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Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is a lot more common than you think! It affects 10-15% of the global population.


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Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is a lot more common than you think! It affects 10-15% of the global population.

0:00 Intro
0:35 What does Irritable Bowel Syndrome cause?
1:10 Men are more likely to get IBS than women.
2:01 What percent of people have IBS worldwide?
2:45 Outro


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How To Avoid Travel Constipation Thu, 04 Apr 2024 09:16:00 +0000

Travel constipation is when you cannot poop like you normally do while away from home. Stay regular when you travel with these tips.


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Constipation is defined by a person who has not had bowel movement in a few days. Lacking bowel movements while on a trip is referred to as vacation constipation or travel constipation. This can be highly inconvenient and uncomfortable, and it is usually brought on by alterations to your normal routine. Drinking less water, eating meals at odd times, and other alterations can mess up your digestive system and back you up.

What Causes Constipation?

There are several things that can cause constipation. Sometimes, more than one cause at a time is backing you up. The following causes can result in constipation:

  • Functional gastrointestinal disorders (IBD or IBS)
  • Not going to the restroom when you feel the urge
  • Certain vitamins or medications
  • Reduced physical activity
  • Lack of fiber in your diet 
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Slow stool movement through the colon

What Causes Travel Constipation?

It is possible for the same causes of regular constipation to cause travel constipation. There are usually other factors at play, though, some of which include:

  • Your bowels have not adjusted to your destination
  • Changes in the size and timing of your meals
  • Increased time spent sitting
  • Lack of hydration
  • Travel-related stress that affects digestion
  • Your sleep schedule is off, due to changing time zones
  • The long journey on a plane or road trip limited access to comfortable bathrooms
  • Jet lag affects the body as it crosses time zones
  • Changes in your exercise routine

If you take the right steps, you can avoid travel constipation and stay regular, wherever your plans take you. Continue reading for tips on how to stay regular while traveling.

Listen To Your Body

This is the first rule to follow because you should go when you feel the urge to go. Ignoring this urge can lead to travel constipation very quickly. If you ignore your body’s urge to eliminate, the stool material stays in your rectum and gets harder. The harder the stool, the harder it is to pass. If you don’t feel comfortable using a public restroom for a bowel movement, try listening to music in your headphones to help you relax and let go. Do your best not to strain! If you can’t eliminate after sitting on the toilet for five to 10 minutes, get up and try again later. 

Move, Eat, And Drink Water At Your Destination

How often your move and what you put in your body dictate how easily and regularly you have bowel movements. Consuming the right foods, drinking enough water, and moving your body can help you avoid constipation during your trip. You don’t have to hit the hotel gym or do HIIT workouts in your room; rather, walking from point A to point B can encourage elimination. Sip water throughout the day, but be mindful of water sources depending on where you’re traveling. Try to incorporate fiber-rich foods, including vegetables, oatmeal, fruits, and legumes into your meals, while also indulging in local delicacies. 

Eat A Good Breakfast

It can be tempting to avoid breakfast while you are on vacation because you either want to sleep in or get the day started. Most people tend to have a bowel movement in the morning, and you’ll enhance that natural urge by consuming a healthy, fiber-rich breakfast. Try to eat a balanced meal and avoid meals that are starch- or protein-heavy. You should, however, consume foods that are rich in healthy fats because they help stimulate the release of hormones that trigger the urge to have a bowel movement.

Drink Lots Of Water

It is very common for people to exert a lot of energy or sweat while traveling, especially in warmer climates. Despite that, it is very common to avoid water, or only drink it when necessary. If you feel that you need water, you are already in a mild state of dehydration. If the body doesn’t have enough fluids, it draws water from fecal matter in the intestines to compensate. That can make stools hard and difficult to pass. While traveling, make a conscious effort to drink plenty of fluids, including water and electrolytes. Regarding fluids, not all fluids are kind to your bowels, such as milk, which has a reputation for causing constipation.

Try To Stay On A Schedule

If you are like most people, then you have your bowel movements narrowed down to a time of day. The body’s internal clock determines hunger, sleep, bathroom needs, and other life patterns. If you keep your body on a consistent schedule, you will help your bowels out a great deal. Whenever possible, make sure you have enough time for a relaxed bathroom visit. That will take less pressure off you and give you a similar bathroom experience to the ones you usually have at home.


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What To Know About Enemas Sun, 14 May 2023 09:19:00 +0000

Performed by you or a healthcare provider, an enema involves inserting liquid or gas into the rectum in order to empty the bowels.


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An enema is the process where you or a healthcare professional inject fluids into the rectum. The purpose is to clean out the colon, stimulate bowel movements, or administer medication. You can use different devices to perform an enema, such as a bag or bottle, which you manually insert into the rectum. Upon doing so, the liquid is released into the rectum. 

You don’t simply use any old liquid for an enema, but you can use a few different solutions. Some enemas may release medication to manage a certain health condition, for example, ulcerative colitis. Other enemas can consist of certain solutions that may relieve constipation. The type of enema, how it’s used, and what liquid is inside all depend on why you’re using the enema.

What Is An Enema Kit And How Do You Use It?

Used by medical professionals and the average person alike, an enema kit is readily available and consists of a bag/container and a tube or nozzle. If you have decent flexibility in your arms, you can easily administer an enema at home. Instructions for each kit can differ, but most follow these steps:

  • Choose a quiet place with space to lie down (a bathroom is ideal). Make sure that you have towels, a timer, and the enema kit at the ready.
  • Take all of your clothes off from the lower half of your body. Wash your hands with soap and hot water and pat them dry.
  • Lay a towel (ideally one you don’t care about) on the floor and lie on your left side if right-handed, or on the right side if you’re left-handed. 
  • Bend the knee on the top leg and place a rolled or folded towel between your legs for support. 
  • Remove the cap of the from the nozzle on the enema. Gently insert the tip of the nozzle into the anus and continue inserting it 10 centimeters (three to four inches) into the rectum. 
  • Slowly squeeze the liquid from the enema bag until it is completely empty. Carefully remove the nozzle from your rectum and wait for it to take effect. It can take anywhere from two minutes to one hour, but the kit’s instructions should give a more specific time frame. 
  • Go to the toilet as usual and empty your bowels. 

What Is In The Enema?

Enemas contain different types of fluid. The liquid solution in your enema container will depend on what you want the enema to accomplish. Some people use coffee, while others use a mineral solution. More often than not, enemas contain the following solutions:

  • Glycerin: A glycerin enema is occasionally used as an alternative to saline. Glycerin makes the colon absorb water, which stimulates muscle contractions in the colon to encourage a bowel movement
  • Barium: This is an element that, when released into the colon, can help diagnose certain conditions of the large intestine. Typically, this enema solution is used when you get an X-ray of the colon and rectum to detect health issues like cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. Barium can make the images clearer, but barium enemas are becoming less common due to the increasing popularity of colonoscopies. 
  • Sodium Phosphate: This solution consists of salt and water and works to pull water into the large intestine. In doing so, you help to soften the stool and make it easier to empty your bowels. A person with occasional constipation may use an enema with this solution.
  • Bisacodyl: This is a type of laxative, a drug used to stimulate bowel movements, that you may see in some enemas. 
  • Medication: Sometimes, but not always, an enema can contain medication to treat certain health conditions. 
  • Minerals: A mineral solution typically acts as a lubricant in the lower portion of the digestive tract, making it easier to pass stool.


Keep in mind that an enema is an invasive procedure and a person should only use it for medical reasons. Always purchase an enema kit from a reputable pharmacy and avoid homemade kits. Although using an enema can help treat constipation, using an enema as a regular treatment for it can cause health problems. You don’t want the body to become reliant on enemas in order to pass stool. Overuse of enemas could cause incontinence. Lastly, anyone with a compromised immune system should not use an enema because of the risk of bacteria entering the body.


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4 Impressive Reasons To Walk After Eating Sat, 26 Nov 2022 09:15:00 +0000

Getting your steps in after you eat can help improve digestion, reduce blood sugar levels, regulate blood pressure, and lessen bloating.


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What do you usually do after you finish a big meal? If you’re like most people, then you probably did a whole lot of lounging or sitting. Whether you drove to work after breakfast, sat at your computer during lunch, or watched TV after dinner, sitting after you eat is quite common. 

According to health experts and studies, taking a short walk after you eat can benefit your health in myriad ways. In fact, taking a short walk after each meal is a growing trend within the health and fitness community. Research suggests that taking a short walk after eating can help manage a person’s blood glucose levels. Additionally, moderate daily exercise can help reduce gas and bloating, improve sleep, and enhance heart function.

Ideally, a post-meal walk should be quite gentle. You don’t need to run around the block five times or head to a CrossFit class after you eat. Experts say that a walk where you get about 100 steps per minute is the perfect exercise after you eat. Gently increasing the speed of your walk is great because it pulls circulation away from the digestive system toward the working muscles. That can help delay digestion and lead to some of the following benefits. 

Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Taking a walk after you eat may help to improve blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial for people with type 1 and 2 diabetes, conditions that impair blood sugar processing. Exercising after a meal may help prevent blood sugar spikes, which ultimately reduces the amount of insulin or oral medications required. A 2022 review found that a few minutes of light-intensity walking after a meal significantly reduced blood sugar spikes and crashes a couple hours after eating, compared to sitting post-meal. Walking helps you burn calories and stimulates the stomach and bowels to process the foods you eat more quickly. 

Feel Less Bloated And Gassy

Do you suffer from tummy troubles after a meal? Well, sitting down or lounging on the couch is not conducive to getting rid of the pain. A 2021 study found that walking for 10-15 minutes following a meal was able to reduce gastrointestinal distress, including gas, bloating, belching, and cramping. When the body digests food, microorganisms in your bowels break down food and produce gas as a byproduct. Gas exits the body in the form of burps or farts, to put it bluntly. When you walk after a meal, you can help digest food faster, so it won’t have time to sit and marinate in your gut bacteria. Researchers say that decreasing the amount of time food spends in your bowels can help reduce gas buildup. Plus, movement helps reduce backups in your digestive tract, which can prevent bloating and bowel stretching. 

Promote Good Mood Hormones

In order to get the positive endorphins flowing, a lot of people think that you have to push your body and sweat profusely. A simple five miles per hour walk can start the production of those feel good hormones. Walking after dinner can also help release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes better sleep and regulates appetite. Studies found that serotonin can enhance memory and learning, while also increasing positive feelings. 

Improve Sleep Quality

Improving the digestive process is a great benefit of taking a walk after a meal, but everyone benefits from better sleep. It’s interesting that a large meal can tempt you to curl up and fall asleep faster, but that can ultimately lead to an upset stomach and poor sleep. When you walk after you eat, you promote faster and deeper sleep because serotonin is a precursor to melatonin. Taking the time to get your steps in after a meal can make your nighttime Zzz’s a whole lot better. Research indicates that a post-meal walk can be as beneficial as insomnia medication. An older study found that long-term, regular exercise decreased the time it took for older adults to fall asleep. Going for a walk after you eat can also benefit people who don’t suffer from insomnia. Light, aerobic activity can increase the amount of slow-wave, deep sleep a person gets at night.


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Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? Mon, 15 Aug 2022 09:04:00 +0000

Some people rely on coffee to have a bowel movement in the morning. Do you know why coffee has this effect? Let’s find out.


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Are you one of the millions of people who drink coffee? If you are, you probably know that coffee puts a little pep in your step and sets your bowels in motion. According to several surveys, a cup of coffee makes three in 10 people hustle to the restroom. In fact, one study found that 29% of participants needed to use the bathroom within 20 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee. Is there a reason why this happens? This article aims to provide some answers. 

Coffee And Your Colon

Coffee is a great source of caffeine, with a single cup providing about 95 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. Caffeine helps to boost energy levels, but it also increases your urge to eliminate. According to several studies, caffeine can activate contractions in the colon and intestinal muscles. These contractions push the contents in your intestines and colon towards the rectum, the final section of the digestive tract. One study found that caffeine makes the colon 60% more active than water and 23% more active than decaf coffee. That isn’t a reason to only consume coffee, though, because water is still necessary for hydration and optimal health. 

Coffee has a relationship with the rest of your body and gut. The lining of the stomach produces gastrin, a peptide hormone that enhances gastric motility and gastric mucosal growth. Why is this significant? Well, coffee sends a signal to the stomach to release more of this hormone, which induces peristalsis, the digestive muscle contractions we mentioned in the previous paragraph. Researchers also suggest that the other substances in coffee affect digestion and bowel movements in other ways. More studies are necessary to better understand this relationship. 

Why Does Coffee Cause Bowel Movements?

Muscles, hormones, and nerves all work together to complete various tasks throughout the body. In the case of the digestive system, they work to move solids and liquids through the gastrointestinal tract for proper elimination. This process is called the gastrocolic reflex, which helps the body get rid of what it doesn’t need. It occurs whether you drink or eat coffee, but several things affect this naturally occurring reflex. The gastrocolic reflex is more active in the morning, so experts believe that a cup of coffee in the morning amplifies the effect. 

Caffeine Isn’t The Culprit

Caffeine does rev up the body in several ways, which is why many people attributed it to one’s urge to poop. Some studies suggest that there’s more going on than caffeine in your system. One study found that caffeine actually relaxes the anal sphincter, which is the portion of the body that keeps stool in or lets it out. When it’s relaxed, it’s easier to poop, or you feel the need to go is a bit more urgent. However, decaf coffee also encourages muscle contractions in the large intestine. But, one study found that these muscles contracted more after drinking caffeinated coffee than decaffeinated coffee.

Chlorogenic acids and N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxytrptamides are two compounds of interest in decaf coffee. Several studies found that they stimulate the production of stomach acid, which helps to churn food and move it through the gut. The act of drinking any beverage makes the colon more active. Additionally, decaf coffee also encourages the gastrocolic reflex, which we covered previously. It’s the same reflex that activates the colon after eating a meal. Coffee isn’t a meal, but it has the same effect on your bowels, so there is definitely a relationship between it and your bowels. 

The Takeaway

There are several factors that researchers attribute to coffee’s ability to help you eliminate. Some of the compounds in coffee are interesting and affect the body in specific ways. Right now, it seems that caffeine does have a powerful influence on your bowels, especially when consumed in the morning. A cup of coffee may help you eliminate in the morning if you struggle on a regular basis.


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How To Get Rid Of Gas Quickly Sun, 05 Jun 2022 09:25:00 +0000 How To Get Rid Of Gas Quickly

Burping and flatulating are two ways that the body gets rid of gas, but learn about several ways to get rid of trapped gas quickly.


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How To Get Rid Of Gas Quickly

Gas that gets trapped in the intestines can be quite painful. Oftentimes, gas can cause swelling, tightness, sharp pains, cramping, and even bloating. According to several surveys, people pass gas between 13 and 21 times per day. When there is no way for gas to escape, diarrhea or constipation may be to blame. Should you need quick relief, continue reading to learn how to get rid of gas quickly

What Is Gas?

Intestinal gas, which forms in the digestive system, is a mixture of vapors, including carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, nitrogen, and hydrogen. When these vapors mix with intestinal bacteria, an unpleasant odor develops. Intestinal gas is a fact of life, as it naturally results as the body digests food. The small intestine lacks the enzymes necessary to digest and absorb carbohydrates in sweet, starchy, and fibrous foods. As the undigested food passes into the large intestine, harmless bacteria break down food and form hydrogen and carbon dioxide gasses. Some intestinal bacteria produce methane gas as well. It is this digestive process that causes flatulence. 

Burping and flatulating are two ways that the body eliminates gas. Experts say that the average person produces one to four quarts of gas every day. That explains passing gas 13-21 times per day. Some people don’t have an issue with gas, but it can become a problem if it doesn’t go away. If you regularly experience pain because of gas, then something more serious may be going on with your body.

To Get Rid Of Gas And Bloating Take Some Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a safe and effective natural remedy to help relieve bloating and gas. This type of charcoal is safe for human consumption, and it’s often the first thing given after the stomach is pumped in hospitals. After swallowing the charcoal, it works to draw gasses into itself. This helps the body naturally flush out gas and reduce bloating. Additionally, it may help remove any irritants that exist within the digestive tract. 

Empty Your Bowels

If you need to go, go. There is no sense in holding it in because you aren’t in the comfort of your own home. Having a bowel movement helps relieve you of gas or stomach discomfort in two ways. It activates the muscles in the large intestine, which encourages the elimination of gas. Additionally a bowel movement empties the rectum of stored stool, freeing up the area to allow trapped gas to escape. 

To Get Rid Of Trapped Gas Move Your Body

According to one study, gentle exercise helps to relieve gas pain or bloating. Walking is the easiest form of exercise and you can do it anytime, anywhere. Although it seems simple, walking works to relax the muscles in the abdomen. Upon relaxation, the muscles can help trapped gas escape. Yoga is another accessible and easy option to help get rid of gas quickly. Several poses, including happy baby and child’s pose, may be very effective at moving gas through the intestines. 

Apply A Heat Pack

Heat is naturally soothing and experts commonly recommend a heat pack to ease an upset stomach. Many studies confirm that heat naturally relaxes muscles, so applying it to the stomach helps relax the ones in the gut. By relaxing the muscles with a heating pad, hot water bottle, or even hot bath, you help gas escape. If you use a heating pad or hot water bottle, place a towel or clothing item between your bare skin and the heat source. You don’t want to burn your skin!

Try Some Herbal Remedies

One method that may provide quick relief is chewing fennel seeds. These seeds have the ability to relieve intestinal gas, but don’t chew more than one teaspoon. Keep in mind that you may want to choose a different remedy if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as there is mixed information about the safety of these women eating fennel seeds. You can also drink peppermint and chamomile teas, both of which are carminatives. That means that they calm the stomach and help get rid of gas quickly. If gas results from indigestion, chew on some ginger or drink ginger tea to accelerate metabolism and improve digestion. 


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Bloated? Try Bowel Motion! Mon, 23 May 2022 17:18:48 +0000

Maintain normal bowel movements and relieve your bloating with Bowel Motion!


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Maintain normal bowel movements and relieve your bloating with Bowel Motion!


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4 Unexpected Ways That Your Sleep Affects Your Poop Tue, 20 Jul 2021 17:42:00 +0000

It may surprise you to learn that your sleep affects your poop. Digestive health experts explain how sleep quality influences GI symptoms.


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Sleep is often the most neglected component of every person’s overall health. Not only does it enable the body’s ability to repair itself, but it can also reduce the risk of heart disease, weight gain, and bowel struggles. It’s a fact that insufficient shut-eye can affect your bathroom routine. How is this even possible? Continue reading to find out. 

Many people have poor sleeping habits. People glue their eyes to their phones until seconds before they decide to lay their head to rest. They drink too much alcohol before bed, which causes poor sleep quality. It’s also common for people to sleep for less than six hours per night, when the recommended amount is between seven and eight hours nightly. Too little sleep throws the body for a spin and can affect electrolytes, hormones, and nerve signals. 

How Does Sleep Affect Digestive Health?

Health experts believe that sleep quality influences gastrointestinal symptoms, including gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. This is especially true for people who live with inflammatory bowel disorders (IBDs). A 2011 study examined the link between poor bowel movements and sleep quality. The researchers of the study recruited full-time nurses who worked regular hours during the day. A small amount experienced constipation symptoms. Another group of nurses who worked rotation shifts revealed a larger number of constipation symptoms. 

The study found that going several nights without sleep, or having inconsistent sleep schedules, increased anxiety and detracted from overall well-being. Bowel disturbance was merely a byproduct of those symptoms. Still, health experts agree that going several nights without proper sleep can affect the gastrointestinal system. Additionally, the digestive problems can affect sleep quality, putting people in a catch-22 of poor sleep and digestive discomfort. 

Given that gastrointestinal issues can interfere with sleep and vice versa, more research is still necessary to understand this relationship. At this moment in time, it’s kind of a chicken-or-egg situation. Does poor sleep cause bowel inconsistency or does constipation cause poor sleep? Getting a good night’s sleep can be thought of as a preventative measure for improving gut health. As of now, experts theorize the following reasons of how sleep affects poop.

Poor Sleep Disrupts Gut Microbiota

When you don’t stick to a consistent sleep schedule, your gut microbiota suffers. The body follows a 24-hour sleep/wake cycle, which is known as the circadian rhythm. Disrupting this natural cycle negatively impacts intestinal cells and gut microbes. Creating this imbalance of gut microbiota can slow the digestive process, which means that it can throw off bowel consistency. When you maintain regular sleep and wake times, you’ll find that it’s much easier to eliminate. 

Not Enough Sleep Affects Bowel Movements

If you sleep too much or too little, you may experience constipation or other bowel troubles. Sleep experts conducted a study on the relationship between sleep time and bowel regulation. The findings indicated that people who slept less than seven to eight hours nightly were 30% more likely to experience constipation. Sleep has a restorative role in relation to overall health and bowel regulation. The brain may not be able to cue the bowels to “wake up,” i.e contract and digest, if you don’t get sufficient sleep.

Too Much Sleep May Cause Cramping

It’s interesting that insufficient sleep can lead to constipation, while too much sleep can cause potential bloating, cramping, and upset stomach. Sleep experts theorize that hormones and signals from the brain not only affect sleep patterns, but also intestinal movement. As mentioned earlier, a proper circadian rhythm keeps everything in check. Too much sleep does not give the body enough movement to activate intestinal muscles. Failure to do so means that stool cannot move efficiently through the digestive tract. Movement is necessary for pooping! Don’t sleep your days away, or else you may experience regular constipation.

Lack Of Sleep Increases Stress

When the body is sleep-deprived, it’s common to experience a hormonal imbalance. As a result, the body’s stress hormone, cortisol, begins to rise. When too much cortisol is present in the body, you are more susceptible to intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut. This means that food and toxins can pass through the intestines and into the bloodstream. That causes a tidal wave of symptoms, including inflammation, stomach pain, food sensitivities, bloating, and constipation. 


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Here’s Why Sleeping On Your Left Side Benefits Overall Health Sun, 14 Mar 2021 10:15:00 +0000

Is it better to sleep on your right side or your left side? Research indicates that sleeping on your left side benefits your overall health.


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When you find a comfortable sleeping position, it’s difficult to let it go. Most people struggle to fall asleep every night for numerous reasons, but a common one is because they can’t get comfortable. According to numerous studies, most people have a different idea about which sleeping position is the best. 

There’s a lot of variation when it comes to sleeping positions (click here to learn more about them). When it comes to sleeping positions in America, roughly 47% of adults sleep in the fetal position, 17% sleep on their stomach, 13% sleep on their sides, and 11% sleep on their back. There are pros and cons to all of these variations, but some people are only concerned with the fact that they’re sleeping, with little to no concern about the position. 

Why Sleep Position Matters

According to sleep studies, the position in which you sleep can affect your overall health, both positively and negatively. Sleep position can affect everything from brain health to gut health, and it may even affect how rested you feel when you wake up. In general, sleep experts agree that back sleeping may be the healthiest position for your spine. At the same time, back sleepers are more prone to sleep apnea and snoring, both of which cause sleep disturbances. While back sleeping may benefit the spine, mounting research continues to conclude that there are tremendous benefits to side sleeping. 

The Benefits Of Side Sleeping

A 2017 cross-sectional study found that sleeping on the side is the predominant position in which most adults sleep. Side sleepers commonly experience improved digestion and reduced rate of snoring. This can depend on the side on which you sleep, though. Additionally, to get comfortable on your side, you need adequate support. More often than not, this comes from a firm or medium-firm mattress and higher pillows to accommodate the natural curvature of the spine. The last thing you want is to wake up with a kink in your neck and strain in your lower back. 

Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side

According to Ayurvedic principles, left-side sleeping is highly beneficial for waste elimination and digestion. Modern research also supports this claim, with a 2010 study finding that sleeping on the left side improved digestion. Additionally, the study also linked left-side sleeping to reduced symptoms of heartburn. Experts explain that the relief from heartburn is due to the fact that lying on the left side allows the stomach and its gastric juices to stay lower than the esophagus during sleep. 

Left-side sleeping has the most science-backed health benefits. The reason for this is due to the placement or organs in the body. The human body is, for the most part, symmetrical. The organs are asymmetrical, so the way you sleep can influence the way organs and systems process waste. Waste elimination, also known as healthy bowel movements, is a struggle for a large percentage of American adults, predominantly because of poor diet. Don’t make digestion harder by sleeping in the wrong position. Instead, it’s optimal to encourage healthier waste elimination, and you can do that by sleeping on the left side. 

Left-Side Sleeping Is Better For Digestion

Sure, working out, stretching, meditating, or eating a healthy breakfast are excellent ways to begin the day. It’s also beneficial to eliminate in the morning. Your bowel movements deserve equal attention, but many people, especially those with inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome, fail to eliminate regularly and healthily. Let gravity do the work for you! While you’re sleeping on your left side, gravity assists the body, moving waste through the ascending colon and into the transverse colon. Lastly, it enters the descending colon, so you have the urge to eliminate come morning. 

A little pro-tip to sleep more comfortably on your left side is to wedge a firm pillow between your knees. Additionally, place another pillow by your chest so that you can hug it and support your spine. 


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Dherbs – Bowel Motion Thu, 28 Mar 2019 01:20:32 +0000

The Dherbs Bowel Motion is an herbal supplement that helps maintain normal bowel movements and relieve bloating.


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The Dherbs Bowel Motion is an herbal supplement that helps maintain normal bowel movements and relieve bloating. It also stimulates peristalsis, helps the body feel lighter by alleviating bloating.


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