What Microwaves Are Doing To Your Health
Do you know what you are doing to your body every time you microwave food? Could you be at risk for developing a disease caused by microwaves
Do you know what you are doing to your body every time you microwave food? Could you be at risk for developing a disease caused by microwaves
Nearly every day some new study comes out touting the benefits of black cumin seeds. Originally from Egypt, black cumin grows in a tiny pod that requires soaking before the tiny seeds can be released.
In order for you to decrease your likelihood of acquiring cancer, eliminating obesity should be a priority. In doing so, choosing natural healing is highly recommended.
I am doing an Uterus Cleanse Dherbs.com review. I am presently in the process of taking these herbs.
Eating more servings of fruits and vegetables daily did not significantly reduce the risk of cancer.
Over 700 ingredients in one single cigarette, including a new strain of genetically engineered tobacco.
Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.
Many of the perfume and cologne ingredients are known irritants and are toxic through skin absorption.
Mammograms are not as safe as you think they are. Could you be doing better treatments that are more effective and safer?
Chemotherapy is prescribed by Western doctors to treat most cancers, but even the doctors are careful not to describe it as a cure. In fact, Chemotherapy breaks down the immune system. It pollutes your blood and taxes your liver. It can’t tell the difference between cancer cells and healthy cells. The result is that your […]
Shark cartilage is supplement made from the dried cartilage of a shark. The supplement is marketed to have many health benefits. However, no scientific evidence exists that agrees with this theory. The shark cartilage craze has led people to overkill the animal for its cartilage, which has led to a rapid decline in the shark […]
Remission is not a cure. It is a legal and medical definition for the state in which a cancer is responding to treatment and appears to be under control. A partial remission means that the cancer has shrunk, but not disappeared. A complete remission is when all symptoms or signs of the disease disappear. If […]
Barbequed meats play a role in causing cancer because of the chemicals associated with cooking certain meats at high temperatures. Exposure to carcinogens Heterocyclic amines are chemicals and cancer causing agents that are created during the grilling of meats. There are several cancer causing that are created during the grilling of meats. During the process […]
Pre-cancerous cells are most commonly referred to regarding abnormal conditions in cell tissue or organ tissue. The type of pre-cancerous cells getting the most PR have to do with cervical cancer associated with the Human papilloma virus (HPV). They are usually detected in a women’s annual gynecologic pap smear or HPV test. While HPV can […]
Many people mistakenly believe that illness is an entirely negative thing. However, on a higher level of awareness and understanding, disease is our friend simply because every disease conveys an important message. Without disease, we’d never know anything is wrong with us (especially on a deeper and inner level i.e., emotional, spiritual, ethereal, etc.). In […]
You may be surprised to learn that microwaves can have adverse affects on your health, altering the chemical structure of your food.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. The body naturally produces Vitamin D through sun exposure. The vitamin is necessary for Calcium and Phosphorus absorption in the body. Other body functions that rely on Vitamin D include: Calcium and Vitamin D typically go hand in hand. They support each other to give our bodies the maximum […]
So there I was in the queue in Marks and Spencer, clutching on to my Medjool dates, surrounded by two women piling on ready-made chicken meals for their loved ones. ‘How could these mothers feed their children these awful, unhealthy foods?’ I thought to myself. ‘Don’t they care enough about them to at least give […]
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