Chestnuts - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:34:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Air Fryer Roasted Chestnuts Mon, 07 Nov 2022 17:44:00 +0000

Easy to peel and ready in a matter of minutes, these air fryer roasted chestnuts are the perfect toasty, festive snack during the holidays.


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Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an open fire to roast chestnuts. Simply, give them a quick soak, score them, and throw them in the air fryer for 10 minutes! Although it isn’t quite the holiday season, you can still enjoy a healthy snack that you commonly eat around Christmas. Chestnuts are excellent sources of fiber, vitamin C, and minerals like potassium and copper.

Almonds and peanuts pack the most protein, but chestnuts pack a lot of complex carbohydrates, which the body digests slowly for a stable energy source. Foods that are high in fiber and complex carbs also have a positive impact on blood sugar. These nutrients keep you full for longer and reduce potential spikes blood sugar. Speaking of blood but unrelated to blood sugar, the copper in chestnuts supports blood vessel health. It also works to support nerve, immune, and bone health, in addition to improving iron absorption.

Unlike baking or boiling, air frying chestnuts actually gives them a toasty, slightly sweet flavor. The sweet aroma of the chestnuts cooking in the air fryer entices you to eat them once they’re done. Did you know that chestnuts are best enjoyed just after roasting? In Hong Kong, for example, you enjoy chestnuts right after vendors toss them into the charcoal, where they develop a smoky, sweet flavor. Last but not least, try to buy your chestnuts from a local source because they tend to get moldy the longer they are stored. We hope you love this recipe during the holiday season!


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Eat These Foods To Help Keep Your Body Alkaline Sat, 21 Apr 2018 12:15:38 +0000

Are you making your body acidic without even realizing it? You could be worsening your health if you aren't consuming these alkaline foods.


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The idea that an overly acidic body leads to a variety of illnesses is not a new concept. In his 1933 publication of A New Health Era, Dr. William Howard Hay argued that all diseases are caused by “self-poisoning,” due to the accumulation of acid in the body.

The presence of too much acid weakens the body and it can become dangerous for your organs and systems. The blood needs to have a 7.4 pH because a change in blood pH of 0.2 could be lethal. Now, the body doesn’t want to drop dead; therefore, it borrows essential minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium from other organs and bones to neutralize the acidity. This is why people may not realize that they have highly acidic bodies for years.

Too much acidity is caused by poor nutrition. Americans typically consume acidifying foods like meats, processed ingredients, dairy products, refined carbs, and oily foods with saturated fats. Habits like drinking caffeine, smoking cigarettes, or consuming alcohol also contribute to acidifying the body.

How Do You Make The Body More Alkaline?

Let’s clear this up: drinking alkaline water and consuming a Standard American Diet is not going to make the body more alkaline. Since the body is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic, it is recommended to balance your diet according to those percentages. The acid/alkaline balance is integral to maintain healthy tissues, cells, and fluids. There are some foods like citrus fruits, all of which are considered acidic. When ingested, however, they supply the body with alkaline minerals. The diet is the most efficient way to balance your pH levels, which is why we are giving you some of the best alkaline foods!


From a nutritional standpoint, spinach is one of the most complete foods out there. It is rich in vitamins A, C B2, B9, E, & K, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, and dietary fiber. These minerals help the body to complete its primary functions. Additionally, spinach is rich in chlorophyll, which is incredibly alkaline and beneficial for the blood.


Chestnuts are number one when it comes to alkaline-forming nuts. Their alkalizing effect on the body is primarily due to the high water content (about 52%). Chestnuts are also rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. You can also consume chestnuts to increase your intake of manganese, copper, magnesium, folate, and vitamins B1, B2, and B6.


Cucumbers are about 95% water, which is where most of the benefits come from. They are also low in calories and high in antioxidants like lignans, which have been associated with inhibiting chronic diseases. Cucumbers can be used in various ways and contain selenium, copper, potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, K, and B-complex.


Even though these are acidic outside the body, lemons deliver alkaline minerals when you ingest them. Each lemon has a pH of 9.0, which helps to alkalize the blood during digestion. They are also rich in potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, dietary fiber, and the mighty vitamin C! Remember: lemons are not acidic in the body, even though they have the citric acid taste.


Broccoli is a great source of plant-based protein and contains tons of chlorophyll, which can help with cell production. The dietary fiber in broccoli also aids with the reduction of blood acidity. Broccoli is commonly recommended for cardiovascular health because it boosts the immune system and supports the metabolic process. The potassium in broccoli works to remove excess sodium from the body, which is beneficial for people who are trying to lower their blood pressure.

It is beneficial to start eating a lot of plant-based foods to help alkalize the body. Continually eating acidic foods with minimal fruit & vegetable intake is a surefire way to maintain an acidic body. Focus on legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Other Alkaline Foods Include:

  • Celery
  • Avocado
  • Kale
  • Bell Peppers
  • Basil
  • Lima Beans
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Cauliflower
  • Ginger
  • Lentils
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Tomato
  • Sweet Potato
  • Zucchini
  • Beet Greens


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Could Horse Chestnuts Provide Natural Relief For Varicose Veins? Sat, 15 Jul 2017 13:00:00 +0000

1 in 2 American adults has varicose veins. To help improve your circulation and provide natural relief, you need this ingredient.


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When picking out what to wear for the day, we don’t think anyone ever says, “I’d really like to show off my varicose veins today.” The truth is that you shouldn’t have to worry about varicose veins, even though many people feel self-conscious about them. If you feel embarrassed about varicose or spider veins, we have stumbled on a natural remedy that can provide safe relief.

Roughly 50% of American adults have varicose veins, which are veins that become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. Generally blue or dark purple, varicose veins mostly occur in the legs and feet. Because veins only carry blood to the heart, they only have one-way valves, which means that blood cannot flow backwards. If the valves fail, blood can build up in the vein(s) and doesn’t flow back to the heart like it should.

Risk Factors For Developing Varicose Veins

  • Poor circulation
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Constipation
  • Standing for long periods
  • Sedentary lifestyle

How Do Horse Chestnuts Provide Relief?

Aescin helps to strengthen venous walls, capillaries, and valves. People with varicose veins typically have a higher count of enzymes that weaken capillary walls. The aescin in horse chestnuts help to block these enzymes from multiplying. Horse chestnuts also help to improve circulation, working to prevent pooling in veins, because they contain Coumadin, which helps to thin the blood.

How To Make Horse Chestnut Oil

Horse chestnut oil is a great topical remedy for varicose veins. When you consistently use the oil, you should notice that your varicose veins shrink in size. As with any remedy be sure to check with your health care provider and make sure that you aren’t allergic to the ingredients.


  • Horse chestnuts
  • Olive oil
  • Measuring utensils
  • Unbleached cotton cloth or unbleached paper coffee filters


  • Grind the horse chestnuts to a fine crumble, or as fine as you can. You can use a coffee grinder or high-speed blender to do this step. You can also go the old-fashioned way and put the nuts in a bag and pound them with a hammer or meat tenderizer.
  • Once you finish grinding the chestnuts, separate ½ cup of powder. Then measure out 2 cups of olive oil. Pour the ground chestnuts into the oil and stir well.
  • Pour the oil in a saucepan over very low heat. You want to maintain an oil temperature of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit for about 2 hours to let the properties of the chestnuts infuse.
  • Let the oil cool once the heating process is complete. Then use the cotton cloth or paper coffee filters to filter strain the oil into a glass jar.
  • Now you have a remedy that you can apply 2 times a day. Massage the oil on your varicose veins for natural relief.


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Penile Erectile Dysfunction Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Now let's look at some ways one can naturally reverse or heal penile erectile dysfunction commonly referred to as impotence.


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Penile erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a widely known health condition in males. The condition causes the penis to be incapable of being erect or raised to an erect position. Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 18 million men in the United States alone. Often times, erectile dysfunction is reversible with some simple lifestyle changes.


Erectile dysfunction has many possible causes such as:

  • Diet
  • Medication
  • Illness
  • Alcoholism

Diet is an easily changed factor that can affect erectile dysfunction. When blood flow is limited to the male penis, its ability to become and stay erect is limited. One factor that decreases blood flow in the body is cholesterol. When we have high levels of cholesterol, our arteries become blocked and blood flow is decreased. This causes many dangerous conditions in the body including heart attacks. Blocked arteries also lead to erectile dysfunction.

Eating a diet low in cholesterol is important to our overall health and reversing erectile dysfunction. Foods high in cholesterol like meat and dairy products should be eliminated from your diet. Switch to a plant-based diet, rich in healthy green foods. These foods will help to lower your cholesterol levels and allow blood to flow properly to all parts of the body.

Studies have shown that diet plays a key role in reversing clogged arteries. Green foods happen to be rich in blood-cleansing nutrients that can help dissolve cholesterol buildup.

Alcohol use has also been attributed to erectile dysfunction. Alcohol use can cause blood vessels to expand, but not close. This prevents an erection. Over use of alcohol can cause great damage to the blood vessels and can contribute to hypertension and heart disease, both of which are contributing factors to erectile dysfunction.

Moderate alcohol consumption should not cause erectile dysfunction in healthy men. Keep drinking to a minimum for optimum health.

Some diseases interfere with sexual performanceas well. As mentioned earlier, Cardiovascular diseases are a larger contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. Hypertension and Peripheral Vascular Disease both affect circulation and therefore limit the blood flow to the male penis. The result is erectile dysfunction. Other diseases that have been linked to erectile dysfunction are:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer does not directly cause erectile dysfunction, but treatments for the disease often result in the condition. Surgery, hormone therapy and radiation are common treatments for prostate cancer, all of which can affect sexual health.

Depression causes the brain to have a chemical imbalance, including chemicals that promote our sex drive. This causes our sexual desire to be lowered or nonexistent. Also, when neurotransmitters are lowered to the brain, our senses can be dulled. This causes a loss in the feeling of pleasure we normally experience.

Natural Healing

Herbs can be wonderful in counteracting erectile dysfunction. Some herbs to incorporate into your daily life include:


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Varicose Veins Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:50 +0000

The veins of the body are like the arteries, however, the veins have little valves on their inner walls to prevent the blood from flowing backward, toward the arteries. If the valves are impaired, then blood circulation is impaired and blood accumulates in the veins, stretching them. The result is varicose veins. Causes and Risk […]


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The veins of the body are like the arteries, however, the veins have little valves on their inner walls to prevent the blood from flowing backward, toward the arteries.

If the valves are impaired, then blood circulation is impaired and blood accumulates in the veins, stretching them. The result is varicose veins.

Causes and Risk Factors

Varicose veins are undoubtedly caused by diet and lifestyle.

It’s common in people who are sedentary (people who spend much time seated and who engage in little to no exercise). Lack of exercise causes the circulation to become impaired, especially when you consider a person’s diet.

Diets rich in meat, dairy products, and refined grains and starches can produce arterial plaque and mucoidal debris, which impair the circulation and leads to a wide variety of circulatory diseases and disorders.

Varicose veins can also result from being obese, from excessive or repetitive heavy lifting of things, constipation, phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), and can sometimes develop as the result of pregnancy. They are also common among people who sit with their legs crossed.


Varicose veins are:

  • dark greenish or somewhat bluish in color
  • bulging or enlarged,
  • lumpy in nature
  • create an achy or heavy feeling in the area where the varicose veins appear
  • swelling in the lower legs
  • itching around a vein
  • skin ulcers, which may need immediate medical attention

Natural Healing Solutions

Varicose veins can be healed, just like everything else, especially if you believe and have faith in natural healing.


Herbs are great for the healing of all disease. Herbs themselves do not do the healing. They only assist the body in healing itself. Good herbs that help heal varicose veins include herbs that improve circulation, such as:

  • Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger and
  • Butcher’s Broom

Herbs that are deobstruant in nature are:

  • Manjistha
  • Bayberry, and
  • Goldenseal

Herbs that are astringent in nature are:

Other helpful herbs for the healing of varicose veins include:

  • Horse Chestnut (by far the best herb available for the healing of varicose veins)
  • Wood Betony
  • Gotu Kola
  • Horsetail
  • Yunnan Toucha
  • Gingko Biloba, and
  • Prickly Ash Bark

Essential Oils

Good essential oils that have therapeutic value for varicose veins include:

  • Cajeput and
  • Yarrow

First apply carrier oil (i.e. olive, coconut, sweet almond, grape seed, jojoba, or avocado) and then add a few drops of essential oil to your hands and massage into the legs and then stroke the veins upward and downward which helps to move the flow of blood in the arteries and veins. This technique can be done for about 5-10 minutes, daily or 3-5 times per week.


Movement gets the blood circulating and you need good circulation. Whether you work out at the gym, walk, jog, swim, or perform stretching/yoga, pilates, tai chi, or qi chong, simply MOVE YOUR BODY!

Antigravity exercise is greatly beneficial for healing varicose veins as well as poor blood circulation as this exercise (done for at least 15 minutes per day) causes gravity to work on your behalf by pulling all liquids downward to your head as well as pulling prolapsed organs (i.e. uterus) back into place. With antigravity exercise, your feet are higher than your head allowing circulation to travel downward. You can use a slant board or simply prop your legs up on a sofa or couch or a wall.

Dietary Intervention

Change your diet to a raw foods/vegan diet. The more raw foods in the diet, the better! You would be wise to give up meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches, and commercially processed so-called foods. Try mock vegan or meatless substitutes, dairy-free substitutes, whole grains, etc.

Drink plenty of good drinking water (distilled or alkaline, alkaline water is best). Drink plenty of vegetable juice daily (fruit juice, too).


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