume the herb pregnant or not pregnant for reproductive health benefits. Red Raspberry Leaf is highly beneficial to a woman’s reproductive system for many reasons. The plant contains healthy estrogen-like compounds. These compounds boost the health of a woman’s reproductive system.

Since this estrogen is natural and not synthetic, it will not harm the body at all. In fact, the added natural estrogen will help strengthen a woman’s reproductive system. Red Raspberry Leaf is a great form of this natural estrogen.

Avoid taking synthetic estrogen supplements. They can be full of harmful chemicals and additives that are not beneficial to a woman’s body.

Red Raspberry Leaf and Pregnancy

Red Raspberry Leaf’s major function in a woman’s first trimester of pregnancy is to provide necessary nutrition to the baby. Another way the herb helps during pregnancy is by lowering the chance of spontaneous abortion during the first trimester. Other herbs can have similar affects on the body. Adding the following herbs to Red Raspberry Leaf can have great benefits:

  • Beth Root
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Lady’s Mantle
  • Hawthorn Berry
  • Cayenne
  • Capsicum Fruit
  • Cranesbills
  • Goldenseal

In addition to helping a woman prevent from miscarrying, Red Raspberry Leaf provides organic, digestible, absorbable and assailable iron that can be taken every day. Many women suffer from an iron deficiency and that rate increases during pregnancy. Red Raspberry Leaf can help to alleviate low iron levels.

Red Raspberry Leaf will fully carry and support a woman nutritionally and therapeutically during pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum.

Also, Red Raspberry Leaf has been shown to increase the production of breast milk.

Red Raspberry Leaf will tone, cleanse, strengthen, rejuvenate and build the entire female reproductive tract. It’s one of the most reliable, effective and beneficial herbs for inflammation of the reproductive system.

Other Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf

While this herb is great to take while pregnant, there are also other benefits to woman. Some other ways Red raspberry Leaf helps the female body include:

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs offers many formulas that use Red Raspberry Leaf to alleviate various conditions.

Be careful when listening to negativity around Red Raspberry Leaf. The benefits for women have been shown throughout history and most definitely continue today.

Thank you for reading!


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Uterine Prolapse Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:41 +0000

Signs of uterine prolapse vary greatly from patient to patient. In minor instances of prolapse, a woman may not even know she has it.


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Uterine prolapse involves the dropping of the uterus from its normal position in the pelvis down into the vaginal area.

The uterus is designed to be held in place by what could be called a “hammock” of supportive tissue composed of muscles and ligaments. This structure is referred to as the “pelvic floor.” If the pelvic floor is compromised, the uterus is unable to maintain its intended position, and it descends into the vaginal canal. A number of problems can result when this occurs.

Factors that Lead to Uterine Prolapse

The most common factors involved in uterine prolapse are age and childbirth. The severity of uterine prolapse can vary from minimal cases that may never even be diagnosed, to serious cases that can make a woman’s life quite unmanageable. Options for treatment include support devices, special exercises, and even surgical procedures that are appropriate for some individuals.

Childbirth, especially difficult deliveries or multiple vaginal deliveries, are probably the biggest factors that lead to uterine prolapse.

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

Signs of uterine prolapse vary greatly from patient to patient. In minor instances of prolapse, a woman may not even know she has it, and is totally without symptoms. The more advanced the case is, the more symptoms that are present, and to a greater degree. Some potential symptoms include:

  • Pain in the lower back, pelvis, groin, and/or lower abdomen.
  • Sense of “pulling” or unusual “heaviness” in the pelvic region.
  • Tissue visibly protruding from the vagina, sometimes irritated and sore, producing ulcers.
  • Painful intercourse, along with urine leakage and difficulty experiencing orgasm.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Sense of “sitting on a ball”.
  • The feeling that something is about to fall out of the vagina. Incontinence that worsens with effort, such as during heavy lifting, sneezing, laughing, or coughing.
  • Inability to completely empty the bladder.
  • Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
  • Frequent urge to urinate with little production.
  • Difficulty having bowel movements.
  • Finding it necessary to push your fingers into the pelvic region in order to successfully have a bowel movement or empty your bladder

Healing Uterine Prolapse Naturally

Kacip Fatimah extract, Kegel exercises, and antigravity exercises are all helpful to heal from uterine prolapse.

Kacip Fatimah Extract

Kacip Fatimah is an invaluable female-specific herb. It is the female herbal equivalent to Tongkat Ali. It is a great post-partum/post-natal herb that is effective for womb healing. It is one of the best herbal uterine tonics known and available.

Additional uterine herbs that can be taken to heal uterine prolapse include red raspberry leaf, rehmannia, squawvine, blue cohosh, and beth (or birth) root. The above herbs can be mixed together (with Kacip Fatimah) and consumed throughout the day.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are highly recommended exercises for purposes of healing uterine prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.

A Kegel exercise, named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, consists of contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor (sometimes called the “Kegel muscles”).

The aim of Kegel exercises is to fortify muscle tone by strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles of the pelvic floor. Kegel is a popular prescribed exercise for pregnant women to prepare the pelvic floor for physiological stresses of the later stages of pregnancy and vaginal childbirth.

Kegel exercises are said to be good for treating vaginal prolapse and preventing uterine prolapse in women. Kegel exercises also may be beneficial in treating urinary incontinence in both men and women. Kegel exercises may also increase sexual gratification.

Factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, being overweight, and abdominal surgery such as cesarean section, often result in the weakening of the pelvic muscles. This can be assessed by either digital examination of vaginal pressure or using a Kegel perineometer. Solutions

Recommended products helpful in healing uterine prolapse are:

Uterine prolapse is 100% healable. There’s nothing to worry about. Stay positive and trust the natural healing process.

Thank you for reading.


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