Butt Workout - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products https://www.dherbs.com/tag/butt-workout/ Buy the best herbal supplements, natural remedies, and herbal remedies from Dherbs. We're the #1 alternative medicine store online. ✓ Visit and shop now! Mon, 06 Jan 2025 13:33:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Workout – Body Weight Strength Training 20 Min https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/health-videos/workout-body-weight-strength-training-20-min-follow-along/ Wed, 17 Jul 2024 17:00:14 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/workout-body-weight-strength-training-20-min-follow-along/

Today, we're tackling lower body! This time we will use our own body's weight to build up strength.


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Today, we’re tackling lower body! This time we will use our own body’s weight to build up strength. We’ll have Maria following along with you on this workout. You got this!


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Workout – Lower Body 30 Min https://www.dherbs.com/dhtv/health-videos/workout-lower-body-30-min-follow-along/ Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:37:02 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/uncategorized/workout-lower-body-30-min-follow-along/

Today, we're tackling lower body! Lower body workouts can build strength, burn calories, and reduce risk of injuries.


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Today, we’re tackling lower body! Lower body workouts can build strength, burn calories, and reduce risk of injuries. We’ll have Maria following along with you on this workout. You got this!


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The Best Leg Exercises For Stronger Glutes And Quads https://www.dherbs.com/articles/the-best-leg-exercises-for-stronger-glutes-and-quads/ Thu, 06 May 2021 09:01:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=127071

Learn how to strengthen your glutes, quads, and hamstrings with some simple leg exercises. You’ll see results in no time!


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If you’re involved in the fitness world, you must be familiar with the recent obsession with glute workouts. Influencers and fitness enthusiasts on Instagram, Tik Tok, and YouTube have increased the focus on lower body workouts. Some people post short workout tutorials, while others talk about routines and post flattering “leg day” pictures. Stronger glutes don’t simply make for great social media pictures, though. 

The gluteus muscles are some of the most powerful muscles in the human body. They belong to the posterior chain, which consists of the hamstrings, calves, and back muscles. This muscle group generates the most force for human movements. While deadlifts, box jumps, heavy squats, and power cleans all work this muscle group, so do the smaller, lower impact exercises in this article. Form firmer glutes with the following exercises, but make sure to incorporate cardiovascular activities and other exercises into your workout regimen for optimal tone.  

Bodyweight Squats

You knew this exercise was going to be on the list. Bodyweight squats are the best because they target the glutes, quadriceps, hips, calves, and core. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Bend your knees and lower into a squat, keeping your knees behind your toes. Imagine sitting back into an imaginary chair. Keep your back straight and once your thighs are parallel to the ground, press through your heels, engage your glutes, and return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10-12 reps. 

Alternating Lateral Lunges

This is an excellent exercise that works the glutes and hip abductors, which sit around the side of the hip. Start standing with your feet hip-distance apart and step your right leg out to the right side. Bend your knee as you plant your foot and sit back into a lunge, hinging at the hips. Keep the majority of your weight over your right leg and don’t let the knee extend beyond your toes. Squeeze your inner thighs, glutes, and hamstrings to push off the right foot and return to the starting position. Repeat on the left leg to complete one rep. complete three sets of 12 reps.


Not only does this exercise target your glutes, but it also works your quadriceps and calves. When you select a platform, make sure you choose one that is high enough that your knee achieves a 90-degree angle when you step on it. If that is unfeasible, use a lower step or platform. Stand up straight in front of the step or platform and place your right foot firmly on the step. Engage your glutes and drive through your right heel, simultaneously pressing off the ball of your left foot. As you step up, bring your left foot to touch the platform. Step your left foot back down to the ground and bend your right knee to return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 12 reps per leg. 

Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunges are another thigh-burning, glute-stimulating workout. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Step your right foot back directly behind you and lower your hips, bending your right knee so that it just kisses the ground. Your right heel should be lifted off the ground and your left leg should be bent, making sure not to extend the knee beyond your toes. Keep your back straight and your gaze straight ahead. Engage all of your leg muscles to return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 12 reps per leg. 

Calf Raises

You can’t have good looking glutes and neglect your calf muscles, folks. It’s all about balancing and working various muscles! Stand on the edge of a stair and hold the railing or wall for support. The balls of your feet should be on the edge of the stair and your heels should hang off. Allow your heels to fall bellow the step and then use your calf muscles to press up onto the balls of your feet. Pause at the stop, squeezing your glutes and calves, and then lower back down slowly. Complete three sets of 15 reps. 

Sidestep Squats

Get ready to feel the burn! This exercise requires a resistance band with medium-light tension, and it aims to work the gluteus medius and minimus. Most of the other exercises on this list target the gluteus maximus. Step your feet on the resistance band and widen your stance so that your feet are beyond shoulder-width. With each hand, grab the top of the resistance band just above your knees, holding it taught. Keep your back straight, lower into a squat, engage your glutes, and take a wide step out with your right leg. You’ll now be in a deeper squat and the band will resist the step. Step your left foot in to return to the original wide squat stance. Continue sidestepping across the room, or as far as you can. Complete three sets of about 10-12 steps. 


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Build A Better Butt With These Bodyweight Exercises https://www.dherbs.com/articles/build-a-better-butt-with-these-bodyweight-exercises/ Tue, 25 Aug 2020 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=115882

You don’t need weights to sculpt the perfect booty. All you need is a little room to move and these effective bodyweight exercises.


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Go to any fitness Pinterest board or look at the most popular online workout videos for women and you’ll notice one thing: it’s all about the butt. On top of that, try to count the amount of fitness “gurus” and influencers on Instagram showing how to do butt exercises. All of this information can be overwhelming, though, and you may not know which exercises are best for a shapely booty.

The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus are the muscles in your butt. Not only do they help stabilize your pelvis, but they also keep your knees and hips aligned. Weak gluteus muscles make it difficult to go up stairs, walk, stand, have proper posture, or engage in numerous activities.

The common sedentary lifestyle, which involves hours on end in a seated position, the gluteus muscles start to shut down. If you don’t regularly exercise those muscles, you may experience back pain or an inability to workout out properly. All of this is to say that butt workouts are very important. The following exercises are very simple and can be done from the comfort of your home.

Pop Squat

Stand upright with your feet together and hands at your chest. Jump your feet out to the sides (a little wider than shoulder-width apart) and squat down, engaging your glutes as you bend both knees. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor in the squat position. Tap the ground with your right hand and extend your left arm behind you. Jump back to the starting position and immediately jump back down into a squat, this time touching the ground with your left hand and extending your right hand behind you. Continue to alternate which hand touches the floor with each squat. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 squats.

Reverse Lunge

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart. Engage your core and step back with your left foot, landing on the ball of your foot with your heel off the ground. Bend both knees until your left knee kisses the ground. Try not to bounce off the ground with your knee because you don’t want to injure it. Push off the ball of your left foot and engage your right glute and thigh as you return back to the starting position. Now step back with the right foot and repeat the lunge motion. Continue to alternate legs. Complete three sets of 8-10 reps per leg.

Lunge Pulses

Get ready to feel the burn! Step into a lunge position and keep your back knee a few inches above the ground. Make sure your front knee doesn’t pass your toes. Keep your core and glutes engaged as you pulse up and down a few inches. Do not raise up completely. Stay in this low position and continue to pulse up and down for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other leg. Complete 2 more sets.

Side Step Wide Squat

Start in a standing position with your feet hip-distance apart. Hold your hands at chest height and step your right foot out to the side. Hinge at your hips and sink your butt back into a wide squat. Engage your glutes and return to the starting position. Do three sets of ten reps per leg. Do all your reps on a single side and then follow on the other side.

Glute Bridge

Lie face up and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the ground with your heels about six inches from your butt. Place your arms by your sides with your palms facing down. Engage your hamstrings and glutes as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. When you reach the top, hold the position for a second before returning to the floor. Complete three sets of 12 reps.

Romanian Deadlifts

Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms in front of you, extending them out so they are parallel to the ground. Keep your legs slightly bent, hinge at the hips, and push your butt back a little as you lean forward. You essentially create a right angle with your body at the middle point of the movement. You should feel a little tension in your hamstrings. Contract your hamstrings and glutes and return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10 reps.


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The 5 Best Exercises For Stronger Glutes https://www.dherbs.com/articles/weight-loss/the-5-best-exercises-for-stronger-glutes/ Fri, 21 Feb 2020 09:00:00 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=106092

Looking to build a better butt? This is the workout routine you need to be doing if you want to tone and develop your lower half.


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When people think of stronger, sexier glutes, what is the first exercise that comes to mind? If you guessed “squats,” then you are 100% correct. The truth is that spending your entire workout at the squat rack will not yield the results you desire. In order to form your rear like the brand ambassadors on Instagram, you need to target multiple muscle groups at once.

Most men and women are quad dominant, meaning that the quadriceps (front of your thighs) are more activated than other muscles in the lower half of your body during your workouts. One can blame this on the sedentary lifestyle, which causes people to sit for many hours a day. Hinging at the hip flexors causes them and the quadriceps to become tight, while the gluteus and hamstring muscles are stretched or sleeping. If it’s leg day and you want to build a better butt, targeting your quadriceps, which have been engaged all day, is not the optimal way to do so. You have to wake up your posterior muscles in order to balance your lower half, and we have the best exercises for you to do so.

Sumo Squat

Okay, okay…we know that we said squats are not the go-to exercise for a better butt, but sumo squats are different. These squats help to keep tension in your gluteus muscles, targeting them more than your quadriceps. To begin, stand with your feet about a foot wider than shoulder-width apart. You can hold a dumbbell in between your legs, or you can do this exercise without weights. Keep your weight in your heels and slowly lower your bodyweight down without leaning forward. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, drive through your heels, engage your glutes, and return to the starting position. Do three sets of 10 reps.


Hip Thrust/Glute Bridge

If you are new to this exercise, you will want to do it without weights. If you are familiar with this exercise, you can alter the positioning by resting your upper back against a bench with your butt on the ground, placing a barbell across your hips and thrusting upwards, using your glutes and hamstrings to lift the weight. But let’s focus on the beginner version of this exercise. To start, lay down on your back with your hands by your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground several inches from your butt. Drive through your heels and engage your gluteus muscles to thrust your pelvis towards the ceiling. Once you are at the peak of the exercise, lower yourself back down and repeat until you’ve finished your reps. Complete three sets of 8-10 reps.


Single Leg Deadlift

This may become your favorite and least favorite exercise at the same time. The reason for this is because it targets the hamstrings and glutes, working to improve balance, strength, and pelvic stability. This exercise requires you to hold a light weight (10 pound dumbbells are sufficient) to help you balance. To begin, stand with your feet together and hold the weights in both hands, or the hand that corresponds to the leg you will keep on the ground. In a slow, fluid motion, extend your left leg back and bend your right leg ever so slightly. The goal is to hinge at the hip and keep your back straight as it becomes parallel to the ground. The point of extending your free leg behind you is for balance. Return to the upright position and finish your reps before switching to the other leg. Complete three sets of eight reps per leg.


Lying Hip Abduction

This exercise focuses on the exterior of the upper leg, which does not receive a lot of attention. While this exercise is important, you also want to focus on engaging your inner thighs along with your glutes in the other exercises. Lie on either your right or left side with your hips stacked on top of each other. Keep your core and glutes engaged as you lift your top leg toward the ceiling until your leg is at a 45-degree angle. Be sure to stabilize the pelvis by bracing yourself with one forearm on the ground. Return your leg to the starting position and continue until you finish your reps. Complete three sets of 10 reps per leg.


Lateral Lunge

This exercise focuses on strengthening the inner thighs, quads, and glutes. To begin, stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Step your right leg out to the side and shift your bodyweight over your right leg to squat. Bend your knee, but don’t let your knee go beyond your toes. Try to keep your back as straight as possible. Push off your right foot and bring it back to center. Repeat on the left leg to complete one set. Complete three sets of 10 reps.



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5-Minute Workout To Tone Your Butt And Legs https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/5-minute-workout-to-tone-your-butt-and-legs/ Tue, 16 Jan 2018 12:15:19 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=75854

Want to tone your butt and legs without going to the gym? Do this 5-minute workout at home and you'll be thrilled with the results!


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Every girl always wants her butt and legs to look good. Guys do too, but they are often more concerned with developing upper body muscles. Important: You should always workout your entire body. Not everyone has time to go to the gym to sculpt their body, which is why we have this awesome 5-minute butt and leg workout. You should do each exercise for 1 minute and then rest for 30 seconds. Are you ready? Let’s get to it!

Exercise #1: Squats

Make sure your feet are a little wider than shoulder-width and get going once you’re ready. When you squat, keep your back straight, eyes forward, and make sure your knees don’t go in front of your toes. You should feel like you are sitting down in a chair. Squeeze your gluteus muscles and thighs when you sink into these. Do as many squats as you can do in one minute and then rest.

Exercise #2: Donkey Kicks

You can do these one of two ways. If you want a better workout for your core, stay in plank position and kick your leg up. You can also put your knee on the ground and kick back with the other leg. When you kick back, squeeze you butt. Don’t just raise your leg. When you hit 30 seconds, alternate to the other leg. Keep going until the end. If you need to rest, you can, but make sure you pause your stopwatch and get right back in it when you resume. Try not to rest until after the minute is over, though.

Exercise #3: Hip Raises

Lay on your yoga mat and extend your fingertips towards your heels, which should be by your butt. Engaging your butt muscles, raise your hips towards the ceiling. Lower yourself slowly and raise yourself up again. If you want more of a challenge, hold your hips up for 5 seconds each time you raise your hips. You’ll definitely feel the burn.

Exercise #4: Plank Leg Raises

These are definitely challenging. Get in a plank position (you can put one knee on the ground if necessary), and lift your leg up towards the ceiling. Keep your leg straight. You don’t want to strain your back so only lift it as high as you can comfortably. You should feel this in your glutes and hamstrings. After 30 seconds, alternate to the other leg. Push it out until the very end.

Exercise #5: Lunges

It’s time to finish this workout strong! Lunge forward with one leg at a time. Try to keep your knee straight ahead. You don’t want to rush these because you can easily hurt yourself. Go slow and really feel that burn in your thighs and glutes. If you want more of a challenge, you can do these holding weights in both hands.

We recommend doing this workout twice a day to really tone your butt. If you’re up to it, repeat the circuit again.


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A Quick & Easy Workout To Help You Lose Thigh Fat https://www.dherbs.com/articles/general-topics/a-quick-easy-workout-to-help-you-lose-thigh-fat/ Sat, 30 Dec 2017 12:30:05 +0000 https://www.dherbs.com/?p=75397

The New Year is almost here! If you want to start off with an easy resolution, this is a great way to get going. Try this easy at-home workout.


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Whether you are a male or female, thigh fat is not something you want to look at every day. Although it can be tricky to get rid of, it is possible if you put in the time to tone your thighs. We aren’t sure about the guys out there, but no girl ever wants to be known as thunder thighs. What better time to start getting into shape than the New Year?

The coolest part about the exercises in this article is that you can easily do them in your house or backyard. Did we mention that these exercises actually work? Take 5 minutes of your day to do this circuit and you’ll start toning your legs. Once you feel comfortable with what we have detailed here.

#1: Gate Swing with Cross

To start, feet should be shoulder width apart, toes pointed to the side. Do the squat by jumping on the feet, crossing your legs in the middle, and then landing back in the squat. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds.

#2: Side Lunges

Wow, do we love side lunges. These really help you tone your butt and inner thighs. Start with your feet together and take a wide step to your right, planting your right foot and squatting with your right leg. Keep your left leg straight. Jump up and squat repeat on the left side. Keep going for 30 seconds.

#3: Cross Jacks

Similar to jumping jacks, cross jacks get the whole body engaged and really focus on using the inner thigh muscles. Start in a wide stance and jump to cross the right leg over your left. Simultaneously cross your right arm over your left and then extend out to the side. Repeat, but cross your left over right this time. Do these for 30 seconds.

#4: Plié Squat With Overhead Extension

You need a dumbbell for this exercise. We recommend using a 12lb weight to start. Take a wide stance and angle your toes a little out to the side. Hold the weight with both hands above your head and squat down, bringing the weight down behind your head. Make sure to keep your elbows in the same position. As you stand up, extend your arms up with the weight. Do these for 30 seconds.

#5: Side Step Squat

This is kind of similar to the side lunges, except you don’t step as far out and you squat as you step. Start with your feet together and step to the right into a squat. Then step back to center and step into a squat to the left. Do these for 30 seconds.

#6: Scissor Kicks

This one is the final exercise of the series. Lie on your back on a yoga mat and place your arms by your side. Lift your legs up at a 45-degree angle and begin crossing your legs, alternating from right over left to left over right. Do this for one minute.

Do this workout once a day and you will start to shape those thighs. Thanks for reading and let us know how this workout is going for you in the comments.


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