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As your body changes throughout pregnancy, certain poses can offer support and stability. Experiment with these prenatal yoga poses.


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Should you elevate your feet and relax during pregnancy? Absolutely, but physical activity is integral for your health and your baby’s health. Rock climbing and other high-intensity workouts may not be in your future, but light-to-moderate-intensity exercises are highly beneficial. 

One of the best forms of exercise to practice while pregnant is yoga. Prenatal yoga, especially, is customizable and can support the body as it grows. Certain poses can even help prepare the body for labor, delivery, and postpartum. As you practice yoga throughput your pregnancy, you’ll notice that certain poses you could do in the first trimester are not possible during the third trimester. That said, there are modifiable positions for every stage of pregnancy, and they can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Relieve symptoms and discomfort, such as joint pain, fatigue, and headaches. 
  • Create a calmer mental state
  • Optimize the position of your baby before labor
  • Maintain strength and flexibility during pregnancy
  • Learn breathing tools to aid with difficult moments, especially labor

First Trimester Yoga Poses

The body goes through a lot during the first trimester of pregnancy. You may not see that baby bump for a while, but the body does quite a bit to start developing the fetus. Yoga poses, especially hip-opening poses can make you feel good. You can also engage in your normal yoga routine, so long as you feel okay doing them. Yoga is about listening to your body, so tap into that mindset and be gentle with yourself. Here are a couple poses to try during the first trimester.

Ankle To Knee Pose

Sit down in a cross-legged position on the floor or yoga mat. Place your left ankle on your right knee, keeping the left shin parallel to the floor. Breathe in for a count of three and elongate your spine. Exhale for three counts and continue this breathing sequence two to three times before switching sides. You should feel a stretch in the hip joint. You can also place a bolster under your buttocks for extra cushion. 

Pigeon Pose

Begin in Downward Dog position and make sure to widen your back and stick your tailbone to the sky. Bring your right leg forward and step into a low lunge position. Let your shin fall to the mat, so that your knee is under your right shoulder. Extend your left leg behind you and let the top of your left foot rest on the mat. Remain in this position, or lower your upper body down so that you rest your forearms on the mat. That will yield a deeper stretch. Hold for 30 seconds before switching sides. 

Second Trimester Yoga Poses

Some women find that they have more energy in the second trimester. If you had morning sickness or fatigue in the first trimester, you may find that those symptoms fade away during the second trimester. Dynamic prenatal yoga poses can be highly beneficial during this stage, as they can increase stamina, strength, and stability in the legs, hips, and glutes. As always, listen to your body and practice the poses accordingly. Also, use tools, such as blankets or bolsters, to support yourself as your belly grows.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Sit up straight on your butt with your legs extended out in front of you. Bend your knees and allow them to fall to the sides, drawing the heels of your feet into your groin area. Grab your feet and touch your soles together. You can remain here in this traditional Bound Angle pose. For more relaxation, place a yoga block or folded blanket under each knee and lay down on the mat. Allow your arms to fall to the sides and remain in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Dynamic Squats

Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart and arms by your sides. Place a yoga block horizontally between your upper and inner thighs. Squeeze your glutes and inner thighs to make sure the block doesn’t fall. As you do this, bend your knees to lower into a squat, but not a deep squat. Think Chair pose, or something around that level of deepness. Keep the block steady, actively pressing the mat apart between your feet. Hold for a second before returning to the starting position. Continue squatting for 30 seconds. 

Third Trimester Yoga Poses

During the third trimester, you want to take it easy, as you are preparing your body for labor and delivery. Restorative yoga poses can help alleviate circulation changes, weight gain, and dehydration. Plus, these relaxing poses give your neck, shoulders, back, calves, and feet a little more love and care. Hip openers are also beneficial in the third trimester. 

Knees Together Feet Apart

Kneel down on your shins and place a blanket under them for added support. You can also place a yoga bolster between your calves and buttocks if necessary. Bring your knees together and spread your feet apart. Set yoga blocks up on either side of you for support. Keep your back straight and remain here, rocking side to side to deepen the stretch.


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How To Meditate For Better Sleep Tue, 13 Aug 2024 09:23:00 +0000

Stress and other factors can cause sleep difficulty. Meditation can help relax the body and improve sleep. Here’s how to practice.


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Sleep is the thing everyone needs more of but can’t quite seem to follow through on. It’s no secret that lots of people experience sleep difficulties and disturbances. In fact, somewhere between 35% to 50% of adults worldwide regularly experience insomnia symptoms. Some people require medications, drugs, or alcohol to fall asleep, while others can fall asleep in no time by just lying down. 

Meditation is a useful tool to help calm the mind and reduce stress. As a relaxation technique, meditation may help enhance inner peace and quiet the mind. When done before bedtime, meditation can help reduce insomnia and sleep troubles by promoting calmness. Continue reading to learn about how to meditate, as well as figure out which of the three types in this article prove most beneficial for you.

How To Meditate

In theory, meditation is very simple. You sit down in a comfortable position and tune out the world. Well, it can be that simple, but seldom does everyone have that easy experience. It can be frustrating at first because quieting the mind and allowing your thoughts to come and go takes time. In the beginning stages, though, you do not need to sit in silence for hours at a time. On the other hand, it’s easy to establish a meditation routine that only takes five minutes out of your day. You can follow these basic steps:

  • Find a quiet area and sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you. If meditating at bedtime, lying down may be preferable.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breathing and don’t pay attention to anything else. 
  • If a thought rushes into your mind, just allow it to come and go. Refocus your attention on your breath. 

Be patient with yourself as you experiment with meditation for sleep. A meditation practice is exactly that: a practice. A three- to five-minute meditation session before bed is the perfect place to start. You can increase the time to 10, 15, or 20 minutes as you get more comfortable with the practice. 

Guided Meditation

This type of meditation is a great entry point for beginners, as another person leads you through each step of the practice. There are many videos or audio files of guided meditations, which may instruct you to breathe, relax the body in a certain way, or visualize things. At bedtime, you can listen to a recording of guided meditation. You can find some recordings of guided meditations in the form of:

  • Online streaming
  • Meditation podcasts
  • Apps or websites

The exact steps of guided meditation will vary from source to source. Step-by-step instructions may look something like:

  • Select a recording and dim the light of your phone or device that you are using to listen to the meditation. 
  • Begin the recording, lie down in bed, and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Focus on the person’s voice and always return to it if your mind starts to wander. 

Mindfulness Meditation

This meditation practice involves focusing on the present, and you do this by increasing your awareness of breath, body, and consciousness. If you notice an emotion or thought, just observe it as it comes. Let the thought or emotion pass without judging yourself. Engage in a mindful meditation practice by doing the following:

  • Remove all distractions from your meditation space, including your phone. Lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Focus on your breath and then take big inhales and exhales. Inhale for 10 counts, hold for 10 counts, and then exhale for 10 counts. Repeat this cycle five times. 
  • How does your body feel while engaging in this breathing pattern? Is it tight or relaxed? If you feel tension, consciously relax that part of the body.
  • When a thought arises, return your focus to your breathing. 

Body Scan Meditation

During this meditation practice, you direct your focus to every part of the body. The goal behind this practice is to increase awareness of physical sensations, including tension and pain. By focusing, you can promote relaxation, which helps you sleep

  • Remove all distractions from your meditation space, including your phone. Lie down in a comfortable position to begin the practice. 
  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Try to notice the weight of your body on the bed. 
  • Focus on your face, softening your jaw, eyes, and facial muscles. 
  • Move down to your neck and shoulders and try to relax them.
  • Continue down your body, relaxing each part until you reach your toes. Notice how each part feels. 
  • If your mind wanders during this process, shift your focus back to the body part you are observing. 


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The Best Gentle Exercises For People With Arthritis Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:53:00 +0000

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may be looking for gentle exercises to do. Try these ones, which are easy on muscles, joints, and bones.


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Low-impact exercise is beneficial for several groups of people, especially those with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Engaging in these types of exercises can help prevent stiff joints, while also helping to build muscle, improve endurance, and improve bone and muscle health. Just make sure to rest if you feel joint inflammation, as you don’t want to aggravate the condition. Listen to your body and it will guide you down the right path. 

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

RA is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in certain parts of the body, especially the hands, wrists, and knee joints. The tissue in the joint becomes damaged because the immune system mistakenly attacks cells. That can cause symptoms such as: 

  • Joint pain, or aching
  • Joint stiffness
  • Weight loss
  • Tenderness in the joints
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

If you have RA, you can improve your overall quality of life via physical activity. It may seem daunting, but the right exercises may help improve symptoms. Ideally, engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. Your activity level may vary with RA, so consult a healthcare provider to determine the right exercise plan for you. Additionally, make sure that your program includes strength-training, flexibility training, and balance exercises. Consider the following gentle exercises if you have RA.


Almost everyone can benefit from walking, unless it is too painful, of course. Walking is a joint-friendly, bone-strengthening, low-impact aerobic activity. The Arthritis Foundation recommends that you frequency, intensity, and time regarding your walks. Aim to walk daily, or at least three to five times per week. Ideally, keep your speed at two to three miles per hour, with an average walking time of 30 minutes. 

Water Aerobics

People who have significant joint pain benefit from being in the water, as it reduces stress on the joints. The buoyancy of the water relieves pressure on the joints and you have more fluidity with your movements. If you work out at a health center, try to see if there is an aquatic aerobics class to join. You can also consider an underwater jogging belt that suspends you above the pool floor, putting zero pressure on your hips, knees, or ankles. 

Tai Chi

Tai Chi involves gentle, controlled, and slow movements that connect to your breathing. It can help relieve stress, strengthen the body, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. It may also improve balance, which can help reduce your risk of falling. Fitness experts suggest that you do not practice Tai Chi longer than you can walk comfortably. 


If you want to engage in higher-intensity exercise without putting too much stress on the joints, Zumba might be the exercise for you. Zumba differs from other aerobics classes in that it helps you burn calories without taxing your joints. If you are new to Zumba, you will notice that your whole body feels the workout. That is because it is a full-body workout. Aim to take two hour-long classes weekly. 

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is beneficial for anyone seeking to improve posture, balance, and core strength. When you stand tall or sit up straight in a chair, imagine that a spring is lifting you from above. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about 30 seconds. Continue to focus on your breath as you place your hands on your stomach and direct your focus to move your diaphragm in and out with every breath. Engage your core muscles and maintain balance and posture during your breathing. 


A lot of people don’t consider stretching to be a form of exercise, but without flexibility you cannot move easily. You also have a higher risk of injury if your level of flexibility is low. Stretching can help reduce joint stiffness and make it easier to do everyday activities or household chores. You can stretch in a chair if that helps reduce stress on the joints. Chair yoga is a real thing! 


Almost everyone, even people with swollen or tender joints, can practice yoga. Yoga can help increase muscle strength, improve balance, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mobility. A small study found that yoga was beneficial for improving physical function and grip strength in people with RA. Try to avoid hot yoga or power yoga, as additional heat can put stress on the joints. 


If you have RA and want to increase muscle strength, Pilates may be the right exercise for you. Pilates may provide relief for symptoms associated with RA. In fact, one study found that pilates significantly improved symptoms of RA, including depression, fatigue, aerobic activity, and sleep quality.


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How To Sleep On Your Side And Wake Up Without Pain Thu, 01 Aug 2024 09:15:00 +0000

If you sleep on your left side with a pillow between your legs, that may be the most beneficial way to wake up without back or neck pain.


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Most sleep experts agree that you should sleep on your back if you want to wake up without back or neck pain. Emerging research, however, suggests that sleeping on your side may be beneficial than previously thought. In this article, we aim to detail how to sleep on your side, given its popularity, and not wake up with back or neck pain. 

Through many sleep studies, sleep experts have concluded that side sleeping is more common among older adults, as well as people with higher body mass index (BMI). The benefits to side sleeping exist, but only if you do it correctly. If you don’t, you can expect to experience pain in your spine, neck, shoulders, and other joints after a night on your side. 

Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Right Or Left Side

Sleeping on your side, when done correctly with proper body alignment, can reduce joint and low back pain. Correct side sleeping may also help relieve chronic pain associated with long-term conditions like fibromyalgia. Another benefit to side sleeping is that you may not snore as much. Snoring is a common symptom in obstructive sleep apnea, which causes disruptions in breathing, and that can lead to some of the following complications:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Cognitive issues

Finally, you may experience better gut health if you sleep on your side. This position helps the digestive system function optimally and may ease gastrointestinal issues, such as heartburn, bloating, and constipation.

Drawbacks Of Side Sleeping

Sleeping on your side may be beneficial for people with recurring back pain or sleep apnea. That said, the body may prefer variety, i.e. you like to change positions throughout the night to prevent pain in different areas of the body. You may shift to one side or the other, or end up on your back or stomach. Be mindful about your chin placement, making sure that it isn’t touching your chest, as that can cause neck pain

Another thing to consider is that side sleeping may cause shoulder pain. Sleep experts refer to this problem as a notable drawback of side sleeping. The shoulder can collapse into the mattress and up toward your neck, which creates misalignment and pain the next morning. A medium-firm or firm mattress may help alleviate this risk, in addition to keeping your head in line with your shoulders. 

Which Is The Best Side To Sleep On?

Sleep experts agree that sleeping on your left side is thought to have the most benefits for overall health. That said, either side can offer benefits if you have sleep apnea or chronic lower back pain. Feel free to start on your left side and see how your body feels. You can also wedge a pillow between your legs to help relieve low back tension by aligning the hips. It is completely normal to shift positions while you sleep, but try not to sleep on your stomach, as that can be hard on the spine and organs. 

Great Side Sleeping Practices

You may be a veteran side sleeper, and we applaud all your years of success. It’s also possible that you are new to side sleeping and want to do it right to avoid pain and have the best results. To get the most out of side sleeping, we recommend the following:

  • Lie down on a medium-firm mattress and place a firm pillow underneath your head. 
  • Shift over to your left side at first. Your ears should be in line with your shoulders, and you should maintain a neutral chin position. Avoid tucking the chin into the chest.
  • Keep your arms and hands below your face and neck ideally, parallel to the sides. 
  • Put a firm pillow between your knees to help prevent the hip and knee joints from collapsing. That ultimately aids alignment of the spine. 
  • Bring your knees up toward your chest to help reduce pressure on the back.


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Great Morning Stretches To Wake Up Your Body Sun, 21 Jul 2024 09:12:00 +0000

Adding yet another thing to do in the morning may seem arduous, but stretching can help wake up the body and improve mobility.


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Why do you need to stretch in the morning? Just the thought of adding yet another item to your morning to-do list is enough to stress you out. Getting up just a little bit earlier to perform a handful of stretches can not only help wake up the body, but also reduce the risk of injury by improving mobility and flexibility. 

If you regularly wake up feeling stiff and sluggish, a few morning stretches will do you right. Stretching can help improve flexibility and mobility, two things that can reduce your risk of injury. It can also help improve circulation, relieve tension, and jumpstart your body into action. Do you want to know the best part? You don’t even have to leave your bed for the following stretch routine. That’s right! You can remain in your bed and get the juices flowing! 

Take Some Deep Breaths

It’s always a great idea to start out easy, even if your stretch routine takes place in bed. Lie flat on your back and rest your arms by your sides. Take a few deep breaths, making sure to inhale and exhale fully. During your exhale, try to slowly release all of the oxygen in your lungs. Repeat this process for five to 10 minutes. It may surprise you how much this process can energize you, as the brain requires oxygen to function and wake up. 

Total Body Stretch

Most people probably have a form of this stretch. You lengthen every limb after waking up and make some sort of noise that resembles a grunt. To do this stretch, extend your arms overhead, lengthening toward the headboard or wall. Stretch your feet toward the end of your bed and hold this position for a few deep breaths before releasing. 

Lying Hamstring Stretch

If you spend most of the day in a seated position, you will likely feel it in the morning. Release the tension in your hamstrings with a relaxing morning stretch. Lie flat on your back and keep your hips centered. Draw your right knee toward your chest and keep the left leg flat on the bed. Extend your right knee and grab behind your hamstring to pull your leg closer to you. Feel the stretch in your right hamstring and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the left leg. 

Forward Fold

Finally, a stretch that is great to do before you get out of bed. This stretch can benefit those with neck and back pain and it will help you transition into the next few stretches. Sit on the edge of your bed and plant your feet flat on the floor. Fold forward to rest your chest on your thighs. Aim to plant your hands on the floor or simply hang in the fold. Remain in this position for 30 seconds and then sit up straight. 

Seated Spinal Stretch

This stretch builds upon the forward fold and works to relieve tension in the lower back. From the last stretch, transfer to a seated position on the ground and extend your legs out in front of you. Bend your left leg, bring it as close to your chest as you can, and plant your left foot flat on the ground. Reach both arms around your left leg and hug it, bringing your chest as close as you comfortably can to your left thigh. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing deeply throughout, and then repeat on the other leg. 

Above The Heat Chest Stretch

Remain in a seated position or stand up straight for this one. It works to open up your chest and also feels great in your upper back and shoulders. Interlock your fingers behind your head and open your elbows out to the sides. Gently move your elbows back to feel the stretch, but don’t go so far to where it feels painful. Once you feel a stretch, hold the position for 30 seconds and then release. 

Standing Quad Stretch

The final stretch is one that you’ve likely done before. It should not be difficult to execute and is especially beneficial for desk workers. Sitting for a majority of the day can tighten the hips and quadriceps, so this stretch aims to lengthen those muscles and loosen the hips. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your left leg and reach back to grab your ankle with your left hand. Gently pull your ankle toward your buttocks and squeeze your right glute and inner thigh to maintain balance. You can hold onto a wall or chair if necessary. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.


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The 7 Best Essential Oils For Stress Sat, 13 Jul 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Aromatherapy is a viable way to combat stress. It’s a practice that involves inhaling the scent of essential oils to help promote relaxation.


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Meditation, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, and listening to music can help tame stress. Sometimes, you don’t want to meditate or listen to music because you will only fester and become more agitated. If you want to combat stress without exerting a lot of effort, sitting down and inhaling the scent of essential oils can be a great idea. It is a low-maintenance practice that has proven to be very effective. 

The olfactory system affects the part of the brain that regulates emotions. That’s why certain smells can trigger memories or feelings, both negative and positive. A 2016 review of studies found that aromatherapy was effective at reducing pain when combined with regular treatment. Aromatherapy can also be a useful tool to help reduce stress and anxiety. Many people report that aromatherapy helps to establish a general state of calm. 

How Do You Choose?

Many research studies have found that various essential oils exhibit stress-reducing and anti-anxiety properties. Generally speaking, you can use essential oils safely, save for a few that should not be used by certain groups, for example, pregnant women. Essential oils require dilution to prevent adverse reactions, so keep concentration levels below 5%. Pay attention to the dosage, purity, and application method. Some oils are perfectly safe when inhaled, but not when applied to the skin, which is why dilution is necessary. When you diffuse essential oils for stress relief, keep the following in mind:

  • Follow proper dilution guidelines. 
  • Diffuse intermittently, typically for 30 to 60 minutes on and 30 to 60 minutes off. 
  • Make sure you diffuse in a ventilated area.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood oil comes from the wood and roots of the East Indian sandalwood tree. Many consider this tree to be one of the most valuable trees in the world, primarily because of the health properties. A small study from 2006 found that sandalwood oil was effective at reducing anxiety in participants. Unfortunately, the sample size was too small to draw conclusive evidence, but results were promising. 

Lemon Essential Oil

Sourced from the leaves of the lemon plant, lemon essential oil may exhibit sedative and anxiety-reducing properties. Lemon essential oil offers a bright aroma that may help boost your mood and contribute to a positive outlook. A 2018 study found that lemon essential oil had a positive effect on dopamine activities in mice. A previous study from 2005 found that lemon essential oil improved cognitive performance, concentration, and attention span in students during the learning process.

Jasmine Essential Oil

A beautifully scented oil, jasmine essential oil comes from the flowers of the floral jasmine plant. It has been known for its ability to calm the mind and uplift mood. A 2010 study examined jasmine essential oil and found that it increased blood oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and blood pressure when compared to a placebo. A 2013 study found that participants who inhaled the aroma of jasmine essential oil experienced a significant decrease in negative emotions and had an overall mood boost. 

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary sage is a flowering herb native to the Mediterranean region. It may help reduce stress levels because of its ability to decrease cortisol (the stress hormone), as per a 2014 study. This study, which included menopausal women, also found that clary sage essential oil provided antidepressant effects. 

Orange Essential Oil

Orange essential oil exhibits anxiolytic properties, meaning it helps reduce anxiety. Because orange essential oil has a vibrant aroma, it may increase alertness or heighten the senses. In conjunction with its calming effects, orange essential oil may help balance your mood and regulate anxiety levels. Unfortunately, it did not have the same effects as tea tree oil did in a controlled study. 

Chamomile Essential Oil

Perhaps you drink a cup of chamomile tea if you want to unwind before bed. The chamomile plant is said to have sedative effects, and chamomile essential oil is no different. Chamomile essential oil may exhibit relaxation properties that can aid with sleep. An eight-week study from 2017 found that 58.1% of the participants experienced a reduction in symptoms of severe generalized anxiety disorder after using chamomile extract. A smaller 2018 study found that chamomile therapy was able to reduce symptoms of anxiety and decrease cortisol levels. 

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Growing on the Cananga tree, ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower native to countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and parts of Australia. Ylang ylang essential oil may have a relaxing effect by way of decreasing blood pressure. Preliminary research shows that it helps decrease blood pressure, but more research is necessary to confirm these findings.


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Effective Ways To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:23:00 +0000

Research shows that high blood pressure contributes to more than 15% of deaths in the United States. Learn to lower it naturally…


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High blood pressure, or hypertension, is what medical experts like to call “a silent killer.” The reason for this is because it may never show any symptoms, quietly damaging the body for years. Failure to address the problem can lead to poor quality of life, disability, or even heart disease, heart failure, or stroke. 

When you get an annual checkup, the nurse takes your blood pressure. There is a top number and a bottom number, with the top number referring to systolic pressure and the bottom number referring to diastolic pressure. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), with a normal reading being 120/80 mmHg. Health experts note that blood pressure is considered high if the reading measures 130 to 139 mmHg/80 to 89 mmHg.

High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even cognitive decline, kidney failure, and aneurysms. Because 28% of Americans have high blood pressure and don’t know it, make sure to schedule annual checkups to stay on top of it. Although medication can lower blood pressure, it can cause adverse side effects. Fortunately, there are many ways to naturally lower blood pressure. Continue reading to learn about them. 

Breathe Deeply

If you want to help lower your blood pressure, consider practicing a deep breathing exercise every morning and night. Inhale deeply and exhale fully, which works to kickstart your parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers cortisol levels to help you relax. All it takes is five minutes of your time. If you don’t like sitting down to breathe, consider other meditative practices, such as guided meditation, yoga, or tai chi, to help you relax. Studies suggest that high stress levels elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure, so check your stress at the door. 

Consider CoQ10

It’s hard to visit the supplement section of a store these days and not see coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). A review of studies found that CoQ10 was able to reduce blood pressure by up to 17 mmHg over 10 mmHg. CoQ10 acts as an antioxidant that helps dilate blood vessels. Make sure to ask your healthcare professional for supplement guidelines. 

Add Nitrates To Your Smoothie

Don’t rush out to the supplement store for this because a good old-fashioned grocery run will do the trick. Nitrate is a compound that exists in many leafy greens and beets. The body synthesizes nitrate as vasodilator nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and ultimately helps lower blood pressure. One study from 2015 found that people who drank a juice rich in dietary nitrates or a placebo for a one-month period. Those who drank the nitrate juice reduced blood pressure each day and at the end of the study. 

Go For Some Power Walks

Research continues to show that cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to prevent hypertension and promote a healthy heart. Vigorous cardio workouts that last 30 minutes on most days of the week can aid your blood pressure-lowering efforts. One study found that hypertensive patients who took walks at a brisk pace were able to lower their blood pressure by 8 mmHg over 6 mmHg. 

Hold The Salt

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day or less. Unfortunately, the average American adult consumes more than 3,400 mg per day. In fact, men between ages 31 and 50 tend to consume 4,500 mg of sodium on average, which is nearly double the recommended daily amount. Too much sodium in the body can interfere with its ability to regulate essential nutrients. One study found that people who had more sodium in their urine had higher blood pressure. If you cut down on salty processed foods, such as pizza, deli meats, and frozen meals, you can reduce sodium levels and help lower blood pressure.

Step Away From The Desk

A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of myriad health conditions and general soreness. If you put in more than 40 hours per week at a desk, you increase your risk of hypertension by 15%, according to a recent study. Working overtime also makes it harder to fit exercise and healthy eating into your daily routine. Consider investing in a standing desk so that you can go from a seated to standing position at will. If you must sit, consider investing in an exercise ball to bounce on while you work. That can help strengthen your core and work your glutes.


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Mouth Taping: Does It Help Improve Sleep? Tue, 18 Jun 2024 08:54:00 +0000

Trying to improve your sleep? Have you heard about mouth taping? We’ve got the answers in case you’re interested in becoming a mouth taper!


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Interested in becoming a mouth taper? Perhaps you saw an Instagram ad for mouth taping and how it can benefit your sleep. It is a highly popular solution to encourage nose breathing during sleep, which may help address everything from snoring issues to bad breath

Although mouth taping is increasing in popularity, it hasn’t been studied extensively, especially on a large scale. A handful of small scientific studies were conducted, so most of the existing benefits are primarily anecdotal. In this article, we aim to discuss how mouth taping works, how to tape the mouth safely, and if there are any risks involved. Continue reading to learn more. 

What Is Mouth Taping?

Mouth taping is the practice of taping your mouth shut at night before you go to bed. If you want to breathe through your nose while you sleep, taping your mouth shut forces that to happen. That ultimately helps you avoid the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as snoring or even sleep apnea. The tape is usually porous and you stick it over the upper and lower lips. That makes opening your mouth very difficult, encouraging you to breathe through your nose during sleep.

Does Mouth Taping Help With Snoring?

There is a large argument that sleeping with mouth tape may benefit people who snore. One study involved people with mild obstructive sleep apnea, and they wore a porous patch over their mouths while sleeping. That caused all of the participants to breathe through their nose, and it changed the angle and palate of the tongue. These changes contributed to less snoring, and fewer instances of lapsed breathing. According to researchers, there are no definitive findings that indicate mouth tape’s positive impact on snoring in people who do not have obstructive sleep apnea. More research is necessary on this topic to see if mouth tape can help with other snoring issues. 

Benefits Of Mouth Tape

According to anecdotal claims, mouth tape has helped ease a variety of problems, including snoring, fatigue, concentration issues, and bad breath. Existing research has only found mouth tape to reduce snoring and tiredness in people with obstructive sleep apnea. What research does show is that nose breathing helps to filter out allergens and adds resistance to benefit lung volume. It also helps deliver warmer, more humid air to the lungs. Although studies on mouth taping for people with asthma have not shown any benefits, the research and anecdotal reports that do exists claim that mouth taping aids the following:

  • Dry mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Sleep-disordered breathing
  • Cavities
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms
  • Slowed growth in children
  • Bad breath
  • Decreased cognitive ability

Side Effects Of Mouth Tape

There are some existing side effects of taping the mouth for sleep, but most of them have not been fully studied. The following list of side effects are merely anecdotal:

  • Pain when ripping off the tape, especially if you have facial hair
  • Anxiety in people who feel uncomfortable with tape over their mouths
  • Irritation on or around the lips
  • Discomfort or difficulty breathing
  • Interrupted sleep due to irritation from the tape

How To Tape Your Mouth Safely

First of all, make sure to use a porous tape intended for human skin if you decide to use mouth tape. Masking tape or other tapes that are not intended for the body will likely cause irritation. Some companies sell strips that help keep the mouth shut while you’re asleep. There are currently no guidelines on how to tape the mouth safely, but it isn’t like building a combustion engine from scratch. 

Before you tape your mouth, make sure to test the mouth tape during the day. This is especially important if you have difficulty breathing through your nose due to nasal polyps, allergies, or another reason. Minimize irritation on the skin by applying a food-safe gel to the area around your mouth prior to sticking on the tape. When you apply the tape, consider folding it over at one corner to promote easy removal in the morning.


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COVID-19 FLiRT Variant: What Are The Symptoms? Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:11:00 +0000

KP.2, the dominant member of the nicknamed FLiRT variant of COVID-19, could threaten people this summer. Here are some symptoms.


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Watch out, kids, there’s a new COVID-19 variant in town! The variant known as KP.2, nicknamed FLiRT, is the top COVID-19 variant in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This data shows that FLiRT has spread faster over the past month. 

The KP.2 variant accounted for 16% of COVID-19 cases at the end of April 2024. Now, it makes up more than 28% of all COVID-19 infections. KP.2 belongs to a new group of strains in the omicron family, which have been dubbed FLiRT. This name is short for the technical names of mutations on their spike proteins. Scientists note that the mutations assist the virus in invading the body, despite immunity from previous infection of vaccination. Experts note that another variant KP.1.1 is now responsible for 7.5% of infections, so appears to be gaining momentum. 

Symptoms Of The New FLiRT Variant

The KP.2 and KP.1.1 variants are spreading quickly, but there is no indication of them being more dangerous than recent prevalent strains, including JN.1. As of now, medical experts note that there are no new symptoms of FLiRT variants. That said, it may be too early to know exactly what all the symptoms are, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). At this point, the common symptoms of the new COVID-19 FLiRT variant KP.2, and other FLiRT variants, include:

  • Nasal congestion, or runny nose
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Fever or chills
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

The New Variant Will Hit Some People Harder Than Others

Although the KP.2 variant may avoid immune defenses more effectively than previous COVID-19 strains, most people will only experience mild symptoms after infection. Those people will either have already had prior infection or vaccination, both of which provide sufficient protection to fight severe illness. 

Infectious disease specialists agree that symptoms of the new variant appear very similar to those caused by previous variants. If people did not get vaccinated or haven’t had COVID-19 infection in a while, symptoms may be more severe. Experts warn that people who lose their sense of taste or smell may potentially, although rare, experience shortness of breath as well. Difficulty breathing may occur about seven days after symptoms start. 

A person’s risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases if the person has underlying health conditions. Heart disease, chronic lung disease, obesity, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease can increase the risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms. Additionally, babies under six months of age and pregnant women also have a greater risk of serious infection.

A Small Summer COVID Wave May Be On The Horizon 

Health authorities expect an increase in COVID-19 infections with the highly transmissible KP.2 variant with summer approaching. The data is beginning to show an increase in cases in some parts of the U.S. and parts of Europe, including Spain. Data from the U.K. revealed an uptick in COVID-19 cases, which were likely fueled by the FLiRT variants. 

It’s important to note that serious illnesses have declined since the height of the pandemic. That said, the CDC reminds the public that COVID-19 is still a threat, especially to people with underlying health conditions. Minimizing the spread within immunocompromised groups can help reduce the risk of serious illness from COVID-19. The virus, like the flu virus, will continue to evolve, so keep tabs on these changes and adjust as you see fit.


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The Fastest Way To Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up At Night Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:14:00 +0000

Did you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t seem to fall back asleep? Here’s how to doze off again…and it’s not counting sheep.


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We’ve all been in this situation: it’s the middle of the night, you wake up, and cannot fall back asleep, no matter what you do. Perhaps you count sheep, experiment with 4-7-8 breathing, or think about a peaceful, relaxing scenario and you still toss and turn. There’s no need to wrestle with your blankets in a restless state or resort to doom-scrolling on your phone until your morning alarm goes off. 

After waking up in the middle of the night, you should take a moment to breathe and consider things that will negatively affect your sleep for the remainder of the night. How do you do that, though? In this article, we will provide advice from sleep experts on how to fall back asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. We will also suggest tips that may prevent you from waking up at night!

Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night? Here’s How To Fall Back Asleep

The worst thing you can do when you wake up in the middle of the night is look at your phone. You don’t need to look at the time because that only makes things worse, at least for most people. In addition to the blue light keeping you awake for longer, you could start to feel frustrated about waking up and not being able to fall back asleep. 

Sleep experts actually recommend getting out of bed, especially if you feel frustrated and your mind is racing. Get up out of bed, go sit somewhere, and engage in something calming and relaxing. Reading a book, meditating, or practicing deep breathing can help calm the mind and body. Whatever you do, don’t bring your phone with you because the blue light won’t do you any favors. You can, however, turn on a dim light while you engage in your quiet, calming activity

What’s important to note is that the activity itself may not make you sleepy. The goal is that it passes the time, which may not be the result you want. Isn’t the activity supposed to lull you back to sleep? The point of leaving your bed is to teach yourself that the bed is not a place to toss and turn; rather, it is a place for sleep. The more you toss and turn and force yourself to feel sleepy in bed, the more you will stay awake. Your bed, then, is no longer a place of sleep. Sitting on the couch and reading is a great activity, but don’t force sleepiness to happen. When you get sleepy again, you can return to your bed. 

How To Prevent Nighttime Wake-Ups

If you wake up at night, getting out of bed may help you out in the long run. In order to prevent those midnight wake-ups, there are strategies that sleep experts encourage people to practice. Going to bed later than your usual bedtime is one of those strategies. If you have trouble falling asleep or struggle with waking up early, going to bed later may help. Going to bed early only works if you are actually tired and sleepy. It is of no benefit to you if you go to bed early and lie there with your mind racing at 100 miles per hour. 

Sleep experts note that it is better to go to bed when you feel sleepy. That will give you more confidence in your ability to fall asleep, as opposed to going to bed because you think you should. Going to bed when you are actually tired will help you fall asleep faster. Chances are that you will wake up less often throughout the night. There are also many bedtime routines that can help you wind down and promote relaxation. Just remember that if you do wake up in the middle of the night, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to fall back asleep instantly. That will only make the issue worse.


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