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The holidays can be very stressful, but they can also bring about difficult emotions. Learn how to cope with depression this season.


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The bright lights and holiday cheer may inspire joy and feelings of love for a lot of people, but not everyone. This time of year can bring about feelings of isolation, grief, loneliness, and sadness, especially for people with clinical or seasonal depression

Psychiatrists explain that depression can occur around the holidays for numerous reasons. The holidays increase thoughts of family, social engagement, and relationships. If there are issues within those dynamics in people’s lives, depression can rise to the surface. The holidays also tend to demand more family time than usual, which can be highly stressful for some people. Family events may cause old conflicts, emotions, or situations to arrive that can be very difficult to navigate. 

How To Manage Depression During The Holidays

For many people, the winter can trigger seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression. Unlike traditional depression, seasonal depression occurs in a seasonal pattern, typically worsening in darker fall and winter months. Practicing good self-care is essential year round, but it is extra important during the holidays. You can combat lack of energy, fatigue, and other symptoms with various coping strategies and self-care practices. Whatever the cause of your depression, we hope the following tips can help you cope.

Assess Your Relationships And Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a crucial element of self-care, especially for your emotional and mental health. The boundaries you set will depend on the different people in your life and the situations that you’ll encounter during the holidays. Maybe you limit the time you spend with certain people who cause you to feel negative emotions or heighten depressive symptoms. Establish boundaries for these people and set availability for them as well. Your time and mental health are paramount! If you struggle with setting boundaries, click here for some helpful tips. 

Create A Coping Sheet

A coping sheet is a list of your favorite activities that you can turn to when you feel down. Create your own coping sheet or develop one with your family members or therapist. Many coping sheets are filled with actions that can help manage depressive symptoms. Some popular things to include on your coping sheet are:

  • Listening to music
  • Painting 
  • Meditating
  • Singing
  • Breathing techniques
  • Positive self-talk
  • Journaling
  • Acupuncture

Get Outdoors And Stay Active

According to many studies, moving the body is one of the best ways to cope with depression, regardless of the season. One meta-analysis of 218 studies concluded that exercise is an effective way to manage depression. This was especially true for jogging, walking, strength training, and yoga. Exercise combined with psychotherapy proved to be the most effective way to experience depression relief. Researchers found that getting outside while engaging in exercise relieved depressive symptoms even more. Spending time in nature can help reduce risk of depression. One study found that time spent in green environments reduced the risk of anxiety and depression in the long run. Consider planning some fun, holiday outdoor activities. Go ice skating, snowboarding, sledding, or hiking, depending on where you live and what is available to you. 

Share How You Are Feeling With Loved Ones

During the holiday season, mental health experts recommend that you surround yourself with people you can rely on. These people can be family members or friends who can help you manage holiday depression. Reach out to people you trust and share how you are feeling. It’s impossible to know how friends or family will react, but the people who love you will be there for you no matter what. Confide in them about how you are feeling and they will most likely offer empathy, or share similar experiences that may help you feel less alone. Do not underestimate the power of community and love. People want to help, so just ask.


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Managing Mental Health This Thanksgiving Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:19:00 +0000

Thanksgiving Day is a joyous time to reunite with loved ones over a shared, large meal, but it can also cause lots of stress and anxiety.


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For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a whirlwind of a day. It involves a lot of cooking time, a marathon of eating, and time spent with loved ones. Maybe you turn on the Macy’s parade or watch some football games before you pile on the calories. However you celebrate this holiday, one thing is for certain: about 70% of the American population feels stressed about the holiday’s arrival. 

Thanksgiving can induce stress for a variety of reasons. If you are in charge of cooking the meal, you have a lot of prep work today for the arrival of your guests. That can be quite stressful, but it’s also possible to feel anxiety or strong emotions about going to Thanksgiving dinner at a relative’s house. Maybe you had to take two flights and an Uber in peak holiday travel to make it. Perhaps you just have anxiety about aunts and uncles asking about your employment. Whatever the case, there are many things that can induce stress over this feast of a holiday. Fortunately, there are also strategies that can help you manage stress, and we detail them below.

Consume To Enjoy And Don’t Eat Your Feelings

The Thanksgiving spread is full of calorically dense, rich entrees, sides, and desserts. We are not here to dissuade a generally healthy person from an extra spoonful of gravy or an additional slice of pie. Are you enjoying an extra serving just to do so, or is a fully loaded second plate your way of coping with feelings of stress or anxiety? Overeating and over-drinking are unhealthy coping mechanisms that are all too common around the holidays. Consume festive food with people out of merriment, not to bury negative feelings. 

Set Boundaries

If you want to avoid stress and anxiety around Thanksgiving, or any holiday celebration with family, make sure to set boundaries regarding certain discussion topics. For whatever reason, there is always one family member that likes to stir the pot. Perhaps they bring up who they voted for or what their foreign policy opinions are. There will likely be a lot of election anxiety, as a result of the aftermath, and opinions are stronger than ever. Set a boundary by sending a loving email requesting that everyone leave their political opinions at the door for Thanksgiving. Request that you do not want to talk about any religious, socioeconomic, or other issues that are touchy subjects. Keep the conversation light-hearted and loving to keep stress levels down.

Embrace Gratitude

There is great power in gratitude. Being thankful for things that are good in life, even the smallest things, can lead to mental health improvements. According to one analysis of 70 studies, there is an association between higher levels of gratitude and lower levels of depression. The same report found that reaffirming gratitude for 15 minutes per day, five times per week, can enhance mental awareness. A separate meta-analysis of 64 randomized trials found that participants who underwent gratitude interventions experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try your best to express gratitude on a day that represents being thankful. If you do not wish to speak your feelings of gratitude out loud with family, consider writing in a gratitude journal and reflect on it around Christmas or the New Year. 

Be Mindful Of Your Triggers

There are certain people and situations that just seem to push your buttons like no other. This is especially true during the holiday season. As you enter Thanksgiving, be mindful of this and recognize your potential triggers before you encounter them. That way, you can practice coping skills and prepare how you will react to those triggers. You can reframe your thoughts, employ progressive muscle relaxation, or use breathing techniques to help reduce anxiety and stress. A few common triggers are:

  • Excessive crowds in shopping centers and grocery stores
  • Travel issues, including flight delays and accommodation struggles
  • Issues that come about when you host Thanksgiving
  • Interactions and disagreements with certain family members


Fatigue and laziness often accompany Thanksgiving stress and anxiety. Stave off your lethargy by incorporating or increasing exercise into the days leading up to the big feast. You are not trying to burn extra calories so that you can eat more; rather, the goal of exercising is to promote mental wellness. Exercise helps to trigger a brain-body response through the healthy release of dopamine. When you exercise outdoors, that dopamine release is combined with an increase in serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter that may help reduce anxiety and stress.


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Sit All Day? You’ll Love These 5 Movements Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:39:00 +0000

If you are like most people, you probably sit for more than 3-4 hours per day. Learn to correct that damage with a few simple movements.


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Some health experts suggest that sitting is the new smoking. If you sit for more than three to four hours per day, which is very common, your body is most likely not functioning as well as it could be. Fortunately, there are various exercises and movements that can help you whip it back into shape. No need to feel tightness in the hips, back, and neck every single day!

Believe it or not, sitting down every day can cause long-lasting damage. You sit on your way to work, you sit at work, and then you sit on your way home from work. You may even sit once you get home from work! A sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of cancer, arthritis, obesity, heart disease, accelerate aging, and muscular tightness. 

Unfortunately, one workout session every now and again will not counteract all of that sitting. Paying a little more attention to how much you sit can help you change your lifestyle habits. Maybe you stand up at your desk a little more or go for a walk on your lunch. To get you started, engage in these daily habits and mobility movements to help correct all that sitting.

Hinge, Hold, And Stretch

This pose requires some mild body awareness, as it focuses on the concept of the hip hinge. It may take some practice to get it right, but it is highly beneficial for people with desk jobs. Stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Keep a slight bend in your knees and hinge at the hips to lean forward slightly, maintaining a straight back. At a certain point, you should feel a stretch in your hamstrings, but make sure not to round your back. You can extend your arms out overhead to keep them in line with your back. Hold this pose for 10 to 30 seconds, ensuring you keep that back straight. Extend the time as you get stronger. 


This sounds like a silly movement exercise, but dysfunctional breathing is a commonly overlooked issue. Dysfunctional breathing patterns include mouth breathing and upper chest breathing, instead of diaphragmatic (belly) breathing. Sitting down lends itself to poor breathing habits, which is why we encourage you to lie flat on your back for diaphragmatic breathing. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place one hand on your belly and one on your chest. Close your eyes and imagine that there is a balloon in your belly. As you inhale through your nose, imagine inflating the belly. As you exhale, the belly should go down. You can do this for a while, counting four to five seconds per inhale and exhale. It will take some practice, but it is greatly beneficial for the nervous system and stress response. 

Take A Walk

Walking is one of the most underrated, easily accessible exercises that anyone can do at any time. A lot of people can increase their level of physical activity if they just walk for 30 to 60 minutes per day. All it takes is making a few small tweaks to your daily routine. If you sit for the majority of your day, consider a morning walk, lunch walk, and even a small walk after dinner. Park farther away from your job and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you enjoy sitting down to read, consider listening to audiobooks while on a walk. All of that movement will benefit you in the long run.

Deep Squat

The deep squat is a great exercise for opening the hips. It is both a mobility and stability exercise and is quite easy to do as a child, but becomes more difficult as life compromises your range of motion with age. If you are a little stiff, the body will compensate during this exercise in the form of your heels lifting off the floor. For this reason, you may want to do this exercise with support in front of you to keep from falling. Begin by standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower down into a deep squat, maintaining a straight back. Make sure your knees don’t extend beyond your toes. You can press your elbows against the insides of your legs for support. Hold this position for a couple minutes before returning to the starting position.

Get Off The Couch

How is this a movement? Well, you do not need to adopt the same position at home that you did in the office all day. Challenge yourself to not sit on the couch for one to two weeks, or even a month, while you watch TV in your spare time. You don’t have to clean your whole house while watching TV, but perhaps you engage in some yoga, stretching, or mobility drills instead. Just try not to sit on your couch and see how your body responds.


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3 Beginner Breathwork Techniques And The Best Time To Do Them Fri, 20 Sep 2024 09:15:00 +0000

Meditation is a powerful practice that can connect the mind and boy. Learn the best times to practice three beginner breathwork techniques.


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Meditation can be a little intimidating because, like most difficult things, it takes time to master. It requires practice, but also patience to become comfortable sitting in meditation. You will not be a zen master after your first two meditation sessions. Practice makes perfect, though, and you will be able to quiet the mind soon enough. Thoughts will race and sensations will bubble up, but allow them to come like strangers in the night.

Breathwork is an active form of meditation, during which you disconnect from the mind and let your heart and body guide you. The goal is for you to actively exhale your thoughts, beliefs, memories, and actions that do not support growth. You return to your breath to handle stress, anxiety, and any lingering trauma. Different techniques may be more effective for certain people and not for others. Below, you will find three beginner breathing techniques and when to use them. 

The 4-4-4-4 Breath: When You Need An Energy Boost

The 4-4-4-4 breathing practice, also known as box breathing or square breathing, comes from the Navy SEALs. This breathing technique aims to slow your heart rate and enhance concentration. It may also increase efficiency and mental performance, in addition to relieving stress. Ideally, you engage in this breathwork after you wake up in the morning, or in the middle of the day when you feel sleepy. To practice this technique:

  • Sit up straight and start by releasing all of the air from your chest. Hold your breath for four seconds and then breathe in through your nose for four seconds. 
  • Hold your breath for four seconds and then exhale out of your nose for four seconds. Repeat this cycle for five full minutes to feel the effects. 

During your inhales, imagine that the earth is nourishing the physical body. When you hold your breath, imagine that your breath is going through your mind like the wind, clearing out any thoughts that do not serve you. During your exhale, imagine that the fire element is pushing out any negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions from your belly. 

The 4-7-8 Breath: When You Feel Overwhelmed

This is a relaxing breathing method that was developed by Andrew Weil, M.D. It aims to calm the body and slow down your heart rate, bringing you into the present moment. This breathing technique is ideal when you feel anxious, angry, overwhelmed, triggered, or have difficulty sleeping. It also teaches the body to take in less, creating space between each inhale and exhale to release excess energy and thought. To practice this technique:

  • Ideally, this technique aims to empty the lungs of air. Breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale out of the mouth for eight seconds. 
  • Repeat this cycle at least four times for the full effects. 

When you inhale, imagine that the earth is grounding and nourishing your breath. Allow that energy to come into the body and when you hold your breath, visualize that energy spiraling throughout your body. Allow that energy to extract any thought that does not serve you. During your exhale, think about releasing all of that energy, not just through your mouth, but through your entire body.

The 5-5 Breath: When You Feel Worked Up

The natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two to three seconds per minute. The 5-5 breath, however, is a controlled practice that slows your breathing to four seconds and then five seconds. The 5-5 breath works to improve your overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day. To practice this breathing technique:

  • To begin, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to get a baseline for the length of each inhale and exhale. 
  • For one minute, inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds. 
  • For the next minute, repeat that process, but inhale and exhale for five seconds. Continue for six seconds and you can gradually extend to 10 seconds if you want to. 
  • In the initial stages, this practice should take five minutes, and you can work your way up to 20 minutes over time. 

During this practice, imagine that the earth’s energy is rising up through your body during every inhale. When you exhale, let that same energy wash out any negative thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations that you no longer want to hold onto.


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How To Meditate For Better Sleep Tue, 13 Aug 2024 09:23:00 +0000

Stress and other factors can cause sleep difficulty. Meditation can help relax the body and improve sleep. Here’s how to practice.


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Sleep is the thing everyone needs more of but can’t quite seem to follow through on. It’s no secret that lots of people experience sleep difficulties and disturbances. In fact, somewhere between 35% to 50% of adults worldwide regularly experience insomnia symptoms. Some people require medications, drugs, or alcohol to fall asleep, while others can fall asleep in no time by just lying down. 

Meditation is a useful tool to help calm the mind and reduce stress. As a relaxation technique, meditation may help enhance inner peace and quiet the mind. When done before bedtime, meditation can help reduce insomnia and sleep troubles by promoting calmness. Continue reading to learn about how to meditate, as well as figure out which of the three types in this article prove most beneficial for you.

How To Meditate

In theory, meditation is very simple. You sit down in a comfortable position and tune out the world. Well, it can be that simple, but seldom does everyone have that easy experience. It can be frustrating at first because quieting the mind and allowing your thoughts to come and go takes time. In the beginning stages, though, you do not need to sit in silence for hours at a time. On the other hand, it’s easy to establish a meditation routine that only takes five minutes out of your day. You can follow these basic steps:

  • Find a quiet area and sit or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you. If meditating at bedtime, lying down may be preferable.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breathing and don’t pay attention to anything else. 
  • If a thought rushes into your mind, just allow it to come and go. Refocus your attention on your breath. 

Be patient with yourself as you experiment with meditation for sleep. A meditation practice is exactly that: a practice. A three- to five-minute meditation session before bed is the perfect place to start. You can increase the time to 10, 15, or 20 minutes as you get more comfortable with the practice. 

Guided Meditation

This type of meditation is a great entry point for beginners, as another person leads you through each step of the practice. There are many videos or audio files of guided meditations, which may instruct you to breathe, relax the body in a certain way, or visualize things. At bedtime, you can listen to a recording of guided meditation. You can find some recordings of guided meditations in the form of:

  • Online streaming
  • Meditation podcasts
  • Apps or websites

The exact steps of guided meditation will vary from source to source. Step-by-step instructions may look something like:

  • Select a recording and dim the light of your phone or device that you are using to listen to the meditation. 
  • Begin the recording, lie down in bed, and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Focus on the person’s voice and always return to it if your mind starts to wander. 

Mindfulness Meditation

This meditation practice involves focusing on the present, and you do this by increasing your awareness of breath, body, and consciousness. If you notice an emotion or thought, just observe it as it comes. Let the thought or emotion pass without judging yourself. Engage in a mindful meditation practice by doing the following:

  • Remove all distractions from your meditation space, including your phone. Lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Focus on your breath and then take big inhales and exhales. Inhale for 10 counts, hold for 10 counts, and then exhale for 10 counts. Repeat this cycle five times. 
  • How does your body feel while engaging in this breathing pattern? Is it tight or relaxed? If you feel tension, consciously relax that part of the body.
  • When a thought arises, return your focus to your breathing. 

Body Scan Meditation

During this meditation practice, you direct your focus to every part of the body. The goal behind this practice is to increase awareness of physical sensations, including tension and pain. By focusing, you can promote relaxation, which helps you sleep

  • Remove all distractions from your meditation space, including your phone. Lie down in a comfortable position to begin the practice. 
  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Try to notice the weight of your body on the bed. 
  • Focus on your face, softening your jaw, eyes, and facial muscles. 
  • Move down to your neck and shoulders and try to relax them.
  • Continue down your body, relaxing each part until you reach your toes. Notice how each part feels. 
  • If your mind wanders during this process, shift your focus back to the body part you are observing. 


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6 Breathing Exercises To Try When You Feel Stressed Sun, 26 May 2024 09:11:00 +0000

There are several breathing exercises that may help you feel calmer and more relaxed when you are dealing with high stress levels.


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Breathing is something that you do without thinking about it, making it an automatic bodily function. If you are in tune with your body, you know that your breathing rate elevates in times of stress. This is a natural part of the body’s fight-or-flight response, just as slower breathing occurs during the rest-and-digest state. 

The good news is that you have the power to change your own breathing pattern. According to scientific studies, controlling your breath can help you manage stress and stress-related health conditions. Yoga, tai chi, and certain forms of meditation use breath control to promote relaxation and mind-body awareness. Deliberately changing your breathing pattern can help you prevent hyperventilation. 

A stressed person will usually breathe in an anxious way, e.g. shallow breaths that do not engage the diaphragm. That style of breathing disrupts the natural balance of gases in the body. Shallow breathing can prolong anxiety, whereas controlled breathing can help reduce stress hormones, lower blood pressure, and balance oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Continue reading to learn about breathing exercises that can help reduce stress.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Also known as belly breathing, diaphragmatic breathing can help you use the diaphragm properly. In addition to helping you manage stress, it may help you ease constipation, reduce blood pressure, and relieve headaches. Practice diaphragmatic breathing for five to 10 minutes, three to four times per day for best results. 

Lie flat on your back with your knees slightly bent. Rest your head on a pillow and consider placing a pillow or bolster under your knees for support. Place one hand on your upper chest and one just b below your rib cage so you can feel the diaphragm move. Inhale through your nose and feel your stomach press into your hand. Keep the other hand on your upper chest still and hold for a second. Exhale through pursed lips, tightening your abdominal muscles to expel all of the air. 

Lion’s Breath

This is an energizing breathing practice that is quite common in yoga sessions. In addition to reducing stress, it may help relieve tension in the jaw and facial muscles. To do this breathing technique, sit up straight in a cross-legged position. Press your palms against your knees and spread your fingers apart. Inhale deeply through your nose and open your eyes wide. Simultaneously, open your mouth as wide as you can and stick out your tongue, bringing the tip toward your chin. Exhale with a longe “haaa” sound and direct your gaze toward the front of your nose. Do this breath about two to three times. 

Equal Breathing

Equal breathing is the practice of focusing on matching the length of your inhale to the length of your exhale. Bye making your breath smooth and qual, you can bring about balance. According to research, older adults with high blood pressure who practiced this technique increased oxygen supply to the brain and lungs. Make sure to find a breath length that isn’t too difficult, for example, somewhere between three to five seconds. 

Sit down in a comfortable position and find your center. Breathe in through your nose, counting the duration of your inhale. Exhale for the same amount of seconds as your inhale. If you want, you can add a slight pause between your inhale and exhale if you feel comfortable. Continue practicing this technique for at least five minutes. 

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing works relieve shortness of breath because it helps prevent air from getting trapped in your lungs. It also helps you breathe in fresher air and may contribute to feelings of deeper relaxation. While sitting or standing, draw your elbows back to allow your chest to expand. Take a deep breath in through your nose and retain this breath for five seconds. Slowly release the breath through your nose. Continue with this breathing pattern until you feel more centered and relaxed.

Pursed Lip Breathing

This is a simple breathing exercise that can help you slow down your breathing because it requires you to apply effort with each breath. You can engage in pursed lip breathing at any time, but it may be most useful during activities such as bending, lifting, or climbing stairs. Ideally, practice this breathing exercise four to five times per day when you begin to correctly learn how to do it.

Sit down on the edge of a chair and keep your back straight. Relax your neck and shoulders and keep your gaze forward. Keep your mouth closed as you inhale slowly through your nose for two seconds. Purse your lips and exhale slowly, blowing air through your pursed lips for four seconds. Continue alternating until you complete about 10 cycles. 

Resonant Breathing 

Resonant, or coherent, breathing involves breathing at a rate of five full breaths per minutes. How do you achieve this rate? You inhale and exhale for a count of five, respectively. By breathing this way, you can maximize your heart rate variability (HRV), promote stress reduction, and reduce symptoms of depression. To do this, sit down in a comfortable position. Inhale for a count of five and then exhale for a count of five. Continue this breathing pattern for a few minutes. 


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How To Best Achieve Restorative Sleep Tue, 02 Apr 2024 09:15:00 +0000

The CDC states that one in three people don’t get enough sleep. Learn how to get a better night’s sleep with a few simple tips.


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You don’t need an expert to explain how beneficial sleep is for your overall health. You already know how much better you feel when you wake up after a good night’s rest. The benefits extend beyond an energy boost and better mood. Optimal sleep may help support your health far more than you realize, which is especially true if you aren’t sleeping enough right now. 

According to sleep experts, the average adult should get seven to eight hours of sleep every night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that getting less than that may reduce immunity and increase the risk of chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, depression, obesity, and heart disease. Yet, one in three people do not get enough sleep per night. Even though this is the case, you can improve your chances of getting better, more restorative sleep. The following tips explain how you can set yourself up for sleep success.

Lower Your Thermostat

There is an attraction to being warm and cozy and snuggling up like a little fox in a bed. According to sleep experts, though, keeping your bedroom cool at night can support more optimal sleep. The body’s core temperature naturally dips in the evening to prepare the body for bed. For this reason, experts recommend that you put your thermostat between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit to keep the body cool. If you run hot at night, consider purchasing sheets or nightwear that is moisture-wicking or cooling. 

Move Your Body

Some evidence suggests that exercising during the day leads to more restful sleep, especially for adults and older adults. Physical activity actively tires out the body’s major muscles and helps to relieve stress, both of which relax the mind and body, making it easier for you to fall asleep. You don’t have to run a marathon or take part in a Spartan race to reap the benefits. A 2017 study found that regular movement can improve both sleep quality and duration, regardless of the intensity of your exercise. 

Make Your Bedroom A Sleep Haven

You do not need to do any major remodeling to your bedroom to sleep better. Set your bedroom up for sleep success by making it very dark, cool, and as tranquil as you can. Darkness is paramount because the more light you have, the likelier your mind is to race and wake up. Research from 2018 found that even a soft glow can disrupt your sleep, so consider purchasing blackout curtains or shades and unplug any devices or charges that emit light. Sleep experts also encourage you to make your bedroom a sleep-only zone, meaning you don’t spend time in bed catching up on work emails or scrolling social media. Treat your bedroom as a sacred space for sleep, which may help train your brain to power down when you go under the covers at night.

Try Relaxation Techniques In Bed

If you struggle to fall asleep because you get tense or anxious at night, it can be beneficial to engage in relaxation techniques. Many people benefit from guided imagery, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation. Trying to force yourself to fall asleep usually has the opposite effect. If you are not able to doze off with the relaxation techniques we just mentioned, consider reading, listening to an audiobook, or listening to calming music. Accepting your sleepless state can actually relax the mind and make it easier to fall asleep. 

Create A Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Sleep experts suggest going to bed and waking up around the same time daily to regulate the body’s internal clock. Research from 2015 found that consistent sleep and wake times may make it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up with more energy the next day. In order to do this, consider establishing a nighttime ritual, which can include pre-bed activities that aid sleep, such as: 

  • Dimming the lights: A study from 2019 found that exposure to bright light suppresses the body’s production of melatonin. Turning off or dimming the lights an hour or so before bed may help you drift off more easily. Additionally, stop looking at screens an hour or so before bed to reduce your exposure to blue light
  • Take a hot shower or bath: Taking a steamy, hot shower or warm bath is very relaxing, but it’s the aftermath that may have a positive effect on your sleep. Research from 2019 found that the body’s core temperature starts to go down after a hot bath/shower. That supports that natural temperature dip that occurs every evening to prime the body for sleep.


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Useful Hacks To Make Mindfulness A Daily Habit Sat, 10 Feb 2024 09:15:00 +0000

It is easy to develop habits that take you out of the present and cause stress. Learn how to change those habits and develop mindfulness.


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A 2021 study found that people who practiced mindful meditation during COVID-19 reported better mental health than those who didn’t. Those participants also felt that it was easier to be more aware of their surroundings, while simultaneously connecting with inner feelings. By practicing mindfulness, you can benefit the mind and body, and this doesn’t have to be a trivial or difficult thing. Simple breathing exercises, yoga, or other small daily habits can improve mindfulness. 

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a sense of awareness of your surroundings and your internal state of being. A mindfulness practice, then, helps you acknowledge your thoughts in a healthy, productive way. In doing so, you can avoid destructive habits or behaviors that cause stress. You can use mindfulness as a tool to mediate stress and promote relaxation. Modern practices tend to focus on meditation, attention, relaxation, and observing passing thoughts. 

In recent years, many reports have stressed the importance of mindfulness and how to practice it in the workplace. Expert advice or blog posts don’t always explain how to make mindfulness a sustainable practice. The following hacks can help you make mindfulness a daily habit. The goal is that you won’t need to think about mindfulness one day in the future because it will be a natural part of your day.

Find Mindfulness Role Models

Find people in your life that are very centered or grounded. If you don’t have these in your family or friend group, consider finding inspiration online or on social media. Allow these people to inspire you and lead you down a more mindful path. Perhaps you follow an Instagram profile that gives you new daily affirmations. Mindfulness can help you realize your happiness via regular practice!

There Are No Mistakes

A lot of people think that there is a right way to practice mindfulness. In reality, there are no mistakes, and it can take 10 to 200 days to make mindfulness a habit. Everyone makes mistakes, but the great thing about mindfulness is that you will eventually start to embrace it as your daily reality. One day, you will unconsciously be in the moment, but be kind to yourself as you begin your journey. 

Record Your Intentions

It can be beneficial to create a mindfulness mantra that you use as a trigger, for example, when you need to direct your focus to the present moment. It can be helpful to maintain a journal to track why you want to make mindfulness a daily habit. In this journal, you can release your frustrations or anything you want to let out. At the same time, write about the small, beautiful moments and then see which entries bring you more joy. Documenting your mindfulness can help cultivate more of it!

Don’t Censor Yourself

It is very easy for the mind to think about nothing and anything all at once. Yogis refer to the constant whirlwind of thoughts as “the monkey mind.” When practicing mindfulness, the goal is to witness these thoughts without attachment or judgment. Turn one of your senses in another direction and aim to become more aware of the moment, even if it is mundane. There is something very beautiful about observing yourself in the present!

Focus On The Benefits

As you engage in mindfulness practices daily, focus on the benefits you may or may not notice. Do you regularly engage in old, harmful, self-sabotaging routines? Is there anything different about you or the way you behave? Humans are naturally goal-oriented, which is not always a bad thing. Mindfulness is about the journey and commitment to the practice. Instead of focusing on a specific goal, empower yourself by realizing what you’ve gained along your journey.


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Healthy Holiday Gift Guide For 2023 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:12:00 +0000

What gear, gadgets, products, and more are on your holiday wish list? We have a great healthy holiday gift guide for you or your loved ones.


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Shopping during the holidays is no easy feat, especially if you brave crowded malls to handpick items. Online shopping is so readily available and easy, making it a much less stressful experience. Regardless of how you do your holiday shopping, it is fun to do, especially if your entire mission is to show people how much you love them. 

Gone are the days of just giving gifts to give them. Thoughtful, personal, and practical gifts are much more appreciated by the receiver. And the great thing about a gift that fits in these categories is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many useful or meaningful gifts that are budget-friendly. You may or may not have some of these gifts in mind for certain loved ones, but we’re here to help in case you don’t. You’ll find plenty of inspiration for others, or yourself, by exploring the following list of healthy gift ideas

Mental Health Gifts

A Subscription To Mindfulness Apps

If you know that someone struggles with their mental health, consider giving them an entire year of pick-me-ups. There are many apps that offer various services, including meditation, breath work, workouts, and morning motivation. The person you give it to may indulge in a one-minute deep breathing break, or a three-hour procrastinating-fighting playlist. For the person that loves breathing exercises, there are specific breath work apps that can help you harness the power of breath!

A Weighted Blanket

If you or someone you know needs a snuggly gift that boosts mental health, the weighted blanket is an excellent gift. Weighted blankets work to activate the parasympathetic nervous system by applying pressure therapy. That can help the body enter the rest-and-digest state, which helps in relieving anxiety, stress, and sleep issues. There are many weighted blankets on the market, so you may want to choose the one based on the material you or the gift receiver will enjoy.

Online Art Therapy Classes

Art therapy can have powerful mental health benefits because it provides a creative outlet for you to express your feelings and emotions. Research suggests that artistic expression is a great stress reliever and powerful way to reduce anxiety and self-worth. Give your most creative friend a subscription for an online class library, which includes various art therapy courses. If the online subscription doesn’t sound good, consider gifting some art classes at a local studio. 

Calming Gifts That Promote Recovery

Percussive Massage Gun

The great thing about percussive massage guns is that they are readily available at varying costs. You can spend anywhere from $30 to $500+ on these massage guns, just so you are aware of the range. Make sure to read reviews and see which attachments or shapes are best for your body. They provide just the right amount of pressure to help relieve muscle tension and have excellent battery lives. Consider getting a small travel-size one for someone who travels a lot.

Acupuncture Mat

This is the perfect gift for anyone who is always on their feet. An acupuncture mat is slightly cushioned with plastic spikes that target acupressure points in your feet. You can also lay on the mat on your back to help improve circulation and provide pain relief. It is foldable and easy to bring on the go if you want!

At-Home Spa Day Gifts

A Cozy Bathrobe

Treat yourself or a loved one to a five-star bathrobe that is incredibly cozy. These are perfect for at-home spa days, or just relaxing on leisurely mornings. You can even go the extra mile and have the robe embroidered with the recipient’s initials. 

A Heating Pad

Anyone who experiences regular muscle pain will appreciate this gift. A heating pad works to relax the muscles and provide relief from joint stiffness. Heat invites more blood to the area of application, which is integral for the recovery process. It can also be a great gift for anyone who experiences menstrual cramps

Bath Bombs

There is no reason that you need to soak in plain warm water when so many bath additions are available. Bath bombs are beautifully scented, they color the water, and help your skin feel so much better than it did before the bath. Consider getting a bath bomb set so that there are various options to choose from.


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7 Toxic Morning Habits To Ditch ASAP Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:06:00 +0000

If you want to have a wonderful life, you need to direct your focus towards quitting several toxic morning habits.


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Does becoming a morning person change your life? You have to first become a morning person and decide that for yourself. What you may come to realize is that investing time in the morning is an investment to your overall health and wellbeing. Giving yourself more time in the morning may promote productivity, better mood, and reduce levels of stress. Should you want to become more of a morning person, you’ll need to Ditch the following habits.

Waking Up Late

Most people think this is the dream, especially after a long week, but waking up late means less time for self-care. Waking up late on workdays leaves barely enough time to get ready, eat, and get out of the house. Without ample preparation time, you may start the day in a state of stress. You should ideally leave at least one hour in the morning for yourself. During this time, you can get ready, meditate, practice some affirmations, or engage in a gentle yoga sequence. This hour should help set your day up for success!

Checking Social Media First Thing After Waking Up

This is a terrible habit that many people have developed over the years. It is almost too easy to grab your phone and immediately check your email, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, text messages, and more. Once you stop looking at your phone immediately after getting up, you’ll realize how strongly that little habit affects your mood throughout the day. Even though it feels like an urge, we encourage you to not open your social media after waking up. You want to keep your mind calm in the morning, but checking your phone bombards your brain with images, news, notifications, and more. You lose focus and your sense of time while doom scrolling, which wastes time that could be spent on yourself. 

Not Letting Natural Light And Fresh Air In

A great habit to embrace during your morning routine is to look at the morning sun (not directly at it) for 10 minutes. This has proven benefits for your mental health. The reason to open your windows to allow fresh air and natural light into your home is to help wake up your brain. The natural light cues your body to be awake and keeps you from remaining sleepy as you begin your morning routine. 

Staying In Bed After You Wake Up

You most likely stay in your bed after you wake up because you don’t know what else to do. Sometimes, this habit causes you to fall back asleep, and then you wake up in a panic because you are late. When you wake up, it is best to rise immediately and meet yourself fully. That means that you engage in a yoga routine, meditation practice, or other morning routine right after you get out of bed. This takes time and self-discipline, but we believe that you can do it!

Not Having A Productive Morning Routine

If your morning lacks structure, then you will likely not have a productive or relaxing morning. Humans grow via action and doing things that add meaning or value to life can lead to feelings of satisfaction. When you wake up early, you need to have a plan or routine in place. If you don’t know what to do, then you will likely become frustrated. When you get morning light, take a cold shower or ice bath, meditate, stretch, or practice breathing exercises, your mornings will have purpose. Positivity and productivity will help you remain thankful in the morning. Don’t idle away during your morning time because that only wastes precious moments!

Not Making Your Bed

This may seem like it doesn’t factor into a successful morning routine, but the state of the surrounding room influences you more than you realize. A messy bed may cause you to feel messy or like you are in a state of disarray. When you make your bed and tidy up your room in the morning, you are more likely to feel light, bright, and clear-headed. If you think that making/not making your bed doesn’t affect your mental state, then you are probably wrong. You’ll be surprised how good the little things make you feel. 

Having Coffee As Your First Drink

The first beverage you want to drink after getting up is a tall glass of water. Extra points if you enhance that glass of water with some freshly squeezed lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. The body is in a dehydrated state, so drinking water puts you on the right step towards rehydrating the body. Drinking coffee not only increases cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, but it can also increase blood sugar and anxiety. Don’t alter the body’s energy level early in the morning; rather, have your coffee after 9:30 a.m. and you’ll start feeling a lot healthier.


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