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Symptoms of depression may include cognitive challenges. The combination of these symptoms is sometimes called brain fog.


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People who have been diagnosed with clinical depression may experience a variety of cognitive challenges. Some people refer to the combination of these symptoms or changes as brain fog. Although brain fog is not a clinical diagnosis, it is a common group of symptoms that affect the way you remember, think, and concentrate. It’s possible to lose your train of thought mid conversation or execute ordinary tasks without challenge. 

Symptoms Of Brain Fog In Depression

For people with depression, brain fog symptoms are called cognitive dysfunction. Not every person who has depression experiences the same cognitive symptoms, let alone brain fog, with the same intensity. Generally speaking, depression affects the brain differently, and brain fog can manifest in the following ways:

  • Challenges with memory: You may experience difficulty remembering what you wanted to do or forget what you were going to do. It may be necessary to write things down to remember them, or perhaps you may find that you lose things or miss important dates regularly.
  • Delayed reaction time: It may take you longer to complete tasks and manage time more efficiently with cognitive changes. 
  • Difficulty paying attention: It may be more difficult for you to complete a thought, follow conversation, finish tasks at work, or focus on a TV show, book, or movie. 
  • Trouble with executive functioning: Your ability to make decisions may be challenging, which can potentially cause you to constantly worry about different outcomes. It may also be harder for you to multitask.

Cognitive challenges are not the only symptoms of depression. Brain fog has other causes and is not solely reserved for people with depression. In order to receive a diagnosis for depression, though, a healthcare professional will try to identify at least five out of nine formal symptoms. 

What Are Formal Symptoms Of Depression?

Although brain fog can be a symptom of depression, it is not categorized as a formal symptom. Formal symptoms of depression include:

  • Reduced ability to enjoy special or everyday activities
  • Appetite changes (eating less or more than usual)
  • Low energy or lack of motivation
  • Changes in sleep pattern (sleeping more or fewer hours than usual)
  • Cognitive changes (including brain fog)
  • Changes in the way you move (such as slower or quicker than usual)
  • Thoughts of self-harm and death

If a doctor cannot determine that depression is the cause of brain fog, they may want to explore other options. Thyroid dysfunction, brain injuries, anxiety, and COVID-19 can all cause brain fog

How Do You Treat Brain Fog?

If depression is the cause of brain fog, you have to address depression, as treating brain fog does not get to the root of the problem. Additionally, untreated depression will only cause symptoms to worsen or intensify. Most health experts agree that psychotherapy is the first line of treatment for depression. Behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy are just a few options to help treat depression.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, according to experts, can be particularly helpful in reducing brain fog in people with depression. Lifestyle modifications may also reduce brain fog and improve other symptoms of depression. Depending on your preferences or needs, these lifestyle modifications may include:

  • Limiting your intake of caffeine, sugar, and alcohol
  • Engage in daily physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or strength training
  • Focus on a nutrient-dense diet
  • Try to manage stress by engaging in meditation or deep breathing exercises

Brain fog can be a symptom of depression, manifesting differently for different people. You may experience difficulty remembering things, following instructions, or focusing. Treating your depression first may help get rid of brain fog. Work with healthcare professionals in order to get the help and support you need. Many resources are available, so don’t be afraid to use them.


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6 Effective Ways To Calm Your Anxiety Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Feeling anxious or worried is natural in a stressful situation, but not all the time. Learn about effective ways to help calm your anxiety.


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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 30% of American adults have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. For those people, feelings of anxiousness extend beyond regular worry from stressful situations. These feelings of anxiety are persistent and can interfere with everyday life. Symptoms can even extend to physical symptoms, including sweating, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. 

The exact cause of an anxiety disorder can be quite complex. Mental health experts suspect that anxiety disorders stem from a mix of environmental, psychological, and genetic factors. Although you may not be able to prevent an anxiety disorder entirely, you can develop coping strategies to help minimize symptoms. If you experience an anxiety attack or symptoms of anxiety, experiment with the following lifestyle and mindfulness techniques and see which ones work for you. 

Limit Your Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

Caffeine and alcohol can affect your sleep and mood, so it isn’t a surprise that they can trigger anxiety. Experts recommend limiting your intake of both if you want to reduce or avoid anxiety symptoms. If you consume a lot of caffeine and want to reduce your intake, be mindful that you may experience withdrawal symptoms. Make sure that you drink water throughout the day to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. Researchers note that drinking water throughout the day can lower depression and anxiety risk in adults. 

Be Active

Studies have shown that regular exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks. Just 15 minutes of daily exercise, such as walking, swimming, biking, or yoga, can provide short-term anxiety relief. If you want more substantial and long-term benefits, try to develop a consistent exercise routine. That could mean that you engage in 20 to 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity daily. It could also mean that you engage in a regular mindfulness yoga practice several classes per week.


As we just mentioned, yoga is a relaxing and mindful exercise practice. Enhance your relaxation efforts by engaging in a meditation practice, be it on your own or guided from a video. Meditation may help reduce anxiety symptoms in people with anxiety disorders, according to several research studies. Guided mental imagery meditation has proven to be very effective at relieving anxiety. It involves picturing a future scenario, task, or event in a positive light. When you encounter the event or experience that thing, you will feel more prepared and at ease. 

Get Sufficient Sleep

There is a complex relationship between anxiety and sleep. Various studies suggest that anxiety can cause lack of sleep and vice versa, meaning lack of sleep can trigger anxiety. Statistically, more women are affected by this relationship. If you want to improve your sleep habits, you can make small adjustments that go a long way. Keep a consistent sleep and wake cycle, i.e. go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Turn your phone and other screens off about an hour or so before bedtime, and consider reading a book or putting on relaxing music or guided meditation to promote relaxation. 

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish! Making intentional time for self-care can help ease symptoms of anxiety. For some people, self-care might look like taking a bubble bath. For others, it could mean reading a book or getting a massage. Whatever self-care looks like for you, just make sure to clear a spot on your calendar so that you can improve your overall well-being.

Experiment With Grounding

Grounding is the act of temporarily detaching yourself from feelings of anxiety to center yourself. It’s important to note that grounding will not stop feelings of anxiety, but it can help make them less intense. That reduction in anxiety can help you feel safer and more in control. There are a few different grounding practices that you can experiment, with one being the 333 rule. To practice this 333 rule, scan your surroundings and name three objects you see. Listen to the environment and name three things you can hear. Finally, touch or move three things, such as objects near you. You can also go outside and simply walk barefoot on the grass or head to the beach and walk barefoot along the sand. 


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How To Stay Safe During Summer Heat Waves Fri, 19 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000

As temperatures become unbearable around the country, take action and learn to cool off and stay safe with these expert tips.


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It’s always hotter during summer, and to think otherwise would be foolish. This year, however, temperatures exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit in many areas around the United States. Wildfires in California, the Pacific Northwest, Utah, and even across the world in Turkey resulted from excessive temperatures and dryness. Both fires and heat waves are uncomfortable and dangerous, and present a major health threat.

The Dangers Of Heat Waves

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), extreme heat is defined by temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average for certain areas. Some areas experience excessive dry heat, while other areas have muggy, humid temperatures. The humidity can make it feel hotter than it is, and dry heat can feel like you are in an oven. According to data at the CDC, about 700 people in the United States die each year from heat-related exposure. Heat waves pose several health risks, including:

  • Heat cramps
  • Kidney damage
  • Dehydration
  • Heatstroke
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Impaired mental health

While the end of summer may be in sight, temperatures are still hot and dangerous. Heat waves can come at any moment, and it’s best to be prepared. Continue reading to learn about a few tips that can help you stay healthy when temperatures rise.

Avoid Excess Caffeine & Alcohol Consumption

It’s common for people to over-consume both alcohol and caffeine during summer, especially at parties or gatherings. It’s more habitual than anything, but these beverages don’t promote hydration. Actually, caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the body. If you notice that the color of your urine is dark yellow, you need to stop drinking everything except water and electrolyte beverages. Maybe go for some electrolyte-rich beverages like coconut water or homemade detox waters

Stay Hydrated

This seems like an obvious tip, but too many people suffer from dehydration in hotter weather. You should always have fluids with you, especially water, when it’s hot outside. If you find a great electrolyte powder that has minimal sugar content, you can pour that in your water. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes and you need to replenish those stores to avoid health complications like dehydration, kidney problems, or heat exhaustion. Water intake will depend on activity level, sex, age, and overall bodyweight. When the weather is hotter, drink more water than you think you need to. Click here to learn simple tips to improve hydration.

Look For Indoor Activities

Most indoor places have the air conditioning working overtime during the summer. If you want to save energy and avoid running your A/C unit like crazy, head to a place that is naturally cool. If you don’t want to go to a mall, head to a movie theater, library, museum, or other establishment with A/C. 

Dress For The Weather

If you are experiencing a heat wave, don’t wear jeans and a hoodie. There’s no reason to do such a thing. It’s best to wear light, breathable clothing that fits loosely. Additionally, opt for light colors to avoid overheating. It’s also beneficial to wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses with polarized lenses for even more sun protection. Depending on how long you plan to be outside, consider lathering exposed skin in sunblock. 

Eat Lighter Meals

If you want to keep your body on the cooler side, it’s best to eat meals that don’t weigh you down. Rather than scarfing down potato salad or fries, ribs, brisket, chicken, rice, corn, and other heavy foods, opt for lighter meals. Consider an entree salad or Buddha bowl with quinoa and roasted sweet potatoes. Smoothies are also an excellent option. When the body has to work hard to digest food, it generates heat within the body. Keep food options light and be conscious about the size of your portions


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These Health Risks Can Increase On Hot Days Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:07:00 +0000

With temperatures rising across the United States, researchers indicate that the heat can increase the risk of all-cause mortality.


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Hotter temperatures and summer go hand in hand. The heat should not come as a surprise to you during the summer. The heat may do more than make you sweat, though. Researchers note that rising temperatures increase certain health risks

A 2022 study of more than 219 million American adults over the age of 20 suggested a link between extreme heat and all-cause mortality. The most significant risks were associated with older individuals. Health experts note that everyone, regardless of age, should understand the health risks that come with extreme heat. That is especially true because there are a lot of outdoor activities that occur during summer. It’s easy to get distracted on a beach day, for example, and that can be a detriment to your health if you aren’t paying attention to bodily signals. 

Being aware of how extreme heat affects the body can help you take proper precautions. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) states that 2023 was the warmest year on record. Early indications suggest that 2024 will follow suit, so be prepared and do your best to stay cool during these summer months. 

Health Risks That Increase With Hotter Weather

Specific populations are at a higher risk of experiencing health issues when temperatures rise. That said, nobody is immune to heat-related health issues. Understanding the signs can help you protect yourself (and others) from severe outcomes resulting from heat exposure. The populations at a higher risk include:

  • Older adults, especially people with underlying health conditions
  • Infants and young children because their bodies cannot regulate temperature as well
  • Pregnant people
  • People with chronic health issues

Heart Attack

According to research published in 2023, cardiovascular disease deaths caused by heat could surge by approximately 162% by 2036-2065. Another study from 2023 examined more than 202,000 heart attacks in Jiangsu, China. Study authors noticed a strong correlation between a person’s chances of dying from heart attack and extremely hot and cold temperatures. When the body is exposed to heat, especially temperatures higher than body temperature, the heart has to work a lot harder. It needs to circulate the blood out toward the skin to allow for sweating and other mechanisms that protect the body from heat. The harder the heart has to work, the greater the risk of heart problems in those at risk. 


Although it seems obvious that heat increases the risk of heatstroke, a lot of people do not understand the symptoms or risk. Heatstroke, much like stroke, is a medical emergency. Signs of heatstroke include confusion, altered behavior, change in speech, or even seizure. Heatstroke differs from heat exhaustion, although the two are related. Heat exhaustion is the body’s warning sign that it is overheating. You may experience headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. You should slow down and rehydrate with fluids and electrolytes and seek shade if you experience these symptoms. Refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol in the heat because they can dehydrate the body.

Higher Or Lower Blood Pressure

Hot weather can cause blood pressure to become too high or too low. When you sweat a lot, the body loses fluids and blood volume, the decrease of which can drop blood pressure. This issue becomes more pronounced when you change positions, such as standing up after lying down. Dehydration also puts undue strain on the kidneys, which can decrease blood pressure. On the other side of the coin, heat can elevate blood pressure because the body has to work harder to circulate blood in order to cool down. Although high blood pressure can be asymptomatic, it may trigger dizziness or headaches. 

Migraine Attacks

Speaking of dizziness and headaches, let’s talk about migraines. Data indicates that migraine attacks affect 12 to 15% of the general population, and the effects can be debilitating. Migraines can cause irritability, light sensitivity, dizziness, nausea, cravings, and seeing of odd shapes. According to recent research, hotter temperatures may increase the risk of a migraine attack. Heat can increase inflammatory effects that can prolong migraines. Plus, dehydration can decrease the body’s ability to fight a migraine. 


A study from 2020 found that weather conditions, especially high heat, are becoming a factor for the risk of stroke. There may be a lag period of one to six days between extreme weather exposure and stroke. Another study from 2020, which has yet to be published in a scientific journal, found that stroke severity increased by more than 67% for every 9ºF uptick in average temperature over the course of three days. Extreme heat puts stress on the body, especially in the elderly, which can lead to an increased risk of stroke. Look out for vision changes, facial droop, slurred speech, and weakness of arms or legs (especially on one side).


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Tips To Avoid A Migraine Attack Before It Happens Tue, 21 May 2024 09:21:00 +0000

By incorporating tips that limit your risk of migraines, you may be able to to avoid an attack before it happens. Techniques include...


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The Migraine Research Foundation estimates that nearly 39 million Americans experience migraines. If you are one of these people, then you understand the debilitating symptoms that migraines cause. Some of the those include:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and odors
  • Vomiting

What is A Migraine?

A migraine is a headache that is characterized by severe throbbing pain or pulsing sensation. It typically occurs on one side of the head and is accompanied by the symptoms listed above. Migraine attacks can last for a couple hours to a couple days. Occasionally, the pain is so intense that it interferes with everyday activities. For some people, a warning symptom, or an aura, occurs before the actual headache. An aura can include visual disturbances, such as blurry vision, or other disturbances, such as tingling of the face or arm.

When you can identify and avoid certain triggers, you can minimize the chances of having a migraine attack. Continue reading to learn how to avoid a migraine before it happens. 

Keep A Headache Diary

When you keep a headache diary, you can better identify your specific migraine triggers. Writing things down can help you notice a pattern in your migraine occurrences, which can make avoiding them much easier. Some things you can keep track of include:

  • The weather
  • What you eat or drink
  • Your medications and their side effects
  • Your exercise routine and schedule
  • Severity and timing of your headaches
  • Intense emotions or feelings

Pay Attention To Hormonal Changes

Your hormones play a role in the development and severity of a migraine. Many women tend to experience migraine attacks during, or just before, menstruation. During this time, women may need to be extra cautious with food choices and exercise habits. The reason for this is because both diet and exercise can help you address symptoms before they begin. If you don’t exercise or eat the wrong foods, you may worsen symptoms. Oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can increase the severity and frequency of migraines as well. If you take oral contraceptives, you may find migraine relief by switching to another form of birth control. 

Eat And Sleep On A Regular Schedule

When you fast or skip meals, especially if you are not accustomed to a fasting schedule, you may experience headaches or migraines. Ideally, you should eat within an hour or two of waking up, and then space your next meals about three to four hours apart. Both hunger and dehydration can trigger migraine attacks, so make sure to eat enough and hydrate regularly. Lack of sleep can also cause migraine symptoms, which is why sleep experts encourage everyone to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Getting too much sleep, interestingly enough, can also trigger migraine episodes. Find the right amount of sleep that works best for you. 

Pay Attention To Your Food Choices

As previously mentioned, maintaining a regular eating schedule can help reduce migraine attacks. So too can the foods and drinks you decide to consume. For example, the following foods may trigger a migraine attack:

  • Red wine
  • Sweeteners
  • Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Processed meats

When you know which foods, drinks, additives, etc. can bring about migraine symptoms, you can avoid them at all costs. Foods and drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol, such as red wines or champagne, are common migraine triggers. If you regularly consume these items and experience migraines or headaches, consider reducing your intake per day, or cut them out and only consume them on occasion. 

Choose Low Intensity Exercises

Regular exercise is an integral part of achieving optimal overall health. If you engage in intense exercise, such as weightlifting, you may trigger migraines. The body responds differently to certain activities, so gauge your body’s response to various exercises. Activities that help you reduce stress, such as yoga, tai chi, or light aerobics, don’t put that much strain on the body!


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6 Beverage Dos And Don’ts For Diabetics Thu, 09 May 2024 09:31:00 +0000

Diabetics should stay hydrated and refreshed with healthy drink choices and skip the drinks that cause blood sugar levels to spike.


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If you have type 2 diabetes, monitoring what you drink is just as important as what you eat. A single drink can affect your blood sugar more than you realize. For example, think of the sugar content in a can of cola or sweetened juice. Drinks with carbohydrates (sugar) affect blood sugar more than zero-carb, zero-sugar drinks. Ultimately, any liquid with carbohydrates will digest faster than something you have to chew. 

Having type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to avoid every single beverage. Taking sugary drinks, such as regular soda, sweet tea, and some juices, off the table and replacing them for low-sugar or sugar-free options is much better. That isn’t to say that you should replace those drinks with diet beverages, as those contain copious amounts of aspartame and other unhealthy artificial sweeteners that lead to other health complications

If you enjoy bottled drinks, how do you stay hydrated if you have to avoid so many beverages? Most people have an aversion to water, despite the fact that it is the most important liquid to consume. It keeps you alive and helps your body function optimally. Besides water, consider the following drinking dos and don’ts if you have diabetes. 

Don’t Drink Sugar-Sweetened Sodas Or Teas

They are very tempting to drink, but they wreck your body in so many ways. According to one study, middle-aged adults who drank more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 46% higher risk of developing prediabetes than people who did not drink those beverages. An earlier study found that people who consumed just two sugar-sweetened sodas or juices per week increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. That was even truer if they gained more than six pounds over a five-year period. Get in the habit of consuming water or unsweetened teas because a typical 12-ounce can of soda contains about 38.5 grams of sugar.

Drink Unsweetened Coffee And Tea (In Small Amounts)

Diabetics can enjoy tea or coffee (hot or iced) in moderation. It’s best to enjoy them unsweetened, although you may use monk fruit sweetener or stevia to aid the flavor. Just don’t go overboard with these natural low-calorie sweeteners. If you add milk, cream, or creamer to your coffee or tea, make sure to look at the ingredient label. Coffee creamers are very dangerous, especially because some people use more creamer than coffee! Adding organic cream isn’t the worst thing for you, but sugary hazelnut, vanilla, or caramel creamers won’t do you any good. If you want to drink iced tea, consider adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice to add more depth of flavor. Green tea, in particular, may help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to research. 

Don’t Drink Energy Drinks

Energy drinks, or other canned caffeinated beverages, typically contain an ungodly amount of sugar, which is where most of the energy comes from. All of that sugar, in addition to the caffeine, can disturb your heart rhythm, increase heart rate, and lead to high blood pressure. One 8.4-ounce Red Bull energy drink contains more than 26 grams of sugar and 75 milligrams of caffeine. Even the sugar-free version has the same amount of caffeine. Don’t rely on liquid energy to keep you going! Fight that fatigue in other ways, for example, by getting quality sleep every night or engaging in regular exercise. And if you need a little energy boost, consider healthy options like unsweetened tea or coffee. 

Drink Plain Water

We shouldn’t have to tell you to drink plain water, but so many people add powders or liquid flavors to water these days. Some people just don’t like the taste of water! Water is neutral, so it doesn’t raise or lower your blood sugar. Drinking water helps you stay hydrated and helps dilute your blood, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. If you want to add a little more flavor and pizzazz to your water, consider adding fresh fruit and herbs to make detox waters

Don’t Drink Sports Drinks

A lot of people drink nuclear-colored sports drinks on the regular because they think they are healthy. That is 100% false, unless the person is a super endurance athlete and burns calories quicker than they can consume them. A eight-ounce serving of Powerade, for example, nets about 19 grams of carbs, which doesn’t account for the entire bottle. Dietitians only recommend these sports drinks to endurance athletes, who go through strenuous workouts and need the salt and nutrient replenishment. Water will keep you hydrated if you engage in moderate-intensity exercise, and it won’t spike your blood sugar either. 

Drink Tomato Juice Instead Of Sugary Fruit Juice

Do you enjoy drinking juice? Well, it’s best to avoid sugary fruit juices if you have diabetes and opt for smaller portions of vegetable juices instead. 100% tomato juice that doesn’t contain added salt or sugar can provide impressive health benefits. If you drink 1.5 cups of pure tomato juice daily for a month, you may reduce inflammatory markers. Tomato juice has about 10 grams of carbs per cup, so just keep that in mind. It’s better to eat whole fruits and vegetables because it takes quite a lot of them to make fresh juice. Eating a whole tomato per day may reduce blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. 


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5 Foods To Avoid If You Get Migraines Sat, 27 Apr 2024 09:03:00 +0000

A pain creeping across your forehead or up the back of your neck indicates a migraine. Could it be because you ate the wrong foods?


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If you experience migraines, you know when one is about to occur. You feel the pain creep across your forehead or up the back of your neck. People have different triggers for migraines, and determining what your trigger is can be a big obstacle to overcome. Once you identify your trigger, you can do your best to avoid it and reduce the frequency of migraines

Not a lot of people suspect their diet to trigger migraines, but certain foods can easily cause your head pain. According to research, a variety of foods and beverages contribute to nausea, throbbing, pounding, and some visual symptoms of migraines. If you want to experiment with your diet to be free of migraines, consider eliminating the following foods, which have been known to set off pain. 


This is a beverage that’ll give you a headache whether you get migraines or not. An evening cocktail is relaxing while you casually sip it, but it can contribute to migraine tension. The Association of Migraine Disorders lists alcohol as one of the most common dietary triggers. There are certain compounds in alcohol, such as histamine and congeners, which may be to blame. Alcohol is also a diuretic, which can cause dehydration (another migraine trigger). Regardless of what the research says, it may be a good idea to avoid beer, wine, and spirits if alcohol is your trigger. 

Foods With Phenylalanine

What is this compound? Well, it is an essential amino acid that exists in myriad protein sources. You can find it in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes. High doses of this amino acid have been linked to headaches, including migraines. Because phenylalanine exists in many healthy protein sources, avoiding it completely may prove difficult, not to mention a questionable decision for your overall health. Avoiding all foods that contain phenylalanine creates a highly restrictive eating pattern. If you suspect this to be your migraine trigger, just consider cutting down on these foods, or make sure that you don’t overeat them. 


Caffeine is a mixed bag for migraines. It is a common trigger food for migraines, but some people drink a cup of coffee or soda and know relief is on the way. Unfortunately, there is not a sufficient amount of research on this matter, so scientists cannot give a definitive recommendation on caffeine consumption or avoidance for migraine relief. That said, if you experience migraines and know that drinking caffeine negatively affects you, avoid it to the best of your ability. If you exceed 200 milligrams of caffeine daily and you suddenly stop drinking caffeine, you may experience a migraine as a withdrawal symptom. 

Food Intolerances

Occasionally, headaches can stem from certain food intolerances. According to research, migraines are very common in the setting of gluten, soy, and other food intolerances. If you have a food intolerance, be it to gluten, soy, or something else, you will usually experience symptoms within 12 to 24 hours after eating. 

Foods With Tyramine

If you have never heard of this compound, don’t be hard on yourself because you won’t see it on ingredient lists. It exists in both plant and animal foods and is a byproduct of the breakdown of tyrosine, an amino acid. Some people experience headaches from foods that contain tyramine, such as red wine, figs, aged cheese, and smoked fish. Whether or not you get a headache depends on how much of these foods you eat or drink, according to health experts. Preliminary research shows that people who are prescribed monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) may experience migraines after eating tyramine-containing foods because of the chemical interaction that occurs.


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How To Get Over Jet Lag Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:13:00 +0000

Experiencing jet lag? Get back on track after your long-haul journey by quickly adapting to your time zone with a few simple practices.


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Escaping your day-to-day life by traveling to one of the Wonders of the World or a tropical paradise is truly a gift. Jet lag just happens to be something that often accompanies a long-haul journey of this caliber. It can be quite annoying when the body crosses time zones and bypasses normal sleep patterns. Although some global travelers have their own hacks, this article aims to highlight a few helpful tips to help get over jet lag.

What Is Jet Lag?

Yes, jet lag is a real thing, but you usually don’t feel it if the time change is small (a couple hours for example). Jet lag is essentially the disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm, which occurs when you travel across three or more time zones. The symptoms often include impaired cognition, general malaise, sleeping troubles, daytime drowsiness, and gastrointestinal issues. Depending on how far you travel, jet lag can last a couple days to a couple weeks.

Researchers suggest that it takes people about one day to adjust for each one to 1.5 hours of time change. That one-hour-per-day rule isn’t concrete, though, and eastward travel tends to create more jet lag than traveling west does, but everyone experiences it differently. Trip itinerary and biological factors can also affect the severity of jet lag. The key to getting over jet lag is getting your body’s circadian rhythm back on track with the sunrise and sunset of your destination. You may find the following tips helpful. 

Adapt To Your Time Zone

Some will agree that this is easier said than done, but do your best to forget your old time zone once you land in your new one. If you continue to eat and sleep according to your old time zone, then you’ll experience great trouble. Eat meals and go to bed according to your destination’s time. If you land in the morning, don’t go to sleep right away, despite your desire to do so. 

Realign Your Circadian Rhythm

Jet lag disrupts your body’s internal clock, which you have to synchronize with the 24-hour day at your destination. This happens whether you travel east or west, although more people have a harder time traveling east. Because there are so many variables, such as flight arrival time, length of the trip, number of time zones crossed, etc., there is no single remedy to realign your circadian rhythm. Proper timing is essential to adjust your circadian rhythm, though, with proper daylight and dark exposure to quickly get over jet lag. Even with a well-oiled plan, you may still need a few days to over a week to adjust your circadian rhythm. Do your best not to overindulge with caffeine and sleep at night at your destination. 

Drink Water

During long-haul flights, most people don’t drink enough water. In fact, people tend to avoid drinking a lot of liquids to ensure fewer bathroom breaks. Proper hydration may help you manage fatigue and other jet lag symptoms. Opt for water instead of soda, sugary juices, or coffee during in-flight service. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up at your departure airport so that it is full for the flight. You may also ask the flight attendants to fill your water bottle if you run out during the flight. They may or may not say yes, though.

Manage Sleep Time

It can be tempting to sleep whenever you feel tired in your destination. If your flight arrives during the morning or daytime, try to avoid the urge to nap or sleep for a long time. That can make sleep much more difficult once nighttime arrives at your destination. A few things that can help you rest include eye masks, earplugs, comfortable blankets and pillows, portable white noise machine, and noise-canceling headphones. Do your best to get some sleep during your flight if you are in the air during your destination’s nighttime. 

Experiment With Melatonin

The body makes melatonin on its own to trigger sleepiness, but it comes as a supplement as well. Melatonin may be a valuable supplement to consider to help your body get sleepy once you arrive at your destination, depending on the time of arrival. If your body isn’t ready for bed at night, you may benefit from taking some. Just be careful to not consume too much melatonin if you want to avoid the unwanted side effects. Don’t take more than five milligrams at a time. 

Don’t Over-Schedule Your First 

Because you will most likely experience some degree of jet lag upon your arrival, don’t overbook yourself at your vacation destination the first couple days. If returning home, try to leave a day or so of rest before you resume work. Budget enough time for sleep and keep tabs on how you feel to avoid getting sick.


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A Dynamic Stretch Routine To Boost Energy Levels Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:10:00 +0000

If you need an energy boost, doing a dynamic stretch routine, even if it’s just for five minutes, may help raise you out of your slump.


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The afternoon slump is all too common in today’s day and age. You head to the coffee station in your office or convenience store for an energy drink. Perhaps you have a stash of caffeinated teas in your desk for this exact moment. Did you know that you can pull yourself out of a slump without caffeine, though? Although it may sound relaxing, engaging in a dynamic stretch routine helps bring you back to life and away from sleepiness. 

Gentle movements and dynamic stretching can slowly warm up the body by increasing circulation to your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. That process increases oxygen levels, according to exercise physiologists, and receiving more oxygen and nutrients from better blood flow can naturally lift you up. Not to mention, dynamic stretching is a great way to improve flexibility, correct posture, and delay onset muscle soreness. The following dynamic stretch routine only takes up five minutes of your time and is better than flooding your body with caffeine. Experiment to see if it works for you. 

Standing Rotation

Begin by standing tall with your arms resting by your sides. Widen your stance until your feet are about three feet apart. Lift your right heel up as you rotate towards your left side and reach your right arm up and across your body, making a straight line from your right foot to fingertips. Return to the starting position, take a breath, and then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for a total of 10 reps per side. Just make sure that you are doing controlled, slow movements to feel the stretch.

Standing Cat Cow

Stand up straight in front of a chair, table, countertop, or another supportive item or surface. Place your hands on the supportive surface and walk your feet backward until your upper body and arms are parallel to the floor. On an exhale, round your back to enter the cat position and really open up your mid back. On an inhale, slowly arch the spine, soften your knees, and press your hands lightly into the surface to lengthen through the crown of your head. This is the cow portion of the stretch. Continue to alternate back and forth slowly for a total of eight reps. 

Lunge And Twist

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms by your sides. Step your right leg back to enter a reverse lunge, bending your left leg to stack your knee directly over your ankle. Aim to have your left thigh parallel to the ground, all the while engaging your core and right leg to ground yourself through the ball of your right foot. Raise your arms in front of you and slowly twist toward your left side. As you exhale, twist back to center and engage your core to remain with your arms out in front of you for a second. Repeat until you complete 10 reps and then switch sides. 

Standing Rotation And Squat

Begin in a wide stance and lower yourself into a deep squat, aligning your knees with your heels and kneecaps between your second and third toes. Keep your back straight and engage your core as you bring your hands together down in front of you. Rotate to the left side to reach your right arm up and away from you. Return to the center deep squat and sit there for a breath before standing tall and rotating to the right side. Repeat on the other side and continue to alternate sides until you complete 10 reps per side. 

Side Lunge Pulse

Begin by standing straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other. Step your right foot to the right to enter a side lunge, sinking your butt back while keeping your back straight. Make sure to keep your hips back and don’t let your right knee extend over your right toes. Do 10 small, slow pulses in this position, breathing through each one. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side. Complete one more round per side.


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5 Morning Habits That May Lower Your Blood Pressure Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Small changes to your morning may contribute to more balanced blood pressure levels. Learn how simple changes make a big difference!


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One of the most dangerous aspects of high blood pressure is that there are no warning signs. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is through a blood pressure reading. Over time, unchecked blood pressure levels can damage certain parts of the cardiovascular system and other organs, including the kidneys, brain, eyes, and more. 

There are lifestyle changes you can make to help naturally lower blood pressure levels, though. Healthy eating and regular exercise go a long way, but you already know that. There are other, smaller changes you can make to your morning routine that may benefit your blood pressure. Did you know that cardiac events, such as heart attack or stroke, are more likely to happen in the morning because of elevated morning blood pressure? That’s why tweaking your morning habits may be the best way to start lowering blood pressure levels. 

In this article, we’ll discuss a few morning habits that can be beneficial if you have a hypertension diagnosis, or if you want to maintain a healthy heart.

Eat A Balanced Breakfast

This tip seems simple enough, but so many people either eat an unhealthy breakfast or skip it altogether. A 2022 meta-analysis suggests that adults who skip breakfast have a higher risk of hypertension. When you eat matters, but what you eat matters more. A bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich is much different than a green smoothie or bowl of plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts. Fruits and nuts, for example, are typical fixtures in the DASH and Mediterranean diets, which have been shown to benefit heart health. Kiwis, bananas, oranges, spinach, hazelnuts, almonds, and walnuts all have blood pressure-lowering capabilities

Exercise Regularly

Are you going to drop into a set of burpees immediately after rolling out of bed? Most likely, no, but a morning workout can support healthy blood pressure overall. A strenuous, high-intensity interval (HIIT) workout can temporarily raise blood pressure readings, but that’s completely normal. Experts recommend two and a half hours of moderately-intense aerobic activity per and/or 90 to 150 minutes of strength training per week. 

Morning Meditation

With work responsibilities and the ensuing commute to the office, it’s easy for stress to get the better of you in the morning. Getting your body to relax at the start of the day can have a positive effect on blood pressure levels. Harvard Health Publishing suggests that you can achieve this morning state of calm via meditation. Several studies show that a mindfulness-based practice, such as meditation, can help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with mild hypertension. The body is prompted to promote more nitric oxide during a meditation session. This helps to widen blood vessels and ultimately lower blood pressure.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Sorry to say, but a morning cup of coffee can lead to unhealthy blood pressure levels, especially if you drink several cups. Caffeine, as you know, is a stimulant, which is why you probably drink it. While it may put a little pep in your step, it can also spike blood pressure. Researchers don’t fully understand the exact reason this happens, but some experts attribute it to the fact that caffeine may block a hormone that widens arteries. Two to four cups of coffee, which amounts to 200-300 milligrams of caffeine, typically elevates blood pressure by about 8mmHg systolic (the top number) and 6mmHg diastolic (the bottom number). Fortunately, this spike doesn’t last for too long, wearing off in a matter of hours. Just be mindful of coffee consumption if you deal with high blood pressure.

Skip Sugar

Your favorite breakfast items, from donuts to scones to cereal, contain a lot of added sugars. Too much sugar can negatively affect blood pressure. Health experts note that eating sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, can affect hormonal pathways in the body. The hormone pathways it affects are peptide endothelin and aldosterone, both of which regulate blood pressure. High blood sugar levels also increase the risk of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), which can lead to stiff arteries and high blood pressure. Prevent this from happening by skipping foods or beverages that contain added sugars. Any food that has a 20% or higher daily value (DV) of sugar is a high-sugar food.


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