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About 90% of hypothyroidism cases are caused by Hashimoto's Disease. Here are the steps you can take to naturally overcome this condition.


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We need to clarify one thing right out of the gate: Hashimoto’s disease is not the same thing as hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s is autoimmune hypothyroidism, and roughly ninety percent of hypothyroidism cases are caused by Hashimoto’s disease. What follows is information that explains common symptoms and how to naturally overcome the condition.

What Is Hashimoto’s?

When you have thyroid autoimmunity, it means that there are antibodies, which are essentially sabotaging your thyroid gland, in your bloodstream. T4 and T3 are the primary hormones that the thyroid produces. Normally, the brain signals when more of these hormones need to be produced, but Hashimoto’s inhibits this regular system from working.

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s:

Symptoms of Hashimoto’s typically resemble those of hypothyroidism, but some cases may experience symptoms of both hypo and hyperthyroidism. The symptoms may not be noticeable at first, but become more present as the condition worsens. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Slow metabolism
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Dry skin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Vague aches and pain
  • Mild weight gain
  • Leg swelling
  • Excessive sleepiness

How is Hashimoto’s Different From Hypothyroidism?

One of the main differences between iodine-deficient hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s is that people with Hashimoto’s experience both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid symptoms. The “hyper” symptoms are due to increased autoimmune attack on the thyroid. People may sometimes experience days of lethargy or days of anxiety and high energy.

Is There A Way Out?

When trying to naturally overcome Hashimoto’s, it is important to follow a few simple guidelines. Consuming gut healing foods like fermented vegetables and eliminating immune damaging foods from your diet are great first steps. Cleansing the body can help and it is always recommended to keep stress levels down. See the list of remedies below to naturally remedy this condition.

Cleanse The Body

If you want to benefit your thyroid gland and reduce inflammation in the body, we recommend cleansing the body. Cleansing helps to rid the body of toxins, waste, and pollutants, all of which can strain the immune system. In addition to cleansing, take stock of the things in your life that might be hampering your body’s ability to function optimally. Try using natural cleaning products, store food in glass or ceramic containers, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, and eat foods that work to cleanse the body.

Manage Stress

There are lots of ways to naturally keep your stress levels down. Reducing stress levels can have a positive effect on people with autoimmune disorders. Different stress-lowering techniques work for different people. You can benefit from regularly exercising (yoga, pilates, cardio, and Tai Chi, are all beneficial), or taking part in breathing exercises or meditation (there are many guided meditation videos online). Eating magnesium-rich foods or taking baths with Epsom salts have been proven to naturally relieve stress.

Eat Gut-Healing Foods

A healthy diet is one of the best ways heal your body. You essentially want to maintain a diet that is rich fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds, sprouted legumes, and gut-healing foods like fermented vegetables, natto, sauerkraut, kefir, or kimchi. Gut-healing foods are rich in probiotics, which encourage the production of healthy bacteria in your stomach. Coconut oil can also help support a healthy metabolism by nourishing the gut and increasing energy.

Consider Being Gluten-Free

Gluten can put a lot of stress on the immune system. It may seem difficult to go gluten-free at first, but you may notice a huge improvement in your overall health once you eliminate gluten from your diet. Try going gluten and grain-free for about three months for the best results.

Avoid These Foods

It is beneficial to avoid foods that contain added sugars, a lot of salt, safflower oil, canola oil, hydrogenated oils, dairy, processed ingredients, or fast foods. A lot of these foods cause inflammation in your gut, which can contribute to weight gain, imbalanced blood sugar levels, and nervousness.

Balance Chakras

The thyroid is related to the 5th chakra, which is the throat chakra. It resides between the 4th and 6th chakras, the heart and head chakras. When conflict exists between the head and the heart, thyroid problems can occur. It is beneficial to meditate or practice visualization to resolve this imbalance and promote spiritual healing.


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Women, Anemia and Low Blood Count Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

To correct low blood count and build the blood back up, get with nature and do the natural and common sensible thing.


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Many women suffer from acutely low blood pressure. Doctors state that the normal blood count should be around 12-15, but many of these women have reported to Dherbs that their blood count ranges between a count of 3-6, which the doctors say is acutely low.

It seems reasonable that women would have a lower blood count and lower blood iron than men simply because women have a menstrual cycle once a month and are discharging vital life fluid in the form of blood. Loss of vital blood may result in anemia.

Additionally, Bio-Iron or organic iron is abhorrently low in the food supply Americans are eating. The doctors are right – these women are anemic and need iron. However, it is not as simple as prescribing iron pills. There are two kinds of iron as there are two states of every mineral – organic and inorganic or phosphate and oxide.

These women need bio-iron or organic iron but these doctors prescribe inorganic iron, which is a toxin and poison to the body. Inorganic iron will always cause constipation in women/females because of the iron-sulfur dynamic, which throws the intestines out of sync.

Natural Healing

The following crystals provide a strong iron frequency or vibration which can cause the iron frequency in your body to resonate with that of these crystals or gemstones and thus naturally correct low blood iron in the body. These crystals/gemstones include Hematite, Malachite, Iron Pyrite (Fool’s gold), and Magnetite (Lodestone).

These crystals/gemstones can be carried on your person (in your pocket or a satchel bag), held in your hand (during meditation or chakra balancing or alignment); placed around your body as a grid during chakra work, or put in a glass of water over night and then drank (an ounce or less once a day). The only crystals/gemstones recommended for consumption purposes via elixir are polished or tumbled Malachite and Magnetite (Lodestone).

You can also entrain your mind to convert whatever available minerals in your body into needed iron. The body has an infinite intelligence and wisdom that works on your behalf. Learn to use this intelligence and wisdom. The body knows how to manufacture and produce whatever is needed for optimum functioning and life. However, you must consciously communicate with the cells of your body. The cells of the body have memory and can thus carry out orders and dictates. Your cells are more intelligent than you are, mentally-speaking.

You can also use the power of your voice (vibration) to program your drinking water to provide bio-iron. Water holds memory, which is thought-energy. The cells of the body also hold memory (thought-energy). Simply chant “iron” over a glass of micro-clustered, alkaline water for a few minutes. Your affirmation and intent will be programmed into this water.

Micro-clustered water is water with smaller water cells due to being broken down by electrolysis and which makes this water more penetrable into the cells. This type of water not only hydrates the cells, but also transfers memory (or what was recorded in to) into the cells. This is powerful. The vibration of bio-iron will now be in all of your cells, including your blood cells and your body will react accordingly. The frequency or vibration of the iron mineral in your body will enhance the effect.

Now if you do the above alchemical/imprinting technique and you doubt its power or effectiveness, you have merely wasted your time. Doubt is the subconscious will to fail. You must believe and have knowledge in this. Belief activates and knowledge substantiates (provides results). Belief is not belief if it can be touched by doubt.

Dietary Intervention

Remember ladies, your menstrual cycle reflects your diet and lifestyle. The very healthy female (usually a raw foodist or strict vegan) has a very short but quantitative menses with bright red blood and no foul smell.

The toxic female (usually the heavy meat, dairy and refined starch eater; who also smokes and/or drinks alcohol; eats junk food, eats a lot of candy and chocolate; worries, stresses, and thinks negative a lot, etc.) has a long menses with very dark blood, a foul stench or odor, and may even release blood clots during her menses or outside of her menstrual cycle.

To correct this low blood count and to build the blood back up all these women have to do is get with Nature and do the natural and common sensible thing which includes consuming natural iron, drinking crystal/gemstone water, meditating with iron, performing alchemy, and using imaginative therapy.

Natural foods rich in iron include:

  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Burdock
  • Mustard and Collard Greens
  • Chives
  • Black Currants
  • Elderberries
  • Blueberries, and
  • Blackstrap Molasses (un-sulfured)

Herbs such as:

Three of the best herbs to naturally rebuild the blood (red blood cell count) are Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Red Clover Tops, and Lycii Berry.

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color red will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. These include cherries, beets, capsicum fruit (cayenne), Goji berries, Lycii (or Wolf berries).

Natural foods with the vibration or frequency of the color green will also build, nourish, strengthen and tone the blood. Some of these include Alfalfa, Watercress, Nettle, Sheep Sorrel, Wheatgrass (juice), Barley grass (juice); Spirulina, Blue Green algae, and Chlorella to name a few.

Also, all seaweeds will help to build and nourish the blood. Some of these include Dulse, Kelp, Nori, Wakame, Hiziki, Kombu, Chlorella, Spirulina, Bladderwrack (Seawrack), Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Red Marine algae, and Blue Green algae (best seaweed available).

If you are bleeding too much during the menstrual cycle, you need to curb excess bleeding (hemorrhaging). You simply want a short menses but a quantitative elimination or discharge. Certain herbs can curb excess bleeding. These herbs include Rehmmania, Dong Quai, Cranesbill (Alum Root), Solomon’s Seal, Valerian Root, Goldenseal Root, Periwinkle, Cinnamon, Capsicum (Cayenne), Cramp Bark, Beth (Birth) Root, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Manjistha, Knotgrass and Dragon’s Blood.


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The Metaphysics of Autoimmune Diseases Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

Contrary to what Western medicine says, autoimmune diseases can be healed with the right knowledge and application of that knowledge. Healing can successfully remedy energy imbalances and intercellular blockages in the body.


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Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune (defense) system forms or creates antibodies that attack the body’s own tissues and creates localized and systemic reactions.

The cause of autoimmune diseases, metaphysically or esoterically, is MADNESS of the cells. Loss of memory in the cells causes the cells to forget their function; causes them to forget that they are one with the body. It is acidosis, lack of minerals, lack of oxygen, and energy imbalance that causes the cells to become MAD.

Because the cells see the body as foreign, they now attack the body. The cells begin eating up the tissues of the body in an attempt to kill what the dysfunctional immune system perceives as an attack.

Natural Healing Solutions

Unnatural living (negative thinking/thought process, poor diet, constant stress and worry; evil and wickedness/unrighteousness, etc.) causes serious energy imbalance and intercellular blockages throughout the body.

Acupuncture and acupressure, chakra balancing, certain massage technique, Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, chromatherapy, and pranic healing can successfully remedy energy imbalances and intercellular blockages in the body by moving and enhancing the Chi (vital life force), which has become stagnant throughout the body.

Many cellular disorders (and present-life illnesses and disabilities) are the result of ethereal blueprint programming, which carries imprints of past-life disease(s) and/or injury and crystals can successfully reprogram the subtle program from which the physical vessel (body) is constructed.

Crystals can successfully heal on all eight spheres of the body (physical, ethereal, emotional, mental, astral, ethereal template, celestial, and kethereal). Chakra balancing with crystals and gemstones include:

  • Shattuckite
  • Amethyst
  • Dioptase
  • Garnet
  • Azeztulite
  • Herkimer Diamond/Quartz
  • Nebulla Stone

All seaweeds stimulate cell growth and repair damaged cells.

There are certain herbs that unblock stagnant Chi (energy), including:

  • Dragons Blood resin
  • Cranesbill (Alum Root)
  • Capsicum fruit
  • Manjistha
  • Periwinkle
  • Gingko Biloba
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger and
  • Gotu Kola

There are also certain herbs that cleanse and repair on a deep intercellular level:

Immune (defense) building herbs include:

  • Astragalus
  • Pau DArco (Red and Purple La Pacho)
  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal
  • Fo-Ti
  • Ginseng (all kinds)
  • Cats Claw (Una De Gato)
  • Codonopsis and
  • Lomatium

Dherbs Solutions formulas and products that help to eradicate autoimmune diseases include:

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of


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The Immune System and Immune Health Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:54 +0000

There are many immune-boosting herbs and plants that one can consume to help to fortify the immune system.


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The word immunity derives from the Latin word, immunis, meaning free. In the Roman civil law, immunity was an exemption from a duty or an obligation generally required by law, as an exemption from taxation, exemption from penalty for wrongdoing, or protection against liability.

Immunity also had a secondary meaning pertaining to the quality of being insusceptible to or unaffected by a particular disease or condition.

Okay, so the human body has a so-called immune system, but what is this system? What is its function? How does it work? Does the system make us exempt from certain diseases, sicknesses, and pathologies? Does it exempt us from wrongdoing (consuming forbidden foods and beverages) or the penalty stemming from wrongdoing, which is degeneration (disease, necrosis, aging, and death)?

Medically, the so-called immune system is defined as follows: A biochemical complex that protects the body against pathogenic organisms and other foreign bodies. The system incorporates the humoral immune response, which produces antibodies to react with specific antigens, and the cell-mediated response, which uses T-cells to mobilize tissue macrophages in the presence of a foreign body. The immune system also protects the body from invasion by creating local barriers and inflammation. The local barriers provide chemical and mechanical defenses through the skin, the mucous membranes, and the conjunctiva. Inflammation draws polymorphonuclear leukocytes and neutrophils to the site of injury where these phagocytes engulf the invading organism. The humoral response and the cell-mediated response develop if these first-line defenses fail or are inadequate to protect the body. The humoral response is especially effective against bacterial and viral invasions and employs B-cells that produce appropriate antibodies.® SOURCE: Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition. Missouri: The C.V. Mosby Co. (1990), pg. 607

Okay, so now we have a little knowledge from a medical perspective on this thing called the immune system. Now we can move on! Now, the seat of the so-called immune system is the Thymus Gland. The Thymus Gland is one of the major glands of the endocrine system (or hormonal system). The endocrine system is the network of ductless glands and other structures that elaborate and secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, affecting the function of specific target organs.

The endocrine system consists of seven major glands which include the adrenal, gonads (ovaries and testes), pancreas-spleen, thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal glands. Each one of these seven glands corresponds to an energy center or vortex known as a chakra (Shock-ra). The word Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit.

Each chakra has a frequency that results in a specific color for each gland of the endocrine system. For example:

Adrenal Gland/First Chakra = RED
Gonads/Second Chakra = ORANGE
Pancreas-Spleen/Third Chakra = YELLOW
Thymus Gland/Fourth Chakra = GREEN/PINK
Thyroid Gland/Fifth Chakra = LIGHT BLUE
Pituitary Gland/Sixth Chakra = INDIGO/DARK BLUE
Pineal Gland/Seventh Chakra = VIOLET/WHITE

Because sound or tone is also a frequency, each chakra (and gland) also corresponds to a specific tone. For example:

Adrenal Gland/First Chakra = C Tone
Gonads/Second Chakra = D Tone
Pancreas-Spleen/Third Chakra = E Tone
Thymus Gland/Fourth Chakra = F Tone
Thyroid Gland/Fifth Chakra = G Tone
Pituitary Gland/Sixth Chakra = A Tone
Pineal Gland/Seventh Chakra = B Tone

Based upon the above, the endocrine system is dependent upon color and sound (frequency) for healing and maintenance. This would be referred to as chromatherapy (color therapy) and sound therapy.

So the Thymus Gland is the seat of the so-called immune system. The Thymus Gland is medically defined as: The primary central gland of the immune system. The endocrine activity of the thymus is believed to depend on the hormone thymosin, which is composed of biologically active peptides critical to the maturation and the development of the immune system. The T-cells of the cell-mediated immune response develop in this gland before migrating to the lymph nodes and the spleen. SOURCE: Mosby’s supra, pg. 1169

It is therefore the Thymus Gland that is the seat of so-called immunity, as stated supra. I say so-called immunity because as my good friend Phil Valentine says, There’s no immunity from doing the wrong thing! And he’s right! There is a Universal law of cause and effect. You do the wrong thing and you pay for it. There is always a consequence to and for an action. A good consequence follows a good action and a bad consequence follows a bad action.

So the immune system does not afford immunity. In reality, the so-called immune system is a defense system. It comes to your defense when foreign particles and pathogenic agents invade your system. The defense or so-called immune system is your body’s military. I have always said that each individual is a sovereign nation and your external skin is the border of your government. Just like the United States of America is founded upon a Constitution, so is your nation (body), i.e. bodily constitution.

Now, the only immunity is prevention! You are immune to a thing when a thing does not bother you or invade you, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. If a thing taxes your body, you are not immune. If you feel the negative impact of a thing, you are not immune. In fact, you are being punished; you have been compromised (invaded).

You are hearing about many cases of immune deficiencies, disorders, and weakness today because immunity is looked upon in an exclusive one dimensional state and that’s physical. If the body exists on eight levels, one physical and seven subtle bodies, does not immunity apply to all eight bodies, the physical body as well as the seven subtle bodies? Of course it does! But today, most people conscious of the so-called immune system deal with it on a one dimensional level – the physical, and totally neglect the other aspects of their being. Let’s look at it. If we treat the Thymus Gland, that’s physical. But does not the Thymus Gland correlate to a chakra or energy site on the body? Of course it does! It correlates to the Fourth Chakra, known as Ajna or the Hermetic Plexus (in occult/metaphysical circles). Before a disease is physical, it is first energetic and on three levels: spiritual, mental and emotional. By the time the physical immune system and Thymus Gland are compromised or sabotaged, the damage has already been done on the energy level.

Taking Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), herbs of Echinacea and Goldenseal, and other immune boosting substances only address the physical immune or defense system. What about emotional, spiritual and mental immunity? I’m not saying natural substances (especially plants) don’t have a subtle effect on the mental and emotional, because they do. Herbs of Chamomile, Valerian Root, Passionflower, etc. do affect one’s emotions. They can calm the mind and therefore help mentally and emotionally. But that which is subtle can be weak or inadequate when there is heavy duty invasion. Something adequate as far as immunity or defense is needed. We’re dealing with power here!

When you understand what the metaphysical, emotional, spiritual, and attitudinal attributes of the Fourth Chakra are, then you can understand what constitutes immunity or defense (or prevention) on the energy level.

At the Fourth Chakra, the metaphysical attributes are: unconditional love, service to others, compassion, charity, benevolence, philanthropy, and the ability to express love.

Now considering that most people do not know what unconditional love is or even practice or perform it, in addition to having limited compassion (usually only showing compassion to family and friends) if they have it all, refuse to give meaningful charity from the heart (unless a national event such as the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe occurs), and lack the ability to express love (which especially applies to us American males due to societal structuring where we are conditioned to believe love is for sissies or that love makes you weak or a simp); is it any wonder that lowered immunity is the norm for the average American?

Let’s look at immunity and the so-called immune system from a higher or metaphysical perspective.

It is a fact that watching the news compromises (weakens) the immune system. So does horror movies! Negativity compromises the immune system. Since negativity is general in scope, let’s specifically list some negative things – stress, lying, FEAR, anger, apathy, sadness, grief, depression, hatred, oppression, and insecurity to name just a few.

Television news and horror movies weaken and compromises immunity. Why? Because they are negative! Your mind is stressed (taxed) after watching such things.

How come you view such things or previously viewed such things? I have my reasons. More importantly, what I watch does not impact me as I am secure in all eight bodies, plus, my mind has a discriminating filter. I don’t watch horror movies (or the news) for excitement or entertainment. I get into the mind or mentality of the writers and directors, and the script. I am a student of fear. I wanted to learn how fear worked (on the masses of the people). I wanted to know what was the purpose and motive for inciting and inducing fear. What was the hidden agenda behind promoting fear was what interested me. What was the benefit of fear? Who benefited from it, was what I desired to learn.

Fear paralyzes! It also impacts the kidneys which stores the energy of fear. This is why you should never let children watch horror movies. I have two maternal cousins who grew up watching horror movies at a very young age and both of them used to always urinate in the bed. The fear from the horror movies negatively impacted the function of their kidneys.

Fear makes the heart beat fast and thus negatively impacts the heart. The heart corresponds and correlates to the Thymus Gland, the seat of the so-called immune system; so when the heart is impacted, the Thymus Gland is also impacted; and thus the so-called immune system. And we can’t forget the Adrenal Glands! Fear causes the Adrenal Glands to secrete adrenaline, the fight or flight hormone. And remember, the Adrenal Glands correlate to the First Chakra, which deals with grounding, feeling safe and secure, and survival.

In a nutshell, fear (from television news and national/international tragedies, Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001; Manson Murders; airplane crashes, etc; horror and suspense films) negatively impacts the entire endocrine system. When one gland is impacted, all are impacted and likewise with the chakras. If the First and Fourth heart chakras are closed, the other chakras are impacted and thus we have misalignment. So it’s safe to say that fear (television news, horror films, etc.) impacts Christ Consciousness, telepathy, creativity, imagination, pleasure, feeling grounded, spirituality, link with the Higher Self, expression; personal power, and many more attributes of the various chakras in the body.

Fear places us in a position of danger, whether the fear is real or imagined. When we are in danger, what happens? Does not the heart beat fast? Does not the adrenal glands shoot out adrenaline (fight or flight hormone)? Fear impacts us on many levels – physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, etc.

You have to have a very secure foundation to not let fear and negativity impact you. It takes time and some practice, but it can be done!

Fear can be eradicated by understanding the root of fear, which is not based in love. The eyes of fear travel deep to the soul of fear, the polarity of a combination of strength, security, safety and courage.

The Matrix provides us with fear nonstop in order to not make us feel safe, secure and grounded in life. This is great for society because it creates the desire in the public for excessive law enforcement presence, more jails and prisons for those who wreck havoc and create fear in society; the demand for various insurance; compulsion to attend and join religious institutions so God can save you from all that you fear (which is really your own ignorance and lack of faith and knowledge in God and Self), etc.

Fear is BIG BUSINESS! The appetite for fear is IGNORANCE! This is why we are purposely kept ignorant, especially to the truth. It is our nature to feel safe. Why do we move to certain neighborhoods? We want to feel safe and secure! Why do the majority of people purchase guns? They want to feel safe and secure! Why do people purchase various insurance policies? Is it not because they want to feel safe and secure? Of course!

Fear is NOT a natural response. It is learned and programmed into us. Our earliest memories of fear are buried in our cells. These fearful memories will continue emitting fearful responses until the software is changed or replaced. So when we understand this thing called safety which is the opposite of danger, immunity comes more into perspective from a metaphysical point of view and light.

Now mentally speaking, the so-called immune system is a physiological aspect of safety and security. This is why I promote and encourage expanding your sense of safety and security which is done by tapping into the Universe and by knowing God and Higher Self within.

As you expand your sense of safety and security, you automatically evolve out of a physiological need to have a so-called immune system. This is why Americans are experiencing so many syndrome-type disease functions related to the so-called immune system. These syndrome-type diseases are really related to the lack of safety and security.

Take A.I.D.S. for example. A.I.D.S. is an acronym for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. People today don’t have time to wait for Mr. and Mrs. Right and the safety and security that comes from a monogamous relationship built on faith and knowledge in God, trust, unconditional love, and fidelity. That’s too much work! So now we are in the age of fast sex like with everything else we have today, including fast food, fast cash, etc.

People love fast sex today but they are seriously afraid of contracting so-called A.I.D.S. In fact, morality has deteriorated in America more rapidly since the advent of A.I.D.S. Sex, especially indiscriminate sex, is more rampant today in the midst of A.I.D.S. than any time before.

The social engineers know that the masses love sex and at the same time are ignorant and fearful of A.I.D.S. Hey, the perfect conspiracy! Promote sex to the left, and promote A.I.D.S. to the right, and what do you get in the end? More CONTROL over people!

I have a celebrity friend who loves sex but who is very scared of A.I.D.S. I tell this person to abstain from indiscriminate sex (which he should be doing any way since he’s married). If he lives righteous (loyalty to his wife) then the fear of A.I.D.S. automatically goes away. It’s very easy and basic! It’s the Universal law of cause and effect. His cause (indiscriminate and random sex with strange women) creates his effect (extreme fear of A.I.D.S.).

A.I.D.S. is successful as a fear tactic because folks ain’t going to stop with the sex. The desire and drive for sex in us is to strong. Too much emphasis is placed on sex. Besides, the Rulers are greatly working their Hegelian Dialectic scheme on us today creating a thesis (sex is sinful), followed by an antithesis or opposition to the thesis (the pornography industry; free sex), resulting in the synthesis or objective sexual confusion, obsession and perversion.

As Osho brilliantly stated, pornography will never be eradicated until religion is eradicated, because you can’t have the obsession and perversion of sex without the repression and condemnation of sex, and what major force has been promoting the repression of sex for millennia? Is it not religion? Who taught you sex was a sin? Even though God instructed us in the Bible (for those of you who believe in it and accept it as The Word) to Be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth, now you have religious institutions telling you this divine and natural act is a sin.

So how do we develop immunity other than physically with the so-called immune system? Evidently, the eradication of fear and all that is negative is the solution. If you have lowered immunity, what are you afraid of? What makes you feel unsafe and insecure? That God won’t protect and provide for you? That your job will lay you off? That your mate will leave you for another person? That you will lose your material possessions? That you will lose your status and/or position in life/society? What are you afraid of?

If you are afraid of something it only means you are ignorant to something and how do you eradicate ignorance? By acquiring KNOWLEDGE (and applying it).

Healing the Immune System

You can physically boost, strengthen and invigorate the so-called immune system by consuming a diet rich or high in alkaline foods, mainly green cruciferous vegetables.

Meat (dead animal flesh) great lowers immunity because every time you eat meat you are allowing serious foreign invaders (particles) and harsh chemical substances into your body. This is why your defense cells (T and B) proliferate after eating meat and dairy products. People who eat meat and/or dairy products and who go get tested for H.I.V. or A.I.D.S. will test POSITIVE! Also, consider the emotional state of animals before they are slaughtered for the kill. As my buddy KRS-ONE said in the rap song, Beef, from the Boogie Down Productions CD, Edutainment, animals live under FEAR and STRESS! Kris was right! The fear and stress goes into the cells of the animal via the blood and are frozen there. You buy the meat, thaw it out, cook it and then begin eating it. Do you know what you’re eating? Since animals live and die under FEAR and STRESS, you are what you eat. Are you fearful and stressful in life? If yes, I wonder why!

Beware of using commercial super casket (market) brand household cleaning supplies (409, Pine Sol, Ajax, Mr. Clean, Chlorox Bleach, ammonia, etc.) as they all compromise the immune system. If you use these harsh chemicals, make sure you open up all the windows in your home. If you have an ozone or oxygen machine, you’d be wise to run it while cleaning your home. Personally, I wouldn’t and don’t use any household products that are not Earth and environment friendly and which are also not biodegradable. Reputable Earth-friendly household cleaning supply brands include Ecos, Dr. Bronner’s, Ecover, Seventh Generation, Bon Ami, and Earth Friendly Products and can be found and purchased at good health food stores such as Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, Erewon, Wild Oats, and Nature Mart.

There are many immune-boosting herbs and plants that one can consume to help to fortify the immune system. ECHINACEA (all varieties) helps to rebuild and strengthen immune defenses and also improves lymphatic filtration and drainage. GOLDENSEAL is a powerful immune booster and blood cleanser. It works well in conjunction with Echinacea. ASTRAGALUS stimulates the immune system and enhances resistance to all infections, mainly viral and antibacterial. It also enhances the effect of other immune response herbs and is one of the best herbs for the entire endocrine system. GINSENG (all varieties), SARSAPARILLA, LOMATIUM, OSHA, and ST. JOHN’S WORT are also great immune building and enhancing herbs.

And probably the greatest immune boosting agents available in the physical realm are crystals, my favorite people stone people. SMITHSONITE heals a dysfunctional immune system. ELBAITE stimulates the immune system. ANDUSALITE balances the immune system. MOSS AGATE and BROWN JASPER have immune boosting frequency. LAPIS LAZULI cleanses the immune system. SODALITE also cleanses and boosts the immune system. Crystal elixirs are made by adding stones/crystals to distilled water sat in sunlight for a minimum of 24 hours. The properties of the crystals are imbued in the memory of the water. Elixirs work at the cellular and subtle levels of existence.

The essential oils of FRANKINCENSE and MYRRH both protect the immune system. They can be added to a diffuser or added to bath water. To all the male sex hounds, beware! A lot of females out there are WOUNDED (on many levels – emotionally, psychologically and mentally). A wounded female can and will easily engage in casual sex. Women in tune with their feelings and Goddess nature cannot have casual sex. It is only the wounded female who will give you fast sex, which can be very painful and deadly these days. You see, the wounded female is one whose immune system will contract so-called A.I.D.S. and other sexually transmitted diseases more often than others because psychologically she’s willing to die to get back at males and this is the message and programming her immune system picks up. The wounded female can be found smoking cigarettes and marijuana, drinking alcoholic beverages/spirits (demons), and consuming drugs, all of which greatly sabotage the immune system.

If you believe you have H.I.V. or A.I.D.S. because some doctor told you so, please know that no one ever dies of these pathologies! People die from the DRUGS prescribed and consumed in response to testing positive to these pathologies. I’ve always said that A.I.D.S. doesn’t kill! The drug AZT kills! The drugs doctors give H.I.V. and A.I.D.S. patients greatly sabotage the immune system of the patients. The A.I.D.S. medication is nothing but poison and what do you think poison does? It kills your immune system!

Concluding, I have a very strong immune (defense) system. I have to with all the work that I do and people I have to deal with on a daily basis. I can’t afford to be or get sick. I attribute my immune/defense health to my spirituality, righteous living, enhanced aura (via chakra balancing and having all my chakras wide open); happiness in life; profound vibration of love I emit and receive; my vegan/raw foods diet, stress-free living; and most importantly, my lack of fear due to my profound and unshaken faith and knowledge in God and my Higher Self.

The following formulas will greatly help boost, strengthen, cleanse and protect the immune system: Immune Booster Kit, Immune Formula, Immune Tea, Blood & Lymphatic Tea, Electric Greens Cell Food, Anti-Viral Formula and Vitamin C Formula.

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Endometriosis Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:53 +0000

Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine complaints and diseases.


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Endometriosis is a uterine disorder that affects many American women. Endometriosis is an abnormal gynecological condition characterized by unusual ectopic growth and function of endometrial tissue.

The ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel (colon), pelvic floor, urinary bladder, uterine musculature, peritoneum (membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity) and the deep pelvic peritoneal cavity are the common sites of growths of endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity.

The abnormal implants of endometriosis respond to the hormonal changes regulating menstruation and, like the uterine lining, these fragments construct tissue monthly and then break down or destruct and bleed.

Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts

There is an unhealthy symbiosis between endometriosis and ovarian cysts, medically known as ovarial endometrial cysts.

Ovarian cysts are nothing but accumulated liquid toxic waste and thick, congealed menstrual blood that is dark in color and held together by mucus. Ovarian cysts cause pain due to their growth and pressing against other organs and nerves in the pelvic cavity. Ovarian cysts grow fast based upon poor diets.

If you are experiencing heavy menstrual blood flow (hypermenorrhea), releasing of small, moderate, to large blood clots from the vagina; pain (in the uterus, lower back, etc.), painful sexual intercourse, infertility, premenstrual vaginal staining of blood, and chronic constipation, chances are you may be suffering from endometriosis.


Unlike the blood from the uterine lining, the blood from the implants has no way of exiting the body and therefore the surrounding uterine tissue slowly absorbs the blood from the abnormal implants. The condition is also known as retrograde menstruation, since the blood doesn’t leave the body, but instead is absorbed into it.

Cells from the endometrium (lining of the uterus) also develop elsewhere in the abdominal cavity of the female body. During this slow process, blood accumulates in the body cavities and the process of bleeding and absorbing is generally quite painful.


This condition produces various symptoms such as severe and excruciating pain in the uterus, lower back, and pelvic cavity organs before and during menstruation, pain during the actual menses, excessive bleeding and expulsion of large clots and shreds of uterine tissue during the menses, and in some cases nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, endometriosis can cause severe pain in a subsequent pregnancy because in pregnancy the uterus enlarges and the various organs in the abdominal cavity are pushed into different positions.

Natural Healing


Female-specific herbs that are oxytocic and parturient in nature are great for healing the uterus and eradicating all uterine diseases. Uterine and/or oxytocic-specific* herbs include: Squawvine*, Ashoka, Blue Cohosh*, Pennyroyal*, Rue*, Shatawari, Eucommia, Chaste Tree berries (Vitex), False Unicorn Root, Fo Ti, Rehmannia, Yarrow, and Bayberry.

Female specific herbs with a hormonal stimulating effect on the body are ideal in restoring overall female health and uterine health in particular and include such herbs as: Canada Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Maca, Red Raspberry leaf, Red Clover tops, Black Haw, Beth Root, Lovage, Wild Yam root, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, Dong Quai, Ashwagandha, Blessed Thistle, Damiana, Muira Puama, Saw Palmetto berries, Oatstraw, Sage.

Herbs that address menstrual irregularities will greatly help in addressing endometriosis. These herbs include: Canada Snakeroot, Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, Beth Root, Black Haw, Angelica, Dong Quai, Goldenseal Root, Burdock Root, Black Cohosh, Comfrey Root, Cranesbill, Dragon’s Blood, False Unicorn Root, Squawvine, and Yarrow.


Essential oils are paramount in holistic healing as the aroma from the oils affects the mind, spirit, emotions and etheric body. Essential oils with a female hormonal effect can greatly help to heal uterine and other female complaints and disorders. These oils include: Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Pennyroyal (use cautiously), Rue (use cautiously), Cananga, Fennel, Angelica, Combava, and Vitex (Chaste Tree).


No healing regimen is complete without the use of crystals, the greatest energy amplifiers on the planet. Crystals with an affinity for the female reproductive chamber are imperative in healing from any female reproductive chamber and include such crystals as: Quartz, Ammonite, Malachite, Tiger’s Eye, Jade, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, and Zincite.

No healing regimen or therapy is replete or complete without chakra alignment or balancing. Remember, all disease first occurs on the energetic level.

Colon Therapy

Colonics are effective in dissolving hardened fecal and mucoidal debris in the colon. When you cleanse the colon you begin the cleansing process of all other eliminative channels. There can be no healing without an emphasis on cleansing out the colon.

If you are unable to afford a colon session (which are usually priced at $60-70 per session, then purchase an enema bag and perform weekly enemas. Cleaning out the rectum is better than doing nothing at all.


Hot sea salt baths which are very therapeutic. The bath should consist of hot water, sea salt (1-3 boxes), MSM sulfur (or sulphur) (1 cup), crystals (named above); and essential oils (named above, 2-4 drops each). The bath (actually a soak for the first 30-45 minutes) can be taken daily.

Acupuncture / Acupressure

These therapies work on the chi (energy) and get it moving again in the case of blockage. All disease is first energetic and these therapies deal with energy.

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen is a most effective therapy. It is unfortunate oxygen therapies are banned in the U.S. despite proven facts that oxygen helps to heal, especially since lack of oxygen plays a pivotal role in degeneration and disease. The cells thrive off of oxygen and when you introduce more oxygen into the body, the cells’ communication ability restores and the innate healing effect of the body accelerates. The prohibition of oxygen therapies by your government is what you pay for with your tax dollars.

Massage Therapy

Because massage is intimate and requires trust and to effectively heal, you must open up (let your wall or guard down). When you open up, you automatically let go and “letting go” is what a lot of women) need to do in order to heal and move on in their lives. Most people, especially females, are holding on to negative and self-defeating and sabotaging thoughts (which affect their emotional state and feelings) and these thoughts lodge in the tissues of the body and alter the individual frequency and resonance of the particular body part or organ, manifesting disease as a sensor that something is wrong on a deeper, emotional, and energetic level.

Massage, especially deep tissue massage, is very therapeutic and healing because deep pressure into the tissues not only dissolves knots but also the negative and toxic thoughts lingering in the knot. When a massage therapist tells you that you have knots in your body (e.g. back), those knots are not liquid filled, but energy filled. You can actually feel them dissolve when a therapist applies pressure to the area.

Massage greatly helps to release all those negative emotions and feelings we hold in certain parts of our body. The feeling of shouldering too much responsibility stores in our shoulders. Feeling like we are carrying the weight of the world or others (family, friends, etc.) on our back stores in our back (as well as the feeling of feeling backed against a wall); people, events, and circumstances that feel like a “pain in the neck” to you actually store in your neck.

We actually feel everything we say and think, believe it or not; and unfortunately, a lot of us have thought and said and still think and say negative things. Negative and unproductive thinking needs to be put in check because our bodies literally believe every word we say.

Pranic Healing / Reiki

These two therapies are just as ideal as chakra alignment and balancing because they deal with healing via energy and again, all disease is first energetic. Whereas chakra alignment/balancing uses crystals, pranic healing and reiki uses the hands. Pranic healing does not require actual touch whereas reiki does; but a crystal grid around the person while undergoing a pranic healing or reiki session will undoubtedly enhance the effect of the energy.

Magnetic Therapy

Magnet therapy is great for healing because magnets alkalize the body and improve circulation to problem areas. Magnets cause blood vessels to dilate and thus improve blood flow in the body. Magnetic therapy should never be used on the belly (Sacral Chakra) area of a pregnant woman.

Anti-Gravity Therapy

Anti-gravity exercises where the body is slanted and the feet are raised higher than the head are great in healing uterine complaints and disorders such as endometriosis because when the body is in a slanted position with the feet raised higher than the head gravity now works for you rather than against you. Lying on an anti-gravity board or simply with your feet raised higher than your head (back and head on the ground or floor and legs propped up on a sofa or chair) causes gravity to pull on the uterus and helps put the uterus and other organs back in place. This method has a profound effect on the whole body and causes hardened substances to break up and become movable for elimination.


Fasting is a natural healing method that induces the body to go into a natural cleansing mode without the help of any outside agents or substances. The one drawback of fasting is that it requires discipline. Fasting is very effective in healing any and all ailments and complaints.

Mineral Therapy

The most important mineral required in remedying reproductive complaints and disorders is zinc. Not zinc derived from an inorganic source, but organic zinc, e.g. zinc phosphate. Organic zinc can be assimilated by the body, but not zinc oxide (derived from metals or stone). Zinc is important for uterine health because the uterus is chiefly comprised of the mineral zinc and when the uterus is impaired and becomes defective, it loses necessary zinc.

Zinc can be found in the following foods and herbs: Pumpkin Seeds (a/k/a Papitas), Sunflower Seeds, Cocculus Root, False Unicorn Root, Irish Moss (and all other seaweeds), and Fenugreek Seed.

Dietary Intervention

Dairy foods are strongly tied to the development of endometriosis.

To heal, women must give up meat, dairy products, refined grains and starches and other processed chemicals and so-called foods and should consciously embrace a vegan and/or raw foods diet consisting of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains.

Vegetable juice is very alkalizing and healing. For endometriosis, make sure you consume a lot of vegetable juice containing asparagus and beets.

Positive Thinking and Attitude

Healthy and positive thinking is so important. Being emotional by nature makes females more sensitive and intuitive than males generally. Females in general, African-American females in particular are greatly out of sync with their feminine grace and essence today. External pathologies denote internal or inner imbalance. A positive mindset that thinks healthy, right, and positive impacts a person’s outer circumstances and their physical health. This is the best and greatest incentive for positive, right, and healthy thinking.

Saying daily affirmations and performing mediation can greatly help transform the mind in a positive light. We can really change our lives by the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel on a daily and consistent basis. Our lives are truly in our own hands to shape and mold as we see fit. You are the master of your own destiny and fate.


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First Consult Your Physician? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

Physicians don't even study basic nutrition so what makes anybody think they are going to study up on any alternative measures that poses a threat to their linear and specific modality of health, and their profits.


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No matter what the alternative health product, modality, or therapy, you will usually find a disclaimer on the bottle, box, machine, or advertisement, stating: “CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE” as though Western medical physicians actually study alternative health products, therapies, procedures, and gadgets/technology on the market today.

Most physicians condemn that which they are ignorant of, mainly predicated upon fear-fear of the unknown, and deeming it as a threat to that which they do know about: pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.

Every time an alternative health practitioner says: “CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE” they further legitimize allopathic medicine as the authority on health and knowing what’s right and best for people pertaining to health and nutrition.

The average doctor (or even nurse) may speak negatively of herbs because they are ignorant about herbs.

They may condemn the herbs and recommend their pharmaceutical drugs instead, despite the fact that the prescription medications can trigger side effects that are worse than the condition the drugs are designed to treat.

They may condemn chakra balancing, ionic foot detoxification, or body detoxing with herbs but will promote their dangerous and unnecessary surgeries.

Western allopathic physicians, physicians assistants and nurses do this because it is safer to go along with regulations made by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) than to adopt alternative treatment methods that may not have the same money (and testing) behind them as pharmaceutical drugs.

Keep in mind that the FDA is the same government agency told Americans to smoke cigarettes for good health reasons. It’s the same agency that approved many drugs as safe that were later found to be extremely dangerous.

Instead of or before consulting a physician, consult God (your Higher Self). Consult with your own intuition or inner knowingness. Learn to trust yourself.

The body can heal itself when you put yourself into the right frame of mind. Prescription drugs are made with chemical derivatives of natural elements.

The body can heal itself when it’s given the opportunity to do so. Change your diet to one that’s vegan or raw food based. Remove the acid-forming foods and beverages from your diet that promote a toxic ecology within the body, keeping vital organs from properly functioning.

The body can heal itself when it’s in an environment that promotes health. Live a lifestyle that’s clean, surrounded by positive energy, by aligning chakras and engaging the power of crystals.

The body can heal itself when it’s put to use. Engage in activity that promotes a stronger physical body such as yoga, tai chi or pilates. Walk around your neighborhood, or take a hike in the hills.

Just something to think about!

Thank you for reading !


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The Truth About Healing Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:53 +0000

No one can heal you but God and yourself. Your and my body was constructed and designed to naturally and automatically heal from any disease or injury no matter how insidious the disease or injury may be.


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Healing is a term that refers to alleviating symptoms of disease and bodily conditions. This begins from inside the body.

When our bodies are treated kindly and respected, they function more efficiently. Polluting our bodies with things like unhealthy foods and chemical toxins is not the way to health. Harmful man-made chemical like MSG, food colorings and preservatives cause the body to become impaired. This affects both our physical body and our invisible body, or aura.

The Physical Body

Our physical body is the body we see. It is the body that carries us and works for us. This body is what shows the symptoms of sickness and disease. The physical body requires everyday care and maintainance to function properly. Diet, exercise and our lifestyle all affect the body. The physical body and the invisible body work together on many levels. What manifests in the invisible body shows on the physical body.

The Invisible Body

The invisible body refers to our energy. This makes up our biomagnetic sheath or aura. Our physical body is connected with the other bodies by the vortex system known as the chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex. There are eight main chakras located in a line along the spine. Every chakra corresponds to a major organ of the human endocrine system which regulates human emotion and attitude.

The major chakras can be found in the following locations in the body:

  • Bottom of the feet (Earth Chakra)
  • Base of the spine (Base Chakra)
  • Below the naval (Sacral Plexus Chakra)
  • Abdomen (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  • Center of the chest (Hermetic Plexus or Heart Chakra)
  • Throat (Throat Chakra)
  • Between the eyes (Brow Chakra)
  • Above the head (Crown Chakra)

Additional chakras can also be found in the palms of the hands, eyes, ears, nose, joints and directly above the head. There are three chakras located directly above the head called:

  • Soul Star Chakra
  • Casual Center Chakra
  • Stellar Gateway Chakra

Chakras are found throughout the entire body. This system of subtle energy channels is the foundation for the meridians, or energy points. These points are used in acupuncture, vibrational medicine, chakra balancing and yoga.

When the chakras are functioning properly the body’s physical and subtle energies are in balance and harmony. Disturbances of this system may lead to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances or disease.

Healing Naturally

It is important for purposes of natural healing on all levels to know that the human body has subtle energy fields. Working with chakras, meridians and acupuncture points of the body not only influences our emotions, but directly affects the physical body itself. The true basis of disease may be found on the energy level, so the basis of healing also begins on the energy level.

The food we eat has a major role in our health. A diet based largely on meat, dairy and refined foods is an unhealthy diet. The body functions best when given proper nutrition. A plant-based diet, rich in vitamins and mineral is best.

Try adding natural, organic foods to your everyday diet. Green, leafy vegetables are very high in needed nutrients that help to keep our bodies healthy. Be sure to eat plenty of whole foods that have no added chemicals or preservatives. A diet right in whole grains, fruits and vegetables can keep the body working the way it should.

Our environment plays a large part in our health as well. Air and water pollution can negatively affect our health. Harsh, toxic chemicals in the environment may cause our cells to degenerate and can lead to illness.

Learning to be kind to the earth is the first step in creating healthy surroundings. The air we breathe and the water we drink are an everyday part of our health. Take an interest in your surroundings and remember how valuable they are to us all. Treating the earth with respect and care can change the future of our planet.

Recycling is one way you can personally make a difference in the planet. Check with your local government and find out about their recycling programs. Most cities today offer recycling services to their citizens. If your city doesn’t yet offer such services, you may be able to drop off your recyclables to an adjacent town. A little extra work really goes a long way for our environment.

Support businesses and companies that have good earth practices. Many companies now advertise the ways they are helping to take care of the earth. Support businesses that recycle, reduce their consumption and waste, donate to planet-friendly organizations, and support green technology.

Alleviating the symptoms and conditions that ail us begins by keeping our bodies and environment healthy from the start. Knowing our bodies can help us on all levels.

Positive thinking helps our minds to create a healthier being. Our minds are powerful and negative thoughts can lead to negative health. Use your imagination and the power of the subconscious mind to change your health. See yourself as you would want to appear. Carry this image around with you in your mind all the time. See the end result, what you desire to be and how you can get there. Concentrate on the desired result and watch it manifest.

Create change inside and around you. Change the earth and change your health. Health begins when we take steps to better ourselves and the world around us.

Thank you for reading!

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Mono-Atomic Gold Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:50 +0000

Mono-atomic Gold is a mystical and alchemical substance used by the ancient people of Kemet, Egypt to achieve super states of consciousness and mystical experiences. It is also known as Egyptian White Powder Gold, Fruit of the Tree of Life, Etherium Gold Powder and Star-fire Gold of the Gods. Properties Mono-atomic means, “single atom.” It […]


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Mono-atomic Gold is a mystical and alchemical substance used by the ancient people of Kemet, Egypt to achieve super states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

It is also known as Egyptian White Powder Gold, Fruit of the Tree of Life, Etherium Gold Powder and Star-fire Gold of the Gods.


Mono-atomic means, “single atom.” It does not contain any traces of metals or toxins. However, it can be made from 24 karat gold. Mono-atomic Gold is the result of alchemy, an ancient science practice mastered by the ancient people of Kemet who changed base metals into gold.

Alchemy is the forerunner of modern day chemistry. While chemistry is beneficial, it is not alchemy.

Mono-atomic Gold is made by changing the atomic structure of 99.98% gold. The end product is a white powder consisting of trillions of single gold atoms, each one literally lighter than the element air.

Mono-atomic gold naturally occurs in minute amounts of purple colored fruits and vegetables such as red and purple grapes, blueberries and eggplant. Purple is the color that just happens to correspond to the 7th or Crown chakra, which corresponds to spirituality and the Higher Self.

Spiritual Practices

The people of Kemet made gold cakes by using white powder gold or Mono-atomic Gold. These cakes helped the Kemetic people in many of their spiritual rituals and practices.

The spiritual concepts and practices of the people of Kemet were admired by other cultures and implemented into other spiritual practices including the use of Mono-atomic Gold.

Mono-atomic Gold induces and enhances states of euphoria, spiritual bliss, awareness, stamina, insight, psychic ability and cell realignment.

The substance allows subconsciously held beliefs, worries, concerns and doubts to surface sequentially so they can be understood, over-stood, and inner-stood. Each issue is brought to light one at a time so full attention can be given the issue for purposes of resolution and karmic cleansing.


Mono-atomic Gold neutralizes all negativity in the cells and protects them from disease. The substance helps any and all disease.

The healing benefits of Mono-atomic Gold include:

  • Strengthens the heart
  • Tones and strengthens the pituitary gland and pineal gland
  • Strengthens and revitalizes the thymus gland and thus boosting the immune system
  • Enhances the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow
  • Causes all of the cells of the body to regenerate


Mono-atomic Gold is also great for meditation purposes. It should be used for very deep states of meditation or astral traveling, the ability of the soul to leave the physical or dense body behind and travel to different densities. It also helps to increase the human aura or bio magnetic sheath.


Mono-atomic gold strengthens the major and minor chakras that make up the human aura or energy field. When the aura or energy field is weak or compromised, the body will function out of sync or balance with the natural rhythms of nature. However, when the aura or energy field is strengthened and magnified, the body functions in sync or harmony with the natural rhythms of nature, and thus, health and wellbeing are optimal.


Mono-atomic Gold works well with crystals for purposes of enlarging the human aura. The average aura expands by eighteen inches to three feet. But after use of Mono-atomic Gold, the aura can enlarge by five to twenty-five feet, depending on the person and their other activities such as chakra balancing, meditation and yoga.

Mono-atomic Gold gives a person a general sense of well being. It greatly facilitates in healing and can actually help to prevent aging and disease in the body. It causes the endocrine system to release more anti-aging secretions and it causes the pineal gland to release more melatonin and serotonin. These hormonal secretions are great anti-aging and feel-good remedies.


If you are a serious dreamer, Mono-atomic Gold provides the power to control dreams, specifically the activity in the dream state.

The product is so powerful that it can help us to commune with souls who once walked the Earth, mastered the lessons of life and have ascended to higher realms.

Brain Stimulation

Mono-atomic gold also helps engage a higher percentage of our brains while simultaneously raising consciousness. Use of Mono-atomic gold causes us to have sharper thoughts, enhanced cognitive abilities and acumen and higher creativity.

Mono-atomic gold also helps in balancing or synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain, causes both sides of the brain to work simultaneously, which is usually not the case in the average or normal person.

Typically, one side of the brain works more than the other. Research shows than when we are in a thinking state, the left side of brain is on a higher level than the right side.

The right side of the brain deals with creativity. And when we are in a creative state, the right side of the brain is higher on a brain graph than the left side of the brain. The goal is to have both spheres of the brain working on high levels, at the same time.


Technology via radio, television, microwave ovens, cell phones, iPods and MP3 players have greatly damaged our frequency or subtle bodies as well as our physical bodies. All products with motors emit radiation or electromagnetic fields that play a role in the development of cancers and drain the body of energy. When radiation is directed to the head of the body, the head’s nine magnetic particles are compromised. This is also done with the use of stereo headphones or anything that comes in direct contact with the head.

A lot of this new technology may seem like it’s making life easier, more convenient and fun but in all actuality, it lowers our frequency.

In order to get back to whole brain function, Mono-atomic gold, crystals and crystal elixirs can be used to get back to this state.

Television puts out the light of the Third Eye, the Ajna Chakra. It is no coincidence that television deals with illusions and the demon of the Sixth Chakra is an illusion.


Before conceiving a child, the parents can take Mono-atomic gold, a natural aphrodisiac. First, the couple bathes together and uses essential oils with spiritual and aphrodisiacal properties in the bath.

Essential oils with spiritual properties include:

  • Davana
  • Frankincense
  • Spikenard
  • Oak moss
  • Myrrh
  • Sandalwood
  • Himalayan Cedar
  • Buddha Wood
  • Pink Lotus

Essential oils with aphrodisiacal properties include:

  • Neroli
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Champaca
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Cumin Seed
  • Caraway Seed
  • Patchouli
  • Jasmine
  • Combava

After bathing, they “sage” their bodies with a sage bundle. Next, the couple takes Mono-atomic gold, simultaneously. After about 3-5 minutes, the couple balances or realigns their chakras for about 15 minutes. Next, they both hold a harmonious intention of what they desire in a child, and then they come together for the lovemaking act.


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Are Crystals Tools of Darkness and Evil? Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:25:49 +0000

Crystals and gemstones are perhaps the best holistic healing tools available. They realign subtle energies, dissolving disease, going to the root of the disease or imbalance, and facilitating the return to optimal health and wellbeing.


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Many people know very little about crystals and their healing powers. This causes people to believe that crystals are a evil, witchcraft tool. This is not true. Crystals are used for good in many different ways.

How Crystals Heal

Crystals and gemstones are said to be one of the best holistic healing tools available. They heal on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and ethereal. Crystals realign subtle energies and help alleviate the disease. Crystals get to the root of the disease or imbalance and facilitate the return to optimal health and wellbeing. This is the ultimate objective of all types of healing.

Crystals and gemstones work through vibration. They work to rebalance the aura. Your aura is the protective shield that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. The vibrational energy in the aura works to rebalance and harmonize the chakras in the body.

The healing and metaphysical properties of crystals are beneficial for many things. By creating a crystal elixir, you are creating vibrational medicine. Elixirs help to alleviate the symptoms of disease that manifest in the aura. When our chakras are out of balanced. Elixirs can be very beneficial.

Crystals and Religion

Crystals have been discussed and considered for thousands of years. Throughout history, crystals have been written about in many different religious texts.

The Bible speaks of crystals and gemstones. The Qur’an also writes of crystals and their powers. Other informative books on the subject of religion and crystals include:

  • A History of the Devil by Gerald Messadie
  • Biography of Satan by Kersey Graves
  • The Secret History of Lucifer by Lynn Pickett

Crystals Color, Chakras and Energy Focus

The color of a crystal indicates which chakra will derive the greatest benefit from its application. For example: Chakra Crystal Color Energy Focus

Rootredsecurity, physical energy
SacralorangeCreativity, healing, sexuality, desire, emotion, intuition
Solar plexusyellowIntellect, power, ambition
Heartgreen, pinkLove, reciprocity, compassion, emotional balance
Throatlight bluesCommunication, expression, higher creativity
Third eyeindigoAwareness, psychic power, intuition
CrownViolet or lavenderEnlightenment, energy, consciousness

In closing, crystals are not an object of harm. Instead, they are meant to help and treat our auras. Learn more about crystals and their powers instead of listening to those who do not know.

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Crystal Elixirs Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:25:44 +0000

An elixir is a medicinal potion. Elixirs are also known as essences and gem remedies. Elixirs are for internal and external use. They may be taken internally unless a particular gemstone is toxic, as a few of them are. Toxic stones may be safe to hold or use for chakra balancing purposes or even to […]


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An elixir is a medicinal potion. Elixirs are also known as essences and gem remedies. Elixirs are for internal and external use. They may be taken internally unless a particular gemstone is toxic, as a few of them are.

Toxic stones may be safe to hold or use for chakra balancing purposes or even to wear as crystal or gemstone jewelry, but when it comes to therapeutic purposes internally, they should not be consumed orally. An elixir can also be applied to the skin or added to bath water.

Crystals are thought to have very powerful vibrations. It is very easy to transfer the vibrations of the crystals to the water. When the crystals or gemstones sit in the water for a period of 12 hours or more, the water becomes imbued with the vibration of the various crystals or gemstones.

The crystal and gemstone vibrations contain all the properties of the crystal or gemstone. However, to get a direct and specific effect from a particular attribute of a crystal or gemstone, one would have to consciously program the elixir.

Crystals and water both are said to hold memory and intention. If you desire a certain effect from a particular property from a stone or crystal, program your conscious and deliberate intent must be programmed into the elixir.

Water is considered a base for the elixir. Water serves as a solvent. It is the most effective and natural solvent there is, especially when distilled because of its pulling effect.

Creating a Crystal Elixir

Polished stones and crystals generally are best for use in elixirs. These stones combined with water will create the elixir.

An elixir should be exposed to both sunlight and moonlight so allowing the mixture to stand for 24 hours is best. Place the elixir outside for direct exposure to sunlight and moonlight if you can. If no outdoor space is available, place the elixir near the window so it can be exposed to both sun and moon light. Cover the elixir with a lid.

After the solution has set for 24 hours, remove the crystals or gemstones and bottle the solution in a cobalt or amber glass bottle. Be sure to use an airtight stopper to close the bottle.

Consuming the Crystal Elixir

The elixir can be taken daily or as needed. There is no harm in ingesting the elixir. Consume approximately 1 teaspoon per day. If you store your elixir in 1 or 2 ounce size bottles with dropper tops, simply take seven individual drops. Take the solution either with water of on its own.

For best results, consume the entire contents once the bottle is opened. Do not save up elixirs. Make a new solution once you have finished.

Elixirs can have a mineral-like taste. It is normal to need to get used to the taste, but remember to focus on the therapeutic effects the elixir will have on your body.

When storing the elixir, store it in a dark place. The elixir does not need refrigeration.

Crystal Elixirs for Healing Auras

Crystal and gemstone elixirs are considered energy and vibrational medicine and can help heal the auric body where disease can first manifests. An aura is the biomagnetic sheath surrounding the body that contains information on a person. The information is about the person’s emotional, physical, mental and spiritual state.

It is thought by some that disease manifests in the aura. Psychic healers are said to be able to see the human aura with the naked eye. Auras reveal much about a person’s energetic state. The state of an aura, chakras, diseases, attached entities, celestial helpers on the scene, your spirit guides, and even deceased loved ones who are nearby to you could be visible in an aura.

Chakras and Crystals

Crystals have different colors that denote certain things. Below is a helpful breakdown of the seven major chakras and their corresponding colors and organs of the endocrine system:

  • First Chakra is the Root Chakra. The color is red. The Root chakra is where we connect with the Earth and draw upon her stable and grounding support. Our ability to survive and to take care of ourselves is located at this chakra. This chakra is important for physical strength and stability. Our sexual issues and history is also stored here at this chakra.
  • Second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra. The color is orange. The Sacral chakra deals with issues of relationships, emotions, pleasures, and lower creativity. For females, it is the seat of Goddess consciousness. Females connect with the Goddess within at this chakra. This vital energy of the 2nd chakra feeds our immune system with personal power.
  • Third Chakra is the Solar Plexus. The color is yellow. The 3rd chakra deals with issues of personal power, self-image, self-esteem, drive, motivation and ambition. Our principles in life that we stand for develop at this chakra. The Solar Plexus is more importantly the seat of the subconscious mind. This is also the site where we assimilate and discern all information and also where we discern and filter toxic environments as well as food, beverage, and people.
  • Fourth Chakra is the Heart chakra. The colors are green and pink. The Heart chakra deals with unconditional love, reciprocity (the ability to give and receive), philanthropy; the ability to connect with another and not lose one’s self, the ability to nurture, comfort, and console; the ability to care for others.
  • Fifth chakra is the Throat Plexus chakra. The color is blue. The Throat Plexus chakra deals with expression, communication, and higher creativity. It is also the site or center where we ask for what we need or require in life, where we express what we believe to be true for ourselves and our principles and causes in life we believe in and stand for. It is also the site of clear perception. The traits of the 3rd chakra are expressed here.
  • The Sixth chakra is the Brow chakra. The color is indigo. The Brow chakra deals with Christ consciousness, psychic ability, intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. It is the site of our ability to understand the vastness of all things and how they work. The 6th chakra is the chakra for vision, wisdom, understanding, inner-standing, over-standing, and knowledge when applied with the heart. We see spiritually at this chakra. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye.
  • Seventh chakra is the Crown chakra. The color is violet or lavender. 7th chakra is the site where the soul leaves the body at death and during sleep while in the dream state.

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